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Site Survey For Practicum and CBTP Implementation at Jimma University Faculty of Education

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Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T.

et al 3

Original Article
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation at
Jimma University faculty of education
Tefera Taddese, Kassahun Melesse, Dagnachew Girma, Gebru G/Tsadik,
Ewnetu Seid, Sisay Shewamare, Tamirat Wasihun, Mekonen Gorfu*

The study was conducted on high schools around the vicinity of Jimma
University easy to access for implementing practicum and CBTP, the
paradigm shift in the curriculum of education in Ethiopia. School heads
and community/Kebele leaders were sources of information and media
for awareness creation.

Data were collected through interview by a task force of eight senior

academic staff of Education Faculty assigned by the Academic
Commission of the faculty, through out January 2004 working four days
per week; processed in a team work, and finalized by a local work shop
accommodating the school heads and community leaders. Twenty one
high schools were identified with a capacity of handling 1188 student
teachers among which ten with in the radius of 50 km from Jimma, four
in Jimma town, were selected appropriate for at least for the first batch
of students. In all of the sites assessed, heads and leaders showed
positive attitudes to assist the program full heartedly anticipating the
mutual benefits to come.
The first ten high schools with in 50 km radius, estimated to handle 603
students at a time, were recommended for the first batch of students to
go for implementing practicum and CBTP phase I to phase IV followed
by detailed action plan to facilitate the move.

*Education Faculty, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia

Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 4

society and the learners. Research

findings and experience dictate that
Changes in society demand
the needs of students in higher
immediate corresponding changes in
institutions in the present-day are
the curriculum of the higher
different from the needs of students
education institutions presumably
used to have in the past. Societal
because it is the end of formal
needs are also keep changing.
education and the last opportunity to
Hence, it is very essential to revise
enter into the world of work. Besides,
systematically and develop curricula
higher education has the capacity to
which fit with the current demand.
evaluate itself constantly in order to
(MOE, 1989)
make adjustment to improve both its
internal and external efficiency.
Currently the Ethiopian government
Above all, new developments in
has called for a complete Teacher
various fields and new thoughts and
Education System Overhaul (TESO)
visions may necessitate changes in
in order to address the serious
the curriculum in higher education. In
problems of the education system.
a similar way, major advances in
This vision brought about a
biological, health sciences, social
"paradigm shift". The conceptual
sciences, physical and life sciences,
frame work of the paradigm shift
business and economics, and
relies on the basic conception of
technology lead to revision of
education that are first introduced in
courses in the field.
the new education and training policy
of Ethiopia (FDRE, Strategic plan for
In line, with the everlasting explosion
of knowledge and increasing
Education 1994). The notion of
sophistication of technology, higher
passive learning that characterizes
education programmes need to be
the previous (old) education system
frequently reviewed and developed
of the country doomed to die and has
to keep pace with the needs of
been replaced with a commitment to
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 5

active, learner-centered education. and has been working for the

This requires a Teacher Education success of its implementation,
System that develops higher order integrating it with its unique
thinking skills in graduates. character, the philosophy of
community based education (CBE)
With a wide spectrum of vision, the (CBTP. 1987). In light of this, a task
new graduates of pre-service force was established in June 2003.
teachers will not only be adequately Since its establishment the task force
prepared for the classroom, but will has done a lot of document studies
also be prepared to contribute to the during which the course description
development of the society. It is now of six of the practicum courses, with
recognized that teachers have a their credit hours and objectives
great role to play in developing were set. Besides, in January 2004,
learning communities who are able the task force conducted a
to take control of their own preliminary survey to determine the
development. In working towards possible sites and implementation
implementing the vision, the strategies working for one month;
paradigm shift has focused mainly four days per week, accommodating
on: practicum, active learning, the normal classes.. In this regard,
continuous assessment, continuous the task force targeted four directions
professional development, and for the study. These are: (1) schools
linking the schools with TEI, local within Jimma surrounding, (2) Metu
community, professional courses and direction, (3) Sekoru direction, and
action research, etc. (4) Bonga direction. The task force
prepared structured questionnaire
and interview to be responded by the
Jimma University, as being one of
the universities who run pre-service respected bodies assigned in the
Teacher Education Program, schools and the respective
endorsed the need for paradigm shift municipalities. On the way of doing
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 6

the assignment the task force was teachers with the necessary
challenged with a number of background for their practical
problems such as program clashes activities.
in arranging means of transportation The rest practicum courses (i.e.
(vehicle), automobile technical Practicum I- Practicum V) including
problem while driving on journey, CBTP I & II integrated with pract-I &
inability to meet the respected bodies II are designed with three- part
hence forced to go to the residence structure: preparation in the faculty
in some places, and end of semester before school visit - Activity in
examination. Regardless of all these; school-Reflection and Analysis in
however, the members have tried all the faculty. These practicum/CBTP
their best to obtain the necessary courses are meant actual school and
information and to make the study community experiences that are the
successful. The following briefly most essential elements of teaching
explains the nature of practicum and qualifications and investigating the
CBTP courses to be implemented community problems and resources
(Education faculty of JU, Curriculum. in the vicinity of the school. During
2003) these courses student teachers will
I. The nature of practicum courses be given the opportunity to explore
A prerequisite course to practicum, and gain understanding of the
introduction to community teaching- learning process and
development, is designed so as to surveying the community in the area,
create awareness on the student to see how school students behave
teachers about the school and their and observe the realties of being a
communities, the likely impacts of teacher, and the relationship of the
their participation on community school and the community with its
development and to equip student available resources to be used in
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 7
emergency care. The course will
teaching. To meet such intended be offered by different professionals
purposes, the student teachers plan as a sort of seminar through a
and prepare in their faculty, draw on central coordinating office or
guidance and support from their assigned coordinator.
supervisors and from school
teachers while practicing the 1.2. Practicum I and CBTP I
methods and skills needed to be a (Prac.102) [3 cr. hrs]
good teacher. The practicum courses This course is intended to orient
also give them the opportunity to students about the image of the
explore the role of the teacher within school and the surrounding
the community, and to understand community as well. Hence, it is an
how they can develop relationships activities observation and exploration
with parents of their students. They phase so as to familiarize the
also learn from the experience and students with school activities and
problems of the community. The community issues, which are
feature of each practicum course will independent activities. Students are
be highlighted below. (Education expected to go out to school and the
Faculty of Ju, curriculum. 2003) surrounding community in a block of
1.1. Introduction to 7 - 10 days to collect information,
Community Development and then one half day per week
through out the semester.
(Prac 101)[2 cr. hrs]
By its very nature, community 1.3. Practicum II and CBTP II
development is a course that (Prac 201)[3 cr. hrs]
encompasses development issues in This course enable student teachers
relation to various sectors like to assist teachers in many regards
education, health, agriculture, like lesson plan preparation,
environmental studies, and facilitating students discussion,
correcting students assignment,
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 8
recording test results etc. In methods and materials. The
addition, the student teacher utilizes students will practice teaching for 8
the surrounding community weeks in close supervision.
resources in preparing instructional 1.5. Practicum IV (Prac. 301)
materials and assist tutoring
[8 cr. hrs]
students, providing awareness
The purpose of this course is to
seminars for consciousness raising
integrate theories of teaching and
about education, etc. As in Prac.
learning with actual practices of
102, students will go out to school
classroom instruction. As the course
and the community as a block for
is a continuation of practicum three,
four week (20 days) assisting the
the student teacher is expected to
school teacher and producing
practice actual teaching with better
teaching materials from the local
teaching proficiency. During this
course the student teacher is
1.4. Practicum III (Prac 202) relatively independent in handling
[7 cr. hrs] classes or he or she is expected to
This course is designed to help work substituting the classroom
students develop teaching skill in the teacher, students will practice for 8
major and minor areas. Students will weeks like that of practicum III.
be encouraged to develop the skills 1.6. Practicum V (Research
in producing and utilizing
Project) (Prac 302) [3 cr. hrs]
instructional materials from local
This is the last phase of the
resources. Fundamentals of this
practicum courses. During this
course include organizing classes
course the student teacher finalizes
using various strategies, promoting
his or her action research that was
active learning techniques, planning
started during practicum two. Hence

the course is purely a student

lessons, and practicing presentation
research project (SRP) on individual
skills, utilizing different teaching
basis. Registration will start at the
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 9
beginning of the senior academic Sekoru and Dedo. School
year to give more time for the administration officers and
students to start their proposal and community / Keble leaders are
investigation (SRP manual, 1996). source of information.
The need to make this Most of the Data were collected
investigation under the objectives of through formally design questions for
assessing possible sites among the interview and also recorded by
high schools in the vicinity of Jimma observation by a group of 8 senior
University is then to identify academic staff members of the
appropriate sites for implementing Faculty of Education assigned by the
practicum and CBTP phase by Academic Commission(AC ) of the
phase followed by action plan and faculty in June 2003.
recommendations of possible
The study design is cross sectional
strategies to implement practicum
with no sampling done since every
actively, effectively and efficiently.
schools and community leaders were
Moreover, creating awareness about
the objectives of the intended
Basic statistical methods were used
activities of practicum to the high
to organize, summarize and analyze
school managers and Kebele leaders
data quantitatively and qualitatively.
ware also part of the purpose of this
Ethical consideration were taken
care of through the consent of the
Methods school administrators and community
Study site and population of the leaders based on the official letter of
survey were secondary schools the university explaining the
objectives of practicum, the
paradigm shift of the national
curriculum on education.
around the Jimma university, the stated on the previous page
roads and distance accessible from
Jimma town up to Metu, Bonga,
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 10
established ones are Serbo and
Dedo (1988 E.C) and Jimma
Field Survey Results
university community school (1989).
Seven of the school were
established in the late 70's and early
A total of 21 high schools were
80's. Generally, to establish these
identified under this survey except
schools, the involvement of the non-
Jimma technical and vocational
governmental elements like the
institute (JTVI) hosting only
th th community, interested individuals
preparatory levels (11 and 12
and NGO's is very high 62%. We see
grades); all 20 schools
that the concern and involvement of
accommodate starting from grade 9
the public in the establishment of
and above, of which, 13 (54%) of
th th schools is high.
them are with 9 and 10 grade
As can be seen from the sketch map,
levels only. Most of the school
ten of the schools were found on the
11(52%) were established by the
road from Jimma to Metu about 265
government among which (3) were
Km, three on the way to Bonga 106
reported by the community too. A
Km., three to Sekoru 100 Km. Four
total of seven school found
of the schools, JTVI, Seto, Jiren, JU
established by the community
community school are found right in
initiation, the rest were of the
Jimma town. Ten of the schools were
establishment of interested
with in 50 Km. radius from Jimma
individuals, organizations and
town. To help facilitating practicum,
missioners. Jimma technical and
the address of the officers of all the
vocational institute, for example, was
21 schools is registered to use it as
the oldest established in 1927 E.C by
contact indices.
educationalist from Canada named
As it was indicated in the sketch map
Mr. Thomas. The most recently
the nearest school was Jimma
University Community School, which
was found with in the University
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 11
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 12

Compound, as part of the University

and then Jiren, Seto high schools
and JTVI were relatively near since the high schools under the study
th th
they were found in Jimma town. In comprise 9 and 10 grade levels
addition, the sketch map also some of them with and with out
indicates that Metu High School is preparatory levels. Here, out of a
the farthest since it was 265 km total of 18,471 ninth and 8352 tenth
away from Jimma town. Similarly, grade students, 39% and 36.3%
Bonga, Gimbo, Sekoru, Toba, were females respectively. (Table -
Dembi, Gechi, Bedele, Chora, Yayu 1)
and Hurumu are also farther since As seen from the table the female
they are far away beyond 50 km from rate decreases as one observes from
JU. The other schools such as Dedo, lower grades (9 ) to higher ones. In
Yebu, Agaro, Sekka and Serbo were particular, the maximum student
within the 50 km radius. population was in Jiren secondary
school (3,581) where female rate
was 47.5% and then next Agaro
(3,216) female rate 39.4%, while the
Student and Staff
minimum student population was
population/ capacity
found in Serbo (422), excluding the
Student Population of the JU community school from
sites comparison. In most cases, the
th th
preparatory levels (11 and 12
From the 21 schools observed grades) were found in urban areas
during the survey 37.2% (10829) like Jimma, Agaro, Bedele, Metu ,
were females out of a total of 29,131 Bonga ; except Asendabo and Yayu
students. Except the JTVI, most of which were semi-urban.
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 13
Summary of student population and female rate Table-1

th th th th
9 10 11 12 Total
School T# F% T# F% T# F% T# F% T# F%
Jiren 2362 49.4 1219 43.8 3581 47.5
Seto 1536 50.8 1044 46.2 2580 49
JATVI 577 25.8 465 35 1042 29.9
JU Com 55 61.8 30 46.7 17 102 54.9
Dedo 396 35 244 36.5 640 35.6
Yabu 532 31.8 476 36.8 1008 34.1
Agaro 2064 45.3 820 33 160 19.4 172 24.4 3216 39.4
Toba 752 26.7 250 33.6 1002 28.4
Dembi 370 30.8 135 31.9 505 31.3
Gechi 421 27 245 33.9 666 29.6
Bedele 2015 34.7 794 33.2 88 19.3 159 27 3056 33.5
Chora 823 30 159 30.2 982 30
Yayu 584 36.1 308 38.3 42 23.8 53 20.8 987 35.5
Hurumu 510 43.5 272 38.6 782 41.8
Metu 1226 50.9 754 33.8 135 18.5 211 30.3 2326 41.6
Serbo 279 30.8 143 40.6 422 34.1
Asendabo 582 30 206 33 28 37 13.5 853 29.4
Sekoru 630 36.2 236 29.7 866 34.4
Sekka 839 28.7 432 31 1271 29.5
Gimbo 762 29 148 15.5 910 26.8
Bonga 1733 34 437 26 89 16.9 75 17.3 2334 31.4
Total 18471 39 8352 36.3 1136 22.7 1172 29 29131 37.2

Staff Capacity and Qualification

Considering the distribution of diploma holders ,and 36 %(252) are
academic status of the school first degree holders degree (Figure -
teachers in all 21 schools, 5.7 %(40) 1). The number of female staff at
were at TTI level, 46.6 %(326) were any level of these status was almost
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 14
insignificant. The pie-chart below demonstrates the comparison.

TTI & 12 + (1 6.60%)

MA/MSc( 0.10%)
12 + 3
( 8.70%)
1st degree

(46.60 %(

Considering the standard of the

schools based on the qualification of without the question of qualification)
teaching staff, holding first degree in several of the subjects at high
and above as a minimum school levels, that was, the three
requirement, only 36% were degree languages, the four science
holders while 0.1% were MA/MSc. including mathematics, history,
The highest qualified staff was found geography, civics and physical
in Bedele (68.3%), Bonga (54.3%), education (Table - 2).
and then Metu (48.9%); the minimum
goes to Gimbo, only 1% and then Specially, additional teachers were
Sekoru 11.8%, Seto 13.5%. needed in Civics (46.3%), and in
Regarding the availability of teachers Physics (40%) in many of the
for each subject, distribution of schools, the highest demand of staff
teaching staff in each school varies was found in. Hurumu secondary
form 0 to 10. Many of the schools school , 43.8 % (21) of its total need,
were short of teaching staff (even and then Toba, 48.5% (16). In
general, many of the schools need
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 15

still more teaching staff ranging from The number of sections of schools
4 to 21, most of them demand above under this survey varies from 1 - 30,
ten. Totally in the 21 schools, the where the preparatory lie from 1 to 8
current need of teaching staff only (Table-4). Almost in all
compared to the total capacity they schools the number of sections in 9
need was 24.7%(230). The current grade are more than the next grade
need of the nine subjects concerning level, usually decreasing when going
our University are summarized as up ward to 12 grade. The
follows: Amharic (13.3%, English maximum number of sections could
(26.2%), Afan Oromo (29.4%), be summarized as: 4 to 30 for 9
Mathematics (22%), Biology (22%), grades, 2 to 16 for 10 grades and 1
Physics (40%), Chemistry (26%), to 8 for preparatory; excluding JU
community school. School wise,
History (33.3%), and Geography large number of sections are found in
(16.4%). Jiren, Seto , Agaro , Bedele , Metu ,
th th
Bonga, at the 9 and 10 grade
Sections and Student - classroom levels ; Jimma vocational and
ratio technical at preparatory level.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 16

Standard of the schools with respect to qualified staff

graduates #
School Total teacher # Remark
# %
Jiren 64 27 42
Seto 52 7 13.5
JATVI 66 29* 43.9
JU Com. Sch 8 6 75
Dedo 14 3 21.4
Yebu 22 5 22.7
Agaro 66 27 40.9
Toba 19 4 21
Dembi 14 5 35.7
Gechi 14 2 14.3
Bedele 60 41 68.3
Chora 13 4 30.8
Yayu 28 9 32.1
Hurumu 18 3 16.7
Metu 45 22 48.9
Serbo 27 12 44.4
Asendabo 28 12 42.9
Sekoru 17 2 11.8
Sekka 29 4 13.8
Gimbo 50 5 1.0
Bonga 46 25 54.3
Total 700 252 36
• Two of which are second degree holders
• Qualified indicates first degree and above
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 17

Sections and Average Number of Students / Class Table-3

School No.of Total section

Name Sec,Av Grad Grade Grade 11 Grade 12
e9 10
&Ext N.Sc S.Sc N.Sc S.Sc

Sec 30* 16 - - - -
Jiren Sec. Av 80 80 - - - -

Ext - 8* - - - -
Seto Sec. Sec 20 16 - - - - 36

Av 65 65 - - - -
Ext - - - -

Sec - - 4 4 4 3 15
JATVI Av - - 73 73 68 6888
- -

Sec 1 1 1 - - 3
J U Comm. Av 55 30 17 -
Ext -
Dedo Sec. Sec 6 4 - - 10

Av 60 66 - - - -

Extra 1*** *** - - - -

Yebu Sec. Sec 7 6 13

Av 75 70

Agaro Sec. Sec 24 10 1 2 1 2 40

Av 90 80 73 43 64 54

Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 18

School No.of Grad Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total

Name Sec,Av e9 section
&Ext N.Sc S.Sc N.Sc S.Sc
Toba Sec 9 3 12
Av 84 78


Demb Sec.i Sec 5 2 7

Av 73 67

Gechi Sec. Sec 5 3 8

Av 83 83

Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 19
School No.of
Name Sec,Av&Ext Grade Grade Grade 11 Grade 12 Total
9 10 section

N.Sc S.Sc N.Sc S.Sc

Bedele Sec. Sec 23 10 1 1 2 1

Av 89 77 34 54 50 59


Chora Sec. Sec 7 2 9

Av 116 78

Yayu Sec. Sec 8 4 1 1 1 1 16

Av 76 76 13 29 25 28

Hurumu Sec. Sec 7 4 11

Av 73 73


Metu Sec 13 8 1 1 2 1 26
Av 96 96 64 71 63 78

Serbo Sec. Sec 4 2 6
Av 70 70

Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 20
School No.of
Name Sec,Av&E Grade 9 Grade Grade 11 Grade 12 Total
xt 10 section

N.Sc S.Sc N.Sc S.Sc

Asendabo Sec 7 3 1 1 1 1 14
Sec. Av 80 68 8 20 11 20


Sekoru Sec 6 4 10
Sec. Av 105 58
Sekka Sec 10 6 16
Av 85 72
Ext 3
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 21

School No.of Grade 11

Name Sec,Av Grade 9 Grade Grade 12 Total
&Ext 10 N.Sc S.Sc N.Sc S.Sc section

Sec 12 2 1 1 2 1 19
Gimbo Av 70 74 64 71 63 78
Sec 21 6 1 1 1 1 31
Bonga Av 85 73 43 46 34 41
Ground Total Sec 225 112 12 12 14 11 386
Av 76.8 68.3 43.2 49.6 47.3 53.3
Total Ext 12 8

Ext = Extra Rooms; AVC: Average of students/class- Sec: section

th th
The 6 extra sections of 9 grade learn during the 10 grade shift.
• *** With out seats
** 10 of them are muddy rooms of very poor quality with hollow walls , say, at Seto.

On an average, the number of considered (JU community was

students per class room run from 55 excluded); and the maximum was
th th th
to 116 in 9 grades 30 to 96 in 10 116 of 9 grade in Chora , and then
grades; and 8 to 78 in the 105 Sekoru. Very few schools had
preparatory, considering natural and one or two extra classes, which were
social sciences classes separately. negligible for expansion. The normal
th th
Considering 9 and 10 grades the class student ratio looks like 1 : 75
minimum average number of
students per class was 30 in JU on an average in a whole sum,
community school but Sekoru is (58) where as the maximum is 1 : 109
if governmental schools were and the minimum was 1 : 48 Gimbo
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 22

less than 50 students per teacher

comparing governmental schools (Table - 4).
only, which was the only school with

Class room - Student ratio Table-4

School Student # Section # (Room.:
Jiren 3581 46 1 : 78
Seto 2580 36 1 : 72
Jimma voc 1042 15 1 : 69
JU Comm 102 3 1 : 34
Dedo 640 10 1 : 64
Yebu 1008 13 1 : 76
Agaro 3216 40 1 : 80
Toba 1002 12 1 : 84
Dembi 505 7 1 : 72
Gechi 666 8 1 : 83
Bedele 3056 38 1 : 80
Chora 982 9 1 : 109
Yayu 987 16 1 : 62
Hurumu 782 11 1 : 71
Metu 2326 26 1 : 89
Serbo 422 6 1 : 70
Asendabo 853 14 1 : 61
Sekoru 866 10 1 : 87
Sekka 1271 16 1 : 79
Gimbo 910 19 1 : 48
Bonga 2334 31 1 : 75
Total 29131 386 1 : 75
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 23

Similarly, the number of staff varied could be summarized; where by the

from 8 to 66, the lowest in JUCS and maximum was found in Chora (1 :
the highest in JVTS (66) and then 76) and then Toba (1 : 72); the
next Jiren high school (64). As could minimum, Gimbo (1 : 18) considering
be observed from table - 5 below, the only the governmental schools
th th
staff student ratio of each school having 9 and 10 grades. The total
ratio all in all was then 1 : 42.

Teacher - Student ratio Table-5

School Student # Teacher # (Teach. : Stud.)
Jiren 3581 64 1 : 56
Seto 2580 52 1 : 50
Jimma voc 1042 66 1 : 16
JU Comm 102 8 1 : 13
Dedo 640 14 1 : 46
Yebu 1008 22 1 : 46
Agaro 3216 66 1 : 49
Toba 1002 19 1 : 72
Dembi 505 14 1 : 36
Gechi 666 14 1 : 48
Bedele 3056 60 1 : 51
Chora 982 13 1 : 76
Yayu 987 28 1 : 35
Hurumu 782 18 1 : 43
Metu 2326 45 1 : 52
Serbo 422 27 1 : 16
Asendabo 853 28 1 : 30
Sekoru 866 17 1 : 51
Sekka 1271 29 1 : 44
Gimbo 910 50 1 : 18
Bonga 2334 46 1 : 51
Total 29131 700 1 : 42

* The standard for teacher student ratio is 1 : 20

Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 24


LIBRARY CONDITIONS technical assistants. Six schools;

(Seto, Agaro, Bedele, Yayu Metu
and Bonga) laboratories were well
Of all sites, 95.23% of the schools
organized, facilitated and functional.
under the study had libraries.
Nevertheless, they were not well
equipped, That was, most of their
books were out dated, their seat
capacity was too small compared to CENTER
their student population. Moreover, Almost all schools had pedagogical
they lack professional librarians who centers but they did not have
could organize the available small professionals to manage the center.
materials properly. Most of them were budgeted below
Birr 1000 per-year, except JTVI,
LABORATORY CONDITION Bedele and Bonga budgeted over

Twelve of the schools(57%) shared Birr 1000. The center in Bonga High

a single laboratory among the three school was exceptional, actively

science subjects ; Physics, Biology functional and exemplary, where by

and Chemistry; where by two other other 5 schools were very poor and

schools shared between Biology and not active at all. In most cases,

Chemistry. Toba high school had no materials like charts, three

laboratory at all. Chemicals, dimensional models, graphs and the

apparatuses and technical assistants like made up of local resources were

are the major problems of the observed.

laboratories; that is , 14 schools were

short of chemicals and apparatuses
and 6 schools were in need of
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 25

Sekoru. Even in those who had

Extra curricular activities
water pipe, the capacity to serve
Several clubs like red cross, HIV,
several at a timeis not good for there
Environmental, gender, sports,
was only one tap for the whole
drama and literature, mini-media,
population. Very few schools had
civics, family planning, photograph
several tapes; for example; JTVI 9
and subjects like afan oromo and
tapes, JU Community school 12
natural sciences were established in
tapes, Agaro and Dembi18 tapes
most of the schools except the
each, the rest below 5 tapes.
variation in capacity and activity.
Thirteen schools had separate
toilets for females and males at an
Out door, indoor games and
average of 4 rooms each, the highest
entertainment facilities
Bedele 11 rooms each, then 8 rooms
Almost all schools had valley ball
each in JTVI, Agaro, Gechi, Hurumu,
fields while 12 of them for foot ball,
Seka. Usually staffs shared studnets’
13 had tennis table, mostly utilized
toilt rooms, but schools like JTVI,
by teachers, rarely found basket ball
Dedo, Agaro, Yayu, Hurumu had
fields. Recreation areas like lounges
separated rooms for staff and
were poor in facilities and shared
students and male female
between teachers and students.

Basic facilities
The School Administration
Basic facilities like water supply,
The major problems in most of the
toilet, were available in most sites
schools were budget, staff shortage,
but low in standard and incompatible
classrooms, offices ,duplication and
with respect to the population. forty
type writer machines, fast increase of
percent of the schools had no water
student population, desks. Table - 6
at all, these were Seto, Dedo, Yebu,
below showed summary of problems,
Toba, Gechi, Serbo, Asendabo and
the numbers indicating the codes of
the schools.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 26
Priority Problems of The Schools Table-6
S.No Problems Schools (Coded)
1 Budget Shortage 1, 3, 5, 22, 23, 24, 29
2 Shortage of Staff 1, 4, 5, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28,210
3 Lack of Water Supply 5, 21
4 Lack of Fence 1, 22
5 Class room Shortage 1, 3, 26, 27, 210
6 Offices/staff rooms 210
7 Shortage of Desks 3, 21, 26
8 Lack of Duplicator 2, 21, 25, 29, 210
9 Lack of Office typewriter 21, 23, 25, 29
10 Congested student population 4, 21, 27
11 Shortage of Lab. Equipments 3, 4,, 23
12 Shortage of Laboratory 2, 4, 21, 26
Chemicals & maintenance
13 Shortage of Lab. Technicians 3, 21, 22
13 Absence of Library 4, 28
14 Insufficient Space of Library
15 Shortage of Books 2, 4
16 Maternal & furniture 21
17 Staff reluctance (Resistance to 1, 29
Change), & moral
18 Hall 22
19 Sport field 28
20 Awareness 29
21 Lack of Toilet 2
N.B. Schools from1 to 5 are coded those in Jimma town including Dedo;
respectively Jiren(1), Seto(2), JATVI(3), J U Com(4), Dedo(5); those ten schools
found from Yebu (21) to Metu (210) are coded 21, 22, 23, 24, …, 29, 210; Sekoru
direction - 31 to 33; and Bonga direction - 41 & 42.
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 27

Future plans of The 6 – Maintenance, library, laboratory

equipments and chemicals.
7 -- Raising the internal revenue of
The future plans of the
the school. [Dedo, many others]
schools are summarized 8 -- Strengthening the school relation
below. with the donating organizations
1.- Constructions (new buildings and [almost all]
classrooms, offices, library, ATTITUDE OF THE SCHOOL
laboratories, fences, basket ball OFFICIALS TOWARDS
fields, etc); [Jiren, Seto, 21, 23, 25, IMPLEMEMENTING PRACTICUM
27, 28, 210, …] :
2 - Employment of additional
academic and administrative staff. After being briefed on the aims and
[almost all schools] objectives of the practicum the
3 - Mobilizing the community school officials were all in all positive
(parents) towards raising the school towards the programme. They
budget and solve the school expressed their willingness to
problems in general. [Jiren, Seto, 21, cooperate in implementing the
27, 29] programme.
4 - Preparing and Conducting
workshops to create awareness The followings are some of
among the staff. [most schools] their words which manifest
5 - Promoting the institute to a their attitudes:
college level, to open additional
streams such as health and sports  I am a man of education and
th th
stream. And open 11 and 12 I believe the students should
grades in both social and natural be trained in the designed
science streams. [JU community manner and our school
school, and some few school to Metu 
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 28

system should cooperate fully. we are very keen to support the

 I believe the programme is  Unless the university
not only benefiting the students practice here they
university but is also can't properly teach
beneficiary to our school tomorrow and even our
itself in studying our school is not going to be
problems; and so it has a supplied with new teachers.
dual purpose. So it is our duty to cooperate
for the success of the
 As far as our school is practicum.
concerned we are happily  Unless the poor facility in our
and positively accepting the school makes it difficult for
programme as part of our you to conduct practicum, we
programme and we are are highly cooperative in
ready to work together. implementing the
 The programme makes our  We expect that the practicum
teaching activity and the over trainees work with our senior
all profession better. school staff and get
 I hope all the school staff, experience from them.
the local administration, the  If it is possible to say , "I
students and the community accept the programme not in
in large will be happy and 100% but in 101%".
cooperative. The students  The programme is very nice
discipline is also good. as it is a continuous activity
 As the programme in acquainting trainees with
addresses national issues the school environment
where they are going to
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 29

 I accept the practicum possible the participants should

participants with full think of subject coverage also.
enthusiasm and willingness • The school should be pre
of cooperation. informed when and how to
 We appreciate the execute the programme.
programme and have no fear • The programme shouldn't
in implementing it with you. interfere with the school
affairs and shouldn't hamper
 Some of the the school activities.
precautions forwarded • The practitioners or the
by the officials so that trainees should be friendly
the university & with our staff and polite
participants give enough.
attentions were the • They should be
followings. professionally dedicated
being far from unnecessary
• The teenage feelings political involvement.
between the practicum • When your students come
trainees and the young here you better arrange hotel
opposite sex from the school lodging for them.
students should be managed • In the locality on top of hotels
in order to avoid sex abuse. there are also many houses
• The trainees should be given for rent.
orientations on professional • Care should be taken not to
ethics, school discipline and have duplication in having
school environment before several students of the same
they come to our school. subject at a time.
• Care should be taken not to • As our resource is very
be obstacle on covering limited we may not share any
subjects and as much as
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 30

school material with you and so it leaders have accepted the program
is better if the program uses its whole heartedly.
own materials for its activities.
• I afraid that there is a GENERAL CONDITIONS OF
problem of distance and ACCOMODATION FOR
problem of getting quality of
food and residence.
Most of the sites have hotels to
accommodate the participants in
ATTITUDE providing food and room facilities.
Also as an alternative, houses to be
At each site the head of wereda rented are available in most areas.
administrative council or town Nonetheless, there are some sites
municipality head were interviewed where scarcity may be faced. These
on the general aspects of the locality are:
and were asked to give their views  Toba: Even though hotel
on implementing practicum at the food & room services are
respective local schools. To this end, available, the water is not
all of the administrative officials of clean because of lack of
each wereda expressed their positive water supply. The existing
views to support the practicum water is also hard water.
programme . They said that no Hence, care must be taken
security problem encounters the in preparing pure water for
participants in their stay at the the participants.
respective localities. But it would be
better if the university pre-inform the  Gechi: There is only one
local administration when the hotel of only having 10
participants arrive and how long they rooms for rent. There fore
stay at the locality. In general, it has houses to be rented must be
been proved that the community pre-arranged.
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 31


S.No Name of the Site Level Mode of Subsistence Population size
1 Yebu Semi-urban Farming, Trade
2 Agaro Urban Trade, Civil Cervantes
3 Toba Semi urban Farming 10,000
4 Dembi Semi urban Farming 4,500
5 Gechi Semi urban Farming 7,000
6 Bedele Urban Trade, Civil Cervantes 45,000
7 Chora Semi urban Trade 8,280
8 Yayu Semi urban Farming & Trade 6,228
9 Hurumu Semi urban Farming & Trade 4,000
10 Metu Urban Trade & Civil Cervantes 30,000
11 Sekka Semi urban Farming
12 Gimbo Semi urban Farming, Trade
13 Bonga Urban Trade 25,000
14 Serbo Semi urban Farming & Trading 5,300
15 Asendabo Semi urban Trade & Civil Cervantes 10,000
16 Sekorru Semi urban Farming & Trading 6,000

As one can see from the above table unknown due to lack of professional
the sites are either urban or semi to organize the statistics.
urban. Most of the residents live on
farming, trade or being civil servants.
The population of the sites ranges
from 4,000-30,000, and some one
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 32
AVAILABILITY OF BASIC ● There were hospitals in

INFRASTRUCTURES Metu and Bonga; the rest

sites have health centers and
Except in Toba, Dembi, Gechi and Yayu
all of the community had water
● In all sites there were at least
supply. All were comfortable in
one high school one junior
electricity and all weather road
and one or more elementary
services at hand. Transportation
school. There were, of course,
facilities like buses and mini buses
technical and vocational
were regularly passing through all of
Basic infrastructure of each site should ● Even though almost all sites

be available for the fulfillment of the did have telecommunication

program. Accordingly, the availability of services, some did not have

water, electricity, and transportation had digital tele service.

been surveyed. ORGANIZATIONS

With regard to social services, Almost all governmental

health, school, and communication organizations (GO's) were active

were found to be important for the in all cites.

efficient implementation of the

program. To this end, an assessment

had been done on the availability of

such services on each site.

(b) Some sites which have NGOs are listed below.

Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 33

Name of the NGOS

Dembi Menschen for menschen
Gechi Saving & Credit
Bedele Menschen for menschen, Rular development and code
Chora Code Ethiopia
Yayu Menschen for Menschen
Metu Red Cross, Menschen for Menschen
Bonga Farm Africa, SUPACK

It is possible to use the data for some sites such as, Agaro, Yebu, and Jimma
from CBTP Center

Discussion and cases, while implementing the

practicum, communication with
school personnel's might be crucial.
Hence, collecting information, indices
Student and staff population
of the addresses of school officials is
and school capacity
essential, such as telephone
Prior arrangement with school
numbers Accordingly, the data of
principals and dispatching
addresses comprising the officer's
information about the way of going
name, his/her respective position
with the various phases of practicum
and telephone number of the
will be essential to implement
selected 21 schools are secured so
practicum efficiently. Even in some
as to ease communication and to
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 34

determine the required resources for appropriate for the trip to be made
implementation even though it is not through out the practicum weeks.
explained here for the sake of Thus ten schools were found
convinience. Though the indicated appropriate for the daily round trip
assumed to be tried for the first
officers may or may not be available
by the time of practicum due to some move right this year. These schools
changes, the telephone address is are the five schools in Jimma sector
permanently useful. including Dedo, those from Jimma to
Agaro, from Jimma to Asendabo and
As the destination of site to Seka which are with in the radius
selection for practicum including of 50 km. So, the ten schools, Jiren,
CBTP was done in three directions Seto, Jimma vocational and technical
from Jimma, Metu, Sekoru, and school, JU Community, Dedo, Yebu,
Bonga ways, 21 high schools Agaro, Serbo, Asendabo and Seka
appropriate for the field practice were are the ones of our interest
selected. The knowledge of distance appropriate for the round trip on
or how far each selected schools are daily basis. The rest eleven schools
found from Jimma University is one found far from Jimma are not
of the essential factor for the suitable for a daily round trip which
successful implementation of need detailed plan.
practicum. Because, distance In general there are good sum of
basically determine the required student population of 29,131, in all of
expense, supervisors time and the schools visited, out of which
material resource utilizations for the 14,715 (50.5%) are those with in the
program. 50km radius.
Since the average number of
As can be seen from the map these students per class is 76.8, it is
schools could be divided into two expected to be tough for students to
with respect to their distance practice active learning which needs
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 35

close support from the supervisors. for its trainees. Physics (40%) being
From the total 386 sections, 47.4% the next area in short of teaching
(183) are sections found in the first staff, implies the need to recruit more
10 schools estimated for the daily candidates for training. Of all the
round trip. subject areas offered at the high
school level, only nine: language
(English , Amharic , Afan Oromo),
Looking into the qualification of the
staff at hand, majority (46.6%) are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
diploma holders, hence, they are Biology, History and Geography are
below the standard. That means, appropriate for practice because
only 36% of them are degree holders they are the only existing
qualified for the level of the high departments at hand in our faculty.
schools. This indicates the need of Thus, at least 9 student teachers
more graduates at the faculty of can be assigned in a class. But if
educations of the universities in the sections are considered and a
country. Totally, even considering student teacher could handle a
those teachers below the degree maximum of 3 sections per subject,
level, currently 230 (24.7%) the we can estimate the distribution of
need of the schools are not yet student teachers going out to the out
satisfied. Subject wise, the need for reach. This is assuming that once
teachers is high in civics (46.3%), the subject is taken over by the
where by training institutions have to student teacher, all of the sections
think of departments to train teaching must be handled by the trainees,
staff for the field. In fact almost all of since the school teacher must not
the high schools observed use the interfere teaching some sections
history teachers to teach this subject partially to avoid irregular flow of
as a temporary solution which is an teaching and planning, which was
indication that history department the fear suggested by most of the
could at least offer civics as a minor school heads. Since the credit hours
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 36

(teaching hours) of subjects vary section they have. Here if student

from 2 to 4 hours per week one can population is very long we can
estimate the possible number of muddy the estimation to 1809 (603 x
students to assign in each school 3) assigning one student per section,
appropriately. of course, expecting some errors of
th th
That is; if a student can handle 3 11 and 12 grade subjects are
sections at an average, then the below 9.
estimation formula would be: E = the Similarly we can estimate the
capacity in which our students could
product of, (sections/3) and number go for practice in the rest eleven
of departments at the faculty (9) = school assumed to be very far from
(sec/3)x 9. For example, in Jiren Jimma, over 50 k.m away.(Table - 9).
grade 9 with 30 sections; E = 30/3 x According to the estimation, these
9 = 90 students could be assigned; in schools could host 540 students at a
Yebu grade 9 with 7 sections E = 7/3 time in the two shifts of the
x 9 = 18 students; in Seto grade 10 respective schedules; Bonga have
with 16 sections E = 16/3 x 9 = 45 the highest capacity of 99 students,
students etc. In this way the with similar modified estimation of
following table (Table - 8) could be 1620 students if a student is
sorted out for the estimation. assigned per section.
Therefore considering the ten near
by schools we can estimate that From the above two estimations the
about 603 students will go to observed 21 schools could host a
schools. the following at the total of 1143 or 3429 students, at the
maximum 603 students to go out in maximum having the choice of the
the schools found with in 5o km two options above. Thus if the
radius. As can be seen from the student population to go out for
table below the distribution varies
from 18 to 135 per school in two practice at one trip is more than
shifts, with respect to their number of 1143 for the first choice or 3429 for
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 37

the second, a block system could be distributions must be redesigned

designed. That is, certain appropriate when students go out of schools for
group of students in one block and CBTP in the surrounding community.
the rest in the next block shifts with That is, 20 students must be grouped
in a semester, but this will also
create community /school fatigue. in one to work on CBTP which is the
On the other hand, as it is clear appropriate standard for the CBTP.
from the curriculum designed, Therefore, the following
estimation could help as a guiding
students are supposed to do proposal for practicum and CBTP
practicum I & CBTP I, and practicum work integrated.
II & CBTP II jointly. Thus, the above
Estimation of student assignment in each site
With in 50 km radius Table-8
Grades estimated No No of CBTP
School (9, 10, 11, 12) of students groups
Jiren (90, 45) 135 7 groups
Seto (63, 45) 108 5 "
JA TVI (-, -, 27, 18)* 45 2 "
JU Com. Sc. (9, 9, 9, -)* 27 1 "
Dedo (18, 9) 27 1 "
Yebu (18, 18) 36 2 "
Agaro (72, 27, 9, 9) 117 6 "
Serbo (9, 9) 18 1 "
Asendabo (18, 9, 9, 9) 45 2 "
Seka (27, 18) 45 2 "
Total (324, 189, 54, 36) 603 29 groups of CBTP

* JATVI, Jimma Academic, Technical and Vocational Institute has no grades

9 and 10; and also JU Com, Jumma University Community School (JuCoM.
Sc) has did not start grade 12 yet.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 38

Estimation of student assignment in each site beyond 50 km


School Grades Estimated No No of CBTP
(9, 10, 11, 12) of students groups
Toba (27, 9) 36 2 group(s)
Denbi (18, 9) 27 1 "
Gechi (18, 9) 27 1 "
Bedele (27, 27, 9,9) 72 4 "
Chora (18, 9) 27 1 "
Yebu (27, 9, 9, 9) 54 3 "
Hurume (18, 9) 27 1 "
Metu (36, 27, 9, 9) 81 4 "
Sekoru (18, 9) 27 1 "
Gimbo (36, 9, 9, 9) 63 3 "
Bonga (63, 18, 9, 9) 99 5 "
G. Total (306, 144, 45, 45) 540 26 "
members for school observation and
Here, if the community around the practice teaching.
school cannot handle a large number
of groups, say 5 to 7 groups, it School Facilities
should be designed to assign some
of them to the near by school Schools should have well organized
community. libraries. But as we can see from the
Besides, at least two supervisors result section almost all the schools
shall be assigned per CBTP group, under study are not found in
who could also be supervisor team satisfactory conditions
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 39
laboratory for each department,
The library of Asendabo is better twelve school have one laboratory
than the others in books collection.
Agaro, Bonga,Yebu and Hurumu for the three departments in
high schools have relatively well common. As from the table these
organized libraries. Library exists in schools include Jiren secondary
all schools except in Jimma school, the University community
University Community School. school, Yebu , Dembi ,Gechi,
Reference materials are not Bedele, Chora, Mettu, Sekoru , Seka
sufficient in almost all of them. Size , Bonga and Gimbi, whereas Jimma
of library is not sufficient compared Academic & Technical Training
to the student population. Institute and Dedo secondary
schools have single laboratory for
Schools should have to support the both Biology and Chemistry and a
theoretical knowledge they provide to separate laboratory for physics. But
their students by practical activities Toba high school has no laboratory
to make the lessons given in classes at all.
more complete and easily Schools should also have well
understandable. Science subjects, in organized Pedagogical center to
particular, are meaningless or make the class room lesson more
incomplete if they are not supported concrete with models, charts and
by demonstration, practical activities, graphs and other objects which are
useful for teaching learning process.
etc using appropriate chemicals and
apparatus that must be found in In the production of such
libraries. instructional medias from no cost or
low cost and locally available
As we can see from the result Seto, materials both teachers and students
Agaro, Yayo, Hurumu, Serbo and should take part. Ten of the schools
Asendabo schools have one like Gechi have pedagogical centers
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 40
which are large in size; about 10 by 5 and Mini media and some of them
meters. The result shows that have girls club, Afan Oromo, scout,
schools which have Pedagogical library and few schools have drama
Centers with models, charts, graphs and literature, Social affairs, Family
planning very few schools have
,adequate size and relatively better
annual budgets are the following:
Jiren, Seto, Jimma Academic, Jimma maintenance, anti malaria,
University community school, Dedo, Guidance, anti harmful traditions and
Yebu, Agaro, Toba, Dembi, Gechi, photograph clubs.
Bedele, Hurumu, Serbo. Whereas,
Bonga secondary school has Out door and indoor games are
exceptionally good and actively important because they entertain
functional pedagogical center. Mettu, students and teachers, moreover
Chora, Yayo schools have they may help to identify student who
pedagogical centers which are in have potential skills in different sport
poor condition. Asendabo and games who can represent even their
Sekoru schools have pedagogical country. Intramural Sport, question
centers which are not actively and answer competitions exist in all
functional. schools, females mostly take part in
Extracurricular activities are volley ball sport & some participate in
important components of the foot ball as well
teaching-learning process as they
enable students to get exposure to Water supply and toilet are essential
everywhere. But in areas with large
different skills and ideas which may
not be adequately covered in class. population like schools such basic
Most of the schools have anti HIV, facilities are extremely important. If
Red Cross, Environmental these facilities are non-existent, the
protection, sport, N. Science, Civics school-teachers and students not
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 41
only fail to conduct the essential Recommendations
activities but also face some health Student, staff population and
problems. Surprisingly, most of the school capacity
schools under the survey do not From the results obtained by the
have water and toilet. There are of survey the following could be
course some schools which have suggested as recommendations.
water and toilet in common for  Based on the logistic
students and teachers and accommodation
necessities the 21
Community Administration sites could be divided
Although every thing which is in two sectors.
needed for the efficient fulfillment of Sector-1, Those with in 50km radius,
the program is not available, the Jimma as center, which could be
cursory look of the community survey
shows that there are basic services
and facilities in almost all sites. suitable for a daily round trip. (see
Above all, it has been proved that the the map) .
community leaders have accepted Sector-2, Those beyond the radius
the program whole heartedly. of 50km, which need residence
Nevertheless the need to have pre- areas and food supplies. Schools in
hand communication with the this sector are not appropriate for
community leaders and other practicum in a daily round trip base
concerned personalities should be due to distance which will be time
remarked. consuming. Here detail plan must be
worked out regarding the material
and the stipend need for the
students. Sector-2 is to be used after
using sector-1 exhaustively.

Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 42
 As the number of students complaints by the participants
per class is large 76.8 at an which is a waste of time that is
average, strict assistance assigned for the practical
and follow ups are essential purpose. Thus providing money
to the students during (perdiem = Birr7/head/lunch, see
practical teaching. the action plan) for students is
 Students must be supplied highly recommended in lue of the
with basic teaching materials usual ready made prepared food.
like: chalk & duster, gown, Also for sites that are not
tents to use as staff room in appropriate for a daily round trip,
the school where rooms are stipend such as
scarce, stipend for tea break Birr400/month/student and the
& cleaning purpose. These official perdiem Birr70/head/ day
materials shall be essential or so for supervisors; must be
as of practicum II. planned in the budget in the
 Like that of CBTP future.
appropriate formats to be
School Facilities
used by students must be
designed for the first practicum Schools should have library,
(school observation) based on because students should be able to
the objectives of the curriculum refer some reference materials from
and supervision formats through library, so as to supplement the class
out the four phases. room instruction and to have a
 The existing food thorough understanding of the
transportation for lunch when lessons they acquired from their
going out for CBTP is a bad teachers. Therefore, all concerned
experience of the past bodies particularly schools should try
inconveniences observed their best to improve the existing
and several related poor status of the libraries.
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 43
As science subjects are not try to train teachers who could
meaningful if they are not supported effectively run Pedagogical Centers,
with practical works and the university shall also show its
demonstrations, Schools which do suport.
not have laboratories like Toba
Extracurricular activities are
should set up their laboratories.
very important for students as they
Schools with laboratories which are
give them exposure to different
not well equipped and have shortage
essential activities. Therefore
of chemicals should strive to full fill
schools which are having very few
these extremely valuable educational
clubs should set up additional clubs
materials. The team also strongly
.Schools which have nominal clubs
recommends the eradication of out
should make their clubs very active
dated chemicals which cause hazard
and maximize student participation.
on both students and teachers as
University students could play a
immediately as possible
great role in this respect.

The team would like to
Out door and indoor games are
recommend that schools should
very important for the school
have pedagogical centers otherwise
community in general and for
creativity and additional knowledge
students in particular, because if
which could be acquired from
these facilities are available in
pedagogical centers will be missing.
schools students prefer to stay most
Pedagogical Centers should also be
of the time in schools rather than
given relatively adequate budget
wasting their precious time in
from schools and other concerned
unnecessary places. Schools should
bodies. Almost all schools have no
provide at least indoor games which
skilled person in pedagogical center
do not require huge capital.
with the exception of Bonga Senior
.Sec school therefore schools should
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 44
For one school water and • FDRE September 1994.
toilet are very essential In the Education sector strategy; Addis
absence of water and toilet, the Abeba, Ethiopia.
school compound cannot be • Edication Faculty of Jimma
appropriate place for a healthy University. 2003. The New
conduct of teaching –learning curriculum for education faculty at
process. Laboratory works and other Jimma University. Jimma, Ethiopia.
activities which require water cannot • JIHS Department of community
be carried out where there is no health. 1987 community Based
water. Therefore school Training program (CBTP) Manual
administrators should do their label Jimma, Ethiopia
best to provide their schools with • -------------------- 1996. Manual for
these extremely essential facilities by student Research project (SRP).
mobilizing the community or Jimma, Ethiopia.
communicating the concerned
• ƒUI`ƒ T>’>e‚` (MOE, 1989)
¾Ÿõ}— ƒUI`ƒ ¾¨Åòƒ
›p×Ý U`U`“ e`ìƒ:: ›Ç=e
The following action plan would be a
possible guide to implement the • Ministry of Education, March

practicum and CBTP activities for 2003. Teachers Education

faculty of Education at Jimma system Overhaul (TESO) Final.

University. Addis Abeba

• Fedral Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia (FDRE) April 1994
education and training strategy.
Adds Abeba, Ethiopia
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 45
April, 2004
Specific Objectives Activities Amount Responsible Remark
1 Allocating students for observing Allocate year II (FPC) students 603 students, 9 depts. Depts., coord. office & See the table below
schools and surveying the over 10 schools with in 50km mixed V/Dean
surrounding community radius
2 Assigning supervisors school visits Assign supervisors proportional 58-70 supervisors & Depts, coord. office & Dean 2 supervisors per a CBTP group &
and community survey to the number of students coordinators supervisory team leader/site
Student-supervisory distribution over the 10 selected schools
No of Students/Sch
Schools for practicum No of CBTP group No. of supervisors Remark
Jiren 135 7 groups 14 (2x7) 2 supervisors/group
Seto 108 5 " 10
JVT 45 2 4
JU.Com. 27 1 2
Dedo 27 1 2
Yebu 36 2 4
Agaro 117 6 12
Serbo 18 1 2
Asendabo 45 2 4
Seka 45 2 4
Total 603 29 groups 58 supervisors

 If a student is assigned in one class about 603 x 3 = 1809 students could be distributed.
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 46

Specific Objectives Activities Amount/cost Responsible Remark

3 Facilitate the field work activities by *Transportation supply 12 Vehicles (totally) - Dean Office
supplying, logistic , accommodation, 1. Jima town 4 schools 2 buses (big) - Transport dept.
material etc 2. Dedo 1 mini bus 27 students capacity) - V/president for
3 buses (big) & 1 four wheel adm. & dev't
3. Yebu & Agaro drive

2 mini buses & long base

4. Serbo & Assendabo 1 mini bus & Long base
5. Seka
• Food - lunch only - Finance Dept.
1. Students Birr 7/head/ day for 10 days = 7 - Deans Office
x 630 x 8.75 = Birr 44100
= Birr 35/head/ day for 10 days
2. Supervisors = 35 x 70 x 10 = Birr 24,500
3. Drivers & assistants Birr30/head x 17 = Birr510
• Materials Supply Birr 5000 - Dean Office
pens , pencils, duplicating - Finance Dept.
paper, folders etc - procurement
• Fuel & oil
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 47

Specific Objectives Activities Amount/cost Responsible Remark

4 Prepare working formats for school • Work out questionnaire for - the staff/
observation & survey guidance, students can learn 700 copies both for students and participant
and develop their own supervisors (as per the number - students
1. school observation of pages) - Faculty office for
questionnaires duplicating
2. Community survey -Departments
3. Evaluations formats

5 Allocate cost break down and the • Budgeting Coordinating office

schedule of the practicum 1. Student perdiem Birr 44,100 - Dean Office
2. Supervisors " Birr 24.500 - Finance Dept.
3. Drivers Birr510 - Transport Dept.
4. Fuel & oil Birr
5. Materials /stationary Birr 500
Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 1 No 1 Sept. 2005 48

Specific Objectives Activities Amount/cost Responsible Remark

• Schedule Date - Depts &

1. Orientation & Preparation Ginbot 5 , 6 after noons - Practicum
2. Field work Ginbot 9 - 18 coord. office
- Sch. observation " 9 - 12 - Supervisors
- Comm. survey " 13 - 18
3. Analysis every Friday afternoon till the
end of the semester
4. symposium A week after the end of final

N.B. Similar action plans must be designed for practicum II, practicum III & IV
- Practicum II for at least 20 days of field work and material expenses.
- Practicum III & IV two months time (8 weeks) each, considering the possibility of residing right in the field
estimating students' stipend about Birr400 per month for each student to cover food, rent, and cleaning materials.
Here, cost of teaching materials like chalk, duster, hard paper, gown etc should be added in the plan.
Site survey for practicum and CBTP Implementation Tefera T. et al 49

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