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First Term Exam 2023 (I-V)

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Class :One F.M. : 100 Class : One F.M. : 100
Sub : Science Time : 2 hours Sub : Mathematics Time : 2 hours
1. Fill in the blanks :- 1. Write in numeral :-
[ climbers, trees, thorny, shapes ] i) Four, ii) five, iii) one, iv) nine, v) seven
i) Very big plants are called ……………. 2. Write the number name :-
ii) Leaves of different plants have different ……………. i) 4 ii) 9 iii) 5 iv) 8 v) 3
iii) The plants that need support to stand are called 3. Write >, < or =
………… a) 7 [ ] 2 b) 3 [ ] 3 c) 6 [ ]5 d) 4 [ ] 8 e) 5 [ ] 4
iv) Some plants have thorns, they are called 4. Arrange in ascending order :-
…………. Plants. a) 3, 6, 4, 2 b) 8, 7, 1, 3
2. Tick the correct answer :- 5. Add the following :-
i) The part of the plant that lies under the soil is called i) 3+4=[ ] iii) 3 + 2 = [ ] v) 2 + 7 = [ ]
……… ii) 4+2=[ ] iv) 5 + 1 = [ ]
a) Stem b) root c) fruit 6. Subtract the following :-
ii) ……. are generally green in colour. i) 9–7=[ ] iii) 7 – 2 = [ ] v) 8 – 3 = [ ]
a) Roots b) flowers c) leaves ii) 3–2=[ ] iv) 5 – 4 = [ ]
iii)Every seed has a baby………. 7. Match the following :-
a) Name b) plant c) work i) 3–0 a) 0
iv)Seeds are hidden inside a ……… ii) 8–0 b) 5
a) Nut b) leaf c) fruit iii) 5 – 0 c) 3
3. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ :- iv) 6 – 6 d) 2
i) A giraffe is a tall animal. v) 2–0 e) 8
ii) A rat is a big animal. 8. What comes just before :-
iii) Birds can swim in water. i) [ ] 16 iii) [ ] 20 v) [ ] 12
iv) A snake is an insect. ii) [ ] 15 iv) [ ] 18
v) A tortoise can live on the land only. 9. What comes just after :-
4. Answer the following questions :- i) 12 [ ] iii) 9 [ ] v) 16 [ ]
i) Name the parts of a plant. ii) 6 [ ] v) 10 [ ]
ii) What do the leaves do for the plant ? 10.Tick the smallest number :-
iii) Where are seeds found ? a) 14, 20 b) 13, 17 c) 18, 17 d) 12, 15 e) 14, 11
iv) How does rain help the seed to grow ?
Class :One F.M. : 100 Class : One F.M. : 100
Sub : English Time : 2 hours Sub : Sanskrit Time : 2 hours
1. Answer the following questions :-
i) Who examines the patient ?
1-fuEufyf[kr fgUnh ‘kCnksa dh laLd`r
ii) Who tells story to Manoj ? fyf[k, %&
iii) Who is ploughing field ?
iv) Who is Juned ? vke] Åu] gksaB] pUnzek] nokbZA
v) Who is Pooja ?

2. Match the table :- 2-feyku djsa %&

i) Farmer a) Ravi
ii) Doctor b) Anshu i. [kx% d- rkykc
iii) Mason c) Puja
ii. Ek;wj% [k- eksj
iv) Engineer d) Rama
v) Nurse e) Raju iii. Fk% x- cdjh
3. Give plural forms :- iv. Lkjksoj% ?k- i{kh
Boy, tree, kite, bag, pen.
v. vt% M- igkM+
4. Fill in the blanks :-
a) Pooja is a ................ ( nurse /doctor)
b) ............ is a farmer. ( Neeraj / Rama) 3-fuEufyf[kr fgUnh ‘kCnksa dh fgUnh
c) Neeraj is a ............. ( barber / mason )
d) Dr. Ravi examines the ............ (patients / farmer )
esa fyf[k, %&
e) Postman brings ................... (letter / milk) vEck] [kx%] xt%] ?kfV;k] jtd%A
5. Give opposite gender :-
Boy, father, brother, uncle, grandfather.
4-vxzth esa vuqokn djsa %&
6. Translate into English :- xt%] okuj%] f’k{kd%] liZ%] ew”kd
;g ,d dye gSA ;g ,d fdrkc gSA ;g ,d yM+dk %A
gSA og ,d vaMk gSA og ,d mYyw gSA
5-fgUnh esa vuqokn djsa %&
house, fruit, father, mother, family. Ear walk
Eyes smell
Legs eat
Mouth hear

Class :One F.M. : 100 Class : One F.M. : 100
Sub : Social Science Time : 2 hours Sub : Hindi Time : 2 hours
1. Fill in the blanks :- 1.fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa A
i) My name is ……………………….
ii) I am a ………………… ( boy / girl) d- lsok dk cy dkSu gS \
iii) I am ………… years old. [k- f’k{kk dk lkj D;k gS \
iv) I study in class …………….. x- eqxhZ ds cPps dgkW ls fudys \
v) My school name is ……………………….
2. Tick the correct option :-
?k- flDdk dgkW igwWpk \
i) We have …………… ears. M- fcYyh fdl jax dh Fkh \
a) Two b) one c) three p- fcYyh us Nhads ij D;k ns[kk \
ii) We smell with our ………………. N- fcYyh D;k djrh gqbZ Hkkxh \
a) Teeth b) nose c) tongue
iii) We write with our ………………. t- nhokyh ij D;k & D;k [kk;k tkrk gS \
a) Hands b) fingers c) legs >- nhokyh ij fdldh iwtk gksrh gS \
iv) We eat food to grow ……………. 2- feyku dhft, %&
a) Old b) small c) big
i. Qy d- ih
v) We get it from animals
a) Chowmein b) eggs c) banana ii. Ikkuh [k- <+d
3. Answer the following questions :- iii. Tky x- i<+
i) Who weare a uniform ? Name any four person . iv. ikB ?k- p[k
ii) Name any three rooms in your house.
iii) Who are our parents ? 3- fuEu ‘kCnksa dks ‘kq+) djds fyf[k, &
4. Match the table :- Vksdfj] lhDdk] eqfxZ] islS]
Nose see
4- foykse ‘kCn fyf[k, & x- isM+ & ikS/ks gesa /kwi nsrs gSaA ¼
Lqkcg] Ba<k] NksVk] pyuk] ½
5- okD; cukos %& ?k- gesa jkst fon~;ky; ugha tkuk pkfg,A ¼
Ikkuh] Hkkr] nky] nghA
M- gesa’kk >wB ckyuk pkfg,A ¼½


Class : One F.M. : 50
Sub : Moral Science Time : 2 hours
1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa A
d- vkHkk dh iIih dk D;k uke Fkk \
[k- lalkj ds lHkh oLrqvkas dks fdlus cuk, gSa \
x- isM+ ikS/kksa ls gesa D;k feyrs gSa \ VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA
?k- NqV~Vh ds fnu os yksx dgkW tkrs gSa \ (BOKARO)
M- ?kj dh lHkh vko’;d leku dkSu ykrk gS \ FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
2- fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ djsa %& Class : One F.M. : 50
d- lqcg cz’k djds &&&&&& dks /kksuk pkfg,A Sub : G. K. Time : 2 hours
[k- eEeh & ikik vkSj cM+ks dks &&&&& vkuk 1. Write 5 wild animals name and 5 Domestic
pkfg,A Animals name.
x- le; ij rS;kj gksdj &&&&&&& vkuk pkfg,A
2. Write 5 Birds name .
?k- izfrfnu &&&&&& ty ls Luku djsaA
M- ge lHkh dks &&&&& us cuk, gSaA 3. Write sound of following animals :-
3- lgh dFku ij ¼ ½ rFkk xyr dFku ij ¼ ½ dk fpUg Dog, horse, elephant, cat, lion.
yxkb,A 4. Write the 5 fruits name.
d- gesa izfrfnu lkSdj nsj ls mBuk pkfg,A ¼½ 5. Fill in the blanks :-
[k- gesa cM+ksa dk ckr ekuuh pkfg,A ¼½ i) Our National Flag is -----------------------
ii) Our National Animal is -----------------------
iii)Our National Bird is ----------------------- d- ‘kqd% &&&&& A [k- eq”kdkS &&&&& A x-
iv)Our National Tree is ----------------------- &&&&& u`r;r%A
v) Our National Game is ----------------------- ?k- &&&&& dwtfUrA M- eRL;k &&&&& rjfrA
4- laLd`r vkSj fgUnh esa fy[ks %&
Qyksa dk jktk] o”kkZdky esa mi;ksxh] gekjk
jk”Vªh; Qwy] cPpksa dks i<+kus okyh] tky
cquus okyhA
5- vFkZ fy[ksa %&
ljLorh ueLrqH;a ojns dke:fif.kA
fo|kjEHka dfj”;kfe flf}HkZorq esa lnkAA
6- laLd`r esa vuqokn djsa %&
og fdlku gSA ;g gkFkh gSA og
oÙk[k gSA ;g cdjh gSA og
Class : Two F.M. : 50
Sub : Sanskrit Time : 2 hours
1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj laLd`r esa nsa %&
d- l% d% vfLr \
[k- ,”k% d% vfLr \
?k- rr~ fde~ vfLr \ FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
M- ,rr~ fde~ vfLr \ Class :Two F.M. : 100
2- fgUnh eaas vuqokn djsa %& Sub : English Time : 2 hours
d- ,”k% ,d% m”Vª vfLrA [k- m”Vª% /kkofrA 1. Answer the following questions :-
x- ,rkS }kS v’okS Lr%A ?k- v’okS [kknr%A i) Where did the old man go ?
ii) Who see the old man carrying the fat goat ?
M- ,rs e.Mwdk% lfUrA p- e.Mwdk% dwnZfUrA
iii) Where did the Jackal live ?
3- fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ djsa %& iv) Why was Jackal worried ?
v) Where did the birds live ?
vi) What did the old man buy from the fair ?
2. Fill in the blanks :-
a) Old man had no ............ animals.
b) One day he went to buy a .................
c) It is a goat and a goat has ............... not a donkey.
d) The Jackal lived in a ...............
e) ............. was worried about his food.
3. Correct the spelling :-
Jekal, heppi, frend, frouds, darty.
4. Give plural form :-
Fraud, man, bush, child, class.
5. Match the following :-
i) Milch a) frauds
ii) Clever b) bird
iii) Three c) goat
iv) King d) fox
v) Fat e) animals


Class : Two F.M. : 100
Sub : Social Science Time : 2 hours
1. Tick the correct option :-
i) Aman’s family is a ……….
a) Nuclear family b) joint family c) none of these
ii) The meal we eat in the morning is called ……
a) Dinner b) lunch c) breakfast
iii) We should always wear ……….. clothes.
a) Dirty b) clean c) none of these
iv) A hut is a ………….. 3. Fill in the boxes with <, > or =
a) Pucca house b) kuchha house c) Floating house a) 250 [ ] 248 c) 246 [ ] 284 e) 284 [ ]284
b) 296 [ ]295d) 225 [ ] 226
v) Palak’s father is a …………..
4. Write the numbers :-
a) Doctor b) Teacher c) officer a) Six hundred seven d) six hundred fifteen
2. Change into English :- b) Six hundred thirty - six e) six hundred sixty – two
Ikfjokj] ekW] nknh ekW] tkuoj] ? c) Six hundred ninety – nine
5. Write the place value of the underline digits :-
kj a) 658 b) 689 c) 653 d) 676 e) 624
3. Match the following :- 6. Write the number that comes just after each of the following
i) Mango, potato, apple a) Breakfast number :-
ii) Honey, egg, milk b) Dinner a) 919 [ ]c) 947 [ ] e) 909 [ ]
b) 955 [ ]d) 956 [ ]
iii) Most, important meal c) Plants
7. Write the expanded form :-
iv) Last meal of the day d) Energy–giving food a) 103 b) 280 c) 359 d) 547 e) 924
v) Butter, sugar, cheese, rice e) Animals 8. Arrange in ascending order :-
4. Answer the following questions :- i) 267, 401, 136, 721 iv) 348, 758, 928, 608
i) What is a nuclear family ? ii) 126, 524, 449, 637 v) 599, 889, 909,989
ii) Who gives us silk ? iii) 245, 290, 984, 777
9. Add the following :-
i) 888 + 111 iii) 777 + 222 v) 555 + 333
ii) 456 + 321 iv) 444 + 444
10. Subtract the following :-
i) 359 - 128 iii) 234 - 133 v) 389 - 379
ii) 486 – 305 iv) 945 - 545

Class :Two F.M. : 100 Class : Two F.M. : 50
Sub : Mathematics Time : 2 hours Sub : Moral Science Time : 2 hours
1. Circle the greatest number :- 1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uks ds mÙkj ij lgh ¼½ dk fu’kku
i) 302, 202, 502, iii) 400, 15, 9 v) 424, 484, 414 yxkb, %&
ii) 278, 199, 365 `iv) 256. 356, 556
i) fp= cukus ds fy, jktk dgkW x;k \
2. Circle the smallest number :-
i) 333, 111, 444 iii) 389, 212, 134 v) 125, 400,208 d- leqnz & rV ij [k- igkM+ dh pksVh ij
ii) 88, 188, 3888 iv) 112, 11, 101 ii) yM+ds us fp= dk D;k fd;k \
d- QkM+ fn;k [k- tyk fn;k
iii) jktk us yM+ds dh ‘kjkjr ij D;k fd;k \ VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO)
d- /kU;okn fn;k [k- n.M fn;k FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
2- mi;qDr ‘kCn Hkjdj okD;ksa dks iwjk dhft, & Class : Two F.M. : 100
i) ,d vkneh ds ikl ,d &&&&& vkSj ,d x/kk FkkA
Sub : Hindi Time : 2 hours
ii) ml vkneh us &&&&& dh ihB ij [kwc lkjk lkeku 1- fdUgh ikWp iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa A
yknk FkkA d- mÙkj esa ckny fdlds Vdjkdj ty cjlkrs gSa \
iii) vR;f/kd &&&&& ds dkj.k x/ks ds iSj yM+ [k- gekjk ns’k dSlk gS \
[kM+kus yxsA x- dkepksj yksx viuk le; fdl izdkj fcrkrs gSa \
iv) ml vkneh us x/ks dh ihB ls lkjk &&&&&& ?k- le; dk lnqi;ksx D;ks djuk pkfg, \
mrkjdj ?kksM+s dh ihB ij ykn fn;kA M- caVh fdl izdkj dk ckyd Fkk \
3- izR;sd dFku ds lEeq[k ^lgh^ vFkok ^xyr^ fyf[k, p- ukys ds ikl dSlh ?kkl yxh gqbZ Fkh \
& N- dks;y vkSj dkS, dh igpku dSlh dh tkrh gS \
i) vkRe & la;e ds vuqlkj vkpj.k djuk vklku gSA 2- feyku djsa %&
ii) izyksHku ls yM++kbZ djus ds fy, rqEgsa iDds yky ukyh
bjkns dk gksuk pkfg,A jkst cdjk
iii) izyksHku dk vFkZ gS] cqjh bPNkvksa ds le{k ukyk #ddj
>qd tkukA cdjh Hkwjh
iv) rqEgsa vius efLr”d dh lgk;rk ls vius vki ij fu;a=.k pydj dHkh & dHkh
djuk gksxkA 3- lgh mÙkj ds lkeus lgh dk fpUg yxkb, &
4- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj ,d ‘kCn esa nhft,& i) le; gh lQyrk dh &&&&&&&&& gSA
d- ,d fnu ,d vehj vkneh fdlds ikl vk;k \ [k- vehj d- rkyk [k- pkch x- dqath ?k- buesa ls dksbZ
vkneh ds cVq, esa D;k Hkjs gq, Fks \ x- chjcy us ugha
gj ,d ukSdj dks D;k pht nh\ ?k- vijk/kh ukSdj dks ii) le; dk lnqi;ksx djus okys &&&&&&& djrs gSA
dgkW Hkst fn;k x;k \ d- dekbZ [k- mUurh x- uqdlku ?k- buesa ls
5- fuEufy[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj la{ksi esa nhft, & dksbZ ugha
i) ,d vkneh ds ikl dkSu & dkSu ls tkuoj Fks \ iii) fudEes yksx viuk le; &&&&&&& fcrkrs gSaA
ii) jkLrs esa x/ks us ?kksM+s ls D;k dgk \ d-lksusesa [k-?kweus&fQjus esa xmijksDr
iii) vUr esa pyrs & pyrs ?kksM+k D;k lkspus yxk \ nksuksa?k-buesa ls dksbZ ughaA
iv)nwdkunkj us lcls igys iqLrd dh &&&&&&& iii) The young one of duck is called kitten.
iv) Skeloton give shape to our body.
dher crkbZA v) We must keep our back straight.
d- ikWp #i;k [k- lkr #i;k x- N% #i;k ?k-buesa ls 4. Match the following :-
dksbZ ugha i) Tongue a) breathing
ii) Legs b) think
4- foykse ‘kCn fy[ks %& jktk] jkr] xehZ] xjhc] iii) Eyes c) taste
vUnjA iv) Brain d)see
5- okD; cukosa %& Hkkr] ngh] nky] ckny] fpfM+;kA v) Lungs e) legs
5. Answer thefollowing questions :-
6- uhps fn, x, ‘kCnksa ds fyax cnysa & jktk] HkkbZ] i) What is skeleton ?
pkpk] cSy] yM+dkA ii) Name the babies of cow, horse and lion.
iii) How are bonbes and muscles useful to us .
Class : Two F.M. : 100 Class : Two F.M. : 50
Sub : Science Time : 2 hours Sub : G. K. Time : 2 hours
1. Tick the correct answer :- 1. Answer the following questions :-
i) …….. are used for many purpose. a) What is your name ?
a) Plants b) dolls c) cake b) Which class do you read in ?
ii) Plants are very ………… to us. c) What is your father’s name ?
a) Useful b) unuseful c) comfort d) Where do you live ?
iii) The sound of elephant is called …………. 2. Match the following :-
a) Chatter b) roar c) trumpet i) Cow a) silk
iv) I can eat with the help of ………..
ii) Hen b) wool
a) Legs b) head c) hand
v) There are ……….. bones in our body. iii) Bee c) milk
a) 106 b) 206 c) 306 iv) Silkworm d) eggs
2. Fill in the blanks :- v) Sheep e) honey
i) The bones and …………… work together. (bones/muscles) 3. Fill in the blanks :-
ii) The …………. help us to breathe. (lungs/eyes) i) ………….. is the capital of India ?
iii) A calf sucks ………. ( milk/food) ii) A ………. Brings letters.
iv) We get oil trom ………… (mustard / water ) iii) A ………. Has seven colours.
v) ……….. lives many years. ( plants / flowers ) iv) A cow gives us ………..
3. Write True or False :- v) Mother cuts vegetables with a ……………
i) Most of the tree live for many years. 4. Tick the right answers :-
ii) We get fibers and catton from mango plants. i) How many wheels has a bus ?
a) Two b) three c) four iii) Ram and Sita were watching T. V.
ii) Who makes furniture ? iv) I am going to market.
a) Tailor b) postman c) carpenter v) You will be a doctor.
iii) Who was the First Prime Minister of India ? 6. Write the following in good writing.
a) P.t. Jawaharlal Nehrub) Mahatma Gandhi c) Subhash Geoge was a little boy. Once, his father give him a hatchet.
Chandra Bose
It was new and bright Geoge was very happy. He went
iv) The Char Minar is located in
about chopping things with it. He ran to the garden. There
a) Bijapur b) Hyderabadc) Allahabad
v) How many day’s are there in week ? he saw a small tree. It seemed to say to him, ‘Come and cut
a) Five b) six c) seven me down with your hatchet.
5. Write the name of five flowers.


Class : Three F.M. : 100 FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
Sub : English Time : 2 hours Class : Three F.M. : 100
Sub : Hindi Time : 2 hours
1. Answer the following questions :-
i) Who was Lakkhu ? 1- Lkgh fodYi pqfu, &
ii) Who decided th2 case ? d- pqg & pqg pg & pg xkrk jg & jg Mkyks ij
iii) Who was Antony ? Where did he live ? v- eksj c- dcwrj l- rksrk
2. Fill in the blanks :- [k- tc rd ty esa gksrh ljlj nkSM+ yxkrh
i) Antony lived in village of .............. v- eNyh c- rksrk l- Mky
ii) Soon there was a ................. crowd out side his hut. x- iydsa ewwWn tkrh vki gh tc euq”; &&&&& gSaA
iii) Lakkhu went to see his ............. friend Lakshman. v- jksrk c- lksrk l- eksVk
iv) Lakkhu was a ............ merchant . ?k- &&&&& fnu eas fNi tkrs gSaA
v) A quarrel started between Lakkhu and .............. v- lw;Z c- pkWn rkjs
3. Give plural forms :- 2- fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft, &
Baby, box, pen, monkey, wolf. d- cjcn ds isM+ ij vusd if{k;kas dk &&&&&& FkkA
4. Give the opposite words the following :- [k- pkjksa csVs cjxn ij viuk & viuk &&&&& tkrs jgs FksA
Strong, first, good, one, day. x- xkWo okyksa us mudk &&&&&& lqukA
5. Change into interrogative sentences :- ?k- pkjksa ds chp fQj &&&&&& Nk xbZA
i) Ram has eaten a mango. M- yksx pqipki [kM+s &&&&& ns[k jgs FksA
ii) They are playing football. 3- lR; vkSj vlR; fyf[k, &
d- lsB th us fiatjk [kksydj rksrs dks mM+k fn;k FkkA
[k- mYYkq le> ldk Fkk fd rksrk Pkedhys tgjhys Qy [kk ldrk x- +_ $ r~ $ m
gSA v- fjrq c- fjrw l- _rq
x- fiatjs ls ckgj vkdj rksrk izlUu u FkkA ?k- n~ $ o~ $ vk $ j~ $ v
?k- ;g vko’;d ugha fd pedhyh o yqHkkouh oLrq,W v- nkj c- }kj l- nkjk
ykHknk;d Hkh gksaA M- d~ $ v $ y~ $ v $ e~ $ v
4- lgh esy feykvks & v- dye c- dle l- diV
i) Hkk”kk ds #i d- lekpkj i= 4- fuEufyf[kr loZuke ‘kCnksa ds mfpr f}opu pqudj fyf[k,
ii) ekSf[kd Hkk”kk [k- 14 flrEcj &
iii) fyf[kr Hkk”kk x- nks d- vge~ ¾ &&&&&&& ¼vkoke~] Roe~ ½
iv) varjk”Vh; Hkk”kk ?k- ckrsa djuk [k- b;e~ ¾ &&&&&&&& ¼ bekS] bes ½
v) fganh fnol M- vaxzsth x- ,rr~ ¾ &&&&&&&& ¼ ,”kk] ,rs ½
5- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj fyf[k, %& ?k- l% ¾ &&&&&&&&& ¼ rkS] rs ½
d- o.kZ fdls dgrs gaS \ M- dk ¾ &&&&&&&&& ¼ ds] dkS ½
[k- ‘kCn fdls dgrs gSa \ 5- mfpr feyku djsa %&
i) bes d- dkSu nks
x- vFkZ ds vk/kkj ij ‘kCn fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gS \ uke
ii) dkS [k- ;s lc
iii) vkoke~ x- os lc
iv) ds ?k- ge nks
Class : Three F.M. : 100
Sub : Sanskrit Time : 2 hours
1- fuEufyf[kr ‘kCnksa ds o.kZ & foPNsn djsa & VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO)
dye] ckyd] fgeky;] lqjs’k] lhrk] jfo] eqfu] unh] x#] jke] FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
2- o.kkZs dks tksM+dj ‘kCn cukb, & Class : Three F.M. : 100
d½ e~ $ vk $ u~ $ v $ o~ $ v [k½ d~ $ v $ d~ $ “k~ $ vk Sub : Social Science Time : 2 hours
x½ j~ $ vk $ t~ $ vk ?k½ j~ $ vk $ e~ $ vk 1. Tick the correct option :-
i) …………. is the only natural satellite of the earth.
M-½ d~ $ v $ e~ $ v $ y~ $ v a) Jupiter b) Pluto c) Moon
3- ‘kq) mÙkj dk lgh dk fu’kku yxkosa %& ii) …………. is a dwarf planet.
d- o~ $ v $ /k~ $ Å a) Pluto b) Mercury c) Mars
v- o/kq c- o/kw l- oq/k iii) The ……….. means everything that exists.
[k- j~ $ vk $ t~ $ vk a) Earth b) Univdderse c) Planet
v- jkt c- jktk l- jtk iv) ………….. is a pattern of stars in the sky.
a) Solar system b) constellation c) sirius
v) ………… is the farthest planet from the Sun. i) djksM+hey uke dk ,d
a) Neptune b) Mercury c) Saturn
2. Fill in the blanks :- d- ukfj;y okyk FkkA
i) Our Earth is a ……………planet. [k- datwl vkneh FkkA
ii) …………… is the smallest continent. ii) djksM+hey dh iSj dh gM~Mh VwV xbZ D;ksafd
iii) We get heat and …………… from the Sun on earth.
iv) There are …………. Different seasons. &
v) The ………….. ocean is the largest ocean. d- og ukfj;y rksM+rs le; isM+ ls fxj iM+kA
3. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements :- [k- mldk nqdkunkj ls >xM+k gks x;Ka
i) Elephant is the ship of the desert.
ii) India’s population is above 105 crores. 3- lgh mÙkj ij lgh ¼½ dk fu’kku yxkb, %&
iii) Island is the large land area surrounded by water. d- euq”; czgekth ds ikl D;k ysdj igWwpk \
iv) Indira point is the northern most point of India. v- f’kdk;r c- izkFkkZuk
v) The Great Indian Desert called the thar Desert.
4. Match the following :- [k- euw”; dks czgekth us D;k iznku fd;k \
i) Assam a) Dehradun v- FkSys c- /ku
ii) Chhattisgarh b) Srinagar x- czgekth us euq”; ls fdl FkSys dks xnZu ij yVdk;k
iii) Jammu & Kashmir c) Jaipur
iv) Uttarakhand d) Dispur j[kus ds fy, dgk \
v) Rajsthan e) Raipur v- gjs - yky
5. Answer the following questions :- 4- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj gkW ;k ugha esa mÙkj
i) What isUniverse ?
ii) What do you mean by continents ? Name all the continens of nhft, &
the earth. d- D;k rqe vius iM+ksfl;ksa dh cqjkb;kW dk FkSyk
iii) Write the neighbouring country of india. viuh xnZu ij yVdk;s jgrs gks \
VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO) [k- D;k rqe viuh cqjkbZ crkus okys dks MkWVrs
Class : Three F.M. : 50 x- D;k rqe viuh cqjkbZ;ks ds izfr lko/kku jgrs gks \
Sub : Moral Science Time : 2 hours
1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa %&
i) ghjs ds O;kikjh dgkW tk jgk Fkk \
ii) lHkh ;kf=;ks dh D;k bPNk gqbZ \ FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
iii) is’kok us fdlku dks Qly ds cnys D;k fn;k \ Class : Three F.M. : 50
iv) ejkBk lSfud fdl ckr Lks O;kdqy Fks \ Sub : G. K. Time : 2 hours
2- lgh mÙkj ij lgh ¼½ dk fu’kku yxk, 1. Tick the correct answer :-
i) Which is the nearest planet to the Sun ?
a) Mars b) earth c) mercury 5. Give the expanded form of :-
ii) Earth revolves around the a) 1,748 b) 3,068 c) 5,393
a) Sun b) Moon c) Jupiter
d) 6,110 e) 8,008
iii) The 8 planet in our solar system go around the star. What is the
star called ? 6. Put <, > or = in the box :-
a) The moon b) The Sun c) The Asteroid a) 7438 [ ] 8254 d) 3684 [ ] 3684
iv) How many planets are there in our solar system ? b) 5258 [ ] 1598 e) 275+64 [ ] 888
a) Eight b) nine c) ten c) 3567 [ ] 1345
v) How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth ? 7. Write the number name of the following :-
a) 1 minute b)8 minutes c) 24 hours
a) 1402 b) 2263 c) 5221 d) 30027 e) 7605
2. Fill in the blanks using the correct number :-
i) ----------- minute make an hour. ( 1/60)
ii) ----------- hours make a day. (24/44) 8. Write the numbers shown by the Roman numerals :-
iii) ----------- days make a week. ( 7/9) I V X L C
iv) ----------- days make a fortnight. ( 20/15)
v) ------------ days make a year. (30/365)
3. Match the table :-
i) Vulture a) grass 9. Write the time :-
ii) Crocodile b) dead animals
iii) Bear c) deer
iv) Cow d) fish
v) Lion e) plants and animals
4. Fill in the blanks to know more about the wonder world of
computer :-[ language, monitor, Charles Babbage, keyboard,
i) Computer has its own ------------- because it cannot understand
our language.
ii) ----------- is known as the father of computer.
iii) The ----------- shows words and pictures.
iv) Computer convert input into ------------
v) The ---------- in used to enter the data.

Class : Three F.M. : 100 Class : Three F.M. : 100
Sub : Science Time : 2 hours
Sub : Mathematics Time : 2 hours 1. Tick the correct answer :-
i) The tiny pores in leaves are called 1. Tick the correct answer :-
a) Roots b) shoot system c) stomata i) Annu saved only :-
ii) It has a long and slender beak ------ a) Ten rupees b) twenty rupees c) fifty rupees
a) Sparrow b) hooper c) duck ii) Annu’s father was planning to buy a diamond
iii) Birds do not have ………….. a) Necklace b) ring c) bangle
a) Beak b) feather c) teeth iii) Annu purchased the vegetable
iv) It is a flesh eating animals :- a) Peeler b) basket c) none of these
a) Rabbit b) hen c) lion iv) The sky looked down and saw the
v) Always walk on the ………… of the road. a) Moon b) stars c) earth
a) Road path b) footpath c) middle path v) They fixed the day of
2. Fill in the blanks :- a) Departure b) wedding c) divorce
i) Careless use of electricity is very ………… (dangerous / safe ) 2. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false :-
ii) A ………… has a broad and flate beak. (duck / cats) i) Jyoti was Annu’s best friend.
iii)……….. have no sense organs. ( plant/animal) ii) Annu was very happy before her mother birthday.
iv)Snake lays …….. (eggs/baby) iii) Annu’s father was giving her mother an elegant diamond ring.
v) Fish have ………. to breathe. (gills / lungs ) iv) Annu gave her mother a simple but useful gift on her birthday.
3. True / false :- v) The sky put on a shining red robe.
i) Plants do not move at all . 3. Answer the following questions :-
ii) Ducks and frogs cannot move. i) How much money did Annu have ?
iii) Cows and zebras are grass eating animals. ii) What did Annu buy for her mother ?
iv) Butterflies suck nectar from flowers.’ iii) How does she build her cell ?
v) There is mo need to use a seat belt in the moving car. iv) What does she spread in her cell ?
4. Match the following :- v) Whom did Annu ask for suggestion ?
i) Seed a) cub 4. Put these words in alphabetical order :-
ii) Lion b) seedling i) Orange, mango, apple, banana.
iii) Dog c) tadpole ii) Stool, desk, table, chair, sofa.
iv) Frog d) puppy iii) Sunflower, rose, daffodil , lotus.
v) Lion e) a baby iv) Notebook, book, pen, inkpot.
5. Answer the following questions :- v) Yogendra, Vicky, Aman, Kishan.
i) What are omnivores ? 5. Write an application to The Headmaster for leave two days.
ii) Why do living things need food ?
iii) Write any three important rules of safety you should follow at
home ?

Class : Four F.M. : 100 Class : Four F.M. : 100
Sub : English Time : 2 hours Sub : Hindi Time : 2 hours
1- Lkgh fodYi ij ¼½ dk fpUg yxkb, %& jktk] csVk] Nk=] firk] ekekA
d- xkW/kh th ges’kk vius gkFk esa
v- dye j[krs Fks c- ykBh j[krs Fks l- vkyw j[krs Fks n- VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO)
bues ls dksbZ ugha FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24
[k- xkW/kh th gkeh gS & Class : Four F.M. : 100
v- izse ds c- vfgalk ds l- izse vfgalk ds n- buesa ls dksbZ Sub : Sanskrit Time : 2 hours
x- tokgjyky ykBh ls Vdjk, dqN xqLls esa vk, dqN & 1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa A
v- Mj x, c- fxj x, l- ?kcjk x, n- buesa ls dksbZ d- Hkkjro”ksZ dfr _ro% HkofUr \
ughsa [k- olUrdkys vfuy% dFka izofUr \
?k- xkW/kh th ds ikl tokgj yky dc x, Fks &
v- lqcg ds le; c- jkr ds le; l- nksigj ds le; n- buesa ls dksbZ
x- fu/kZusH;% fda ;PNsr~ \
ugha ?k- ds”kke~ vkpkj% lnkpkj% dF;sr~ \
2- lR; dFku ds lkeus lR; rFkk vlR; dFku ds lkeus vlR; fyf[k, M- ckydkuka uk;d% d% vklhr~ \
%& 2- fjDr LFkkuksa dks iwfrZ dhft, %&
d- tokgjyky xkW/kh th ls feyus x, FksA
[k- xkW/kh th vius gkFk esa ryokj j[krs Fksa d- &&&&& n’k ckydkuka uk;d% vklhr~A
x- xkW/kh th izse & vfgalk ds gkeh FksA [k- HkkjrL; losZtuk% &&&&& unh iwt;fUrA
?k- xkW/kh th vfgalkoknh ugha FksA x- uj% dnkfi &&&&& u onsr~A
M- dfo lHkh dh >wBh Ik’kalk fd;k djrk FkkA
3- feyku djsa %&
?k- &&&&&euksje% orZrsA
i) ?kM+h Fkh d- UkUgk nhi Fkk M- iyk’k iq”iS% &&&&&& vkjDrk tk;rsA
ii) ikWp gkFk dk [k- fn[kh u ykBh 3- laLd`r esa okD; cukosa %&
iii) dqfV;k ds dksus esa x- ckiw Hkh gWls vkpkj%] fe=rke~] loZnk] olUrdky%] lq[ke~A
iv) vaf/k;kjs esa ?k- jkr
v) lqudj gWls tokgj M- eksVk yV~B 4- vFkZ fy[ksa %&
4- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa %& gLrs LQfVdekfydka fon/krha i|klus
i) dqfV;k fdl lk/ku ls izdkf’kr Fkh \ lafLFkrke~A
ii) ‘;kew esa dkSu & lh cqjh vknr Fkh \
iii) ‘;kew dh ukuh us mls D;k cukdj f[kyk;k \
oUns rka ijes’ojh Hkxorha cqf)iznka
iv) xkW/kh th ds ikl tokgjyky fdl le; x, Fks \ ‘kkjnke~AA
v) tokgjyky th dks ykBh D;ksa u fn[kkbZ ns ldh Fkh \ 5- d- [kkn~ /kkrq yV~ ydkj ds rhukas iq#”k ,oa
5- fuEufyf[kr ‘kCnksa ds fyax cnydj fy[ksa %& opuksa esa fy[ksaA
[k- foHkfDr ,oa opuksa esa fy[ksa %& v) Bihar e) Chandigarh
8. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:-
u|ke~] dkydku~] ifFkd] o`{kkr~] rVsA i) The Northern plains of India are the smallest plains in the world.
6- laLd`r esa vuqokn djsa %& ii) The climate of the Northern plains is very healthy.
iii) Varansi is a holy city of Christians.
d- pkSFkh d{kk ds nl ckyd Luku ds fy, unh rV iv) Soil of Northern plains is very rich and fertile.
in x,A [k- vfer mudk uk;d FkkA x- vlR; v) A basin is an area drained by a river and its tributaries.
9. Answer the following questions:-
ugha cksyuk pkfg,A ?k- og ?kj tkrk gSA i) Define term plateau.
M- os yksx fo|ky; tkrs gSaA ii) What does the word ‘Himalayas’ mean ?
iii) Write the name of three ranyes of the Himalayas.
Class : Four F.M. : 100 Class : Four F.M. : 100
Sub : Social Science Time : 2 hours Sub : Mathematics Time : 2 hours
5. Tick the correct answer :-
1. Tick () the correct answer :-
i) …………… is the largest seaport of India.
i) In 38624 , 6 is at :-
a) Chennai b) Mumbai c) Kanyakumari
a) Tens place b) hundred place c) thousands place
ii) A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides………..
ii) In 25429, the underlined digit is at :-
a) Islnd b) sea c) canal
a) Hundred place b) thousand place c) ten thousand place
iii) ………… is the main occupation of people of Eastern coasal
iii) In 72489, 8 is in the :-
a) Ones period b) Lakhs period c) thousands period
a) Agriculture b) mining c) fishing
iv) Hundred millions is
iv) Crude oil defined in the ………… refinery.
a) 100000000 b) 1000000 c) 10000000
a) Malbari b) Koyali c) odisha
v) 1 million ---------- Lakhs.
v) ………… coast is a fertile alluvial pain.
a) 1 b) 10 c) 100
a) Gujrat b) konkan c) Malbar
2. Write in words :-
6. Fill in the blanks :-
a) 38245 b) 65281
i) ………… hair is used to make clothes and its skin to make tents.
3. Fill in the boxes using <, > or =
ii) ………. and ………… are main languages of Rajsthan.
a) 2,90,999 [ ] 2,90,999 d) 5,56,789 [ ] 5,56,790
iii) The camel is also known as the ………….
b) 3,23,456 [ ] 3,23,457 e) 6,50,900 [ ] 6,70,678
iv) The ……….. is party sandy and party rocky.
c) 4,11,100 [ ] 4,10,100
v) ……… are small hills of sand in the desert.
4. Arrange in ascending order :-
7. Match the following :-
a) 35778, 36787, 36877, 35877, 36778
i) Maharashtra a) Channai
b) 20196, 22169, 20961 20691, 22691
ii) Punjabi b) Dehradun
5. Write in Roman numbers :-
iii) Tamil Nadu c) Mumbai
a) 25 b) 60 c) 75 d) 59 e) 80
iv) Uttarkhand d) Patna
6. There are 1925598 men, 162942 women and 221251 children in a [k- og bruk dzksf/kr gqvk fd &&&&&& dks
city. Find the population of that city.
7. I subtracted a number from 80246 and got 31592 as the answer. gh xkfy;kW nsus yxkA
Which number did I subtract ? x- &&&&&& xsV ds igjs ij [kM+k FkkA
8. Find the product :-
a) 5 X 1000 b) 16 X 2000 c) 21 X 4000 d) 9 X 5000 e) 45 X 2000 ?k- Hkwysa &&&&&&& nsus ds fy, gh vkrh
9. A bag contains 75 kg of wheat. How much would 130 such bags gSA
weight ?
10. Divide, write the quotient and the remainder :- M- ,d le; Fkk+] tc Hkkjr &&&&&& dk lcls
a) 129 ÷ 5 b) 582 ÷ 3 c) 652 ÷ 4 vehj ns’k FkkA
3- lgh dFku ij lgh rFkk xyr dFku ij xyr fpUg
FIRST TERMINAL EXAMINATION 2023 – 24 dk fu’kku yxkosa %&
Class : Four F.M. : 50 d- izkphu dks ?kj vk, esgeku dks eqf[k;k us
Sub : Moral Science Time : 2 hours fujknj vkSj vieku fd;kA
1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsa A [k- cxnkn bjku dh jkt/kkuh gSA
d- ljk; ds ekfyd us nsonwr dks vius fo”k; eas x- vCcq ‘kCn dk vFkZ firkth gksrk gSA
D;k crk;k \ ?k- LoxZ nwr jktk rSewjyax ds xsV ij igjsnkj
[k- Hkxoku fo”k.kq us LoxZ ij fdldk vf/kdkj FkkA
mfpr ekuk \ M- nwr us ljk; ds ekfyd ds fy, LoxZ dk xsV
x- nwj & nwj rd Hkkjr ds fo”k; es fdl ckr dh [kksy fn;kA
ppkZ gksrh Fkh \
?k- nsork fduls rax vkdj eqfDr ds fy, Hkxoku
fo”.kq ds ikl igWwps \
M- Hkwy dks le>rs gq, Hkh ;fn og iqu% dh VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO)
tkrh gS rks og D;k cu tkrkgS \ Class : Four F.M. : 100
2- fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ djsa %& Sub : Science Time : 2 hours
d- fHk[kkjh ds ;s vi’kCn lqudj &&&&&& 1. tick the correct answer :-
i) Which one of the following gvies green clour to the leaves ?
mlds ikl x;kA a) Node b) chlorophyll c) guard cells
ii) Which one is a terrestrial plants :-
a) Cerioops b) tapegrass c) pondweed d) Which is the largest Desert in India ?
iii) A butterfly passes through --------- stages during its lifecycle. e) Which is the largest Canal in India ?
a) Four b) three c) two 7. Match the following :-
iv) It is a cold blooded animal …….. i) Monkey a) 13 – 17 years
a) Slothe b) tiger c) frog ii) Lion b) 60 years
v) Rotation causes ………… iii) Cat c) 28 years
a) Day and nilght b) season c) monthe iv) Spider d) 20 years
2. Fill in the blanks :- v) Elephant e) 25 years
i) Cereal plants belongs to …… family of plant kingdom. (grass/soil) 8. Tick the right answer :-
ii) Plant prepare ………. During photosynthesis . (plangt / food) i) The largest flower in the world is :-
iii) All ……….. lay eggs to reproduce . (insect/mammals) a) Reffiesia b) marigold c) lotus
iv)Tapeloorm live in the intestine of …………. (fish/man) ii) Carrots have lots of vitamin :-
v) Clouds, dew, fog, frost and snos are all exaples of ……….. a) A b) B c) C
(cooling/weather) iii) Cacti are the best known plants found in :-
3. True / false :- a) Lakes b) Deserts c) mountains
i) Arbored animals live mostly on tree. iv) This tree is sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists :-
ii) Synthesis means putting together. a) Neem b) Peepal c) Ashoka
iii) Oxyen is absorbed durig photosynthesis. v) Sugar from sugarcane is prepared from the juice in its :-
iv) Lotus and tapegrass are equatic animals. a) Stem b) leaves c) roots
v) Aerial animal do not have flight muscles to fly. 9. Write the name of five famous Indian Scientists .
4. Match the following :- 10. Tick the correct answer :-
i) Dog a) omnivores animals i) Which one of the following stores lrge amount of information :-
ii) Shark b) parasite a) Prn drive b) Hard disk drive c) compact disc
iii) Human c) decomposer ii) The full from of CPU is :-
iv) Leech d) aquatic animals a) Central Processing Unit b) central process unit c) check
v) Beceria e) erresfrial animals processing unit
5. Answer the following question :- iii) Which of these can be called as the brain of computer :-
i) What are the various stages in a cockroach lifecycle ? a) Ram b) Rom c) CPU
ii) What is adaptation ? iv) What does the ‘F’ mean on the F1, F2, F3 etc in key board ?
iii) What is rotatioin and revolution ? a) Calculators b) Abacus c) Super computer
Class : Four F.M. : 50
Sub : G.K. Time : 2 hours
6. Answer the following questions :-
a) Who is the largest flower in the world ?
b) How many teeth has a child ?
c) How many bones are there in the Human body ?
d- ,UMsUl [k- gkbZ Ldwy
ii) mu fnuksa ckjgoha d{kk dh ijh{kk dks D;k dgk tkrk Fkk
d- nUVj [k- vkbZ0 ,0
iii)fdlh dks jktsUnz izlkn ds vlQyrk gksus dk fo’okl D;ksa
ugha gks jgk Fkk D;ksafd &
d- jktsUnz gksugkj] ek/koh vkSj ifjJeh Nk= FksA
[k- jktsUnz us lQy gksus ds fy, fizalhiy fj’or ns j[kh
2- mi;qDr ‘kCn Hkjdj okD;ksa dks iwjk dhft, %&
i) xq#dqy esa nwj & nwj ls foKkFkhZ &&&&& xzg.k djus
vk;k djrs FksA
ii) xq#th cksys & esjs ikl viuh iw=h dk fookg djus ds fy,
Ik;kZIr &&&& ugha gSA
iii)lHkh f’k”; vius &&&& dh utj cpkdj pksjh & fNis /ku yk,
iv) bZ’oj gekjs lc &&&&& dks ns[krk gSA
v) xq#th dks vius dU;k ds fy, ;ksX; &&&& dh ryk’k FkhA
3- fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ mi;qDr ‘kCnksa ls djs %&
i) ,fQe &&&&& rks Fkk] ijUrq ,fy’kk dh rjg n;kyq vkSj
&&&& ugha FkkA
ii) ,fy’kk ,d vius fe= ls dgk] yxrk gS esjs &&&&&
esa ;s#’kye dh ;k=k dk iq.; ugha gSA
iii),fQe dks ;s#’kye ds ifo= fxjtk?kj esa &&&&& ds ihNs
&&&&& [kM+k gqvk fn[kkbZ iM+kA
iv) ,fQe eu gh eu ,fy’kk ds HkkX; ls &&&&& djus yxkA
VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO) 4- bl ?kVuk ls jktsUnz izlkn ds pfj= dh fdl&fdl fo’ks”krk ij
First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24 izdk’k iM+rk gS &
Class : Five Time : 2 hours ‘kkfyurk ¼ ½ lkgl o ‘kfDr ¼ ½ LofHkeku ¼
Sub : Moral science F.M. : 50 ½
1- Lkgh mÙkj ij lgh ¼ ½ dk fu’kku yxkb, & g#/kferk ¼ ½ vkRefo’okl ¼ ½ cqf)ekuh
i) mu fnuksa nloha d{kk dh ijh{kk dks dgk tkrk Fkk &
¼ ½
5- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj la{ksi esssa nhft, &
i) ^cqf)^ nqfu;k dh lcls cM+h pht gSA D;ksa \ 5. Eskimos live in house called igloos. [ ]
D. Answer the following questions :-
ii) ^cqf) fpUrk fdl izdkj [kkrh gS ^ lksnkgj.k crkb,A
1. What is a globe ?
iii) ^cqf) dzks/k ihrh gSA^ lksnkgj.k Li”V dhft,A 2. What is the importance of prime meridian ?
iv) ^cqf) D;k djrh gS \^ bl iz’u dks fxfn/kj us ckn’kkg dks 3. What is weather ?
fdl izdkj le>k;k \ 4. What is Cassana ?
5. What are huskies ?


First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24
First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24 Sub : G. K. F.M. : 100
Class : Five Time : 2 hours 1. Answer the following questions :-
Sub : Social science F.M. : 100 i) Which is the smallest sea turtu ?
A. Tick () the correct option :- ii) Which bird can fly backwords ?
1. The model of the earth is ……………
iii) What is a Pudu ?
a) Equator [ ] b) globe [ ] c) map [ ]
2. There are ……………. Lines of longitudes. iv) Do snakes have eyelids ?
a) 180 [ ] b) 360 [ ] c) 270 [ ] v) How many toes does a lizard have ?
3. The earth is divided into …………… heat zones. 2. Tick the correct answer :
a) Two [ ] b) three [ ] c) four [ ] i) The green colour of the leaves is due to the presence
4. River Zaire is also known as the river…………. of ;
a) Nile [ ] b) Congo [ ] c) Mississipt [ ]
a) Stomata b) chlorophyl c) stamen
5. ………… is the largest island of the world.
a) Malaysia [ ] b) Greenland [ ] c) Lakshadweep [ ] ii) Raddish and carrots are called
B. Fill in the blanks :- a) Fruits b) roots c) stem
1. ………….. is very big in size. iii) Canvas in made of this plant;
2. The Tropic of concer is in the …………. Hemisphere. a) Bamboo b) hemp c) banana
3. The scientists who study weather are called………….. iv) Flowers bloom best in this season.
4. The capital of Zaire is ……………
a) Spring b) rainy c) winter
5. Greenland has a very ……………. Population.
C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements :- v) Mushrooms belongs to the group of
1. 23 1/20 s is called the Arctic circle. [ ] a) Flowers b) leaves c) fungi
2. Parallels of latitude are of equal length. [ ] 3. Match the following –
3. The scientists who study climate are meteorologists. [ ] i) Fountainpen a) John. J. Lord
4. Congo river is the largest river in Africa. [ ] ii) Ball point pen b) lawis E. Waterman
iii) Safety rozor c) King C. Gillette v) Plastics is useful to environment.
5. Match the following :
iv) Television d) Samuel colt i) Young a) waiting
v) Revolver e) Thoms Alvaedisnon ii) Best b) man
iii) Neat and c) clothes
4. Write the answer :- iv) Always d) gold
i) The largest planet a) the hottest planet v) Ring of e) clean
ii) The red planet b) the green planet 6. Find the opposite of the given words :- Young, always, brother, beautiful, girl.
7. Write an application to ‘The Headmaster’ to leave two days.
iii) The living planet 8. Translate in to English :-
5. Write the name of five spices. eSa i<+rk gWwA D;k rqe [kkrs gks \ og fy[krh gSA
VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO) vki [ksyrs gSaA D;k jk/kk ukprh gS \
First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24 VIVEK ENGLISH ACADEMY SABRA (BOKARO)
Class : Five Time : 2 hours First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24
Sub : English F.M. : 100 Class : Five Time : 2 hours
Sub : Science F.M. : 100
1. Tick () the correct answer :
i) In Varanasi District, there is a village called --------- . In which an old, 1. Tick the correct answer :-
childless widow used to live : i) Which one is the female part of flower :-
a) Mira b) Sira c) Bira d) Hira a) Stigma b) anther c) filament
ii) Tarun was not the most fortunate young : ii) Seeds with two cotyledons are called as
a) Man b) boy c) woman d) shopkeeper a) Cotyledon b) seedling c) dicots
iii) Who discovered plastic ? iii) Most of the animals that live on land have ----------
a)John Thomson b) W. Hyatt c) Alexander d) Nehruji a) Four legs b) two legs c) six legs
iv) Bhungi now had no means of : iv) Each finger has ………… bones .
a) Transport b) support c) water d) sleep a) Two b) three c)four
v) Today’s world can be called the :
v) The part of the eyes on which images (picture) from is called the
a) Plascic world b) iron world c) copper world d) silver world
2. Answer the following questions :-
i) Why did the people of Pandit smash the old woman’s parch ? a) Retina b) lens c) pupil
ii) When Pandit came to collect rent, what was old woman doing ? 2. Fill in the blanks :-
iii) Why was Tarun not the most fortunate of young man ? i) Flower produce a sweet energy drink called ………. ( nector / pollen).
iv) Why cannot we burn the plastics ? ii) A seed is protectrd by a …………. ( redical/sowing)
v) Who is the writer of the poem ‘Mercy’ ? iii) Long catch insects with their long and ………… tongue. ( sicky/gills)
3. Fill in the blanks : iv) We must keep our surrounding …………. ( fats/clean)
i) Sorrow in this ----------- was preferable to happiness in another. v) Most of the joints of the skull are ………… ( fixed/ hinge)
ii) He was in --------- with a beautiful girl. 3. True or false :-
iii) My father has ----------- a step – mother for me. i) There are 306 bones in all in an adult’s body.
iv) The young man and his ---------- lived happily there after. ii) Light enter’s the eyes through the pupil.
v) Alexander Parkes of ---------- invented theplastic.
iii) Monthe are night pollinators.
4. Write ‘T’ for frue and ‘F’ for false statements:
i) Bhungi now had more means of support.
iv) Coconuts are dispersed by air.
ii) Pandit was one of the very kind hearted people of the village. v) To stay healthy an adult’s needs 6 to 8 hours to sleep in a day.
iii) Tarun allowed her to stay. 4. Match :-
iv) Trun took his bride to his cottage in his boat. i) After certain age a) are the hardest of all the bones
ii) Living tissues b) from the back bone or spine
iii) The bone of skull c) need food and oxygen
iv) Many bones joined together d) vertebral column.
v) The spine is also called e) bones stop growing
5. Answer the following questions :-
i) Name two types of joints.
ii) Name the two types of nerves .
iii) How malaria spread ?


First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24
Class : Five Time : 2 hours
Sub : Sanskrit F.M. : 100
1- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj laLd`e esa nsa %&
d- fgeky;% dq= fLFkrk% vfLr
[k- fgeky;s ioZrs dL; Hk.Mkj% fo|rs
x- tSu/keZL; vk|rhFkZdj% d% vklhr~
?k- ;’LoR;k% iq=h dk vklhr~
M- vLekfHk% ds”kka laM-~xfr% dk;kZ ds”kka pu
2- vFkZ fy[ksa %&
t; t; gs Hkxofr lqjHkkjfr! Ro pj.kkS iz.keke%A
uknczgHkefHk t;a okxs’ofj ! ‘kj.ka rs xPNke%AA
3- fjDr LFkkuksa dk iwfrZ djsa %&
d- vLekda ns’k &&&&& vfLrA
[k- fgeky;% fo’oL; &&&& ioZr vfLrA
x- rs”kka &&&&&& lalajL; lokZsPpa f’k[kje~
?k- v= vusdkfu jE;kf.k &&&&& lfUrA
M- egkohjL; tUe &&&& vHkor~A
4- laLd`r esa okD; cukosa %&
mÙkjs] izgjho] u|%] ioZrs] vkjksgdk%A v- 1638 bZ0 c- 1538 bZ0 l- 1400 bZ0 n- 1631
5- d- [kkn~ /kkrq yV~ ydkj rhuksa iq#”k ,oa opuksa bZ0
esa fy[ksaA M- nhoku & , & [kkl dh nhokj ij fdl Hkk”kk dk ‘kSj fy[kk
gqvk gS
[k- foHkfDr ,oa opuksa esa fy[ksa %& v- Qkjlh c- mnWw l- Ik’rkas n-
ckydL;] yrk;k] u|ke] yrk”kq] ckydH;ke~A fganh
x- laf/kfoPNsn djsa %& 2- dfork dh iafDr;kW iwjh dhft, &
fgeky;%] uxkf/kjkt%] loksZPp] ;’kksnk] x.ks’k d- lksprs dgrs gSa tks dqN dj &&&&&&& gSa oghA
%A [k- Hkwydj os dHkh nwljksa dk &&&&&& rkdrs ughaA
6- laLd`r esa vuqokn djsa %& x- fpyfpykrh /kwi eas tks &&&&&& nsosa cukA
d- fgeky; Hkkjr ds mÙkj esa gSA [k- fgeky; fo’o dk ?k- dke dks &&&&&&& djds ;ksa ugha tks NksM+rsA
M- dkWp dks djds fn[kk nsrs gSa os &&&&&& jRuA
lokZsPp ioZr gSA x- og fo|ky; tkrh gSA ?k- eSa ?kj 3- fuEufyf[kr iz’uksa ds mÙkj nhft, &
tkÅWxkA M- xk; nw/k nsrh gSA d- uhe dh ifÙk;kW fdl & fdl dke vkrh gS
[k- ikWpoh d{kk ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa us nhokyh fdl izdkj eukus
dk fu’p; fd;k
x- ^eu dh lQkbZ^ uked dgkuh ls D;k f’k{kk feyrh gS
First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24 [k- o.kZ & foPNsn ls D;k le>rs gS jkf=] l[kh] ,slh] d{kk
Class : Five Time : 2 hours ‘kCnksa ds o.kZ & foPNsn dhft, A
Sub : Hindi F.M. : 100 x- ‘kCnksa ds Hksn fdu & fdu vk/kkjksa ij fd, tkrs gSa
1- lgh fodYi ds lkeus lgh dk fu’kku yxkosa %& ?k- foykse fyf[k, & ykHknk;d] fo”k] uohuA
d- fnYyh dk izphu uke D;k Fkk
v- banzizLFk c- [kkaMoizLFk l- iqjkuh
fnYyhn- buesa ls dksbZ ughsa
[k- dqrqcn~nhu ,scd us dqrqcehukj dk fuekZ.k dc djk;k
v- 1100 bZ0 c- 1000 bZ0 l- 1200 bZ0 n- 1021
x- dqrqcehukj dh ÅWpkbZ fdruh gS First Terminal Examination 2023 – 24
v- 250 QqV c- 380 QqV l- 420 QqV n- 280 Class : Five Time : 2 hours
QqV Sub : Maths F.M. : 100
?k- ‘kkgtgkW us yky fdyk fdl lu~ esa cuok;k 1. Tick () the correct option :-
a) The roman number for 27 is :
i) CXVII [ ] ii) XXVII [ ] iii) XVIII [ ]
b) The Hindu-Arabic number for CL is :
i) 100 [ ] ii) 150 [ ] iii) 170 [ ]
c) The sum of XVII + XXIV is :
i) XXXXI [ ] ii) XL [ ] iii) XLI [ ]
d) Rounding off 47,859 to the nearest thousand gives :
i) 50,000 [ ] ii) 47,000 [ ] iii) 48,000 [ ]
e) Rounding off 9,95,74,623 to the nearest ten gives :
i) 9,95 ,74,630 ii) 9,95,74,625 iii) 9,95,74,620
2. Write the Roman numerals :-
a) 86 b) 264 c) 99 d) 411 e) 225
3. Write the expanded form :-
a) 273254278 b) 384567567
4. Arrange in columns and solve :-
a) 3567109 + 1873411 + 6540 c) 8136064 – 7743228
b) 44338811 – 11883344 d) 8576432 – 123456
5. A company purchased a bus for Rs. 2867896, a car for Rs. 334564
and a van for Rs. 20586. How much money did the company spend in
all ?
6. Match the following :-
a) 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 5 i) 180
b) 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 5 X 5 ii) 360
c) 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 5 iii) 900
d) 2 X 3 X 5 X 5 iv) 600
e) 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 5 X 5 v) 450
7. Subtract the following :-
i) 9668808 – 2999998 ii) 8963988 – 3549497
8. The cost of a computer is Rs. 75750. Find the cost of 110 such
9. Find the HCF of 48, 32 and 96.
10. Find the LCM of 4, 8, 24, 36.

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