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Energy Audit A Case Study

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International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)

Energy Audit-A Case Study

Ankur Soni1, Mukesh Pandey2, Anurag Gour3
M.tech scholar, Professor & Head, 3Assistant Professor, School of Energy and Environmental Management, UTD, RGPV

Bhopal, MP, India

Abstract -Energy audit is a process of checking the way Energy auditing is an official method of finding out
energy is used and identify areas where wastage can be the ECO’s.It is the official surv ey/study of the energy
minimize if not totally eradicate. Energy audit consists of consumption processing/supply aspects related with of
several tasks which can be carried out depending on the industry or organization.Purpose of energy auditing is to
type of audit and the function of audited facility. It started
recommend steps to be taken by management for
with review the historical data of energy consumption
which can be compiled from the electricity bills. These data improving the energy efficiency, reduce energy cost and
is important in order to understand the patterns of energy saving the money on the energy bills.
used and their trend. After obtaining the information on As per energy conservation Act,2001, Energy Audit is
energyconsumption, the next step is to set up an energy defined as “the verification, monitoring and analysis of
audit program. This program shou ld start with site survey energy including submission of technical report
in order to obtain information on present energy used.The containing recommendations for improving energy
energy utilization such as running hours of air-conditioning, efficiency with cost benefit analysis and inaction plan to
lighting levels, locations of unnecessary air-conditioning and reduce energy consumption”.[3]
lighting due to unoccupied areas, temperature and
humidity, chillers/pump scheduling and setting, efficiencies
of equipment’s and machine and the areas of high energy II. METHODS O F ENERGY AUDITING
consumption and the possibility to reduce consumption a) Preliminary energy audit
should be record for further analysis.The energy audit b) Detailed energy audit.
discussed in this paper will only focused in the RGPV c) General energy audit [4]
library building and university of teaching department. It is
carried out in aim of analysing and identifying possible 1. Preliminary energy audit
energy saving measures in the library, which can later be
The preliminary audit alternatively called a simple
implem ented for energy efficiency program in RGPV.
audit, screening audit or walk-through audit, is the
Keywords – Energy Audit, Methods of auditing, Data simplest and quickest type of audit. It involves minimal
collection, Recommendations, Payback period interviews with site operating personnel,a brief review
of facility utility bills and other operating data, and a
I. INTRODUCTION walk-through of the facility to become familiar with the
building operation and identify areas of energy waste or
An energy audit is an inspection, survey and analysis
in effi-ciency. Typically, only major problem areas will
of energy flow for energy conservation in an industry,
be uncovered during this type of audit.
process to reduce the amount of energy input into the
system without negatively affecting the output. Energy 2. Detailed energy audit
audit is a testing and analysis of how the enterprises Detailed energy is also called comprehensive audit or
another organizations use energy.According to national investment grader audit. It expands on the general energy
energy conservation laws and regulations for energy, audit. It covers estimation of energy input for different
consumption investigation and energy audit management. processes, collection of past data on production levels
[1] and specific energy consumption.It is a comprehensive
The energy auditing is one of the first task to be energy audit action plan to be followed effectively by the
Promoted in the accomplishment of an effective energy industry. In detail audit we define energy use and losses
cost control program.An energy audit consist of a detai- through a more detailed review and analysis of equipme
led examination of a how facility uses energy, what the nt, systems, operational characteristics, and on-site meas
facility pays for that energy, and a finally, a recommend urements and testing.
ed program for changes in operating practices or energy
consuming . 3. General energy audit
Equipment that will cost effectively saves bucks on The general audit alternatively called a mini-audit;site
energy bills.With new technology and alternative ener gy energy audit or complete site energy audit expands on the
resources now available, this country could possibly preliminary audit described above by collecting more det
reduce its energy consumption by 50%. If there were no ailed information about facility operation and performi
barriers to implementation [2] but off course there are bar ng a more detailed evaluation of energy conservation
riers mostly economical. measures identified.
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
Utility bills are collected for a 12 to 36 month period 1) Energy audit survey of Bio technology
to allow the auditor to evaluate the Faci lity’s Table. 1
energy/demand rate structures and energy usage pro Total Connected Load Of Bio Technology
files.Additional metering of specific energy consum ing
systems is often performed to supplement utility data. In- Energy
depth Interviews with facility operating personn el are Rating of Connected consumptio
conducted to provide a better understanding of major Load the Number of Load n
energy consuming systems as well as insight into variati- Equipment equipment (W) per month
(W) (kWh)
ons in daily and annual energy consumption and
demand .[4] Fan 70 27 1890 15.12


Light T12 40 120 4800 38.4
The Purpose of RGPV survey is to determine general
condition of Institution with respect to energy perform- CFL 18 19 342 2.73
ance and the institutional and potential willingness to
improve the institute’s energy performance.This Energy 2 BY 2 36 3 108 0.864
audit aimed at detail idea about various end use energy CFL
consu mption activities and identifying enumerating and
eval uating the possible energy saving opportunity. Printer 250 5 1250 10

Xerox 250 1 250 168

100 93.82
75.35 AC 1500 14 21000 8
60 44.12 LCD 250 37 9250 74
34.29 CRT 350 11 3850 30.8
20 10.2 13.48 2) Energy audit survey of Central Library
0 Table. 2
Total Connected Load Of Central Library
Energy in Kw consumptio
Rating of
Connected n
Load Number of Load per month
Fig.1 Department wise Energy consumption Equipment
equipment (W) (kWh)

Fan 70 275 19250 154

Light 40 1136 45440 363.52

CFL 18 15 270 2.73

2 By 2 36 10 360 2.88

Printer 250 2 500 2

Xerox 250 2 500 2

Halogen 500 15 7500 2

AC 1500 5 7500 60
LCD 250 80 20000 160

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
3) Energy audit survey of Energy Department 5) Energy audit survey MCA department
Table. 3 Table. 5
Total Connected Load Of Energy Department Total Connected Load MCA Department

Energy Energy
Rating of Number of Connected consumpti Rating of Number of Connected consumpti
Load the equipment Load on Load the equipment Load on
Equipment (W) per month Equipment (W) per month
(W) (kWh) (W) (kWh)

Fan 70 15 1050 8.4 Fan 70 25 1750 14

Tube Tube
Light 40 83 3320 26.56 Light 40 20 800 6.4
T12 T12

CFL 18 2 36 0.28 CFL 18 108 1944 15.55

Printer 250 2 500 2 2 BY 2 36 49 3456 14.11

Xerox 250 1 250 1 Printer 250 4 1000 2

2 By 2 36 4 3000 1.15 AC 1500 6 9000 72

LCD 250 4 Xerox 250 2 500 1
1000 8
CRT 350 3 1050 8.4 System
LCD 250 223 55750 446
4) Energy audit survey of Information technology CRT 350 1 350 2.8
Table. 4
Light 40 20 800 6.4
Total Connected Load Of Information Technology
Rating of consump 6) Energy audit survey of Nano technology
Load the Number of Connected tion
Equipment equipment Load per Table. 6
(W) (W) month Total Connected Load Of Nano Technology
Rating of Consum
Fan 70 29 2030 16.24
the Number of Connected ption per
Load Equipment equipment Load month
Tube (W) (W) (kWh)
Light 40 42 1680 13.44
Fan 70 15 1050 8.4
CFL 18 81 1458 11.66
Light 40 18 720 5.76
2 By 2 36 96 3456 27.64 T12
CFL 18 31 558 4.4
Printer 250 2 500 1
2 BY 2 36 32 1152 9.2
Xerox 250 2 500 1
Printer 250 4 1000 2

AC 1500 5 7500 60 AC 1500 4 6000 48

System LCD 250 12 3000 24
LCD 250 108 27000 216

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
7) Energy audit survey of Pharmacy department Monthly energy consumption
Table. 7 50000
Total Connected Load Pharmacy Department 45000
Rating of Energy 35000
the Number of Connected consump 30000
Load Equipment equipment Load tion 25000
(W) (W) per 20000
month 15000
(kWh) 10000
Fan 70 43 3010 24.08 0

Light 40 103 4120 32.96
CFL 18 18 324 2.59
Fig 2. Units Pattern Characteristics

AC 1500 11 16500 132

1. Energy saving by replacing T12 tube light to T5 tube
Printer 250 10 2500 10 light
Total no. of T12 tube light =1522
Xerox 250 3 750 3 Total power consumption = 1522 x40W
= 60880 W
LCD 250 39 9750 78 =60.88 kW
Total energy consumption= power consumption x
System operating hrs. =60.88 kW x 8 hrs.
CRT 350 3 1050 8.4 =487.04 kWh
Energy cost / day (1kWh=Rs5.15) =5.15 x487.04
= Rs.2508.25/-
IV. E LECTRICITY B ILLS D ATA C OLLECTION Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
For energy auditing of RGPV it is necessary to days =Rs.2508.25x288days
analysis of consumption of electrical energy of previous
year. The electricity bill data of RGPV is collected from =Rs.7,22,377 /-
Dec 2012 to Nov 2013.The collected data is visualized
through graph then only wastage of energy consumption Total no. of T5 tube light =1522
can be easily identify for making recommendation to Total power consumption = 1522 x28W
high authority. The collected bill data of RGPV is taken = 42616 W
from record of department. The graph for units consumed =42.61kW
by RGPV during collected period given below. Total energy consumption= power consumption x
operating hrs. =42.61 kW x 8 hrs.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
Energy cost / day =5.15 x340.88 Total energy consumption= power consumption x
= Rs.1755/- operating hrs. =30.03 x 8 kWh
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of =240.24 kWh
days =Rs.1755x288days Energy cost / day =5.15 x240.24
= Rs.1237/-
=Rs.5,05, 440/- Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
days =Rs.1237x288days
Annual cost saving =Rs.2,16,937 =Rs.3,56,256 /-
Total no. of Energy efficient fan = 429
Cost of T5 tube light =Rs.120 Total power consumption = 429 x60
= 25740W
Total cost of replacement =120x1522 =25.74kW
=Rs.1,82,640 Total energy consumption= power consumption x
operating hrs =25.74kWx 8 hrs.
Payback period = 8 month =205.92 kWh
Energy cost / day =5.15 x205.92
2. Energy saving by replacing CFL to LED = Rs.1060/-
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
Total no. of CFL =274 days =Rs.1060x288days
Total power consumption = 274 x18W =Rs.3,05,280 /-
= 4932W Annual cost saving =Rs.50976
=4.9kW Cost of Energy efficient fan = Rs.1200
Total energy consumption= power consumption x Total cost of replacement =1200x429
operating hrs. = 4.9 kW x 8 hrs. =Rs.5,14,800
= 39.2 kWh Payback period = 10 year
Energy cost / day =5.15 x39.2
= Rs.206/- 4. Energy saving by replacing CRT computer to LCD
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of computer
days =Rs.201.8x288days
=Rs.58,118 /- Total no. of CRT computer =18
Total power consumption = 18 x350W
Total no. of LED =274 = 6300 W
Total power consumption = 274 x7W =6.3kW
= 1918 W Total energy consumption= power consumption x
=1.91kW operating hrs. =6.3kW x 8 hrs.
Total energy consumption= power consumption x =50.4 kWh
operating hrs. =1.91kWx 8 hrs. Energy cost / day =5.15 x50.4
=15.34 kWh = Rs.259.56/-
Energy cost / day =5.15 x15.34 Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
= Rs.79/- days =Rs.259.56x288days
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of =Rs.74,753/-
days =Rs.79x288days Total no. of LCD computer =18
=Rs.22,752 /- Total power consumption = 18 x250W
Annual cost saving =Rs.35,366/- = 4500 W
Cost of Led =Rs.490 =4.5kW
Total cost of replacement =490x274 Total energy consumption= power consumption x
= Rs.1,34,260 operating hrs. =4.5kWx 8 hrs.
Payback period = 3 year 7month =36 kWh
Energy cost / day =5.15 x36
3. Energy saving by replacing normal fan to energy = Rs.185.4/-
efficient fan
Total no. of Fan =429 Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
Total power consumption = 429 x70W days =Rs.185.4x288days
= 30030W =Rs.53,395 /-
=30.03kW Annual cost saving =Rs.21358/-

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
Cost of LCD computer =Rs.5000 2) LED Bulbs are small, very efficient solid Bulbs LED
Total cost of replacement =RS.5000x18 technology is advancing rapidly, with many new bulb
= Rs.90,000 style.LED bulbs up to 10 times as long as CFL .LED
Payback period = 4 year 2month bulbs use only 2-17 watts of electricity (1/3 to 1/30th of
CFL). Although LED are initially expensive ,the cost
5. Energy saving by replacing Window Ac to Split Ac
is recouped over time.[5]
Total no. of window Ac =19 3) LCD monitors typically require about 30% of the
Total power consumption = 19 x2000W power required for a CRT monitor with the same
= 38000 W screen area. In addition, the amount of heat gener ated
=38kW by an LCD monitor is considerably less than a CRT
Total energy consumption= power consumption x monitor, resulting in a lower load on air-condi
operating hrs. = 38kW x 8hrs tioning.Building cooling needs may be decreased by
= 304kWh up to 20%.
Energy cost / day =5.15 x304 Table. 8
= Rs.1565.6/- Energy Savings Is Achieved By Follow-Up The Recommendations
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
days =Rs.1565.6x288days Before follow-up After follow-up

% saving
=Rs.4,50,892 /- Recommendations Recommendations
Total no. of split Ac =19 Energy Energy Cost
Total power consumption = 19x1500W Load consumed Cost per consumed per
= 28.5kW in kWh Month in kWh Month
Total energy consumption= power consumption x light 487.04 60198 340.88 42120 30
operating hrs. =28.5 x 8 kWh AC 304 37574 228 28180 25
= 228kWh
Energy cost / day =5.15 x228 System 50.4 6229 36 20256 28
= Rs.1174.2/-
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of Fan 240.24 29688 205.92 25440 14
days =Rs.1174.2x288days
CFL 39.2 4944 15.34 1918 61
=Rs.3,38,169 / -
Annual cost saving =Rs.1,12,723/- Total 1120.88 139533 826.14 117914 25
Cost of split Ac = Rs.20,000
Total cost of replacement =Rs.20,000 x 19 VII. RESULT AND D ISCUSSION
By adapted energy audit methodology, suggested the
Payback period = 3year 3month
recommendations steps to be taken by management for
improving the energy efficiency and reduced energy
utility cost. From the figure.3 the energy improvement is
1) T5 Tube light are considered to be higher efficiency notified that the comparison of energy consumption be-
performance and consuming up to 28 wattss.T5 tube fore and after follow-up the recommendations shown in
light have much longer life .The average life of T5 table.8.Some major facilities is concerned here, the
tube light 10,000 hrs. Cost of T5 tube lights cost details of savings after implemented the recommendatio
between Rs 350-650 which is expensive as compared ns (follow-up) are the Tube light 30%, Air conditioning
to a regular tube light. But their payback (by savings system 25%,Computer28%,fan14%,CFL 62%.There fore
in electricity) happens in 6 months to 1 year if it is the 25 % of overall energy would be saved in the entire
used daily in the evening for 4-6 hours at least. And college campus.
they last for about 3 years. So it provides 2 years of
savings if replaced for regular tube light. Also the
initial cost is high because T5 tube light needs a
different kind of frame as compared to T8 tube lights.
But once installed, replacement tube (just the tube)
costs much less (about Rs 100-150)

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: www.ijrdet.com (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)

The analysis and calculation of electrical energy
500 conse- rvation of Rajeev Gandhi Prodhyogiki
Vishwavidhalaya campus carried out there are many
Energy in kWh

400 changes on lightning system such as replacing CFL to

LED light these may reduce energy consumption 2% to
3% per year and replacing T12 tube light to T5 tube light
these may gives cost saved Rs.216937/- per year. The
total cost to be save after energy audit is Rs.4,37,383/-.
[1] Zhang Jian, Zhang Yuchen, Chen Song, Gong Suzhou; “How to
Tube Reduce Energy Consumption by Energy Audits and Energy
AC System Fan CFL Management” Issue Date: July31 2011- Aug.2011 on page(s): 1 -
Before 487.04 304 50.4 240.24 39.2 5 Date of Current Version: 12 September 2011.
After 340.88 228 36 205.24 15.34 [2] Barney L Capehar and Mark B. Spillter “Energy Auditing”,
[3] www.bee-india.nic.in
Fig.3. Result of Energy saving after Audit [4] http://www.energymanagertraining.com/audit_guide/energy%20a
[5] Eartheasy.com/live_led_bulbs_comparision


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