Experiment No. 4 Bridge Measurement Circuits
Experiment No. 4 Bridge Measurement Circuits
Experiment No. 4 Bridge Measurement Circuits
1 10K, 1 220K,
R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = 470 2. Close switch s and measure the voltage across each resistor and between points A and B. Record data in Table
VS = ______________________V VR1 = _____________________V VR2 = _____________________V VR3 = _____________________V VR4 = _____________________V VAB = _____________________V
3. Turn off the circuit switch and change R4 to 380. Turn on the switch and measure again the voltage across each resistor and between points A and B. Also, determine whether point A is positive with respect to point B. Record data in Table 2.
VS = ______________________V VR1 = _____________________V VR2 = _____________________V Point A Polarity: __________________ VR3 = _____________________V VR4 = _____________________V VAB = _____________________V Point B Polarity:____________________
4. Connect the bridge circuit shown below to measure an unknown resistance Rx.
R1 = 100
R2 = 1000
5. Set dc voltmeter at a range of 10 volts and connect its terminals at points A and B. (Note: check polarity of terminals before making the voltmeter connection). Using the first value of Rx shown in TABLE 3, connect the resistor Rx to terminals A and C. Then, slowly adjust the decade resistance box R3 until zero voltage reading is indicated by the voltmeter. Record the value of R3. Repeat the procedure for the other values of Rx. 6. Using a Wheatstone Bridge Instrument, measure the values of Rx and record them also in TABLE 3 as Rw.
Rated values of Rx 500 4.K0 27K 1M 2.2M Values of R3 26K 10.205 1.106K 10.255 10.255 Measured values of Rx 47 469 2.2 100.5 219
B. AC Bridge Circuit
1. Connect the ac bridge circuit shown below.
R1 = R2 = 200k
R3 = 500K pot
R4 = 100k
2. Set the audio generator frequency to 100Hz and an output of about 5 volts rms. Close S and connect and oscilloscope across terminals A and B. Adjust the 500K potentiometer to produce a zero or null reading on the oscilloscope. Open S, then disconnect the potentiometer and measure its resistance value. Record the measurement in TABLE 4. Repeat the procedure using a test frequency of 1Khz.
Frequency = 100Hz Frequency = 1KHz R3 = ___________________ohms R3 = ___________________ohms
3. Open S and remove R1 and R4. In place of R1 connect a 0.1F capacitor as C1. For R4, replace it capacitor Cx (use Cx = 0.05F). Connect the oscilloscope to points A and B. 4. Close S and null the output of the bridge by adjusting R3. Open S and disconnect R3 from the bridge. With an ohmmeter or Wheatstone Bridge measure the resistance value of the potentiometer. Record measurements in TABLE 5. Calculate the value of Cx using the equation, Cx = C1 x R3/R2 5. Repeat procedure 3 and 4 using another value of Cx (use Cx = 1F).
Cx (rated value) 0.05F 1 F R3 99.98K 2.02M Cx (computed) 49.99nF 1.011F
6. 7. 8.
From the, result in TABLE 1, the voltage VAB ' must be zero. If VAB is not zero explain why. For the circuit of procedure A -3, compute for the t h e o r e t i ca l v a l u e o f V A B . an d c o m p ar e it w it h t h e me asu red valu e o f V AB in T ABLE 2 . For the test circuit of procedure A, what determines the polarity of point B with respect to point A under unbalanced bridge condition? From TABLE 3, compute for the values of Rx based on m e a s u r e d v a l u e s o f R 3 ( R x = R 1 x R 3 / R 2 ) a n d c o m p a r e with Wheatstone Bridge measured values. Also, compare the measured values with the rated values of Rx. From the results of TABLE 4, compare the p6tentiwneter resistance with R4.Are they equal? If not, explain why. From test results in TABLE 4, is the null indication affected by the test frequency? From the results in TABLE 5, compare measured values of capacitance Cx with its rated va lues. What are the factors that will limit the accuracy of measurements in bridge circuits?