Students Programming Policy UET Lahore 2023 Final 2
Students Programming Policy UET Lahore 2023 Final 2
Students Programming Policy UET Lahore 2023 Final 2
1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………..2
2. Registration and Renewal of Registered Societies………………………………………...2
3. SOPs for Student Societies………………………………………………………………...3
4. Structure of Societies and General Constitution……………………..................................4
4.1 Society Advisor………………………………………………………………………..5
4.2 Society Counsil………………………………………………………………………...5
4.2.1 Soceity Core …………………………………………………………………………...5
4.2.2 Society Team…………………………………………………………………………. 6
5. Tenure …………………………………………………………………...............................6
5.1 Advisor………………………………………………………………………….................6
5.2 Council……………………………………………………………………………………..6
6. Inductions and Layoffs…………………………………………………………………….7
6.1 Core ……………………………………………………………..........................................7
6.2 Other Counsil Members……………………………………………………........................7
7. Accounts Info……………………………………………………………………………....7
8. Alterations in the Constitution………………………………………..................................8
9. Arbitration and Interpretation…………………………………………...............................8
10. Student Event Organization…………………………………………….............................8
11. Annual Report……………………………………………………………………………..8
12. Society Registration/Renewal Form (Form-A)….………………………………………...9
13 . Undertaking Form (Form-B)……………………………………………….……………10
14. Event Approval Form (Form-C)………………………………………………………....11
15. Reflection Form (Form-D)……………………………………………………………...12
16. Annual Report Proforma (Form-E)……………………………………………………..13
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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UET Lahore) is one of the oldest
engineering institutions in Pakistan completing 102 years in 2023. UET Lahore has around
13,000 students studying in seven different faculties in five campuses. To promote student
programming through extra-currcular activities, around 24 registered student societies and
clubs are working at the main campus in addition to the societies at sattellite campuses. These
societies are technical, department specific and art and literary in nature.
To register and recognise these students societies, their formation and effective functioning,
this ‘Students Programming and Co-/Extra-Curricular Activities Policy’ has been drafted and
approved after consultation with all stakeholders.
A group of students (more than 10) may apply to register themselves as a student society,
provided if they have,
A department or DSA Office shall anchor a society where the Head of the Department/DSA
shall verify the same on a prescribed form (Form-A in the Annexture) and, that will be
submitted to Directorate of Students Affairs for approval and notification. The same form will
be submitted by each previously registered society for the renewal in next academic year along
with previous year’s activity report (Form-E). The Director Student Affairs (DSA) shall
consider all requests and notify the registered societies, along with their mandate and advisors
at the start of each academic year.
All societies executive shall sign and submit an undertaking to abide by all rules and regulations
(Form-B in the Annexture) along with Registration/Renewal form.
A number of students’ technical chapters and cultural society are functioning at the campus to
enrich the learning and personality grooming experience of the students at large. In order to
ensure the smooth and streamlined functioning of these societies, following guidelines are
proposed for societies activities.
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a. Only registered societies/chapters can arrange activities university-wide. However, the
students of various departments may arrange their activities within the premises of the
departments with the permission of their chairpersons under their guidance/supervision.
b. All activities shall be arranged following university rules and keeping in view the
society’s culture and norms.
c. The student societies shall organize their events strictly according to their mandate and
scope that are meaningful and non-repetitive with other societies. Such events shall be
planned in consultation with their Staff Advisors and proper approval of the Worthy Vice-
Chancellor shall be sought through Staff Advisor/Chairperson and DSA (Form C).
d. A society may arrange its event maximum spanning of two days at such timings that
minimum disturbance to academic activities is ensured. Each activity/module shall be
properly justified and planned well in advance. A meeting of all staff advisors and
coordinators will be arranged at the start of each academic year where all societies will
propose their event(s) plans that will be discussed and calendared in a joint meeting
convened by DSA.
e. The staff advisors will be responsible for all activities of their societies/events including
financial aspects. The societies shall not charge any money to UET students without
approval unless it is deemed necessary and decided by the staff advisor. Only in-kind
sponsorship will be allowed that will be properly invited and recorded. The societies shall
arrange all activities according to the scale and scope of the event. All Staff Advisors shall
submit an accounts balance sheet showing total income/sponsorship and expenditures
(approved by Vice-Chancellor for each event) to DSA office.
f. Outsiders shall not be allowed to UET events. However, the participating teams from
various institutions duly authorized by their parent institutions (through Registrar/DSA)
may be allowed with prior approval from DSA only.
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Society Advisor
Financial Auditor
Vice President Core
General Secretary
Media Relation Officer
Executive Council Members Team Leads
Logistics Design
Sponsorship Documentation
Each student society requires an Advisor from the teaching faculty of the university, according
to University’s regulations. The advisor will guide students for any matter as needed and act as
the bridge between University’s top management and student society. The staff advisors will
be responsible for all activities of their societies/events including financial aspects. All Staff
Advisor shall submit an accounts balance sheet showing total income/sponsorship and
expenditures (approved by Vice-Chancellor for each event) to DSA office.
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The student council of a society will consist of the following managerial structure.
President: • To lead the whole student society and its activities from the very front.
• To act as the liaison between the student society and all levels of higher
university management.
• To chair every decision-making process falling under the jurisdiction of
• To manage the workspace / office if provided by the University.
Vice • To actively take part in all decision-making processes falling under the
President: jurisdiction of core.
• To act as President to the extent and while as instructed by the Advisor in
the absence of the President or in any other circumstances.
• To lead any team/domain in the execution of activities as instructed by the
Advisor/President and consulted in Core’s meetings.
General • To actively take part in all decision-making processes falling under the
Secretary: jurisdiction of core.
• To lead any team/domain in the execution of activities as instructed by the
President and consulted in Core’s meetings.
• To be the first go-to person for all disciplinary matters of the student body.
• To assist President and Vice President in general management of the
The staff advisor may increase the number of core members if deemed necessary for proper
functioning of the society.
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Staff Advisor only. The same audit report will be submitted to DSA Office with each bill and
with the Annual Report at the end of each Academic Year.
Based on the categories of tasks, the volunteers inducted will be placed in different teams of
specific work. Every team shall be led by a student of 3rd year or senior. The following teams
will be made initially:
The number of teams and categories can be altered whenever found necessary by the core with
the approval of Staff Advisor. The duties of the Team Leads include but not restricted to:
Note: The Staff Advisor shall act as the admin of the social media page(s) of the society.
There is no fixed tenure of the Advisor and he will hold the office unless notified otherwise by
DSA/Registrar Office.
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The core and council will serve for 1 academic year (August - May). The Core members, the
final year students, will pass the charge to their successors till the end of Spring Semester of
each academic year after core nomination or approval process (Form-A).
6.1 CORE
The Staff Advisor shall nominate the core members and submit the names to DSA Office on
Form-A, latest by one month before the end of Spring Semester. The selection shall be made
on the basis of following three criteria:
The layoff or any other strict action might be taken against any unacceptable act from core
members if it is reported with proof to the Advisor/DSA. The staff advisor/DSA may usually
issue written warning to the concerned core member and/or terminate/cease the core member
to work where and when deem feel necessary.
Accounts Accessing Authority
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Finance General Secretary / Specified Executive Council Member
Face book / other media
VP / Media Relations Officer
Any other account As decided by Core
All Staff Advisor shall submit an accounts balance sheet showing total income/sponsorship and
expenditures (approved by Vice-Chancellor for each event) to DSA office.
The Director Students Affairs (DSA) will have the right to alter any clause(s) of this policy.
The Staff Advisor, in consultation with Core Members may alter the specific clauses
concerning the matters of team leads, liaison committee, and other executives for the society.
In all cases, the decision of Advisor/DSA shall be the final and binding to all society
Various events are being organized at UET campuses by registered student societies in
technical and literature domains e.g. NAQSH’22, Technovation Week, UET Art and Literature
Week, Sada- e- Kashmir etc. All societies executives shall fill and submit Event Approval Form
(Form-C in the Annexture) before each event and Students Reflection Form (Form-D in the
Annexture) after everyevent.
All Staff advisors shall submit Annual Report before 15th May of each year as per stipulated
format (Form-E, Annexture) to DSA office .
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Form-A: Society Registration / Renewal Form
New Registration: This Form should be submitted with Hierarchy and previous
activities report (if any)
Registration Form should be submitted with new hierarchy and 3-page annual
Renewal: activities report signed by president and advisor
Purposed/Existing Society
Registration Mobile
Name & Portfolio CGPA Email Interview Marks
No No.
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Form-B Undertaking Form
the society members, shall abide by all rules & regulations, policy and SOPs
stipulated for student activities and events and other discipline rules while
managing student society and organizing various events. If I fail to do so, a proper
disciplinary action may be taken against me (or any member of the society) under
Name: ______________________
Registration No #: ______________________
Signature: ______________________
Society: ______________________
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Form-C: Event Approval Form
Approved Society
Title &Objectives
of the Event
Is it a Calendared
3. Yes No
Activity Title & Detail Date Time Venue
4. Activity Schedule
Budget and
5. 2.
Name of Society’s
6. Registration # and
Contact #
Remarks by
Society’s Advisor
Remarks by DSA
Approval by Vice-
Name: Registration #:
Society: Designation:
2. How these activities have contributed towards students grooming and interpersonal skills?
4. How did you cope with these challenges through effective leadership?
5. What leadership qualities did you find most helpful during these activities?
6. What team work challenges did you face and how did you overcome these challenges?
Society Title:
Reporting Period: _______________ to ______________
Approved Objectives and Domain of the Society: ___________________________
Activities Detail
Date: ______________________
Please attach 4-5 pages of events details consisting of 2-3 paragraphs of each
event and 2-3 pictures.
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