Demagnetizing A Tape Recorder
Demagnetizing A Tape Recorder
Demagnetizing A Tape Recorder
J o h n G . ( J a y ) M c K n ig h t
M a g n e tic R e fe r e n c e L a b o r a to r y
S an Jose, C A 95123
e m a il t o
The Talkback column of db Magazine, on page 2 of the 1987 March/April issue, published
some answers to readers’ questions about demagnetizing tape recorder heads. This brought
a flood of comments and further questions to the Editor. So he asked me “is there any
technical basis for a procedure for demagnetizing tape recorder heads?” Here is what we
think we know.
This paper was originally published in db Magazine, Vol. 21, Nr. 4, pp 41...43 (1987-07/08). The present version is very
slightly re-edited from the originally published version. Typo corrected and PS added 2005-02
M c K n ig h t: D e m a g n e tiz in g A T a p e R e c o r d e r 1
3 SO W HO CARES ABOUT A LITTLE harmonic distortion exceeds 0.5 %, then there is probably a
M AGNETIZATION? magnetization problem. (You will need a sharply tuned filter
W e all do! Magnetization can produce high second- such as a wave analyzer or at least a 1/3-octave spectrometer
harmonic distortion in your recordings. It can produce clicks for this measurement. A Total Harmonic Distortion meter is
at tape splices. It can produce low-frequency noise completely useless here — its indication is derived mostly
(rumblings and poppings), and high-frequency noise (hiss). from third harmonic distortion, background noise, and bias
It can partially erase the recorded signals — especially the leakage.)
short recorded wavelengths (that is, the high frequencies, Pop and thump test: Record a “blank” tape with normal
especially at slower speeds). bias. Increase the playback gain so you can clearly hear the
noise. Listen to the playback of the noise. If you hear
“popping and thumping” noises, you probably have a
If the magnetization is bad, you have already heard some magnetization problem. This is not a very repeatable test
or all of the effects just listed. But you really want to because the “popping and thumping” are also very much a
eliminate the magnetization before you ruin a recording function of the blank tape itself. So a “bad” tape on a “good”
session or an existing master tape, not afterward. recorder may sound rather like a “good” tape on a “bad”
Finding out what is magnetized, how much it is recorder. Therefore this test may be difficult to use. I have
magnetized, and why it is magnetized, will take much longer said “listen” rather than “measure with a voltmeter” for two
than the actual demagnetizing. So if you are the usual busy reasons: First, not all studios own a voltmeter that will read
maintenance engineer, you will probably just demagnetize levels down to the -50 dB to -80 dB range that we are
without worrying about scientific analysis. But, for the measuring here. Second, your ear can tell the difference
curious... between hiss, rumble and thumps, bias leakage, etc., but a
voltmeter can't tell the difference unless you filter the noise
The list of magnetization effects can be broken in two
first, and have the right averaging time in the rectifier.
categories — magnetization in recording, and magnetization
in reproducing. Splice click test: Take the recording mentioned just
previously and splice a 10 mm length of non-magnetic (paper
Magnetization in recording occurs because of
or plastic) leader into it. For best effect make a 90E (not 45E)
unidirectional magnetization at a point where an alternating
cut, and be sure the splicer is not magnetized. Play through
magnetic bias field is present. Such a point would be at the
this splice. If you hear distinct clicks when the splice passes
recording head, the erasing head, or both 2. This
the reproducing head, you have a magnetization problem.
magnetization causes high second-harmonic distortion, high
W ith a storage oscilloscope you could make quantitative
recorded background noise — mostly rumblings and
poppings — and clicks at splices.
4.2 Reproducing tests are easy enough if the magnetized
Magnetization in reproduction occurs because of
element is “downstream” of the reproducing head, because
unidirectional magnetization at a point where there is no
reproduction during recording would give a reference
alternating bias field, such as the reproducing head, guides,
condition (the tape has not passed the magnetized surface) but
and capstan shaft. It causes increased noise — mostly high-
rewinding and reproducing again would give the measurement
frequency noise, and erasure of signals — mostly high-
after the tape has passed the magnetized element.
frequency signals.
Noise-increase test: Record a “blank tape” as above. Turn
These effects directly suggest the tests that you can
up the reproducer gain so you can hear the noise. First listen
to the mid- and high-frequency hiss as you make the
4.1 Recording tests would be as follows: recording. Then rewind and play the tape several times. If the
Distortion test: Record a mid-frequency test signal (any hiss increases with number of plays, then something is
frequency in the 250 Hz to 1000 Hz range) having low magnetized.
distortion (less than 0.2 % second harmonic distortion) at High-frequency erasure test: Record a high frequency (16
normal recording level3, using normal bias, and measure the kHz at 7.5 in/sec, at about -10 dB), and (as above) play
second harmonic distortion of this recording. If the second during recording, then rewind and play several times. See if
the recorded level remains constant for all of these playbacks.
It is not unusual to see the level at this wavelength drop a few
2 tenths of a decibel on repeated playings (attributed to
Yet another source of unidirectional field in the recording
and erasing process is an asymmetrical biasing or erasing magnetostriction, and commonly called “bending loss”), but
current waveform. This may be a high harmonic (such as the if the level of the recording drops more than about 0.5 dB
10 th harmonic) “blip” on the wave. with several plays, then magnetization is likely.
If, on the other hand, the reproducing head is magnetized,
Unlike the third harmonic distortion, which is a function then even the first playback may be noisy and erased. In this
of the square of the signal amplitude, the second harmonic case, you have to make a first recording that may already be
distortion due to the unidirectional magnetization is noisy and erased. Then demagnetize the reproducing head,
essentially independent of the signal amplitude.
2 M c K n ig h t: D e m a g n e tiz in g A T a p e R e c o r d e r
and make a second recording. Compare the noise level and Remagnetizing: ask “how far away from the head
high-frequency response of the first and second recordings. do I have to be before I turn off the demagnetizer?” The
If they are the same, you didn't need to demagnetize the magnetics textbooks get pretty vague here. They tell us that
reproducing head. If the second recording has less noise and a field that produces less than about 10 % of the saturation
a higher level than the first, you did need to demagnetize the induction will not produce permanent magnetization. If you
head. measure the actual head output voltage level at the onset of
Note that on a multi-channel recorder it is probable that non-linearity, and compare it with the level from a test tape
the magnetization problems will be different on the different (at the same frequency), you will see that the level difference
channels. So all tests have to be done on every channel that is about 60 dB, which corresponds to an induction not 10 %
you care about. This may be a blessing in disguise, because of saturation, but just one-hundredth of that, which is 0.1 %
you may find that some channels are not magnetized, and of saturation. Put another way, it seems intuitive that the
serve as reference for the magnetized channels. magnetization on ordinary recorded tapes will not
permanently magnetize the heads, so the same field from a
5 M AGNETIZING AND DEM AGNETIZING demagnetizer should not permanently magnetize the heads
There are two concerns when using a demagnetizer: First, either.
is the field from the demagnetizer strong enough to Now this gets to be a measurement that you can easily do
demagnetize the heads and guides? And second, when is it for yourself: Take a reproducer that is calibrated so that
far enough away so that you can shut it off without re- normal recording level of around 250 nW b/m gives a
magnetizing the heads and guides? reference (0 dB) indication on the volume indicator of the
Demagnetizing: If the demagnetizer is to demagnetize the reproducer. Turn on your head demagnetizer, and bring it
core laminations, then the field that it produces must be large closer to the heads, until the volume indicator reads around 0
enough to cause the induction (flux density) in the core to dB. (W ith our particular demagnetizer and heads this
approach saturation. W hen saturation approaches, the head condition corresponded to a demagnetizer-to-head spacing of
output voltage waveform becomes distorted. But by this time about 70 mm. You will probably find a similar distance.)
the output voltage level is about 50 dB greater than the Now at this distance, nothing you do to turn off the
maximum output from tape, and the playback head demagnetizer or move it still farther away can possibly
preamplifier will surely be completely overloaded. Thus to produce a high enough field to magnetize the heads.
perform this test you must disconnect the head and connect Perhaps someone will say, “Ah, but when you switch the
it directly to an oscilloscope input, and look for distortion in field off suddenly, a spike is produced.” It is true that the
the waveform. head output voltage will have a spike because the output
Now another measurement complication arises: the head voltage is the derivative (rate of change) of the magnetic
output voltage is the derivative of the core flux. The effect is field. But there is no spike in the magnetic field itself — it
that when the core flux is sinusoidal, the output voltage is just falls to zero. You can confirm this for yourself. Connect
also sinusoidal. But when the flux becomes a square wave, a loudspeaker to the tape recorder output. Position the
the head output voltage becomes a series of “spikes,” and demagnetizer about 70 mm from the reproducing head.
there's no way to tell just how near you are to core saturation. Switch it on and off, and listen for loud clicks. You won't hear
The “fix” for this is to build an integrating amplifier 4. W hen any, and this means there are no large magnetizing pulses that
the head output voltage is fed through an integrator, the could magnetize the head.
integrator output voltage has the same waveform as that of 6 CONCLUSION ABOUT REM AGNETIZING:
the core flux. Therefore the 'scope waveform will show a
flat-topped wave when the core saturates. Once the demagnetizer is around 70 mm away from the
head, it doesn't matter how you move it around and turn it off.
For rough estimation purposes, you can look at the head
output voltage directly on an oscilloscope. Turn the head
demagnetizer on, and bring it to a point about 20 mm away PS It is possible for a ferrite erasing head to be permanently
from the head. You should see a sinusoidal wave on the magnetized enough to record “dc noise” onto the tape. The
'scope. Then bring it closer, eventually touching the core with only solution in this case may be to replace the erasing head.
the demagnetizer pole tips. As you bring it closer, you should
come to a point where the waveform on the 'scope begins to
look distorted. The sinusoid will turn into more-or-less
spikes. W hen you begin to see spikes, the core is saturating,
and the head will be magnetized if you switch the
demagnetizer off, or demagnetized if you move the
demagnetizer away from the head before switching it off.
Contact MRL for information if you want to build such an Edit & update addresses 2010-02-15 jm
integrating amplifier.
M c K n ig h t: D e m a g n e tiz in g A T a p e R e c o r d e r 3