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Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Best Practice for Solution Management

Version 1.1 Date: Aug 2002 The newest version of this Best Practice can always be obtained through the SAP Solution Manager

Applicability, Goals, and Requirements ....................................................................................................2 Preliminary Information.............................................................................................................................3 SCM System Landscape....................................................................................................................4 SCM APO Monitoring and Administration.................................................................................................5 General mySAP APO Monitoring Information ....................................................................................6 Monitoring and Administration of liveCache .......................................................................................6 liveCache Monitoring and Administration Tools ...........................................................................7 liveCache Log Files ......................................................................................................................8 LiveCache Parameters...............................................................................................................10 Parameter OMS_HEAP_LIMIT ..................................................................................................11 Monitoring Heap Memory Usage ...............................................................................................11 Garbage Collectors and Data Cache Filling Levels .........................................................................12 Monitoring liveCache Memory Areas and Devspaces......................................................................12 Network Monitoring Between liveCache and Application Server .....................................................14 Monitoring and Testing COM and liveCache Transactions ..............................................................15 Monitoring APO Optimizers ..............................................................................................................18 Monitoring Guidelines for SAP APO and R/3 ...................................................................................19 Enhanced Workload Analysis Tool - ST03N.....................................................................................21 Job Scheduling - Standard SCM System Jobs ..........................................................................22 mySAP APO Software Maintenance Guidelines ..............................................................................25 Architecture and Support Packages...........................................................................................25 Plug-Ins and Connected R/3 Systems .......................................................................................27 Transfer Mechanisms - qRFC Versions .....................................................................................27 Important Gateway and qRFC Parameters................................................................................28 Downloading Support Packages from SAP ...............................................................................28 Further Information .................................................................................................................................29

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Applicability, Goals, and Requirements

To ensure that this Best Practice is the one you need, consider the following goals and requirements.

Goal of Using this Service

This Best Practice enables you to set up a technical administration and management concept (or template) for the mySAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) solution using the SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO). This business process management and monitoring concept aims to: Define procedures for business process oriented monitoring, error handling, and escalation management for your APO liveCache and Optimizer servers Define the roles and responsibilities for all persons involved in the customers support and monitoring organization with respect to SCM Basis (technical) monitoring and administration requirements.

These procedures ensure the smooth and reliable flow of the core business process in order to meet your business requirements.

Alternative Practices
You can get SAP experts to deliver this Best Practice onsite if you order the Solution Management Optimization (SMO) service known as the SAP Business Process Management service.

Staff and Skills Requirements

To implement this Best Practice, you require the following teams: Application Management Team The SCM / APO business process management concept (which this Best Practice aims to produce) should be created by the Application Management Team. This team combines experts from your company:
q q q

Business department Solution support organization (for example, the IT department and the Help Desk) Implementation project team

Execution Teams The execution teams are the following groups, which taken together form the customers Solution Support Organization:
q q q q q q

The business process champion for each business process Application support Development support Program scheduling management Software monitoring team System monitoring team

More information about roles and responsibilities of these teams can be found in the superordinate Best Practice General Business Process Management, which you can obtain through the SAP Solution Manager. Necessary or Useful Training Courses: See the SAP Service Marketplace (http://service.sap.com/education) for the most up-to-date information on SCM-specific training courses. 2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Experience with SAP Basis 4.x monitoring tools and functionality, including the relevant SAP and database training courses.

Duration and Timing

Duration Creating an SCM monitoring and administration concept can take several weeks or even months to design, implement, and gain the required level of knowledge to utilize it effectively. Timing The best time to apply this Best Practice is during the early planning or implementation phase of your mySAP SCM solution. At minimum, such a concept should have been developed and put into operation prior to going live with your mySAP SCM solution.

Preliminary Information
The SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) is the planning component of mySAP SCM, the Supply Chain Management solution provided by SAP. SAP APO is used to make strategic, tactical, and operational decisions and supports you in performing the following planning activities: Demand Planning (DP) Supply Network Planning (SNP) Production Planning (PP) Detailed Scheduling (DS) Deployment Transport Planning and Vehicle Scheduling (TP/VS) / Transport Load Builder (TLB) Global Available-to-Promise (gATP)

SAP APO is a planning tool. Execution functions, such as confirmations, goods receipt, purchasing, and so on are performed in the SAP R/3 OLTP system, which contains all functionality for Material Management MM, Sales and Distribution SD, Production Order Processing PP-SFC, Logistics Execution LES, and Controlling CO. The SAP R/3 online transaction processing (OLTP) system also provides relevant planning data (master data and transaction data) for the APO system. Products are planned in the APO system, and the planning results are transferred back to the OLTP system. If not all components of a BOM structure are planned in the APO system, the planning can be completed in the OLTP system. In general, we recommend that you plan critical products and critical components in APO and noncritical products and components in the OLTP system. However, if you plan a component in APO, you must also plan all components in the BOM structure up to the BOM header product in APO. Conversely, if you plan a component in the OLTP system, you also must plan all subcomponents in the OLTP system. The various strategies for using R/3 and APO in combination are called integration scenarios. They utilize the Core Interface (CIF), which is part of the mySAP Plug-In.

Related Best Practices

Several other Best Practice documents are required to complete your mySAP SCM administration and monitoring concept: Backup and Recovery + High Availability CIF / Integration Data Consistency Checks Performance Tuning for APO

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

SCM System Landscape

The substantial components of an SAP SCM system landscape are summarized in the following table and shown schematically in the subsequent illustration. SAP APO System The SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer system facilitates the strategic, tactical, and operational planning processes. APO consists of several software components: a relational database system (RDBMS) just as in any R/3 system, known as the APO DB; an SAP R/3 Basis; the APO application programs; a separate, very fast object-oriented SAP DB database called liveCache; and a number of programs that execute elaborate optimization algorithms, called the optimizers. These components can run on the same or on different servers. OLTP System The Online Transaction Processing system covers functionality for sales and distribution, material and inventory management, controlling, shop floor control, logistic execution, and so on. An Online Analysis Processing system such as SAP Business Warehouse provides cumulated historical data as a basis for future extrapolation purposes in APO Demand Planning.

OLAP System

OLTP System

Plug-In 2000 RDBMS

SAP APO System

OLAP System

live Cache


OLTP System

Plug-In 2000 RDBMS

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

The following diagram shows the relationship between APO application software components and the databases:
APO Application Server Dialog WP Dialog WP Dialog WP
Background WP Background WP

Optimizer Application Server RFC: SNP PP/DS SAP Gateway CTM SEQ ND VSR

SAP Gateway

Call to Optimizer executable

DATA request: RFC call to APO application server

DATA request: ABAP Open SQL DATA request: Calling COM Routine
connect_to_livecache. exec sql. execute procedure "SAPAPO_COM_XX"( in :in_com_params, out :out_com_params) endexec.

DATA request: Direct to liveCache via Database Interface (certain optimizers only)


COM Routines


SCM APO Monitoring and Administration

In applying this Best Practice procedure, you create a company-specific monitoring concept. This concept consists of monitoring activities to be performed for each component and its respective monitoring objects. When adapting this concept for your company, you must specify the times, responsible teams, and escalation paths (teams) for the monitoring activities associated with each component and its monitoring objects. In the following, each component is discussed separately. You will find the following information: Monitoring activities for the process step Error handling, restart ability, and escalation A monitoring object table, listing each relevant monitoring object, showing the: o Monitoring object o Monitoring transaction or tool o Monitoring frequency o Monitoring time o Indicator or error o Monitoring activity or error handling procedure o Responsible team o Escalation procedure

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

General mySAP APO Monitoring Information

To ensure that your system is configured and operating correctly, you must monitor your APO system and liveCache on a regular basis. This is especially important during the implementation phase, or after any major system changes such as increasing data volumes within your APO system, reconfiguration of the application modules, new support packages, liveCache, COM or optimizer versions. Regular monitoring enable you to compare before and after situations and to predict the effects of similar future activities. For the latest SCM technical information, news, and updates always check mySAP SCM Technology pages in SAP Service Marketplace (http://service.sap.com/scm >> mySAP SCM Technology). These pages are updated frequently with extensive information on all aspects of SCM technology, including performance, consistency, backup and recovery, and system copy. Volume testing within your APO system is also important. If possible, perform volume testing following any changes such as those listed above. For more information on how to perform volume testing within your SCM landscape, see SCM Best Practices for Volume Testing. Regular background jobs need to be scheduled within your APO system. Such jobs help to optimize system performance and to reduce the amount of redundant data in the system, such as old application log entries. A list of such jobs and how often they should run is included within this document. Many of the standard SAP Basis monitoring and administration tools and practices can be applied to your APO system, for example, database and operating system monitoring. Also, you must monitor and administer liveCache carefully, and monitor the optimizers. As the optimizers do not store any data, they are not as critical as liveCache, but if they are incorrectly configured or unavailable, this can lead to performance bottlenecks or program failures. The liveCache is a memory-resident database, using object orientation and executing application-specific logic within the same memory address space (in the form of COM routines) in order to maximize performance. The single most important tool for monitoring and administering liveCache within an APO system is transaction LC10, which is designed as a single point of entry for this purpose. The size and configuration of your liveCache and APO system is highly dependent on data volumes, the requirements and configuration of APO, and all integrated systems. An APO sizing should have already been performed in your system to help determine the appropriate size and initial settings of parameters such as data_cache and oms_heap_limit. For more information, see SAP Service Marketplace, alias QUICKSIZER. Before you go live with your APO solution, SAP Active Global Support must perform a GoingLive Analysis session for your system. After going live, they must perform a GoingLive Verification session. These services help to ensure that the technical aspects of your SCM environment are correctly configured and maintained.

Monitoring and Administration of liveCache

We strongly recommend that the person(s) responsible for monitoring the liveCache attend at least one of the available liveCache training courses, to help them understand the liveCache structures and transactions within your APO system. If this is not possible, additional SCM technical consulting services may be required to help define your exact monitoring requirements and procedures. For more information on training, see SAP Service Marketplace/Education. Online help for LC10 can be found in SAP Library under Computing Center Management System (BC-CCM): choose Database Administration in CCMS SAP DB DBA in CCMS SAP liveCache Monitoring and Administration. For information about collective liveCache and COM routine, see SAP Note 500843.

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Technical Prerequisites
Remote Function Call OS collector is required for monitoring the operating system of physically separate liveCache servers using transaction OS07 (similar to the functionality offered by transaction ST06) For information about how to install RFCOSCOL, see SAP Notes 0450741, 20624, 202934,

liveCache Monitoring and Administration Tools

Most of the monitoring functionality required for liveCache is available from within SAP GUI, usually from within transaction LC10, or by executing a specific report in transaction SE38. APO 3.1 is delivered with a new version of LC10 which provides not only an improved frontend, but also additional functionality such as improved monitoring tools and tighter integration with the CCMS alert monitors. For APO 3.0A, a similar version of LC10 is available as of Basis Support Package 30, or via a transport. For more information, visit SAP Service Marketplace, alias /scm, and choose mySAP SCM Technology or see New LC10 for SAP liveCache with SAP Basis 4.6C >= SP30 For more information about liveCache, visit SAP Service Marketplace, alias /livecache (http://service.sap.com/livecache). To monitor and administer your liveCache, you have several options / tools, which should be used in the following order of preference: Transaction LC10 using SAP/APO GUI The Database Manager (DBMGUI) a graphical client tool used for remote administration of SAP DB and liveCache systems DBMCLI a liveCache command line database client administration tool that can be executed from within APO using transaction SM49

The DBMGUI and DBMCLI each consist of a server and a client part. The server part (DBM server) is responsible for functionality. The client part is called the Database Manager. For DBMGUI it consists of a graphical user interface, for DBMCLI a command line interface. After installing DBMGUI software on the frontend, you can start DBMGUI. You can administer several liveCaches with one DBMGUI session. Make sure that you select the correct liveCache server when you issue a command. Before you can adminster a liveCache, you need to register it. To do so, proceed as follows: 1. Start DBMGUI and choose File >> Register database. 2. Enter the name of the liveCache server you wish to register and press return. A list appears of all the liveCaches available on that server. 3. Select the liveCache instance you wish to register and choose Register. 4. If you wish, you can enter another name for this liveCache, or use the default <LCSID>. 5. Enter the name of the DBM user and its password (control, control). 6. Press Return or OK to finish the registration process. To download the latest DBMGUI (only available for Windows operating systems), go to www.sapdb.org, and choose Tools. The following page has links to information and a download for Database Manager. Alternatively, to download from SAPNet, see SAP Note 386714. CCMS monitoring (transaction RZ20) is enhanced in APO 3.1 and for APO 3.0A with Basis SP30 to provide enhanced monitoring functionality for liveCache and can be called directly from transaction LC10 (see screenshot cutout). For more information on transaction RZ20 and CCMS monitoring toolsets, visit SAP Service Marketplace, alias /monitoring (http://service.sap.com/monitoring)

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Part of liveCache monitoring tree

liveCache Monitoring and Administration Tool Recommendations

All liveCache versions should be started and stopped from within APO using transaction LC10. Alternatives: call the reports RSLVCSTART and RSLVCSTOP from within SAP, or by using SAPEVT at OS level; call the function modules START_LIVECACHE and STOP_LIVECACHE from within SAP, or by using STARTRFC at OS level. All liveCache versions You can change parameters using LC10, DBMGUI, or DBMCLI. liveCache 7.2 Do not use DBMCLI or DBMGUI for starting/stopping your liveCache. These tools should be used for little other than monitoring purposes. As of liveCache 7.4 You can start liveCache with DBMCLI or DBMGUI, but this will cause a short dump, so start it with LC10 if you can. Note that APO 3.1 is only shipped with liveCache > 7.4.

liveCache Log Files

Every liveCache system message is stored in a log file called knldiag. You should check this file within the APO System with help of transaction LC10. The knldiag file is limited in size (liveCache parameter kerneldiagsize, default 800 KB). Once this size limit has been reached, the file is overwritten in a round robin. Note: The knldiag file is saved to knldiag.old during a liveCache restart. For error analysis, it is important to save the knldiag files before they overwritten on subsequent restarts of liveCache. Depending on the installation, you can find the knldiag file at operating system level in the directory /sapdb/data/wrk/LCA. Another important log file is knldiag.err. All liveCache errors are recorded in this file. You can view this file from within LC10 (or at operating system level in the same directory as the knlidiag file). This file is useful for liveCache error analysis. After every initialization or restart of your APO System, check the initialization log of liveCache. You can do so in transaction LC10. Again depending on your installation, you can find it at operating system level in the directory /sapdb/LCA/db as file lcinit.log. For serious error analysis, you may need to use a kernel trace. Please only use this trace in coordination with SAP Active Global Support. To switch it on in the DBMGUI, choose Check >> Kernel Trace. Note: Ensure that your file system has enough disk space available to store all log files, core dumps, and so on. For more information, see the installation guide and SAP Note 429215.

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool Check liveCache Initializatio n Protocol LC10 > liveCache Administration > System Messages > Initialization protocol <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Problem Analysis > Logs > Initialization Check liveCache Kernel Log LC10| liveCache Administration > System Messages <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Problem Analysis > Messages > Core > Current Check liveCache Error Log LC10 > Frequent Check for error liveCache ly messages Administration > related to your System Error recent/current Messages liveCache session(s) LC10 > liveCache Alert monitor At least daily Red = high priority errors or warnings, Yellow = warnings, Green = OK Frequent ly: also useful in resolving liveCach e errors Monitor Freq. After initializati on or restart liveCach e Indicator or Error End of the log file states if initialization was successful or not individual errors are recorded throughout the file Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure Check to ensure that the initialization or restart was successful and no errors were reported Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure Basis Support

Check for error messages related to your recent/current liveCache session(s)

Look at recent liveCache System messages to ensure that monitorin no errors were g encountered Can also be used to check status of liveCache, warnings,

Especially useful when liveCache errors are encountered (also includes information on starting and stopping of liveCache) Check and investigate any alerts shown. Also possible to use these monitors to analyze the up to 24 hours history of datacache, heap and Devspace usage As directed by SAP Support

System Monitorin g

Check liveCache Alerts (CCMS alerts) New LC10 Only Activate Kernel trace

System Monitorin g

Database Manager > Check > Kernel Trace

Only in coordinatio n with SAP

As directed by SAP Support

Basis & SAP Support Services

Contact SAP Support

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


LiveCache Parameters
General information
For up-to-date information on important liveCache parameters, see SAP Notes 433115 and 424886 for liveCache 7.2 or SAP Notes 490958 and 496318 for liveCache 7.4. These notes are updated frequently. Different releases of liveCache and COM routines may require different parameter settings. Changes in the hardware configuration of your liveCache machine such as additional RAM or CPUs, or changes in application data volumes or configuration, may also require different parameter settings. Check the above notes regularly for updated parameter settings. If you experience performance issues, check your liveCache settings against the latest recommendations of these SAP Notes. Several important parameters for liveCache are: MAXCPU number of CPUs that can be used by liveCache. For information about potential performance issues with MAXCPU > 1, see SAP Note 425051. DATA_CACHE (7.2) or CACHE_SIZE (7.4) size of the data cache memory area used by liveCache. The initial value for this parameter is usually defined during the sizing of your system, but it may require some tuning for normal operation, or in other situations such as increasing the amount of RAM or data volume on your liveCache server. OMS_HEAP_LIMIT maximum useable heap memory of liveCache and COM routines (private memory) Note: Changes to liveCache parameters do not take effect until the liveCache has been stopped and restarted, so schedule downtime for liveCache if you wish to adjust any parameters. liveCache Memory Areas This section describes the main liveCache memory areas. These areas are: LC Management, Heap Memory, and Net Memory Usage.

LC Management

LC Management is needed for administrative purposes, such as starting, stopping, and backup of liveCache Heap Memory refers to the memory allocation of the COM objects in liveCache (private liveCache memory regions) Kernel parameter OMS_HEAP_LIMIT

Total Memory


Heap Memory


Net Memory Usage

Net Memory Usage of objects is where the actual data is stored in liveCache Kernel parameter DATA_CACHE (liveCache 7.2) CACHE_SIZE (liveCache 7.4)

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


SAP Note 337445 describes how to perform the calculation and to adjust the parameter for the OMS_HEAPLIMIT, for liveCache 7.2 it is as follows:
Max_Virtual_Memory - (DATA_CACHE+CONVERTER_CACHE+SHOW_STORAGE+TASK_STACK+100 MB) For liveCache 7.4 replace DATA_CACHE with CACHE_SIZE NOTE: with Windows NT/2000 the maximum virtual memory available for liveCache is 3GB

Max Virtual Memory

Net Memory Usage LC Management

Heap Memory

Cache_Size or Data_Cache

Conv Cache

Show Storage

Task 100 Stack MB


Monitoring Heap Memory Usage

LC heap memory allocation can be monitored using the on of the following internal liveCache tables (graphically represented below): Prior to liveCache 7.2.5 build 14 - OMS_MEMORY_USAGE As of liveCache 7.2.5 build 14 - OMS_HEAP_STATISTICS There are several options for reading this data; LC10, the SAPDB SQL Studio, DBMCLI commands, or the APO report /SAPAPO/OM_LC_MEM_MONITOR (liveCache 7.2.5). When using the report OM_LC_MEM_MONITOR the values are shown at the top of this report are illustrated below and described as follows: Total heap (kilobytes) total heap area currently in use by liveCache and COM routines Reserved heap (kilobytes) high water mark, maximum amount of heap used since liveCache start Internal heap (kilobytes) only valid for liveCache 7.2, amount of heap used for COM executable files Emergency heap (kilobytes) reserved memory



Memory that is Reserved specifically to stop requested memory through functions COM normally routines

Currently used by COM object data (Working copy of data objects)

Previously allocated by COM routines/OMS layer. Is available to COM routines only, but not to operating system

Available was never allocated since LVC startup


2002 SAP AG

This report uses the internal liveCache table OMS_MEMORY_USAGE

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Garbage Collectors and Data Cache Filling Levels

When you monitor the data cache usage or filling level, you will see the value in the data cache usage percentage column increase to around 80%, then some time later decrease, often quite considerably. This is usually because of the history data (OMS_HISTORY) that is used for consistent views within liveCache. This history data is only required for open transactions or transactional simulations within liveCache. When it is no longer required, the data is automatically marked for deletion, but is usually not deleted immediately. The garbage collectors are responsible for deleting this obsolete history data, and are started at least every 30 seconds, but they only commence deleting this data when specific data cache filling levels have been reached (such as over 80%). These mechanisms improve performance and lead to the fluctuations of filling levels in an active liveCache. For more information on garbage collectors, see SAP Notes 458369, 0443149, and 441794. Example of data cache usage:

Transactions: LiveCache 7.2 = LC10 Performance Data Cache LiveCache 7.4 = LC10 liveCache: monitoring memory areas Data Cache

Monitoring liveCache Memory Areas and Devspaces

The table below shows descriptions for both old and new LC10 menu paths
Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool Memory of liveCache server (Windows NT / 2000 only) LC10 > liveCache System Administration| System messages <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Problem Analysis > Messages > Core > Current Then search for string 'Total physical memory' Current data cache size LC10 > liveCache Performance > Datacache <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Current Status > Memory Areas > Data Cache At least daily Check that there is enough memory allocated for data cache Monitor Freq. Indicator or Error Add RAM to server, check data cache/cache size and oms heap limit parameters Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure To process COM routines liveCache uses heap memory You need to limit this heap memory with help of liveCache parameter OMS_HEAP_LIMIT Ensure that the sum of OMS_HEAP_LIMIT and data_cache size is no larger than the main memory of machine. With 32 bit platforms (Windows) there is a technical memory limit for each process of 3 GB, even with PSE36, AWE, or Windows 2000 DataCentre Server Size of data cache actual size System in MB/KB Monitorin g Team See also DataCache filling levels and active parameters Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure System Monitorin g

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool Data cache LC10 > liveCache filling levels Performance > Devspace Statistic <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Current Status > Memory Areas > Data Cache Monitor Freq. At least daily Indicator or Error If filling level consistently above 80%, check % of OMS history v OMS data. Consider resizing Data_Cache (7.2) or Cache_Size (7.4). Check garbage collectors are working correctly Check that there is enough memory allocated for data cache Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure Amount of total DataCache used by real data see line OMS_DATA size

Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure System Monitorin g

Data cache LC10 > liveCache hit rate Performance > Devspace Statistic <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Current Status > Memory Areas > Data Cache Active liveCache parameters <OMS_HE AP_LIMIT>

At least daily

This value should be >=98.8% If it is not, your liveCache may be too small or incorrectly configured After restarting liveCache you need at least 50 000 liveCache data requests before a meaningful value is shown

System Monitorin g

LC10 > liveCache As Performance > required Active parameters <OR> LC10 > liveCache monitoring > Current Status > Parameters > Currently

Adjust as necessary

Show currently active parameters Parameter OMS_HEAP_LIMIT For parameter settings and calculation, see SAP Notes 0337445 and either 0424886 (7.2) or 0496318 (7.4)

Basis support

Heap memory usage

SE38 > Often /SAPAPO/OM_LC (especial _MEM_MONITOR ly when data <OR> volumes LC10 > liveCache: or system Monitoring > changes Current Status > occur) Memory Areas > Heap Usage

Sufficient memory must be available for heap areas, data cache, and the operating system of the liveCache server and correctly distributed between them

The list header shows the value System for the reserved memory Monitorin marked with 'R' or Reserved g This value shows the (private) memory dynamically requested by liveCache, usually for use by COM routines. It is not returned to the OS until liveCache is stopped. So this value specifies the amount of RAM that is locked into the liveCache/COM process it is reuseable only by liveCache, but it is not necessarily currently in use by liveCache; it is the high water mark of heap usage

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool Status, size and number of devspaces LC10 > liveCache Performance > Devspace Statistic <OR> Check liveCache devspace filling level LC10 > liveCache: Monitoring > Current Status > Memory Areas > Devspaces LC10 > Administration > Change Configuration <OR> LC10 > liveCache: Monitoring > Administration > Configuration > Devspaces LiveCache action log Mainly LiveCache 7.2 /SAPAPO/OM11 daily Traffic lights: Red = errors or failures Yellow = warnings Green = success Investigate errors and warnings The reported actions are: - Checkpoints - Changes to liveCache log mode - Initializations - Backup and recovery of devspaces - Number of processed rows from log areas during recovery - Log area switches plus number of written rows - Deletions of log areas System Monitorin g Team Monitor Freq. Daily Indicator or Error If filling level is higher than 90%, consider adding devspaces to avoid bottlenecks Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure Check status and that there are enough devspaces configured Check liveCache devspace filling level carefully to prevent liveCache problems (not only performance issues; some history data could also be deleted, leading to errors with transactions)

Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure System Monitorin g Team

Add devspace

As Add devspace if Add devspaces as required necessar filling level is y >=90%

Basis Support

SAP recommends using transaction LC10 for liveCache monitoring. Some of the information listed above can also be seen using the tools DBMGUI or DBMCLI, but these tools are not described here. Note that you may occasionally see different values using DBMGUI or DBMCLI than from within LC10. In such cases, always take the values from LC10, as these may have been converted or adjusted to show true values or statistics.

Network Monitoring Between liveCache and Application Server

If APO and the liveCache are on physically separate servers, you should regularly (daily) check the network performance between the two servers using the NIPING tool. Poor network performance can lead to slow response times. These slow response times may suggest poor liveCache performance, but in fact are due to the network. To check this, read SAP Note 458221 and consider using the NIPING functionality in transaction /SAPAPO/OM13 tab Network.

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Monitoring and Testing COM and liveCache Transactions

COM routines are difficult to monitor. Usually, only SAP COM developers can interpret the output of a COM trace. COM traces grow very large very quickly, so never run COM traces unattended, and always ensure that they are switched off immediately afterwards, otherwise disk-full situations will cause liveCache crashes in a very short space of time. Despite this, several transactions can be used (often in combination) to help assess what is occurring in liveCache and the running COM routines. To monitor transactions currently running in APO and liveCache, you may need to use several transactions or tools: SM50 or SM66 (for all application servers) Process overview, look for DB procedure; match the PID here to the APPL PID seen in the LC10 Active or Runnable tasks screens to see which APO work process is connected and working in liveCache. LC10: choose Console >> Active Tasks or Runnable Tasks shows currently active tasks in liveCache, or runnable tasks that are waiting for either liveCache processing time or a response from APO/ABAP programs. See SAP Note 0454653 for the meaning of each status in these screens.

SM50 DB procedure = task running in liveCache

PID in SM50 is shown as APPL pid in LC10 console

LC10 Active Tasks DcomObjCalled = COM routine running/called

Other standard basis tools can also be used for monitoring liveCache and COM routines SE30 ABAP runtime analysis (Note: this may not distinguish between APO database and liveCache accesses) ST05 SQL trace (may become extremely large do not leave traces running unattended), see SAP Note 483854

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool Display current COM versions Test program for liveCache and COM routines /SAPAPO/OM04 or /SAPAPO/OM13 (see below) /SAPAPO/OM03 Monitor Freq. Indicator or Error Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure

Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure

As Check that Check which COM versions are System required correct versions installed on your liveCache Monitorin or after are installed server g Team SPs and upgrades Correctly configured liveCache and COM should have output like No errors occurred or COM routines and liveCache are working well Performs a simple check for COM and liveCache: useful to check correct installation of liveCache and/or COM System Monitorin g Team and/or Basis Support

As required or or after SPs and SE38 /SAPAPO/OM_LC upgrades CHECK

Analyze liveCache and COM objects View COM trace files


Daily / regularly

Shows COM versions, checks important liveCache and COM information, checks network speed/status, shows liveCache log files Ensure COM traces are not active when they are not required Ensure COM traces are not active when they are not required Use to help analyze COM messages or errors COM traces should only be used in cooperation with SAP Support

System Monitorin g Team


As required

Basis and SAP Support

Contact SAP Support

Turn COM traces on or off


As required

COM traces should only be used in cooperation with SAP Support

Basis and SAP Support

Contact SAP Support

Display /SAPAPO/OM10 meaning of COM return code Upgrade/ /SAPAPO/OM09 recovery application log (liveCache 7.2) Delete logging log /SAPAPO/OM12

As required

Shows the meaning of return codes issues by COM routines

Basis support

Daily or after recovery/ migration /upgrade Monthly or as required Daily / weekly/ after upgrade or SP Weekly / after upgrade or SP Check to see if performance of liveCache and COM differs greatly from previous runs Ensure it does not grow too large

Shows details of objects that have not been upgraded, recovered or migrated (blank = no errors) Use to delete the action log (see /SAPAPO/OM11 above) up to a specific date

System Monitorin g Team

Basis Job Scheduli ng

LiveCache /SAPAPO/OM14 and COM test cockpit

The test cockpit contains many Basis reports that are available to test Support liveCache and COM routines. It can be used for performance comparisons/tests. Tests liveCache and COM routines based on benchmark data. Results can be used to roughly compare performance and ensure liveCache / COM are working well Performa nce Monitorin g Team

Evaluate performanc e and verify COM / liveCache

SE38 /SAPAPO/OM_PE RFORMANCE <execute> [Default 5 sec]

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool LiveCache /SAPAPO/OM16 data viewer > Display Plan Version then double-click calculate / berechnen Check consistenc y of data between APO and liveCache Manually request a liveCache checkpoint (liveCache 7.2) /SAPAPO/OM17 Monitor Freq. As required Indicator or Error Can be used to see approximate size of planning versions in liveCache Check for inconsistencies and correct as necessary Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure Shows the size of data by planning version (in KB)

Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure Basis and Applicati on Support System Monitorin g Team (Basis & Applicati on) Applicati on & Basis Support

Daily / weekly / as required

For information see Best Practice document for Data Consistency


As required

Check no long running jobs are active in the system when manually requesting checkpoints, or that another checkpoint is not already requested / active

Use to manually request a liveCache checkpoint (liveCache 7.2 only) Should only be used in special circumstances, for example to ensure no data loss occurs from liveCache crash after finalization of DP planning cycle, or after upgrades, SPs, and so on Use transactions to help analyze liveCache and COM activity; show details of current activity; COM runtime analysis statistics; Class container information; OMS data, size, age and versions; active transactions

Display liveCache OMS and COM performanc e analysis information

LC10 > liveCache Performance > <OR>

LC10 > Current Status > Problem Analysis > Performance >

As required

Basis support

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Monitoring APO Optimizers

Once APO optimizers have been correctly installed and configured, they normally require little or no administration and maintenance. This section lists the most important transactions for optimizers with information on what they are used for.
Monitoring Monitor Object TA/Tool Optimizer Logs Monitor Freq. Check frequentl y daily, weekly Indicator or Error Check for Errors Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure Display and analyse Optimizer logs Respon- Escalation sibility Procedure System and applicati on monitorin g teams Basis Support System monitorin g team Basis Support Basis Support


User list for /SAPAPO/OPT03 Optimizers Versions of /SAPAPO/OPT09 Optimizers Running Optimizer Processes Optimizer server settings /SAPAPO/OPT12

As required As required As required During installatio n, or for configura tion changes to Optimize r servers As above

Displays a user list for Optimizers Displays Optimizer versions Display Optimizer Processes Maintain master data for optimization servers (PP/DS ONLY) Maintain parameter for parallel optimization


Optimizer parallel server settings Optimizer server settings check availability of servers


Maintain parameter for parallel optimization

Basis Support


As above

Checks server availability prior to the start of the optimization run and switches to another server if the check was unsuccessful

Applicati on Support / Job Scheduli ng Team

RFC destination s for Optimizers


During installatio n or after config changes

Test connection status to ensure all is OK

Defining and Checking Optimizer RFC destinations can also be used to check if Optimzer server is online

System Monitorin g Team and Basis Support

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Monitoring Guidelines for SAP APO and R/3

This section outlines the monitoring concept for SAP APO and SAP R/3. When adapting this concept for your company, you must specify the times, responsible teams, and escalation paths (responsible teams) for the following monitoring activities and objects.

Monitoring Activities
For the administration of an SAP R/3 OLTP system and the SAP R/3 Basis of an SAP APO system, we strongly recommend scheduling and supervising a number of jobs and monitoring activities on a regular basis. The following list is not complete. For example, it omits jobs and tasks for database administration, such as backups, archiving transaction logs, and update statistics for cost based optimizer. The list simply gives an impression of what you need to do to keep a system running. As part of SAP Basis, these monitors do not display any APO-specific monitoring data, and should be analyzed using the same procedures as those used in a non-APO system environment. To answer further questions on these subjects, schedule the SAP Solution Management Optimization Service System Administration, which also includes special recommendations for administering an SAP APO system.
Monitoring Object System workload analysis Monitor Monitor Monitor Indicator TA/Tool Freq. Time or Error ST03 or ST03N Daily To be determi ned (TBD) TBD Average dialog response time > 1000 ms Expensive SQL statements Paging rate, CPU utilization Swaps Monitoring Activity or Error Handling Procedure Responsibility System monitoring team Escalation Procedure

Database performance analysis Operating system monitor System buffer monitor Local work process overview System-wide work process overview Database performance monitor



System monitoring team




monitoring team




monitoring team


Hourly during peak hours Hourly during peak hours Daily


WP status, WP utilization WP status, long running jobs Table space sizes, table indexes for tRFC and aRFC Dumps

monitoring team



monitoring team



monitoring team

ABAP dump analysis System log




monitoring team





monitoring team

Update errors




Status ERR

System monitoring team

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Error Handling, Restartability and Escalation

Error Handling Procedures Error handling for background jobs is explained in detail in the SAP R/3 documentation CD, component BC-CCM, under Background Processing. If a scheduled job fails, a necessary job is not scheduled, or a scheduled job has status "finished", you may need to take action. Consider the status of the job and proceed as follows: In case of status scheduled, the job steps have already been defined, but the start condition has not yet been defined. Contact the program scheduling management and clarify when the job will be fully defined. In case of status released, the job has been fully defined with a start condition and will wait for that condition to be fulfilled. In case of status ready, the start condition of a released job has been fulfilled. A job scheduler has put the job in a queue to wait for an available background work process. In case of status active, the job is currently running and can no longer be modified or deleted. Check if the job is within the given timeframe. Check for particular dependencies to other jobs. If the job exceeded the given timeframe, contact the software monitoring team. In case of status finished, all steps that make up this job have completed successfully. Program scheduling management must check whether the job ran in the given timeframe, and software monitoring team and / or application support must check the respective job results (such as spool output lists, message logs, and updates). In case of status cancelled, the job has terminated abnormally. This can happen in two ways. If an administrator intentionally canceled the job, clarify why he or she did so and whether (and if so, when) the job must be re-run. Alternatively, if a program in a job step produced an error such as issuing an "E" or "A" error message, contact the software monitoring team and investigate why the error occurred. If the program is an SAP standard program, search for appropriate messages in SAP Service Marketplace and create a customer message if you cannot solve the problem. If you experience problems with the CIF or with data missing in either R/3 or APO, see the R/3 Plug-In homepage, Literature Center, Troubleshooting Guide Integration R/3 APO.

Process Step Restartability If a background job is canceled, consider possible succeeding jobs or dependencies on other jobs when deciding whether to restart the aborted job. The aborted job may also delay the start of succeeding jobs. Escalation Procedures In general, we recommend that you search for related SAP Notes in the SAP Service Marketplace R/3 frontend system for any unknown problems or errors. If you have questions or problems that cannot be solved, forward the issue to the next support level. If the corresponding escalation path is not well defined, contact Application Support. If none of the defined support levels can provide a solution for a particular problem, we recommend that you create a customer problem message in the SAP Service Marketplace R/3 frontend system.

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Enhanced Workload Analysis Tool - ST03N

To help you determine the liveCache elements of total response times with a SAP APO system, an updated version of ST03 is available in transaction ST03N. More information on this tool is available within the F1 help function and in the latest versions of the help documentation. ST03N offers 3 views: Service Engineer; Administrator; Expert. For history information about response times by days (for comparison purposes), you should be in Expert mode and have all necessary authorizations. If you view the workload on a server, you can see the response times broken down by type (dialog, batch, RFC, ), and under the column DB Proc Time (or DB Proc Zeit) you can see the liveCache percentage or portion of total response times. Transaction ST03N is especially useful for analyzing whether you have a bottleneck or liveCache performance issue on your system. It can also be used to see how changes in COM versions and/or liveCache parameters have affected your system. Other features of the standard transaction ST03 are available within ST03N, such as transaction profiles and so on, but again the liveCache processing time is separated out to help you monitor and analyze your system in more detail.

Time spent in liveCache

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Job Scheduling - Standard SCM System Jobs

The following table specifies jobs that at minimum must be scheduled in your APO and (where specified) all the connected R/3 systems. This list incorporates some standard R/3 system jobs, as well as jobs specific to APO or BW. As of Basis Release 4.6C, you can easily schedule many of these jobs automatically by clicking "Standard Jobs" in transaction SM36 (marked with * below). For details and comments, see SAP Note 16083 for standard jobs, also 48400 for Spool/TEMSE. All jobs, unless otherwise specified, should be run at times of minimal system activity, so as not to affect performance or otherwise disrupt your daily operations.
ABAP / Report Name RSAL_BATCH_TOOL _DISPATCHING * RSPO1043 * R3/APO R/3 & APO R/3 & APO Frequency Job Name and Further Information Hourly SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP Job for alert monitoring (as of 46A) SAP_CHECK_SPOOL deletes spool lists, which are remnants of canceled jobs Weekly Daily SAP_CHECK_TEMSE SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_JOBSTA TISTIC collects the statistical data to analyze the average run time of periodically executed jobs Responsibility Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Escalation Procedure


R/3 & APO R/3 & APO


R/3 & APO


SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMO Basis Job NITOR collects the general Scheduling statistical data for R/3 performance analysis SAP_REORG_ABAPDUMPS deletes short dumps that are older than six days SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT deletes logs of background input processes. SAP_REORG_JOBS deletes old jobs SAP_REORG_JOBSTATISTIC cleans up the run-time statistics of background jobs SAP_REORG_PRIPARAMS reorganizes print parameters on a cross-client basis See SAP Note 307970 Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling


R/3 & APO



R/3 & APO



R/3 & APO R/3 & APO

Daily Monthly


R/3 & APO



R/3 & APO R/3 & APO

Daily Weekly

SAP_REORG_SPOOL deletes obsolete spool objects. SAP_REORG_XMILOG (as of basis 4.6C)

Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling


R/3 & APO




Weekly (minimum)

SAP_ANALYZE_ALL_INFOCUBES calculates BW-relevant optimizer statistics (for Oracle)

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

ABAP / Report Name /SAPAPO/OM_REOR G_DAILY R3/APO APO Frequency Job Name and Further Information Daily Responsibility

Escalation Procedure

SAP_OM_REORG_DAILY deletes Basis Job old COM and transactional Scheduling simulation data, and old Optimizer logs Re-organizes COM data from old sim sessions in liveCache, helps free up memory The report can be configured to send e-mails in case of CIF errors. Verify e-mail and apply errorhandling procedure described in mail text Basis Job Scheduling Basis Job Scheduling


Every 30 minutes Every 15 minutes

RIMODGEN and RIMODAC2 (two steps in one job) RAPOKZFX



These reports generate and activate Application integration models, respectively Job Scheduling Contact Application Support team to schedule these reports accordingly Detects and corrects inconsistencies between material master and integration models Check for material/plant combinations where correction of APOKZ could not be carried out (this is due to lock problems) If errors are reported, determine why material is locked (for example update on material master or stock) and rerun job when lock has been released Application Job Scheduling







At least once per Week (dependant on how quickly the logs fill up)

The records in the application log are not automatically deleted by the system. To prevent the database from overflowing, we recommend that you delete the records at regular intervals. If you do not make any entries in the date and time fields, all records that are older than one week are automatically deleted. Deletes obsolete / processed change pointers (for ALE) See SAP Note 329110

Basis Job Scheduling in agreement with application support


APO & R/3

Daily/ Weekly

Basis Job Scheduling




RFC Test: Status of Outbound /Inbound Queues ensure that no errors occur Check liveCache and COM functionality reports errors

System monitoring System monitoring


As required, after upgrade, SPs, etc Regularly



Performs a simple check to see if liveCache is active. Also performs basic checks of the network between APO and liveCache servers investigate any errors or slow network response times

System monitoring

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO

ABAP / Report Name R3/APO Frequency Job Name and Further Information Weekly / Monthly Responsibility

Escalation Procedure


Checks and extends time-streams in Basis and Application liveCache Support See SAP Note 449452 Basis and Checks and repairs internal consistency between APO database Application Support and liveCache See SAP Note 425825 for details and other consistency reports



Daily / Weekly

/SAPAPO/CIF_DELTA APO REPORTx (substitute x with the latest version)


Checks the external consistency between R/3 and APO and allows corrections to be made Check for objects reported to be missing either in APO or in R/3 Use transaction /SAPAPO/CCR to manually check and correct inconsistencies See SAP Note 425825 for details and other consistency reports

System monitoring, Basis and Application support



Every 4 -6 hours

Scheduled checkpoints in line with Basis Job Scheduling your backup and recovery strategy This job should not be used with liveCache 7.4 If you often have failures or long wait times with checkpoints, do not shut down liveCache but see SAP Note 325384

/SAPAPO/OM_ARCHI VE_LOGAREA_DEL Only liveCache 7.2 with archive logging active RSLVCBACKUP Only liveCache 7.4


Daily - Only Delete archive log area after successful Only after successful backup of liveCache (once a day) backup of liveCache Daily Starts a backup of liveCache See SAP Note 455154

Basis Job Scheduling


Basis Job Scheduling

Integration, CIF, qRFC administration and monitoring To ensure optimal performance of your integration scenario and for a complete description of administration and monitoring SCM integration scenarios, see Best Practice for Core Interface. For more information about CIF and how to activate inbound queues: PI 2000.2 SAP Notes 388001, 388528 PI 2001.1 and APO3.0A SP14 SAP Notes 416475, 430725 Storage (disk space) requirements for CIF communication SAP Note 505304 http://service.sap.com/SCM mySAP SCM Technology System Management http://service.sap.com/R3-PLUG-IN Plug-In homepage

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


mySAP APO Software Maintenance Guidelines

Architecture and Support Packages
An APO system comsists of many different components, each of which may require maintenance and/or application of support packages. See graphic below. The architecture of APO is more complex than a standard R/3 environment, and includes not only SAP Basis, BW, and APO ABAP components but also optimizers, liveCache and COM routines (written in C++), and frontend OCX patches, all of which may require maintenance and administration. The communication layer between a standard R/3 or APO server and its database requires a database interface. An additional database interface is also required between the APO server and the liveCache (called DBADASLIB). When applying support packages, you must take account of the dependencies between these components. For each support package, details of its dependencies are described in the associated SAP Note. To implement and fully test new support packages, you need to plan downtimes in your landscape. Detailed planning is essential. New support packages must first be implemented in the DEV and QA environments, with full testing and a documented sign-off strategy, before finally being released into the PRD environment. You should also adopt this strategy after applying Plug-In upgrades or Plug-In support packages.

In addition to the SAP component patches, you may also have to install operating system or database patches. For information about such requirements, see the SAP Note for the relevant APO support package. For information about essential operating system / kernel parameters in UNIX operating systems, see SAP Note 0487972. For the latest information on platform availability and operating system patch levels for all operating systems, check http://service.sap.com/scm mySAP SCM Technology DB & OS Platforms and System Requirements.

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


SAP GUI and APO Add-Ons

The standard SAP GUI needs additional components to access the graphics used in an APO system. These additional components are delivered in the form of .ocx files, and may require upgrading on the client machine that runs the SAP GUI. These frontend support packages may have minimum requirements for the SAP GUI version. If such an upgrade to the frontend components is required, it is specified in the SAP Note for the APO support package you wish to implement. To check the SAP GUI version, go to SAP Logon, click on the box in the top left corner, and choose About SAP Logon (see diagrams below).

APO Support Package Components and Versions

Below is a list of the common component versions required for a complete APO support package: APO 3.0A support package requirements include:
ABAP support packages nSPAM update 4.6C nSAP Basis 4.6C nSAP ABAP 4.6C nBW 2.0B nAPO 3.0A APO component support packages nLiveCache 7.2.x / 7.4.x nCOM version (relative to APO SP and liveCache build) nAPO Optimizer patch level SAP kernel & other (R/3) executable patches nSAP Kernel 4.6D ndbadaslib database interface library for liveCache SAPGUI / front-end patches nCore SAP GUI patches - 4.6D or higher nAPO specific patches/.ocx files (related to SAP GUI version, not APO release)

APO 3.1 support package requirements include:

ABAP support packages nSPAM update 4.6D nSAP Basis 4.6D nSAP ABAP 4.6D nBW 2.1C nAPO 3.1 APO component support packages nLiveCache 7.4 nCOM version (relative to APO SP and liveCache build) nAPO Optimizer patch level SAP kernel & other (R/3) executable patches nSAP Kernel 4.6D ndbadaslib database interface library for liveCache SAPGUI / front-end patches nCore SAP GUI patches - 6.10 or higher nAPO specific patches/.ocx files (related to SAP GUI version, not APO release)

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


For more information on SCM support packages, component release, and support levels, see http://service.sap.com/scm mySAP Technology Availability of SAP APO Support Packages, SAP liveCache and COM Builds .

Plug-Ins and Connected R/3 Systems

In addition to applying Support Packages in the APO environment, you may also need to apply Support Packages for the R/3 Plug-In. To install the Plug-In, use transaction SAINT. To upgrade Plug-In Support Packages, use transaction SPAM. Ensure that you have the latest SPAM and SAINT patch levels installed in your system. SAP R/3 Plug-Ins provide (among other things) CIF functionality within your R/3 systems. For more information, see the http://service.sap.com/scm mySAP SCM Technology Systems Integration. New R/3 Plug-In versions are normally released every 6 months, and each SAP Basis release has its own Plug-In. Support Packages for the Plug-In are therefore dependant upon the R/3 Basis version and the Plug-In version of your R/3 system. A component that you wish to connect to your SAP R/3 systems may have a minimum Plug-In version. APO 3.0A does not have a minimum Plug-In version, but does require later versions for newer functionalities. APO 3.1 requires the R/3 system to have a minimum Plug-In version of PI 2001.2.

Transfer Mechanisms - qRFC Versions

When transferring data between SAP R/3 and APO, CIF / Plug-In components use a Basis technology called queued Remote Function Calls (qRFC). The qRFC is normally updated/patched via Basis Support Packages, but you can also upgrade to the latest version of the qRFC in both R/3 and APO independently of Basis SPs (see SAP Note 438015) There are different qRFC versions depending on which Basis release you are using (such as 4.0A, 4.6D, 6.20) for performance and functional reasons, SAP recommends installing the latest qRFC version in your system
New qRFC versions may be available and required in your systems before the Basis SP in which it is contained is released, or before you are able to implement the Basis SP in your environment. Newer qRFC versions normally have improved performance and functionality, helping improve both queue handling/monitoring and overall system performance / stability.

Why update just the qRFC version and not implement a Basis SP?

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Important Gateway and qRFC Parameters

The following table gives you some guidance for gateway parameter settings. They are to be maintained for every instance used by qRFC. These parameters must be adjusted in both APO and all connected R/3 systems. For more information, see SAP Notes 384077 and 384971. Parameter
gw/max_conn gw/max_overflow_size gw/max_shm_req rdisp/max_comm_entries rdisp/rfc_max_comm_entries rdisp/rfc_max_own_used_wp rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp rdisp/tm_max_no

Maximum number of allowed connections to a gateway of an instance Maximum Swap Space of CPIC requests on gateway for R/3 >=4.6D Maximum number of allowed CPIC connections to gateway for R/3 < 4.6D Maximum number of connections to an application server Maximum number of RFC connections in relation to rdisp/max_comm_entries in percent Maximum number of dialog work processes, which are allowed to use for RFC in relation to sum of work processes Number of work processes that are unavailable for sending RFC requests Maximum number of allowed connections to an instance

Downloading Support Packages from SAP

The most commonly required support packages as listed above are usually available from the following locations:

SAP Service Marketplace

(via web browser http://service.sap.com/swcenter)

APO Support Packages BW Support Packages BASIS and ABA Support Packages Plug-In Support Packages Kernel patches

SapservX (via FTP)

LiveCache patches COM routines Optimizer SAP GUI and APO .OCX files Kernel patches DBADASLB patches qRFC versions Database and operating system patches (SAP specific)

2002 SAP AG

Best Practice: Monitoring and Administration for SCM / APO


Further Information
Background Information
For more information about availability of support packages, release levels, liveCache COM and related components, see the mySAP SCM technology pages: http://service.sap.com/scm mySAP SCM Technology Availability of SAP APO Support Packages, SAP liveCache and COM Builds

SAP Documentation
SAP APO 3.1 documentation is available on CD or in the SAP Help Portal in German or English. SAP APO 3.0 documentation is available on CD or in the SAP Help Portal in German or English. Print files (PDF format) of several chapters in both languages are available in the Media Center of the SAP Marketplace for SCM.

Feedback and Questions

Send any feedback by formulating an SAP customer message to component SV-GST-SMC. You can do this at http://service.sap.com/message.

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2002 SAP AG

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