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GERMAN A1 Lesson - 1

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German Alphabet And Pronunciation

Overview: - In this lesson, Prof. Akshay Rahtan, Founder & CEO of AcharyaKülam Institute, A
Unit of Rahtan Group, shares the German alphabet and pronunciation.

 In Germany the alphabet has 26 letters, 3 German umlauts (Ä, Ö, and Ü) and one ligature (ß).
 Some Letters are pronounced very similar to the English pronunciation, but some others are a very
 Just read many times to the German letters and sounds will become familiar. Also, don’t get confused
by our special letters Ä, Ö, Ü and ß.
 The pronunciation is not difficult. Some letters sound very similar in German and English. It depends
on whether you consider the umlauts and ß, read to the alphabet a few times.
 The five letters A, E, I, O and U of the German alphabet are called Vokale (vowels), and the other
letters are called Konsonanten (consonants) – for example: B, C, D, F, G, H….and so on.
 We use the German alphabet not only in Germany but also in Austria, Switzerland And German has a
so-called extended Latin alphabet.
 The W in German sounds like the V in English, and the V in German sounds like the F in English.
 Most of the time the S in German sounds like Z in English when placed at the beginning of a word
followed by a vowel.
 All letters of the German alphabet have the same article: das (das A, das B etc.)

Das Deutsche Alphabet und Aussprache (The German Alphabet and Pronunciation)

Letter/Buchstabe Pronunciation of letter Sound of Letter – as Examples/Beispiele

name/Aussprache des in/Aussprache des
Buchstabenamens Buchstaben - wie in

Aa ah Astronaut Apfel (Apple)

Bb bay Baby Banane (Banana)
Cc tsay Celsius (soft c sound in Computer (Computer)
German sounds like ts)
Dd day Dollar Deutschland (Germany)
Ee ay Elegant Elefant (Elephant)
Ff eff Effort Frau (Woman)
Gg gay Gorgeous Garten (Garden)
Hh haa Hammer Hallo (Hello)
II eeh Ignore Insel (Island)
Jj yot Yellow Jacke (Jacket)

www.RahtanGroup.com - Info@RahtanGroup.com - www.Acharyakulam.in - @Akshay Rahtan - 9897339100 – 9887339100


German Alphabet And Pronunciation

Letter/Buchstabe Pronunciation of letter Sound of Letter – Examples/Beispiele
name/Aussprache des as in/Aussprache
Buchstabenamens des Buchstaben -
wie in

Kk kah Camel Kinder (Children)

Ll ell Love Lernen (to learn)
Mm em Man Mann (Man)
Nn en Nice Nein (No)
Oo oh Oven Oma (Grandmother)
Pp pay Party Polizei (Police)
Qq koo Coral Qualle (Jellyfish)
Rr er Rich Russland (Russia)
Ss es Zoo, Shine Sonne (Sun)
Tt tay Tyrant Tisch (Table)
Uu ooh ou sound in You Und (And)
Vv fow Father Vogel (Bird)
Ww vay Van Wohnen (to live)
Xx ix Sounds like kz Xylofon/Box (Box)
Yy ep-si-lohn Yellow Yen/Yoga (Yoga)
Zz tset Sounds like ts Zeit (Time)
Ää Sounds similar to the e in Melon Bär (Bear)
Öö Sounds similar to the i in Girl Schön (Nice/Beautiful)
Üü No equivalent nor sound Über (Over)
in English -------
ßß Double S sound – Ess-zet ------- Waßer (Water)

Always Remember:-

Learn German with fun!

Learning must be fun, otherwise, It is just a waste of time!

www.RahtanGroup.com - Info@RahtanGroup.com - www.Acharyakulam.in - @Akshay Rahtan - 9897339100 – 9887339100


German Alphabet And Pronunciation

Letter/Buchstabe Pronunciation/Aussprache Examples/Beispiele Examples/Beispiele

S + a, i, o, u, e Z Sieben Seven

Z + a, i, o, u, e S Zehn Ten

ie ech Bieten Offer

ei/ai eye Bei At

eu/äu oy Deutsch, Neu German, New

ck K Dick Thick/Fat

ch After (a, o, u) Kha Buch Book

ph F Das Alphabet The Alphabet

pf p Pferd Horse

qu kv Qualle Jellyfish

sch sh Schon Already

sp/st shp/sht Sprechen to speak

th t Theater Theatre

er - ending ah Computer Computer

b – ending p Lob Lop

d - ending t Hund, Mund Dog, Mouth

g - ending k Genug Enough

v, w, z, tsch fow/f, vay, tset, ch Vater, Wohnen, Father, to live,

Zeit, Tschuß Time, Bye
ra, ro, ri, ru, re ga, ge, gu, ge, go Ratte, Rehören, Rat, Belong,
Russland, Russia,
Rennen, rot to run, Red
Ä, Ö, Ü and ß Like e, i, ooh, ss Bär, Schön, Über, Bear, Nice/Beautiful,
Waßer Over, Water

www.RahtanGroup.com - Info@RahtanGroup.com - www.Acharyakulam.in - @Akshay Rahtan - 9897339100 – 9887339100

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