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Microstrip Antenna

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2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022)

July 14-15, 2022

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Navneet Sharma , Himani Garg , Adrika Gupta , Anirudh Joshi , Anjali Pal , Anshika Agrawal
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad India
navneet.sharma@abes.ac.in (N.S.)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad India
himani.garg@abes.ac.in (H.G.)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad India
adrika.18bec1127@abes.ac.in (A.G.)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad India
anirudh.18bec1100@abes.ac.in (A.J.)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad India
anjali.18bec1176@abes.ac.in (A.P.)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad India
anshika.18bec1117@abes.ac.in (A.A.)

I. INTRODUCTION front-end of the system has also increased. Wearable

Wearable devices are those that a person can put on and technologies should be unobtrusive, adaptable, and
that have the ability to create a communion with one perform well in close vicinity to the human body. [3, 4].
another either directly or through consolidated anatomical This is due to their lack of flexibility, which prevents them
connectivity. Built-in wireless modules link with other from dealing with the various changes as well as
components such as batteries, sensors, and antennae to movements in the human system or with involuntary
communicate with other devices. Vital part of wearable squinching in the human system which are bending,
technology is antenna since it provides a movable twisting, and stretching of the human body. To overcome
connection for the devices' comprehensive performance. this severe limitation, much work has gone into the
Wearable devices have a wide range of uses in our daily development of pliable wearable antennas made of unusual
lives. Other medical equipment, in addition to promising ways has been the usage of
wristwatches, workout shoes, and virtual reality glasses, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer. This is because of
are included. [1, 2]. With the increase in the field of low or non-existent Young's modulus (3 MP), which
technology usage in wearable wireless communication, the shows exceptionally high versatility when compared to
demand of a pliable, reversibly deformable, wearable other polymers, as well as an acceptable loss in microwave
antenna, as a crucial constituent in RF (Radio Frequency) region with an easily adjustable relative permittivity value

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2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022)
July 14-15, 2022

[5]. Due to the initial liquid state [9] of PDMS, the cost of or polymers, but the results are often structured in
preparation is low [7] and the fabrication process is repeating sequences. The Meta materials that are
versatile and along with this the atomic composition of conductive in nature can also improve complete
PDMS displays its distinctive characteristics of providing coordination and reduce emission from small antennae,
resistance to water, heat which is up to 400°C, UV-rays, reduce SAR (specific absorption ratio) in the brain, and
and enzymatic solidity, therefore it makes PDMS examine the antenna's electromagnetic near-fields, that
adaptable to uttermost environmental conditions. may be utilized to reduce the energy acquired by human
bodily tissues.
Despite these advantages, the naturally infirm union of
metal and polymer makes the evolution of pliable antennas Wearable antennas are ones that function inside a person’s
with the help of PDMS arduous. Typical metal settling body, using a bit of the emitted power. As a result, the
procedures or adjunction of sheet of metal directly does outcome that an antenna produces decreases. These are the
not function with PDMS in a fine manner [7], and thus, devices that can be worn and communicate with one
makes antenna’s conductive part integration extremely another directly or through built-in cellular connectivity
difficult. Poor metal-polymer adhesion can cause the [15]. Embedded wireless modules work with other
antenna's conductive portions to detach often when it is components including sensors, batteries, and antennas to
faced with the conditions of distortion and strain which in link them to external devices. Antennas are one of the
turn compromises the RF performance of the antenna. most significant components of wearables since they help
Some solutions to this problem have been proposed in the in enhancing a wireless link's efficiency level [16]. These
last decade, which includes implanting carbon nanotube antennas should also work effectively when positioned
sheets, implanting separated copper sheets [8], implanting close to the human body, with adequate operating
silver nanowires (AgNWs) [9], [11], inoculating metal in frequency and radiation characteristics [17]. Dipole, loop,
its liquid form, and treating the PDMS surface with spiral, and patch antenna designs are often used in many
oxygen plasma treatment before any kind of deposition of communication applications [18-19]. In the open literature,
metal [10]. advanced antenna topologies such as ACM, EBG
(Electromagnetic Bandgap) and SIW antennae have been
The first and the foremost challenge with these procedures
reported to improve antenna execution.
is the complication in terms of the fabrication process,
while secondary challenges include material properties
like the less conductive nature of carbon nanotubes, the II. HISTORICAL
likelihood of outflow of fluid metal [9], the rigidity and CONTRIBUTIONS FOR
fragility of sheets of copper (i.e., the possibility of WEARABLE ANTENNAS
breakage or indefinite bends caused due to enormous Year 1993-World Health Organization released a
stress and pressure), and the cost of silver material which book on environmental well-being criterion on the
is high. The approach of embedding embroidered electrical Electromagnetic fields [300 Hz to 300 GHz]. The
threads. However, only wire-type antennas with limited sources, exposure, and biological effects of
contact surface in between conducting component and the electromagnetic radiation in the GHz range are
PDMS have been demonstrated to be applicable. elaborated and limits are set for radiation.
Wearables will certainly play a vital part in the field of IoT Year 2000-P.J. Messey from Philips research
(Internet of Things). According to Cisco's annual study on Laboratories (U.K) used conducting fabrics to
the Virtual Networking Index (VNI, 2014-2019), the integrate mobile phone antenna into clothing. He used a
traffic of wearable device had reached 477 PB/month by large conducting surface on the back of antenna to
the end of year f 2022 and in terms of wearable devices’ reduce back lobe radiation but the efficiency of antenna
was reduced to 50%. No SAR was calculated [20].
numbers, the range is 578 million. The relative
permittivity (r), dissipation factor and depth (h) of Year 2001-P. Salonen from Tampere University,
textile-based antenna substrate materials are measured, and Finland developed a photonic band-gap structure on
high electrical property of materials and the antenna in ground plane for Bluetooth antenna on FR-4 substrate
bending scenarios are also difficult. The point to be noted [21].
here is that the qualities of the substrates used govern
antenna's conduct, with dielectric constant and the girth of Janusz Grzyb of the high-density packaging
substratum determining the bandwidth and effectiveness of department at Electronics Labs in Zurich,
planar microstrip antenna [13, 14]. Metamaterials are Switzerland, in 2002 did performance analysis and
collections of various separate integrant created from viability research of a patch Antenna of microstrip on
ordinary minuscule substrates such as metallic substances minimal costing thin sheet in the mm-wave frequency

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2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022)
July 14-15, 2022

band Large Area Panel (LAP) of Multichip Module Year 2007 Carla Hertleer presented an ACPA (aperture-
(MCM) technology. To compute the entire three- coupled patch antenna) entirely made from Fabric.
dimensional electromagnetic fields, the Consequently, a super-efficient, pliable, and wearable
finite constituent approach was employed as the antenna is created that may be incorporated into clothing.
simulation tool. He dealt with manufacturing Worked on 2.45 GHz ISM Band. A fleece cloth was
technologies, rather than antenna structure and radiation, utilized for antenna substrate material because of its
therefore no analysis on Phantom method has been done layered structure, which provides a transmittance near to 1,
[22]. and its water repelling property, which leads to a reduced
loss-tangent. The fleece textile has a thickness of
Year 2005- Kin-Lu Wong from National Sun
2.56 mm. The feeder for the microstrip is laid on felt. The
Yat-San University, Taiwan investigated that at 2.4
permittivity of this textile material is better since it is
GHz, a lossless media with conductance and
thicker. Ground Plane and Microstrip Feed line is made of
permittivity like those of a human arm. The findings
electron. Bending loss analysis is done. Though On-Body
suggested that the tiny shorted-patch antenna
(Arm, Leg) measurements are done, no phantom model is
investigated could be useful as an antenna that can be
presented. The predicted and measured outcomes of
worn on a body. Lossy Fluid medium is taken as skin
twisting the antenna were found to be extremely close. The
Phantom at Ɛr = 76 and σ = 2 S/m, 3 mm air-layer
antenna has enough receiver sensitivity to be used in a
substrate. This kind of substrate was not found in any
wireless connection [26].
research till 2010. The paper shows S11 characteristics
graphically in free space and Lossy medium placed at Year-2007 S. Zhu and R Langley presented a dual-band
1mm from antenna and has tabulated readings from 1 coplanar patch antenna amalgamated with an
mm to 600 mm for B/W, Gain, Directivity and electromagnetic bandgap substrate. The antenna is created
Efficiency. The study has been done using ANSOFT out of typical clothing textiles and works in the 2.45 GHz
HFSS. Air is used as dielectric substrate. At this stage, and 5.1–5.8 GHz wireless bands. The bandgap
only a single layer lossy medium analysis was done arrangement has only three X three components, but it
[23]. decreases emission further into human system by over ten
decibels and enhances gain and directivity by three
Year 2006- W.-N. Liu from National Natural Science
decibels. Size of Antenna is 55 X 55 mm and EBG is 120
Foundation, China developed a novel Photonic Band
X 120mm. In the paper, only S11 and Polar graph is
gap (PBG) planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA). The PBG
shown, there was no Phantom Analysis [27].
structure is adhered on the backward of the Teflon
substrate (εr = 2.65). bandwidth of novel PBG In Year 2008 Yuèhai Ouyang from Purdue university,
PIFA is 27.5% (1.984 GHz–2.621 GHz). This electro-textiles' high frequency electrical characteristics
paper states that the novel PBG PIFA is incredibly were studied in depth. The conducting strand is first
characterized using a waveguide cavity approach. The
useful and effectual but applications are not given.
impact of conducting link concentration is discussed, as
Used at 2.4 GHz (WLAN (Wireless Local Area well as an evaluation of several unique types of conductive
Network)) and Bluetooth. The PBG structure is threads. Second, using a microstrip resonating approach,
formed by cheap circular metal patches. crocheted and weaved patterns are compared in terms of
Computed by Ansoft HFSS8.0. Any work on PBG useful ionic conductivity. The impact of different woven
is not found further till 2010 [24]. arrangements on conduction and insulating loss is
examined in depth. Ultimately, electro-textile array
Ivo Locher from the University of Applied Sciences in
antenna production and observations demonstrate the
Lucerne, Switzerland, in 2006 gave a good introduction
importance of high frequency analysis of electro-textile
of wearable technologies and was the first paper found
composites. Because of the low loss electrical fabrics
with textile patch. Four completely textile-based patch
described in this research, the completely textile antenna
antennas enabling Bluetooth implementations in wearable
array has a 78 percent efficiency. When twills and knitted
computing in the 2.4 GHz frequency ranges are shown in textiles are compared, twills have better
this research. Conventional antenna design techniques electrical behavior. There is no Phantom Evaluation in this
operate well even for fabric platforms and conductive work because it is a review [28].
materials, according to the report. The antennas presented
not only have valuable properties, but also are effortless to Year 2009 Lara J. Martin from Motorola Enterprise
manufacture. No Phantom Analysis was done. Bending Mobility Solutions examined the viability of using a
has a comparable effect on the characteristics of nearly dynamically pliable magnetic compounded material in
linear and circumferentially polarized antennas, although RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) antenna
circularly polarized antennas lose their CP (Circular systems that operate in the lower ultrahigh-frequency
Polarization) quality at the designated central frequency, spectrum (300-500 MHz). A crucial result of this
according to the paper (2.4 GHz) [25]. research was that a tiny degree of permeation (µr = 2.5)

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2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022)
July 14-15, 2022

could give significant downsizing potential while ⮚ Flannel Fabric (Thickness: -1mm, Dielectric
introducing low- enough magnetic degradation for Constant: -1.7)
satisfactory operation at the desired operating
• Adv.: - Soft, Comfortable and Cozy
frequency [27].
Year 2010 B. Sanz-Izquierdo from University of ⮚ Denim Fabric (Thickness: -0.7mm, Dielectric
Kent, Canterbury presented a double banded metallic Constant: -1.7)
antenna that looks like a button on the pair of pants is
• Adv.: - Integrated, Low Cost, Easily Available
described for usage with wearable networked
computers, urgent evacuation scenarios, as well as ⮚ Wash Cotton (Thickness: -3.0mm, Dielectric
wireless medical applications in coming future. The Constant: -1,51)
architecture incorporates a 2.4 GHz frequency. This
paper claims to have increased gain of 1dB when • Adv.: - Integrated, Low Cost, Easily Available
placed on Human Body. Expanded polystyrene (Ɛr =
1.01). The antenna is available in single-band and ⮚ Mn -doped Zinc ferrite (0.2 %) (Thickness: -
dual-band configurations that span the Wireless Lan 0.5mm, Dielectric Constant: -7.5)
and HiperLAN/2 bands. According to the quantitative • Adv.: - Low Loss
analysis given, the capacitance in between numerous
discs that constitute the basis has a major influence on
antenna tuning, and harmonics can be modified by
adjusting disc dimensions or disruptions. No phantom
Model is presented [28].


Wearable antennas are made from a variety of different
conductive and dielectric materials. For wearable
antennas, other sorts of fabric/non-fabric materials have
recently been employed.
Skin, muscle, the brain, and the internal organs of body
are high- water-content tissues, whereas bone and fat
are low- water - content tissues. Because the conductive
properties of these biological tissues are heavily
influenced by their water content, virtually all previous
ATE phantoms were water-based. One of the earliest 2) Conductive Materials: The radiating component
tissue-mimicking liquid phantoms was presented in of flexible antennas must have a high conductivity. These
1971, which contained a solution of saline, are:
polyethylene powder, and a gelling agent. Many more ⮚ Zoflex
followed suits, using the saline water phantom to ⮚ Copper sheet (Thickness: -0.175mm,Conductivity
imitate organic tissues. However, because theseSaline σ (S/m): -1.93X10e6)
phantoms are homogeneous, simulating the enormous ⮚ Copper Coated Taffeta (Thickness: -0.15mm,
frequency of dispersive human tissues is problematic. Conductivity σ (S/m): -3.4X10e6)
At frequencies above 100 MHz M, saline phantoms fail ⮚ Meshed fabric (Thickness:
to resemble human tissues. Lazebniket Al proposed -0.057mm, Conductivity σ (S/m): -2X10e5)
tissue-mimicking phantom materials which were made
of gelatin for thin and micro for microwave
applications in 2005.
1) Substrate Materials: In terms of wearability,
functioning, and fabrication, the substrate utilized in
wearable antennas is critical. Textile-based substrates are
gaining popularity in addition to polymer-based substrates
because of the convenience of integrating the antenna
instantly with the clothes and the fabric substances'
versatility and pliability. Cotton fabric, flannel, jeans,
wool, polyamide, and polypropylene are some of the most
prevalent textile substrates.

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2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022)
July 14-15, 2022

WEARABLE ANTENNAS conductive textile fabric. The antenna's radiating

The precision and speed of cheap wearable antenna components were woven on textile materials utilizing
prototypes are determined by fabrication methods. Wet- conductive threads using traditional digital embroidery
etching [32], inkjet printing, embroidery processes [33] machines. When building a wearable blotch antenna for
and screen printing, are some of the most prevalent the application of E-tag, this technique was shown. With
wearable fabrication techniques, which are dependent the usage of conductive string and a textile machine, the
on the material used. These approaches are used to emitting blotch is linked to a radio frequency identification
make antennas that are low-price, durable, and chip and to ground. The performance of the textile
comfortable for people to wear in their everyday conductive fabric antenna was better than that of an
clothes. They provide a nice review of these fabrication identical antenna made with copper tape. There has
techniques, as well as a few more significant ones. recently been a proposal for a helical ring- shaped
provide an intriguing overview of different production concentrated antenna having large AR (axial ratio) BW.
processes. Several of the production procedures C.) Screen Printing
described above are covered further down.
Screen printing technology, a cost-effective and simple
A.) Technology based on Substrate Integrated method employed by many electronics makers, might
Waveguides (SIW): potentially be used to create low-cost, lightweight, and
Substrate Integrated Waveguide is a recent technology flexible wearable antennas. Ink is forced through a screen
for fabricating a wearable onto one base. Future System with the blade in this manufacturing process. The screen is
on Substrate (SoS) architectures will be crucial in the made out of a mesh of fabric threads with picture parts left
development of low-cost, open and non-image areas covered off with emulsion. An
easy-to-fabricate communion front-ends for elevated antenna having E-shape, for example, was screen printed
mm-wave technologies. Electric fields can be contained on a fabric of polyester having many layers. Due to the
within the cavity by using shorting through on the estimated gain of 3.5 dB for the usage of WiMAX, the
hollow's sidewalls, which is backed by a complete fabric's water-resistant property makes it an effective
planar surface or ground. This increases the structure's antenna for the applications regarding wearables.
quality factor while also boosting the antenna's Furthermore, screen-printing technology has several
isolation from the wearer's body [34]. When discussing drawbacks. It has a poor printing resolution, a restricted
the representation of more than one antenna (usually number of layers that may be printed, and no conductive
two) on the same substance on a garment of the wearer, layer thickness modification. All these factors contribute
this feature is explained. On a leather substrate, a to technology's slow acceptance.
multiband wearable antenna is then presented. This
substrate was glued to the sheet of Cu [35] that is used D.) Inkjet Printing
for the purpose of making of the convector so that it Inkjet printing on pliable substances like Basalt, PET and
could work in wireless fidelity, worldwide Kapton is one of the most popular manufacturing
interoperability for microwave access and in the bands techniques because of its fidelity and fast designing speed
in military. A pure copper taffeta textile incised upon antennas. It is an example of a low-cost printing
the woolen fabric substrate is employed to create a technology [40]. Because it uses ink droplets as small as a
minimal wideband wearable antenna having an few picolitres, this method can build a design with
emission capacity of more than 84% and a partial remarkable accuracy. The nozzle of a customized printer
bandwidth of 46%. Then, on the same woolen felt deposits conductive nanoparticle ink droplets like minute
substrate, a metamaterial-inspired ultra- compact SIW picolitre onto the flexible substrate, this eliminates the
textile antenna was presented using conductive fabric. need for masks and enables direct communication of the
When compared to similar designs, on- body sequence diagram to the substrate. The silver coating is
evaluations of the antenna revealed a 74.5 percent thermally cured at 150 C after deposition to make certain
radiation efficacy and an 80 percent size reduction. that the trails can conduct for the usage of antenna. In
comparison to traditional etching techniques, which were
B.) Traditional way of Stitching and Embroidery:
employed in industry, this is an obvious benefit. The
The conductive form of the antenna is made by knitting
unsuitability of some sorts of inks which conduct owing to
using conductive fabric material thread before it is joined
greater particulate matter diameter and nozzle blockage are
or bonded to any fiber base that is not conducting. A
the primary disadvantages of inkjet printing technology.
technology-supported machine for embroidery purposes
may also be used to sew these antennas directly onto non-

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July 14-15, 2022

When constructing wearable antennas to be worn as apparitions have the superiority of state resistibility and
part of people's outfits, several factors must be voltaic characteristics feasible on a span of time. Here, the
considered. They are: major material used is ceramic material, which is
accessible in a broad range of a large permittivity with low
● Compactness.
● Desired radiation characteristics.
● Low cost.
● Lightweight.
● Function in near vicinity towards the human VII. CONCLUSION
body with little deterioration. In this paper, we have discussed wearable antennas and got
● Stable performance under varying conditions. to know what they are. We have also understood the
● Flexibility. various applications of wearable antennas. Then, we
● The human body and the antenna should discussed the materials used for the manufacturing of
have less of a connection. wearable antennas and have described two distinct kinds
● Improvement in Gain and Efficiency. of materials used which are: Conducting material and
substrates. There are many sub-categories stated. Wearable
Antenna Fabrication Techniques are also covered. As the
VI. HUMAN-TISSUE-EQUIVALENT PHANTOM name suggests, wearable antennas are those antennas that
The human system, which is the unique working area can be worn by a person, and thus, they encounter the
of wearable antennas, needs considerations throughout human body thus, there are certain considerations that
the antenna design phase. Antenna operating factors should be considered and some challenges are also
such as impedance matching, resonance frequency, mentioned that one can face while working with wearable
transmission efficiency, and gain are influenced by the antennas.
electromagnetic interaction between antenna and At last, we have discussed the human-tissue-equivalent
loss-bearing human body tissue. At the same time, phantom. Here, we have mentioned the various
antenna radiation has negative effects on human requirements that should be considered for human touch
bodily tissue. with antenna as human tissues are fragile and the radiation
As a result, the existence of the human body must be from antennas can cause a great negative impact on these
addressed during the prototype design and, more issues. This review consists of some basics of wearable
critically, during the formal testing of the wearable antennas and their requirements which are their fabrication
antenna. techniques, materials required, problems faced while
working with them and their effects on human tissues. It is
It is widespread procedure to simulate the antenna a technology that is used nowadays and is also available
near homogeneous or heterogeneous phantom models and possible due to the modern inventions and
during the simulation stage. It is then evaluated upon developments in the field of wearable technologies.
human test subject’s skin or on heterogeneous or
homogeneous phantoms designed to imitate the
voltaic characteristics of various cells and tissues in
the body.
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July 14-15, 2022

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