Compulsory waypoints ειναι bold και θα πρεπει να αναφερουμε τη θεση μας στο ΑΤCοταν
ειμαστε ανωθεν.
Όταν είναι σκιαγραφημένο με μαύρο τότε είναι για front η back course .
PILOT NAV = το departure route βασιζεται εξ ολοκληρου στον πιλοτο και καποιες φορες
μπορει να δεχτει vectors.
Εάν δεν θελουμε να ακολουθησουμε τα published STAR or SID τοτε στα remarks του flight
plan θα πρπει να γραψουμε ΝΟ STAR NO SID
Όλα τα bearings ειναι magnetic διαφορετικα εχουν ενα μεγαλο Τ που σημαινει οτι ειναι true
D4/8= ο πρώτος αριθμός είναι για τον inbound δλδ την αποσταση που εχουμε απο το fix.
Όταν ο χρόνος για το holding ειναι αλλοσ απο αυτο του standard θα αναγραφεται μεσα σε
ενα black box.
When terrain within the approach chart plan view exceeds 4000 ft above a/p elevation or
when terrain within 6 NM of the ARP rises to at least 2000ft terrain contour info may be
Visual Descent Point (V) =a defined point on the final approach course of a non-precision
straight-in approach procedure from which normal descent from the MDA to the runway
touchdown point may be commenced, provided the approach threshold of that runway, or
approach lights, or other markings identifiable with the approach end of that runway are
clearly visible to the pilot.”
Ουσιαστικά κάνω το MDH/300ft παιρνω το υψος το οποιο ειναι μεσα στην παρενθεση
Kατω κάτω στα plates οταν το RVR and the VSIBILITY ειναι το ιδιο δινεται ενα value .
Διαφορετικά θα δοθούν δυο values ενα για το rvr και ενα για το visibility.
The "PANS-OPS'' margin notation indicates that the State has specified that the instrument
approach procedure complies with the ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services -
Aircraft Operations (PANS OPS) DOC 8168, Volume II, 1st or 2nd Edition. Aircraft
handling speeds for these procedures are shown on Introduction Page 2 under "AIRCRAFT
APPROACH CATEGORY (ICAO)''. Known deviations to these handling speeds are
PANS OPS 3" further indicates that holding speeds to be used are those specified in DOC
8168, Volume II, 3rd Edition.
'PANS OPS 4" further indicates that the acceleration segment criteria have been deleted as
formerly published in DOC 8168, Volume II, 3rd Edition. Jeppesen Air Traffic Control
("200" Series) pages provide an extract of the latest PANS OPS DOC 8168, Volume I and
the earlier version, concerning holding speeds. Holding speed tables for both the earlier
edition and the later editions 3 and 4 of PANS OPS are included in these pages.
TERPS" indicates that the State has specified that the instrument approach procedure
complies with the United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures. Note: Charts
dated prior to 21 NOV 03 do not include a TERPS margin notation.
Note: Τhe absence of a PANS OPS or TERPS margin notation means the instrument
approach design criteria are unknown.
Σε περίπτωση που το chart δεν εχει published straight in διαδικασια δεν παει να πει οτι η
πιλοτος αν κρινει οτι μπορει να προσγειωθει ως straight in
The fact that straight-in minimums are not published does not preclude the pilot from
landing straight-in, using published circling minimums, if the straight-in runway is in sight
with sufficient time to make a normal approach for landing. Under such conditions, and
when Air Traffic Control has provided clearance to land on that runway, the pilot is not
expected to circle even though straight-in minimums are not published. However, if a
circling maneuver is desired, the pilot should advise ATC.
VOT= VOR TEST FREQUENCY ουσιαστικά εκπέμπει ένα signal προκειμενου να τεσταρει
ποσο ακριβες ειναι το σημα που λαμβανει απο το VOR.
English=A ground facility which emits a test signal to check VOR receiver accuracy
UNICOM=universal communications δεινει πληροφοριες στο α/σ οταν δεν υπαρχει πυργος.
JET BLAST BARRIER OR DEFLECTOR = provide protection from the wind, noise and
heat that jets produce.They can be moved or to be capable of being raised and lowered.
Pierced steel planking runway=διαδρομος με αλουμινιο κατω οπωσ ειχαν κατα την διαρκεια
του πολεμου διοτι δεν ειχαν χρονο να στεριωσει το τσιμεντο.
Landing beyond t/o τι ειναι το grooved
HIRL=High Intensity Runway Εdge Lights
• White
• AMBER —> Last 2000ft or Half the runway whichever is less
Sos CL(50W,20R&W,20R)=first 5000ft white lights, 2000ft red and white, last 2000ft red
Όταν το configuration του διαδρομου ωσ προσ τα φωτα ειναι διαφορετικο τοτε θα
προσδιοριζεται οπως το παραπανω παραδειγμα!!!
ALSF-II= Approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights and red side row bars in
the last 1000ft.
SSALF — Simplified Short Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing Lights
VASI — Visual Approach Slope Indicator (L or R indicates left or right side of runway
AVASI — Abbreviated Visual Approach Slope Indicator (L or R indicates left or right side
of runway only)
TCH — Threshold Crossing Height=Height of the effective visual glide path over the
Υπάρχει περίπτωση να συναντήσουμε κάπου vasi????
Από τον παρακάτω πίνακα κρατάμε ότι υπάρχει chart για low Visibility taxi routes!!!
??????? PAGE 95?????If not published by the procedure source, a table depicting DME vs
altitude, distance vs altitude, or timing vs altitude will be calculated by Jeppesen and shown
above the profile view. The timing table includes the descent angle, the FAF and the altitude
at the FAF. Altitudes are calculated for 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100s from FAF and are based on
speeds of 90, 120, 140, 160 and 180kt. Only altitudes above the decision altitude are
Sample of timing vs altitude table
Where CDFA minimums are shown, the profile will be modified to depict the continuous
descent. The missed approach pull-up arrow is shown at the point where the decision height
is reached. There is no levelsegmentdepictedpriortotheMAP,andtheMAP is shown as
published by the procedure source.
In non-precision approaches shall be flown by using the CDFA technique with DA(H) and
the missed approach shall be executed when reaching the DA(H) or MAP whichever occurs
first.δειξε μου ενα παραδειγμα σε plate!!!!!
Όταν θα έχεις μόνο DA(H) η διαδικασία μπορεί να πεταχτεί μόνο σαν CDFA ενώ αν έχει
και MDA(H) μπορεί να πεταχτεί και ωσ non CDFA.
Το πρώτο βελάκι πριν το MAP είναι για να ξεκινήσουμε το missed approach procedure οταν
η διαδικασια που πεταμε ειναι non CDFA.
To δεύτερο βελάκι μετά το MAP ειναι για να ξεκινησουμε το missed approach οταν η
διαδικασια που πεταμε ειναι CDFA.
!πολύ απλά όταν είμαστε πιο accurate μπορουμε να κατεβουμε πιο κατω αρα τα minima και
το MAP θα ειναι πιο κατω!
The descent angle accuracy may be affected by temperature. When the outside air
temperature is lower than standard, the actual descent angle will be lower.
AIRAC - Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control. Designates the revision cycle
specified by ICAO, normally 28 days.
ATD - Along Track Distance, as "3 NM to RW24". H αποσταση που εχουμε απο ενα σημειο
για ενα αλλο.
DATABASE IDENTIFIER - Avionics system use only, not for flight plans or ATC
communica- tions. Identifies a waypoint or fix.
MCA - Minimum Crossing Altitude=is the lowest altitude at which a navigational fix can be
crossed when entering or continuing along an airway that will allow an aircraft to clear all
obstacles while carrying out a normal climb to the required minimum en route IFR altitude
(MEA) of the airway in question beyond the fix.
MRA - Minimum Reception Altitude=The minimum altitude the navigation signal can be
received for the route and for off-course navaid facilities that determine a fix.
PANS OPS - Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations (ICAO)
WGS-84 - World Geodetic System of 1984
• AWY=Airway
• B-Blue,Bravo
• D=Direct route
DOM=Domestic Route
• G=Green,Gulf
• NAT=North Atlantic Organized Track
• OTR=Oceanic Transition Route
ROUTE! π.χ. R11(=route 11) ≠ J888R(=RNAV route)
• V121- Victor VOR airway
• Βελάκι απο μια πλευρα ο αεροδιαδρομος ειναι one way
• W-white WHISKEY
• ←-6000 5000-→ αναλογα με την κατευθυνση που θα παρουμε εχουμε το αντιστοιχο
• 7500G=GPS MEA
• 1300T=MOCA
• 1300a=MORA(τα μωρα ειναι μικρα αρα μορα ειναι μικρο αλφα)
• Mileages. Total mileage between navaids
sitioned along respective airway centerline. Total mileage may have directional
pointers when there are multiple airway designators. The pointers parallel the airway
centerlines along which the mile- age applies.
• FPR--→ FLIGHT PLANNED ROUTE = any route or portion thereof that is identical to that
filed in the flight notification and sufficient routing details are given to definitely establish
the aircraft on its route.