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Energain Flyer en
The demand for innovative construction solutions and products has never been greater. As the world moves towards the inescapable reality of the effects of climate change, the need to reduce energy and utilize sustainable materials is now of paramount importance, for governments, corporations and individuals alike. Thats why DuPont Energain represents a breakthrough of major importance as a radical new concept in thermal mass materials that could revolutionize the way the world constructs. Easy to install in commercial, public and residential buildings, DuPont Energain benefits buildings in three ways: It controls comfort levels through reducing temperature peaks by as much as 7C; It reduces energy usage and costs, lessening the need for air conditioning; and It helps to reduce CO2 emissions.
DuPontTM Energain comes in aluminiumlaminated sheets that can be cut to any size. Once cut, aluminium tape is used to seal the edges of the sheets and to cover any holes or abrasions that may occur during installation.
1.0 m
Each DuPontTM Energain panel measures 1.0m x 1.2m. It weighs 5.4kg and can be easily handled and installed by just two people. 1.2 m
DuPontTM Energain controls temperature .uctuations, keeping the inhabitants of a room comfortable without having to frequently .ip between air conditioning and heating systems.
Reducing the need for cooling and heating systems saves money
With DuPont Energain buildings can be tted with smaller, more economical air conditioning units. Furthermore, standard-sized air conditioning units need not be used to the same degree as they are in a building without DuPont Energain. Tests carried out by DuPont and independent third parties indicate that a saving of up to 35% on air conditioning costs can be realized with DuPont Energain. Furthermore, the release of heat back into a room, as temperatures drop, lessens the need for heating systems, which also represents an energy-related cost saving.
the environmental footprint of the building, in line with creating responsible building strategies that are being pursued politically at local, national and global levels.
In decreasing the amount of energy used in a building by controlling temperature levels, DuPont Energain requires less electricity to be used. The knock-on effect of this is, ultimately, to help reduce the need for fossil fuels oil, coal and gas, which emit CO2 into the atmosphere when burnt. This shrinks
DuPont Energain - A thermal mass solution thats ready to make its mark.
DuPontTM Energain
THERMAL MASS PANELS Descriptive Properties Thickness Width Length Area weight Aluminium thickness (sheet) Aluminium thickness (edges) Thermal properties Parafn loading Melt point (parafn) Latent heat storage capacity Total heat storage capacity (Temperature range 14C to 30C)
Technical Properties
Unit mm mm mm kg/m2 m m % C kJ/kg kJ/kg N/cm W/(m.K) W/(m.K) C Unit m mm Value 5.26 1000 1198 4.5 130 75 60 21.7 > 70 > 170 > 20 0.18 0.14 148 Value 75 50
Physical properties Aluminium sheet delamination force Conductivity solid Conductivity liquid Flash Point (parafn) ALUMINIUM TAPE Descriptive Properties Thickness Width
The data above is extracted from the full technical sheet, which is available at www.energain.dupont.com
Rue General Patton L-2984 Luxembourg Tel: 00352 3666 5885 Fax: 00352 3666 5021 E-mail: energain@lux.dupont.com www.energain.dupont.com
Copyright 2007 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPontTM, The miracles of scienceTM and Energain are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its afliates. are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its afiliates. 11/2006