DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W4
DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W4
DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W4
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review: Cause and effect Recall fact and opinion What information can we get Recall collective nouns and verb
presenting the new lesson relationship from dictionary? agreement
Game: Pick out a strip (rolled You have been using the Call 9 students and group
with ribbon) with a statement dictionary for a long time. Do them into 3. Give the group
stating a fact or an opinion inside you also know the important of each envelops. Inside on it is
a box. Those who picked an dictionary in our speaking a group of words to be
opinion should go to the left side; specially with our diction? arrange to form a sentence.
those who picked a fact should What will happen if we are not
go to the right side. Pupils who able to talk but we have to
did not get it correctly should communicate? Let us have this
Look at the pictures class.
recite a poem; render a song or a game.
What can you say about the
dance number.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Is anyone of you already
watched a movie?
How do you act inside a movie
Do you think it is important to
act correctly during watching
any film movie or even we are
just watching a TV?
Emphasize the good attitudes in
watching a film viewing.
. Today were going to distinguish From the Game that we have Teacher will say that they are Present to the class a video clip
fact from opinion. done ask the following: going to tackle about the entitled “ “ Let them watch the
Refer to LM‚ Try and Learn. What do you feel during the verb agreement. video and ask them to get the
game? In this process values that the characters in the
C. Presenting examples / instances of the Are you able to communicate teacher can use the Think movie possess.
new lesson clearly we thout talking? Pad for more clarification Original File Submitted and
Emphasize the importance of about the verb agreement. Formatted by DepEd Club
reading correctly. Member - visit depedclub.com
for more
When you are watching a debate Group the class into three. Group the class into 4. Watch the video
how can you say that the Refer to LM. Find Out and Perform the activity. Let the http://
speaker is just giving Learn teacher give the standard in grammar.yourdictionary.com/
her/his opinion or her/his Give them a story to read. Let group activity and ready sentences/20-Rules-of-subject-
statement is a fact? them discuss the correct rubrics for scoring. verb-
D. Discussing new concepts and What are the right things to do if pronunciation of the words in The entire group will have http://www.preservearticles.co
practicing new skills #1 someone is giving his opinion? the selection. Then let the the same question to be m/2011080410136/7-sample-
Do you think that giving a fact group have one presenter to answer so that after the paragraphs-for-kids-free-to-
should have documents to read the selection in front of activity they can compare read.html
proof? Why? the class. After the the result. Instruct them to
Why that it is important to hear presentation the teacher must complete the sentence http://www.englishleap.com/gr
your opinion in a certain issue? look for the rubric that he/she ammar/collective-nouns
prepared for the scoring. Also
as a facilitator the teacher
must correct if there is any
correction in the reading of the
pupils. Let the pupils know the
importance of using the
dictionary in getting the correct
diction of each word in the
Refer to LM, Do and Learn Let the pupils answer the Answer the activity on Do and
Group the class into three. Give activity in the LM. Learn
them a checklist of statement of
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing
fact and opinion. Let them
new skills #2
answer it and compare their
works with the other group.
H. Making generalizations and How can you distinguish fact Subject verb
abstractions about the lesson from opinion? agreement simply means the
subject and verb must agree
number. This means
both need to be singular or
both need to be plural.
Collective nouns can be
singular or plural depending
on meaning. Here are some
Stereotype: to believe in fairly
examples of subject verb
that all people or things with a
agreement with collective
particular characteristic are the
Read the short selection and Read the paragraph by group Draw a in a blank if the Identify the different
the sentences that follow. Draw a and check for the statement is correct and a images/ideas. Write P if it’s use
star in a blank if the sentence is a pronunciation of the word for propaganda S for
if it is wrong.
fact and a moon it is an opinion.
______1., These scissors cut stereotypes and PV for point
well., view.
______2. Athletic develops
good sportsmanship.
I. Evaluating learning ______3.The staff have gone
their separate ways for the
______4. The jury have
finally reached his decision.
______5. The committee
meets every Thursday.
Write five statements describing Use a dictionary and copy one Write the verb and subject of
the Filipinos under the following entry with three or more the following sentence.
headings. meanings. Copy all the 1.Jack, along with some of
Fact information on that entry, his closest friends, is sharing
Opinion including the given sample a
J. Additional activities for application or sentences. Write your notes in 2. The recent string of
remediation your notebook. burglaries, in addition to
poor building maintenance,
have inspired the
outspoken resident to call a
tenants meeting.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
this formative assessment ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________