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Notice20211021 0006

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No. F.

1(430)/CC-II/DSSSB/2020/3640-3651 Dated:-21/10/2021


The DSSSB vide its Advertisement No. 03/2013 with closing date 18/10/2013 had
advertised 345 vacancies (UR-174, OBC-93, SC-52, ST-26 including EXSM-31, OH-
04, VHro3, and HH-03) for the post of Lower Division Clerk in Municipal
Corporations of Delhi, under Post Code 51/13. Board Conducted Tier-I written
examination for recruitment in respect of this post on 24flo/2019, 25AO¢019 and

On qualifying Written Examination, vide Notice No. 1054 dated 23/09/2021, the
DSSSB has shortlisted 2762 candidates for appearing in Skill Test/Typing Test for the
post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) under Post Code 51/13. The Skill Test was
conducted on 26th February, 2021, 1St, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, loth, |2th, |5th, |6tl`, |7th
and 25lh March, 2021 wherein out of 2762 candidates, 2141 candidates appeared for
the test. In the Skill Test conducted, out of 2141 candidates only 1387 candidates
could qualify. The result of skill test was declared vide notice no. 1180 dated

As per RRs for the Post the candidate was to qualify the 35 w.p.in. in typewriting in
English or 30 w.p.in. in typewriting in Hindi

On the basis of written Examination Tier-I held on 24/10/2019, 25/10/2019 and

23/02/2020 and being qualified in Skill Test held 26lh February, 2021, |st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
5th, 8th, 9th, loth, |2th, 15th, 16th, |7th and 25th March, 2021 (VH candidates) (Total 14
days) and having been found provisionally eligible as per documents uploaded in
support of Educational Qualification, Age, etc. in accordance with the advertisement
no. 03/2013 and RRs for the Post of Lower Division Clerk under Post Code 51/13 in
Municipal Corporations of Delhi, the following Candidates are hereby provisionally
nominated as per their merit, according to roll mos. of written examination of the

UR Category:-150

11110600335 11110600365 11110600445 11110600733 11110601105 11140600071

11140600165 11140600231 11140600267 11140600640 11140601158 11140601252
11140601685 11140602151 11150601229 11150601472 11180600544 11180600745
11180601019 11180601206 11180601686 11180602165 11190600811 11190600850
11190601106 11190601295 11190601839 11190602299 11200600041 11200600345
11200600405 11200600440 11200600663 11210600181 11210600199 11210600258
11210600703 11210600784 11210600928 11210601298 11210601513 11210601846
11220600185 11230600442 11230600590 11230600903 11230600913 11230600944
11230601365 11240600125 11240600205 11240600462 11240601046 11250600011

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11250600239 11250600324 11250600574 11250600598 11250601108 11250601130
11250601401 11250601410 11250601490 11250601531 11260600596 11260600855
11260601709 11270600191 11270600625 11270600693 11270600725 11270601484
11290600119 11290600467 11290600573 11290600888 11290601029 11340600602
11390600210 11390600449 11390600653 11440600248 11440600621 11440600963
11440601072 11440601494 12360600172 12360600358 12360600548 12360600781
12360600945 12360601404 12360601639 12360601651 12360601703 12360601886
12360602084 12360602579 12360603040 12360603169 12360603405 12360603855
12360603956 12360604016 12360604368 12360604407 12360604409 12360604477
12360604591 12360604642 12360604775 12360605135 12360605174 12360605177
12360605907 12360605981 12360606273 12360606527 12360606568 12360606769
12360607214 12360607353 12360607667 12360607678 12360608061 12360608620
12360608649 12360608808 12360608907 12360608961 12370600645 12370600728
12370601347 12370601611 12370602249 12370602368 12370604116 12370604343
12370604471 12370605272 12370605565 12370605672 12370605710 12370605796
12370605937 12370606236 12370606318 12370606385 12370606657 12370608158

OBC Ca e8Ory:-82

11110600 138 11140600681 11140601202 11140601409 11150600135 11150600256

11150601 838 11150602548 11180600217 11180601670 11180602009 11180602189
11200600328 11210600259 11210600285 11210600300 11210600321 11210600473
11210600603 11210600641 11210600687 11230600027 11230600147 11240600149
11240600309 11240600404 11240601020 11240601145 11250600489 11250600498
11250600503 11250600611 11250600699 11250600718 11250601141 11250601198
11250601378 11250601788 11250601844 11260600160 11260600242 11260601201
11270600179 11270600647 11270600994 11270601030 11270601107 11270601258
11270601417 11290600383 11290600453 11290600858 11290601067 11290601254
11290601258 11290601264 11390600020 11440601515 12360600370 12360600933
12360602296 12360602481 12360602559 12360602705 12360602920 12360603480
12360603871 12360604050 12360604116 12360604192 12360604630 12360605914
12360606746 12360608618 12360608878 12370600207 12370602038 12370602163
12370603889 12370605917 12370606839 12370607398

SC Category: - 46
11110600380 11140601838 11150600549 11180601214 11180601936 11190600241
11190600500 11200600088 11210600713 11210600727 11210601431 11210601532
11220600215 11220600324 11220600510 11250600321 11260601025 11260601658
11270600610 11270600652 11270600796 11270600882 11290600985 11290601661
11390600381 11440600224 11440600632 12360600217 12360600360 12360600361
12360601599 12360602486 12360603224 12360603267 12360603563 12360603974
12360604046 12360604698 12360604935 12360604988 12360606546 12360606787
12360608274 12370600859 12370601680 12370608171

ST Category:- 24

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EXSM Category:- 02 (UR)

11140600200 11260601152

PH (OH) Category:- 04 (UR-03, OBC")

11140601506 11150600013 11150602013 11190600536

PH (HH) Category- 01 (SC)


PH (VH) Category:- No candidate could qualify

The candidature of 08 0BC candidates having roll numbers 11180601332,
12370602486, 12370605108, 12370607354, 11260600909, 11240600653, 12370601384 and
11180602248 are not consideredy hereby rejected in OBC (D) category as these
candidates are not eligible to seek the reservation benefits of OBC category in
Delhi being (OBC Other state). However, these candidates have been considered
as UR category Candidates as per their merit in UR Category. Further, the
candidature of candidate having roll no. 11180602248 is hereby rejected in post
code 5143 being over age in UR also.
The candidature of two (02) candidate having roll no. 12360602983 under UR
category and 12360608557 in SC Category is hereby kept pending in post code 51/13
for further scrutiny of the genuineness of the candidature of these candidates.

Further, vide Notice No. 1180 dated 28/06/2021 the candidate having roll no.
5200001674 was provisionally exempted from skill test/typing test and therefore
considered qualified in skill test provisionally subject to outcome of verification of
his exemption certificate. Now the Exemption Certificate of candidate having roll no.
5200001674 has been verified by the Board from the competent issuing authority
therefore the candidate is now declare qualified in skill test.

The selection of the above 309 candidates (UR-150, OBC-82, SC46, ST-24, EXSM-02,
OH-04, HHro1) shall be further subject to thorough verification of the candidature of
the candidate by the User Department including the identity of the candidate.
The Selection of the above 309 candidates (UR-150, OBC-82, SC46, ST-24, EXSM-02,
OH-04, HH-01) shall further be subject to genuineness of the documents on the basis
of which they have claimed to have fulfilled all the eligibility conditions as
prescribed in the RRs and terms and conditions of the advertisement inviting
application and subject to thorough verification of their identity with reference to
their photographs, signature/handwriting, etc. on the application form, admission
certificate, etc. The Candidature of the above candidates are liable to be cancelled by
the user department also, in case the candidates are found not to be fulfilling the
terms and conditions of the advertisement inviting applications for the said post
code. The Competent Authority of the Department concerned shall issue the
appointment letter to the candidates after being satisfied about their eligibility as

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down in the recruitment rules and after verification of the correctness of the
information furnished in the application form and the documents related to
Educational Qualification, Age and other essential certificates.
10. The user Department shall also check the eligibility of the reservation benefit, if
any. Further, if applicable, the User Department i.e. Municipal Corporations of
Delhi shall verify the genuinene8s of the caste certificate furnished by the
candidate prior to issuing offer of appointment to the candidates. The Competent
Authority of the User Department shall arrange to verify the correctness of the
informatiolvdocuments as furnished in the e-dossier vis-a-vis the original
documents. User Department is rea_uested to ascertain the scrutiny/correctness of
the same at their own level before issuing the offer of appointment to the
provisionally selected candidates. Further, the appointing authority shall verify
and satisfy itself about the authenticity of documents/certificates and essential
qiualification for the post before finally a_I)pointing the candidate. The User
Department is also requested to rectify/correct, in case, any minor/clerical
error/deficiency noticed in the documents of the candidate at their own level.

11. It is stated that the User Department shall verify the genuineness of the caste
certificate furnished by the candidate in the light of Notification No. 36012/22-93-


12. The user Department shall also get the sc/ST/OBC certificates verified from the
issuing authority before his /her appointment. Further, in case of OBC Candidates, it
may also be verified that the candidate does not belongs to creamy layer of the
schedule of Govt. of India, DOPT 0. M. No. 3601Z/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated
08/094993 0. M. No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res) dated 09/03/2004 and OM No.
36033/3¢004-Estt. (Res) dated 14/10/2008 and OM No. 36033W2013-Estt. (Res) dated

13. The competent Authority of the Department concerned shall issue the appointment
letters to the candidates after being satisfied about his/her eligibility as laid down in
the Recruitment Rules and after verification of the correctness of the information
furnished in the application form and the documents related to education
qualification, age and other essential certificates as per Government of India
instructions issued in this regards vide MHA OM No. ey29ys4-RPS, 19Alys4.
14. The User Department shall ensure that the appointment made is in conformity
with DOFT guidelines and instructions of Govt. issued from time to time.

15. Mere inclusion of the name of candidate in the result notice does not confer any right
upon the candidate over the post unless the appointing authority is satisfied after
such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all
respect for appointment to the post. /jj

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16. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, the DSSSB reserves the
right to rectify errors and omissions, if any detected at any stage.
17. The result is subject to the outcome of the court cases, if any, pending in various
courts related to this post.

18. The category wise marks scored by the last candidate provisionally nominated are as


NormanzedMarksobtainedinWrit enExaminationoutof200

137.13* 124.04 124.87 91.16 72.11 113.6 65.38 N.A.

Note:- *The candidate having roll no. 11250600011 having DOB 02/01/1989 being older in age than other
candlclates having equal marks is the last selected candidate in UR category.

19. The recruitment process for the post of Lower Division clerk under post code 51/13
has been closed. Further, the Wait List panel of the candidates shall be valid up to


20. Further in accorda.nce with
Department Circular the Services
F.16(3)/DSSSB/2007-S-Ill/1268, the Board dated 13/06/2019,
prepares and
maintalns waiting/ reserve panel and all the candidates above-minimum qualifying
marks in their respective categories are kept in the waiting/reserve panel subject to
call of e-dossier/verification of documents. The waiting panel is valid for a period Of
1 year from the date of declaration of main result for filling up the vacancies arising
due to non-acceptance of the offer of appointment, not joining the post after
acceptance of appointment, resignation after joining, etc within one year of validity
of panel.

21. Now, as per Board's resolution dated l9th May, 2021, in suppression of earlier policy
dated 13 June 2019 and in accordance with Services Department Circular No.
F.16(3)/DSSSB/2007-S-in/1756-1763 dated 02/08/2021, out of the waiting/reserve
panel comprising, on the basis of written Examination Tier-I held on 24/10/2019,
25/10/2019 and 23/02/2020 and being qualified in Skill Test held 26th February,
2021, |st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, loth, 12th, 15th, 16tl`, 17th and 25th March, 2021 (VH
candidates) ITotal 14 days) and having been found provisionally eligible as per
documents uploaded in support of Educational Qualification, Age, etc. in accordance
with the advertisement no. 03/2013 and RRs for the Post of Lower Division Clerk
under Post Code 51/13 in Municipal Corporations of Delhi, following 70 candidates
[URWL-35 (1 to 35), OBCWL-17 (1 to 10 and 13 to 19), SCWL-11 (1 to 11) & STWL-
06 ( 1 to 6) and OHWI-01 (01)I is hereby provisionally nominated as waitlisted

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candidate/s, in order of merit after scrutiny of their e-dossiers with a request to the
User Department to utilize the same, in conformity with DOFT guidelines and
instructions of Govt. of NCT, Delhi issued from time to time and also mentioned
from clause 1 to 19 of this result Notice:-

UR WL: - 35*

Roll No. of Roll No. of

UR Waiting list Written UR Waiting Written

Sr. No. Status Examination Sr. NO. list Status Examination

1 UR WL-1 11150600256 19 UR WL-19 11190601684

2 UR WL-2 12370604614 20 UR WL-20 12360600812

3 UR WL-3 12360605559 21 UR WL-21 12360604192

4 UR W|-4 11180600622 22 UR WL-22 11200600470

5 UR WL-5 11340600805 23 UR WL-23 11110600163

6 UR WL-6 11230600104 24 UR WL-24 12370608309

7 UR WL-7 11250601198 25 UR WL-25 11260600722

8 UR WL-8 11270600652 26 UR WL-26 12370603705

9 UR WL-9 12370605917 27 UR WL27 11240600168

10 UR WL-10 11250600184 28 UR WL-28 11110600138

11 UR WLll 12360604236 29 UR WL-29 11240601020

12 UR WL-12 12360602357 30 UR WL-30 12370607812

13 UR WL-13 12360605742 31 UR WL-31 11210600558

14 UR WL-14 11180602251 32 UR WL-32 12360602886

15 UR WL-15 11260600117 33 uR WL-33 11260600442

16 UR WL-16 11140600138 34 UR WL-34 11190600500

17 UR WL-17 11190600241 35 UR WL-35 11210600260

18 UR WL-18 11140600187

OBC VI: - 17

OBC Waiting list Roll No. Written OBC Waiting Roll No. Written
Sr. No. Sr. NO.
Status Exam list Status Exam

1 OBC WL-1 11270600123 10 OBC WL-10 12360600708

2 OBC WL-2 11290600917 11 OBC WL-13 12370601913

3 OBC WL-3 12360606610 12 OBC WL-14 11220600260

4 OBC WL-4 11210601063 13 OBC WL-15 12360600954

5 OBC WL-5 12360603966 14 OBC WL-16 11200600063

6 OBC WL-6 12360601819 15 OBC WL-17 11250600051

7 OBC WL-7 11150601836 16 OBC WL-18 12360602477

8 OBC WL-8 11210600294 17 OBC WL-19 12360606619

9 OBC WL-9 11440600413

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SC VI: - 11

SC Waiting list Roll No. Written SC Waiting Roll No. Written

Sr. No. Status Examination Sr. No. list Status Examination

1 SC WL-1 11220600002 7 SC WL-7 11210601718

2 SC WL-2 11210600649 8 SC WL-8 11250600742
3 SC WL-3 12360606360 9 SC WL-9 12360606581

4 SC WL-4 11210600715 10 SC WL-10 12360602952

5 SC WL-5 11230600444 11 SC WL-11 12360603024

6 SC WL-6 12360602915

ST VI: - 06

ST Waiting list Roll No. Written

Sr. No.
Status Examination

1 ST WL-01 11210601868
2 ST WL-02 11190600656
3 ST WL-03 12370601220
4 ST WL-04 11190600834

5 ST WL-05 11390600243
6 ST WL-06 12360602663

OH WL-01 (SC)

ST Waiting list Roll No. Written

Sr. No.
Status Examination
1. OH WL-1

22. The category wise marks scored by the above mentioned waitlist candidates are as


NormalizedMarksobtainedinWrit enExalninationoutof200

135.24** 121.46 123.33 88.21 N.A. 103.99 N.A. N.A.

Note:- **The candidate having roll no.11210600260 having D0B 15/04/1991 being older in age than other
candidates having equal marks is the last Waitlist candidate in UR category (UR WL-35).

23. The candidature of following 02 candidates (OBC WL-11 and OBC WL-12) have
been kept pending in OBC Waiting List Panel due to reasons mentioned below in the
remarks column:-

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S.No. Roll No. OBC Waiting List Status Remarks

The candidate is directed to upload 12tn
01 OBC WL-11 Pass Certificate

The Candidate is directed to upload |St

page of Admit Card of Written
Examination duly signed by the
02 OBC WL-12 candidate with thumb impression along
with signature of invigilator at the time
of written examination

24. The 02 candidates (OBC 02) mentioned above whose documents are deficient are
ddirected, to upload their deficient documents/ all requisite/applicable documents
eetc., if any, through the e-dossier module in stipulated time. The e-dossier link shall
be active from 2Z4Qre021 to 31/1Q/2021. They are also being separately informed
through, SMS on their reSstered mobile number (as as additiopal fad]fty only).

25. The User Department, being Cadre Controlling/Appointing Authority, shall strictly
follow the merit based ranking of the candidate in the main list and the waiting list.
TThe User Department, at its own level, win utilize the Waiting List only after
eexhausting the main list and after affording sufficient opportunity to the
provisionally nominated candidates as per the extant guidelines issued by the

26. The candidates in the Waiting Panel or the Balance Reserve Panel shall have no claim
or right for appointment per se against the vacancies notified for the recruitment.
They can only get the offer of appointment only in the event any vacancies (category-
wwise) arising due to nonrdcceptance of the offer of appointment, not joining the post
after acceptance of appointment, resignation after joining, etc within one year of
validity of panel.

27. While operating the waiting panel list, the User Department shall strictly follow
instructions issued vide DoPT OM No. 36012/2/96-Estt. q`es) dated 02/07/1997,
36011/1/98-Estt. (Res) dated 01/07/1998 and 43011/4/2018-Estt. (Res) dated
04/ 04/2018 regarding shifting of candidates from respective reserve categories to the
un-reserve category.

28. The User Department shall operate the waiting panel up to the number of vacancies
notified under each category by the DSSSB in its advertisement and not beyond it
even by taking any type of relaxation from any authority as it shall rendered the
excess appointment void and illegal AZ7 {.7ti.f!.a.
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29. As soon as validity period of the waiting panel expires and /or number of notified
vacancies are filled up hence waiting panel becomes redundant, the user depart shall
return the cancelled and unutilized dossiers to DSSSB with complete details/
statistics forthwith.

30. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, the DSSSB reserves the right
to rectify errors and omissions, if any detected at any stage.

31. Wherever the court has directed to not declare result without leave of the court such
cases will be dealt separately, if falling in main result/proposed 20% waiting panel
list. The user department shall decide such cases subject to outcome of court case(s).

32. The result is subject to the outcome of the court cases, if any, pending in various
courts related to this post.

This issues with the prior approval of the Competent Authority.


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