2014-Analysis of Hybrid Energy Systems For Application in Southern Ghana
2014-Analysis of Hybrid Energy Systems For Application in Southern Ghana
2014-Analysis of Hybrid Energy Systems For Application in Southern Ghana
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Due to advances in renewable energy technologies and increase in oil price, hybrid renewable energy
Received 12 June 2014 systems are becoming increasingly attractive for power generation applications in remote areas. This
Accepted 13 August 2014 paper presents an economic analysis of the feasibility of utilizing a hybrid energy system consisting of
Available online 7 September 2014
solar, wind and diesel generators for application in remote areas of southern Ghana using levelized cost
of electricity (LCOE) and net present cost of the system. The annual daily average solar global radiation at
Keywords: the selected site is 5.4 kW h/m2/day and the annual mean wind speed is 5.11 m/s. The National Renew-
Hybrid energy
able Energy Laboratory’s Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) software was
Energy cost
PV array
employed to carry out the present study. Both wind data and the actual load data have been used in
Wind turbine the simulation model. It was found that a PV array of 80 kW, a 100 kW wind turbine, two generators with
Ghana combined capacity of 100 kW, a 60 kW converter/inverter and a 60 Surrette 4KS25P battery produced a
mix of 791.1 MW h of electricity annually. The cost of electricity for this hybrid system is found to be
$0.281/kW h. Sensitivity analysis on the effect of changes in wind speed, solar global radiation and diesel
price on the optimal energy was investigated and the impact of solar PV price on the LCOE for a selected
hybrid energy system was also presented.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295 285
Energy consumption/capita
of hybrid energy systems, which employ two or more complemen- 350
tary sources of energy. For example, a diesel conventional generator 300
can be combined with a wind energy system or a solar energy 250
system or both. Feasibility, reliability and economic analyses con- 200
ducted in a number of studies showed that hybrid power systems 150
are more reliable and cheaper than single source energy systems 100
[9–12]. In fact, a number of studies on renewable hybrid energy sys- 50
tems have been performed in different parts of the world. For exam- 0
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
ple, a hybrid power system based on wind, diesel and battery was
modelled by Nfah and Ngundam [13] for power supply to remote Fig. 1. Electricity consumption per capita in Ghana from 2001 to 2012 [3].
areas in Cameroon using 4 years wind data for validation. The
results indicate that hybrid systems are a better approach to
increase access to electricity in the remote areas of Cameroon with- is 4.4 [19] and hence, the average electricity consumption per
out expensive grid extension. Later, a method for optimal design of household can be determined as 4.31 kW h per day. For the analy-
small grid-connected hybrid energy systems consisting of solar and sis carried out in this study, each household is therefore assumed
wind sources in Chile was reported by Caballero and Yanine [14]. to require electrical load of 5 kW h/day.
The objective was to minimize the life cycle cost of the system with- Technical and economic assessment of a hybrid energy plant for
out compromising reliability using simulation. The results indicate a mini-grid system is simulated for a small community that con-
that the hybrid system minimizes the cost of electrical power and sists of 400 households in this study. This community would
size of grid. Yanine et al. [15] also reported a technique for the con- require a power plant that can produce 2000 kW h of electricity
trol of grid-connected hybrid micro-generation systems without per day with a peak load of about 83 kW. It is expected that there
energy storage in Chile. Their theoretical framework based on will be daily, monthly, seasonal variation in electricity consump-
homeostatic control principles was assessed via a simulation anal- tion pattern in this community. To account for these variations,
ysis. The results confirmed the study’s hypothesis that sustainable hourly and daily variations in the electrical loads are assumed to
energy systems are completely achievable. In addition, Ismail be 10%.
et al. [16] performed a techno-economic analysis and designed a
hybrid system consisting of photovoltaic panels, a battery system
and a diesel generator for a typical Malaysian village household. 2.2. Solar radiation data
The results showed that the hybrid system developed was optimal.
Furthermore, an economic feasibility analysis of investments in The solar radiation data for the selected location were obtained
hybrid systems in different climatic zones of Tamil Nadu (India) from the Ghana Energy Commission. The monthly daily averaged
based on net present cost was conducted by Kumar and Manoharan global solar radiation is presented in Fig. 2. As expected, monthly
[17]. It was observed that government subsidies hold the key to and seasonal variations in global solar radiation and the monthly
attracting investments in renewable energy utilization in these energy output from solar energy conversion systems would vary
zones because renewable energy systems are initially capital inten- from one month to another as well as from one season to another.
sive in nature. More recently, Adaramola et al. [18] reported an The annual averaged daily global solar radiation is 5.41 kW h/m2/
assessment of the wind energy potential in the coastal regions of day. The monthly clearness index, which is defined as the fraction
Ghana. However, there are no analyses of hybrid energy systems of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere that reaches a par-
for Ghana in the open literature. ticular location on the earth surface varied between 0.495 (in
The objective of this article is to study an economic analysis of a August) and 0.586 (in October) with an annual average of 0.543.
hybrid energy system consisting of solar, wind and conventional The clearness index provides information on the level of availabil-
diesel generators for application in rural areas of southern Ghana. ity of solar radiation at the surface of the earth as well as changes
It is believed that this information will broaden the scope of in atmospheric conditions [20,21] and the weather condition at a
options available to policy makers and all stakeholders in the site. Based on the range of values of the clearness index, the
energy sector as the country seeks to make critical investments weather conditions in Adafoah can be classified as partly overcast.
in energy. A range of values of global solar radiation are used to investigate
the effect of changes in the solar radiation on the energy system
The renewable resource data used in this study are for Adafoah Global Horizontal Radiation
6 1.0
in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. This site is located on latitude
Daily Radiation (kWh/m²/d)
the selected site as well as the cost of diesel (to fuel the generator) 0.6
and electrical loads are presented in this section.
2.1. Electrical load
The electricity consumed per capita in Ghana from 2001 to 2012
is presented in Fig. 1. The figure shows that there is general 0 0.0
increase in annual electricity consumption per capita between Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Daily Radiation Clearness Index
2007 (288.8 kW h/capita) and 2012 (357.5 kW h/capita). The
amount of electricity consumed per day per capita in 2012 can Fig. 2. Monthly daily averaged global solar radiation and clearness index for
be estimated as 0.9795 kW h. The average household size in Ghana Adafoah [22].
286 M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295
Wind Resource turbine located in this site would also vary from one month to
another. Detailed analysis of the wind energy resource in Adafoah
Wind Speed (m/s)
(Ghana) can be found in [18,22].
The daily hourly (diurnal) variation of the wind speed in the site
is shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed that the hour of peak wind
speed (the windiest hour) is 16.00 h when the wind speed is
0 6.4 m/s. The autocorrelation factor (randomness in wind speed)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec in this site is taken as 0.85 (typical values are within the range of
0.80–0.95 [23,24] and the diurnal pattern strength (wind speed
Fig. 3. Monthly mean wind speed at Adafoah measured at a height of 12 m a.g.l.
[22]. variation over a day) is estimated as 0.25 (typical values are within
0.0–0.40 [23,24]. A range of values of mean wind speed are used to
investigate the effect of changes in the wind speed on the energy
system configuration and performance.
Wind speed (m/s)
2.4. Diesel fuel
The diesel price in Ghana in January 2014 (at the time of carry-
ing out this study) was about GH¢2.49 (US$0.95) per liter [25].
Since Ghana is a net importer of petroleum/crude oil products,
1.0 the price of diesel fuel in Ghana is vulnerable to the world prices.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
In order to investigate the effect of changes in fuel price on the
Hours of Day hybrid energy system and cost of electricity, the diesel price was
varied between US$0.8 and US$1.3/L, at an interval of US$0.10.
Fig. 4. Hourly variations of wind speed at Adafoah measured at 12 m a.g.l. [22]. The highest price of US$1.30/L may represent the possible price
of diesel in remote areas (without government subsidies) or a
as well as on the technical and economic aspects of the hybrid sys- sudden spike in fuel prices.
tem considered in this study.
simulation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis [27]. In the sim- Using the monthly average global solar radiation and the lati-
ulation process, HOMER models the performance of a particular tude of the site, HOMER used an algorithm developed by Graham
hybrid system configuration each hour of the year to determine and Hollands [30] to generate hourly global solar radiation on
its technical feasibility and life-cycle cost. A feasible system is the horizontal surface data. Since the PV array is inclined at angle
defined as a hybrid system configuration that is capable of satisfy- b (in this study, b = 5.78°, which is the latitude of the site) relative
ing the required load and meeting other constraints imposed on to the horizontal, HOMER determine the hourly global solar radia-
the system. In the optimization process, several different system tion (GT ) incident on the PV array using the Hay, Davies Klucher,
configurations are simulated and HOMER searches for the system Reindl (HDKR) model (Duffie and Beckmann [28]). This model
that satisfies the technical and economic constraints at the lowest takes into account the global solar radiation incident on a horizon-
life-cycle cost. In the sensitivity analysis process, HOMER performs tal surface, the orientation of the PV array, the location of the site
multiple optimizations under a range of input values in order to on the Earth’s surface, the time of year, and the time of day [27].
investigate the effects of uncertainty or changes in the model The lifetime of the PV array is assumed to be 25 years. The cost
inputs (such as changes in wind speed or diesel price). of the PV module in the Ghanaian market is GH¢3.5/W or approx-
For each component of the energy system, the HOMER software imately US$1500/kW [32] at the time of this study. For this simu-
requires information about the cost (capital, replacement, opera- lation analysis, the total initial cost for the PV installation is taken
tion and maintenance), number (or size) of units to be used, oper- as $3000/kW. The derating factor and the ground reflectance are
ating hours and lifetime, and other specific component properties. taken as 0.80% and 20%, respectively. There is no tracking system
In addition, the economic information (such as applicable real included in the PV system. This case represents the worst perfor-
interest rate at a desire location and the overall system fixed, oper- mance of the PV system. Due to possible changes in the cost of
ating and maintenance costs) is required. In this analysis, the sys- the PV array and its implication on economic performance of the
tem’s fixed cost will mainly come from the mini-grid system. hybrid energy system the cost of electricity was calculated for
Detailed descriptions of each component with the required input the following PV cost: $2250/kW, $3000/kW, $3750/kW, $4500/
data are provided and discussed in the following sub-sections. kW, $5250/kW, and $6000/kW.
The solar PV array with overall capacity of 80 kW is used in this In this study, the Furhlander FL 100 model wind turbine is
study. The solar PV module is a 72-cell (6 12) poly-crystalline selected. This model is designed to be used at hub height of up
(model number CS6X-300M, manufactured by Canadian Solar) to 38 m high. The detailed technical specifications and power curve
with a rated power of 300 Wp and can produce a maximum of for this wind turbine are presented in Table 2 and Fig. 6, respec-
600 V DC. The detailed technical specifications of this model are tively. The capital cost of this wind turbine model is taken as
presented in Table 1. The output power (Poutput) of a PV array can US$380,000 [33]. The operating and maintenance costs are
be calculated from the following equation and the PV specifications assumed to be 10% of the annual cost of the initial capital cost of
[28,29]. the system (system cost/lifetime). The lifetime of the wind turbine
! is assumed to be 25 years. In addition, the replacement cost of the
Poutput ¼ Y PV f PV ½1 þ ap ðT c T c;STC Þ; ð1Þ wind turbine is taken as $0 in this study, since the project life is
assumed to be 25 years.
where YPV is the rated capacity of the PV array or the power output In most cases, the available wind data are measured at a height
under standard test conditions in kW, fPV is the PV derating factor that is different from the wind turbine hub-height and since the
(%), GT is the solar radiation incident on the PV array (kW/m2), wind speed at the hub height is of interest for wind power applica-
GT,STC is the incident radiation at standard test conditions (1 kW/ tions, the available wind speeds are adjusted to the wind turbine
m2), ap is the temperature coefficient of power (%/°C), Tc is the PV hub height using the following power law expression:
cell temperature (°C) and Tc,STC is the PV cell temperature under a
U h
standard test conditions (25 °C). In a case where the effect of ¼ ; ð3Þ
UO h0
temperature on the PV array performance is neglected, ap can be
assumed to be zero and Eq. (1) reduces to: where Uo is the wind speed at a reference height ho, U is the wind
! speed at power height h and a is the surface roughness (in most
Poutput ¼ Y PV f PV ð2Þ cases, a is taken as 0.14 [18]).
GT;STC The power output from a wind turbine is calculated by HOMER
as follows: (i) determine the average wind speed for a given hour
Table 1 at the anemometer a height the monthly wind speed; (ii) calculate
Technical specification of MaxPower CS6X-300P under nominal operating cell
temperature [31].
the corresponding wind speed at the turbine’s hub height using the
power law (Eq. (3)); (iii) use the power curve (see Fig. 6) to calcu-
Parameter Specification late wind turbine power output at the determined wind speed
Nominal maximum power 300 Wp assuming standard air density; and (iv) multiply the calculated
Optimum operating voltage 32.9 V
Optimum operating current 6.61 A
Open circuit voltage 41.0 V Table 2
Short circuit current 7.19 A Technical specifications for Fuhrländer FL100 wind turbine model [34].
Efficiency 14.71%
Operating temperature 40 °C +85 °C Rated power 100 kW
Temperature coefficient: Rotor diameter 21 m
Pmax 0.43%/°C Hub height 38 m
Voc 0.34%/°C Cut-in wind speed 2.5 m/s
Isc 0.065%/°C Rated wind speed 13 m/s
Normal operating cell temperature 45 ± 2 °C Cut-off wind speed 25 m/s
Dimension 1954 mm 982 mm 40 mm Maximum design wind speed 67.0 m/s
288 M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295
Power (kW)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Wind speed (m/s)
Fig. 6. Power curve for the Fuhrländer wind turbine model FL 100 [34].
power output value by the air density ratio. The density ratio is
given as [29]:
q Bz To
¼ 1 ; ð4Þ
qo To T o Bz
where qo is the air density at standard temperature and pressure
conditions (1.225 kg/m3), To is the standard temperature
(288.16 K), B is the lapse rate (0.00650 K/m) and R is the gas con-
stant (287 J/kg K), z is the elevation (m), g is the acceleration due
to gravity (9.81 m/s2) and q is the air density at the wind turbine
hub height.
3.3. Diesel generator Fig. 7. The generator curves: (a) fuel consumption and (b) efficiency [36].
therefore, different sizes of converter capacity (60 kW, 80 kW, 3.8. Economic parameters and calculations
100 kW, 120 kW, and 140 kW) are considered. The lifetime of a unit
is taken as 15 years and efficiency of 90%. In Ghana, the cost of 1 kW The lifetime of the project is taken to be 25 years. According to
converter is GH¢2.1/W [32] or approximately US$900/kW and the the available information, the current interest rate and inflation
replacement cost is taken as US$800/kW. rate in Ghana are 16% and 13.5% respectively [42] and from these
rates, the annual real interest rate is determined as 2.2% using
Fisher expression [43]. In addition to the cost of mini-grid installa-
3.6. Mini-grid system tion, other initial fixed capital costs which can be used to prepare
the site for the system and other related activities are taken as
The cost of a mini-grid depends on the electricity distribution $50,000 and the overall hybrid power system operation and main-
and voltage levels as well as spatial distribution and number of tenance cost of $1500 per year is assumed.
the households within the mini-grid area. In this analysis, the Based on all the cost data for each system component, the dis-
mini-grid system consists of: (1) medium-voltage lines (33 kV), count rate and the project economic lifetime, the optimized system
which represent the main ‘transmission line’ and originated from configurations are ranked based on the minimum value of total net
the hybrid power plant; (2) low-voltage lines (240/415 V), which present cost. The revenues from the system include income from
serve as distribution lines (linking the medium-voltage lines to selling power to the grid and any salvage value that occurs at the
the households) and, (3) the households which represent the load end of the project lifetime. The annualized investment and associ-
points. From a recent study [38], the capital cost for low-voltage ated cost of each component is determined using:
lines in Ghana is given as US$17.0 per meter, and that of medium C a;comp ¼ C comp CRFði; nÞ; ð6Þ
voltage lines is US$25.0 per meter. These amounts represent the
overall cost for three-phase lines, poles, transformers and labor. where Ccomp is the total investment cost, i is the interest rate (in
From the data provided by Kemausuor et al., [38] the connection fraction) and n is the payment period (in years). The capital recov-
cost (equipment, installation and operation and maintenance cost) ery factor (CRF) is given as:
per household is estimated as US$323. The total length of the med- ið1 þ iÞ
ium-voltage lines and low-voltage lines are taken as 1600 m and CRFði; nÞ ¼ n ð7Þ
ð1 þ iÞ 1
10,000 m (25 m per household), respectively. Therefore, the overall
capital cost of the mini-grid is estimated as US$338,000 and the The NPC is then determined from [29]:
operation and maintenance cost of the grid is taken as 3% of the
C a;total
capital cost of the mini-grid. C NPC ¼ ; ð8Þ
CRFði; nÞ
where CNPC is the total NPC and Ca,total is the total annualized cost.
3.7. System simulation: operating reserve
4. Results and discussion
During the simulation process, HOMER ensures that the sys-
tem’s operating capacity is sufficient to provide for both the pri- In this section, the results of the technical and economic perfor-
mary load and operating reserve. Operating reserve is an excess mance of the mini-grid hybrid power plant are presented and dis-
operating capacity that should be able to respond to a sudden cussed. The results are grouped into two sub-sections: (1) the
increase in electrical load and variability in the renewable power overall performance of the energy system (Section 4.1) and, (2)
output from the wind turbine and PV system. In HOMER, three performance of the renewable energy conversion components of
operating reserves are required: one relates to the variability of the hybrid power plant (Section 4.2).
electrical load and the other two relate to variability of wind speed
and solar radiation. In this study, operating reserve taken as a per- 4.1. Overall energy performance
centage of hourly load is 10% as recommended by Cotrell [39] and
Dalton et al. [40]. The total required operating reserve for a given Based on the energy and economic parameters as well as
time is then determined as the sum of the product of each assumed assumptions used in this study, the simulation analysis produced
operating reserve inputs and the system power output at this given six sets of power plant systems. The categorized optimization solu-
time. But if the simulation cannot generate sufficient power to tions for the selected location with annual daily averaged global
cover both the determined operating reserve and electrical load, solar radiation of 5.4 kW h/m2/day, an annual mean wind speed
the HOMER shows the shortfall as ‘‘capacity shortage’. In this of 5.11 m/s, and a diesel fuel price of $0.95/L are presented in
study, the maximum allowable annual capacity shortage is taken Table 4. Based on the NPC and cost of electricity (COE), it can be
as 3% which is within the range of 0.5–5% suggested by Givler observed from this table that PV–wind–Gen hybrid (with and
and Lilienthal [41]. Any simulated system whose capacity shortage without battery) power plants are the most economically suitable
fraction exceeds this value is considered as infeasible system. solution while PV–Gen power plant is found to be the least suitable
Table 4
Categorized optimized energy systems for global solar radiation of 5.4 kW h/m2/day, wind speed of 5.11 m/s, PV cost of $3000/kW and diesel price of $0.95/L.
PV FL100 Gen Battery Converter Initial capital Operating cost (1000$/ Total NPC COE ($/ RFa Diesel
(kW) (unit) (kW) (unit) (kW) (1000$) year) (1000$) kW h) (–) (1000 L)
80 1 100 50 1081.0 144.7 3840.5 0.276 0.47 124.0
80 1 100 60 60 1163.8 143.8 3905.6 0.281 0.47 121.2
1 100 796.0 168.2 4004.8 0.288 0.33 148.1
1 100 60 20 887.8 168.9 4109.4 0.295 0.33 146.3
80 100 60 710.0 200.1 4525.4 0.325 0.17 179.6
80 100 60 60 783.8 202.3 4642.5 0.333 0.17 179.4
RF: Renewable fraction.
290 M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295
Fig. 8. Monthly distribution of the electricity produced by the hybrid energy system.
M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295 291
Table 6
Cost summary for PV–wind–Gen–Battery system for a case of $3000/kW PV.
Component Capital (1000$) Replacement (1000$) O&M (1000$) Fuel (1000$) Salvage (1000$) Total NPC (1000$)
PV array 240.0 0 0 0 0 240.0
Wind turbine 380.0 0 29.0 0 0 409.0
Generator 1 14.0 67.1 66.3 1615.7 2.0 1761.0
Generator 2 14.0 40.4 39.0 580.7 5.7 668.5
Battery 73.8 90.0 9.2 0 35.1 137.8
Converter 54.0 34.6 0 0 9.3 79.3
Minigrid/other initial costs 388.0 0 222.0 0 0 610.0
System 1163.8 232.1 365.5 2196.4 52.1 3905.6
40.0 Capital cost it would take to recover the difference in investment costs
Net present cost (NPC) between the current system and the base case system. The lower
the simple payback period, the more desirable it is to undertake
20.0 the project. The simple payback varies between 6.91 years for the
case when PV–Gen–Battery is the base system and 16.80 years
when the wind–Gen is the base system.
PV array Wind turbine Generator 1 Generator 2 Battery Converter Minigrid/other
intial costs 4.2. Renewable energy conversion systems performance
System component
Fig. 9. Relative composition of the capital and net present costs. 4.2.1. Wind turbine
The performance parameters of the model FL100 wind turbine
Table 7
are indicated in Table 8. The capacity factor, which is defined as
Economic performance indicators for PV–wind–Gen–Battery versus selected systems. the ratio of an actual energy output during a given period to the
energy output that would have been generated if the system were
Parameters Wind– Wind–Gen– PV– PV–Gen–
Gen Battery Gen Battery
operated at full capacity for the entire period, is given as 28.3%. As
suggested by Mathew [47], for an investment in wind power to be
Present worth (1000$) 99.26 203.86 618.86 736.96
Internal rate of return 4.41 7.73 11.80 15.00
economically viable, wind turbine with a capacity factor greater
(%) than 0.25 in a site is generally recommended and therefore, the
Simple payback (years) 16.8 10.80 7.89 6.91 selected wind turbine (FL100 model) is a good choice for the site
considered in this study and other similar sites in southern Ghana.
The capacity factor is a useful performance indicator for users,
developers and manufacturers of energy systems. It determines
maintenance, and fuel costs were accounted for by the generators
the economic viability of the system and higher value of the capac-
and also about 63% of the total NPC is accounted for by the two
ity factor is desired. Using life cycle cost analysis, the LCOE gener-
generators. The high NPC for the generators is due to the cost of
ated by the wind turbine was determined as $0.086/kW h.
fuelling, replacing and maintaining them. Therefore, any govern-
ment policy that aid decreasing the cost of diesel fuel can reduce
4.2.2. Solar PV
the operating cost of hybrid power system in remote and semi-
The basic performance parameters of the solar PV are indicated
urban area of the country.
in Table 9. The solar PV capacity factor is estimated as 18.1%. It
The economic performance of the PV–wind-generator–battery
should be mentioned that for the analysis carried out in this study,
power system is compared with other selected optimized power
fixed tilt orientation is used and the determined capacity factor of
systems (see Table 4) using the present worth, internal rate of
the PV system can be improved by using a tracking system. The
return and simple payback period parameters. For the purpose of
comparison, the selected PV–wind–Gen–Battery hybrid power is Table 8
used as the current system while other possible alternative power Performance parameters for the model FL100 wind turbine.
systems are used as base case systems. The results of this compar- Parameters Quantity
ison are shown in Table 7. The present worth is the difference
Rated capacity (kW) 100
between the NPCs of the base case system and the current system. Mean output (kW) 28
The sign of the present worth indicates whether the current system Capacity factor (%) 28.3
compares favourably as an investment option with the base case Total production (MW h/year) 248.24
system: a positive value indicates that the current system saves Levelized cost ($/kW h) 0.086
money over the project lifetime compared to the base case system.
From Table 7, it can be observed that the present worth values are
all positive when the PV–wind–Gen–Battery hybrid system is com- Table 9
pared with other systems. Performance parameters for the PV system.
The internal rate of return (IRR) represents the discount rate at Parameters Quantity
which the base case and current system have the same NPC. The
Rated capacity (kW) 80
IRR can be used to evaluate the desirability of investments or pro-
Mean output (kW) 14.5
jects. The higher the IRR, the more desirable it is to undertake the Mean output (kW h/day) 348
project. The IRR varies between 4.41% when the PV–wind– Capacity factor (%) 18.1
Gen–Battery is the base system and 15.00% for the case when Total production (MW h/year) 126.92
Levelized cost ($/kW h) 0.099
PV–Gen–Battery is the base system. The simple payback is the
292 M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295
Fig. 10. Optimal energy system type for PV array cost of $3000/kW and diesel price of $0.95/L.
Fig. 11. Optimal energy system type for PV array cost of $3000/kW and wind speed of 5.11 m/s.
value of a capacity factor for the PV determined in this study is influence composition of the optimal hybrid power system, are
comparable to findings from similar studies (e.g., [48]). It can fur- presented in graphical form in Figs. 10–12 for the solar PV cost
ther be observed that the average daily energy output from the of $3000/kW. An optimal system is defined as a solution for energy
solar PV system is observed to be 348 kW h/day. The LCOE gener- system configuration that is able to meet the specified electrical
ated by the wind turbine is determined as $0.099/kW h. load and other imposed constraints. Wind energy and solar energy
are variable natural resources and hence, hourly, daily, monthly
4.3. Sensitivity analysis and annual variations in wind speed and global solar radiation
are generally expected. Government policies and fluctuation in glo-
The effect of changes in the global solar radiation, wind speed bal oil prices can impact local diesel fuel prices. The graphical rep-
and diesel fuel cost, which are the main parameters that can easily resentation of optimal system type provides visual information
M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295 293
Fig. 12. Optimal energy system type for PV array cost of $3000/kW and global solar radiation of 5.4 kW h/m2/day.
that a particular system will be optimal at any given two sets of Furthermore, it can be noted that no feasible energy system is
variable parameters. The cost of electricity per kW h is superim- found at low wind speed and global solar radiation (lower left cor-
posed on each figure. The most significant advantage of the figure ner region of Fig. 10). The choice of the PV–Gen system is an opti-
is that it can be used in the selection of hybrid energy system at mal solution when the global solar radiation is greater than
other locations in southern Ghana. 4 kW h/m2/day and the wind speed is less than about 3.4 m/s. At
the upper left-hand corner region in Fig. 10 where the wind speed
4.3.1. Global solar radiation and wind speed is more than 4 m/s, wind–Gen system is the most viable solution. It
Fig. 10 shows the optimal system type under different global can further be observed from this figure that the LCOE reduces as
solar radiation and wind speed when the diesel fuel price is fixed the global solar radiation at a given wind speed and similarly, cost
at $0.95/L. Three optimal solutions can be observed from this fig- of electricity reduces as the wind speed increases, for a given global
ure: PV–Gen system, wind–Gen system and wind–PV–Gen system. solar radiation.
Fig. 13. Optimal energy system type with renewable operating reserves.
294 M.S. Adaramola et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 88 (2014) 284–295
0.310 However, for a given combination of wind speed and solar radia-
tion, the cost of electricity is observed to be higher for a system
0.300 with renewable operating reserves than a system without reserves.
For instance, at the base case of a wind speed of 5.11 m/s and glo-
LCOE ($/kWh)
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