Energy Audit A Case Study
Energy Audit A Case Study
Energy Audit A Case Study
Light 40 1136 45440 363.52
2 By 2 36 10 360 2.88
AC 1500 5 7500 60
LCD 250 80 20000 160
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
3) Energy audit survey of Energy Department 5) Energy audit survey MCA department
Table. 3 Table. 5
Total Connected Load Of Energy Department Total Connected Load MCA Department
Energy Energy
Rating of Number of Connected consumpti Rating of Number of Connected consumpti
Load the equipment Load on Load the equipment Load on
Equipment (W) per month Equipment (W) per month
(W) (kWh) (W) (kWh)
Tube Tube
Light 40 83 3320 26.56 Light 40 20 800 6.4
T12 T12
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
7) Energy audit survey of Pharmacy department Monthly energy consumption
Table. 7 50000
Total Connected Load Pharmacy Department 45000
Rating of Energy 35000
the Number of Connected consump 30000
Load Equipment equipment Load tion 25000
(W) (W) per 20000
month 15000
(kWh) 10000
Fan 70 43 3010 24.08 0
Light 40 103 4120 32.96
CFL 18 18 324 2.59
Fig 2. Units Pattern Characteristics
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
Energy cost / day =5.15 x340.88 Total energy consumption= power consumption x
= Rs.1755/- operating hrs. =30.03 x 8 kWh
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of =240.24 kWh
days =Rs.1755x288days Energy cost / day =5.15 x240.24
= Rs.1237/-
=Rs.5,05, 440/- Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
days =Rs.1237x288days
Annual cost saving =Rs.2,16,937 =Rs.3,56,256 /-
Total no. of Energy efficient fan = 429
Cost of T5 tube light =Rs.120 Total power consumption = 429 x60
= 25740W
Total cost of replacement =120x1522 =25.74kW
=Rs.1,82,640 Total energy consumption= power consumption x
operating hrs =25.74kWx 8 hrs.
Payback period = 8 month =205.92 kWh
Energy cost / day =5.15 x205.92
2. Energy saving by replacing CFL to LED = Rs.1060/-
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
Total no. of CFL =274 days =Rs.1060x288days
Total power consumption = 274 x18W =Rs.3,05,280 /-
= 4932W Annual cost saving =Rs.50976
=4.9kW Cost of Energy efficient fan = Rs.1200
Total energy consumption= power consumption x Total cost of replacement =1200x429
operating hrs. = 4.9 kW x 8 hrs. =Rs.5,14,800
= 39.2 kWh Payback period = 10 year
Energy cost / day =5.15 x39.2
= Rs.206/- 4. Energy saving by replacing CRT computer to LCD
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of computer
days =Rs.201.8x288days
=Rs.58,118 /- Total no. of CRT computer =18
Total power consumption = 18 x350W
Total no. of LED =274 = 6300 W
Total power consumption = 274 x7W =6.3kW
= 1918 W Total energy consumption= power consumption x
=1.91kW operating hrs. =6.3kW x 8 hrs.
Total energy consumption= power consumption x =50.4 kWh
operating hrs. =1.91kWx 8 hrs. Energy cost / day =5.15 x50.4
=15.34 kWh = Rs.259.56/-
Energy cost / day =5.15 x15.34 Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
= Rs.79/- days =Rs.259.56x288days
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of =Rs.74,753/-
days =Rs.79x288days Total no. of LCD computer =18
=Rs.22,752 /- Total power consumption = 18 x250W
Annual cost saving =Rs.35,366/- = 4500 W
Cost of Led =Rs.490 =4.5kW
Total cost of replacement =490x274 Total energy consumption= power consumption x
= Rs.1,34,260 operating hrs. =4.5kWx 8 hrs.
Payback period = 3 year 7month =36 kWh
Energy cost / day =5.15 x36
3. Energy saving by replacing normal fan to energy = Rs.185.4/-
efficient fan
Total no. of Fan =429 Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
Total power consumption = 429 x70W days =Rs.185.4x288days
= 30030W =Rs.53,395 /-
=30.03kW Annual cost saving =Rs.21358/-
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
Cost of LCD computer =Rs.5000 2) LED Bulbs are small, very efficient solid Bulbs LED
Total cost of replacement =RS.5000x18 technology is advancing rapidly, with many new bulb
= Rs.90,000 style.LED bulbs up to 10 times as long as CFL .LED
Payback period = 4 year 2month bulbs use only 2-17 watts of electricity (1/3 to 1/30th of
CFL). Although LED are initially expensive ,the cost
5. Energy saving by replacing Window Ac to Split Ac
is recouped over time.[5]
Total no. of window Ac =19 3) LCD monitors typically require about 30% of the
Total power consumption = 19 x2000W power required for a CRT monitor with the same
= 38000 W screen area. In addition, the amount of heat gener ated
=38kW by an LCD monitor is considerably less than a CRT
Total energy consumption= power consumption x monitor, resulting in a lower load on air-condi
operating hrs. = 38kW x 8hrs tioning.Building cooling needs may be decreased by
= 304kWh up to 20%.
Energy cost / day =5.15 x304 Table. 8
= Rs.1565.6/- Energy Savings Is Achieved By Follow-Up The Recommendations
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of
days =Rs.1565.6x288days Before follow-up After follow-up
% saving
=Rs.4,50,892 /- Recommendations Recommendations
Total no. of split Ac =19 Energy Energy Cost
Total power consumption = 19x1500W Load consumed Cost per consumed per
= 28.5kW in kWh Month in kWh Month
Total energy consumption= power consumption x light 487.04 60198 340.88 42120 30
operating hrs. =28.5 x 8 kWh AC 304 37574 228 28180 25
= 228kWh
Energy cost / day =5.15 x228 System 50.4 6229 36 20256 28
= Rs.1174.2/-
Total annual energy cost = Energy cost / day x no. of Fan 240.24 29688 205.92 25440 14
days =Rs.1174.2x288days
CFL 39.2 4944 15.34 1918 61
=Rs.3,38,169 / -
Annual cost saving =Rs.1,12,723/- Total 1120.88 139533 826.14 117914 25
Cost of split Ac = Rs.20,000
Total cost of replacement =Rs.20,000 x 19 VII. RESULT AND D ISCUSSION
By adapted energy audit methodology, suggested the
Payback period = 3year 3month
recommendations steps to be taken by management for
improving the energy efficiency and reduced energy
utility cost. From the figure.3 the energy improvement is
1) T5 Tube light are considered to be higher efficiency notified that the comparison of energy consumption be-
performance and consuming up to 28 wattss.T5 tube fore and after follow-up the recommendations shown in
light have much longer life .The average life of T5 table.8.Some major facilities is concerned here, the
tube light 10,000 hrs. Cost of T5 tube lights cost details of savings after implemented the recommendatio
between Rs 350-650 which is expensive as compared ns (follow-up) are the Tube light 30%, Air conditioning
to a regular tube light. But their payback (by savings system 25%,Computer28%,fan14%,CFL 62%.There fore
in electricity) happens in 6 months to 1 year if it is the 25 % of overall energy would be saved in the entire
used daily in the evening for 4-6 hours at least. And college campus.
they last for about 3 years. So it provides 2 years of
savings if replaced for regular tube light. Also the
initial cost is high because T5 tube light needs a
different kind of frame as compared to T8 tube lights.
But once installed, replacement tube (just the tube)
costs much less (about Rs 100-150)
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 3, Issue 4, October 2014)
The analysis and calculation of electrical energy
500 conse- rvation of Rajeev Gandhi Prodhyogiki
Vishwavidhalaya campus carried out there are many
Energy in kWh