The Boy Crisis
The Boy Crisis
The Boy Crisis
SAM 06/2019
ISSN: 0804-6824
March 2019
This series consists of papers with limited circulation, intended to stimulate discussion.
The Boy Crisis: Experimental Evidence on the
Acceptance of Males Falling Behind
Alexander W. Cappelen, Ranveig Falch and Bertil Tungodden
March 1, 2019
Abstract The ‘boy crisis’ prompts the question of whether people interpret inequal-
ities differently depending on whether males or females are lagging behind. We study
this question in a novel large-scale distributive experiment involving more than 5,000
Americans. Our data provide strong evidence of a gender bias against low-performing
males, particularly among female participants. A large set of additional treatments es-
tablishes that the gender bias reflects statistical fairness discrimination. The study pro-
vides novel evidence on the nature of discrimination and on how males falling behind
are perceived by society.
Cappelen: Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, 5045 Bergen, alexan- Falch: Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, 5045
Bergen, Tungodden: Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Eco-
nomics, 5045 Bergen, The study was organized by FAIR/The Choice Lab.
We are greatful to Daniel Benjamin, Pedro Rey Biel, Caroline Bonn, Gary Charness, Stefano DellaVi-
gna, Catherine Eckel, Christine L. Exley, Uri Gneezy, Ingar Haaland, Alex Imas, Siri Isaksson, Elisabeth
Ivarsflaten, Nanjundi Karthick Krishnan, James Konow, Erin Krupka, Axel Ockenfels, Anders Poulsen,
Odile Poulsen, Lise Rakner, Charlotte Ringdal, Marta Serra-Garcia, Ingrid Sjursen, Charles Sprenger,
Eirik Strømland, Matthias Sutter, Lise Vesterlund, Jonas Tungodden and numerous seminar participants
for great comments and suggestions and to Sebastian Fest for valuable research assistance. We are also
thankful for the financial support from the NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency
Cooperation in Europe) Network, The Centre for Ethics and Economics at the Norwegian School of Eco-
nomics and the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence Scheme, FAIR project No
262675. The study was pre-registered in the AEA RCT Registry; AEARCTR-0000853 and AEARCTR-
1 Introduction
Across the world, males occupy the majority of top-level jobs, head of govern-
ment positions and national parliament seats, and in all societies there is still
a significant gender wage gap. To illustrate, in the United States, women full-
time workers earned on average 79 percent of what men did on an annual basis
in 2014 (Blau and Kahn, 2017). Thus, there is still urgent need for political
action to achieve gender equality for women.
The present paper is motivated by a different gender gap, often termed the
‘boy crisis’ (Autor and Wasserman, 2013). In education, it is by now well es-
tablished that boys are lagging behind. In all but six OECD countries, a larger
proportion of boys than girls do not attain the baseline level of proficiency in any
of the core subjects; mathematics, reading and science (OECD, 2015). In the US
for instance, the average percentage of students who do not attain the baseline
proficiency level was 71% higher for boys than for girls. Boys are also drop-
ping out of high school at higher rates than girls in most OECD countries. In
higher education, females have surpassed the rate of males graduating in nearly
all OECD countries, on average by 14 percentage points (OECD, 2016).
Similarly, in high-income countries there is a growing concern about the
prospects for low-skilled males: “The decline in economic opportunities for
low-skilled men and the possible negative effects of this trend on their well-
being is a matter of increasingly urgent concern for policy makers and the gen-
eral public” (Coile and Duggan (2019), p. 2). Males with less than four-year
college education have seen a significant reduction in real income over the last
decade in the US (Autor and Wasserman, 2013; Binder and Bound, 2019), and
the percentage of idle young males and prime age males outside the labor force
has increased (Blau and Kahn, 2013; Krueger, 2017). The prospects for males
outside the labor force are dim, in particular for those from low-income house-
holds and for males with minority backgrounds. The likelihood of living in
poverty is increased and their expected future health and emotional well-being
is poor (Autor and Wasserman, 2013; Krueger, 2017; Council of Economic Ad-
visers, 2016).
These striking empirical developments make it important to study whether
people react more negatively to males falling behind than to females falling be-
hind, since this may both reinforce the negative trend of low-performing males
and shape our public responses to the ‘boy crisis’. In this paper, we examine this
question with a novel experimental approach, where we study peoples’ views on
income inequalities generated in a labor market. Our main focus is on whether
people show less concern for income inequality when a male is falling behind
than when a female is falling behind. We provide a simple theoretical frame-
work to guide the empirical analysis, where we show how statistical fairness
discrimination against male losers may occur if people perceive males to have a
productivity advantage. The idea is that such an advantage makes people infer
that male losers are likely to have exerted lower effort than female losers, and
thus are less deserving of assistance.
To collect experimental data on a general population sample, we combine
the infrastructure of a leading international data-collection agency and an on-
line labor market (Almås, Cappelen, and Tungodden, 2016b). In the online labor
market, we recruit more than 2,000 workers and generate inequalities by paying
two workers differently for the same assignment. In our main treatments, the in-
equality is generated by paying the more productive worker (the winner) more
than the less productive worker (the loser). We then ask a general population
sample of more than 3,000 Americans to act as impartial spectators and make a
decision on whether to redistribute earnings between the winner and the loser,
where each spectator makes a real decision that has consequences for two work-
ers. We randomly assign spectators into a treatment where the loser is a male or
a treatment where the loser is a female. Our main interest is in studying whether
the redistribution decision of the spectators depends on the gender of the loser.
We run a set of additional treatments to study the underlying mechanisms of the
spectator choices, where we vary the source of the inequality (merit or luck) and
the gender-composition of the two workers (mixed-sex or single-sex).
Our main result is reported in Figure 1. In a large general population sample
of Americans, we find a significant gender bias against male losers in the mixed-
sex treatments when merit is the source of inequality. The left bar of Panel
A shows the average share transferred by the spectators to the losing worker
when a female is the least productive, and the right bar shows the average share
transferred when a male is the least productive. The spectators transfer about
15% less to a male loser than to a female loser (23.1% versus 19.5%), and the
share of spectators transferring nothing increases by 7.3 percentage points when
the loser is a male. Panel B reports the difference in the average share transferred
by the gender of the spectator, which shows that the gender bias is clearly driven
by the female spectators, who transfer 25% less to the male losers than to the
female losers.
We further show that the gender bias against males does not reflect taste-
based preferences among the spectators. In the treatments where the source of
inequality is luck, the spectators transfer the same amount to male losers and to
female losers. We also do not find any difference in spectator behavior between
treatments where both workers are female or both workers are male, which sug-
gests that the spectators do not find inequality more acceptable between males
than between females. The findings are in line with our theoretical framework,
and our preferred interpretation of the main result is that the gender bias in the
mixed-sex merit setting reflects statistical fairness discrimination: spectators in-
fer that male losers to a greater extent than female losers have exerted low effort
and therefore consider them less deserving of assistance. The fact that we find
the gender bias to be driven by female spectators suggests that females, to a
greater extent than males, consider males to have a productivity advantage, and,
as a result, are more likely to infer differently about the effort of male losers and
female losers.
Our paper contributes to a number of different literatures. Our results shed
light on the growing literature on the ‘boy crisis’, by providing evidence sug-
gesting that the general public may view male losers differently from female
losers. This may have important implications for the support for public policies
targeting low-performing males, and for our understanding of gender-biased
behavior. The existing literature in this area has largely focused on explain-
ing the low performance of males with structural changes and socioeconomic
developments (Almås, Cappelen, Salvanes, Sørensen, and Tungodden, 2016a;
Autor and Wasserman, 2013; Autor, Figlio, Karbownik, Roth, and Wasserman,
forthcoming; Bertrand and Pan, 2013; Binder and Bound, 2019; Krueger, 2017;
Rosin, 2012), while the present paper focuses on how low-performing males are
perceived by society. We show that people tend to interpret males falling be-
hind as having exerted less effort than females falling behind, which may result
in male losers being treated differently in school, at the workplace, and in the
family. This may result in low-performing males ending up in a vicious circle
where they lose their motivation to provide effort because they are not rewarded
to the same extent as females in the same situation.
We further contribute to the literature on gender discrimination (Bertrand
and Duflo, 2017), by providing novel evidence on a gender bias against low-
performing males. A number of important papers have shown discrimination
against females in different areas, including in hiring decisions (Goldin and
Rouse, 2000; Coffman, Exley, and Niederle, 2019), task allocation (Babcock,
Recalde, Vesterlund, and Weingart, 2017), bargaining (Castillo, Petrie, Torero,
and Vesterlund, 2013; Exley, Niederle, and Vesterlund, forthcoming), teaching
evaluations (Mengel, Sauermann, and Zölitz, 2018), and career development
(Reuben, Sapienza, and Zingales, 2014), but recent research has also provided
evidence of a gender bias against males in certain settings (Bohren, Imas, and
Rosenberg, forthcoming; Heikensten and Isaksson, 2016; Mengel et al., 2018;
Reynolds, Sjåstad, Howard, Okimoto, Baumeister, Aquino, and Kim, 2017;
Williams and Ceci, 2015). In particular, Bohren et al. (forthcoming) find in
a field experiment on an online mathematics forum for STEM-students and re-
searchers that females initially face significant discrimination, but over time are
favored over men. Our paper focuses on low-performing males in a distributive
context, where we show, in a large-scale study of the general population in the
United States, that people are less willing to assist males falling behind than
females falling behind.
Our results also speak to the non-experimental studies of gender discrim-
ination in schools (Breda and Ly, 2015; Cornwell, Mustard, and Van Parys,
2013; Falch and Naper, 2013; Lavy, 2008; Lavy and Sand, 2018; Lindahl, 2016;
Terrier, 2016). Albeit with exceptions, accumulated evidence suggests that in
developed countries, teacher grade setting is discriminatory against males in a
range of subjects in kindergarten, primary school, high school and higher edu-
cation. One of the challenges in this literature has been to disentangle a teacher
gender bias from the effect of gender differences in non-cognitive skills on grade
setting. The present study contributes to this literature by identifying that there
is a gender bias against males in a performance-based environment, even in a
setting in which non-cognitive skills cannot affect evaluations.
We more generally contribute to the discrimination literature by introduc-
ing, to our knowledge, the first study of statistical fairness discrimination, where
people make inferences about the deservingness of a person based on observable
characteristics. We believe that this mechanism speaks both to distributional set-
tings, as is the focus in this paper, but also more generally to labor market and
educational settings where a principal would like to reward effort. We also pro-
vide a new approach to disentangling statistical discrimination and taste-based
discrimination (Bohren et al., forthcoming; Cettolin and Suetens, forthcoming;
Fershtman and Gneezy, 2001; List, 2004), by randomly manipulating whether
the spectators make a distributive decision in an environment where productivity
or luck is the source of inequality.
Finally, our results contribute to the literature in behavioral economics inves-
tigating the role of gender in people’s social preferences (Croson and Gneezy,
2009; Eckel and Grossman, 2008). Previous studies have varied the salience of
recipient gender in stakeholder games such as the dictator game and the ulti-
matum game. A meta-study on dictator game experiments largely finds that fe-
males receive more than males in dictator games when recipient gender is made
salient (Engel, 2011). For ultimatum games that vary recipient gender, individ-
uals make higher offers to males compared to females (Eckel and Grossman,
2001; Solnick, 2001). In contrast to these previous studies, we examine gender
bias in an impartial spectator decision, which provides a direct expression of the
moral preferences of the participants (Cappelen, Konow, Sørensen, and Tun-
godden, 2013). In this setting, we show that there is a significant gender bias
against males reflecting statistical fairness discrimination. More broadly, we
also provide new evidence on how fairness preferences shape distributive behav-
ior (Bolton and Ockenfels, 2000; Bortolotti, Soraperra, Sutter, and Zoller, 2017;
Cappelen, Drange Hole, Sørensen, and Tungodden, 2007; Fehr and Schmidt,
1999; Konow, 2000), by showing how people’s fairness considerations differ
across contexts and depend on the source of inequality.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the experimental
design, Section 3 introduces a simple theoretical framework that guides our in-
terpretation of the results, Section 4 outlines the main empirical strategy, Sec-
tion 5 reports the main results and the heterogeneity results, while Section 6
concludes. Additional analysis is provided in Appendix A, and the complete
instructions for both spectators and workers are provided in Appendix B.
2.4 Treatments
We implemented a between-subject design, where spectators were randomly
assigned to treatments.
In the two main treatments, the mixed-sex merit treatments, the spectators
considered a distributive situation involving a female worker and a male worker,
where the initial inequality in earnings was determined by the productivity of
the workers: the more productive worker earned 6 USD and the less productive
worker earned 0 USD. The two treatments only differed in terms of whether the
female or the male worker had been less productive, which allows us to identify
the causal effect of the gender of the loser on the amount transferred to the loser.
The experimental design thus allows us to study whether the spectators are more
inequality accepting when a male falls behind then when a female falls behind.
To investigate the underlying mechanisms of the spectator behavior, we in-
cluded six additional treatments. First, to study the role of the source of in-
equality, we implemented two additional treatments that mirrored the two main
treatments but where the inequality in earnings was determined by luck; second,
to study the role of the gender composition, we added four single-sex treatments
that mirrored the four mixed-sex treatments. Table 3 provides an overview of
the treatments and the number of participants in each treatment.3
3 Theoretical framework
We here provide a simple theoretical framework to guide the interpretation of
the results.
The spectator decides on a distribution (1 − y, y) of income between two
randomly matched workers i = j, k, where y is the share given to the worker
with no initial earnings (the loser).
3 Werecruited the spectators in two rounds of data collection. In the first round, we recruited
2,052 US participants to act as spectators, who were randomly allocated to one of eight treat-
ments. In the second round, to study the robustness of our findings, we recruited another 1,050
US participants. In this round, the participants were randomly allocated to one of the two main
treatments. Individuals who participated in the first round of data collection were not permit-
ted to participate in the second round. Table A.1 presents a balance test, where we show that
the eight treatments are not significantly different from each other on any of the background
characteristics in Table 2.
We assume that the spectators have the following model of how the produc-
tivity of a worker is determined, ri (g) = ei + a(g) + εi , where ei is the worker’s
effort, a(g) is a gender specific advantage, g = f , m, and εi is a normally dis-
tributed random shock, εi ∼ N(0, σ ).4 For simplicity, we consider only two
effort levels, eh > el , and we assume that the spectators believe that males and
females have the same effort distribution, where p(el ) is the share of work-
ers exerting low effort We normalize the gender specific advantage of females,
a( f ) = 0, such that a(m) > 0 would imply that males have a productivity advan-
tage relative to females. We may interpret the productivity advantage in terms
of ability, but it can also be interpreted more broadly as capturing any kind of
advantage that makes one gender more productive than the other. Finally, we
assume that the random shock is truncated, εi ∈ (−1/2a(m), 1/2a(m)), and that
the gender specific advantage is restricted, 2|a(m)| < (eh − el ), which implies
that a worker exerting high effort is always more productive than a worker ex-
erting low effort.
We assume that the spectators care about fairness and that they consider the
fair share to transfer to the losing worker, l, to be determined by the relative
effort of the two workers. The spectators may also have a partial gender prefer-
ence, as captured by the following utility function (Cappelen et al., 2013; Almås
et al., 2016b):
where E(e = el /ew ) is the expected relative effort of the loser (el ) compared
to that of the winner (ew ). We assume that the fair share to the loser is increasing
in the expected relative effort of the loser. The second term captures partial
gender preferences, where I is an indicator variable taking the value one if this
is a mixed-sex pair, g is the gender of the loser, and β (g) is the strength of the
gender preference, β (m) = −β ( f ).
The optimal interior solution is given by:
β (g)
y(E(e), g, I) = h(E(e)) −
I (2)
The model captures the two main approaches to discrimination in the eco-
4 We do not have data that allow us to study whether the spectator’s belief about the relation-
ship between effort and productivity is misspecified, see Bohren et al. (forthcoming).
discrimination or that the spectators use gender as a signal for other morally
relevant characteristics not captured by the fairness considerations.
Consider now the single-sex treatments. It follows by design that there can-
not be any gender bias in these treatments, since the loser and the winner are
of the same gender. However, our model still offers some predictions for the
comparison of the single-sex treatments. Given the assumption that the effort
distribution is the same for males and females, it follows that the likelihood of
the loser having relatively low effort compared to the winner is the same in the
two single-sex merit treatments.6 Hence, we should observe the same spectator
behavior in these two treatments. In the single-sex luck treatments, there is no
productivity signal and the two workers are of the same gender, and thus we
should also in these treatments expect the spectator behavior to be unaffected
by the gender of the loser.
Finally, the model provides predictions for the comparison of the mixed-
sex treatments and the single-sex treatments. In particular, statistical fairness
discrimination implies that we should observe the lowest transfer to the male
loser in the mixed-sex merit treatment, where a male loser provides the strongest
signal of the loser having exerted low effort compared to the winner.7
6 In the single-sex treatments, the likelihood of the loser having exerted low effort and the
winner having exerted high effort is given by 2p(el )(1 − p(el )).
7 This follows straightforwardly from the fact that the probability that the loser has exerted
low effort compared to the winner p(ew > el ) is equal to one in the mixed-sex merit treatment
with a male loser and less than one in all the other treatments.
4 Empirical strategy
We here outline the main empirical strategy. We specified the empirical strategy
in two pre-analysis plans, one for each round of data collection, registered at the
AEA RCT Registry.
sis, β1 provides an estimate of the causal effect for female spectators of the loser
being a male, β1 + β3 provides a corresponding estimate for the male spectators,
and β3 provides an estimate of whether the causal effect of the loser being male
differs between male spectators and female spectators. We report corresponding
regressions for the other dimensions of heterogeneity and a regression including
interaction variables for all the background variables.
4.2 Mechanisms
To study the underlying mechanisms of the spectator choices, we provide a set
of regressions involving the six additional treatments. First, we study the role
of the losing gender in the two mixed-sex treatments where luck is the source
of inequality, by reporting regressions using specifications (3) and (4). In addi-
tion, we include all the four mixed-sex treatments and run regressions where we
interact the male loser indicator variable with an indicator variable for being in
the treatment where luck is the source of inequality:
In this analysis, β1 provides an estimate of the causal effect of the loser being
a male in the mixed-sex treatment where the source of inequality is merit and
β1 + β3 provides the corresponding estimate for the luck treatment, β2 provides
an estimate of whether the loser is treated differently in the merit treatment and
the luck treatment, and β3 provides an estimate of whether the effect of being a
male loser differs between the merit and the luck treatment. We implement (5)
for all participants in the mixed-sex treatments and separately for each subgroup
defined by the background characteristics.
Second, we study the role of gender in the single-sex treatments. We report
regressions corresponding to (3) and (4) separately for the two single-sex merit
treatments and for the two single-sex luck treatments, where in both cases the
treatment variation is the gender of the workers. Further, to study whether the
male loser and the female loser in the mixed-sex merit treatments are treated
differently from the average loser in the single-sex merit treatments, we run the
following regression for the four merit treatments:
5 Results
We first provide an overview of the spectator choices in the experiment. We then
turn to the analysis of the main treatment effects, the heterogeneity analysis and
the mechanisms.
Result 1: We find strong evidence of a gender bias against male losers when
the source of inequality is merit.
The gender bias against males is strikingly robust across the different sub-
groups (columns 1-4): the estimated causal effect of the loser being a male
rather than a female is in all cases negative, the effect being statistically signif-
icant for all subgroups except for low income spectators and males. In particu-
lar, we observe a strong gender bias against males among the female spectators
(0.283 standard deviations, p < 0.001), which is robust to multiple hypothesis
adjustment (p = 0.001, Table A.16). The gender interaction effect is also large,
significant and robust to the inclusion of all the interaction variables in the re-
gression (0.23 standard deviations, p = 0.025) and robust to multiple hypothesis
adjustment (p = 0.085, Table A.17). As shown in Table A.4, the patterns are the
same when using the share transferring nothing to the losing worker.
5.3 Mechanisms
In this section, we use our additional treatments to shed light on the underlying
mechanisms driving the observed gender bias against male losers.
First, we study whether the gender bias against male losers reflects taste-
based discrimination, by considering the distributive situations where the source
of inequality is luck. In these situations, there is no productivity signal that can
lead to statistical fairness discrimination, and thus the spectators believe that the
expected effort of the winner and the loser is the same. However, in line with
Observation 2, taste-based discrimination against males would imply a lower
transfer to a male loser, both in the mixed-sex luck treatments and in the mixed-
sex merit treatments. Table 6 reports the regressions using specification (3) for
the two mixed-sex luck treatments, where the dependent variable is the stan-
dardized amount transferred to the losing worker in column 1 and the share of
spectators giving nothing to the losing worker in column 4. Given that there is
a significant gender interaction effect in the spectator behavior in the mixed-sex
merit treatments, we also report this analysis separately for females (columns 2
and 5) and males (columns 3 and 6).
cantly more inequality acceptance when the source of inequality is merit than luck: on average,
the share transferred to the loser when the source of inequality is merit is 0.594 standard devi-
ations lower than when the source of inequality is luck (p < 0.001) and this pattern is robust
across subgroups (in all cases, p < 0.001).
increases by 15.3 percentage points (0.128 percentage points versus -0.025 per-
centage points, p = 0.020). This provides evidence of the behavior of female
spectators reflecting statistical fairness discrimination. In Table A.7 and Ta-
ble A.8, we compare the spectator behavior in the mixed-sex merit treatments
and mixed-sex luck treatments for all subgroups, where we also observe evi-
dence of statistical fairness discrimination among low income spectators and
older spectators. We should note, however, that the estimated interaction effects
are not statistically significant if we adjust for the multiple testing of interaction
effects between merit and luck for all subgroups, see Table A.18.
We now turn to an analysis of the single-sex treatments. In our theoretical
framework, Observation 3, the spectators should not infer differently about the
effort of the loser and the winner in the female and male single-sex merit treat-
ments. An essential assumption underlying this observation is that spectators
believe that males and females have the same underlying effort distribution. As
shown in Table 8, using specification (3), the evidence is very much in line with
this observation. The loser is not treated differently in the single-sex male treat-
ments than in the single-sex female treatments. This finding is largely robust
across subgroups, as shown in Tables A.9- A.12.12
This result thus suggests that the observed gender bias is not driven by spec-
tators in general believing that males exert less effort than females. It is rather
consistent with the idea formulated in the theory framework, namely that spec-
tators believe that males have an advantage, which then implies that a male loser
is a stronger signal of low effort than a female loser.
Finally, we compare the mixed-sex merit treatments and the single-sex merit
treatments in Table 9, where we report regressions using specification (6). The
theoretical framework, Observation 4, predicts that we should observe the low-
est transfer to the loser in the mixed-sex treatment with a male loser, which is
exactly what we observe The male losers losing to a female are disadvantaged
12 The only exception is that low income spectators transfer significantly more to the loser in
the single-sex male treatments than in the single-sex female treatments when luck is the source
of inequality.
relative to the losers in the single-sex merit treatments: on average, these male
losers receive 0.138 standard deviation less (p = 0.015) and female losers losing
to a male receive 0.037 standard deviations more than the average loser in the
single-sex treatments (p = 0.518). This pattern is driven by the female specta-
tors, who give the male losers in the mixed-sex merit treatments 0.296 standard
deviations less than the losers in the single-sex merit treatments (p < 0.001),
while they give the female losers in the mixed-sex treatments almost the same
as the losers in the single-sex merit treatments.13 For the male spectators, we
observe that both male and female losers in the mixed-sex merit treatments re-
ceive slightly more than the losers in the single-sex merit treatments, but these
effects are not statistically significant.
Result 5: We find strong evidence of the male losers in the mixed-sex merit
treatments receiving less than the losers in the single-sex treatments and this
pattern is driven by the female spectators.
Taken together, our findings are consistent with a model of statistical fair-
ness discrimination, where spectators perceive a male loser in a mixed-sex merit
treatment as a particularly strong signal of low effort, and thus consider it fair to
transfer less to male losers than to female losers.
6 Concluding remarks
The emergence of the ‘boy crisis’ prompts the question of whether people in-
terpret gender inequalities differently depending on whether males or females
are lagging behind. We study this question in a novel large-scale economic
experiment conducted with a general population from the United States. The
participants act as spectators and distribute earnings between two workers in a
controlled labor market environment. When initial earnings are based on merit,
we find that the spectators are gender-biased against males. We show that this
gender bias is driven by female spectators and we provide evidence suggest-
ing that the underlying mechanism is statistical fairness discrimination, where
spectators interpret a male loser as someone who has exerted less effort than a
female loser.
13 Table
A.13 and Table A.14 report this analysis for all subgroups and for the analysis where
the dependent variable is the share giving nothing to the loser.
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.2 .06
Share transferred ± s.e.
.15 .04
.1 .02
.05 0
0 −.02
Note: Panel A shows the mean share transferred to the female loser and the male loser in
the mixed-sex merit treatments, while Panel B shows the difference in the mean share
transferred in the same two main treatments by the spectator’s gender. The standard
errors are indicated by the bars.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: The figure shows the distribution of transfers (in USD) to the losing worker,
pooled for all treatments.
Table 1: The stages of the experiment
Spectator sample US
Male (share) 0.488 0.492
Age (year)
Median 41 46
p10 23 23
p90 59 72
Income (USD)
Median 55000 57500
p10 19999 12500
p90 125000 167500
Table 3: Treatments
Mixed-sex Single-sex
Female loser Male loser Female loser Male loser
MERIT N=782 N=782 N=257 N=256
LUCK N=256 N=256 N=256 N=257
Note: The table provides an overview of the eight treatments in the experiment
and the number of spectators in each treatment. The two main treatments are
Mixed-sex merit
Amount to loser (std) Nothing to loser
Male loser -0.174 -0.173 0.073 0.073
(0.050) (0.050) (0.024) (0.024)
Male spectator 0.078 -0.011
(0.050) (0.024)
Republican -0.173 0.058
(0.054) (0.026)
Low income -0.011 0.009
(0.052) (0.025)
Low age -0.005 -0.000
(0.051) (0.024)
Constant 0.066 0.092 0.335 0.318
(0.051) (0.068) (0.024) (0.033)
Observations 1564 1564 1564 1564
R2 0.008 0.016 0.006 0.010
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent
variable is the standardized amount transferred to the losing worker
(columns 1 and 2) or an indicator variable for transferring nothing
to the losing worker (columns 3 and 4). The sample and the basis
for the standardization are the mixed-sex merit treatments. Male
loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment where
the male has lost. Male spectator is an indicator variable for being
male. Republican is an indicator for voting Republican. Low in-
come is an indicator for having an income below $55,000 (which
is the median income per year in the sample). Low age is an in-
dicator for being below 41 years old (which is the median age in
the sample). Included in all regressions, but not reported, is an in-
dicator for the spectator participating in the second round of data
collection. Standard errors in parentheses.
Mixed-sex merit
Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser -0.283 -0.171 -0.228 -0.206 -0.378
(0.070) (0.061) (0.065) (0.071) (0.105)
Male spectator*Male loser 0.228 0.230
(0.101) (0.101)
Republican*Male loser -0.013 0.005
(0.107) (0.108)
Low income*Male loser 0.131 0.137
(0.103) (0.103)
Low age*Male loser 0.065 0.071
(0.101) (0.101)
Constant 0.108 0.141 0.110 0.098 0.219
(0.050) (0.044) (0.047) (0.051) (0.076)
Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Male loser+interaction) -0.055 -0.184 -0.096 -0.141
(0.072) (0.088) (0.079) (0.072)
Observations 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564
R2 0.012 0.014 0.009 0.008 0.020
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable
is the standardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample
and the basis for the standardization are the mixed-sex merit treatments.
Male loser, Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are de-
fined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male loser, Low
income*Male loser and Low age*Male loser are interactions between the
respective characteristic and Male loser. Male loser+interaction is a linear
combination of Male loser and the respective interaction. Each regression
also includes the respective indicator variable interacted with Male loser
(see Table A.3 for the full table). Standard errors in parentheses.
Mixed-sex luck
Amount to loser (std) Nothing to loser
All Female Male All Female Male
Male loser -0.043 0.012 -0.113 0.002 -0.023 0.034
(0.089) (0.120) (0.132) (0.038) (0.052) (0.057)
Male spectator -0.108 0.036
(0.089) (0.038)
Republican -0.140 -0.309 0.058 0.070 0.149 -0.020
(0.094) (0.126) (0.142) (0.041) (0.054) (0.061)
Low income -0.027 -0.078 0.032 0.007 -0.004 0.020
(0.092) (0.120) (0.140) (0.039) (0.052) (0.060)
Low age -0.108 -0.148 -0.026 -0.000 0.009 -0.030
(0.089) (0.120) (0.133) (0.038) (0.052) (0.057)
Constant 0.184 0.256 -0.014 0.198 0.184 0.257
(0.104) (0.127) (0.137) (0.045) (0.055) (0.059)
Observations 512 266 246 512 266 246
R2 0.010 0.031 0.004 0.007 0.030 0.003
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is the stan-
dardized amount transferred to the losing worker (columns 1-3) or an indicator
variable for transferring nothing to the losing worker (columns 4-6). The sample
and the basis for the standardization are the mixed-sex luck treatments: all specta-
tors (columns 1 and 4), female spectators (columns 2 and 5), and male spectators
(columns 3 and 6). Male loser, Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low
age are defined in Table 4. Standard errors in parentheses.
Merit Luck
Amount to Nothing Amount to Nothing
loser (std) to loser loser (std) to loser
Male loser -0.040 -0.031 -0.007 -0.010 0.087 0.091 -0.001 -0.003
(0.088) (0.089) (0.041) (0.041) (0.088) (0.088) (0.036) (0.036)
Male spectator -0.126 0.071 -0.020 -0.004
(0.088) (0.041) (0.088) (0.036)
Republican -0.181 0.088 -0.259 0.091
(0.095) (0.044) (0.092) (0.038)
Low income 0.035 -0.018 -0.033 0.012
(0.092) (0.043) (0.091) (0.037)
Low age 0.113 -0.037 -0.125 0.029
(0.088) (0.041) (0.089) (0.037)
Constant 0.020 0.072 0.323 0.285 -0.044 0.136 0.215 0.165
(0.062) (0.100) (0.029) (0.047) (0.063) (0.102) (0.026) (0.042)
Observations 513 513 513 513 513 513 513 513
R2 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.017 0.002 0.020 0.000 0.012
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is the standardized
amount transferred to the losing worker (columns 1-2 and 5-6) or an indicator variable for
transferring nothing to the losing worker (columns 3-4 and 7-8). The sample and the basis for
the standardization are the single-sex merit treatments (columns 1-4) and the single-sex luck
treatments (columns 5-8). Male loser, Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age
are defined in Table 4. Standard errors in parentheses.
All All Females Females Males Males
MS-Male loser -0.138 -0.137 -0.296 -0.292 0.028 0.024
(0.057) (0.057) (0.075) (0.075) (0.085) (0.085)
MS-Female loser 0.037 0.038 -0.012 -0.009 0.084 0.079
(0.057) (0.057) (0.076) (0.076) (0.084) (0.084)
Male spectator 0.028
Republican -0.175 -0.172 -0.175
(0.047) (0.063) (0.070)
Low income -0.001 -0.051 0.055
(0.045) (0.059) (0.068)
Low age 0.023 0.044 -0.003
(0.044) (0.058) (0.066)
Constant 0.038 0.070 0.108 0.157 -0.030 0.016
(0.044) (0.059) (0.059) (0.073) (0.065) (0.082)
MS-Male loser - -0.175 -0.174 -0.284 -0.283 -0.055 -0.055
MS-Female loser (0.050) (0.050) (0.067) (0.067) (0.076) (0.076)
Observations 2077 2077 1057 1057 1020 1020
R2 0.006 0.013 0.022 0.030 0.001 0.009
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is
the standardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample and
the basis for the standardization are the merit treatments: all spectators
(columns 1 and 2), female spectators (columns 3 and 4), and male specta-
tors (columns 5 and 6). The reference sample is the sample of spectators
in the single-sex merit treatments. MS-Male loser is an indicator for the
spectator being in a treatment where the male has lost to a female. MS-
Female loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment where
the female has lost to a male. Male spectator, Republican, Low income
and Low age are defined in Table 4. MS-Male loser - MS-Female loser
is a linear combination of MS-Male loser and MS-Female loser. Standard
errors in parentheses.
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Note: The figure shows the distribution of transfers (in USD) to the losing worker by
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Note: The upper panels (lower panels) show the distribution of transfers (in USD) to
the male loser (female loser) in the mixed-sex merit treatments by round.
Mixed-sex merit
Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser -0.283 -0.171 -0.228 -0.206 -0.378
(0.070) (0.061) (0.065) (0.071) (0.105)
Male spectator*Male loser 0.228 0.230
(0.101) (0.101)
Republican*Male loser -0.013 0.005
(0.107) (0.108)
Low income*Male loser 0.131 0.137
(0.103) (0.103)
Low age*Male loser 0.065 0.071
(0.101) (0.101)
Male spectator -0.042 -0.036
(0.071) (0.071)
Republican -0.161 -0.177
(0.075) (0.077)
Low income -0.056 -0.078
(0.072) (0.073)
Low age -0.020 -0.045
(0.071) (0.072)
Constant 0.108 0.141 0.110 0.098 0.219
(0.050) (0.044) (0.047) (0.051) (0.076)
(Male loser+interaction) -0.055 -0.184 -0.096 -0.141
(0.072) (0.088) (0.079) (0.072)
Observations 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564
R2 0.012 0.014 0.009 0.008 0.020
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable
is the standardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample
and the basis for the standardization are the mixed-sex merit treatments.
Male loser, Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are
defined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male loser,
Low income*Male loser, Low age*Male loser and Male loser+interaction
are defined in Table 5. Standard errors in parentheses.
Mixed-sex merit
Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser 0.127 0.070 0.099 0.065 0.146
(0.034) (0.029) (0.031) (0.034) (0.050)
Male spectator*Male loser -0.112 -0.114
(0.048) (0.048)
Republican*Male loser 0.010 0.007
(0.051) (0.052)
Low income*Male loser -0.065 -0.068
(0.049) (0.050)
Low age*Male loser 0.015 0.015
(0.048) (0.049)
Male spectator 0.046 0.044
(0.034) (0.034)
Republican 0.051 0.054
(0.036) (0.037)
Low income 0.034 0.041
(0.035) (0.035)
Low age -0.013 -0.006
(0.034) (0.035)
Constant 0.297 0.303 0.306 0.326 0.265
(0.024) (0.021) (0.022) (0.024) (0.037)
(Male loser+interaction) 0.015 0.080 0.034 0.081
(0.035) (0.042) (0.038) (0.034)
Observations 1564 1564 1564 1564 1564
R2 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.014
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable
is an indicator for transferring nothing to the losing worker. The sample is
the mixed-sex merit treatments. Male loser, Male spectator, Republican,
Low income and Low age are defined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male
loser, Republican*Male loser, Low income*Male loser, Low age*Male
loser and Male loser+interaction are defined in Table 5. Standard errors
in parentheses.
Mixed-sex luck
No Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser -0.033 0.051 -0.045 -0.187 0.069 -0.035
(0.088) (0.123) (0.108) (0.114) (0.124) (0.183)
Male spectator*Male loser -0.169 -0.109
(0.177) (0.178)
Republican*Male loser 0.019 0.036
(0.188) (0.189)
Low income*Male loser 0.384 0.396
(0.181) (0.183)
Low age*Male loser -0.219 -0.252
(0.177) (0.178)
Male spectator -0.019 -0.039
(0.125) (0.126)
Republican -0.143 -0.158
(0.131) (0.131)
Low income -0.200 -0.215
(0.126) (0.127)
Low age 0.003 0.017
(0.125) (0.126)
Constant 0.017 0.026 0.067 0.103 0.015 0.174
(0.063) (0.085) (0.078) (0.083) (0.090) (0.133)
(Male loser+interaction) -0.118 -0.026 0.197 -0.150
(0.128) (0.154) (0.140) (0.126)
Observations 512 512 512 512 512 512
R2 0.000 0.005 0.004 0.009 0.006 0.024
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is the stan-
dardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample and the basis for the
standardization are the mixed-sex luck treatments. Male loser, Male spectator, Re-
publican, Low income and Low age are defined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male
loser, Republican*Male loser, Low income*Male loser, Low age*Male loser and Male
loser+interaction are defined in Table 5. Standard errors in parentheses.
Mixed-sex luck
No Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser 0.000 -0.032 -0.019 0.082 -0.032 0.003
(0.038) (0.053) (0.046) (0.049) (0.053) (0.078)
Male spectator*Male loser 0.063 0.042
(0.076) (0.076)
Republican*Male loser 0.065 0.048
(0.081) (0.081)
Low income*Male loser -0.207 -0.202
(0.077) (0.079)
Low age*Male loser 0.065 0.087
(0.076) (0.076)
Male spectator 0.003 0.009
(0.054) (0.054)
Republican 0.038 0.046
(0.056) (0.056)
Low income 0.097 0.104
(0.054) (0.054)
Low age -0.035 -0.042
(0.054) (0.054)
Constant 0.242 0.241 0.229 0.200 0.260 0.199
(0.027) (0.037) (0.033) (0.035) (0.039) (0.057)
Male loser + interaction 0.032 0.046 -0.125 0.033
(0.055) (0.066) (0.060) (0.054)
Observations 512 512 512 512 512 512
R2 0.000 0.003 0.007 0.014 0.001 0.025
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is an indicator
variable for transferring nothing to the losing worker. The sample is the mixed-sex luck
treatments. Male loser, Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are de-
fined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male loser, Low income*Male
loser, Low age*Male loser and Male loser+interaction are defined in Table 5. Standard
errors in parentheses.
Table A.7: Regression analysis: Amount to loser (std)
The sample and the basis for the standardization are the mixed-sex treatments, with the different subgroups (columns 1-8) and the full
sample (column 9). Male loser, Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are defined in Table 4. Luck is an indicator for
spectators being in the mixed-sex luck treatments. Luck*Male loser is an interaction between Luck and Male loser. Male loser (luck) is
a linear combination of Male loser and Luck*Male loser. Included in all regressions, but not reported, is an indicator for the spectator
participating in the second round of data collection. Standard errors in parentheses.
Table A.8: Regression analysis: Nothing to loser
worker. The sample is the mixed-sex treatments, with the different subgroups (columns 1-8) and the full sample (column 9). Male loser,
Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are defined in Table 4. Luck is an indicator for spectators who belong to either
of the luck treatments. Luck*Male loser is an interaction between Luck and Male loser. Male loser (luck) is a linear combination of
Male loser and Luck*Male loser. Included in all regressions, but not reported, is an indicator for the spectator participating in the second
round of data collection. Standard errors in parentheses.
Single-sex merit
No Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser -0.040 -0.108 -0.075 -0.132 0.088 -0.109
(0.088) (0.126) (0.107) (0.111) (0.122) (0.181)
Male spectator*Male loser 0.137 0.147
(0.177) (0.177)
Republican*Male loser 0.118 0.130
(0.188) (0.190)
Low income*Male loser 0.237 0.227
(0.184) (0.185)
Low age*Male loser -0.253 -0.257
(0.177) (0.177)
Male spectator -0.207 -0.199
(0.125) (0.125)
Republican -0.261 -0.242
(0.134) (0.134)
Low income -0.064 -0.076
(0.133) (0.133)
Low age 0.244 0.240
(0.125) (0.124)
Constant 0.020 0.124 0.102 0.041 -0.104 0.099
(0.062) (0.088) (0.075) (0.076) (0.089) (0.125)
(Male loser+interaction) 0.028 0.043 0.106 -0.165
(0.124) (0.155) (0.147) (0.128)
Observations 513 513 513 513 513 513
R2 0.000 0.006 0.010 0.005 0.008 0.026
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is the stan-
dardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample and the basis for the
standardization are the single-sex merit treatments. Male loser is an indicator for the
spectator being in a treatment of two males. Male spectator, Republican, Low income
and Low age are defined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male
loser, Low income*Male loser and Low age*Male loser are interactions between the
respective characteristic and Male loser. Male loser+interaction is a linear combination
of Male loser and the respective interaction. Standard errors in parentheses.
Single-sex merit
No Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser -0.007 -0.001 -0.003 0.020 -0.065 -0.033
(0.041) (0.059) (0.050) (0.052) (0.057) (0.084)
Male spectator*Male loser -0.012 -0.017
(0.082) (0.083)
Republican*Male loser -0.015 -0.019
(0.088) (0.089)
Low income*Male loser -0.067 -0.054
(0.086) (0.087)
Low age*Male loser 0.118 0.122
(0.083) (0.083)
Male spectator 0.083 0.079
(0.058) (0.058)
Republican 0.105 0.097
(0.063) (0.063)
Low income 0.003 0.008
(0.062) (0.062)
Low age -0.098 -0.097
(0.058) (0.058)
Constant 0.323 0.281 0.290 0.322 0.373 0.300
(0.029) (0.041) (0.035) (0.035) (0.042) (0.059)
Male loser + interaction -0.013 -0.019 -0.046 0.053
(0.058) (0.072) (0.069) (0.060)
Observations 513 513 513 513 513 513
R2 0.000 0.007 0.010 0.002 0.006 0.022
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is an indicator
variable for transferring nothing to the losing worker. The sample is the single-sex
merit treatments. Male loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment of
two males. Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are defined in Table
4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male loser, Low income*Male loser, Low
age*Male loser and Male loser+interaction are defined in Table A.9. Standard errors in
Single-sex luck
No Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser 0.087 0.087 0.059 -0.079 -0.028 -0.194
(0.088) (0.123) (0.111) (0.112) (0.124) (0.183)
Male spectator*Male loser 0.000 -0.032
(0.177) (0.177)
Republican*Male loser 0.102 0.120
(0.181) (0.184)
Low income*Male loser 0.440 0.427
(0.181) (0.181)
Low age*Male loser 0.222 0.190
(0.177) (0.178)
Male spectator -0.028 -0.010
(0.125) (0.125)
Republican -0.292 -0.309
(0.130) (0.131)
Low income -0.250 -0.245
(0.129) (0.129)
Low age -0.202 -0.205
(0.125) (0.125)
Constant -0.044 -0.030 0.060 0.048 0.062 0.269
(0.063) (0.087) (0.077) (0.078) (0.090) (0.126)
Male loser + interaction 0.087 0.161 0.360 0.194
(0.127) (0.143) (0.143) (0.126)
Observations 513 513 513 513 513 513
R2 0.002 0.002 0.016 0.013 0.007 0.033
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is the stan-
dardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample and the basis for the
standardization are the single-sex luck treatments. Male loser is an indicator for the
spectator being in a treatment of two males. Male spectator, Republican, Low income
and Low age are defined in Table 4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male
loser, Low income*Male loser, Low age*Male loser and Male loser+interaction are
defined in Table A.9. Standard errors in parentheses.
Single-sex luck
No Gender Politics Income Age All
Male loser -0.001 0.006 0.000 0.065 0.048 0.112
(0.036) (0.051) (0.046) (0.046) (0.051) (0.076)
Male spectator*Male loser -0.014 -0.002
(0.073) (0.073)
Republican*Male loser -0.013 -0.026
(0.075) (0.076)
Low income*Male loser -0.173 -0.168
(0.075) (0.075)
Low age*Male loser -0.098 -0.083
(0.073) (0.074)
Male spectator 0.006 0.001
(0.052) (0.052)
Republican 0.093 0.099
(0.054) (0.054)
Low income 0.098 0.096
(0.053) (0.053)
Low age 0.066 0.066
(0.051) (0.051)
Constant 0.215 0.212 0.182 0.179 0.180 0.110
(0.026) (0.036) (0.032) (0.032) (0.037) (0.052)
Male loser + interaction -0.008 -0.013 -0.108 -0.050
(0.052) (0.059) (0.059) (0.052)
Observations 513 513 513 513 513 513
R2 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.011 0.004 0.024
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is an indicator
variable for transferring nothing to the losing worker. The sample is the single-sex
luck treatments. Male loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment of
two males. Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low age are defined in Table
4. Male spectator*Male loser, Republican*Male loser, Low income*Male loser, Low
age*Male loser and Male loser+interaction are defined in Table A.9. Standard errors in
Table A.13: Single-sex vs. mixed-sex merit: Amount to loser (std)
All Females Males Republican Non- Low income High income Low age High age
MS-Male loser -0.137 -0.292 0.024 -0.120 -0.143 -0.122 -0.142 -0.170 -0.098
(0.057) (0.075) (0.085) (0.099) (0.069) (0.092) (0.072) (0.083) (0.077)
MS-Female loser 0.038 -0.009 0.079 0.066 0.028 -0.030 0.084 -0.035 0.114
(0.057) (0.076) (0.084) (0.099) (0.069) (0.091) (0.072) (0.083) (0.078)
Male spectator 0.028 0.029 0.033 0.100 -0.011 0.005 0.059
(0.044) (0.076) (0.054) (0.069) (0.056) (0.063) (0.060)
Republican -0.175 -0.172 -0.175 -0.104 -0.215 -0.128 -0.226
(0.047) (0.063) (0.070) (0.080) (0.058) (0.071) (0.063)
Low income -0.001 -0.051 0.055 0.096 -0.038 -0.081 0.084
(0.045) (0.059) (0.068) (0.082) (0.054) (0.065) (0.062)
Low age 0.023 0.044 -0.003 0.106 -0.012 -0.079 0.090
(0.044) (0.058) (0.066) (0.077) (0.054) (0.070) (0.056)
Constant 0.070 0.157 0.016 -0.188 0.109 0.091 0.058 0.165 -0.001
(0.059) (0.073) (0.082) (0.099) (0.068) (0.088) (0.072) (0.080) (0.074)
MS-Male loser - -0.174 -0.283 -0.055 -0.186 -0.172 -0.092 -0.225 -0.135 -0.212
MS-Female loser (0.050) (0.067) (0.076) (0.087) (0.062) (0.079) (0.065) (0.073) (0.070)
Observations 2077 1057 1020 682 1395 824 1253 1021 1056
R2 0.013 0.030 0.009 0.011 0.007 0.008 0.023 0.010 0.023
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is the standardized amount transferred to the losing worker. The sample
and the basis for the standardization are the merit treatments, with the full sample (column 1) and all the subgroups (columns 2-9). The reference
sample is the spectators in the single-sex merit treatments. MS-Male loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment where a male
has lost to a female. MS-Female loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment where a female has lost to a male. Male spectator,
Republican, Low income and Low age are defined in Table 4. MS-Male loser - MS-Female loser is a linear combination of MS-Male loser and
MS-Female loser. Standard errors in parentheses.
Table A.14: Single-sex vs. mixed-sex merit: Nothing to loser
All Females Males Republican Non- Low income High income Low age High age
MS-Male loser 0.073 0.141 0.002 0.050 0.083 0.074 0.073 0.095 0.052
(0.027) (0.038) (0.039) (0.049) (0.032) (0.044) (0.034) (0.039) (0.037)
MS-Female loser -0.000 0.015 -0.013 -0.033 0.012 0.040 -0.027 0.014 -0.018
(0.027) (0.038) (0.038) (0.048) (0.032) (0.044) (0.034) (0.039) (0.038)
Male spectator 0.009 0.011 0.004 -0.022 0.027 0.021 -0.008
(0.021) (0.037) (0.025) (0.033) (0.027) (0.030) (0.029)
Republican 0.065 0.060 0.069 0.026 0.086 0.009 0.114
(0.022) (0.032) (0.032) (0.038) (0.028) (0.033) (0.031)
Low income 0.002 0.024 -0.023 -0.044 0.019 0.005 -0.006
(0.021) (0.030) (0.031) (0.040) (0.025) (0.031) (0.030)
Low age -0.008 -0.020 0.006 -0.081 0.025 0.003 -0.016
(0.021) (0.029) (0.030) (0.038) (0.025) (0.034) (0.027)
Constant 0.297 0.263 0.338 0.428 0.267 0.302 0.294 0.284 0.305
(0.028) (0.036) (0.037) (0.049) (0.032) (0.042) (0.034) (0.037) (0.036)
MS-Male loser - 0.073 0.127 0.015 0.083 0.072 0.034 0.100 0.080 0.070
MS-Female loser (0.024) (0.033) (0.035) (0.043) (0.029) (0.038) (0.031) (0.034) (0.034)
Observations 2077 1057 1020 682 1395 824 1253 1021 1056
R2 0.010 0.023 0.006 0.014 0.007 0.005 0.018 0.008 0.017
Note: The table reports OLS regressions, where the dependent variable is an indicator variable for transferring nothing to the losing worker. The
sample is the merit treatments, with the full sample (column 1) and all the subgroups (columns 2-9). The reference sample is the spectators in the
single-sex merit treatments. MS-Male loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment where a male has lost to a female. MS-Female
loser is an indicator for the spectator being in a treatment where a female has lost to a male. Male spectator, Republican, Low income and Low
age are defined in Table 4. MS-Male loser - MS-Female loser is a linear combination of MS-Male loser and MS-Female loser. Standard errors
in parentheses.
Merit (male vs. female loser) -0.035 0.665 0.855
Luck (male vs. female loser) 0.092 0.279 0.641
Note: The multiple hypothesis adjustment is based on the following OLS regression
ui = α + β1 T 2i + β2 T 3i + β3 T 4i + β4 T 5i + β5 T 6i + β6 T 7i + β7 T 8i + γXi + εi
You are the third person and we now want you to choose whether to redis-
tribute the earnings for the assignment between the two workers. Your decision
is completely anonymous. The workers will receive the payment that you choose
for the assignment within a few days, but will not receive any further informa-
The man was most productive and earned 6 USD for the assignment. The
woman was least productive and earned nothing for the assignment.
Please state which of the following alternatives you choose:
I do not redistribute:
• The most productive worker is paid 6 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 0 USD.
I do redistribute:
• The most productive worker is paid 5 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 1 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 4 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 2 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 3 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 3 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 2 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 4 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 1 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 5 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 0 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 6 USD.
You are the third person and we now want you to choose whether to redis-
tribute the earnings for the assignment between the two workers. Your decision
is completely anonymous. The workers will receive the payment that you choose
for the assignment within a few days, but will not receive any further informa-
The man was lucky, won the lottery and earned 6 USD for the assignment.
The woman was unlucky and earned nothing for the assignment.
Please state which of the following alternatives you choose:
I do not redistribute:
• The lucky worker is paid 6 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 0 USD.
I do redistribute:
• The lucky worker is paid 5 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 1 USD.
• The lucky worker is paid 4 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 2 USD.
• The lucky worker is paid 3 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 3 USD.
• The lucky worker is paid 2 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 4 USD.
• The lucky worker is paid 1 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 5 USD.
• The lucky worker is paid 0 USD and the unlucky worker is paid 6 USD.
for the assignment and the other worker would earn nothing for the assignment.
They were not informed about who was the most productive worker. However,
they were told that a third person would be informed about the assignment and
who was the most productive worker. They were also told that this third person
would be given the opportunity to redistribute the earnings and thus determine
how much they were paid for the assignment.
You are the third person and we now want you to choose whether to redis-
tribute the earnings for the assignment between the two workers. Your decision
is completely anonymous. The workers will receive the payment that you choose
for the assignment within a few days, but will not receive any further informa-
One of the women was most productive and earned 6 USD for the assign-
ment. The other woman was least productive and earned nothing for the assign-
Please state which of the following alternatives you choose:
I do not redistribute:
• The most productive worker is paid 6 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 0 USD.
I do redistribute:
• The most productive worker is paid 5 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 1 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 4 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 2 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 3 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 3 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 2 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 4 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 1 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 5 USD.
• The most productive worker is paid 0 USD and the least productive worker
is paid 6 USD.
• (...) we would be grateful if you could type in your actual age below?
• Are you?
– Male
– Female
• Which political party would you vote for if there was an election tomor-
– Republican
– Democratic
– Other
• a) mathematics?
We then asked the same question about reading (1b), by inserting reading
instead of mathematics in the question structure above.
• Generally favor
• Generally oppose
by The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Here, male and female 8th
graders performed equally well on the mathematics test (each group with an average of 282
points), while females on average performed slightly better than males on the reading test (271
vs. 260 points). For more details, see math 2015/.
Question 2 is taken from Gallup’s Minority Rights and Relations survey conducted in 2015 with
more than 2000 US adults. They found that 67% of Americans are in favor of affirmative action
for women, with females being more prone to support it than males (72% vs. 62%).
B.5.1 Round 1
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 1 of 18
General instructions:
The results from this experiment will be used in a research project. It is therefore important that you carefully
read and follow all instructions. Note that you will remain anonymous throughout the experiment. We will only
use your Worker ID to assign payments and check that you have not participated in this experiment before.
You will be paid a fixed participation fee of 2 USD and you may, depending on the actions you and others
take, earn additional money.
You will be given detailed instructions on your screen before each part of the experiment. Please read the
instructions to each part carefully.
If you have any questions regarding this experiment, you may contact
I have read and understood the above and want to participate in this study:
The first part of the experiment is a production phase where you are given three assignments to work on.
Assignment 1:
In the first assignment you are asked to work on a sentence unscrambling task for 5 minutes. Your
performance will not be measured as there is no right or wrong answer, but we do ask you to work
continuously on this assignment.
For example, if the words given to you are "wings, sun, the, has, jet" then you can construct the sentence:
the jet has wings
Write the sentence or expression that you form into the blank space using your keyboard. Your answer will 24.09.2015
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 2 of 18
be submitted automatically after 20 seconds and you will auto-advance to five new words.
This assignment will last for 5 minutes and we ask you to work continuously. When you have read and
understood the instructions press >> to start the assignment. 24.09.2015
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 6 of 18
On the next page you will receive instructions for the second assignment.
Assignment 2:
In the second assignment you are asked to work on a counting task for 5 minutes.
You are asked to count the number of black cells in a matrix similar to the one below (but bigger). You will
auto-advance from each matrix after 60 seconds. On the following page you will then get to submit the
number of black cells you counted, before moving on to another matrix. Your performance will be measured.
The aim is to get the closest to the true number of black cells in each of the matrices. In the example matrix
below, the correct number of black cells is five.
After this 5-minute assignment you will advance to the last assignment.
When you have read and understood the instructions press >> to start the assignment. 24.09.2015
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 12 of 18
On the next page you will receive instructions for the third and final assignment.
Assignment 3
In the third assignment you are asked to work on a code recognition task for 5 minutes. For this assignment
we will measure your performance by the number of points you receive. You will be informed about your
score on assignment 3 at the end of the assignment.
Your matrix will be submitted automatically after 60 seconds and you will auto-advance to the next page.
This assignment will last for 5 minutes and after 5 minutes you will be taken to the last part of the survey.
Below you are shown a simplified example to make sure you understand the assignment. When you have
read and understood the instructions press >> to start the assignment.
This is an example:
231 123
952 641
864 820
123 462
791 123 24.09.2015
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 16 of 18
180 847 843 738 302 301 191 379 881 632 821 534 525 191 584 302 276
808 918 678 555 656 559 281 720 390 834 557 116 234 229 157 302 616
787 478 856 412 832 848 305 406 746 288 843 997 926 302 427 302 302
616 500 549 345 587 844 185 409 591 302 964 353 350 709 916 398 998
908 227 302 219 424 372 738 800 356 326 408 782 273 898 730 628 116
825 675 260 661 585 109 690 677 760 419 536 282 364 114 516 731 213
574 810 394 113 578 909 302 509 588 907 197 302 256 160 607 302 971
843 578 711 718 595 869 562 652 980 387 332 745 664 236 308 259 341
170 154 302 839 438 597 102 150 336 118 434 378 941 750 309 244 626
705 729 161 158 749 302 871 706 220 964 280 460 848 225 302 692 437
959 293 206 434 302 319 321 655 428 390 269 302 735 671 738 326 331
401 302 880 352 450 919 547 673 302 254 158 614 302 596 519 472 984
675 852 857 180 593 340 869 146 772 182 885 302 786 899 302 376 302
You have now completed the third and final assignment. Your total score on Assignment 3 is
You have now completed your work on all three assignments. We will now explain how you will be paid for
this work. After you have completed this HIT, we will for each assignment match you with another participant
who has completed the same assignment. The payments to you and the other participant is determined by a
two-stage process. Below we explain this process in more detail.
First stage:
Assignment 1: For this assignment, your earnings are determined by a lottery where each of you with equal
probability earns 6 USD or 0 USD.
Assignment 2: For this assignment, your earnings are determined by how productive you are. Your
productivity in assignment 2 is measured by how close you got to the true number of black cells in each of
the matrices. The participant who got closest to the true number of black cells in each of the matrices earns 6
USD and the other participant earns 0 USD. If you both have the same productivity, you will be matched with
another participant.
Assignment 3: For this assignment, your earnings are again determined by how productive you are. Your
productivity in assignment 3 is measured by your score on assignment 3. The participant with the
highest score earns 6 USD and the other participant earns 0 USD. If you both have the same score, you will
be matched with another participant.
Second stage:
For each assignment, a randomly selected third person will be given the opportunity to redistribute the 24.09.2015
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 17 of 18
earnings between you and the other participant. This person will not know the identity of you or the other
participant, but will be informed about the nature of the assignment and your earnings for this assignment.
For each assignment, either you or the other participant earns 6 USD and the other participant earns 0 USD.
If the third person chooses not to redistribute, each of you will be paid your earnings from the assignment. If
the third person chooses to redistribute earnings for any of the assignments, increasing the payment of the
participant with the low earnings by 1 USD decreases the other participant’s payment by 1 USD.
You will receive your payments for the three assignments within three weeks and it will be paid separately
from your fixed participation fee of 2 USD.
You have now completed your work on all three assignments. We will now explain how you will be paid for
this work. After you have completed this HIT, we will for each assignment match you with another participant
who has completed the same assignment. The payments to you and the other participant is determined by a
two-stage process. Below we explain this process in more detail.
First stage:
Assignment 1: For this assignment, your earnings are determined by a lottery where each of you with equal
probability earns 6 USD or 0 USD.
Assignment 2: For this assignment, your earnings are determined by how productive you are. Your
productivity in assignment 2 is measured by how close you got to the true number of black cells in each of
the matrices. The participant who got closest to the true number of black cells in each of the matrices earns 6
USD and the other participant earns 0 USD. If you both have the same productivity, you will be matched with
another participant.
Assignment 3: For this assignment, your earnings are determined in the same way as for assignment 1.
Second stage:
For each assignment, a randomly selected third person will be given the opportunity to redistribute the
earnings between you and the other participant. This person will not know the identity of you or the other
participant, but will be informed about the nature of the assignment and your earnings for this assignment.
For each assignment, either you or the other participant earns 6 USD and the other participant earns 0 USD.
If the third person chooses not to redistribute, each of you will be paid your earnings from the assignment. If
the third person chooses to redistribute earnings for any of the assignments, increasing the payment of the
participant with the low earnings by 1 USD decreases the other participant’s payment by 1 USD.
You will receive your payments for the three assignments within three weeks and it will be paid separately
from your fixed participation fee of 2 USD.
Comment 24.09.2015
Qualtrics Survey Software Page 18 of 18
Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions related to this experiment please write them down in the
blank space below. Your feedback is very important to improve our research. 24.09.2015
B.5.2 Round 2
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
Background questions
65 or over
General instructions:
The results from this experiment will be used in a research project. It is therefore important that you carefully
read and follow all instructions. Note that you will remain anonymous throughout the experiment. We will only
use your Worker ID to assign payments and check that you have not participated in this experiment before.
You will be paid a fixed participation fee of 2 USD and you may, depending on the actions you and others take,
earn additional money.
You will be given detailed instructions on your screen before each part of the experiment. Please read the
instructions to each part carefully.
If you have any questions regarding this experiment, you may contact
I have read and understood the above and want to participate in this study:
The first part of the experiment is a production phase where you are given three assignments to work on. 1/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
Assignment 1:
In the first assignment you are asked to work on a counting task for 5 minutes.
You are asked to count the number of black cells in a matrix similar to the one below (but bigger). You will auto
advance from each matrix after 60 seconds. Please remember to submit the number of black cells you counted
within the 60 seconds. Your performance will be measured. The aim is to get the closest to the true number of
black cells in each of the matrices. In the example matrix below, the correct number of black cells is five.
After this 5minute assignment you will advance to the second assignment.
When you have read and understood the instructions press >> to start the assignment.
01 00
How many black cells are there in matrix 1? 2/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
On the next page you will receive instructions for the second assignment.
Assignment 2
In the second assignment you are asked to work on a code recognition task for 5 minutes. For this assignment
we will measure your performance by the number of points you receive. You will be informed about your score
on assignment 3 at the end of the assignment.
Your answer will be submitted automatically after 60 seconds and you will autoadvance to the next page. This 7/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
assignment will last for 5 minutes and after 5 minutes you will be taken to the last assignment of the survey.
Below you are shown a simplified example to make sure you understand the assignment. When you have read
and understood the instructions press >> to start the assignment.
This is an example:
231 123
952 641
864 820
123 462
791 123
01 00
The code you must check off is: 241
407 559 917 522 459 293 743 241 778 241 303 234 951 807 637 454 583
743 538 330 265 816 661 998 678 269 241 578 241 308 233 464 749 495
602 241 602 121 241 314 241 850 144 518 241 494 354 247 258 957 777
537 914 241 340 241 410 274 674 721 711 971 290 606 265 783 775 674
144 942 723 922 241 873 337 474 630 241 574 615 695 388 241 174 926
435 146 618 219 980 674 391 749 795 380 340 859 882 210 912 703 707
265 241 943 723 843 241 924 218 241 607 876 757 160 427 925 234 255
689 795 416 622 233 508 648 602 223 589 701 393 372 942 124 241 377
617 705 572 891 524 634 456 975 874 241 966 729 730 216 900 241 241
809 763 874 180 241 187 241 891 603 881 405 241 389 510 130 268 739
350 241 806 833 585 205 623 567 241 341 843 560 546 810 796 180 842
948 303 274 173 361 273 241 533 446 590 280 759 334 205 307 654 447
408 221 818 938 997 241 216 554 566 300 495 472 360 641 543 431 549
764 365 241 926 542 395 355 674 241 197 191 653 527 172 140 884 225
220 882 979 108 932 919 883 354 358 744 545 809 241 661 968 317 355
881 347 609 537 241 809 879 334 540 213 121 555 596 527 241 702 906
149 375 858 801 550 241 965 628 388 163 477 989 553 840 494 809 605 8/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
384 384 862 384 775 655 644 846 367 719 411 148 773 998 258 685 778
269 458 449 384 491 298 323 384 446 270 133 384 199 108 800 114 230
01 00
The code you must check off is: 302
210 454 384 833 302 226 508 328 302 842 302 427 930 790 464 932 302
898 592 900 871 409 302 428 379 708 586 201 428 160 301 710 145 550
583 669 199 465 443 252 474 547 473 945 904 337 501 269 300 847 498
825 638 334 863 302 299 302 469 426 903 566 189 244 333 208 302 202
180 847 843 738 302 301 191 379 881 632 821 534 525 191 584 302 276
808 918 678 555 656 559 281 720 390 834 557 116 234 229 157 302 616
787 478 856 412 832 848 305 406 746 288 843 997 926 302 427 302 302
616 500 549 345 587 844 185 409 591 302 964 353 350 709 916 398 998
908 227 302 219 424 372 738 800 356 326 408 782 273 898 730 628 116
825 675 260 661 585 109 690 677 760 419 536 282 364 114 516 731 213
574 810 394 113 578 909 302 509 588 907 197 302 256 160 607 302 971
843 578 711 718 595 869 562 652 980 387 332 745 664 236 308 259 341
170 154 302 839 438 597 102 150 336 118 434 378 941 750 309 244 626
705 729 161 158 749 302 871 706 220 964 280 460 848 225 302 692 437
959 293 206 434 302 319 321 655 428 390 269 302 735 671 738 326 331
401 302 880 352 450 919 547 673 302 254 158 614 302 596 519 472 984
675 852 857 180 593 340 869 146 772 182 885 302 786 899 302 376 302
You have now completed the second assignment. Your total score on Assignment 2 is
Assignment 3:
In the third and final assignment you are asked to once again work on a counting task for 5 minutes.
In the same way as in assignment 1, you are asked to count the number of black cells in a matrix similar to the 11/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
one below (but bigger). You will autoadvance from each matrix after 60 seconds. Please remember to submit
the number of black cells you counted within the 60 seconds. Your performance will be measured. The aim is to
get the closest to the true number of black cells in each of the matrices. In the example matrix below, the correct
number of black cells is five.
After this 5minute assignment you have completed the final assignment and will advance to the last part of the
When you have read and understood the instructions press >> to start the assignment.
01 00
How many black cells are there in matrix 1? 12/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
Please press next >> to advance to the last part of the experiment.
You have now completed your work on all three assignments. We will now explain how you will be paid for this
work. After you have completed this HIT, we will for each assignment match you with another participant who
has completed the same assignment. The payments to you and the other participant is determined by a two
stage process. Below we explain this process in more detail.
First stage:
Assignment 1: For this assignment, your earnings are determined by how productive you are. Your productivity
in assignment 1 is measured by how close you got to the true number of black cells in each of the matrices. The
participant who got closest to the true number of black cells in each of the matrices earns 6 USD and the other
participant earns 0 USD. If you both have the same productivity, you will be matched with another participant. 17/18
4.2.2016 Qualtrics Survey Software
Assignment 2: For this assignment, your earnings are again determined by how productive you are. Your
productivity in assignment 2 is measured by your score on assignment 2. The participant with the
highest score earns 6 USD and the other participant earns 0 USD. If you both have the same score, you will be
matched with another participant.
Assignment 3: For this assignment, your earnings are determined by how productive you are in assignment 3 in
the same way as for assignment 1.
Second stage:
For each assignment, a randomly selected third person will be given the opportunity to redistribute the earnings
between you and the other participant. This person will not know the identity of you or the other participant, but
will be informed about the nature of the assignment and your earnings for this assignment.
For each assignment, either you or the other participant earns 6 USD and the other participant earns 0 USD. If
the third person chooses not to redistribute, each of you will be paid your earnings from the assignment. If the
third person chooses to redistribute earnings for any of the assignments, increasing the payment of the
participant with the low earnings by 1 USD decreases the other participant’s payment by 1 USD.
You will receive your payments for the three assignments within three weeks and it will be paid separately from
your fixed participation fee of 2 USD.
Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions related to this experiment please write them down in the blank
space below. Your feedback is very important to improve our research. 18/18
Issued in the series Discussion Papers 2018
01/18 January, Øystein Foros, Mai Nguyen-Ones, and Frode Steen, “Evidence on
consumer behavior and firm performance in gasoline retailing”
03/18 February, Pierre Dubois and Morten Sæthre, “On the Effect of Parallel
Trade on Manufacturers’ and Retailers’ Profits in the Pharmaceutical
04/18 March, Aline Bütikofer, Julie Riise, and Meghan Skira, “The Impact of Paid
Maternity Leave on Maternal Health”
05/18 March, Kjetil Bjorvatn and Bertil Tungodden, “Empowering the disabled
through savings groups: Experimental evidence from Uganda”
06/18 April, Mai Nguyen-Ones and Frode Steen, “Measuring Market Power in
Gasoline Retailing: A Market- or Station Phenomenon?
07/18 April, Chang Koo Chi and Trond Olsen, “Relational incentive contracts and
09/18 April, Aline Bütikofer, Sissel Jensen, and Kjell G. Salvanes, «The Role of
Parenthood on the Gender Gap among Top Earners»
11/18 May, Yilong Xu, Xiaogeng Xu, and Steven Tucker, «Ambiguity Attitudes in
the Loss Domain: Decisions for Self versus Others»
12/18 June, Øivind A. Nilsen, Per Marius Pettersen, and Joakim Bratlie, “Time-
Dependency in producers’ price adjustments: Evidence from micro panel
13/18 June, Øivind A. Nilsen, Arvid Raknerud, and Diana-Cristina Iancu, “Public
R&D support and firms’ performance. A Panel Data Study”
14/18 June, Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken, and Magne
Mogstad: «Incarceration, Recidivism, and Employment”
15/18 August, Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken, and Magne
Mogstad: «Incarceration Spillovers in Criminal and Family Networks”
16/18 August, Pedro Carneiro, Kai Liu, and Kjell G. Salvanes: “The Supply of
Skill and Endogenous Technical Change: Evidence From a College
Expansion Reform”
17/18 August, Chang Koo Chi, “An analysis of the two-bidder all-pay auction
with common values”
20/18 September, Juan Pablo Atal, José Ignacio Cuesta, and Morten Sæthre,
“Quality regulation and competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical
21/18 October, Orazio Attanasio, Agnes Kovacs, and Krisztina Molnar, “Euler
Equations, Subjective Expectations and Income Shocks”
22/18 October, Antonio Mele, Krisztina Molnár, and Sergio Santoro, “On the
perils of stabilizing prices when agents are learning”
23/18 November, Bjørn-Atle Reme, Helene Lie Røhr, and Morten Sæthre, “The
Poking Effect: Price Changes, Information, and Inertia in the Market for
Mobile Subscriptions”
25/18 November, Liam Brunt and Antonio Fidalgo, “Why 1990 international
Geary-Khamis dollars cannot be a foundation for reliable long run
comparisons of GDP”
28/18 December, Kurt R. Brekke, Chiara Canta, Luigi Siciliani and Odd Rune
Straume, “Hospital Competition in the National Health Service: Evidence
from a Patient Choice Reform”
29/18 December, Richard Friberg, Frode Steen and Simen A. Ulsaker, “Hump-
shaped cross-price effects and the extensive margin in cross-border
30/18 December, David Jaume and Alexander Willén, “Oh Mother: The
Neglected Impact of School Disruptions”
02/19 February, Ingar Haaland and Cristopher Roth “Beliefs About Racial
Discrimination and Support for Pro-Black Policies “
03/19 February, Astrid Kunze and Xingfei Liu, “Universal Childcare for the
Youngest and the Maternal Labour Supply”
05/19 Chang Koo Chi, Kyoung Jin Choi. “Performance Measurement in Agency
06/19 Alexander W. Cappelen, Ranveig Falch and Bertil Tungodden. “The Boy
Crisis: Experimental Evidence on the Acceptance of Males Falling Behind”
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