Iso 13006 2018
Iso 13006 2018
Iso 13006 2018
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 13006:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
ISO 13006:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Classification............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Basis of classification.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Methods of manufacture.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Water absorption according to group.................................................................................................................................. 4
4.3.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.3.2 Subdivision of the three groups........................................................................................................................... 4
5 Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Sampling and basis for acceptance.................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Requirements........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8 Marking and specifications........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.1 Marking.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.2 Product literature.................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
8.3 Specifications............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
9 Ordering......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex A (normative) Extruded ceramic tiles with low water absorption 0,5 < Ev ≤ 3 %
Group AIb.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Annex B (normative) Extruded ceramic ISO tiles13006:2018
3 % < Ev ≤ 6 % Group AIIa — Subgroup (Part) 1............13
Annex C (normative) Extruded ceramic tiles 3 % < Ev ≤ 6 % Group AIIa — Subgroup (Part) 2............16
Annex D (normative) Extruded ceramic tiles 6 % < Ev ≤ 10 % Group AIIb — Subgroup (Part) 1.......19
Annex E (normative) Extruded ceramic tiles 6 % < Ev ≤ 10 % Group AIIb — Subgroup (Part) 2........22
Annex F (normative) Extruded ceramic tiles Ev > 10 % Group AIII...................................................................................25
Annex G (normative) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption Ev ≤ 0,5 % Group BIa.28
Annex H (normative) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption 0,5 % < Ev ≤ 3 %
Group BIb....................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Annex I (informative) Intentionally blank....................................................................................................................................................35
Annex J (normative) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles 3 % < Ev ≤ 6 % Group BIIa...............................................................36
Annex K (normative) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles 6 % < Ev ≤ 10 % Group BIIb.........................................................39
Annex L (normative) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles Ev > 10 % Group BIII...........................................................................42
Annex M (normative) Extruded ceramic tiles with low water absorption Ev ≤ 0,5 % Group AIa.........45
Annex N (informative) Classification of glazed tiles for floors according to their abrasion
Annex O (informative) Intentionally blank..................................................................................................................................................49
Annex P (informative) Test methods..................................................................................................................................................................50
Annex Q (informative) Intentionally blank..................................................................................................................................................51
Annex R (informative) Symbols recommended for use..................................................................................................................52
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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This document was prepared by ISO/TC 189, Ceramic tile.
ISO 13006:2018
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 13006:2012), which has been technically
revised. 8d33797a6ccd/iso-13006-2018
This main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— The boiling method in ISO 10545-3 is no longer referenced for the determination of water absorption.
The vacuum method is now referenced for the determination of water absorption.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
1 Scope
This document defines terms and establishes classifications, characteristics and marking requirements
for ceramic tiles of the best commercial quality (first quality). This document is not applicable to tiles
made by other than normal processes of extrusion or dry pressing. It is not applicable to decorative
accessories or trim such as edges, corners, skirting, capping, coves, beads, steps, curved tiles and other
accessory pieces or mosaics (i.e. any piece that can fit into a square, the side of which is less than 7 cm).
NOTE ISO 10545 (all parts) describes the test procedures required to determine the product characteristics
listed in this document. ISO 10545 is a multi-part standard, each part describes a specific test procedure or
related matter.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 1006, Building construction — Modular coordination — Basic module
ISO 10545-1, Ceramic tiles — Part 1: Sampling and basis for acceptance
ISO 13006:2018
ISO 10545-2, Ceramic tiles — Part 2: Determination of dimensions and surface quality
ISO 10545-3, Ceramic tiles — Part 3: Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent
relative density and bulk density
ISO 10545-4, Ceramic tiles — Part 4: Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength
ISO 10545-5, Ceramic tiles — Part 5: Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of
ISO 10545-6, Ceramic tiles — Part 6: Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
ISO 10545-7, Ceramic tiles — Part 7: Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
ISO 10545-8, Ceramic tiles — Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion
ISO 10545-9, Ceramic tiles — Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
ISO 10545-10, Ceramic tiles — Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion
ISO 10545-11, Ceramic tiles — Part 11: Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
ISO 10545-12, Ceramic tiles — Part 12: Determination of frost resistance
ISO 10545-13, Ceramic tiles — Part 13: Determination of chemical resistance
ISO 10545-14, Ceramic tiles — Part 14: Determination of resistance to stains
ISO 10545-15, Ceramic tiles — Part 15: Determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles
ISO 10545-16, Ceramic tiles — Part 16: Determination of small colour differences
porcelain tile
fully vitrified tile with water absorption coefficient less than or equal to a mass fraction of 0,5 %,
belonging to groups AIa and BIa
vitrified covering that is impermeable
3.4 (
engobed surface
clay-based covering with a matt finish which may be13006:2018
ISO permeable or impermeable
Note 1 to entry: A tile with an engobed surface is regarded as an unglazed tile.
polished surface
surface of glazed and unglazed tile which has been given a glossy finish by mechanical polishing as the
last stage of manufacture
extruded tile
tile, whose body is shaped in the plastic state in an extruder, the column obtained being cut into tiles of
pre-determined dimension, and which is designated as Group A
Note 1 to entry: This document classifies extruded tiles as “precision” or “natural”. The classification is dependent
upon the different technical characteristics as listed in the individual product standards.
Note 2 to entry: Traditional terms used for extruded products are “split tiles” and “quarry tiles”. They commonly
indicate double-extruded and single-extruded tiles, respectively. The term “quarry tiles” only refers to extruded
tiles with a water absorption coefficient of a mass fraction not exceeding 6 %.
dry-pressed tile
tile, formed from a finely milled body mixture and shaped (e.g. in dies or moulds) at high pressure, and
which is designated as Group B
water absorption
percentage of water impregnating a tile
Note 1 to entry: This is measured in accordance with ISO 10545-3.
3.9 Sizes
Note 1 to entry The sizes are only defined for rectangular tiles. If the sizes of non-rectangular tiles are required,
they are defined by the smallest rectangle into which they fit.
nominal size
size used to describe the product
Note 1 to entry: See Figures 1 and 2.
work size
size of a tile specified for manufacturing to which the actual size shall conform within specified
permissible deviations
Note 1 to entry: See Figures 1 and 2.
actual size
size obtained by measuring the face of a tile
Note 1 to entry: This is measured in accordance with ISO 10545-2.
3.9.4 (
coordinating size
work size plus the joint width ISO 13006:2018
Note 1 to entry: See Figures 1 and 2.
modular size
tile and size based on module M, 2 M, 3 M and 5 M and also their multiples or subdivisions, except for
tiles with a surface area of less than 9 000 mm2
Note 1 to entry: See ISO 1006, where 1 M = 100 mm.
non-modular size
size not based on module M
Note 1 to entry: See ISO 1006, where 1 M = 100 mm.
Note 2 to entry: Tiles of these sizes are those commonly used in most countries.
difference between the permissible limits of size
Note 1 to entry: See Figures 1 and 2.
spacer lug
projection that is located along certain edges of tiles so that where two tiles are placed together, in line,
the lugs on adjacent edges separate the tiles by a distance of not less than the specified width of the joint
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2.
rectified tile
ceramic tile that, after firing, is subjected to a precise mechanical finishing of the edges
back feet
parallel ridges running across the back surface of some exterior wall tiles which possess a geometry
intended to facilitate an interlocking connection between tile and cement mortar
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 3.
Note 2 to entry: Back feet dimensions shall be measured with vernier calipers, and each specimen in a 10-tile
sample is required to satisfy the requirements in Annexes A to H and Annexes J to M.
4 Classification
4.3.1 General
The following are the three groups according to water absorption, Ev.
The three groups are divided into tiles of low, medium and high water absorption, namely Groups I, II
and III, respectively.
a) Tiles of low water absorption, i.e. absorption coefficient less than or equal to a mass fraction of 3 %,
Ev ≤ 3 %, belong to Group I. Group I consists of the following:
1) for extruded tiles
i) Ev ≤ 0,5 % (Group AIa), and
ii) 0,5 % < Ev ≤ 3 % (Group AIb);
2) for dry-pressed tiles:
i) Ev ≤ 0,5 % (Group BIa);
5 Characteristics
The characteristics for different applications of ceramic tiles are given in Table 2.
ISO 13006:2018
7 Requirements
Dimensional and surface quality requirements and physical and chemical properties shall be as given
in the relevant/specific annex, of Annexes A to H and Annexes J to M, for each tile class.
NOTE Annexes I, O and Q are intentionally left blank. This is as a convenience to producers in order to avoid
changes to packaging and related costs. In addition, at the time of publication, the market offers consumers
various products identified by the matching annex headings of this document.
8.1 Marking
Tiles and/or their packaging are required to bear the following marking:
a) manufacturer’s mark and/or trademark and the country where the tile was manufactured (i.e.
country of origin, as determined by the relevant international regulation);
b) indication of first quality;
c) type of tile and reference to the appropriate group and/or annex of Annexes A to H and Annexes J to
M covering the specific group of tile;
d) nominal and work sizes, and “M” if modular;
e) nature of the surface, i.e. glazed (GL) or unglazed (UGL);
f) any surface treatment applied after firing;
g) total number of tiles in the package;
The ABC Tile Co., Made in China, Ceramic Tile of First Quality
Extruded tile, ISO 13006:2018, Annex A, Group Alb, Precision
M, 25 cm × 12,5 cm (Sw 240 mm × 115 mm × 12,5 mm), UGL, Protective Sealer Added
20 pcs/box, batch A50, 0100-Gray, Max dry weight: 20 kg
The 123 Tile Co., Made in Spain, Ceramic Tile of First Quality
Dry-pressed porcelain tile, ISO 13006:2018, Annex G, Group BIa, Rectified
60 cm × 60 cm (Sw 598 mm × 598 mm × 10 mm) UGL
3 pcs/box, batch B52, 0590-Slate, Max dry weight: 16 kg
The XYX Tile Co., Made in Indonesia, Ceramic Tile of First Quality
Dry-pressed tile, ISO 13006:2018, Annex H, Group BIb Non-rectified
30 cm × 30 cm (Sw 299 mm × 299 mm × 10 mm) GL
10 pcs/box, batch C60, 0320-Ivory, Max dry weight: 20 kg
Each tile conforming to this document is required to bear on its reverse side or edge, the country where
it was manufactured. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
8.2 Product literature
Product literature for tiles intended for use on floors ISO 13006:2018
shall state the abrasion class or the place of use of
glazed tiles.
8.3 Specifications
Tiles shall be designated by the following:
a) the method of shaping;
b) the relevant group and/or annex of Annexes A to H and Annexes J to M covering the specific
group of tile
c) nominal and work sizes, and “M” if modular;
d) the nature of the surface, i.e. glazed (GL) or unglazed (UGL);
e) the addition of back feet, if required.
EXAMPLE 1 Precision extruded tile, ISO 13006:2018, Annex M, AIa M 25 cm × 12,5 cm
(Sw 240 mm × 115 mm × 10 mm) GL.
9 Ordering
Each time that an order is placed, items, such as size, thickness, type of surface, colour, profile, abrasion
class for glazed tiles and other properties, shall be agreed upon by the parties concerned.
Table 1 — Classification of ceramic tiles with respect to water absorption and shaping
Group I Group IIa Group IIb Group III
Ev ≤ 3 % 3 % < Ev ≤ 6 % 6 % < Ev ≤ 10 % Ev > 10 %
Group AIa
Group AIIa-1a Group AIIb-1a
Ev ≤ 0,5 %
(see Annex B) (see Annex D)
A (see Annex M) Group AIII
Extruded Group AIb (see Annex F)
Group AIIa-2a Group AIIb-2a
0,5 % < Ev ≤ 3 %
(see Annex C) (see Annex E)
(see Annex A)
Group BIa
Ev ≤ 0,5 %
B (see Annex G) Group BIIa Group BIIb Group BIIIb
Dry pressed Group BIb (see Annex J) (see Annex K) (see Annex L)
0,5 % < Ev ≤ 3 %
(see AnnexSTANDARD
a Groups AII and AII are divided into two subgroups (Parts 1 and 2) with different product specifications.
a b
Group BIII covers glazed tiles only. There is a low quantity of dry-pressed unglazed tiles produced with water
absorption greater than 10 % mass fraction, which is not covered by this product group.
ISO 13006:2018
Table 2 — Characteristics required for different applications
Characteristics Floor Wall Test
Dimensions and surface quality Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Reference
Length and width X X X X ISO 10545-2
Thickness X X X X ISO 10545-2
Straightness of sides X X X X ISO 10545-2
Rectangularity X X X X ISO 10545-2
Surface flatness (curvature and warpage) X X X X ISO 10545-2
Surface quality X X X X ISO 10545-2
Back feet (if specified)a X Figure 3
Physical property Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Reference
Water absorption X X X X ISO 10545-3
Breaking strength X X X X ISO 10545-4
Modulus of rupture X X X X ISO 10545-4
Resistance to deep abrasion — unglazed tiles X X ISO 10545-6
Resistance to surface abrasion — glazed tiles X X ISO 10545-7
Linear thermal expansionb X X X X ISO 10545-8
Resistance to thermal shockb X X X X ISO 10545-9
Resistance to crazing — glazed tiles X X X X ISO 10545-11
Frost resistance c X X ISO 10545-12
Moisture expansionb X X X X ISO 10545-10
Small colour differencesb X X X X ISO 10545-16
Table 2 (continued)
Characteristics Floor Wall Test
Dimensions and surface quality Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Reference
Impact resistanceb X X ISO 10545-5
Chemical property Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Reference
Resistance to staining ISO 10545-14
— glazed tiles X X X X ISO 10545-14
— unglazed tilesb X X X X ISO 10545-14
Resistance to low concentrations of acids X X X X ISO 10545-13
and alkalis
Resistance to high concentrations of acids and X X X X ISO 10545-13
Resistance to household cleaners and swim- X X X X ISO 10545-13
ming pool salts
Lead and cadmium release — glazed tilesb X X X X ISO 10545-15
a For application to exterior tiles installed by cement mortar, including tunnels, where back feet are specified.
a, b dimensions of the tile
d thickness
j joint
Sc coordinating size
Sw work size
Sc = Sw + j
Sw = a, b, d
Figure 1 — Tile
1 spacer lugs
j joint
Sc coordinating size
Sw work size
Sc = Sw + j
Sw = a, b, d
h height
L length
Annex A
Dimensional and surface quality requirements and physical and chemical properties are required to be
in accordance with Table A.1.
Table A.1 — Requirements for extruded ceramic tiles — Group AIb, 0,5 < Ev ≤ 3 %
Dimensions and surface quality Precision Natural Test
Length and width
The manufacturer shall choose the work
size as follows: