ChapterI - ExampleOnly v.1
ChapterI - ExampleOnly v.1
ChapterI - ExampleOnly v.1
and the students. The teacher provides guidance and support while allowing student autonomy
and participation in learning. This approach can help promote student engagement, motivation,
and academic success, while also fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can
between the teacher and the students, with the goal of promoting student understanding of
scientific concepts and developing scientific literacy (Goe et al., 2020). The teaching-learning
scientific inquiry, and promote the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Two of the skills that should be possessed by teachers to have a successful teaching-
learning process are teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge. Teaching
competence refers to a teacher's ability to effectively teach a subject, which includes instructional
design, classroom management, and assessment. Pedagogical content knowledge, on the other
hand, refers to a teacher's understanding of how to teach specific content to students (Darling-
Hammond, 2022). In the case of science teachers, this includes not only a deep understanding of
scientific concepts but also the ability to effectively communicate these concepts to students and
science education, science teachers still face many challenges in developing these skills (Hattie
& Timperley, 2019). These challenges include limited access to professional development
opportunities, inadequate resources and support, and a lack of time to plan and implement
As such, there is a growing need for research that examines the factors that contribute to
effective science teaching, including the development of teaching competence and pedagogical
content knowledge. By identifying the key factors that contribute to effective teaching and
learning in science, this research can help inform the development of effective professional
development programs and support systems for science teachers (Buatip et al., 2019)
teachers can have a positive impact on the quality of science education and can contribute to the
development of a more scientifically literate society (Neumann et al., 2019). In this study, there
are several groups of people who can benefit from it. First are the science teachers. Science
teachers can benefit from this study by gaining a better understanding of effective teaching
strategies and methods for promoting student learning and success. Second, are teacher
educators. Teacher educators can use the findings of this study to inform the design of teacher
teachers. Third, school administrators can use the findings of this study to support the
professional development of science teachers, and to inform decisions related to curriculum and
instruction. Fourth are policymakers in science education. Policymakers can use the findings of
this study to inform decisions related to science education policy, including the development of
standards and the allocation of resources for science education. And lastly, students. Students can
benefit from this study by experiencing more effective and engaging science instruction that
promotes a deeper understanding of scientific concepts and fosters scientific literacy (Fortney et
al., 2019).
This study may provide insights into the level of teaching competence and pedagogical
content knowledge of science teachers. The findings could help identify areas where science
teachers need further training and professional development to improve their teaching methods
and approaches. Additionally, it may provide recommendations for schools and policymakers to
improve the quality of science education, such as incorporating innovative and engaging
pedagogical strategies. The study may also provide insights into the challenges that science
teachers face in teaching science subjects and the possible solutions to address these challenges.
Ultimately, the study's output may help improve the effectiveness of science education in
The quality of science education depends significantly on the teaching competence and
there has been a growing concern over the declining interest and performance of students in
science-related subjects. This trend has led to an increased demand for research that examines
the competence of science teachers in teaching and the effectiveness of their pedagogical
approaches (Harlen & Holroyd, 2015). These problems are also seen in the locale where the
researcher is teaching together with the current situation of the pandemic, remote teaching has
become an essential aspect of the learning process. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the teaching
competence and pedagogical content knowledge of science teachers to ensure the effective
knowledge of science teachers. The literature review will provide an overview of science
education and the effectiveness of current teaching practices. This study also aims to implement
stringent ethical protocols and security measures to safeguard the physical, emotional, and
psychological safety of our participants, maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of their data,
and ensure the security of the research locale and the researcher throughout the research process.
The methodology will involve data collection through surveys, interviews, and classroom
observations, with data analysis using techniques such as descriptive statistics and regression
analysis. The results and discussion will identify areas of strengths and weaknesses in science
teaching practices, and recommendations for improving science education in schools will be
made. The conclusion will summarize the main findings of the study, the implications for science
education and teacher training, the limitations of the study, and suggestions for future research.
This study aims to assess the teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge of
science teachers, addressing a critical aspect of science education. Importantly, this research
emphasizes stringent ethical protocols and security measures to ensure the physical, emotional,
and psychological safety of our participants, maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of their
data, and guarantee the security of the research locale and the researcher throughout the research
process. The first objective of this study is to assess the competence and pedagogical content
knowledge of science teachers while upholding the utmost respect for their privacy and
confidentiality. Researcher also aims to employ data collection methods that not only provide
valuable insights but also prioritize the emotional and psychological well-being of the
In the interest of safeguarding the identities of science teachers, one of the objectives is to
ensure their anonymity throughout the research process, guarding their personal and professional
information. Additionally, this study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of science instructional
programs in a manner that does not compromise the security and comfort of the learning
environment for both teachers and students. In understanding the challenges faced by science
teachers, another objective is to protect their identities and professional reputations. Researchers
aim to involve students in the research process while giving full consideration to their emotional
and psychological safety, promoting open communication and feedback mechanisms that respect
Furthering the commitment to safety and protection, this study also aims to secure the
cooperation of educational institutions and shield their identities and staff from potential harm or
negative consequences that could result from the research findings. This study also emphasizes
to prioritize the safety, rights, and well-being of all parties involved. To ensure the
confidentiality of research data, researcher plans to employ secure data collection, storage, and
analysis methods, which may include encryption and secure access controls. For the
dissemination of research findings, this study is dedicated to maintaining the anonymity and
privacy of the participants and institutions, preferring the use of aggregated and de-identified
data whenever possible. These research objectives are not only focused on enhancing the
understanding of science teachers' competence and pedagogical content knowledge but also
prioritize the safety and protection of all participants, the research locale, and the researchers
depending on the content area being taught, the age and background of the students, and the
context in which instruction is taking place. In inquiry-based learning, which involves students
asking questions, investigating phenomena, and drawing evidence-based conclusions, has been
shown to be effective in teaching biology. For example, a study by Skamp and Preston (2021)
found that students who participated in an inquiry-based learning program in biology had higher
While in model-based instruction, which involves using visual and conceptual models to
help students understand complex concepts, has been shown to be effective in teaching
chemistry. For example, a study by Sanger and Greenbowe (2019) found that students who
received model-based instruction in chemistry had higher levels of conceptual understanding and
A conceptual change strategy, which involves helping students to identify and confront
misconceptions about scientific concepts, has been shown to be effective in teaching physics. For
example, a study by Scharmann and Harris (2019) found that students who received conceptual
change instruction in physics had higher levels of conceptual understanding and more positive
developing solutions, has been shown to be effective in teaching environmental science. For
example, a study by Hmelo-Silver et al. (2020) found that students who participated in a
knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving ability compared to those who received
traditional instruction.
In utilization interactive digital tools, such as simulations and games, have been shown to
be effective for teaching computer science. For example, a study by Angeli et al. (2021) found
that students who used a simulation program which is interactive for learners on learning
computer science had higher levels of knowledge retention and problem-solving ability
of Science Teachers
and mentorship.
Pre-service education, which includes teacher training programs and coursework, can
play a critical role in developing teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge in
science teachers. To support this claim, a study by Shah and Shah (2022) found that pre-service
education programs that included hands-on science activities, laboratory work, and field-based
conferences, and online training programs, can also help to develop teaching competence and
pedagogical content knowledge in science. A study by Bonney et al. (2022) found that
experienced teachers providing guidance and support to novice teachers, can also play a role in
developing teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge in science. They found that
development helped to improve novice science teachers' instructional practices and content
Also, Luft et al. (2019) stated that the classroom context, including the availability of
resources, support from school administration, and student characteristics, can also influence the
development of teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge in science. Their study
found that science teachers who had access to adequate resources, such as lab equipment and
technology, were more likely to use inquiry-based teaching practices and develop higher levels
It is also said to be that teacher beliefs and attitudes about science teaching and learning
can also influence the development of teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge.
The research of Van Driel et al. (2019) found that science teachers who held constructivist
beliefs about science teaching were more likely to develop higher levels of pedagogical content
learning outcomes
There is evidence that the Teaching Competence and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of
science teachers have a significant impact on student learning outcomes. Actually, numerous
studies have found a positive relationship between science teachers' teaching competence and
pedagogical content knowledge, and student achievement in science. For example, a study by
Hattie (2019) found that teacher expertise, including content knowledge and pedagogical content
knowledge, was one of the most significant factors influencing student achievement in science.
Science teachers' teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge can also have
a positive impact on student motivation and engagement in science. This was supported by the
study of Lee and Luft (2020) who found that science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
was positively associated with student motivation and interest in science. Not only on motivation
and engagement but can also impact student understanding of scientific concepts. Lee et al.
(2021) found that science teachers who had higher levels of pedagogical content knowledge were
Science teachers' teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge can also have
an impact on student attitudes toward science. Aslam et al. (2021) found that science teachers'
pedagogical content knowledge was positively associated with student attitudes toward science.
Reducing achievement gaps among students can also be affected by science teachers'
teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge. A study by Weiss et al. (2019) found
that science teachers who had higher levels of content knowledge and pedagogical content
On the Challenges and Opportunities for Teaching Competence and Pedagogical Content
There are some challenges faced by teachers in developing their teaching competence and
pedagogical content knowledge. According to Brookfield (2020), teachers may have limited time
to dedicate to developing their teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge due to
competing demands such as administrative work, lesson planning, and grading. Also, many
teachers may not have access to high-quality professional development opportunities that focus
on pedagogical content knowledge and teaching competence. This can be due to limited funding
Teachers may also lack the necessary content knowledge to effectively teach specific
science topics, which can hinder their ability to develop teaching competence and pedagogical
content knowledge (Hattie, 2020). This may be due to science teachers working in isolation and
having limited opportunities for collaboration with other teachers which can limit their ability to
On the other hand, several studies justified opportunities for the development of teaching
one of those and can provide science teachers with opportunities to learn from and collaborate
with peers, experts, and mentors (Boyatzis, 2022). Also, the integration of technology in science
education can provide teachers with access to a wide range of resources and tools to support the
programs which can provide teachers with opportunities to deepen their content knowledge and
develop their teaching competence and pedagogical content knowledge through ongoing
professional development. This can lead to other opportunities which are coaching and
mentoring programs. The study by Brookfield (2020) stated that this can provide teachers with
personalized support and feedback to improve their teaching competence and pedagogical
content knowledge.
The theoretical framework for this study on competence and pedagogical content
knowledge of science teachers draws upon several key concepts and theories in the field of
science education. The study seeks to understand the relationship between science teachers'
psychologist Lee Shulman in the late 1980s, has significantly influenced the field of education.
This theory is grounded in the idea that effective teaching requires a unique blend of subject
matter expertise and pedagogical strategies. Shulman recognized the inadequacy of relying solely
on content knowledge (CK) or pedagogical knowledge (PK) for effective teaching and proposed
the integration of these two knowledge bases into a new construct known as Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK).
PCK theory revolves around three main components. First, Content Knowledge (CK)
represents a teacher's deep understanding of the subject matter they teach, encompassing its
structure and key concepts. Second, Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) refers to the knowledge of
teaching strategies and techniques, which includes classroom management and catering to
diverse learning needs. However, the crux of the PCK theory lies in Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK), which is the fusion of CK and PK. PCK involves the expertise in translating
subject matter into meaningful and accessible forms for students, including strategies for
teacher education programs and the impact of PCK on student learning. For example, Grossman,
Wilson, and Shulman (1989) delved into "Teachers of substance: Subject matter knowledge for
teaching," emphasizing the importance of subject matter knowledge as a foundation for PCK.
Additionally, Park and Oliver (2008) provided insights in "Revisiting the conceptualization of
understanding teachers as professionals. Koç (2016) explored the topic further by examining
"pre-service science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge of the water cycle," revealing the
Also, there are several studies who used PCK theory as basis for their studies. Shing
(2015) provides an overview of PCK as the integration of pedagogy and content knowledge in
teaching. Buchholz (2013) focuses on the development of PCK in computer science teacher
education through reflection and cyclic processes. Tuithof (2017) examines the characteristics of
Dutch experienced history teachers' PCK in the context of a curriculum innovation, highlighting
the importance of teaching orientation and the impact of curriculum changes on PCK. Lozano
(2014) discusses the theoretical diversity in PCK research and proposes an alternative conceptual
basis for PCK in the context of chemistry teaching. Overall, these papers emphasize the
significance of PCK in effective teaching and the need for further exploration and understanding
In the study titled, the PCK theory assumes a paramount role. The study aims to assess
the competence and PCK of science teachers, examining their correlation. PCK's relevance in
this context is evident as it allows for an in-depth evaluation of how effectively science teachers
convey complex scientific concepts to their students. By measuring the correlation between
teacher competence and PCK, the study can provide valuable insights into whether teachers with
a strong PCK are more successful in educating students in science. This information holds great
significance for teacher training programs and educational policymakers seeking to enhance
science education, making the PCK framework an essential tool for understanding and
evaluating the capabilities of science teachers in delivering their subject matter effectively.
Research Paradigm
This study seeks to determine Senior High School Teachers’ Teaching Competency and
their pedagogical content knowledge and test association between the two. The results of this
study will be a basis for instructional program enhancement in teaching specifically in science
The main objective of this study is to assess the teaching competence and pedagogical
2. What is the current level of pedagogical content knowledge among science teachers in
This study take place only in the Fourth District of Las Piñas City, Philippines, and was
limited to Grade 11 and 12 Science teachers, School Year 2022-2023. This paper only considers
100 respondents as a sample of this study. This study wants to assess the teaching competence
and pedagogical content knowledge of Science Teachers and the correlation between these
variables. Each teacher will be given a questionnaire through hardcopy. This work does not
strengths and areas in need of improvement. It provides opportunities for targeted professional
Students. Improved science instruction resulting from this research leads to better learning
outcomes for students. They receive a higher quality education, which empowers them with the
Department of Education. The DepEd, as the national educational policymaker can use the
findings of this study to inform their decisions regarding curriculum design, resource allocation,
and educational policies. This data enables them to create a more effective and relevant
educational system that aligns with the needs and competencies of science teachers.
Curriculum Developers. Curriculum developers benefit from the research by using the data to
design and adapt educational programs that better meet the requirements of science teachers.
This alignment contributes to the development of curricula that prepare students for a science-
driven world.
Community Members. The research's ripple effect positively impacts the broader community.
A more scientifically literate and knowledgeable population is better prepared to engage with the
challenges and opportunities of the modern world, fostering a society that can address complex
Future Researchers. The findings of this study provide a valuable foundation for future
research in the field of science education. It offers insights, methodologies, and data that can be
used by researchers as a starting point for further investigations. This enables the advancement of
knowledge in the area of science education and pedagogy, ultimately contributing to the ongoing
The following terms are defined for clarity and understanding of the study.
Competence. This refers to the combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable an
individual to perform effectively in a particular area. In the context of this study, competence
refers to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable science teachers to teach effectively
(Premacio, 2021). The teaching competence of science teachers is one of the main variables in
this study.
Effective Science Teaching. This refers to teaching practices that are associated with improved
student learning outcomes in science (Gamayao & Binas, 2021). In the context of this study,
effective science teaching refers to teaching practices that are associated with improved student
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. PCK is considered specialized knowledge that teachers have
about how to teach specific content areas (Gess-Newsome, 2015). In the context of this study,
PCK refers to the specialized knowledge that science teachers have about how to teach scientific
Science Teachers. A group of individuals who are trained and certified to teach science in
primary or secondary schools (Harlen & Holroyd, 2012). In this study, science teachers refer
this study, student learning outcomes refer specifically to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that