Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It began in 1879 with the establishment of the first psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany. There are various subfields of psychology including clinical, developmental, social, and cognitive psychology. Some major perspectives in psychology include structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, gestalt psychology, and humanistic psychology.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It began in 1879 with the establishment of the first psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany. There are various subfields of psychology including clinical, developmental, social, and cognitive psychology. Some major perspectives in psychology include structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, gestalt psychology, and humanistic psychology.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It began in 1879 with the establishment of the first psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany. There are various subfields of psychology including clinical, developmental, social, and cognitive psychology. Some major perspectives in psychology include structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, gestalt psychology, and humanistic psychology.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It began in 1879 with the establishment of the first psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany. There are various subfields of psychology including clinical, developmental, social, and cognitive psychology. Some major perspectives in psychology include structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, gestalt psychology, and humanistic psychology.
in the university of Leipzig in Germany where he established first psychological laboratory. WELHELM WUNDT FIRST PSYCHOLOGICAL LABORATORY
Psychologists have begun to understand a lot about human nature but still the work of psychology goes on in laboratories, as well as in natural settings, from subways to street corners, from pre-school to colleges and universities, from factories, markets, offices, parks and every social setting. They study about how, what and why of human behavior. So it is the Scientific study of behavior of living creatures in their contact with the outer world. All organisms function in an environment that is constantly presenting them with problems and challenges that must be solved. Most people think of psychology as the study of differences between people, but it also includes the study of similarities between people. Nature of Psychology : Psychology is a quest for understanding the behaviour. Everyone wants to know about oneself and others. • The search for such knowledge requires scientific approach with strong motivations.
• It is the study about how, what, and why of human
behaviour. NEW DEFINITION:
The scientific study of behaviour
and mental processes What is BEHAVIOUR: The way in which an animal or person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus. Overt or observable behaviour as well as covert or hidden behaviour. • What are Mental Processes ? • Mental processes consists of perception, cognition, attention, emotion, intelligence, subjective experience, motivation, thinking, planning, feeling etc • Private mental processes that cannot be directly observed or measured and must be inferred from overt behaviour. DEFINITION: The systematic and scientific study of behaviour and mental cognitive processes of both animals and humans. There are three key terms in this definition; those are 1.Behaviour 2. Mental processes and 3. Psychology as Science. Psychology as a science PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE : Science is a method which is systematic and objective. Scientific methods are not casual, rather researchers carefully and precisely, plan and conduct their studies. In Psychology behavior is studied, experimented and analyzed. For this purpose, Psychologists use different scientific methods of research e.g., experimental method, clinical method, survey and observational method etc. Psychologists conduct their studies in an orderly and systematic way in order to obtain objective evidence. So psychology claims itself a science. SCIENTIFIC METHOD:
Scientific methods are
not casual rather researchers carefully and precisely, plan and conduct their studies. Various Definitions of Psychology. Psychology was defined as study of soul, mind and consciousness in different eras. Let's discuss these definitions to understand what psychology is and what it deals with . Psychology as Science Of Soul Psychology as Science Of Mind Psychology as Science Of Consciousness Psychology as Science Of Behavior PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE OF SOUL: Description of soul by Greek and Muslim Philosophers: Pythagoras: He believed that soul is imprisoned in body. As the person dies soul leaves his body. Socrates: He said that soul is immortal, and person seeks knowledge to purify soul Plato: Soul and body are separate systems. Aristotle: Life is nothing without soul. Muslim Philosophers: AL-Kindi , Farabi, Avicenna and other Muslims Philosophers described soul according to religion Islam. Soul gives life to human body, it is a divine entity and when it leaves the human body, the person dies. Psychology as a Science of Mind PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE OF MIND: Mind is defined as conscious and UnConscious processes of an individual. John Locke :He coined the term Tabula Rasa i.e human mind is totally blank at the time of birth and his experiences make prints on it. Sigmund Freud: He focused on unconscious part of mind . We are directly unaware of our unconscious processes. Wilhelm Wundt : He studied mind and elements of mind and how they affect an individual. Psychology as a science of Consciousness PSYCHOLOGY AS SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Present momentary awareness is called consciousness. John Dewey: He said that consciousness is purposeful and can be analyzed. William James: He gave the concept of “’stream of consciousness” and said that consciousness is personal, constantly changing, selective and active. PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE OF BEHAVIOR: Responses or reactions towards others. J.B. Watson: Psychology is a study of behavior i.e what organism do, act or react. it can be observed and measured. He presented the formula S-R which was later on amended as S-O-R• for example Ivon Pavlov classical conditioning. B.F. Skinner trial and error Learning. GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGY: 1. Describe: To get the facts or to collect the relevant data about behaviour. – what is the nature of this behaviour? 2 . Explain : It is done to find the processes or reasons that causes behaviour - why does it occur? what factors influence this behaviour? 3. Predict: Psychology helps to predicting what person will do in future. we forecast when and under what circumstances it will occur? 4. Control: Modification and management of behaviour according to the situations. Schools of Thought SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT IN PSYCHOLOGY: Several schools of thought have helped to shape the field of psychology into what it is today. These include: Structuralism Functionalism Psychoanalysis Behaviourism Gestalt psychology Humanistic psychology SRTUCTURALISM: The science of Psychology has its formal beginning in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt a German Psychologist set up a laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany to study mind/ mental activities. He studied the conscious experience through introspection. According to Structuralism, all Conscious processes consists of 3 Elements 1.Sensation 2 Images 3 Feelings FUNCTIONALISM :William James was the founder of this school. He was influenced by Darwin's work on evolution. He believed that Psychology should explain the functions of Mind /mental activity-and the role of behavior in allowing people to adapt to their environment. BEHAVIOURISM: John Watson founded behaviorism in the early 1900's. He said that Psychology is the science of overt behavior that can be observed and studied through objective measurement. It focuses on learned behaviors i.e. how behaviors are learned and reinforced. PSYCHOANALYSIS: The founder of this school Sigmund Freud developed the theory of Psychoanalysis to explain personality and treated patients with psychological problems. He was a famous physician and psychiatrist. He attempted to find the cause and cure of personality disorder. Psychoanalytic theory stressed the role of past experiences, instincts and motives , often hidden and repressed in the subconscious mind, which result in abnormal behavior. GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY: According to Gestalt Psychology ,whole is greater than sum of its parts. Kurt Koffka , Kohler and Max Wertheimer founded the Gestalt school which maintained that psychology should study the whole pattern of behavior or experience. Their goal was study of perception, emotions, problem solving. They also studied how sensations are assembled into meaning perceptual experiences. HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY ( 1950 – present ) Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow focused upon the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom of choice and decision making, as well as their potential for personal growth. Humanistic psychologists argued that humans are not helplessly controlled by unconscious or environmental forces – we have free will, goals, aspirations, and other positive motives which should be studied. People are naturally good. This school of thought develop because most of the psychologists generally focus on the negative side of human behaviour ,while largely neglecting the more positive aspects of human experience. AREAS/FIELDS/ BRANCHES OF PSYCHOLOGY: Clinical psychology: Investigates diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. Social psychology: Studies how people are affected by others. Cross-cultural psychology: Focuses on the similarities and differences in psychological functioning across cultures and ethnic groups. Developmental psychology: Changes in behavior over the life span (womb to tomb). Personality psychology: Examines consistencies in people's behavior and traits that differentiate us from one another. Evolutionary psychology: Examines influence of our genetic heritage and our behaviour. Health psychology: Explores relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease. Biopsychology: Specializes in the biological bases of behaviour Experimental psychology: Methodological study of sensing, perceiving, leaning and thinking Cognitive psychology: Emphasis on higher mental processes, such as problem solving, memory, and thought processes. Counseling psychology: Focuses on facilitating personal and interpersonal functioning across life span. Educational psychology : Focuses on learning in educational Organizational psychological settings especially schools. Industrial psychology: Application of psychological principles in workplace settings. Social psychologists: study how people influence and are influenced by others. Forensic psychologists: work on behavioural issues in the legal, judicial and correctional systems. Health psychologists: focus on ways to improve health by changing the behaviour. Sports psychologists: Study how psychological factors influence performance in sports, physical activity and exercise. . AREAS OF PSYCHOLOGY WITH REFERENCE TO PAKISTAN EDUCATION AND TESTING: Psychology as an independent subject was introduced in 1960 in GC University Lahore. Now there are well established department in different cities such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Quetta, Multan, Sargodha, Bahawalpur . Bachelor of study, four-year, Post grate and doctoral programs are started in many colleges. Psychology is also taught as compulsory subject in many professional courses as minor or elective subject. CIVIL SERVICES SELECTION BOARD CSS: The Civil services Selection Board hires a professional psychologists for their selection program which includes:- Application of Psychological tests. Situational Tests Observational Methods Interview Techniques Same method is used in Provincial and Judicial Civil Services. Formal training of Clinical psychology as a specialization started in the Punjab University in 1983 and in Karachi University in 1984. It is known as Post Masters Training Program for Clinical Psychologists. , ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCTIOLOGY IN PAKISTAN: In Pakistan awareness towards various fields of psychology including industrial and organizational psychology developed recently. Psychologists are now offered jobs in hospitals and armed forces for psychotherapy of clients. Pakistan has seen considerable growth in a wide range of industrial and financial institutes. REHABILITATION CENTER: Another major utility of Psychotherapists is in the treatment centers for drug addicts Many rehab centers are working for mentally retarded and physically handicapped. Psychologists are employed as therapists, instructors, teachers and as executives. There are number of rehab centers in Pakistan in which psychologists are contributing in various ways. NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS (NGOS) : Psychologists have formed their own organizations for social welfare, guidance and counselling. These NGOs run many schools, rehabilitation centers, drug eradication centers and also launch social awareness programs and trainings activities. RESEARCH : In 1976 , the Federal Education Ministry established “National Institute of Psychology’’ for research purpose. In 1994, NIP was renamed as “Center Of Excellence Dr. Muhammad Ajmal Institute of Psychology”, after its founder. Research, translation of tests, standardization and formulation of norms for tests are the major goals of this institute. COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY IN PAKISTAN The Bureau of Statistics estimate that in Pakistan Counselling psychology jobs will increase by 11 percent through 2022. Counseling psychologists help people with physical, emotional and mental health issues. Counselling Psychology improve their sense of wellbeing, help to reduce the feelings of distress and resolve crises. They also provide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of more severe psychological symptoms. Universities Offering Counselling Psychology in Pakistan are mentioned below: University of Punjab University of Lahore University of Peshawar