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Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792

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Materials and Design

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Graphene coated textile based highly flexible and washable sports bra for
human health monitoring
Mahmuda Akter Shathi a,b,c, Minzhi Chen a,⁎, Nazakat Ali Khoso b, Md Taslimur Rahman c, Bidhan Bhattacharjee d
Fashion Design and Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, PR China
Textile Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, PR China
Apparel Manufacturing, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, PR China


• Graphene oxide dyeing was accom-

plished on the woven fabric using pad
dry cure method.
• The graphene enhanced the electrical
conductivity, and tensile strength with
the number of dyeing cycles.
• The developed nanocomposites im-
proved the electrical conductivity and
washing stability against several
• The resultant textile electrodes showed
better sensor response with higher skin
contact and low impedance.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this research work, graphene-based highly, conductive, flexible, washable, and breathable textile electrodes
Received 8 March 2020 have been developed using the pad-dry-cure method. The results show that the electrical conductivity of the
Received in revised form 5 May 2020 graphene-coated textile electrodes was significantly improved from 3.5 MΩ to 400 ± 5.0 kΩ for 12 padding
Accepted 6 May 2020
passes. The deposition of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulphonate (PEDOT:PSS) was acquired
Available online 8 May 2020
on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) coated substrate using layer by layer (LbL) technique. The resultant electrodes
showed decreased sheet resistance from 150 to 50 kΩ for PEDOT:PSS with a low impedance of 40–150 Hz over
Graphene the electric potential of 1.0 mV for the detection of high-quality electrocardiograms (ECG) and pulse rate re-
Conductive e-textiles sponse in different conditions such as rest, walking and running. Consequently, the effect of post-treatment
Electro-cardiograph was also analyzed using 5.0 wt% of ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), respectively. The
Pulse rate sheet resistance was further decreased from 40 kΩ to 130 ±0.5 Ω, which is appropriate for the detection of highly
Sensors sensitive pulse rate response. The study demonstrates that the pad-dry-cure method can potentially be used for
Dyeing the development of graphene-coated wearable electronic textiles for biomedical and health monitoring devices.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: 2086695320@qq.com (M.A. Shathi), cmz_mail@zstu.edu.cn (M. Chen), nazakatali88@gmail.com (N.A. Khoso), mtrshuvro@gmail.com (M.T. Rahman),
bidhan_202@diu.edu.bd (B. Bhattacharjee).

0264-1275/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2 M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792

1. Introduction (ECG), electroengography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), and physi-

ological activities (pressure and pulse rate) [27]. These wearable con-
An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. ductive textiles have been developed through different techniques
During an arrhythmia, the heart beats very fast, or slow, with an irregu- such as direct deposition by dip coating, spin coating, spray coating,
lar rhythm. The most commonly used test to detect and diagnose the ar- drop-casting of conductive materials with metal oxides, graphene, con-
rhythmia is an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG). Arrhythmia is caused ductive polymers, and their composites [28]. Whereas, some advanced
by the changes occured in heart tissues activity or in the electrical sig- techniques have also been practiced by using conductive inks of these
nals that controls the heartbeat [1]. Such physiological heart diseases re- materials through roll to roll, heat transfer, screen, and stencil printing
quire intensive care and advanced techniques to detect the human for the fabrication of biomedical and health monitoring devices [29].
health conditions at an early stage, using high precision devices such The primary motivation of this research work is based on the design
as electrocardiography (ECG) and pulse rate detection devices [2]. Elec- and development of such a flexible and breathable device, which covers
trocardiograph (ECG) is the most common and widely used technique the higher skin contact with low impedance to reduce distortion of elec-
for several decades [3]. Whereas, the first photoplethysmography trical signals during diagnosis [30].
(PPG) was introduced by the Hertzman in 1938 [4]. The electrophysio- In this study, the textile fabric was coated with GO using the produc-
logical signs are the complicated diagnosis response, which requires tion scale dyeing (pad-dry-cure) method. The graphene oxide GO
special care, and proper positioning of the electrodes on the human coated textile fabric was chemically and thermally reduced into rGO
body with low impedance and higher contact with the human skin to using a green reducing agent to develop highly conductive graphene-
improve the electric signal response [5]. The determination of such based textile electrodes. Finally, the as rGO coated textile electrodes
medical signs is highly sensitive and sophisticated, which requires sev- were coated with conductive polymers using drop-casting as layer by
eral considerations such as the type of skin, and variable conditions dur- layer (LbL) approach to develop highly flexible, washable and breath-
ing diagnosis [6]. able textile electrodes for biomedical and health monitoring devices.
Although, most widely used conventional devices are made up of
metallic wires such as silver and silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes 2. Material and methods
in the shape of monopolar disks. The use of highly flexible and stretch-
able electrodes is very rare. Therefore existing prototypes such as ECG, 2.1. Material
pulse rate, and breathing rate in health monitoring devices [7].
Whereas, the metallic electrodes are complex and complicated due to Pure graphite of (Grade 3061) was obtained from Asbury Graphite
their low flexibility, breathability, and higher rigidity which may cause Mills, USA, with a particle size of (45.0-μm) and used as primary mate-
skin irritation [8]. In this context, different types of textile-based wear- rial for the conversion of graphite into graphene oxide and finally re-
able sensors have been investigated during the last several decades, due duced into rGO after fabrication on textile substrate. The highly
to the increasing demand of health monitoring devices [9]. The textile- conductive grade polymer poly (3,4-ethyelenedioxythiophne polysty-
based electrodes have been used with higher progression in recent rene sulfonate) PEDOT:PSS dispersed in water with weight percent of
years due to their exceptional qualities, for example, ultra-thin [10], (1.2%) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich Shanghai. All the other
light-weight, flexibility, stretchability, and conductivity [11–13]. chemicals of an analytical grade were used without any further modifi-
Whereas, the metal electrodes such as silver, steel, copper, aluminum cations. Mindray patient Monitor (MEC-1000) device was used for per-
wires have also been embedded in textile fabrics by weaving, stitching, formance analysis of ECG response, which is available at Zhejiang Sci-
and development of 3D spacer fabrics [14]. However, the use of such Tech University, Fashion Design & Engineering department. The pulse
metal electrodes in conductive textiles become limited due to their rate detection analysis was performed using a digital voltmeter (Key-
low binding, fixation, poor washing, rubbing, and degradation through sight) Model. Number, connected with LabVIEW software version (5.0).
oxidation-reduction, when exposed to water and human sweat [15].
Furthermore, these electrodes may also cause some problems such as 2.2. Synthesis of graphene oxide (GO) and pad-dry-cure
skin irritation and allergy when directly exposed to human skin,
which is another limitation of their end-use. The graphene oxide was synthesized using modified Hummer's
In this concern, several studies have been reported using highly flex- method, as reported in our previous studies and reported in the litera-
ible, stable, user-friendly and eco-friendly materials such as carbon ture [31]. The graphene oxide (GO) solution was developed by mixing
nanotubes (CNT), graphite, graphene, and reduced graphene oxide different weight percent of GO (2.5–12.5 mg) in 250 ml of deionized
(rGO) with the addition of some binders and thickeners to improve (DI) water. The fabric to liquor ratio (1:40) in the dye bath was used
the binding and adhesion properties with textiles [16]. These binders during the dyeing process. The GO coated textile substance was dried
and thickeners include polyurethane (PU), polystyrene (PS), polysty- on an ordinary temperature of 60 °C after each dyeing cycle. The dyeing
rene sulphone (PSS), polyamide (PA), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), pro- process was repeated 10–12 times until the significant coating of GO,
pylene glycol methyl ether acetate (PMA), and poly methyl and the required electrical conductivity was achieved on the textile sub-
methacrylate (PMMA), has also been used with graphene, reported in strate. After sufficient coating of GO on the substrate, the fabric was
previous studies for biomedical and health monitoring devices [17–23]. treated with the green, reducing agent (L-ascorbic acid). The
Therefore, there is a great demand of wearable conductive e-textiles, microwave-assisted thermal reduction and curing of the GO coated tex-
for personal health care gadgets as well as real-time health monitoring tile substrate was achieved at 90 °C for 20 min and at 140 °C 2–3 min,
devices used in medical hospitals [24]. Graphene-based textile elec- respectively. After that, washed with plenty of deionized (DI) water
trodes are considered as an ideal and novel material used for wearable for the removal of unfixed rGO films and acid traces from the surface
sensors due to their better contact with the skin, improved washing of the textile substrate. Later on, a simple layer by layer (LBL) coating
ability, and stable for long-time used [25]. The graphene-coated technique was used to coat the second layer of conductive polymer
textile-based electrodes are highly efficient and promising materials poly(3,4-ethyelenedioxythiophne polystyrene sulfonate) PEDOT:PSS
due to their higher stretchability, bendability, and hydrophobicity, on the rGO coated textile substrate.
which develops a higher contact with the human skin [26].
However, the use of graphene, and highly conductive polymer (3,4- 2.3. Preparation of textile electrode
polyethylenedioxy:polystyrene sulphonate (PEDOT:PSS) coated textile
electrodes can potentially replace the metal-based electrodes used in After successful completion of dyeing, reduction, and curing process,
biomedical and health monitoring devices such as electrocardiograph, the textile substrate was coated with conductive polymer using a simple
M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792 3

layer by layer (LBL) coating technique. The conductive polymer poly the presence of reactive hydroxyl (−OH) and other functional groups
(3,4-ethyelenedioxythiophne polystyrene sulfonate) PEDOT:PSS was in the graphene oxide. These functional groups may assist in the fixation
coated as a second layer on the rGO coated textile substrate. Finally, of GO on the fiber surface as a dye molecule during the dyeing process.
the resultant coated electrodes were treated with 5% dimethylsulphone Whereas, the sharp peaks positioned at 1050 and 1730 cm−1and C_O
(DMSO) and ethylene glycol (EG), respectively, to enhance the electrical shows vibrational movement (C\\O\\C) with more symmetry for
conductivity for improved sensor response. At last, the fabric was dried, epoxy and carboxyl groups [32].
for 20–30 min at 60– 70 °C and was cut into two identically sized Furthermore, the aromatic region (1650 cm−1) C\\O and C_C
(12–18 mm) shapes of the resultant electrode in circular and square (1580 cm−1) with higher intensity peaks for GO and PEDOT:PSS,
shapes of (1 × 1 cm), as shown in Fig. 1 for electrical conductivity, elec- whereas another weak peak showed inter-ring stretching C\\C
trocardiogram, and pulse response analysis, respectively. (1269 cm−1), single C\\C bond stretching (1350 cm−1), firm peaks of
Later on, both identical sizes and shapes of the textile electrodes C_C symmetric stretching (1430 cm−1) and C_C antisymmetric
were placed on the ECG electrodes with the help of adhesive silver stretching (1580 cm−1); which are attributed to carbonyl and carboxyl
paste and completely covering the metal electrodes. As the coated tex- (C_C) and (C\\O) respectively in the rGO and PEDOT:PSS/rGO nano-
tile substrate comes in direct contact with human skin instead of composite coated textile substrate as reported in previous studies [33].
metal electrodes, as shown in Fig. 1(a), (b), and (c) respectively and at-
tached to the sports bra, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The developed electrodes 3.2. Raman spectroscopy
were used for (ECG) performance without any exterior masking. The
experimental trials were made after attaching the textile electrodes to Fig. 2(b) Raman spectra, demonstrates that the reduced graphene
the sports bra. The designed wearable sports bra was worn by the fe- oxide has two identical and broader peaks (D and G) bands, which
male volunteer, and the performance of the electrodes was measured may attribute to the raising of the first-order scattering of Sp2 to Sp3 hy-
in different conditions such as normal position (sitting/rest) and during bridization of carbon atoms during the chemical and thermal reduction
running and walking conditions, as shown in Fig. 1(b′) and (c′) respec- of GO as compared to rGO. On the other hand, the G bands with small
tively. The response was recorded several times with different time deflection peak as compared to GO, which reflects the same stretching
spans of 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min, and 30 min for consistent mon- vibrational bands of Sp2 hybridized (C_C) chemical bonds in graphene
itoring, which could potentially be useful in sports activities, such as as reported in previous studies on the effect of chemical and thermal re-
running and jogging. The real-time ECG monitoring was accomplished duction [34]. Whereas, D/G band ratio of the reduced graphene oxide
without any deflection/distortion occured against wear and tear of the (rGO) was increased with a larger band size as compared to GO and
developed textile electrodes when placed in the sports bra and worn PEDOT:PSS, respectively. Furthermore, (ID/IG) band ratio was improved
by the female volunteer for rapid succession during analysis. from 0.80, 0.84, 0.90 and 0.95 for GO, rGO, PEDOT:PSS and PEDOT:PSS/
rGO respectively [35]. The shorter dangling bands were occurred in be-
3. Results and discussions tween the D and G bands with small distortions occurred, which shows
the presence of PEDOT:PSS on the rGO films. The results are agreement
3.1. FTIR with strong correlation and agreement with previously reported stud-
ies. These bands decreased as compared to pristine GO and rGO,
Fig. 2(a) FTIR results indicate that the graphene-coated samples which demonstrates that the interaction of PEDOT:PSS is accomplished
showed wider peaks appeared at (3100–3500 cm−1), which shows with rGO Nano sheets or films [36].

Fig. 1. (a) Cutting of textile fabric electrodes (Cotton, GO coated, rGO coated samples), (b) P-rGO-1 and P-rGO-2(DMSO) and P-rGO-3 (EG) treated fabric, (c) placing of conductive textile
electrodes on metal Probes attached to ECG device, (a′) placing and positioning of textile electrodes in a sports bra (left straps (L), right straps (R), and bottom rib electrode (H), (b′) female
volunteer student wearing sports bra for ECG, performance analysis during rest and (c′) performance analysis during running.
4 M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792

Fig. 2. The elemental analysis (a) FTIR, (b) Raman spectra of GO, rGO, PEDOT:PSS & PEDOT:PSS/rGO analysis, and XPS elemental analysis for (c) carbon (C1s) & (d) oxygen (O1s).

3.3. XPS spectroscopy surface and between the fiber-fiber welding due to the conductive
polymer and graphene films. The strong bonding with better adhe-
The elemental analysis was performed to observe the presence of sion between rGO, PEDOT:PSS between the surface of the fibers is
carbon atoms (C1s) and oxygen groups (O1s), as shown in Fig. 2 due to the presence of (−OH) functional groups present on GO and
(c) and (d), respectively. The results demonstrate the presence of negatively charged (PSS−) may be worked as a binder. The fibers in
carbon and oxygen groups with different chemical bonds such as yarn structure and yarn in weave structure worked as conductive
carbonyl (C\\C) and carboxyl (C_C) are excited at 284.6 (Ev) and channels. The fibers are connected with each other due to interfacial
285.2 (Ev) binding energies respectively which are similar to the re- bonding of rGO and PEDOT:PSS with each other, which may improve
sults presented on graphene and its reduction in previous studies washing and rubbing fastness as compared to barely used rGO and
[37]. Whereas, these broader peaks show the another (C_C) bond PEDOT:PSS. The synergetic effect may attribute to the negatively
structure located at 285.2 (Ev) and (C\\C) bond structures formed charged PSS −, which worked as a binder in the (PEDOT:PSS/rGO)
with peaks located at 284.6 (Ev) binding energies, respectively. The nanocomposites. The resultant electrode showed reduced sheet re-
other reactive functional groups (C_O) are also available at 531.9 sistance from (50–10 Ω), as shown in Fig. 3(d), which may attribute
(Ev), and (C\\O) is 532 (Ev) binding energies shows the presence to the higher fixation and bonding of the graphene oxide with in-
oxygen-based functional groups which are in strong ties with previ- creasing the number of dyeing cycles. On the other hand, the sheet
ously reported results on rGO [38]. However, very small peaks posi- resistance was increased from (90–20 Ω) with increasing the num-
tioned at 289.0 (Ev) shows the confirmation of (O_C\\O) group ber of washing cycles, as shown in Fig. 3(d), which may be attributed
presence and an oxygenated water molecule [39]. These peaks have to the removal of graphene layers from the fiber surface; the results
been reduced after chemical and thermal annealing, which is per- are in strong agreement with previously reported work [40]. The re-
ceived in XPS analysis and demonstrating the substantial reduction sults also demonstrate that the graphene covered the entire surface
of graphene oxide into rGO. of the fibers with uniform distribution, as shown in SEM images
Fig. 3(a). The resultant effect may have occurred due to the pressure
3.4. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) applied to the padder machine, which removed the excessive
amount of unfixed dye solution from the substrate [41]. The smooth
The SEM images in Fig. 3(a) shows that the textile electrodes fab- surface coating of the fibers may also be resulted due to the smaller
ricated with PEDOT:PSS and rGO were accomplished on the fiber particle size and self-assembly of graphene molecules as compared
M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792 5

Fig. 3. (a) SEM images of GO, rGO and PEDOT:PSS/rGO coated cotton fabric at different magnifications (50, 25, and 10 μm), (b) water contact angle (WCA), (c) tensile strength of GO, rGO,
PEDOT:PSS & PEDOT:PSS/rGO, and d) effect of dyeing & washing cycles on sheet resistance.

to rGO and binders-based coating, as reported in previous studies 3.6. Tensile strength
The resultant rGO and PEDOT:PSS/rGO coated cotton fabric substrate
3.5. Water contact angle (WCA) was cut into strips the strip test method with specimen size according to
ASTM-D5035 standard test [45] method specifications (5 × 2.5 cm). All
The test results were performed according to ASTM-D7334 standard the tests were performed with the same procedure for each sample five
under the conditioned temperature of 25 ± 2 °C and humidity of 65 ± times; the average values were recorded for statistical analysis. All the
2% [43]. The tests were repeated five times, and their average readings test results were performed under tensile strength of 2.5–200 N/Force
were recorded manually for further analysis. The results show that the with fixed loading and stretching rate of 20 mm/min. Fig. 3(c) demon-
absorption properties of the rGO coated textile substrate were reduced strates that the tensile strength of the rGO coated fabric improved
after chemical and thermal reduction, as shown in Table 2. The resultant with increasing the dyeing cycles, which increased the loading of the
fabric coated with rGO, and PEDOT:PSS/rGO further reduced the hydro- significant amount of rGO on the textile substrate, as reported in previ-
philic nature of the cotton fabric, as demonstrated in Fig. 3(b) The resul- ous studies [46]. Overall, tensile strength was increased from 10 to
tant fabric showed improved hydrophobic behavior, which is confirmed 100 mPa as compared to natural cotton fabric (5–10 mPa), which may
by using water contact angle (WCA) measurements. The graphene attribute to the increase of graphene layers on the textile substrate, as
oxide coated fabric showed similar absorption of a water droplet, shown in Fig. 3(c), and the results are also agreement with previously
which is similar to pure cotton (untreated) samples with (WCA) of reported results [47]. The pure cotton and GO coated samples showed
73– 84°. The hydrophobic behavior was improved in terms of low ab- a nearly similar tensile strength of (5–10) mPa with an elongation per-
sorption of water drop increased from 85° to 121° for first five dyeing centage of 5.0–6.0%. Whereas the tensile strength was significantly in-
cycles, which is further enhanced with increasing the content percent creased from (10– 20 mPa) when the coated fabric was reduced to
of rGO with 10–12 dyeing cycles, and the fabric becomes rGO. Furthermore, the tensile strength was improved from (20–40)
superhydrophobic with a contact angle of 121° to 141°, which are in mPa and elongation percentage decreased to 12.5–16.0% slightly higher
agreement with reported results of rGO coated textiles reported in pre- than previously reported results on conductive textiles coated with
vious studies [44]. graphene. The overall increase in tensile strength may occur due to
6 M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792

the lubrication of the fibrous assembly such as yarn on the macro level Table 2
and individual fibers on micro-scale with strong adhesion with each Color fastness to rubbing (dry and wet).

other. The change in sheet resistance occurred due to the stretching Color fastness to rubbing (dry) overall rating
and releasing of the PEDOT:PSS/rGO Coated fabric cords due to the Sample code Poor Moderate Good V.Good
structure of the fabric [48].
rGO 2–3
3.7. Electrical conductivity P/rGO-1 2–3
P/rGO-2 3–4
P/rGO-3 4–5
As shown in Table 1, the sheet resistance was consistently decreased Color fastness to rubbing (wet) overall rating
with the number of dyeing cycles ranging from 2 to 12 cycles. Fig. 3
Sample code Poor Moderate Good V.Good
(d) shows that the sheet resistance is decreased from (190–125 kΩ)
for rGO and (150–45 kΩ) for PEDOT:PSS/rGO respectively before wash- rGO 1–2
ing, which may be attributed to the number of graphene layers coated
P/rGO-1 2–3
on the fiber surface. On the other hand, the effect of washing cycles P/rGO-2 3–4
was measured to analyze the electrical performance and sensor re- P/rGO-3 4–5
sponse of the resultant electrodes before and after washing. Fig. 3
(d) shows that the sheet resistance was decreased from (10–60 Ω) for
P/rGO-2 (DMSO) and (10–50 Ω) for P/rGO-3 after post-treatment developed electrodes were attached in the women's bra at positions
with (EG) respectively before washing. The sheet resistance was in- (P1), (P2), and (P3), respectively, for heartbeat analysis.
creased from (30–70 Ω) and (20–90 Ω) with increasing the number of It was found from experimental results that the ECG response has
washing cycles (20– 25). The increase in sheet resistance may occur been improved significantly when rGO was coated with PEDOT:PSS as
due to the removal of graphene layers from the textile substrate after compared to bare PEDOT:PSS or rGO, which is in contradiction with pre-
the number of washing cycles [49]. viously reported work [50]. The electrocardiography, the recording was
performed before and after several washing cycles. The ECG recorded
signals showed symmetric response peaks over the electric potential
3.8. Color fastness to rubbing (wet and dry) of 1.0 mV as compared to commercially available electrodes. The signal
to noise ratio (SNR) of the resultant textile electrodes was compared to
The general rating of the wet and dry rubbing fastness of the rGO ad quantify the single response with metal-based electrodes after filtration
PEDOT:PSS/rGO coated woven cotton samples are presented in Table 2. at 40 Hz–150 Hz frequency band [51]. The textile electrodes coated with
All the test results were performed according to the ASTM standard rGO and PEDOT:PSS showed an improved ECG signal response with
[AATCC-116]. Each type of sample, namely P/rGO-1, P/rGO-2, and P/ similar trends for the resultant peaks with a very small deflection in
rGO-3, were tested five times, and average readings were recorded for the output signals as compared with commercially available electrodes
grading of each sample. used in hospitals. The results are also in agreement with previously re-
The colorfastness to rubbing was used to determine the rubbing fat- ported ECG signal response with minimum signal distortion and signal
ness to give a rating of rGO and the nanocomposites of P/rGO-1, P/rGO- to noise ratio (SNR) of (21.6 dB) according to Eq. (1) [52].
2, and P/rGO-3 fabric samples before and after washing. The standard
procedure was used on a tabular vertical crock meter and was analyzed Signal Noise Ratio ðSNRÞdB ¼ 10Log ðS=NÞ ¼ 10Log ð145=1Þ
for both wet and dry samples. The rGO and dyed cotton coated with ¼ 21:6 dB… ð1Þ
nanocomposites of P/rGO-1, P/rGO-2, and P/rGO-3 samples were
clamped onto the finger of the crock meter, while the white bleached where, Signal value (S) = 145 mV and Noise value (N) = 1 mV.
fabric, with dimensions of (5 × 5 cm), was rubbed against the clamped Fig. 4(a) demonstrates that the ECG recorded signals showed highly
dyed samples fabric. The samples were rubbed against the rGO and stable and uniform signal response peaks over the electric potential of
PEDOT:PSS dyed fabric with linear motion with speed 20 strokes/60 1.0 mV for experimental results obtained from both of the rGO and P/
(s). The white cloth was removed and evaluated by using the Greige rGO-1 coated electrodes. The resultant ECG signal peaks showed linear
scale, as shown in Table 2. The rating of the samples is given on a Greige trends for recorded results with textile-based electrodes for the time 45
scale with a rating range of 1–5. The same testing procedure was used to 60 s. The results are also in agreement with the simulated image and
for wet rubbing to measure the effect of rubbing on colorfastness prop- medical ECG response obtained for a normal and healthy person in dif-
erties under wet conditions. ferent working conditions such as rest, walking, and running positions.
Signal and frequency amplitudes were measured in millivolts for 60 s.
3.9. ECG response Whereas, 1 mm on the horizontal axis is equals 40 ms. So, 1 mm on
the vertical axis equals to 0.1 mV. Therefore, ECG response was recorded
The ECG signal analysis was performed on each of the developed at a speed of 25 mm/s, and the voltage was calibrated to 1.0 mV =
electrodes for performance analysis and its potential use in health mon- 10 mm in the vertical direction. Therefore, each small 1-mm square rep-
itoring devices. The electrodes were placed on accurate positions for the resents 0.04 s (40 ms) in time and 0.1 mV in voltage. Because the re-
ECG performance using three electrodes (LA), (RA) and (V5). The cording speed was standardized, and the heart rate is recorded from

Table 1
The electrical sheet resistance with several dyeing cycles and washing cycle.

Before Washing After Washing

Dyeing cycle rGO (kΩ) P/rGO-1 (Ω) P/rGO-2 (Ω) P/rGO-3 (Ω) Washing cycle rGO (kΩ) P/rGO-1 (kΩ) P/rGO-2 (Ω) P/rGO-3 (Ω)

2–4 190 150 60 50 1–5 75 85 30 20

4–6 175 125 40 45 5–10 85 100 40 30
6–8 160 105 30 35 10–15 110 125 50 50
8–10 145 140 20 25 15–20 185 180 60 70
10–12 125 160 10 15 20–25 200 190 70 90
M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792 7

Fig. 4. Performance analysis of developed e-textiles with commercially available ECG electrodes. (a) Simulated signal peaks top left side vs. experimental signal response top right for (P-
wave, T-wave and QRS complex of the each segment of the ECG singal obtained with the textile ECG electrode at the bottom of the Fig. 4 a), (b) comparison of textile-based ECG electrode
and commercially available electrodes (Ag/AgCL) at different working condition (rest, walking and running) from bottom to top shown in colors (red, cyan, pink) respectively on left side
of the Fig. 4 b) for textile electrode and similarly on right side of the Fig. 4 b) for medical electrode.

the intervals between different waves. Fig. 4(a) and (b) establishes that Whereas, resultant obtained ECG signal waveform response showed
the obtained signal response was increased from low to high intensity with an improved response results as compared previously reported re-
with sharp peaks when the volunteer was asked to alter the position sults [55]. The results are also under consideration for further analysis of
from rest to walking and to run, respectively. The signal response was obtained data features in terms of P-wave, T-wave, and the QRS
not much affected by sweat or perspiration and was tested in both dry complex.
and wet conditions, which reveals the developed textile-based elec-
trodes are highly stable under wet conditions. The study validates that 3.10. Pulse rate response
the developed electrodes are prompt and suitable for asymmetric pat-
terned response by evaluating the obtained PQRST complexes in ECG The pulse rate response was measured by placing the developed
signals [53]. These textile electrodes are capable of recording well- textile-based electrode in direct contact with the human wrist and cov-
organized PQRST complexes, featuring the long-term durability of the ered with PET film or masking adhesive tape. Whereas the pulse rate re-
wearable, breathable, and flexible conductive electrodes similar to pre- sponse was recorded on the wrist of the female volunteer, as illustrated
viously reported textile electrodes. in Figs. 4, and 5 respectively. The study was performed with loading and
Furthermore, the perfection of resultant peaks is elaborated in the unloading, as shown in Fig. 5. The results showed linear and symmetric
extended version of the response to reflect the experimental results trends of peaks, with two minor peaks, and one sharp and broader peak
with a clear demonstration of the Q-wave as QR-complex, R-intense occurred for the most of signal response time of 30–60 s. The obtained
peak, T-shoulder peak, and S-peak respectively as presented in Fig. 4 results are in strong correlation and similarities in the wave form and
(a) and (b), respectively. The resultant response was much better as amplitudes showing (P1), (P2) and (P3) peaks when compared with
compared to previously claimed results for textile-based ECG electrodes the reference PPG device signal response [56].
[54] and correlated to original signals comprising of PR and ST- Moreover, Fig. 5(a) shows the obtained pulse rate signal response
segments. with a change in pressure, was measured on the human wrist. Fig. 5

Fig. 5. (a) Pulse rate detection under pressure (pressing and releasing), and (b) heartbeat/pulse response signals accumulated from E-textile with different modes such as rest, walking,
jogging, and running.
8 M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792

(a) shows that the mean pulse rate and pressure response with a signal Fig. 6(a) shows the pulse rate was recorded with rGO, P/rGO-1, P/
to noise ratio (SNR) of the textile-based electrodes was scientifically rGO-2, and P/rGO-3 coated textile electrodes for the pulse rate detection
varied during under dynamic applied load or pressure. Generally, the using 2-probe reference electrodes connected with Key-sight digital
heartbeat and pulse rate range from 60 to 85 bpm in rest, and varies voltmeter. The results also reveal that the mean difference between
with different working conditions such as walking, jogging, and run- the pulse rate appeared in the sheet resistance over a range of
ning. The mean values in the variation of heart and pulse rate analysis 20– 25 Ω, as demonstrated in Fig. 6(b), which shows that the sensor is
were performed for 1.0 min to record the signal response under dy- a resistive type sensor. On the other hand, the mean heart rate (ECG) de-
namic loading and unloading. The resultant electrode showed an esti- tection was accomplished over a range of 10– 25 kΩ, which shows that
mated response lying below 60 to 70 bpm for the lower side and 90 to the pulse rate detection is a more complex and sophisticated response,
120 bpm for the higher side to measure the blood pressure with a and requires more sensitivity of the sensor as compared to heart rate
mean error of ±2.0 bpm, which is ever recorded and reported for detection. The results obtained in our work are in strong relation and
textile-based electrodes. The results demonstrate that there is no such agreement with previously reported studies for pulse rate detection
a noticeable difference in the ECG and pulse response as compared to using textile-based wearable electrodes [59].
normal kits. The electric signal response showed symmetric peaks for Fig. 7(a) demonstrates that the fabric showed the exciting trends,
long time detection with a standard deviation of 2.5 bpm, as shown in with a change in sheet resistance after stretching and bending cycles
Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively. of the developed electrodes. The change in resistance was measured
The mean error estimates were recorded over variation in SNR to un- in a range of (15.0– 25.0 kΩ) for rGO and (2.5– 12.5 Ω) for PEDOT:
derstand the signal records well. The results demonstrate that, when PSS/rGO, respectively, after stretching and releasing. The rGO and P/
the graphene electrodes were utilized for an all-inclusive time frame rGO-1, P/rGO-2, P/rGO-3 coated fabrics were used as a physical resistive
(as long as 40 min), the signal response remained symmetric and un- type sensor to detect the movement of body parts. The as coated
changed. The study shows that the graphene-coated textile-based elec- elecrodes were placed on a wrist joint to detect the signal response
trodes have better performance and remain stable without any with a small or minor deflection in the human wrist during the bending
deflection that occurred for both of the ECG and PPG pulse rate signal re- cycles. For instance, PEDOT:PSS/rGO coated fabric showed linear and
sponse for a long-time exposure. Whereas the response was stable up to symmetric signals recorded during the movement of the wrist with a
2.5 to 30 s in all cases excluding running, with minor deflection/distor- stretching rate of 10 cm in length, as shown in Fig. 7(b). The result
tion peaks appeared after 10 to 15 s, the response signal was not stable, shows that the loading and unloading of the samples placed to the
as shown in Fig. 5(b), which may have occurred due to some variable wrist joint as selected segments with a change in sheet resistance into
parameters such as temperature, sweat, and skin contact, which are var- the electrical signal response, which are in agreement with previously
iable from person to person in the presence or absence of air course [57]. reported results [60].
In this work, conductive e-textile was enabled to detect the small de-
flection of pressure that occurred at the wrist pulse, which showed 4. Conclusions
higher sensitivity. The research outcomes ensure that the pulse fre-
quency lies in the range of 60–68 bpm in normal conditions or rest po- In conclusion, the execution of the ECG, Pulse rate, and pressure re-
sition. The time duration of the measured pulse signal was the 10– 30 s. sponses were accomplished using rGO and PEDOT:PSS coated textile
It is clear from the results, as presented in Fig. 5(b), there are three peaks electrodes as resistive type sensors. The developed wearable textile
(P1, P2, and P3). The signal response was stable in the rest position, walk- electrodes were found to be suitable to measure the ECG, pulse rate,
ing, jogging, but does not remain stable in running position showing and pressure response in variable conditions. The resultant textile-
small deflection in the signal response. The results perceived in this based sensors showed exceptional performance as compared to
study are in a strong relationship with previously reported results, as metal-based (Ag/AgCL) based ECG electrodes, which are less flexible,
shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b) for pressure response under variable and dy- bendable, and stretchable.
namic loading, respectively [58]. The textile electrodes developed with rGO and PEDOT:PSS are suit-
able for long-term use of wearable, flexible electrodes to measure the
3.11. Pressure sensor response pulse rate, ECG and pressure response under dynamic loading and
unloading without compromising the comfort properties. The textile
The output signals of the pressure sensor were observed by placing electrodes showed better performance as compared to commercially
the textile electrode on the human wrist to detect minor changes available dry metal electrodes and wet silver gels due to its low imped-
occured in the pulse rate signal during movememnt of wrist muscles. ance and higher contact with the human skin. The resultant textile

Fig. 6. Change in Sheet resistance with pressure response (a) 2-Probe wrist movement monitoring and (b) extended version of pressure response versus changes sheet resistance.
M.A. Shathi et al. / Materials and Design 193 (2020) 108792 9

Fig. 7. (a) Change in sheet resistance with 250 to 10,000 number of bending cycles without any decomposition or deflection and (b) Extended version of 30 bending cylces.

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