Kailash Hospital
Kailash Hospital
Kailash Hospital
ResDsctod Sir.
We hercby convey our oonsent to provide keatment to IVemberc, their dependents and Students
ofyour Institute as per below terms and conditionsl
1. Hospital Rate List 2020 will be applicable for one yeaf ending 31.03.2021.
2. 20% discount on Room rent (except lCU, CCU, ICCU, NICU & Nursery) and
3. Payment terms will be on cash basis.
4. The above discounts is applicable in our Hospitals Sector-27, Sector-71, Noida and
Greater Noida.
5. On lnternational Women's Day we offer Kailash Well Women Health Check up @ Rs.
3700/- + Rs.350/- for T-3 & T-4 Tests perwonren valid ti||31.03.2020.
6. Your beneficiaries may avail above on production of ldentity Card.
7. We also offef our Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy Services at Kailash Health Village,
C-38, Sector$2, Noida and Kailash Institute of Naturopathy, Ayurveda & Yoga,26 KP-|,
Greatef Noida at 25% discount.
Thanking you.
GM Corporato Relatlona
M. +919711918455
Email: dsm. trsrEc!!!g@!e!Es!!9s!!!ss!9!9!0
Note : Forany clarification/information kindly contact:
Mr. BK Sharma, Office Head Marketlng, Tele: 0120-2466609, M, 8800704732
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