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RE I Slides Part II

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Part I: The Fundamentals!

Part II: Requirements Engineering Practices!

Part III: Enablers and Stumbling Blocks!



Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2015 Martin Glinz! 59!

5 Documenting requirements!

Bridging the gap:!

Stakeholders! System builders!

Photo © Lise Aserud / DPA

The need:!
● Communicating requirements !
● Having a basis for contracts and acceptance decisions!
The means: A requirements specification document!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 60!
5.1 Document types!

Various document types, depending on RE process and

specification purpose!
❍ Stakeholder requirements specification (also called
customer requirements specification)
What the stakeholders want (independent of any system
providing it)!
❍ System requirements specification
The system to be developed and its context!
❍ Software requirements specification
If the system is a pure software system!

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Document types – 2!

❍ Business requirements specification

High-level specification of business needs or goals!
❍ Collection of user stories and/or task descriptions
Used in agile software development!

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Stakeholder requirements specification!

❍ Written when stakeholder needs shall be documented

before any system development considerations are made!
❍ Typically written by domain experts on the customer side
(maybe with help of RE consultants)!
❍ If a stakeholder requirements specification is written, it
precedes and informs system or software requirements

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System/software requirements specification!

❍ The classic form of a requirements specification!

❍ No methodological difference between system
requirements specification and software requirements
❍ Typically written by requirements engineers on the supplier

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5.2 Aspects to be documented!

Independently of any language and method,

four aspects need to be documented:!
❍ Functionality!
● Data: Usage and structure!
● Functions: Results, preconditions, processing!
● Behavior: Dynamic system behavior as observable by users!
● Both normal and abnormal cases must be specified!

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Aspects to be documented – 2!

❍ Performance!
● Data volume!
● Reaction time!
● Processing speed!
● Specify measurable values if possible!
● Specify more than just average values!

❍ Specific qualities!
● “-ilities” such as!
• Usability!
• Reliability!
• etc.!
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Aspects to be documented – 3!

❍ Constraints!
Restrictions that must be obeyed / satisfied!
● Technical: given interfaces or protocols, etc.!

● Legal: laws, standards, regulations!

● Cultural!

● Environmental!

● Physical!

● Solutions / restrictions demanded by important stakeholders!

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5.3 How to document!

Sample documentation standards!

IEEE Std 830-1998 (outdated, but still in use)!
● Three parts!
● System requirements only!
● Representation of specific requirements tailorable!
● 27 chapters!
● System and project requirements!
Enterprise-specific standards!
● ! Imposed by customer or given by supplier!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2014 Martin Glinz! 68!

IEEE Std 830-1998!

1. !Introduction! 3. !Specific requirements!

!1.1 !Purpose!
!1.2 !Scope!
!1.3 !Definitions, acronyms, Index!
! !and abbreviations!
!1.4 !References!
!1.5 !Overview! Variants:
2. !Overall description! Organize by!
!2.1 !Product perspective! • !Mode!
!2.2 !Product functions! • !User class!
• !Object!
!2.3 !User characteristics!
• !Feature!
!2.4 !Constraints! • !Stimulus!
!2.5 !Assumptions and • !Function!
! !dependencies!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 69!
VOLERE! [Robertson and Robertson 2006]

Project Drivers! 14. !Maintainability and Support

1. !The Purpose of the Project ! !Requirements!
2. !Client, Customer & other Stakeholders! 15. !Security Requirements!
3. !Users of the Product ! 16. !Cultural and Political Requirements!
17. !Legal Requirements!
Project Constraints!
4. !Mandated Constraints! Project Issues!
5. !Naming Conventions and Definitions! 18. !Open Issues !
6. !Relevant Facts and Assumptions! 19. !Off-the-Shelf Solutions!
20. !New Problems !
Functional Requirements! 22. !Tasks!
7. !The Scope of the Work! 22. !Cutover!
8. !The Scope of the Product! 23. !Risks!
9. !Functional and Data Requirements ! 24. !Costs!
25. !User Documentation and Training!
Non-Functional Requirements! 26. !Waiting Room!
10. !Look and Feel Requirements !
27. !Ideas for Solutions

11. !Usability and Humanity Requirements!
12. !Performance Requirements!

13. !Operational Requirements!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 70!
How to document – language options!


❍ Natural language (narrative text)!


❍ Structural models !!
Typically as diagrams which are!
❍ Interaction models! enriched with natural langue texts!


❍ Formal models, typically based on mathematical logic and

set theory!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 71!

General rules for requirements documentation!

❍ Specify every requirement as a small, identifiable unit!

❍ Add metadata such as source, author, date, status!
❍ Build the requirements document according to some
structure template!
❍ Adapt the degree of detail to the risk associated with a
❍ Specify normal and exceptional cases!
❍ Don’t forget quality requirements
and constraints!

© UFS, Inc.!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 72!

Precision – Detail – Depth!

Three dimensions:!

How precise?!

How deep, i.e., how many layers?!

Dimensions influence each other:!

• !More precision à more detail!
• !More detail à more depth!

How much detail?!

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Precision: reduce ambiguity!

Restrict your language!

Use a glossary!
Define acceptance test cases!
Quantify where appropriate!

Snoopy quantifies ... unfortunately, I have it only in German !

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What’s better?!
“The participant entry form has fields for name, first name, sex, ...”

“The participant entry form has the following fields (in this order):

Name (40 characters, required), First Name (40 characters,
required), Sex (two radio buttons labeled male and female,
selections exclude each other, no default, required),...”

It depends.!
● Degree of implicit shared understanding of problem!
● Degree of freedom left to designers and programmers!
● Cost vs. value of detailed specification!
● The risk you are willing to take!

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The more precise, the more information is needed!

➜ Preserve readability with a hierarchical structure!

!4.3!Administration of participants!
! !4.3.1 !Entering a new participant!
! ! ! ! !New participant entry form!
! ! ! ! !New participant confirmation!
! !4.3.2 !Updating a participant record!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 76!

5.4 Quality of documented requirements!

Two aspects of requirements quality!

❍ Quality of individual requirements!
❍ Quality of requirements specification documents!
Hint: Don’t confuse quality of requirements with quality

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2015 Martin Glinz! 77!

Quality of individual requirements!

For individual requirements, strive for requirements that are...!

● Adequate !True and agreed stakeholder needs !
● Necessary !Part of the relevant system scope!
● Unambiguous !True shared understanding!
● Consistent !No contradictions!
● Complete !No missing parts!
● Understandable !Prerequisite for shared understanding!
● Verifiable !Conformance of implementation can be checked!
● Feasible !Non-feasible requirements are a waste of effort!
● Traceable !Linked to other requirements-related items!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2015 Martin Glinz! 78!
Quality of requirements documents!

When creating a requirements specification, strive for a

document that is!
● Consistent !No contradictions!
● Unambiguous !True shared understanding!
● Structured !Improves readability of document!
● Modifiable & extensible !Because change will happen!
● Traceable !Linked to related artifacts!
● Complete !Contains all relevant requirements!
● Conformant !Conforms to prescribed document
!structure, format or style!

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Quality criteria are in the eye of the beholder!

❍ No general consensus !
❍ Different, overlapping sets of quality criteria used in!
● this course!
● RE textbooks!
● RE standards!
● Quasi-standards such as the IREB Certified Professional for
Requirements Engineering (see http://www.ireb.org) !

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6 Requirements Engineering processes!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 81!

The principal tasks!

Requirements Specification!
● Elicitation!
● Analysis!
● Documentation!
● Validation!
Requirements Management!
● Identification and metadata!
● Requirements prioritization!
● Change and release management!
● Traceability!

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No ‘one size fits all’ process!

Some determining factors!

● The embedding process:
linear or incremental?!
● Contract (prescriptive) or collaboration (explorative)?!
● Can you talk with your stakeholders?!
● Customer order or development for a market?!
● Using COTS?!

➪ Tailor the process from some principal configuration

options and a rich set of RE practices!

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Linear vs. incremental processes!

Linear! Incremental! Develop increment!

Prioritize and select require-

ments for current increment!
Plan project! Specify goals!

Specify Develop
Design Update re-
requirements! system vision!
increment! quirements
Design system! Create initial Add new and
requirements changed
and integrate
Implement specification! requirements!
Design prelim- Deploy results!
Deploy results! inary system
[Not done]! [Done]!

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Linear vs. incremental processes – 2!

Decision criteria!
❍ Linear!
● Clear, stable, a priori known requirements!
● Low risk (of developing the wrong system)!
● Relatively short duration of project!
● Complex requirements change process is acceptable!
❍ Incremental!
● Evolving requirements!
● High risk (of developing the wrong system)!
● Long duration of project!
● Ability to change requirements easily is important!
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Prescriptive – Explorative – COTS-driven!

Prescriptive process! Explorative process!

● Requirements specification ● Only goals known, concrete re-
is a contract: All require- quirements have to be explored!
ments are binding and must ● Stakeholders strongly involved,
be implemented! continuous feedback!
● Functionality determines ● Prioritizing and negotiating
cost and deadlines! requirements to be implemented!
● Needed when tendering ● Deadlines and cost constrain
design and implementation! functionality!
● Development of specified ● Typically works only with
system may be outsourced! incremental processes!
● Frequently combined with
linear processes!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 86!
Prescriptive – Explorative – COTS-driven – 2!

COTS-driven process! COTS (Commercial Off

● System will be implemented The Shelf) – A system or
with COTS software! component that is not
● Requirements must reflect developed, but bought as
functionality of chosen a standard product from
COTS solution! an external supplier!
● Requirements need to be
prioritized according to
● Frequently, only require-
ments not covered by the
COTS solution are specified!

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Customer-specific vs. Market-oriented!

Customer-specific process! Market-oriented process!

● System is ordered by a ● System is developed as a
customer and developed by product for the market!
a supplier for this customer! ● Prospective users typically not
● Individual persons can be individually identifiable!
identified for all stakeholder ● Requirements are specified by
roles! supplier!
● Stakeholders on customer ● Marketing and system architects
side are main source for are primary stakeholders!
● Supplier has to guess/estimate/
elicit the needs of the envisaged

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Typical requirements process configurations!

❍ Participatory: incremental & exploratory & customer-

● Main application case: Supplier and customer closely
collaborate; customer stakeholders strongly involved both in
specification and development processes!

❍ Contractual: typically linear (sometimes explorative) &

prescriptive & customer-specific!
● Main application case: Specification constitutes contractual
basis for development of a system by people not involved in
the specification and with little stakeholder interaction after
the requirements phase!

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Typical requirements process configuration!

❍ Product-oriented: Incremental & mostly explorative &

● Main application case: An organization specifies and
develops software in order to sell/distribute it as a product!

❍ COTS-aware: [Incremental | linear] & COTS-driven &

● Main application case: The requirements specification is part
of a project where the solution is mainly implemented by
buying and configuring COTS!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 90!
Agile requirements process!

Pushes incrementality and exploration to the extreme!

❍ Fixed-length increments of 1-6 weeks!
❍ Product owner or customer representative always available and
has power to make immediate decisions!
❍ Only goals and vision established upfront!
❍ Requirements loosely specified as stories!
❍ Details captured in test cases!
❍ At the beginning of each increment!
● Customer prioritizes requirements!
● Developers select requirements to be implemented in that
❍ Short feedback cycle from requirements to deployed system!
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Characteristics of an “ideal” RE process!

❍ Strongly interactive!
❍ Close and intensive collaboration between!
● Stakeholders (know the domain and the problem)!
● Requirements engineers (know how to specify)!
❍ Very short feedback cycles!
❍ Risk-aware and feasibility-aware!
● Technical risks/feasibility!
● Deadline risks/feasibility!
❍ Careful negotiation / resolution of conflicting requirements!
❍ Focus on establishing shared understanding!
❍ Strives for innovation!
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7 Requirements elicitation!

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Definition and principles!

DEFINITION. Requirements elicitation – The process of

seeking, capturing and consolidating requirements from
available sources. May include the re-construction or creation
of requirements.!

❍ Determine the stakeholders’ desires and needs!

❍ Elicit information from all available sources and consolidate
it into well-documented requirements!
❍ Make stakeholders happy, not just satisfy them!
❍ Every elicited and documented requirement must be
validated and managed!
❍ Work value-oriented and risk-driven!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 94!
Information sources!

❍ Stakeholders!
❍ Context!
❍ Observation!
❍ Documents!
❍ Existing systems!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 95!

Stakeholder analysis!

Identify stakeholder roles!

End user, customer, operator,
project manager, regulator,...!
In complex cases: Build model of stake-! [Yu 1997]
holder goals, dependencies and rationale! [van Lamsweerde 2001]!

Classify stakeholders! [Glinz and Wieringa 2007]!

● Critical!
● Major!
● Minor!

Identify/determine concrete persons for each stakeholder role!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 96!

Context analysis!

Determine the system’s context

and the context boundary!
Identify context constraints!
● Physical, legal, cultural,
● Embedding, interfaces! Photo © Universitätsklinikum Halle (Saale) !
Identify assumptions about the context of your system and
make them explicit!
Map real world phenomena adequately...!
● ... on the required system properties and capabilities!
● ... and vice-versa!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 97!
Goal analysis!

Knowing your destination is more important than the details of

the timetable.!
Before eliciting detailed requirements, the general goals and
vision for the system to be built must be clear!
❍ What are the main goals?!
❍ How do they relate to each other?!
❍ Are there goal conflicts?!

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Consider the chairlift access control case study.!

(a) !Perform a stakeholder analysis.!
(b) !How can you map the context property that a skier
passes an unlocked turnstile to a system property which
can be sensed and controlled by the system?!
(c) !Identify some business goals.!

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Elicitation techniques!

❍ Interview stakeholders!
❍ Use questionnaires and polls!
[Zowghi and Coulin 2005]!
Collaborate! [Dieste, Juristo, Shull 2008]!
[Gottesdiener 2002]!
❍ Hold requirements workshops! [Hickey and Davis 2003]!
[Goguen and Linde 1993]!
Build and play!
❍ Build, explore and discuss prototypes and mock-ups!
❍ Perform role playing!

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Elicitation techniques – 2!

❍ Observe stakeholders in their work context!

❍ Analyze work artifacts!
❍ Analyze problem/bug reports!
❍ Conduct market studies!
❍ Perform benchmarking!

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Which technique for what?!

Technique !Suitability for!

Express Demonstrate Analyze Explore market
! needs opportunities system as is potential
Interviews +! –! +! o!
Questionnaires and polls o! –! +! +!
Workshops +! o! o! –!
Prototypes and mock-ups o! +! –! o!
Role play +! o! o! –!
Stakeholder observation o! –! +! o!
Artifact analysis o! –! +! –!
Problem/bug report analysis +! –! –! o!
Market studies –! –! o! +!
Benchmarking o! +! –! +!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 102!
Typical problems!

Inconsistencies among stakeholders in!

● needs and expectations!
● terminology!
Stakeholders who know their needs, but can’t express them!
Stakeholders who don’t know their needs!
Stakeholders with a hidden agenda!
Stakeholders thinking in solutions instead of problems!
Stakeholders frequently neglect attributes and constraints!
➥ Elicit them explicitly!

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Who should elicit requirements?!

❍ Stakeholders must be involved!

❍ Domain knowledge is essential!
● Stakeholders need to have it (of course)!
● Requirements engineers need to know the main domain
● A “smart ignoramus” can be helpful! [Berry 2002, Sect. 7]!
❍ Don’t let stakeholders specify themselves without
professional support!
❍ Best results are achieved when stakeholders and
requirements engineers collaborate!

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Eliciting functional requirements!

❍ Who wants to achieve what with the system?!

❍ For every identified function!
● What’s the desired result and who needs it?!
● Which transformations and which inputs are needed?!
● In which state(s) shall this function be available?!
● Is this function dependent on other functions?!
❍ For every identified behavior!
● In which state(s) shall the system have this behavior?!
● Which event(s) lead(s) to this behavior?!
● Which event(s) terminate(s) this behavior? !
● Which functions are involved?!
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Eliciting functional requirements – 2!

❍ For every identified data item!

● What are the required structure and the properties of this
● Is it static data or a data flow?!
● If it’s static, must the system keep it persistently?!
❍ Analyze mappings!
● How do real world functions/behavior/data map to system
functions/behavior/data and vice-versa?!
❍ Specify normal and exceptional cases!

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Eliciting quality requirements!

Stakeholders frequently state quality requirements in qualitative

“The system shall be fast.”!
“We need a secure system.”!
Problem: Such requirements are!
● Ambiguous!
● Difficult to achieve and verify!
❍ Classic approach:!
● Quantification !è !⊕ measurable !⊖ maybe too expensive!
● Operationalization !è !⊕ testable !⊖ implies premature! !
! ! design decisions !!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 107!
New approach to eliciting quality requirements!
[Glinz 2008]!

Represent quality requirements such that they deliver optimum

Value of a requirement = benefit of development risk reduction
minus cost for its specification!
❍ Assess the criticality of a quality requirement!
❍ Represent it accordingly!
❍ Broad range of possible representations!

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The range of adequate representations!

Situation !Representation !Verification!

1.!Implicit shared understanding !Omission !Implicit!

2.!Need to state general direction !Qualitative !Inspection

!Customer trusts supplier!
3.!Sufficient shared understanding !By example !Inspection,
!to generalize from examples ! !(Measurement)!!

4.!High risk of not meeting stake- !Quantitative !Measurement!

!holders’ desires and needs !in full!
5.!Somewhere between 2 and 4 !Qualitative with !Inspection, partial
! !partial quantification !measurement !!

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Eliciting performance requirements!

Things to elicit!
❍ Time for performing a task or producing a reaction!
❍ Volume of data!
❍ Throughput (data transmission rates, transaction rates)!
❍ Frequency of usage of a function!
❍ Resource consumption (CPU, storage, bandwidth, battery)!
❍ Accuracy (of computation)!

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Eliciting performance requirements – 2!

❍ What’s the meaning of a performance value:!

● Minimum?!
● Maximum?!
● On average?!
● Within a given interval?!
● According to some probability distribution?!
❍ How much deviation can be tolerated?!

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Eliciting specific quality requirements !

❍ Ask stakeholders explicitly!

❍ A quality model such as ISO/IEC 25010:2011(formerly ISO/
IEC 9126) can be used as a checklist!
❍ Quality models also help when a specific quality
requirement needs to be quantified!

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Eliciting constraints!

❍ Ask about restrictions of the potential solution space!

● Technical, e.g., given interfaces to neighboring systems!
● Legal, e.g., restrictions imposed by law, standards or
● Organizational, e.g. organizational structures or processes
that must not be changed by the system!
● Cultural, environmental, ...!
❍ Check if a requirement is concealed behind a constraint!
● Constraint stated by a stakeholder: “When in exploration
mode, the print button must be grey.”!
● Actual requirement: “When the system is used without a valid
license, the system shall disable printing.”!
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Consider the chairlift access control case study.!

(a) !Which technique(s) would you select to elicit
requirements from the chairlift ticket office clerks?!
(b) !How, for example, can you achieve consensus among
the ski resort management, the technical director of
chairlifts, the ticket office clerks, and the service
(c) !Identify some constraints for the chairlift access control

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Analysis of elicited information!
Structure-oriented! Process-oriented!

Analyze processes /!
Analyze terminology /!
domain properties!
Build activity /
Build glossary!
process models!
Analyze business! Analyze dynamic!
and data objects! Problem! system behavior!
Build object and ! Build behavior
class models! model!

Decompose problem! Analyze actor-system interaction

Build hierarchical structure! Build scenarios / use cases!

Note: requirements are about a future state of affairs; analyze the current
state only when necessary!
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Documenting elicited requirements!

Build specification incrementally and continuously!

Document requirements in small units!
End over means: Result → Function → Input!
Consider the unexpected: specify non-normal cases!
Quantify critical attributes!
Document critical assumptions explicitly!
Avoid redundancy!
Build a glossary and stick to terminology defined in the glossary!

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8 Specifying with natural language!

The system shall ...

The oldest...!
...and most widely used way!
● taught at school!

● extremely expressive!

But not the best!

● Ambiguous!
● Imprecise!
● Error-prone!
Michelangelo’s Moses (San Pietro in Vincoli,!

● Verification only by careful reading! Rome)!

Moses holds the Ten Commandments!
in his hand: written in natural language!

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Problems with natural language requirements!

Read the subsequent requirements. Any findings?!

“For every turnstile, the total number of turns shall be read and archived
once per day.”

“The system shall produce lift usage statistics.”

“Never shall an unauthorized skier pass a turnstile.”

“By using RFID technology, ticket validation shall become faster.”

“In the sales transaction, the system shall record the buyer’s data and
timestamp the sold access card.”

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Some rules for specifying in natural language!
[Rupp et al. 2009]!

❍ Use active voice and defined subjects!

❍ Build phrases with complete verbal structure!
❍ Use terms as defined in the glossary!
❍ Define precise meanings for auxiliary verbs (shall, should,
must, may,...) as well as for process verbs (for example,
“produce”, “generate”, “create”)!
❍ Check for nouns with unspecific semantics (“the data”, “the
customer”, “the display”,...) and replace where appropriate!
❍ When using adjectives in comparative form, specify a
reference point: “better” ➜ “better than”!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 119!
More rules!

❍ Scrutinize all-quantifications: “every”, “always”, “never”, etc.

seldom hold without any exceptions!
❍ Scrutinize nominalizations (“authentication”, “termination”...):
they may conceal incomplete process specifications!
❍ State every requirement in a main clause. Use subordinate
clauses only for making the requirement more precise !
❍ Attach a unique identifier to every requirement!
❍ Structure natural language requirements by ordering them in
sections and sub-sections!
❍ Avoid redundancy where possible: “never ever” ➜ “never”!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 120!
Phrase templates! [Rupp et al. 2009!
ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011]!

Use templates for creating well-formed natural language


Typical template:!

[<Condition>] <Subject> <Action> <Objects> [<Restriction>]!

When a valid card is sensed, the system shall send
the command ‘unlock_for_a_single_turn’ to the turnstile
within 100 ms.!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 121!

Agile stories! [Cohn 2004]!

❍ A single sentence about a requirement!

❍ Written from a stakeholder’s perspective!
❍ Optionally including the expected benefit!
❍ Accompanied by acceptance criteria for requirement!
❍ Acceptance criteria make the story more precise!

Standard template:!
As a <role> I want to <my requirement> [ so that <benefit> ]!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 122!

A sample story!

! !
As a skier, I want to pass the chairlift gate so that I get
access without presenting, scanning or inserting a
ticket at the gate.!
Author: Dan Downhill ! Date: 2013-09-20! ID: S-18!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 123!

Sample acceptance criteria!

Acceptance criteria: !
● Recognizes cards worn anywhere in a pocket on the left
side of the body in the range of 50 cm to 150 cm above
● If card is valid: unlocks turnstile and flashes a green light
for five seconds or until the turnstile is moved!
● If card is invalid: doesn’t unlock gate and flashes a red
light for five seconds!
● Time from card entering the sensor range until unlock and
flash red or green is less than 1.5 s (avg) & 3 s (max) !
● The same card is not accepted twice within an interval of
200 s!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 124!

Mini-Exercise: Writing a user story!

Consider the chairlift access control case study.!

Write a story from a skier’s perspective about buying a day

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 125!

All-quantification and exclusion!

❍ Specifications in natural language frequently use all-

quantifying or excluding statements without much reflection:!
!“When operating the coffee vending machine, the user shall
always be able to terminate the running transaction by
pressing the cancel key.”!
Also when the coffee is already
! being brewed or dispensed?!

➪ Scrutinize all-quantifications (“every”, “all”, “always”...) and
exclusions (“never”, “nobody”, “either – or”,...) for potential
➪ Specify found exceptions as requirements!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 126!
Dealing with redundancy!

❍ Natural language is frequently (and deliberately) redundant!

!à Secures communication success in case of some
!information loss!
❍ In requirements specifications, redundancy is a problem!
● Requirements are specified more than once!
● In case of modifications, all redundant information must be
changed consistently!
❍ Make redundant statements only when needed for
abstraction purposes!
❍ Avoid local redundancy: “never ever” à “never”!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 127!

9 Model-based requirements specification!

A guided tour through ...!

❍ Data and object modeling!
❍ Behavior modeling!
❍ Function and process modeling!
❍ User interaction modeling! Primarily for functional
❍ Goal modeling! requirements!
❍ UML! Quality requirements and
constraints are mostly!
specified in natural
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 128!
9.1 Characteristics and options !

❍ Requirements are described as a problem-oriented model

of the system to be built!
❍ Architecture and design information is omitted!
❍ Mostly graphically represented!
❍ Semi-formal or formal representation!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 129!

What can be modeled?!

System view: modeling a system’s static structure, behavior

and functions!
Static structure perspective! Behavior perspective!
! ● (Entity-Relationship) data models! ● Finite state machines!
● Class and object models! ● Statecharts / state machines!
● Sometimes component models! ● Petri nets!

Function and flow perspective!

● Activity models!
● Data flow / information flow models!
● Process and work flow models!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 130!

What can be modeled? – continued!

❍ User-system interaction view: modeling the interaction

between a system and its external actors!
● Use cases, scenarios!
● Sequence diagrams!
● Context models!
❍ Goal view: modeling goals and their dependencies!
● Goal trees!
● Goal-agent networks, e.g., i*!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 131!

9.2 Models of static system structure!

❍ Entity-relationship models!
❍ Class and object models!
❍ Component models!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 132!

Data modeling (entity-relationship models)!
[Chen 1976]!

Turnstile! belongs! Lift! part of!


❍ Models the relevant part of the domain

using entity types, relationship types and
Scanner! attributes!
+ !Rather easy to model!
+ !Straightforward mapping to relational
database systems!
– !Ignores functionality and behavior!
– !No means for system decomposition!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 133!
Object and class modeling!
[Booch 1986, Booch 1994, Glinz et al. 2002]!
❍ Identify those entities in the domain that the system has
to store and process!
❍ Map this information to objects/classes, attributes,
relationships and operations!
❍ Represent requirements in a static structural model!
❍ Modeling individual objects does not work: too specific or
unknown at time of specification!
à Classify objects of the same kind to classes: Class models!
à or select an abstract representative: Object models!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 134!


Object – an individual entity which has an identity and does

not depend on another entity.!
Examples: Turnstile no. 00231, The Plauna chairlift!
Class – Represents a set of objects of the same kind by
describing the structure of the objects, the ways they can be
manipulated and how they behave. !
Examples: Turnstile, Lift!
Abstract Object – an abstract representation of an individual
object or of a set of objects having the same type!
Example: A Turnstile!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 135!
Class models / diagrams!
Turnstile! Lift!
+ id: Integer! + id: Integer!
+ installed: Date! + name: String!
accessed by! owner! device!
+ count: Integer! + type: String!
– mode: TurnstileMode! 1..*! 1..1! + capacity: Integer!

Lock ()! Start ()!

Unlock ()! Stop ()!
AllowOneTurn ()!

Chair Lift! Ski Lift!

Most popular form of + seats: Integer! !
structure modeling! !

Typically using UML class diagrams!

Class diagram: a diagrammatic representation of a class model!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 136!
Class models are sometimes inadequate!

❍ Class models don’t work when different objects of the

same class need to be distinguished!
❍ Class models can’t be decomposed properly: different
objects of the same class may belong to different
❍ Subclassing is a workaround, but no proper solution!

In such situations, we need object models!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 137!

Object models: a motivating example!

Example: !Treating incidents in an emergency command and

! ! ! ! !control system!
Emergency command and control systems manage incoming
emergency calls and support human dispatchers in reacting
to incidents (e.g., by sending police, fire fighters or
ambulances) and monitoring action progress.!
When specifying such a system, we need to model!
● Incoming incidents awaiting treatment!
● The incident currently managed by the dispatcher!
● Incidents currently under treatment!
● Closed incidents !
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 138!

Class models are inadequate here!

In a class model, incidents would have to be modeled as



Bad: essential elements
of the problem are not Incoming Current Dispatched
modeled! Incident


Unnatural: all subclasses are structurally


Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 139!
Object models work here!

Modeling is based on a hierarchy of abstract objects!

Command&Control System...!

Dispatcher support...! Archive...!

Incoming Current! Dispatched! Closed

incident:! Incident:! Incident:! incident:!

Object name! Singleton! Object set!

Object type! object!
Notation: ADORA!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 140!
ADORA! [Glinz et al. 2002]!

❍ ADORA is a language and tool for object-oriented

specification of software-intensive systems!
❍ Basic concepts!
● Modeling with abstract objects!
● Hierarchic decomposition of models!
● Integration of object, behavior and interaction modeling!
● Model visualization in context with generated views!
● Adaptable degree of formality!
❍ Developed in the RERG research group at UZH!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 141!

Modeling with abstract objects in UML!

❍ Not possible in the original UML (version 1.x)!

❍ Introduced 2004 as an option in UML 2!
❍ Abstract objects are modeled as components in UML!
❍ The component diagram is the corresponding diagram!
❍ Lifelines in UML 2 sequence diagrams are also frequently
modeled as abstract objects!
❍ In UML 2, class diagrams still dominate!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 142!

What can be modeled in class/object models?!

❍ Objects as classes or abstract objects!

❍ Local properties as attributes!
❍ Relationships / non-local properties as associations!
❍ Services offered by objects as operations on objects or
classes (called features in UML)!
❍ Object behavior!
● Must be modeled in separate state machines in UML!
● Is modeled as an integral part of an object hierarchy in ADORA!
❍ System-context interfaces and functionality from a user’s
perspective can’t be modeled adequately!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 143!
Object-oriented modeling: pros and cons!

+ !Well-suited for describing the structure of a system!

+ !Supports locality of data and encapsulation of properties!
+ !Supports structure-preserving implementation!
+ !System decomposition can be modeled!
– !Ignores functionality and behavior from a user’s perspective!
– !UML class models don’t support decomposition!
– !UML: Behavior modeling weakly integrated!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 144!

Mini-Exercise: Classes vs. abstract objects!

Specify a distributed heating control system for an office

building consisting of a central boiler control unit and a room
control unit in every office and function room. !
❍ The boiler control unit shall have a control panel consisting
of a keyboard, a LCD display and on/off buttons.!
❍ The room control unit shall have a control panel consisting
of a LCD display and five buttons: on, off, plus, minus, and
Model this problem using!
a. A class model!
b. An abstract object model.!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 145!
9.3 Behavior modeling!

Goal: describe dynamic system behavior!

● How the system reacts to a sequence of external events!
● How independent system components coordinate their work!
❍ Finite state machines (FSMs) – not discussed here!
❍ Statecharts / State machines!
● Easier to use than FSMs (although theoretically equivalent)!
● State machines are the UML variant of statecharts!
❍ Sequence diagrams (primarily for behavioral scenarios)!
❍ Petri nets – not discussed here!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 146!
Inactive mode!

Statecharts! [Harel 1988]! switch to!

normal mode!

normal mode!
❍ Models the dynamic behavior:!
count = 0!
● How the system reacts to external
events in a given state! closed!
● Reaction depends on actual state!
card sensed! card invalid!
● States may be hierarchically validate card! flash red light!
nested and/or orthogonal (parallel)!
❍ In UML: state machine diagrams! card valid!
allow one turn;!
+ !Global view of system behavior! count’ = count +1;!
flash green light!
+ !Precise, but still readable!
– !Weak for modeling functionality
and data! one turn done!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 147!
Sequence diagrams / MSCs!
Object Management Group (2011b)!
❍ Models ...!
● ... lifelines of system components or objects!
● ... messages that the components exchange!

sd NormalMode!
:RFID :Scanner! :Access :Turnstile! :Turnstile!
card! controller! device!
CardInfo! Validate(CardInfo)!
alt! ValidCard! AllowOneTurn()!
[Valid]! Count()! OneTurnDone!

[else]! FlashRedLight()!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 148!

❍ Notation/terminology:!
● UML: Sequence diagram!
● Otherwise: Message sequence chart (MSC)!
+ !Visualizes component collaboration on a timeline!
– !In practice confined to the description of required scenarios!
– !Design-oriented, can detract from modeling requirements!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 149!

9.4 Function and flow modeling!

❍ Activity models!
❍ Data flow / information flow models!
❍ Process and work flow models!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 150!

Activity modeling: UML activity diagram!

❍ Models process Initialize turnstile!

Unlock turnstile
activities and for one turn!
control flow!
Flash green light!
❍ Can model data Poll!
[no card]! [term-
inate]! [locked [locked,
❍ Model can be [card sensed]! no turn]!
after turn]!
underpinned with
Read card!
execution Count!
Validate card!

[invalid]! Flash red light!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 151!
Data and information flow!
[DeMarco 1978]!

❍ Models system functionality with data flow diagrams!

❍ Once a dominating approach; rarely used today!

Tagged status Display Chairlift

measurements! chairlift status
Sensor Convert Check status! display!
Chairlift status
raw values! sensor for
data! alarms!

Chairlift schema
Alarm boundary images!
parameters! Problem log!

+!Easy to understand!
+!Supports system decomposition!
– !Treatment of data outdated: no types, no encapsulation!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 152!
Process and workflow modeling!

❍ Elements!
● Process steps / work steps!
● Events influencing the flow!
● Control flow!
● Maybe data / information access and responsibilities!
❍ Typical languages!
● UML activity diagrams!
● Event-driven process chains!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 153!

Process modeling: BPMN!

❍ BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation)!

❍ Rich language for describing
business processes!

[Object Management
Group 2011]!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 154!
Process modeling: EPC!

❍ Event-driven process chains (In German: ereignisgesteuerte

Prozessketten, EPK)!
❍ Adopted by SAP for modeling processes supported by
SAP’s ERP software!
Start event!
Control flow!

Function! Org unit!

Information Connector
object! (AND, OR, XOR)!

Event! Event!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 155!

9.5 User-system interaction modeling!

Describing the functionality of a system from a user’s

perspective: How can a user interact with the system?!
Two key terms:!
❍ Use case!
❍ Scenario! [Carroll 1995,
Glinz 1995,
Glinz 2000a,
Jacobson et al. 1992,
Sutcliffe 1998,
Weidenhaupt et al. 1998]!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 156!

Use case!

DEFINITION. Use case – A description of the interactions

possible between actors and a system that, when executed,
provide added value.!
Use cases specify a system from a user’s (or other external
actor’s) perspective: every use case describes some
functionality that the system must provide for the actors
involved in the use case. !
❍ Use case diagrams provide an overview!
❍ Use case descriptions provide the details!

[Jacobson et al. 1992!

Glinz 2013]!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 157!

DEFINITION. Scenario – 1. A description of a potential

sequence of events that lead to a desired (or unwanted)
result. 2. An ordered sequence of interactions between
partners, in particular between a system and external actors.
May be a concrete sequence (instance scenario) or a set of
potential sequences (type scenario, use case). 3. In UML: An
execution trace of a use case.!

[Carroll 1995!
Sutcliffe 1998
Glinz 1995]!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 158!
Use case / scenario descriptions!

Various representation options!

❍ Free text in natural language!
❍ Structured text in natural language!
❍ Statecharts / UML state machines!
❍ UML activity diagrams!
❍ Sequence diagrams / MSCs!

Structured text is most frequently used in practice!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 159!

A use case description with structured text!
USE CASE SetTurnstiles!
Actor: Service Employee!
Precondition: none!
Normal flow:!
1 !Service Employee chooses turnstile setup.!
!System displays controllable turnstiles: locked in red, normal in green,
open in yellow. !
2 Service Employee selects turnstiles s/he wants to modify.!
!System highlights selected turnstiles.!
3 !Service Employee selects Locked, Normal, or Open.!
!System changes the mode of the selected turnstiles to the selected one,!
!displays all turnstiles in the color of the current mode.!
Alternative flows:!
3a !Mode change fails: System flashes the failed turnstile in the color of its
current mode.!
... !
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 160!
UML Use case diagram!
Chairlift Access Control System!

Get Access! Set Turnstile!

Buy Ticket! Service

Skier! «include»! Device!
Load Ticket
on Device! Sell Ticket!
«extend»! «extend»!

Watch! Change Ticket! Ticket Office

...! Card! Employee!

+ !Provides abstract overview from actors’ perspectives!

– !Ignores functions and data required to provide interaction!
– !Can’t properly model hierarchies and dependencies!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 161!
Dependencies between scenarios / use cases!

❍ UML can only model inclusion, extension and generalization!

❍ However, we need to model!
● Control flow dependencies (sequence, alternative, iteration)!
● Hierarchical decomposition!
❍ Largely ignored in UML (Glinz 2000b)!
❍ Options!
● Pre- and postconditions!
● Statecharts!
● Extended Jackson diagrams (in ADORA, Glinz et al. 2002)!
● Specific dependency charts (Ryser and Glinz 2001)!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 162!

Dependencies with pre- and postconditions!

Scenario AuthenticateUser! ❍ Simple dependencies

Precondition: none!
of kind «B follows A»
Steps: ...!
Postcondition: User is authenticated!
can be modeled!
❍ Relationships buried in
Scenario BorrowBooks! use case descriptions,
Precondition: User is authenticated!
Steps: ...!
no overview!
...! ❍ No hierarchical
Scenario ReturnBooks!
Precondition: User is authenticated! ❍ Modeling of complex
Steps: ...! relationships very
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 163!
Dependencies with Statecharts!
[Glinz 2000a]!

❍ Model scenarios as states*!

❍ Classic dependencies (sequence, alternative, iteration,
parallelism) can be modeled easily!
❍ Hierarchical decomposition is easy!
Perform book transaction
Research result,
Authenticate card is invalid
not used in
today’s practice!
User selects User selects User selects
borrow return reserve
* With one main entry
Borrow books Return books Reserve on-loan
books and exit point each;
symbolized by top and
bottom bars in the
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 164!
Dependencies with extended Jackson-diagrams!
[Glinz et al. 2002]!

❍ Used in ADORA for modeling scenario dependencies!

Perform book


Perform a
Treat invalid

Reserve on-
Borrow books! Return books!
loan books!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2014 Martin Glinz! 165!

Dependency charts!

❍ Specific notation for modeling of scenario dependencies

(Ryser und Glinz 2001)!
❍ Research result; not used in today’s practice!

Normal path!
Alternative path!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 166!
Mini-Exercise: Writing a use case!

For the Chairlift access control system, write the use case
“Get Access”, describing how a skier gets access to a chairlift
using his or her RFID ticket.!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 167!

9.6 Modeling goals!

❍ Knowing the goals of an organization (or for a product) is

essential when specifying a system to be used in that
organization (or product)!
❍ Goals can be decomposed into sub goals!
❍ Goal decomposition can be modeled with AND/OR trees!
❍ Considering multiple goals results in a directed goal graph!

[van Lamsweerde 2001, 2004!

Mylopoulos 2006!
Yu 1997]!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 168!

AND/OR trees for goal modeling!
Reduce access!
goal! control cost!

Reduce lift Simplify

personnel! access control!

Use RFID Use machine Use single

sub goals!
access cards! readable tickets! point access!

Install RFID Install RFID en-

enabled turnstiles! abled sales points!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 169!
Goal-agent networks!

❍ Explicitly models agents (stakeholders), their goals, tasks

that achieve goals, resources, and dependencies between
these items!
❍ Many approaches in the RE literature!
❍ i* is the most popular approach!
❍ Rather infrequently used in practice!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 170!

A real world i* example: Youth counseling!
[Horkoff and Yu 2010]!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 171!

9.7 UML (Unified Modeling Language)!
[Object Management Group 2015]!

❍ UML is a collection of primarily graphic languages for

expressing requirements models, design models, and
deployment models from various perspectives!
❍ A UML specification typically consists of a collection of
loosely connected diagrams of various types!
❍ Additional restrictions can be specified with the formal
textual language OCL (Object Constraint Language)!
[Object Management Group 2012]!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 172!

UML – Overview of diagram types!
Typically used in!
UML Diagram!

Structure Behavior!
Diagram! Diagram!

Class Component! Object Activity Use Case State Machine

Diagram! Diagram! Diagram! Diagram! Diagram! Diagram!

Composite Deployment Package Interaction

Structure Diagram! Diagram! Diagram! Diagram!

Sequence Interaction Over-
Diagram! view Diagram!
Normal font: UML 2 Diagram type! Communication Timing
Italic font: Abstract concepts! Diagram! Diagram!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 173!
10 Formal specification languages!

Requirements models with formal syntax and semantics!

The vision!
● Analyze the problem!
● Specify requirements formally!
● Implement by correctness-preserving transformations!
● Maintain the specification, no longer the code!

Typical languages!
● “Pure” Automata / Petri nets!
● Algebraic specification!
● Temporal logic: LTL, CTL!
● Set&predicate-based models: Z, OCL, B!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 174!
What does “formal” mean?!

❍ Formal calculus, i.e., a specification language with !

● formally defined syntax!
● formally defined semantics!

❍ Primarily for specifying functional requirements!

Potential forms!
● Purely descriptive, e.g., algebraic specification!
● Purely constructive, e.g., Petri nets!
● Model-based hybrid forms, e.g. Alloy, B, OCL, VDM, Z!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2014 Martin Glinz! 175!

10.1 Algebraic specification!

❍ Originally developed for specifying complex data from 1977!

❍ Signatures of operations define the syntax!
❍ Axioms (expressions being always true) define semantics!
❍ Axioms primarily describe properties that are invariant
under execution of operations!

+!Purely descriptive and mathematically elegant!

– !Hard to read!
– !Over- and underspecification difficult to spot!
– !Has never made it from research into industrial practice!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 176!

Algebraic specification: a simple example!

Specifying a stack (last-in-first-out) data structure!

Let bool be a data type with a range of {false, true} and boolean algebra as
operations. Further, let elem be the data type of the elements to be stored.

TYPE Stack!
new: !() !→
Stack; !-- Create new (empty) stack!
push: !(Stack, elem) !→
Stack; !-- add an element!
pop: !Stack !→
Stack; !-- remove most recent element from stack!
top: !Stack !→
elem; !-- returns most recent element!
empty: !Stack !→
bool; !-- true if stack is empty!
full: !Stack !→
bool; !-- true if stack is full!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 177!

Algebraic specification: a simple example – 2!

∀ s ∈ Stack, e ∈ elem!
(1) !¬ full(s) → pop(push(s,e)) = s !-- !pop reverses the effect of push!
(2) !¬ full(s) → top(push(s,e)) = e !-- !top retrieves the most recently
! ! !stored element!
(3) !empty(new) = true !-- !a new stack is always empty!
(4) !¬ full(s) → empty(push(s,e)) = false !-- !after push, a stack is not
! ! !empty!
(5) !full(new) = false !-- !a new stack is not full!
(6) !¬ emtpy(s) → full(pop(s)) = false !-- !after pop, a stack is not full!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 178!

10.2 Model-based formal specification!

❍ Mathematical model of system state and state change!

❍ Based on sets, relations and logic expressions!
❍ Typical language elements!
● Base sets!
● Relationships (relations, functions)!
● Invariants (predicates)!
● State changes (by relations or functions)!
● Assertions for states!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 179!

The formal specification language landscape!

❍ VDM – Vienna Development Method (Björner and Jones

❍ Z (Spivey 1992)!
❍ OCL (from 1997; OMG 2012)!
❍ Alloy (Jackson 2002)!
❍ B (Abrial 2009)!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 180!

10.3 An overview of Z!

❍ A typical model-based formal language!

❍ Only basic concepts covered here!
❍ More detail in the literature, e.g., Jacky (1997)!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 181!

The basic elements of Z!

❍ Z is set-based!
❍ Specification consists of sets, types, axioms and schemata!
❍ Types are elementary sets: [Name] [Date] IN!
❍ Sets have a type: Person: Name Counter: IN !
❍ Axioms define global variables and their (invariant) properties!
string: seq CHAR!
#string ≤ 64! Invariant!

IN !Set of natural numbers!

M !Power set (set of all subsets) of M!
seq !Sequence of elements!
#M !Number of elements of set M!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 182!
The basic elements of Z – 2!

❍ Schemata!
● organize a Z-specification!
● constitute a name space!

Value, Limit: IN! Declaration part:!
Declaration of state variables!
Value ≤ Limit ≤ 65535!
Predicate part:!
• !Restrictions!
• !Invariants!
• !Relationships!
• !State change!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 183!

Relations, functions und operations!

❍ Relations and functions are ordered set of tuples:!

!Order: (Part x Supplier x Date)!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Birthday: Person → Date!
!A subset of all ordered triples
A function assigning a date to a person,
(p, s, d) with p ∈ Part,
!s ∈ supplier, and d ∈ Date! representing the person’s birthday!

State change through operations:!

Increment counter! Δ S !The sets defined in schema S
Δ Counter! will be changed!
Value < Limit! M' !State of set M after executing
the operation!
Value' = Value + 1!
Limit' = Limit! Mathematical equality, no assignment!!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 184!
Example: specification of a library system!

The library has a stock of books and a set of persons who are
library users.!
Books in stock may be borrowed.!
Stock: Book!
User: Person!
lent: Book → Person!
dom lent ⊆ Stock!
ran lent ⊆ User! → Partial function!
dom !Domain ...!
ran !Range...!
!...of a relation!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2014 Martin Glinz! 185!

Example: specification of a library system – 2!

Books in stock which currently are not lent to somebody may

be borrowed!
Δ Library!
BookToBeBorrowed?: Book!
Borrower?: Person!
BookToBeBorrowed? ∈ Stock\ dom lent!
Borrower? ∈ User!
lent' = lent ∪ {(BookToBeBorrowed?, Borrower?)}!
Stock' = Stock!
User' = User! x? !x is an input variable!
a ∈ X !a is an element of set X!
\ !Set difference operator!
∪ !Set union operator!
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Example: specification of a library system – 3!

It shall be possible to inquire whether a given book is

Ξ Library!
InquiredBook?: Book!
isAvailable!: {yes, no}!
InquiredBook? ∈ Stock!
isAvailable! = if InquiredBook? ∉ dom lent!
! !then yes else no!

Ξ S !The sets defined in schema S can

be referenced, but not changed!
x! !x is an output variable!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 187!

Mini-Exercise: Specifying in Z!
Specify a system for granting and managing authorizations
for a set of individual documents.!
The following sets are given:! Authorization!
! Stock Document!
Employee: Person!
! authorized: (Document x Person)!
prohibited: (Document x Date)!
Specify an operation for granting an employee access to a
document as long as access to this document is not
prohibited. Use a Z-schema.!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2014 Martin Glinz!
10.4 OCL (Object Constraint Language)!

❍ What is OCL?!
● A textual formal language!
● Served for making UML models more precise!
● Every OCL expression is attached to an UML model
element, giving the context for that expression!
● Originally developed by IBM as a formal language for
expressing integrity constraints (called ICL)!
● In 1997 integrated into UML 1.1!
● Current standardized version is Version 2.3.1!
● Also published as an ISO standard: ISO/IEC 19507:2012!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2014 Martin Glinz! 189!

Why OCL?!

❍ Making UML models more precise!

● Specification of Invariants (i.e., additional restrictions) on
UML models!
● Specification of the semantics of operations in UML models!
❍ Also usable as a language to query UML models !

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 190!

OCL expressions: invariants!
❍ OCL expression may
be part of a UML
personId: Integer {personID > 0} ! model element!
name: String!
firstName: String [1..3]! ❍ Context for OCL
dateOfBirth: Date!
expression is given
/age: Integer!
jobFunction: String! implicitly!
...! ❍ OCL expression may
be written separately !
context HR_manangement::Employee inv:!
self.jobFunction = “driver” implies self.age ≥ 18! ❍ Context must be
specified explicitly!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 191!
OCL expressions: Semantics of operations!

Employee! Document!
has! Authorization! concerns! docID: Integer!
0..*! 1! securityLevel:
noOfDocs: grantedOn: Date! !Integer!
authorize (doc: !

context Employee::authorize (doc: Document)!

!pre: !self.clearanceLevel ≥ doc.securityLevel!
!post: noOfDocs = noOfDocs@pre + 1!
! !and!
! !self.has->exists (a: Authorization | a.concerns = doc)!

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Navigation, statements about sets in OCL!

❍ Persons having Clearance level 0 can’t be authorized for

any document:!
!context Employee inv: !self.clearanceLevel = 0 implies

Navigation from current object to a Application of a function to

set of associated objects! a set of objects!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 193!

Navigation, statements about sets in OCL – 2!

More examples:!
❍ The number of documents listed for an employee must be
equal to the number of associated authorizations:!
context Employee inv: self.has->size() = self.noOfDocs!
❍ The documents authorized for an employee are different
from each other!
context Employee inv: self.has->forAll (a1, a2: Authorization |
a1 <> a2 implies a1.concerns.docID <> a2.concerns.docID)!
❍ There are no more than 1000 documents:!
context Document inv: Document.allInstances()->size() ≤ 1000!

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Summary of important OCL constructs!

❍ Kind and context: context, inv, pre, post!

❍ Boolean logic expressions: and, or, not, implies!
❍ Predicates: exists, forAll!
❍ Alternative: if then else!
❍ Set operations: size(), isEmpty(), notEmpty(), sum(), ...!
❍ Model reflection, e.g., self.oclIsTypeOf (Employee) is true in
the context of Employee!
❍ Statements about all instances of a class: allInstances()!
❍ Navigation: dot notation !self.has.date = ...!
❍ Operations on sets: arrow notation !self.has->size()!
❍ State change: @pre notation !noOfDocs =
noOfDocs@pre + 1
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 195!
10.5 Proving properties!

With formal specifications, we can prove if a model has some

required properties (e.g., safety-critical invariants)!
❍ Classic proofs (usually supported by theorem proving
software) establish that a property can be inferred from a
set of given logical statements!
❍ Model checking explores the full state space of a model,
demonstrating that a property holds in every possible state!
– !Classic proofs are still hard and labor-intensive!
+ !Model checking is fully automatic and produces counter-
examples in case of failure!
– !Exploring the full state state space is frequently infeasible!
+ !Exploring feasible subsets is a systematic, automated test!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 196!
Example: Proving a safety property!

A (strongly simplified) elevator control system has been

modeled with a Petri net as follows:!
Open moving!
door! Elevator stopped!
Door Door
closed! open!
Close Move!
! door!
! Ready to move!
Floor button
! pressed!
The property that an elevator never moves with doors open
shall be proved!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 197!
Example: Proving a safety property – 2!

The property to be proven can be restated as:!

(P) !The places Door open and Elevator moving never hold
tokens at the same time!
Due to the definition of elementary Petri Nets we have!
● The transition Move can only fire if Ready to move has a
token ! !(1)!
● There is at most one token in the cycle Ready to move –
Elevator moving – Elevator stopped – Door open !(2)!
● (2) ⇒ If Ready to move has a token, Door open hasn’t one !(3)!
● (2) ⇒ If Elevator moving has a token, Door open hasn’t one !(4)!
● If Door open has no token, Door closed must have one !(5)!
● (1) & (3) & (4) & (5)⇒ (P)!
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Mini-Exercise: A circular metro line!

A circular metro line with 10 track segments has been modeled

in UML and OCL as follows:!
Context TrackSegment::
! TrackSegment!
reachable (a: TrackSegment): Boolean
Occupied: Boolean! post:
! reachable (a:TrackSegment)! result = (self.to = a) or (self.to.reachable (a))!

! to 1! context TrackSegment inv:

connected! TrackSegment.allInstances->size = 10!

In a circle, every track segment must be reachable from every

other track segment (including itself). So we must have:!
context TrackSegment inv !(1)!
TrackSegment.allInstances->forAll (x, y | x.reachable (y) )!
a)!Falsify this invariant by finding a counter-example!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 199!
Mini-Exercise: A circular metro line – 2!

Only the following trivial invariant can be proved:!

!context TrackSegment inv:
! TrackSegment.allInstances->forAll (x | x.reachable (x) )!
b)!Prove this invariant using the definition of reachable!

Obviously, this model of a circular metro line is wrong. The

property of being circular is not mapped correctly to the model.!
c) !How can you modify the model such that the original
invariant (1) holds?!

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10.6 Benefits and limitations, practical use!

● Unambiguous by definition!
● Fully verifiable!
● Important properties can be!
• proven!
• or tested automatically (model checking)!
Limitations / problems!
● Cost vs. value!
● Stakeholders can’t read the specification: how to validate?!
● Primarily for functional requirements!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 201!

Role of formal specifications in practice!

❍ Marginally used in practice!

● Despite its advantages!
● Despite intensive research (research on algebraic
specifications dates back to 1977)!
❍ Actual situation today!
● Punctual use possible and reasonable!
● In particular for safety-critical components!
● However, broad usage!
• not possible (due to validation problems)!
• not reasonable (cost exceeds benefit)!
❍ Another option: semi-formal models where critical parts are
fully formalized!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 202!
11 Validating requirements!

❍ Every requirement needs to be validated

(see Principle 5 in Chapter 2)!
❍ Validate content, form of documentation and agreement!
❍ Establish short feedback cycles!
❍ Use appropriate techniques!
❍ Exemplify and disambiguate with acceptance test cases!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 203!

Validation of content!

Identify requirements that are!

● Inadequate!
● Incomplete or missing!
● Inconsistent !
● Wrong!
Also look for requirements with these quality defects:!
● Not verifiable!
● Unnecessary!
● Not traceable!
● Premature design decisions!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 204!
Validation of documentation!

Scope: checking the requirements documentation (e.g., a

systems requirements specification) for formal problems!
Identify requirements that are !
● Ambiguous!
● Incomprehensible !
● Non-conforming to documentation rules, structure or format!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 205!

Validation of agreement!

❍ Requirements elicitation involves achieving consensus

among stakeholders having divergent needs!
❍ When validating requirements, we have to check whether
agreement has actually been achieved!
● All known conflicts resolved?!
● For all requirements: have all relevant stakeholders for a
requirement agreed to this requirement in its documented
● For every changed requirement, have all relevant
stakeholders agreed to this change?!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 206!

Some validation principles!

General principles!
● Work with the right people (i.e., stakeholders for requirements)!
● Separate the processes of problem finding and correction!
● Validate from different views and perspectives!
● Validate repeatedly / continuously!
Additional principles for requirements [Pohl and Rupp 2011]!
● Validate by change of documentation type
e.g., identify problems in a natural language specification by
constructing a model!
● Validate by construction of artifacts
e.g., identify problems in requirements by writing the user
manual, test cases or other development artifacts!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 207!
Requirements validation techniques!

● Main means for requirements validation!
● Walkthrough: author guides experts through the specification!
● Inspection: Experts check the specification!
● Author-reviewer-cycle: Requirements engineer continuously
feeds back requirements to stakeholder(s) for review and
receives feedback!
Requirements Engineering tools!
● Help find gaps and contradictions!
Acceptance test cases!
● Help disambiguate / clarify requirements!

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Requirements validation techniques – 2!

● Means for investigating dynamic system behavior!
● Simulator executes specification and may visualize it by
animated models!
● Lets stakeholders judge the practical usefulness of the
specified system in its real application context!
● Prototype constitutes a sample model for the system-to-be!
● Most powerful, but also most expensive means of
requirements validation!
Formal Verification / Model Checking!
● ! Formal proof of critical properties!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 209!
Reviewing practices!

❍ Paraphrasing!
● Explaining the requirements in the reviewer’s own words!
❍ Perspective-based reading!
● Analyzing requirements from different perspectives,
e.g., end-user, tester, architect, maintainer,...!
❍ Playing and executing!
● Playing scenarios!
● Mentally executing acceptance test cases!
❍ Checklists!
● Using checklists for guiding and structuring the review
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 210!
Requirements negotiation!

❍ Requirements negotiation implies!

● Identification of conflicts!
● Conflict analysis!
● Conflict resolution!
● Documentation of resolution!
❍ Requirements negotiation can happen!
● While eliciting requirements!
● When validating requirements!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 211!

Conflict analysis!

Identifying the underlying reasons of a conflict helps select

appropriate resolution techniques!
Typical underlying reasons are!
● Subject matter conflict (divergent factual needs)!
● Conflict of interest (divergent interests, e.g. cost vs. function)!
● Conflict of value (divergent values and preferences)!
● Relationship conflict (emotional problems in personal
relationships between stakeholders)!
● Organizational conflict (between stakeholders on different
hierarchy and decision power levels in an organization)!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 212!
Conflict resolution!

❍ Various strategies / techniques!

❍ Conflicting stakeholders must be involved in resolution!
❍ Win-win techniques!
● Agreement!
● Compromise!
● Build variants!
❍ Win-lose techniques!
● Overruling!
● Voting!
● Prioritizing stakeholders (important stakeholders override
less important ones)!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 213!
Conflict resolution – 2!

❍ Decision support techniques!

● PMI (Plus-Minus-Interesting) categorization of potential
conflict resolution decisions!
● Decision matrix (Matrix with a row per interesting criterion
and a column per potential resolution alternative. The cells
contain relative weights which can be summarized per
column and then compared)!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 214!

Acceptance testing!

DEFINITION. Acceptance – The process of assessing whether

a system satisfies all its requirements.!
DEFINITION. Acceptance test – A test that assesses whether a
system satisfies all its requirements.!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 215!

Requirements and acceptance testing!

Requirements engineering and acceptance testing are

naturally intertwined!
❍ For every requirement, there should be at least one
acceptance test case!
❍ Requirements must be written such that acceptance tests
can be written to validate them!
❍ Acceptance test cases can serve!
● for disambiguating requirements!
● as detailed specifications by example!

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Choosing acceptance test cases!

Potential coverage criteria:!

❍ Requirements coverage: At least one case per requirement!
❍ Function coverage: At least one case per function!
❍ Scenario coverage: For every type scenario / use case!
● All actions covered!
● All branches covered!

❍ Consider the usage profile: not all functions/scenarios are

equally frequent / important!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 217!

12 Innovative requirements!

Satisfying stakeholders is not enough

(see Principle 7 in Chapter 2)!
[Kano et al. 1984] !
❍ Kano’s model helps identify...!
● what is implicitly expected
● what is explicitly required
● what the stakeholders
don’t know, but would
delight them if they get it:
innovative requirements!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 218!

How to create innovative requirements?!

Encourage out-of-the-box thinking!

❍ Stimulate the stakeholders’ creativity!
● Imagine/ make up scenarios for possible futures!
● Imagine a world without constraints and regulators!
● Find and explore metaphors!
● Study other domains!
❍ Involve solution experts and explore what’s possible with
available and future technology!
❍ Involve smart people without domain knowledge!
[Maiden, Gitzikis and Robertson 2004]!
[Maiden and Robertson 2005]

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 219!
13 Requirements management!

❍ Organize!
● Store and retrieve!
● Record metadata (author, status,...)!
❍ Prioritize!
❍ Keep track: dependencies, traceability!
❍ Manage change!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 220!

13.1 Organizing requirements!

Every requirement needs!

❍ a unique identifier as a reference in acceptance tests,
review findings, change requests, traces to other artifacts,
❍ some metadata, e.g.!
● Author!
● Date created!
● Date last modified!
● Source (stakeholder(s), document, minutes, observation...)!
● Status (created, ready, released, rejected, postponed...)!
● Necessity (critical, major, minor)!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 221!
Storing, retrieving and querying!

● Paper and folders!
● Files and electronic folders!
● A requirements management tool!
Retrieving support!
● Keywords!
● Cross referencing!
● Search machine technology!
● Selective views (all requirements matching the query)!
● Condensed views (for example, statistics)!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 222!
13.2 Prioritizing requirements!

❍ Requirements may be prioritized with respect to various

criteria, for example!
● Necessity!
● Cost of implementation!
● Time to implement!
● Risk!
● Volatility!
❍ Prioritization is done by the stakeholders!
❍ Only a subset of all requirements may be prioritized!
❍ Requirements to be prioritized should be on the same level
of abstraction!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 223!
Simple prioritization (by necessity)!

Ranks all requirements in three categories with respect to

necessity, i.e., their importance for the success of the system!
❍ Critical (also called essential, or mandatory)!
The system will not be accepted if such a requirement is not met!
❍ Major (also called conditional, desirable, important, or
The system should meet these requirements, but not meeting
them is no showstopper!
❍ Minor (also called nice-to-have, or optional)!
Implementing these requirements is nice, but not needed!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 224!

Selected prioritization techniques!

Single criterion prioritization!

❍ Simple ranking!
Stakeholders rank a set of requirements according to a given
❍ Assigning points!
Stakeholders receive a total of n points that they distribute
among m requirements!

❍ Prioritization by multiple stakeholders may be consolidated

using weighted averages. The weight of a stakeholder
depends on his/her importance!
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 225!
Selected prioritization techniques – 2!

Multiple criterion prioritization!

❍ Wiegers’ matrix [Wiegers 1999]!
● Estimates relative benefit, detriment, cost, and risk for each
● Uses these values to calculate a weighted priority!
● Ranks according to calculated priority values!
❍ AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) [Saaty 1980]!
● An algorithmic multi-criterion decision making process!
● Applicable for prioritization by a group of stakeholders!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 226!

13.3 Traceability!
[Gotel and Finkelstein 1994]!

DEFINITION. Traceability – The ability to trace a requirement!

(1) back to its origins,!
(2) forward to its implementation in design and code,!
(3) to requirements it depends on (and vice-versa).!
Origins may be stakeholders, documents, rationale, etc.!

Pre-! Post-!
traceability! Requirements! traceability!
Sources! specification! Modules!

Stakeholders! ...!
Requirements! Test cases!
Documents! ...!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 227!

Establishing and maintaining traces!

❍ Manually!
● Requirements engineers explicitly create traces when
creating artifacts to be traced!
● Tool support required for maintaining and exploring traces!
● Every requirements change requires updating the traces!
● High manual effort; cost and benefit need to be balanced!
❍ Automatic!
● Automatically create candidate trace links between two
artifacts (for example, a requirements specification and a set
of acceptance test cases)!
● Uses information retrieval technology!
● Requires manual post processing of candidate links !
Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 228!
13.4 Requirements evolution!

The problem (see Principle 7 in Chapter 2):!

Keeping requirements stable...!
... while permitting requirements to change!
Every solution to this problem needs!
❍ Requirements configuration management!
❍ With long development cycles, also requirements change
management is required!

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Requirements change management!

❍ Configuration management for requirements!

● Versioning of requirements!
● Ability to create configurations, baselines and releases!
❍ Strict change process!
(1) Submit change request!
(2) Triage. Result: [OK | NO | Later (add to backlog)]!
(3) If OK: Impact analysis!
(4) Submit result and recommendation to Change Control Board!
(4) Decision by Change Control Board !
(5) If positive: make the change, create new baseline/release,!
(maybe) adapt the contract between customer and supplier!

Requirements Engineering I – Part II: RE Practices !© 2013 Martin Glinz! 230!

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