MODULE22 Handout
MODULE22 Handout
MODULE22 Handout
Children at this stage are open to explore new The impact of the use of television and other media
things. like the computer has gained popularity because students are
Creativity is innate in children, they just need a given the opportunity to:
little guidance and support from parents,
• communicate effectively in speech and in writing;
teachers and people around them.
• work collaboratively;
Creativity in children is encouraged when the activities:
• use technological tools;
encourage different responses from each child;
celebrate uniqueness; • analyze problems, set goals, and formulate strategies
break stereotypes; for achieving those goals; and
value process over product; • seek out information or skills on their own, as needed,
reduce stress and anxiety in children; to meet their goals.
models also provide them with motivation to succeed. One
of the most important roles of teachers is to become a
very good role model to children.
Media and Aggression
Implications to Child Care, Education and Parenting
Violence and aggression are often dubbed as one of
Children have varying intelligence profiles. These profiles may
the results of media.
be based on influences on learning and achievement. Parents,
According to the Public Health Summit in 2000, the child-care providers, and teachers should be able to recognize
following are some of the negative results of media: these through:
Children will increase anti-social and aggressive being an eager participant in children’s growth
behavior. and development;
Children may become less sensitive to violence and understanding how to use the children’s natural
those who suffer from violence. curiosity to help make the appropriate
developmental leap in their skills and abilities;
Children may view the world as violent and mean,
becoming more fearful of being a victim of violence.
creating an atmosphere where risks can be
Children will desire to see more violence in
taken and discoveries made while children
entertainment and real life.
remain safe.
Children will view violence as an acceptable way to
settle conflicts.
It should be a collective effort among the factors
working together to support children in every aspect of
Having a role model is extremely important for children
at this stage of transition (from childhood to adolescence).
Children need an adult to admire and emulate. Role