Hist 1 Readings in Philippine History Module PDF
Hist 1 Readings in Philippine History Module PDF
Hist 1 Readings in Philippine History Module PDF
The study of history, therefore, is the study of the beliefs and desires,
practices, and institutions of human beings.
An examination of the past can tell us a great deal about how we came
to be who we are. It means looking at the roots of modern institutions, ideas,
values, and problems.
Looking at the past teaches us to see the world through different eyes-
appreciating the diversity of human perceptions, beliefs, and cultures.
Different and/or new perspectives will enable us to analyze critically the
present contexts of our society and beings.
History was derived from the Greek word historia which means
“knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation”. History as a
disciplined existed for around 2, 400 years and is as old as mathematics and
philosophy. This term was then adapted to classical Latin where it acquired
a new definition. Historia became known as the account of the past of a
person or a group of people through written documents and historical
evidences. That meaning stuck until the early parts of the twentieth century.
History became an important discipline. It became the historian’s duty to
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write about the lives of important individuals like monarchs, heroes, saints,
and nobilities. History was also focused on writing wars, revolutions, and
other important breakthroughs. It is thus important to ask: What counts as
history? Traditional historians lived with the mantra “no document, no
history”. It means that unless a written document can prove a certain
historical event, then it cannot be considered as a historical fact.
Understanding History
Why don’t we learn from history? (An excerpt from Lidell Hart, 1971)
The object might be more cautiously expressed thus: to find out what
happened while trying to find out why it happened. It seeks the casual
relations between events.
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Below is a definition of history by Zeus A. Salazar (1999). Examine it
carefully then answer the questions following the definition.
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As a student of history, reading a historical account is not simply like
reading novel or a comic book. A learner should also know how to distinguish
which of those sentences or paragraphs that make up the narrative are facts
or opinions. Although a historian attempts to present a history free from
biases, it cannot be avoided the personal opinions or interpretations of
people, places, or events are integrated in a particular historical account.
Below are excerpts from books and newspapers. Label each passage
either as FACT (F) or OPINION (O). If a passage combines fact and
opinion, write (FO) and underline that part of the passage that you think is
an opinion or judgement.
________ 4. “anyone who has visited Jolo can immediately see that beyond
the town looms a dominating peak, Mt. Tumatangis, a place held sacred by
the Tausugs as the burial grounds of its sultans. The busy pier is called the
“Chinese Pier”,” obviously used in the early times by Chinese trading
vessels.” – Patanne (1996)
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On the other hand, secondary sources are those sources, which were
produced by an author who used primary sources to produce the material.
In other words, secondary sources are historical sources, which studied a
certain historical subject. For example, on the subject of the Philippine
Revolution of 1896, students can read Teodoro Agoncillo's Revolt of the
Masses: The Story of Bonifacio and the Katipunan published originally in
1956. The Philippine Revolution happened in the last years of the nineteenth
century while Agoncillo published his work in 1956, which makes the Revolt
of the Masses a secondary source. More than this, in writing the book,
Agoncillo used primary sources with his research like documents of the
Katipunan, interview with the veterans of the Revolution, and
correspondence between and among Katipuneros.
Both primary and secondary sources are useful in writing and learning
history. However, historians and students of history need to thoroughly
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remembering, and historical understanding for both the present and the
_______2. Historical sources that were not written should not be used
in writing history.
_______4. History has no use for the present, thus, the saying “past
is past” is true.
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Primary Secondary
sources Sources
External Internal
Criticism Criticism
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VIll. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or
in the field.
IX. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping
X. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the
children, and if the guide leads to the precipice, those whom he guides
will also go there.
XI.Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as
faithful companion who will share with thee the penalties of life; her
(physical) weakness will increase thy interest in her and she will
remind thee of the mother who bore thee and reared thee.
XII. What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers
and sisters, that do not unto the wife, children, brothers and sisters
of thy neighbor.
XIII. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is
aquiline, and his color white, not because he is a priest, a servant of
God, nor because of the high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth,
but he is worth most who is a man of proven and real value, who does
good, keeps his words, is worthy and honest; he who does not oppress
nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his
fatherland though he be born in the wilderness and know no tongue
but his own.
XIV. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the longed-
for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy portion of
the globe and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the
confederated brethren of the same rays, the lives of those who have
gone before, the fatigues and the well-paid sufferings will remain. If
he who desires to enter has informed himself of all this and believes
he will be able to perform what will be his duties, he may fill out the
application for admission.
As the primary governing document, which determines the rules of
conduct in the Katipunan, properly understanding the Kartilya will thus
help in understanding the values, ideals, aspirations, and even the
ideology of the organization.
Analysis of the "Kartilya ng Katipunan
This primary source also needs to be analyzed in terms of
content and context. As a written document for a fraternity whose
main purpose is to overthrow a colonial regime, we can explain the
content and provisions of the Kartilya as a reaction and response to
certain value systems that they found despicable in the present state
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of things that they struggled against with. For example, in the fourth
and the thirteen rules in the Kartilya are an invocation of the inherent
equality between and among men regardless of race, occupation or
status. In the context of the Spanish colonial era where the indios
were treated as the inferior of the white Europeans, the Katipunan
saw to it that the alternative order that they wished to promulgate
through their revolution necessarily destroyed this kind of unjust
Moreover, one can analyze the values upheld in the document
as consistent with the burgeoning rational and liberal ideals in the
eighteenth and nineteenth century. Equality, tolerance, freedom, and
liberty were values that first emerged in the eighteenth century French
Revolution, which spread throughout Europe and reached the
educated class of the colonies. Jacinto,an ilustrado himself, certainly
got an understanding of these values. Aside from the liberal values
that can be dissected in the document, we can also decipher certain
Victorian and chivalrous values in the text. For example, various
provisions in the Kartilya repeatedly emphasized the importance of
honor in words and in action. The teaching of the Katipunan on how
women should be treated with honor and respect, while positive in
many respects and certainly a significant stride from the practice of
raping and physically abusing women, can still be telling of the
Katipunan's secondary regard for women in relation to men. For
example, in the tenth rule, tne document of specifically stated that
men should be the guide of women and children, and that he should
set a good example, otherwise the women and children would be
guided guided in the path of evil. Nevertheless, the same documents
stated that women should be treated as companions of men not as
playthings that can be exploited for their pleasure.
ln the contemporary eyes, the Katipunan can be criticized
because of these provisions. However, one must not forget the context
where the organization was born. Not even in Europe or in the whole
of the West at that juncture recognized the problem of gender
inequality. Indeed, it can be argued that Katipunan's recognition of
women as important partners in the struggle, as reflected not just in
Kartilya but also in the organizational structure of the fraternity where
a women's unit was established, is an endeavor advanced for its time.
Aside from Rizal's known Letter to the Women of Malolos, no same
effort by the supposed cosmopolitan Propaganda Movement was
achieved until the movement's eventual disintegration in the latter
part of the 1890s.
Aside from this, the Kartilya was instructive not just of the
Katipunan's conduct toward other people, but also for the members'
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To Do!
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Self-assessment 3
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LESSON 2: Making Sense of the Past: Historical Interprefation
In this lesson, we will analyze three historiographical problems
in Philippine history in an attempt to apply what we have learned thus
far in the work of a historian and the process of historical inquiry.
Earlier, we have been introduced to history as a discipline, the
historical method, and the content and context analysis of primary
sources. Two key concepts that need to be defined before proceeding
to the historical analysis of problems in history are interpretation and
History is the study of the past, but a more contemporary
definition is centered on how it impacts the present through its
consequences. (Geoffrey Barraclough defines history as "the attempt
to discover, on the basis of fragmentary evidence, the significant
things about the past. He also notes the history we read, though based
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Cruz said he received the poem from Gabriel Beato Francisco, who
claimed to have received it in 1884 tirom Rizal's close friend,
Saturnino Raselis. Rizal never mentioned wrting this poem
anywhere in his writings, and more importanty, he never mentioned
of having a close triend by the person of Raselis.
Further criticism of the poem reveals more about the wrongful
attribution of the poem to Rizal. The poem was written in Tagalog
and reterred to the word "kalayaan. But it was documented in
Rizal's letters that he first encountered the word through a Marcelo
H. del Pilar's translation of Rizal's essay El Amor Patrio, where it
was spelled as kalayahan.
While Rizal's native tongue was Tagalog. he was educated in
panish, starting from his mother, Teodora Alonso. Later on, he
would express disappointment in his difficulty in expressing himself
in his native tongue.
The poem's spelling is also suspect-the use of letters "k and
"w" to replaced c and u, respectively was suggested by Rizal as an
adult. If the poem was indeed written during his time, it should use
the original
Many ofSpanish orthography
the things we acceptthat was prevalent
as "true about theinpast
his might
time. not
be the case anymore, just because these were taught o us as facts
when we were younger does not mean that it is set in stone-history
is, after all, a construct. And as a construct, it is open for
interpretation. There might be conflicting and competing accounts ot
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the past that need one's attention, and can impact the way we view
our country's history and identity. It is important, therefore, to subject
to evaluation not only the primary source, but also the historical
interpretation of the same, to ensure that the current interpretation is
reliable to support our acceptance of events of the past.
With several possibilities of interpreting the past, another
important concept that we must note is multiperspectivity. This can
be defined as a way of looking at historical events, personalities,
developments, cultures, and societies from ditferent perspectives.
This means that there is a multitude of ways by which we can view
the world, and each could be equally valid, and at the same time,
equally partial as well. Historical writing is, by definition, biased,
partial, and contains preconceptions. The historian decides on what
sources to use, what interpretation to make more apparent,
depending on what his end is. Historians may misinterpret evidence,
attending to those that suggest that a certain event happened, and
then ignore the rest that goes against the evidence. Historians may
omit significant facts about their subject which makes the
interpretation unbalanced. Historians may impose a certain ideology
to their subject, which may not be appropriate the period the subject
was from. Historians may also provide a single cause for an event
without considering other possible causal explanations of said event.
These are just many of the ways a historian may fail in his historical
inference, description, and interpretation. With multiperspectivity as
an approach in history, we must understand that historical
interpretations contan diserepancies, contradictions, ambiguities, and
are often the focus of dissernt.
Exploring multiple perspectives in history requires incorporating
source materials that reflect different views of an event in history,
because singular historical narratives do not provide for space to
inquire and investigate. Different sources that counter each other may
create space for more investigation and research, while providing
more evidence for those truths that these sources agree on.
Different kinds of sources also provide different historical truths
-an official document may note different aspects of the past than, say,
a memoir an ordinary person on the same event. Different historical
agents create different historical truths, and while this may be a
burdensome work for the historian, it also renders more validity to the
historical scholarship. Taking these in close regard in the reading of
historical interpretations it provides for the audience a more complex,
but also a more complete and richer understanding of the past.
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Case Study 1: Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take Place in
the Philippines?
The popularity of knowing where the "firsts" happened in history
has been an easy way to trivialize history, but this case study will not
focus on the significance (or lack thereof) of the site of the First
Catholie Mass in the Philippines, but rather, use it as a
historiographical exercise in the utlization of evidence and
interpretation in reading historical events.
Butuan has long been believed as the site of the first Mass. In
fact,this has been the case for three centuries, culminating in the
erection of a monument in 1872 near Agusan River, which
commemorates the expedition's arrival and celebration of Mass on 8
April 1521. The Butuan claim has been based on a rather elementary
reading of primary sources trom the event.
Toward the end of the nineteenth century and the start of the
twentieth century, together with the increasing scholarship on the
history of the Philippines, a more nuanced reading of the available
evidence was made, which brought to light more considerations in
gong aganst the more accepted interpretation ot the first Mass in the
Philhppines, made both by Spanish and Filipino scholars.
It must be noted that there are only two primary sources that
historians refer to in identifying the site of the first Mass. One is the
log kept by Francisco Albo, a pilot of one of Magellan's ship, Trinidad.
He was one of the 18 survivors who returned with Sebastian Elcano
on the ship Victoria after they cireumnavigated the world. The other,
and the more complete, was the account by Antonio Pigafetta, Primo
Uaggio intorno al mondo (First Voyage Around the World). Pigafetta,
like Albo, was a member of the Magellanexpedition and an eyewitness
of the events, particularly, of the first Mass.
Primary Source: Albo's Log
Source:Diario o derotero del viage de Magallanes desde el cabo se S.
Agustin en el Brazil hasta el regreso a Espana de la nao Victoria,
escrito por Frandsco Albo," Document no. xxii in Colleción de viages
descubrinmientos que hicieron por mar los Españoles desde fines del
siglo XV, Ed. Martin Fernandez de Navarrete (reprinted Buenos Aires
1945, 0 Vols) IV, 191-225. As cited in Miguel A. Bernad "Butuan or
Limasawa The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A
Reexamination of Evidence 1981, Künaadman: A Journal of Southern
Philippines, Vol. 111, 1-35.
1. On the 16th of March (1521) as they sailed in a westerly course
from Ladrones, they saw land towards the northwest; but owing to
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many shallow places they did not approach it. T'hey found later that
its name was Yunagan.
2. They went instead that same day southwards to another small
island named Suluan, and there they anchored. There they saw some
canoes but these fled at the Spaniards' approach. This island was at
9 and two-thirds degrees North latitude.
3. Departing from those two islands, they sailed westward to an
uninhabited island of Gada" where they took in a supply of wood and
water. The sea around that island was free from shallows. (Albo does
not give the latitude of this island, but from Pigatetta's testimony, this
seems to be the "Acquada or Homonhon, at 10 degrees North
4. From that island they sailed westwards towards a large island
names Seilani that was inhabited and was known to have
gold.(Seilani- or, as Pigafetta calls it, "Ceylon-was the island of Leyte.)
5.Sailing southwards along the coast of that large island of Seilani,
they turned southwest to a small island called "Mazava." That island
is also at a latitude of 9 and two-thirds degrees North.
6. The people of that island of Mazava were very good. There the
Spaniards planted a cross upon a mountain-top, and from there they
were shown three islands to the west and southwest, where they were
told there was much gold. "They showed us how the gold was
gathered, which came in small pieces like peas and lentils.
7. From Mazava they sailed northwards again towards Seilani. Tney
followed the coast of Seilani in a northwesterly direction, ascending
up to 10 degrees of latitude where they saw three small islands.
8. From there they sailed westwards some ten leagues, and there they
saw three islets, where they dropped anchor for the night. In the
morning they sailed southwest some 12 leagues, down to a latitude
of l0 and one-third degree. There they entered a channel between two
islands, one of which was called "Matan" and the other "Subu."
9.They sailed down that channel and then turned westward and
anchored at the town (la villa) of Subu where they stayed many days
and obtained provisions and entered into a peace-pact with the local
10. The town of Subu was on an east-west direction with the islands
of Suluan and Mazava. But between Mazava and Subu, there were so
many shallows that the boats could not go westward directly but has
to go (as they did) in a round-about way.
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It must be noted that in Albo's account, the location of Mazava fits the
location of the island of Limasawa, at the southern tip of Leyte, 9°54N.
Also, Albo does not mention the first Mass, but only the planting of
the cross upon a mountain-top from which could be seen three islands
to the west and southwest, which also fits the southern end of
Primary Source: Pigafetta's Testimony on the Route of
Magellan's Expedition
Source: Emma Blair and James Alexander Robertson, The Philippine
Islands, Vols. 33 and 34, as cited in Miguel A. Bernad, "Butuan or
Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A
Reexamination of Evidence" 1981, Kinaadman: A Journal of Southern
Philippines, Vol. III, 1-35.
1. Saturday, 16 March 1521- Magellan's expedition sighted a "high
land" named "Zamal" which was some 300 leagues westward of
Ladrones (now the Marianas) Islands.
2 Sunday, March 17 "The following day" after sighting Zamal Island,
they landed on "another island which was uninhabited" and which lay
"to the right" of the above-mentioned island of "Zamal." (To the "righť
here would mean on their starboard going south or southwest.) There
they set up two tents for the sick members of the crew and had a sow
killed for them. The name of this island was Humunu (Homonhon).
This island was located at 10 degrees North latitude.
3. On that same day (Sunday, March 17), Magellan named the enure
archipelago the "Islands of Saint Lazarus," the reason being that it
was Sunday in the Lenten season when the Gospel assigned for the
Mass and the liturgical Office was the eleventh chapter of St. John,
which tells of the raising of Lazarus trom the dead.
4. Monday, March 18- In the afternoon of their second day on that
island, they saw a boat coming towards them with nine men in it. An
exchange of gifts was effected. Magellan asked for food supplies, and
the men went away, promising to bring rice and other supplies in "four
5. There were two springs of water on that island of Homonhon. Also
they saw there some indications that there was gold in these islands.
Consequently Magellan renamed the island and called it the "Watering
Place of Good Omen" (Acquada la di bouni segniali).
6. Friday, March 22-At noon the natives returned. This time they were
in two boats, and they brought food suppies.
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the Spanish ships were much faster than the native balangha-a thing
that excited the admiration of the king of Mazaua.
14. From the Camotes Islands they sailed southwards towards "Zubu.
15. Sunday, April 7 - At noon they entered the harbor of "Zubu (Cebu).
It had taken them three days to negotiate the journey from Mazaua
northwards to the Camotes Islands and then southwards to Cebu.
It must be pointed out that both Albo and Pigafetta's testimonies
coincide and corroborate each other. Pigafetta gave more details on
what they did during their weeklong stay at Mazaua.
Primary Source: Pigafetta and Seven Days in Mazaua
Source: Emma Blair and James Alexander Robertson, The Philippine
Islands, Vols. 33 and 34, as cited in Miguel A. Bernad, "Butuan or
Limasawa? The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A
Reexamination of Evidence" 1981, Kinaadman: A Journal of Southern
Philippines, Vol. III, 1-35.
1. Thursday, March 28-In the morning they anchored near an island
where they had seen a light the night before a small boat (boloto)
came with eight natives, to whom Magellan threw some trinkets as
presents. The natives paddled away, but two hours later two larger
boats (balanghai) came, in one of which the native king sat under an
awning of mats. At Magellan's invitation some of the natives went up
the Spanish ship, but the native king remained seated in his boat. An
exchange of gifts was effected. In the afternoon that day, the Spanish
ships weighed anchor and came closer to shore, anchoring near the
native kings village. This Thursday, March 28, was Thursday in Holy
Week, i.e., Holy Thursday.
2. Friday, March 29-"Next day. Holy Friday, Magellan sent his slave
interpreter ashore in a small boat to ask the king if he could provide
the expedition with food supplies, and to say that they had come as
friends and not as enemies. In reply the king himself came in a boat
with six or eight men, and this time went up Magellan's ship and the
two men embraced. Another exchange of gifts was made. The native
king and his companions returned ashore, bringing with them two
members of Magellan's expedition as guests for the night. One of the
two was Pigafetta.
3. Saturday, March 30 Pigafetta and his companion had spent the
previous evening teasting and drinking with the native king and his
son. Pigafetta deplored the fact that, although it was Good Friday,
they had to eat meat. The following morning (Saturday) Pigafetta and
his companion took leave of their hosts and returned to the ships.
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...It seems definite that the insurrection was motivated and prepared
by the native clergy, by the mestizos and native lawyers, and by those
known here as abogadillos..
The instigators, to carry out their criminal project, protested
against the injustice of the government in not paying the provinces
for their tobacco crop, and against the usury that some practice in
documents that the Finance department gives crop owners who have
to sell them at a loss. They encouraged the rebellion by protesting
what they called the injustice of having obliged the workers in the
Cavite arsenal to pay tribute starting January 1 and to render personal
service, from which they were formerly exempted..
Up to now it has not been clearly determined if they planned to
establish a monarchy or a republic, because the Indios have no word
in their language to describe this different form of government, Whose
head in Filipino would be called hari; but it turns out that they would
place at the head of the government a priest.. that the head selected
would be D. Jose Burgos, or D. Jacinto ZamOrä. Such is... the plan of
the rebels, those who guided them, and the means they counted upon
for its realization.
It is apparent that the accounts underscore the reason for the
"revolution": the abolition of privileges enjoyed by the workers of the
Cavite arsenal such as exemption trom payment of tribute and being
employed in polos y servicios, or force labor. They also identified other
reasons which seemingly made the issue a lot more serious, which
included the presence of the native clergy, who, out of spite aganst
the Spanish friars, "conspired and supported the rebels. Izquierdo, in
an obviously biased report, highlighted that attempt to overthrow the
Spanish government in the Philippines to install a new "hari in the
persons of Fathers Burgos and Zamora. According to him, native
clergy attracted supporters by giving them charismatic assurance that
their fight would not fail because they had God's support, aside from
promises of lofty rewards such as employment, wealth, and ranks in
the army.
In the Spaniard's accounts, the event of 1872 was
premeditated, and was part of a big conspiracy among the educated
leaders, mestizos, lawyers, and residents of Manila and Cavite. They
allegedly plan to liquidate high ranking Spanish officers, then kill the
friars. The signal they identified among these conspirators of Manila
and Cavite was the rockets fired from Intramuros.
The accounts detail that on 20 January 1872, the district of
Sampaloc celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, and came with
it were some fireworks display. The Caviteños allegedly mistook this
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Assignment 2
Critical essay about a primary source; students are to discuss the
importance of the text, the authors background, the context of the
document, and its contribution in understanding Philippine History.
Topics will be distributed to you in your group chat. Format and Rubric
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asked to build buildings both for the church and the government. They
were also made to make roads and build ships.
This policy was meant to help set up of government
infrastructure and the laborers were even given ration of rice and paid
minimal amounts. There were other regulations to ensure the
protection of the workers. In practice though, all these regulations
were violated. Laborers were not paid and were not given any rice
ration. The policy became insensitive to the need of the communities
so that it was still enforced in time of planting or harvest seasons.
In the end, polo y servicio became a forced labot that
contributed to famine experiences and the destruction of
c. Bandala. This is another policy meant to augment the finances
of the colonial government. It required the compulsory sale of
products to the government. Communities were given quotas to
produce and sold only to the government. The prices set by the
government were lower than the prevailing prices of these products
but were sold back to the people for a high price. This practice formed
natives to be indebted to the chieftain entrenching the socio-economic
position of the chief. In worst cases, which was usually the case,
farmers were not paid at all of their produce and were given
promissory notes. In effect, this policy became a virtual confiscation
of natives’ products.
Divide and Rule: This is a military strategy utilized by the
Spaniards against the natives. In this method, native mercenaries
were used against other groups to beef op limited military contingency
of the Spaniards. Ny its very nature, it was exploitative as the inter-
village warfare tradition of the early Filipinos was reinforced to serve
the interests of the colonizers.
The policies provide clear examples as to how the colonial
policies impacted on the native Filipinos. For them, the policies were
exploitative even if these were just part of the pacification process of
the Spaniards.
These difficulties were compounded by the constant war Spain
was into against the Dutch and Portuguese.
In all the abusive policies, the traditional head of barangay as
the Maginoo and Datu became intermediaries. They were converted
into willing allies of the Colonizers and their powers and authority were
complicated by the colonizers. As traditional barangay authority, they
were used as intermadiaries between the natives and the Spaniards.
Political privilege was also granted by Spaniards as tribute collectors,
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Realizing the danger of fighting for their cause on the home front, the
sons of the wealthy and the well-to-do Filipino families migrated to
Europe to breath the free atmosphere of the Old World. There they
initiated a sustained campaign for reforms in the Spanish
administration of the Philippines. In the homeland, meanwhile, the
Filipino intellectuals secretly collaborated with those in Spain and
founded nationalistic societies.
The dissatisfaction of the Filipino men of wealth and intellect
was centered on the abuses of the Spanish authorities, civil as well as
clerical. The middle class denounced Spanish abuses and asked Spain
to make the Philippines one of its provinces. There was no clamor for
independence, for the reformists believed that the Filipinos would be
better off if they were to become Spanish citizens, enjoying the rights
and privileges of the latter. Such a program constituted what has been
known as assimilation.
For more than a decade the Filipino propagandists waged their
war against the Spanish authorities and friars, but they failed to
awaken the Government of the Peninsula to the demoralizing realities
of colonial administration. The reform movement was a failure for it
did not achieve its goals. In another sense, however, it was a success,
for its failure led to the founding of the Katipunan with separatist aims
(Agoncillo, 1990).
d. The Katipunan
The Kataastaasan Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak
ng Bayn, otherwise known as KKK or simply Katipunan, was a secret
society that was established by Andres Bonifacio and some of his
comrades on July 7, 1892. This was a significant event for the Filipinos
because it marked the end of the peaceful campaign for reforms and
the beginning of a movement which aimed to end Spanish oppression
by uniting the Filipinos and achieve independence by means of a
To increase the number of members of the organization, and to
stop suspicion on the part of the family members, the Katipunan
accepted women members. The women were least suspected by the
Spanish authorities, so they were able to keep important documents
of the society. They also served as messengers and front for the secret
meetings of the organization (Vivar et al., 1999)
The Katipunan became especially popular in the suburbs of
Manila and in the provinces of Central Luzon. But as the number of its
affiliates increased, the Spanish authorities began to suspect its
underground character. The friars began to denounce the nightly
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Lesson 2: Philippines under the American Regime – Self-
government and developments in the Philippines Under
American Colonial Rule
Lesson 2.1 Self-government and developments in the
Philippines Under American Colonial Rule
a. American Government in The Philippines
a. America’s Policy of Occupation
America’s successful suppression of revolutionary resistance
against their colonial rule forced the Filipino elite to shift to an
alternative of peaceful struggle for independence. Using an altruistic
policy for the Philippines, the United States, under President Willliam
Mckinley, enticed the Filipino elites into a compromise with American
Colonialism. Many of the Filipino elite Leaders especially the
“Illustrados,” began to adhere to the well-stated US Policy of President
Mckinley in his message to the US Congress stressing that the
Philippines is theirs not to exploit but to develop, to civilize, to
educate, and to train in the science of self-government. In reality,
behind this policy declaration was America’s other colonial objectives,
as follows:
1. To pursue a “manifest destiny” for America as a world
2. To use the Philippines as a source of raw materials for
US industries and as market for US manufactured
surplus products
3. To use the Philippines as a military and naval base to
balance the power in Asia
4. To have a refueling port for American ships servicing
their interest in Chine
These ulterior motives of America’s colonial rule later became a
reality when the US government gained complete control of the
Philippine archipelago politically. Finding no other way to repel
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1. The Elite
2. Cultural
groups in
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Assignment 4
Write a Critical Essay about readings in different occupations in the
Philippines that you have chosen. Thre readings are:
a. The house where the Philippines forgotten ‘comfort women’
were held
b. Comfort Women an unfinished or deal Report of a Mission:
Statements of Victims in the Philippines
Be guided with the rubric and the format of your outputs. See your
course guide!
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The third method is called the "People's Initiative" (or P). In this
method, amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the people
upon a petition of at least 12% of the total number of registered voters.
All legislative districts must be represented by at least 12% of the
registered votes therein. No amendment is allowed more than once every
five years since a successful PL. The 1987 Constitution directs the
Congress to enact a law to implement provisions of the PI, which has not
yet materialized.
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There are many pros to a federal form of government. Each region may
custom fit solutions to problems brought about by their distinct
geographic, cultural, social, and economic contexts. Regions also have
more power over their finances, since they handle majority ot their income
and only contributes to a small portion to the national government.
They can choose to directly fund their own development projects without
asking for the national government's go signal. A federal system could
alsso promote specialization, since the national govermment could focus
on nationwide concerns while regional governments can take care of
administrative issues.
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Assignment 5
Watch the documentary video about hacienda Luisita placed on your
flash drive. Folder: Documentary Video; File: Hacienda Luisita. Then,
write a reaction paper about the video. Handwritten will do. Part 1 is
the summary of the work, Part 2 is your reaction to the work, and it
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Assignment 6
Compare and contrast Philippine Constitutions and the Proposed
Federal Constitution. Follow the format and be guided on the rubric
on your course guide.
Form of Ratifying/ Length of Distinctive
Government Promulgating Effectivity Features
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But the Kalinga and Bontok peoples knew that the project
would flood their ricefields and their homes, communal forests and
sacred burial grounds. It would destroy their lives by changing their
environment forever.
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“If you destroy life in your search for what you say is the good
life, we question it,” Macliing said”. Those who need electric lights are
not thinking of us who are bound to be destroyed. Should the need
for electric power be a reason for our death?”
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withdrew from the project, finally forcing the martial law government
to cancel its plans.
Self-assessment Task 3
Answer the following questions below.
1. Despite not having formal education, Macli-ing was considered
as one of the most influential people in the Cordillera. What are
the lessons that the Great Macli-ing left to the Cordilleran
Assignment 7
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Since then, the virus has spread to other countries, inside and outside
of Asia, leading the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare this
as a pandemic.
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Self-assessment Task 4
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Assignment 8
Watch the documentary by Atom Araullo entitled The Atom Araullo
Specials: Covid -19: Nang Tumigil Ang Mundo in You Tube or in your
flashdrive. File Folder: Supplemental Videos; File Name: Atom Arullo
Then, write a reaction paper about the video. Handwritten will do. Part
1 is the summary of the work, Part 2 is your reaction to the work, and
it must contain a concluding paragraph. In order to guide you on how
to write a reaction paper, visit
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Appendix A ASQs
Module 1: Self-assessment Task 3
1. true 6. false
2. false 7. true
3. true 8. true
4. false 9. false
5. false 10. false
Module 2: Self-assessment Task 4
1. true 5. true
2.true 6. true
3. true 7.true
4. false 8. false
Module 4: Self-assessment Task 1
1. false
2. false
3. true
4. true
6. true
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