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Unit 1 Maintenance Management and Terotechnology: An Overview

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Planned Maintenance


After studying this unit, you will be able to:
• understand the scope of maintenance management,
• appreciate the role of maintenance in lifecycle profits of a plant,
• understand the concept of terotechnology,
• understand basic elements of a maintenance management system.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Plant Maintenance and Life Cycle Profits
1.3 Terotechnology
1.4 Present Status of Maintenance in Indian Industry
1.5 Systematic Approach to Maintenance Management
1.6 Summary
1.7 Key Words
1.8 Self Assessment Questions
1.9 Bibliography and Suggested Readings

Production organizations are usually concerned with converting inputs such as raw
materials, labor and processes into finished products of higher value at minimum cost
satisfying the customer needs. Increased competition for timely delivery of high
quality products has forced manufacturers to adopt automation. This has resulted in
very high investments in plant and equipment. In order to achieve maximum return on
investments the production systems will have to minimize plant downtime, increase
productivity, improve quality and deliver orders to customers in a timely fashion. This
has brought to the forefront the role of maintenance as a key function in any
production system.

Maintenance is a combination of science, art and philosophy. Its execution relies on

science, art of maintenance depends on individual aptitude and its philosophy should
fit to the operation or organization it serves.

The focus of the maintenance function is to insure that all company assets meet and
continue to meet the design function of the asset. Maintenance involves a
combination of activities by which equipment or system is kept in, or restored to, a
state in which it can perform its designated functions. It is an important factor in
product quality and can be used as a strategy for successful competition. Many
companies consider maintenance as a necessary evil, an expense to the organization,
or a non-value-added function. More progressive companies view maintenance as a
way to reduce costs of producing their product or providing their services. They are
using this cost advantage to lower prices and increase their life cycle profits.

Maintenance management is the management of all the assets owned by a production

organization, based on maximizing the return on investment in the assets. This is
achieved by applying general management principles of planning, scheduling,
organizing and controlling to the maintenance function.

Maintenance Overview and
Life cycle costs are total costs from inception to disposal for equipment and plant.
It is the sum of all costs incurred during the lifetime of an item, that is, the total
procurement and ownership costs. It is the total cost of ownership. A typical cost
element structure is as follows:
Cost categories
a) Acquisition costs
• Research and development
- Management
- Engineering
• Design and prototyping
- Engineering design
- Fabrication
- Testing and evaluation
• Production
- Manufacturing
- Plant facilities and overhead
- Marketing and distribution
b) Operations and support costs
• Operations
- Facilities
- Operators
- Consumables (energy and fuel)
- Downtime
• Support
- Repair resources
- Supply resources
Tools, test, and support equipment
- Failure costs
- Training
- Technical data
c) Phase out
• Salvage value
• Disposal costs
Life cycle cost = Acquisition costs + operation costs + failure
Cost + support cost – net salvage value
Where, Net salvage value = salvage value – disposal cost
To discount monetary values over time, all revenues and costs can be expressed in
present day equivalent values
If P = present value
f = inflation rate
e = annual return on investment rate
i = real, or effective, discount rate
i ≈ e – f for small values of e and f
PF (i ,d) = present value of a future single payment ‘F’ at the end of year ‘d’ Planned Maintenance
Management System and
1 Controls
= ––––––––
(1 + i)
PA (i, d) = present value of equal annual payment ‘A’ over ‘d’ years

[(1 + i ) d − 1] 1 − (1 + i ) − d
= A = A
[i (1 + i ) d ] i
In case Cu =Unit acquisition cost
N =Number of identical units to be procured
Fo =Fixed cost of operating
Co =Annual operating cost per unit
Fs =Fixed support cost
Cs =Annual support cost per unit
Cf =Cost per failure
to =Operating hours per year per unit
td =Design life (in years)
S =Unit salvage value (a negative value is interpreted as disposal cost)
Life Cycle Cost = Cu N+[Fo + PA (i, td)Co N] + [PA (i, td)Cf ––––––.N]
+ [Fs + PA (i, td) Cs N] – [PF (i, td) S N]

Where is the expected number of failures per year

And Cf is Cost per failure may be a repair cost, replacement cost, or a warranty
cost. Our objective is maximization of life cycle profits, which can be defined as:
t0 Life Cycle Profit = Revenue Generated – Life Cycle Costs
Figure 1.1 illustrate the expected variation of profit during the life cycle as a
difference between achieved revenue and the sum of operation, maintenance,
downtime and capital costs. The factors affecting life-cycle profitability are given in
Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 : Factors affecting life-cycle profitability

1. Acquisition Costs Capital cost

Installation cost and Time
Commissioning cost and time

2. Sustaining costs Production costs

Maintenance costs
Energy costs

3. Output factors Useful Life

Plant Performance
Product Quality
Plant Availability

4. Outside Factors Product Demand

Product Price

Maintenance Overview and Activity A
Management System
Visit a manufacturing unit. Take an audit of few machines and calculate their life
cycle cost.

Figure 1.1 : The Life Cycle Profit

Investment in the plant occurs from its conception to its commissioning. It all goes
well the return on the investment begins when the plant comes into use and continues
until the plant is finally disposed off. The management objective is to maximize life
cycle profits within the constraints imposed by the need for safe operation. The
nature of maintenance activity is determined by the manner in which plant and
equipment is designed, selected, installed, commissioned, operated, removed and
replaced. Best time to influence maintenance and unavailability costs is before the
plant comes into use.
The specification for the new plant should include reliability and maintainability
(availability) requirements in addition to performance, cost and safety requirements.
As far as possible the expected, or useful life of the plant should also be specified. To
support this the equipment manuals, drawings, spares needed, spares security of
supply and training needs should be specified and included in the contract.
During the design stage in addition to performance due consideration should also be
made for reliability, maintainability and useful life. Design stage considerations of
8 reliability and maintainability can also affect the duration and cost of commissioning.
At the installation stage, maintainability continues to be an important consideration as Planned Maintenance
it is at this stage that the multidimensional nature of many of the maintenance Management System and
problem become clear. Similarly many design faults are known and designed out at
the commissioning stage of the plant. Failure to do this may cause serious mainte-
nance problems and high unavailability in the beginning of the operational life. Operat-
ing equipment past its useful life stage will result in low availability and high mainte-
nance cost.

The total costs to the user throughout the lifetime of the plant can often be many
times the initial capital costs. It is essential that the costs of owning plant and equip-
ment are minimized over its working life. To achieve this objective it is necessary to
lower the traditional barrier between design, maintenance, operation, finance and
other functions. Terotechnology embraces both the aims of life cycle cost optimiza-
tion and the multifunctional approach to achieve it.

The name Terotechnology is based on the Greek word ‘terein’, which means to guard
or look after. It is defined as -

“ A combination of management, financial, engineering and other practices applied to

physical assets in pursuit of economic life cycle costs. Its practice is concerned with
the specification and design for reliability and maintainability of plant , machinery,
equipment , buildings and structures, with their installation and replacement, and with
the feedback of information on design, performance and costs.”

Terotechnology is a multidisciplinary concept and its aim is to achieve the economic

life cycle costs. This can only be achieved by a coordinated consideration of
reliability, maintainability and performance aspects from the design stage.
Terotechnology is concerned with the provisioning and subsequent management of
physical assets. Asset-Management is a cradle-to-grave strategy that commences
with engineering studies prior to investment and proceeds through design and con-
struction, and ends with operation, maintenance and discarding. During the period of
use, operation and maintenance strategies will be applied to give the best perform-
ance at least costs.

Activity B

Elaborate the meaning of Terotechnology in respect of your maintenance department.

Explain how does it help in optimizing the life cycle cost?


In today’s global economy, only those nations that lead in technology will lead the
world. India is embarking on a modernization process in which it dreams of becoming
an economic an information superpower. Maximum utilization of all forms of assets is
an important pre-requisite of this challenge.

Maintenance Overview and Corrosion phenomenon, which is only a moderate fraction of all failure of plants and
Management System equipments, costs India in the region of Rs.24,000/- crores in a year. Recent survey
of maintenance, condition monitoring and safety engineering practices of different
sectors of Indian Industry by National Productivity Council has indicated that 50% of
the maintenance work performed was reactive, 35% preventive periodic, 10%
predictive and very few proactive or root-causes based. Average availability of plant
and equipment in many industrial sectors range from 40% to 80%, whereas the
international best practice benchmark for plant availability is more than 95%.
Similarly, capacity utilization figures of some of our core sector industry hover around
60% to 80%, as compared to a world-class level of 85% to 95%.

Role of maintenance becomes significant, as for large systems or pieces of

equipment maintenance and support account for as much as 60% to 75% of their
overall lifecycle costs. The maintenance has grown from the symbolic spanner and
tool-box of the technician to an integrated plant engineering encompassing
management systems, human relations, diagnostic engineering techniques, safety
engineering etc. The challenge of this millennium would be to harness and further
develop this integration so that we can achieve greater results.

Activity C

Visit a manufacturing set up. Examine its maintenance functions and the extent of
integration among all the functions.





A maintenance system can be viewed as a simple input-output model. The inputs to
such a model are labor, management, tools, spares, equipments, plans and schedules;
and the output is the equipment that is up, reliable and well configured to achieve the
planned operation of the plant. This helps to optimize the resources for maximizing
the output of a maintenance system. A typical maintenance system is shown in
Figure 1.2.
The basics of preventive maintenance form the foundation of a maintenance manage-
ment system. Once the preventive maintenance foundation is in place, inventory,
work-orders, computerized maintenance management systems, and training of main-
tenance manpower form the next level. Involving the operator for routine mainte-
nance, along with the predictive and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) tech-
niques, build on this foundation. With the availability of sufficient plant data, the
organization can focus on its asset management strategy by Total Productive Mainte-
nance (TPM) and maximize its life cycle profits. Once this level is achieved, the
organization should strive for continuous improvement and bench marking.
Activity D
Visit a manufacturing department. Analyze its maintenance system as input-process-
output model. Categorize the inputs that undergo maintenance processes and finally
list out the tangible outputs.
10 .............................................................................................................................
Variations in

Maintenance Philosophy ORGANIZING
Maintenance Load Forecasting Job Design
Maintenance Organization Standards
Process OUTPUT
INPUT Maintenance Schedule Work Management
Project Management
Plant Output
Facilities Plant Safety
Plant Condition
Equipment Product Quality


Work Control
Material Control
Inventory Control
Cost Control
Managing for Quality

Figure 1.2 : Typical Maintenance Systems

Management System and
Planned Maintenance

Maintenance Overview and
Management System 1.6 SUMMARY
With increased automation and very high investments in plant and equipment mainte-
nance has become a key function in the present day production systems. The focus
of maintenance function is to ensure that all company assets meet and continue to
meet the design function of an asset. Maintenance management is the management
of all the assets owned by a production organization, based on maximizing the return
on investment in the asset. The nature of maintenance activity is determined by the
manner in which plant and equipment is designed, selected, installed, commissioned,
operated, removed and replaced. It plays an important role in maximizing the life
cycle profits for equipment and plant. Terotechnology is a multidisciplinary concept
and its aim is to achieve economic life cycle costs. Role of maintenance has become
significant for Indian industry for maximum utilization of all kinds of assets and to
face the challenges of the open economy. A systematic approach to maintenance
management will help to optimize the resources for maximizing the output of the
maintenance system.


Life Cycle Cost: Total costs from inception to disposal for equipment and plant.

Maintenance: It is a combination of activities by which equipment or system is kept

in, or restored to, a state in which it can perform its designated functions.

Maintenance Management: It is the management of all assets owned by a produc-

tion organization, based on maximizing the return on investment in the asset.

Terotechnology: A combination of management, financial, engineering and other

practices applied to physical assets in pursuit of economic life cycle costs. Its prac-
tice is concerned with the specification for design for reliability and maintainability of
plant, machinery, equipment, buildings and structures, with their installation and
replacement, and with the feedback of information on design, performance and costs.


1) Define maintenance and its function?

2) What are the life cycle cost components for any plant?

3) Which are the factors affecting life cycle profits of any industrial plant?

4) How can maintenance affect the life cycle profits of any equipment and plant?

5) Explain what do you understand by terotechnology?

6) What are the main components of a maintenance system?

Planned Maintenance
1) Kelly A., “Maintenance Planning and Control”, Butterworths, 1984.
2) Kelly A., “Maintenance and its Management”, Conference Communication,
3) Levitt J., “Managing Factory Maintenance”, Industrial Pres Inc., 1996.
4) Wireman T., “Developing Performance Indicators for Managing Mainte-
nance”, Industrial Pres Inc., 1998.
5) Duffuaa S.O., Raouf A. and Campbell J.D., “Planning and Control of
Maintenance Systems: Modelling and Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
6) Krishnan G.S., “Maintenance in the New Millennium Theme Paper”, Proc. of
National Seminar on Maintenance in the New Millennium by National
Productivity Council held at New Delhi, 20-222nd Dec, 2000, PP 1-XVI.
7) Ebeling C.E., “Reliability and Maintainability Engineering”, McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., 1997.


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