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Ecosystems: What
Are They and How
Do They Work?
What Keeps Us and Other
Organisms Alive?
• Concept 3-1A The four major components of the
earth’s life-support system are the atmosphere (air),
the hydrosphere (water), the geosphere (rock, soil,
and sediment), and the biosphere (living things).

• Concept 3-1B Life is sustained by the flow of energy

from the sun through the biosphere, the cycling of
nutrients within the biosphere, and gravity.
The Earth’s Life-Support System Has
Four Major Components
• Atmosphere
• Troposphere: where weather happens
• Stratosphere: contains ozone layer
• Hydrosphere
• Geosphere
• Biosphere
Natural Capital: General Structure of the Earth

Fig. 3-2, p. 56
• The atmosphere is a thin spherical envelope of gases
surrounding the earth’s surface.
• Its inner layer, the troposphere, contains the air we breathe,
consisting mostly of nitrogen (78% of the total volume) and
oxygen (21%). Most of the remaining 1% of the air consists of
water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.
• The next layer, reaching from 17 to 50 kilometers (11–31 miles)
above the earth’s surface, is called the stratosphere. Its lower
portion holds enough ozone (O3) gas to filter out about 95% of
the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This global
sunscreen allows life to exist on the surface of the planet.
• The hydrosphere is made up of all of the water on
or near the earth’s surface.
• It is found as water vapor in the atmosphere, as
liquid water on the surface and underground, and
as ice—polar ice, icebergs, glaciers, and ice in
frozen soil-layers called permafrost.
• The oceans, which cover about 71% of the globe,
contain about 97% of the earth’s water and support
about half of the world’s species.
• The geosphere consists of the earth’s intensely hot
core, a thick mantle composed mostly of rock, and
a thin outer crust.
• The crust’s upper portion contains soil chemicals
that organisms need in order to live, grow, and
reproduce (nutrients), as well as nonrenewable
fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—and minerals
that we use.
• The biosphere consists of the parts of the
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere
where life is found.
• An important goal of environmental science is
to understand the key interactions that occur
within this thin layer of air, water, soil, and
organisms and how we interact with the

(living organisms)


Mantle (crust, mantle, core)

Core Atmosphere (air)

Hydrosphere (water)

Fig. 3-2, p. 56
The Diversity of Life

Fig. 3-3a, p. 56
Three Factors Sustain Life on
• One-way flow of high-quality energy:
• Sun → plants → living things → environment as
heat → radiation to space
• Cycling of nutrients through parts of the
• Because the earth does not get significant inputs
of matter from space, its essentially fixed supply
of nutrients must be continually recycled to
support life, in keeping with the chemical cycling
• Gravity holds earths atmosphere
• allows the planet to hold onto its atmosphere and helps to
enable the movement and cycling of chemicals through
air, water, soil, and organisms.
Flow of Energy to and from the Earth

Fig. 3-4, p. 57
What Are the Major Components of
an Ecosystem?
• Concept 3-2 Some organisms produce the nutrients
they need, others get their nutrients by consuming
other organisms, and some recycle nutrients back to
producers by decomposing the wastes and remains
of organisms.
Ecologists Study Interactions in
• Ecology: is the science that focuses on how
organisms interact with one another and with
their nonliving environment of matter and
• Ecologists study interactions within and
among five of these levels—organisms,
populations, communities, ecosystems, and
the biosphere.
Biosphere Parts of the earth's air,water, and soil
where life is found

Ecosystem A community of different species

interacting with one another and with
their nonliving environment of matter
and energy
Community Populations of different species
living in a particular place, and
potentially interacting with each
Population A group of individuals of the same
species living in a particular place

Organism An individual living being

The fundamental structural and

Cell functional unit of life

Molecule Chemical combination of two or

more atoms of the same or different
Water elements

Atom Smallest unit of a chemical element

Hydrogen Oxygen that exhibits its chemical properties Stepped Art
Fig. 3-5, p. 58
Ecosystems Have Living and
Nonliving Components
• Abiotic
• Water
• Air
• Nutrients
• Rocks
• Heat
• Solar energy
• Biotic
• Living and once living
Major Biotic and Abiotic Components of an

Fig. 3-6, p. 59
Oxygen (O2)

Carbon dioxide (CO2)


consumer (fox)

Primary consumer


Water Decomposers

Soluble mineral nutrients

Fig. 3-6, p. 59
Producers and Consumers Are the Living
Components of Ecosystems
• Producers, autotrophs
• Photosynthesis:
• CO2 + H2O + sunlight → glucose + oxygen
• Chemosynthesis
• Consumers, heterotrophs
• Primary consumers = herbivores
• Secondary consumers
• Tertiary consumers
• Carnivores, Omnivores

Fig. 3-7a, p. 59

Fig. 3-8a, p. 60
Producers and Consumers Are the Living
Components of Ecosystems
• Decomposers
• Consumers that release nutrients
• Bacteria
• Fungi

• Detritivores
• Feed on dead bodies of other organisms
• Earthworms
• Vultures

Fig. 3-9a, p. 61
Detritivores and Decomposers

Fig. 3-10, p. 61
Detritus feeders Decomposers

Carpenter Termite
Bark beetle ant galleries and
Long-horned engraving carpenter
Dry rot
beetle holes ant work

Wood reduced
to powder Fungi

Powder broken down by

Time progression decomposers into plant
nutrients in soil
Fig. 3-10, p. 61
Producers and Consumers Are the Living
Components of Ecosystems (3)
• Aerobic respiration
• Using oxygen to turn glucose back to
carbon dioxide and water

• Anaerobic respiration = fermentation

• End products are carbon compounds such
as methane or acetic acid
Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling

• One-way energy flow from sun

• Nutrient cycling of key materials

Ecosystem Components

Fig. 3-11, p. 62
Chemical nutrients energy
Heat (carbon dioxide,
oxygen, nitrogen,

Heat Heat

Decomposers Producers (plants)

(bacteria, fungi)

Consumers (plant
eaters, meat eaters)
Heat Heat
Fig. 3-11, p. 62
Science Focus: Many of the World’s Most
Important Species Are Invisible to Us
• Bacteria
• Protozoa
• Fungi
3-3 What Happens to Energy in
an Ecosystem?
• Concept 3-3 As energy flows through ecosystems in
food chains and webs, the amount of chemical
energy available to organisms at each succeeding
feeding level decreases.
Energy Flows Through Ecosystems
in Food Chains and Food Webs
• Food chain
• Movement of energy and nutrients from
one trophic level to the next
• Photosynthesis → feeding →

• Food web
• Network of interconnected food chains
A Food Chain

Fig. 3-12, p. 63
First Trophic Second Third Trophic Fourth Trophic
Level Trophic Level Level

Producers (plants) Primary consumers Secondary Tertiary consumers

(herbivores) consumers (top carnivores)

Heat Heat Heat Heat



Heat Heat

Decomposers and
detritus feeders

Fig. 3-12, p. 63
A Food Web

Fig. 3-13, p. 64
Fig. 3-13, p. 64
Usable Energy Decreases with
Each Link in a Food Chain or Web
• Biomass
• Dry weight of all organic matter of a given trophic
level in a food chain or food web
• Decreases at each higher trophic level due to heat

• Pyramid of energy flow

• 90% of energy lost with each transfer
• Less chemical energy for higher trophic levels
Pyramid of Energy Flow

Fig. 3-14, p. 65
Usable energy available at
each trophic level Heat
(in kilocalories)
Tertiary consumers
(human) 10

consumers (perch) 100
Heat Heat

Primary consumers
(zooplankton) 1,000


Fig. 3-14, p. 65
Usable energy available
at each trophic level Heat
(in kilocalories)
consumers 10
(human) Heat

consumers 100
(perch) Heat Decomposers Heat

consumers 1,000
(zooplankton) Heat


Stepped Art
Fig. 3-14, p. 65
Some Ecosystems Produce Plant
Matter Faster Than Others Do
• Gross primary productivity (GPP)
• Rate at which an ecosystem’s producers convert solar
energy to chemical energy and biomass
• Kcal/m2/year
• Net primary productivity (NPP)
• Rate at which an ecosystem’s producers convert solar
energy to chemical energy, minus the rate at which
producers use energy for aerobic respiration
• Ecosystems and life zones differ in their NPP
Estimated Annual Average NPP in Major Life Zones
and Ecosystems

Fig. 3-15, p. 66
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Swamps and marshes
Tropical rain forest
Temperate forest
Northern coniferous forest (taiga)
Agricultural land
Woodland and shrubland
Temperate grassland
Tundra (arctic and alpine)
Desert scrub
Extreme desert
Aquatic Ecosystems
Lakes and streams
Continental shelf
Open ocean

Fig. 3-15, p. 66
What Happens to Matter in
an Ecosystem?
• Concept 3-4 Matter, in the form of
nutrients, cycles within and among
ecosystems and the biosphere, and
human activities are altering these
chemical cycles.
Nutrients Cycle in the Biosphere

• The elements and compounds that make up

nutrients move continually through air, water,
soil, rock, and living organisms within
ecosystems, as well as in the biosphere in
cycles called nutrient cycles, or
biogeochemical cycles
• Hydrologic, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur
• Nutrients may remain in a reservoir for a period of
Water Cycles through the
• The hydrologic cycle, or water cycle,
collects, purifies, and distributes the
earth’s fixed supply of water: three
major processes
• Evaporation
• Precipitation
• Transpiration
Water Cycles through the
1. The sun powers the water cycle. Incoming solar
energy causes evaporation, or the conversion of
water from liquid to vapor from the earth’s oceans,
lakes, rivers, soil, and plants.
2. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it
condenses into droplets, and
3. gravity then draws the water back to the earth’s
surface as precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, and dew).
The hydrologic cycle can be viewed as a cycle of natural
renewal of water quality—an important and free
ecosystem service.
Condensation Condensation
Ice and

from plants
n to land Evaporation of
surface water Evaporation
from ocean

Lakes and
reservoirs Precipitatio
n to ocean
Increased runoff on land
covered with crops,
Infiltration and buildings and pavement
percolation into Increased runoff
aquifer from cutting
Runoff forests and filling

Groundwater Overpumping
in aquifers of aquifers Water pollution


Natural process
Natural reservoir
Human impacts
Natural pathway
Pathway affected by human activities Fig. 3-16, p. 67
Water Cycles through the

• Alteration of the hydrologic cycle by humans

• First, we withdraw freshwater from rivers, lakes,
and aquifers, sometimes at rates faster than
natural processes can replace it.
• Second, we clear vegetation from land for
agriculture, mining, road building, and other
activities, and cover much of the land with
buildings, concrete, and asphalt.
• Third, we drain and fill wetlands for farming and
urban development.
Hydrologic Cycle Including Harmful Impacts
of Human Activities

Fig. 3-16, p. 67
Condensation Condensation
Ice and

from plants
n to land Evaporation of
surface water Evaporation
from ocean

Lakes and
reservoirs Precipitatio
n to ocean
Increased runoff on land
covered with crops,
Infiltration and buildings and pavement
percolation into Increased runoff
aquifer from cutting
Runoff forests and filling

Groundwater Overpumping
in aquifers of aquifers Water pollution


Natural process
Natural reservoir
Human impacts
Natural pathway
Pathway affected by human activities Fig. 3-16, p. 67
Glaciers Store Water

Fig. 3-17, p. 68
Water Erodes Rock in Antelope Canyon

Fig. 3-18, p. 69
Carbon Cycle Depends on
Photosynthesis and Respiration
• Link between photosynthesis in producers and
respiration in producers, consumers, and
• Carbon is the basic building block of the
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, DNA, and other
organic compounds necessary for life.
• Carbon dioxide affects the temperature of the
earth’s atmosphere through the greenhouse
effect and thus plays a major role in
determining the earth’s climate.
Carbon Cycle Depends on
Photosynthesis and Respiration
• Carbon is cycled through the biosphere by a
combination of photosynthesis by producers,
which remove CO2 from the air and water,
and aerobic respiration by producers,
consumers, and decomposers, which adds CO2
in the atmosphere.
Carbon Cycle Depends on
Photosynthesis and Respiration
• In only a few hundred years, we have
extracted and burned huge quantities of fossil
fuels that took millions of years to form and
added large quantities of CO2 to the
atmosphere, thus altering the carbon cycle.
• Another way in which we alter the cycle is by
clearing carbon-absorbing vegetation from
many forests, especially tropical forests, faster
than it can grow back.
Natural Capital: Carbon Cycle with Major Harmful
Impacts of Human Activities

Fig. 3-19, p. 70
Carbon dioxide in
atmosphere Respiration


(consumers) Burning
fossil fuels
Diffusion Forest fires

Deforestation (producers)

Transportation Respiration
Carbon in
Carbon dioxide Carbon in
dissolved in ocean (consumers)
Carbon in
Marine food webs
Producers, consumers, fossil fuels

Carbon in limestone
or dolomite Compaction

Pathway affected by humans
Natural pathway
Fig. 3-19, p. 70
Increase in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, 1960-2009

Supplement 9, Fig 14
Nitrogen Cycles through the
Biosphere: Bacteria in Action (1)
• Nitrogen fixed by lightning
• Nitrogen fixed by bacteria and cyanobacteria
• Combine gaseous nitrogen with hydrogen to make
ammonia (NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4+)
• Nitrification
• Soil bacteria change ammonia and ammonium ions to
nitrate ions (NO3-)
• Denitrification
• Nitrate ions back to nitrogen gas
Nitrogen Cycles through the
Biosphere: Bacteria in Action (2)
• Human intervention in the nitrogen cycle
1. Additional NO and N2O in atmosphere
from burning fossil fuels; also causes acid
2. Add excess nitrates to bodies of water.
This can cause excessive growth of algae
that can disrupt aquatic systems.
Nitrogen Cycle in a Terrestrial Ecosystem with Major
Harmful Human Impacts

Fig. 3-20, p. 71
Process Denitrification by bacteria
Nitrogen in
Reservoir atmosphere Nitrification by
Pathway affected by humans bacteria
Natural pathway
Nitrogen in
Electrical storms animals
Nitrogen oxides (consumers)
from burning fuel Volcanic
and using activity
in plants

Nitrates from
runoff and Uptake by plants

Nitrate in soil

Nitrogen loss Nitrogen

to deep ocean in ocean Bacteria
sediments sediments
Ammonia in soil

Fig. 3-20, p. 71
Human Input of Nitrogen into the Environment

Supplement 9, Fig 16
Phosphorus Cycles through the
• Cycles through water, the earth’s crust, and
living organisms
• Limiting factor for plant growth

• Impact of human activities

1. Clearing forests
2. Removing large amounts of phosphate from the
earth to make fertilizers
3. Erosion leaches phosphates into streams

Fig. 3-21, p. 73
Pathway affected by humans
Natural pathway
Phosphates Phosphates
in sewage in fertilizer Plate
Phosphates in tectonics
mining waste Runoff Runoff
Phosphate in
rock (fossil
Erosion bones,
guano) Ocean food
(consumers) Phosphate Phosphate in
dissolved shallow ocean
in water sediments
in deep
Plants ocean
(producers) sediments


Fig. 3-21, p. 73
Sulfur Cycles through the
• Sulfur is found in organisms, ocean sediments, soil,
rocks, and fossil fuels

• SO2 in the atmosphere

• H2SO4 and SO4-

• Human activities affect the sulfur cycle

• Burn sulfur-containing coal and oil
• Refine sulfur-containing petroleum
• Convert sulfur-containing metallic mineral ores
Natural Capital: Sulfur Cycle with Major Harmful
Impacts of Human Activities

Fig. 3-22, p. 74
Sulfur dioxide
in atmosphere

Sulfuric acid
Burning Refining and Sulfate
Smelting deposited
coal fossil fuels
Sulfur in
as acid rain
sulfide a (consumers)

Sulfur in
Mining and (producers)
extraction Uptake
Sulfur by plants
in ocean Decay

Process Sulfur
Reservoir in soil, rock
Pathway affected by and fossil fuels
Natural pathway Fig. 3-22, p. 74
Three Big Ideas

1. Life is sustained by the flow of energy from the sun

through the biosphere, the cycling of nutrients
within the biosphere, and gravity.
2. Some organisms produce the nutrients they need,
others survive by consuming other organisms, and
some recycle nutrients back to producer organisms.
3. Human activities are altering the flow of energy
through food chains and webs and the cycling of
nutrients within ecosystems and the biosphere.

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