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A CPW-fed Wearable Antenna at ISM Band For Biomedical and WBAN Applications

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Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-020-02490-1 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)

A CPW-fed wearable antenna at ISM band for biomedical and WBAN

Sina Kiani1 • Pejman Rezaei1 • Mina Fakhr1

Accepted: 23 October 2020 / Published online: 2 November 2020

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

In this paper, a Mercedes-Benz logo antenna with a metal plate located at an optimized distance from the proposed antenna
is introduced as a wearable antenna to operate in the industrial, scientific, and medical band with center frequency of
2.45 GHz. The metal plate is integrated with the antenna as an isolator and a reflector to improve the radiation performance
of the proposed design, reduce the back radiation and reduce the specific absorption rate, when loaded on the human body.
The front-to-back ratio improves by 18.2 dB, by adding a metal plate to the structure. The proposed antenna with coplanar
waveguide-fed with dimensions of 35 mm 9 35 mm 9 0.508 mm is printed on a Rogers 4003C substrate, and has an
impedance bandwidth from 2.20 to 2.56 GHz, the gain of 7.3 dBi at 2.45 GHz, and SAR levels is less than the criteria set
by the FCC and ICNIRP. Nowadays, attention to health as product quality assurance factor along with other technical
specifications is the requirements of industrial productions, especially in competition with superior brands. Based on
comparisons made with similar works, the proposed wearable antenna structure can be used for wireless body area

Keywords CPW-fed  ISM band  Wearable antenna  Wireless body area network

1 Introduction become important characteristics of the wearable antenna

[12]. Recent studies on wearable antennas can be men-
Emerging applications for wearable and implantable elec- tioned in the following.
tronics have experienced tremendous development over the In reference [13], a dual wideband metamaterial antenna
last decade [1]. Wearable equipment, sensors and mono- is presented for wearable applications. The antenna has
pole antennas are used in health care [2–4], measuring wide measured bandwidth ranging from 1.6 to 2.56 GHz
material properties [5–7], and monitoring on the perfor- (46%) and 4.24–7 GHz (49.11%) with a measured average
mance of an essential activity in a hazardous environment gain of 1.6 and 5 dBi in the lower band and in the upper
such as diving, mining, mountaineering, driving, etc.[8]. band, respectively. The measured peak gain for the wear-
Modern body-worn medical devices are usually capable to able antenna is about 1.8 and 5.2 dBi at 2.4 and 5.8 GHz,
continuously monitor and transmit related data to patient respectively. The published article in the year of 2019, on
blood pressure, heart rate, metabolic activity, and electro- the design of a dual-band dual-polarized wearable antenna
cardiogram [9–11]. An antenna is an important component with a miniaturized ground plane, have been proposed for
of any wireless communication system that plays a sig- on-body communication in 2.45 and 5.8 GHz bands [14].
nificant role to maintaining stable performance of wearable The antenna is linearly and Circularly Polarized (CP) at
devices. Convenience, durability, acceptable gain, high 2.45 and 5.8 GHz, respectively, which used for commu-
efficiency, low Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) have nication between multiple sensors. In 2019, an article
supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and
& Sina Kiani
sina.kiani@semnan.ac.ir Technologies (ASSIST) Nanosystems Engineering
Research Centers (NERC) was published [15]. In this
Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty, Semnan paper, a dual-polarized array antenna is presented for
University, Semnan, Iran

736 Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745

wearable applications. This array of patch antennas can be designed in appropriate dimensions that has the charac-
wrapped for implementation a similar omnidirectional teristics of a wearable antenna compared to previous
radiation pattern around the arm or leg, which is very works.
favorable in either on or off-body applications. A research In the following, the article is presented in six sections.
team from the university of Lisbon, Portugal, have pub- In Sect. 2, the design and operation principles of the
lished an article in which path losses between multiple antenna has been discussed without the back metal plate
wearable antennas (a dual-mode wearable textile antenna and in the free space. In Sect. 3, a flat reflector is integrated
and a wearable textile microstrip antenna with a simple with the proposed antenna in Sect. 2, to ensure the unidi-
square patch) that located on a homogeneous tissue- rectional radiation, which is an important feature for
equivalent phantom with 2/3 muscle properties have wearable applications, as well as to reduce the effect of
examined through numerical simulations and measure- antenna loading on the human body. The possible harm to
ments [16]. In an article, authors have proposed a simple the human body by the wearable antenna has been exam-
ultra-wideband microstrip antenna with two modified arc- ined with the SAR parameter in Sect. 4. The SAR levels
shaped patches as the primary radiator printed on the must meet the limitation set by the United States or Europe
conductive fabric substrate that embedded in poly- and must not violate it. In Sect. 5, the performance of the
dimethylsiloxane polymer for wearable applications in the final antenna is examined in near the human body and
3.7–10.3 GHz band, which has very tolerant to human when placed on the human arm. Eventually, Sect. 6
body loading [17]. In reference [18], a wearable Fabry- investigates the performance of the proposed antenna on
Pérot antenna with a medium- to high-gain and low back Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)-based systems.
radiation has been proposed. In this report, applying a
superstrate layer by a metal frequency selective surface is
expressed as the main design idea. In 2019, a simple CP 2 Antenna structure design steps
antenna with unidirectional radiation characteristics has
been propounded for off-body communications [19]. Planar antennas are generally preferred for wearable
The suggested antenna is on basis of the development of applications because of their ease of integration and
microstrip line monopole from a Coplanar Waveguide adaptation with the body. The proposed antenna is
(CPW) and an egressed stub. In this design, a flexible, high designed with a radiator in the shape of a modified logo of
permittivity multilayer substrate is used as a reflector to the Mercedes-Benz automobile company with CPW-fed.
control the antenna radiation toward the human body. Numerous frequency bands have been designated for the
Antennas and filters can be designed and presented in exploration and commercialization of WBAN communi-
various forms. For example, they can be like a broken heart cation systems, which one of them is the ISM band, and our
or in the form of a tree and flower [20, 21], and sometimes antenna is used as a wearable device in this band. The
are as the logo of a known brand [22], and finally, they are prototype has been simulated and fabricated by using
designed on different substrates such as substrate integrated Rogers 4003C substrate with a thickness of 0.508 mm. The
waveguide and rectangular waveguide [23, 24]. Rogers substrate has a dielectric constant of 3.38 and a loss
Antenna and its design as a main part of the transmitter tangent of 0.0027. The substrate layer has dimensions of
and receiver system is always a subject under study for 35 mm 9 35 mm. Wearable antennas are made of soft
wireless communications. In this paper, a CPW-fed Mer- materials such as fabric, conductive yarns, paper-based
cedes-Benz logo antenna has been introduced that inte- substrates, and composite substrates [25]. The disadvan-
grated with the metal plate for the wearable system for tages of using textile and paper-based substrates include
medical application and remote monitoring of vital signs of following. Fabric materials and paper substrates have
the driver’s body. In this presentation, the metal plate is limitation in thickness, are sensitive to liquid absorption,
used as a reflector to ensure out-of-body unidirectional have low conductivity, low efficiency, rapid deterioration
radiation pattern. With combining the metal plate with the of antenna properties is occurred due to the deformation
antenna, Front-to-Back Ratio (FBR) and gain are dramat- caused by body movements, and their integration and
ically increased, as well as SAR is reduced. In this design, soldering with other components of the circuit is complex
data transfer is occurred between the communication unit [25]. Furthermore, recently, the polymer-based dielectric
(proposed antenna), the sensors and the health center or a materials and the use of 3-D printing technology have been
computer center at the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical regarded for wearable applications [26, 27]. However, the
(ISM) band and operating frequency of 2.45 GHz. relatively high cost reinforces the need to use inexpensive
The innovation presented in this article is that while and accessible substrates in the design of wearable anten-
maintaining the original shape of the Mercedes-Benz logo nas. Now, in light of what was said, the Rogers 4003C
(the main challenge in design), an antenna has been substrate has been proposed in this report, due to its

Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745 737

robustness, low cost and availability. The geometry of the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The radiation patterns of the
design along with its fabrication is shown in Fig. 1. antenna on the H-plane are shown in omni-directional form
The optimized parameters of this work are listed in at 2.45 GHz in Fig. 4a. In Fig. 4b, the radiation pattern on
Table 1. As shown in Fig. 2, there is a good agreement the E-plane is in the form of number ‘‘8’’. Radiation pat-
between simulated and measured return losses for the terns on the E-plane and H-plane in the direction
prototype (in the free space for the ISM band). As can be of ? z and at theta = 0°, demonstrate a maximum gain of
seen, the simulated -10 dB bandwidth is 102 MHz (4%). 3.2 and 3 dBi, respectively.
The Smith chart of antenna is illustrated in Fig. 3. As it
is clear from the diagram, the Z parameter has a normalized
real part of 0.65 and an imaginary part of 0.39 at the 3 Analysis of the antenna with the back

According to the Fig. 4 in Sect. 2, it can be find that the

main beams move toward the positive and negative z
directions at 2.45 GHz. Now, if the antenna put on the
human body, it will be exposed to a lot of radiation. To
solve this problem, a metal plate with dimensions of
35 mm 9 35 mm is added at the back of the antenna and
in an optimized distance, which gets away all the radiation
power from the body, as well as greatly reduces the human
body loading effects on the antenna characteristics. This
added plate to the antenna structure, dramatically increases
the value of FBR and gain at the operating frequency and
also reduces SAR, in addition, it widens the bandwidth of
the antenna, when placed on the human body. Since
wearable antennas are located close to the human body,
then, the effect of presence of the body should be consid-
ered as a lossy tissue in the design of the antenna, which
can greatly reduce the gain, reduce the operating frequency
of the antenna, change the input impedance, change the
bandwidth, and etc. Hence, in this section, all simulation
results and diagrams are related to when the antenna is
mounted on the human body model. We use a typical four-
layer model of skin, fat, muscle and bone with a
50 mm 9 50 mm surface to model the body. The proper-
ties of each layer are listed in Table 2. Figure 5 depicts the
final design of the antenna on the body model in the sim-
ulation environment as well as a fabricated sample of the
proposed antenna.
The height of the foam (with efoam & eair = 1) between
the antenna and the metal plate is H = 8 mm. This distance
is obtained from the transverse resonance condition stated
in the references [28, 29].
Adding a metal plate to the structure of the antenna, as
Fig. 1 The proposed antenna structure. a Geometrical configuration,
b Fabrication prototype
well as placing them on the body, have a destructive effect
on the characteristics of the antenna designed in Sect. 2.

Table 1 The parameters values

Par L1 L2 L3 W1 W2 W3 W4 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 S
of the presented antenna
Val 8.6 11 8.2 2 28 1.5 0.75 13.2 14.6 15.8 17 18.2 3.8 2.8 0.2
Par: parameters, Val: Value (mm)

738 Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745





Fig. 2 continued



Fig. 2 a Simulated and measured return loss of proposed design,

b design evolution steps, corresponding reflection coefficient of the
antenna and surface current distribution of the antenna at 2.45 GHz Fig. 3 Simulated S11 smith chart of antenna

Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745 739

Fig. 4 Simulated radiation patterns of the proposed structure at

2.45 GHz a H-plane, b E-plane

Table 2 The properties of four-layer model at 2.45 GHz [13]

Layer Skin Fat Muscle Bone

Dielectric Constant 37.95 5.27 52.67 18.49

Conductivity (S/m) 1.49 0.11 1.77 0.82
Density (kg/m3) 1001 900 1006 1008
Thickness (mm) 2 5 20 13

The reason for this is that if the metal plate (placed on the
body) is not placed at a suitable distance from the designed
antenna in Sect. 2, it will cause impedance mismatch in the
According to the transverse resonance condition, the
most suitable distance (which is mainly done by opti-
mization method and by full-wave analyzer software) is the
distance where the imaginary part of the total impedance is
close to zero at the operating frequency.
Achievement this condition is visible in the smith
chart of the Fig. 6. The Z parameter has a normalized real Fig. 5 a Wearable antenna mounted on the body model, b Fabricated
part of 0.97 and an imaginary part of 0.02 at 2.45 GHz, final design of the antenna structure
which is very close to zero.
Figure 7 shows the simulated frequency responses of the body, which measured in units of watts per kilogram (W/
reflection coefficient for the proposed antenna. According kg). If r, E, q represent human tissue conductivity, electric
to the Fig. 7, the fractional bandwidth is 7%. The VSWR field intensity, and tissue mass density, respectively, the
value is 1.2 in the operating bandwidth of the antenna. SAR parameter is acquired from the following computa-
Figure 8 shows diagram of the simulated radiation patterns tional formula [30]:
at 2.45 GHz. The maximum gain is approximately 7.5 dBi
on both planes. SAR = ð1Þ
The safety standards defined in the Federal Communi-
4 SAR evaluation cations Commission (FCC) and International Commission
on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have been
Since electromagnetic waves create the hazard to human determined as acceptable criteria for evaluating and com-
body health, the SAR parameter is an important safety paring performance of SAR. According to these standards,
factor in human healthsome. This parameter is defined as SAR levels on average should not be above 1.6 W/kg per
the absorption amount of electromagnetic waves by the 1 g and over 2 W/kg per 10 g of human tissues [31, 32]. In

740 Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745

Fig. 6 Normalized smith chart for matching of final design

Fig. 8 Simulated a E-plane, b H-plane, and c 3-D radiation pattern of

antenna mounted on the body model at 2.45 GHz

results demonstrate that the maximum SAR values are

0.17 W/kg and 0.09 W/kg for tissue of 1 g and 10 g,
respectively. Therefore, the performed design complies
with SAR standards of United States and European Union
in both circumstances and it can be suggested as a wearable
antenna for WBAN communication systems.

Fig. 7 Simulated S11 results for final design mounted on the body 5 Experimental result on human body
The proposed antenna structure was measured for perfor-
this section, to confirm and complete ensure of the human mance evaluation on the volunteer’s arm, as shown in
body safety when antenna placed on the body, the SAR Fig. 10. The return loss measurements have been per-
value has been investigated at frequency of 2.45 GHz. The formed by attaching the antenna to the volunteer’s arm and
proposed antenna with metal plate which located at a dis- its result is plotted in Fig. 11. The measured fractional
tance of 8 mm from it, is placed and analyzed for SAR bandwidth is 14.7%, and it can be seen that a good impe-
evaluation by HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) dance matching is achieved when the antenna is located on
full-wave analyzer software on the same multilayer body the human body, with minimum frequency change.
model described in Sect. 3. Also, the measured radiation patterns at 2.45 GHz and
The distance between the proposed antenna and the on volunteer’s body at the arm location have been shown in
human tissue model is set as 5 mm to simulate the thick- Fig. 12. Due to the shape of obtained patterns, the antenna
ness of clothes, whose simulated SAR values were calcu- shows the broadside radiation on both planes, with a sat-
lated based on the IEEE/IEC 62,704–1 standard. Before isfactory FBR of 18.2 dB and a maximum gain of 7.3 dBi,
observing the results, it is predicted that due to the presence which this causes the designed antenna to be applied for
of a metal plate as a reflector behind the antenna, a large on-body WBAN communications. The measured radiation
amount of radiated power from behind the antenna gets efficiency is achieved 80% for the designed antenna, which
away from the body, and the SAR value for the proposed is close to the simulated value of 82%. A comparison
antenna is lower than when there is no metal plate. between the antenna final design on the body in the sim-
Figure 9 shows the simulation of SAR at 2.45 GHz ulation environment and measured in the laboratory, as
according to FCC (1 g) and ICNIRP (10 g) standards. The

Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745 741

Fig. 11 Measured S11 results for antenna mounted on the arm

Fig. 12 Measured radiation patterns of the proposed structure

mounted on the volunteer’s arm at 2.45 GHz a E-plane, b H-plane

The return loss amount, fractional bandwidth, efficiency,

FBR, and measured gain were slightly different compared
Fig. 9 3-D average SAR values of the proposed antenna structure to the simulated sample due to the influences of human
with metal plate mounted on the body model a 1 g tissue, b 10 g body loading on the antenna characteristics or various
tissue conditions affecting the measurement time, as shown in
Table 3, but it is still acceptable for wearable application.
Because of the great agreement between the overall
simulated and measured results, as well as the antenna
design that is in the shape of the Mercedes-Benz company
modified logo, it can be suggested for wearable medical

6 Providing systems based on WBAN

WBAN is an active research topic, especially in the field of

health care, as it provides affordable and continuous
monitoring of patients over a wide range of availability. In
a WBAN monitoring system, an array of body sensors
Fig. 10 Fabricated prototypes of antenna mounted on the volunteer’s which control vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure,
oxygen levels and blood glucose levels are connected to a
communication unit (antenna) which collect the data and
well as a comparison between our design performance and
send to a health center or a computer center. The platform
the wearable antennas that have been recently released, are
of these transmissions can be wireless communication
provided at the end of this section and in Tables 3 and 4,
channels such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The communication
unit part can be placed near of body or be worn by the

742 Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745

Table 3 Comparison between simulated final design on the body and

measured in the laboratory
Parameters in 2.45 GHz Antenna with metal plate on the body
Measured Simulated

Resonance value (dB) -32.45 -16

ractional bandwidth (%) 7 14.7
Gain (dBi) 7.5 7.3
FBR (dB) 19 18.2
Efficiency (%) 82 80

person under control. Therefore, wearable electronics

embedded in clothes emerge as the perfect way of imple-
menting ubiquitous and continuous health monitoring [50].
Fig. 13 WBAN architecture of medical applications
The proposed antenna is also presented in this article
with the aim of monitoring the health of users while
driving. This antenna collects data from sensors available 7 Conclusion
on the driver’s body and sends it to a health center, a
computer center, or a smart device (such as a cell phone). Since wearable antennas are an inseparable part of the
The data is then processed and evaluated, and based on Internet of Things (IoT) devices and WBAN communica-
these evaluations, it is decided whether a warning should tion systems, in this paper, a wearable antenna is presented
be issued or not [51]. For example, if one of the analyzer for biomedical wearable and WBAN applications in the
systems warns, the driver will not be allowed to drive. The ISM frequency band with 2.45 GHz center frequency.
process of controlling the vital signs of the driver’s body in Given the proposed use, the antenna is consisted of a
the smart health care system for the proposed antenna is radiator in the shape of the Mercedes-Benz company
shown in Fig. 13. modified logo with CPW-fed. In the final design, to control
the radiation of the antenna towards the human body as
well as to reduce the effects of human body loading on the

Table 4 Comparison between

Ref Dimension (mm2) Fractional bandwidth (%) Gain (dBi) FBR (dB) Efficiency (%)
proposed design and other
references [33] 46 9 46 11 7.8 15.5 –
[34] 39 9 39 7.75 2.06 5 75
[35] 130.8 9 130.8 0.736 5.1 24.5 70
[36] 60 9 60 8.3 6.55 14 –
[37] 30 9 20 6.1 2.05 5 79
[13] 60 9 60 40 1.8 5 –
[38] 60 9 60 14.5 7.5 13.7 71
[39] 40 9 32 14.7 7.3 18 70
[40] 135 9 135 1.23 7.93 15.6 –
[41] 50 9 50 13 5.2 14 72
[42] 42 9 23.5 1.2 2.82 8 60
[43] 63 9 24.8 1.6 2.5 6 90
[44] 68 9 38 5 6.88 18 76
[45] 100 9 20 9.45 4.8 12 50
[46] 30 9 25 26 5.5 15 61
[47] 100 9 80 4.5 6.15 18 53
[48] p 9 (7.5)2 33 5.1 8 71
[49] 25 9 17 33.3 2.18 5.5 81.4
This work 35 9 35 14.7 7.3 18.2 80

Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745 743

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36. Ashyap, A. Y. I., Abidin, Z. Z., Dahlan, S. H., et al. (2018). jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Highly efficient wearable CPW antenna enabled by EBG-FSS
structure for medical body area network applications. IEEE
Access, 6, 77529–77541. Sina Kiani was born in 1991 in
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44. Abbasi, M. A. B., Nikolaou, S. S., Antoniades, M. A., et al. respectively. Currently, he is an
(2017). Compact EBG-backed planar monopole for BAN wear- associate professor in Semnan
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gation, 65(2), 453–463. current research interests are
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Development of a 2.45 GHz antenna for flexible compact nas, wave propagation, biosen-
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Wireless Networks (2021) 27:735–745 745

Mina Fakhr was born in 1993 in

Shahrood, Iran. She received the
B.Sc degree in communications
engineering from Shahrood
University of Tochnology,
Shahrood, Iran, in 2017. Cur-
rently, she is a Master’s student
in Semnan University, Semnan,
Iran.Her current research inter-
ests include antenna and micro-
wave, filters, FSS, metasurface,
and bioelectromagnetics.


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