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BEE Viva Questions

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Dear Students,

I have compiled a set of sample questions to provide you with an idea of the
types of questions that may be asked during the BEE (Basic Electrical
Engineering) viva. It's crucial to note that these are illustrative questions, and
the actual viva may include questions covering the entire BEE syllabus,
both theoretical and practical. Examiners have the flexibility to formulate
their own set of questions, so it's essential to be well-versed in all aspects of the
subject matter. Consider these sample questions as a helpful guide, but be
prepared for a diverse range of questions that reflect the comprehensive scope
of the BEE syllabus.

Dr. A. B. Patil

BEE Sample Viva Questions

 Examiner can ask students

o To identify components such as resistor, capacitor, and inductor,
and determine their values using colour bands / printed values.
o To measure the values of resistors using Multimeter.
o To set up series and/or parallel resistor network on breadboard.
 How does a practical (voltage/current) source differ from an ideal
(voltage/current) source?
 Describe the process of transforming a voltage source into an equivalent
current source.
 Define terms: Node, Junction, Loop, Mesh
 Examiner can give a network and ask student to find equivalent resistor
(to test concepts of series-parallel reduction technique, star-delta
conversion, short circuit and open circuit).
 What is Kirchhoff's Current Law, and how is it applied in a circuit?
 Explain Kirchhoff's Voltage Law and provide an example of its
 Examiner can give a network and ask student to write KCL and / or KVL
 State and Explain (Thevenin's / Norton’s / Superposition / Maximum
Power Transfer) theorem
 Draw the Thevenin's / Norton’s equivalent circuit
 How is the Thevenin equivalent voltage / Norton equivalent current
determined in a circuit?
 What is the Thevenin equivalent / Norton equivalent resistance, and how
is it calculated theoretically and practically?
 Describe the experimental setup used to verify the Thevenin's / Norton’s
/ Superposition Theorem.
 Define the following terms related to alternating quantities: Waveform,
Cycle, Frequency, Time period, Form factor, Peak factor.
 Define rms value, average value and amplitude related to alternating
quantities. Which of these values are recorded by ammeters and
 What is Phase Difference? Draw two sinusoidal waveforms Va and Vb
showing (i)Va and Vb in phase, (ii) Va leading, (iii) Va lagging.
 Give rms value and average value for v = Vm sin θ.
 An alternating voltage is represented by v = 141.4 sin 314t. Find (i) max-
value (ii) rms value, (iii) average value, (iv) frequency, (v) time period and
(vi) form factor.
 Draw voltage and current waveforms for each of the following circuits (i)
Purely resistive circuit, (ii) Purely inductive circuit, (iii) Purely capacitive
circuit, (iv) series RL circuit and (v) series RC circuit.
 Draw phasor diagrams for each of the following circuits (i) Purely
resistive circuit, (ii) Purely inductive circuit, (iii) Purely capacitive circuit,
(iv) series RL circuit and (v) series RC circuit.
 What is impedance for each of the following circuits (i) Purely resistive
circuit, (ii) Purely inductive circuit, (iii) Purely capacitive circuit?
 State phase difference between voltage and current for each of the
following circuits (i) Purely resistive circuit, (ii) Purely inductive circuit,
(iii) Purely capacitive circuit, (iv) series RL circuit and (v) series RC
 What is the power factor for each of the following circuits (i) Purely
resistive circuit, (ii) Purely inductive circuit, (iii) Purely capacitive circuit
 Draw the phasor diagram and voltage triangle for (i) series RL circuit and
(ii) series RC circuit
 Define reactive power.
 State formulae and units for active power, reactive power and apparent
 For the supply voltage v = Vm sin ωt, write current expression for each of
the (i) Purely resistive circuit, (ii) Purely inductive circuit, (iii) Purely
capacitive circuit, (iv) series RL circuit and (v) series RC circuit, if the
voltage expression
 Draw phasor diagrams for RLC series circuit for (i) XL > XC and (ii) XC >
 Draw voltage and current waveforms for RLC series circuit for (i) XL > XC
and (ii) XC > XL
 What is the necessary condition for resonance in series circuit?
 Derive the expression for resonance frequency for (i) series RLC circuit
and (ii) parallel RLC circuit.
 What is the power factor of an RLC circuit at resonance, and why does it
exhibit this particular value?
 Compare series and parallel resonance.
 What is need of resistance in series resonance circuit?
 Why power factor is leading in series circuit before resonance.
 Define phase voltage, phase current, line voltage and line current
 State the relationship between phase voltage and line voltage, line
current and phase current in delta and star network.

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