DeMaw, M. F. - Ferromagnetic-Core Design and Application Handbook-Prentice-Hall (1981)
DeMaw, M. F. - Ferromagnetic-Core Design and Application Handbook-Prentice-Hall (1981)
DeMaw, M. F. - Ferromagnetic-Core Design and Application Handbook-Prentice-Hall (1981)
10 9 ~ 7 6 5 4 J
vi Contents
Preface x
beads are discussed in depth , also. Magnetic-core devices are highl ighted in
filters, switching types o f power supplies, and impedance-matching net works.
There are live appendices, which contain comprehensive design data, lists
of core manufacturers, a rather lengthy bibliography, design nomographs,
conversion tables, and numerous pages of componen t numbers and
characteristics from a variety of leadi ng man ufacturers.
No credible tech nical author can take credi t for all of the design ap-
proaches or circuits he or she commits to a text. Alm ost without exception the
author treads unknowingly on the past work of someone else, however un-
intentional. Uncredited similarity between any portion of this work and that
of others is uninten tional and without prior knowledge on beha lf of the
author. Credits have been included wherever applicable.
The author acknowledges the gracious goodwill and assistance of the
many manu factu rers of magnetic cores discussed in th is volume. The plethora
of application notes and related reference data which they so readily furni shed
upon request contributed vastly to the relative completeness of the book. A
strong vote of appreciation goes to David Boelio of Prentice-Hall, Inc. He
offered more encouragement and assistance than this writer has ever experi-
enced before. Finally, the au thor wishes to express his profound appreciation
to Jean , his wife, for her encouragement and understanding while the book
was being written.
M . F. " Doug" DeMaw
2 The Basics of Magnetic Materials Chap. 1
"soft" magnetic material. These terms do not refer to the physical proper-
ties of the core substance. Rather, they relate to the electrical characteristics
of the chosen material. More specifically, hard compounds have the ability
to retain their magnetism after a magnetizing force has been applied to
them. One application for hard-core material is found in the magnets of PM
loudspeakers. The soft materials, conversely, lose their magnetism im-
mediately upon removal of the magnetizing force. Typical uses for soft
types of cores are in radio-frequency and audio-frequency transformers and
reactors. This book is centered on soft-core materials. Under no cir-
cumstances should the reader assume that the soft substances discussed are
lacking in hardness to the physical touch: a soft magnetic material can be
extremely brittle and durable, but soft in terms of its electrical properties.
The most common physical formats for magnetic-core materials are rods;
flat bars; toroids; I-E and U cores; and cup or pot cores. Figure 1-1 il-
lustrates some of the shapes under discussion . The physical form used by
the designer is dictated largely by the power level of the circuit in which the
core will be used, the physical dimensions of the assembled transformer or
inductor, and the fabrication time required when using one style of core as
opposed to another type: Some cores lend themselves more readily to the
fast production of a fini shed component than is possible with other core
formats. Generally, magnetic core assemblies that use insulating bobbins to
contain the coil or transformer windings are preferred for high-volume pro-
duction. Pot cores, U cores, and l-E cores fit the foregoing description.
Although toroidal and solenoidal magnetic cores can be wound with con-
Steel Steel
tape tape
(a) {b)
Figure 1·2 Circular and rectangular cores wound with steel tape. The type
seen in !al is toroidal, with the core in (bl shown before it is cut in half to form
two C cores.
Coil on
la) (b)
Figure 1-3 Tape-wound steel core after being cut (a) and with the bobbin in place (b).
A steel band holds the core halves tightly together, as seen in (b).
Part (a) shows the evolulion of a tape-wound core of Lhc lype seen in Fig.
1-2g. 1n Fig. 1-3a the varnished and baked core is cut in half to form a pair
of grain-oriented U or C cores, as they are commonly called. Figure l-3b
shows the final assembly form of the inductor and core. One leg of each
core half is inserted in the insulating bobbin on which the wire winding has
been formed. A steel band is drawn very tight around the pair of U cores to
maintain a minimum gap where the ends of the halves are butted together;
then the band is Jocked in position. In some instances a metal mounting
plate is affixed to the inductor or transformer assembly at Lhe time the lock-
ing band is added: The band not only holds the core halves together tightly,
but secures the mounting plate to the core material. The manufacturer may
elect to encapsulate the completed unit in epoxy compound, in which case
provision is made for external connection to the induclor or transformer
leads by means of terminals set into the potting compound. Similarly,
mounting screws or nuts can be embedded in the potting material to permit
attaching the completed assembly to the chassis of the equipment in which it
will be used.
The example in Fig. J-3b can be extended to transformer use as well as
to inductors. In some instances two bobbins are used to contain the
transformer windings-a bobbin on each side of the pair of U cores . This
general concept can be extended farther by utilizing two rectangular cores
side by side, with a single bobbin shared by the core legs, which are adjacent
to one another. This effectively increases the cross-sectional area of the core
material for greater power-handling capability. Tape-wound cores are used
primarily in power-supply transformers and reactors for 60- or 400-Hz ser-
vice. They are used also in de-to-de converters and audio circuits. Another
application is in magnetic amplifiers, wherein the circuit performance is
based on the saturable-reactor concept.
1.2.1 Powdered Irons
6 The Basics of Magnetic Materials Chap. 1
for use at VHF and higher. Table 1-1 lists a popular group of powdered-
iron mixes which are manufactured by Micro-Metals Corp. and sold in
small quantities by Amidon Associates of North Hollywood, California.
The listing is for toroid cores of various permeability factors.
Color Per111cahili1y. S1ahili1y
Material Code µ (ppm/°C) Op1i11111111 Q Range 3
:•Typical r:mgc m ther than optimum Q range. Type I IA no! recommended for tu ned circuits: is best suited to
lo"-Q power transformers. noise filters. and pu lse circuits.
bNot linear.
cNA. information not av:1ilablc.
Cmirt~".I' A111ido11 As.wdote.<.
1.2.2 Ferrites
The term ferrite can be assigned to a large number of ceramic materials
that exhibit ferromagnetic properties. A ferromagnetic compound is one
that has the capability of being magnetized to a high degree.
As is the case with powdered-iron core materials, ferrites are compounded
in various mixes to achieve specific electrical characteristics. Iron oxide is
combined in the binder compound with such element oxides as nickel,
manganese, zinc, or magnesium. The end product is a hard, brittle
substance with a smooth sur face. The salient features of a ferrite core are
relative ruggedness, high available µ factors, and low eddy-current losses.
As mentioned during the discussion of powdered-iron core materials (sec.
1.2.1), there is a trade-off in using high-permeability ferrite cores-a
degradation of stability.
An examination of the curves given in Fig. 1-4 indicates that despite the
very high permeabilities attainable with ferrites, the thermal stability is not
as poor as one might think. It can be seen, however, that as the permeability
increases, the stability declines. The shortcoming can be minimized to a
considerable degree by maintaining a fairly constant ambient temperature
around the equipment area where the ferrite-loaded component is used. If
we consider the portion of the curve that represents the frequency region
> 200 Type 62
E 150
c. Type 61
·;; Ty pe 65
c 100
50 Type 63
over which the core will be used (narrow), the magnitude o f the temperature
versus µ shift is not as dramatic.
Perhaps the most significant problem attendant to the use of ferrite
cores is saturation. This phenomenon is defined as the state of magnetism
beyond which the B- H curve levels off to a straight line. The effect, shown
by the curve in Fig. 1-5, is one under which the core material cannot be
magnetized further. One of the effects of saturation is called "lockup." In
that state an inductor undergoes a shift in value and becomes "immobilized,"
so to speak. This will lead to circuit detuning and the generation of har-
A ferrite-loaded inductor or transformer that is fed excessive drive
power will heat considerably. In some instances the excitation can be so ex-
treme that the core material will suffer irreparable damage. The net effect
is a permanent change in core permeability. In a worst-case condition, the
core can fracture and separate in many pieces.
Table 1-2 lists the principal electrical characteristics of a group of
popular-size ferrite toroid cores. The data relate to materials that are
manufactured by Ferroxcube Corporation and sold in small quantities by
several dealers in the United States and Canada. Dimensional data are pro-
vided in Although the core sizes in Table 1-2 are anything but all-
inclusive for the industry, they do represent the most common size grouping
used in audio and RF work . Smaller and larger toroid cores can be obtained
8 BL
µ =- =-
• H HL
Figure 1-5 The curve shows how saturation of the core affects the linearity
of the magnetic-core inductor or transformer. The 8-H region is linear and
the BcHL region is the region of lowest loss.
TA B LE l -2
4C4 Mix JDJ Mi.r 387 Mix JCS M L< JelA Mi.<
c·()r~ no.
A, µ, AL fl, AL JI, AL µ, AL µ,
core no.
. B c
Jl)41T060 0.2)0 0.060 0.120 -~1 8 1-
0.125 0. 187
266Tl25 0.375
Sec. 1-3 Calculating the.Coil Turns 9
TABLE 1-3 Approximate turns versus wire gauge and core type.a
16 2 5 10 25 25
18 4 IO 15 35 35
20 5 15 20 45 45
22 8 20 30 55 55
24 10 25 40 75 75
26 18 30 50 95 95
28 20 40 65 115 11 5
30 25 50 80 145 145
32 35 65 100 180 180
34 50 80 130 240 240
"These da ta a re based on the use of enameled solid-conductor wire with Fo rmovar insula tion .
T he nu mber of turns specified is a pproximate a nd is intended as an aid when determining the core
size vers us inductance und wire size. based on the lllrns equation in Table 1-2.
Examination of Table 1-2 reveals that even though a particular mix of fer-
rite, say type 4C4, has a specific effective permeability (µe), the AL factor
changes with the size of the toroid core. Furthermore, the table shows that
with some core materials (3E2A, for example) the J..le value is different as the
core size is increased. Some designers are not aware of this condition and
are misled by the stated J..le for a given core material, which is usually based
on a fixed size of core-frequently with a diameter of l in . Therefore, it is
an error in judgment to believe that all core sizes from a selected mix have
the same J..le• even though the basic mix recipe has a broadly based
The fundamental equation for determining the number of coil turns for
ferrite toroid cores is
AL = LµH X IO•
When the core material is of lowµ, it is often more practical Lo use several
turns around the core to secure lhe AL index. As many as 20 turns can be
useful in some instances. Thus, if a given core upon which 20 turns of wire
were wound yielded a net inductance of 5 µH, the AL would be determined
5 x 10,000
Conversely, if the AL was known to be 125 and the desired inductance was
5 µH, the number of toroid turns would be found from
N = 100 v 5 µH + 125 = 20 turns where N is the unknown number of
wire turns. The results are based on the coil turns being spread linearly
around the entire circumference of the core material rather than being bunch-
ed up in a small area of the core. The equations assume also that a single-
layer winding is employed. It is useful in some applications to arrange the
coil winding to occupy approximately 180° of the toroid core. Final trim-
ming of the inductance in critical circuits can then be done by compressing or
spreading the turns on the core. This assumes that a spacing of at least one
wire thickness exists between the coil turns at the offset. The amount of in-
ductance variation will be relatively small at the lower J-le numbers, but will
increase as the µe of the core is made higher. Once the required inductance is
effected, the turns on the core can be cemented in place by means of
Polystyrene Q-Dope or a similar agent that is high in dielectric quality (Fig.
Generally, the AL index for ferrites is based on mH per one turn on a
core, although the number of turns can be any convenient value, as stated
earlier. Powdered-iron cores have their AL indices based on µH per 100
turns. This accounts for the 102 (100) and the 1Ql (1000) multipliers in the
two equations.
(comp ress)
Figure 1-6 Compressing or spread-
ing the coil turns on a toroid has a
marked effect on the inductance.
One of the more significant benefits from the use of toroidal inductors
and transformers is the inherent self-shielding characteristics of the toroidal
component. This is of benefit to designers who need to engage in high-
density packaging of RF circuitry without the need to include metal shield
enclosures or use space-wasting separation between the inductors and near-
by components. But when a laboratory inductance bridge is not available
for determining AL or making ordinary inductance measurements, a dip
meter can be used if a specific technique is employed. A dip meter is a wide-
range oscillator whose grid, gate, or base current is monitored by means of
a de meter. At resonances of the circuit under test, there is a sharp, well-
defined reduction in indicated current. Figure 1-7 illustrates an easy
method for using a dip meter with a toroidal inductor. Because the self-
shielding nature of a toroid prevents coupling to a dip meter by normal
means (no reading would result), it is necessary to add a temporary two- or
three-turn coupling loop (L2) to the toroidal inductor, as shown. An exter-
nal link, L3, is connected to L2 and the dip-meter probe coil is placed near
L3. C is a close-tolerance capacitor of known value. When a dip in the
meter reading is found- keeping the dip-meter probe as far from L3 as
possible to obtain a shallow dip- the operating frequency of the dipper is
checked against a calibrated receiver. Once f is known, the inductance can
be determined by assuming that L (unknown) is equal to the reactance of C,
since X L and Xe are equal at resonance. Since the value of C in Fig. 1-7 is
known, this method is straightforward. Let us assume that C in an example
investigation is a 100-pF, close-tolerance silver-mica capacitor. The dip-
meter output at the point where LI and C (known) are resonant is 8.7 MHz,
as observed by means of a calibrated receiver. From this we can obtain Xe
for C (known):
L (unknown)
C: close-tolerance capacitor
of known value
Dip meter
Figure 1-7 Resonance of a toroidal inductor can be checked by means of a
dip meter and coupling link. W hen C is known, the dip meter can be used to
determine the coil inductance, as shown.
Xc = --
where Xe is the capacitive reactance in ohms, f is in MHz, and C is in µF.
Xe = 6.28 x 8.7 x 0.0001 = 183Q
1.3.2 Circuit Q
An indication of the relative Q of a tuned circuit can be had by observ-
ing the depth o f the leftward needle swing on di p meter. T uned-circuit Q is
the figure of merit. It is the ratio of reactance to resistance. The higher the
tuned-circuit Q, the deeper will be the di p in meter reading. Conversely, the
shallower the dip, the lower the circuit Q. When investigating the relative Q
it is essential that the dip-meter probe and the tuned circuit under test be
separated sufficiently to prevent overcoupling effects. A deep dip can be ob-
tained 8 in . or more away from very high Q resonators, such as strip lines,
cavities, and helical resonators. When checking toroid al inductors, as in
Fig. 1-7, the dip-meter probe is more likely to be less than an inch from L3,
and in some instances where the Q is medium or low, the probe may need to
be inserted into L3.
When it is desired to know the actual Qu (unloaded Q) of an air-core ,
ferrite, or powdered-iron-loaded inductor, a laboratory-grade Q meter,
Sec. 1-3 Calculating the Coil Turns 13
r, 12
=- -
r, - '2
5 pF 5 pF
son Scope
load or
L1 II Cl
Xu = Xc 1 atf0
Figure 1-9 Method for checking the unloaded Q of a resonant circuit.
The generator should be accurate and have suitable readout resolution
for locating the -3-db points on the response curve.
5 MHz
20µH L R
4.2 .a
50 pF
a - x . Q z 628.3 = 149.5
., - R ·· 4.2
dition lo this variation in µ, the core losses will increase as a fu nction of self-
heating. This form of heating is apart from that which is brought on by en-
vironmental or ambient temperature. The self-heating effects are caused by
the excitation, which in turn heats the core material and the conductors on
the core. In addition to the core losses resulting from heat, the Q of the in-
ductor can degrade markedly at peak excitation. Earlier we acknowledged
the effect tha t this condition has on the stability of the inductor: Over a
wide frequency range it can be quite poor. In a practical design application
it becomes important, therefore, to acknowledge heating as an important
design limit.
16 The Basics of Magnetic Materials Chap. 1
X 10s
Bmax (ac) = _Erms
___..;._ _ _ gauss
where Ae is the equivalent area of the magnetic path in cm 2 , Erms the applied
voltage, NP the number of core turns, f the frequency in hertz, and Bmax the
maximum flux density in gauss. For the second condition the equation is
written as
where Ide is the de current through the winding and AL the manufacturer's
inductance for the core material in use. In this case Bmax is classified as
"total" rather than just for ac.
The curves of Fig. 1-12 show the relationship between permeability and
flux density at the peak period of ac excitation for a group of core AL
values. These curves show the typical relationship of a specific shape and
size of magnetic-core material which operates at a selected temperature.
When the core is fully saturated, the permeability falls to a low value.
Next, let us consider the case where ac and de components are present in
a magnetic-core inductor. Figure 1-13 contains a family of curves that were
Ascending AL
obtained from a specific type of core material with a defined shape and air
gap. The curves compareµ to B max for different values of de magnetization
of the core, which is subjected simultaneously to ac excitation. The de
magnetizing force is known symbolically as Ho and uses oersteds as the
reference units. Ho is the unidirectional current flowing in an inductor or
transformer winding. The curves illustrate clearly that de magnetization
lowers the µe of the core material, causing it to saturate at a lower value of
peak flux density than would be the case under the conditions of Fig. 1-12.
The flux density discussed here is a result of ac excitation only.
There is a relationship between core loss and flux density with respect to
operating frequency. This consideration is shown by means of curves in Fig.
1-14. The curves were drawn for a specific core material, but the core struc-
ture and air-gap dimensions are not considered. It can be seen that the core
loss is related directly to the nux density at selected frequencies. Curves of
this variety can be established for core loss versus frequency at a number of
flux densit ies. In this illustration the core loss is given in terms ofmW/cm 2
of magnetic-core volume.
Finally, let us consider the matter of core losses versus temperature and
nux density. Once again a particular type of core material is chosen for the
collection of curve data, but the tests do not rely on the core shape or the air
gap. Rather, the curves of Fig. 1-15 are based on core loss versus flux density
at a number of core temperatures.
It was said earlier that part of the core heating can be related to the cur-
rent flowing through the conductor, which is wound on the core. It is
beneficial to select a wire gauge that will pass the ac and de current with a
minimum contribution to the self-heating characteristic. The de resistance
for an average winding can be determined by
E 200
E 100
0 1000 2000 3000 G
Bm•• (peak flux densi t y)
Figure 1-14 Curves that show the relationship among fre-
quency, core loss, and flux density for a specified core
material. The core loss is given in terms of mW / cm' of
magnetic-core volume. (Courtesy of Ferroxcube, Division of
Amperex Corp. J.
Let us carry out a sample calculation for core selection at the input of an
amplifier (Fig. 1-16). The operating frequency is 2.3 MHz and Tl will
match the driver stage to the bases of two power transistors operating in
Class C. Tl will function as a broadband conventional transformer.
TABLE 1-4 Data for Solid Copper Wire
The actual linear turns per square inch will "ary with the manufacturer and the insulation thickness. Courtesy of Ferroxcubc Corp.
Amp. 1
2.3 MHz
1o n
Amp. 2
1. X L(pn.) "= 4R ,n
:. x L(p11.1 = 200 n
2. Select a core
(F erroxcube 76Tl88. t ype 4C4l
Sec. 1-4 Power Capability 21
choice to be a good one. This will allow Tl to operate well within the linear
To illustrate the manner in which Bmax is affected by changes in the
values of the terms in the equation of Fig. 1-16, let us substitute 0.5 MHz
for 2.3 MHz atf. The gauss becomes 537 rather than 117. Therefore, lower-
ing the operating frequency while using a core that will yield proper XL with
the same number of turns (14) at 0.5 MHz will greatly elevate the Bmax·
Next, by using a core that requires 50 turns instead of 14 to obtain 13.8 µH,
and changing nothing but n in the equation from Fig. 1-16, the Bmax drops
from 117 to 33.1.
Keeping all terms the same, but changing £peak in Fig. 1-16 to 100, Bmax
increases to 526 G. Now, to demonstrate the effect of Ae, we will keep all
terms the same but change Ae to 0.025, which represents a smaller toroid
core. The Bmax now rises to 629 G. Finally, to offer a more dramatic rela-
tionship of the terms in the equation to Bmax• let us change Epeak to JOO and
A e to 0.025. This shows the effect of increased power versus decreased core
cross-sectional area in cm 2 • Bmax under this set of conditions becomes 2798
G. The foregoing exercise demonstrates clearly that core choice is not a
casual matter, particularly in circuits where power is present. The pro-
cedures for determining Bmax• as given here, are applicable to all types of
magnetic-core material , regardless of the shape chosen by the designer. It
must be remembered that the foregoing discussion and the equation of Fig.
1-16 relate to Bmax where only ac is present. The equation must be modified
accordingly to accommodate the presence of ac and de in the circuit. The
basic equation for that condition was presented in Sec. 1.4. I .
L = 0.4nN'µe [~e] X
Bmax = k vµ;;
where k1 = _2500E
_ __
fv Lve
It is useful also to know that µe = Bma// k 1 2 •
El= - volt-amperes
where the terms of the equation are in the same units as specified for the
previous volt-ampere equation.
For the purpose of convenience, a new factor can be defined as k 2 :
The maximum value for k 2, as applied to any core material, size, or shape
can be expressed by
_!__:_ =
I 5 .6 X
10 - 1
[Ve (Bmax)
[ µe
J volt-amperes/Hz
where Bmax in this equation is the maximum recommended flux density for
a specified core material, given by the manufacturer.
The reader may be wondering why the k, factor was brought into this
discussion and what practical purpose it can serve. The kl information helps
tell the designer which core size will fill the need for an inductor or
transformer. Step I is to work the k, equation given previously. Once the
Sec. 1-5 Volt-Ampere Ratings 23
value of k, is determined, the designer can select the smallest core that has a
k, value that is equal to or greater than the operational characteristics re-
quired. The Ferroxcube literature lists the k, value and those of other fac-
tors used in the preceding equations of Sec. 1-5. Tables 1-5 through 1-8 con-
tain this pertinent data for E cores, U cores, toroids, and pot cores.
1.5.1 A Sample k, Core Selection
f = 100 Hz
8.66 v tow
P;n = 0.5 W max.
L1 Jg 10 H Eo
. Goon
74 9
2. · = 0.0119VA
6.28 x 100 x 10
a unless othernisc ~rccified. ""and .-11. value< :trc nominal. with a +25% toleran~-.:: on .-11, .
bFor power-inductor designs. k 2 = F. 1 .'/ .('. For power-lran<formcr dc<igns. Ki~ 2rrEp 1,.f /11(
' For 3C5 ma1cria l. the roll owing applie< · I' 2: 2100 :n 1000 G and 25•c : µ 2: 3000 a1 2000 G and 1oo•c. ;\ no mi nal ,, ,. \•:t lue of 2000 '""employed in calculu1ing the val ue or k2 fo r
J CS core nrnlcrial .
TABLE 1 -5 E cores.
[igura- ('
f mH fli'I'
( ill.
,, ('
l in. 1
I in. J
A ,.
l in. 1
/i11. l
(in. 2
N 11111bl'r T vpe 1io11 Re{. 0 !0001/11'11.<) " cm ) c 111 2 1 cm JI cm 2 1 cm 1 / cm 1 / K b (W)
8 1'1E250 JE2A E-E 2800 2600 1.02 0.0298 0.0304 0 .039 0.008 J0 0.0032 303 x t0 - 6 0.32
2.59 0. 192 0.499 0 .252 0 .0523 0.0209
E- 1 2200 2900 0. 759 0.0314 0.0238 0.0 195 30 1 x I0- 6 0.23
1.93 0.202 0.390 0 . 126
81J E 187 3E2A E-E 3200 2300 1.54 0.0348 0.0538 0.082 0.0645 0 .0258 468 x 10- 6 0.48
3.91 0.224 0.882 0.529 0.416 0. 166
3.91 0.224 0.882 0.5 29 407 x t0 - 6 0 .39
E- 1 2600 2600 1.1 0 0 .0346 0.038 0 .041
2.79 0 .222 0.623 0.264 0 .0320 0.0128 860 X 10 -s 0 .65
813E34J 3E2A E-E 3200 4250 1.54 0.0639 0.0987 0 .082 0.2060 0 .0825
3.9 1 0.413 1.62 0.529 758 x J0 - 6 0.48
E- 1 2600 4800 I. I I 0 .0639 0.0707 0 .041
2 .82 0.4 13 1.1 6 0 .264 0.0470 o.oi 8& 577 x J0- 6 0.60
873E l 89 3E E-E 2080 1730 1.69 0 .044 0.0745 0.0842 0 .303 0 . 12 1
4 .29 0.284 1.22 0.543 468 X I0 - 6
"" E-1 1850 2220 1.20 0.0452 0.0541 00421
702U295 3E2A U-U 1950 410 0.797 0.00525 0.00419 0.0265 602 x 10 7 0.09
2.02 0.0338 0.069 0.17 1
3E2A U- 1 1650 370 0.613 0.00432 0.00265 0.0132 0.00740b 0.00296b 448 x 107 0.06
1.56 0.0279 0.0435 0.0851 0.0477 0.0191
376U250 3E2A U-U 3600 2200 3.29 0.0625 0.205 0.375
8.37 0.400 3.36 2.418 159 x 105 1.21
3E2A U- 1 3200 2500 2.53 0.0625 0.158 0.188
6.43 0.400 2.60 0.217 138 X 10 1 0.98
105F250 3E2A U-U 2200 1100 l.16 0.0180 0.0209 o.os2c
2.95 0.116 0.343 0.339 265 x 106 0.23
3E2A U- 1 1950 1150 0.979 0.0180 0.0176 0.0263
2.49 0.1 16 0.289 0.1696 252 x 10• 0.18
lF30 JCS U-U (see noted) 4.31 0.134 0.579 0.562
10.9 0.864 9.50 3.624 667 x 105 2.32
en 3C5 U- 1 (see no te d) 3.33 0.137 0.456 0.281
8.46 0.884 7.48 1.812 525 X 105 1.74
IF31 JCS U-U (see no te d) 4.45 0. 161 0.719 0.616
I 1.3 1.04 11.8 3.97 828 x 101 2.82
3C5 U-1 (see no ted ) 3.59 0. 165 0.594 0.308
9. 12 l.06 9.74 1.986 684 x 10~ 2.19
l Fl9 3C5 U-U (sec noted) 7.13 0.227 1.62 1.950
18.1 1.46 26.6 12.577 187 x 104 5.49
3C5 U-1 (sec noted) 5.73 0.23 1 1.32 0.975
14.6 1.49 21.6 6.288 152 x 10' 4.08
IFIO 3C5 U-U (see no ted) 6.77 0.316 2.14 l .500
17.2 2.04 35.1 9.675 246 x IO' 5.42
JCS U-1 (see no ted) 5.76 0.316 1.82 0.750
14.6 2.04 29.8 4.837 209 x 104 4.36
IFS 3C5 U-U (see no ted) 12.4 l.00 12.1 5.000
31.5 6.45 198. 32.25 139 x 103 17.7
JCS U-l (see noted) 9.64 l.00 9.64 2.500
24.5 6.45 158. 16..125 Ill X 101 I J.45
"Unless otherwise specified, Ref. and AL values are no minal with a + 25% tolerance on AL·
bror Power-I nductor designs. k 2 = £ ' / Lf'. For power-trnnsfo rmcr designs. k2 = 2rr£p lp/Mf
rl _.
702Fl82 mounts on I core.
- ..
TABLE1·7 Toroids.
Ty pe
( mH pl.'r
/000 11/TllS)
( + 20% )
( ill.
( i11. l
cm 2 )
( in. 1
cml I
( ill.
c111 : 1
( in. 1
cm1 ) k2:1
2 13T050 4C4 125 24 0.422 0.00249 0.00105 0.00635 0.00254 b b
1.07 0.0 161 0.0172 0.0410 0.0 164 b b
303 725 140 1.07 0.0 161 0.0172 0.0410 0.0164
3E2A 4470 850 1.07 0.0161 0.0172 0.0410 0.0164 653 x 10- 1 0.018
1041T060 4C4 125 25 0.532 0.00330 0.00176 0.0116 0.0463 b b
1.35 0.0213 0.288 0.0748 0.0298
303 725 144 1.35 0.02 13 0.288 0.0748 0.0298 b b
3E2A 4495 890 1.35 0.02 13 0.288 0.0748 0.0298 109 x 10- 1 0.025
266Tl 25 4C4 125 55 0.852 0.01 18 0.0 100 0.0275 0.0110 b b
2.16 0.0760 0.164 0. 177 0.0710
303 750 330 2. 16 0.0760 0.164 0.177 0 .0710 b b
,.,, 3E2A 4830 2135 2. 16 0.0760 0.164 0. 177 0.0710 577 x 10- 1
..... 768Tl88 303 750 415 1.19 0.0206 0.0247 0.06 18 0.0247 b b
3.03 0.133 0.403 0.400 0.159
3E2A 5000 2750 3.03 0.133 0.403 0.400 0. 159 137 x 10-• 0.14
846T250 3E2A 5000 3055 2.18 0.04 18 0.0908 0.228 0.09 12
5.52 0.270 1.49 1.4 7 0.587 506 x 10-6 0.32
K300502 3E 2700 I688 2.92 0.0582 0.169 0.440 0. 176
7.43 0.375 2.78 2.84 I . 14 IOI x 10-) 0.50
K300500 3E 2700 2422 3.58 0.101 0.360 0.643 0.257
9.1 1 0.650 5.92 4.15 1.660 214 x 10- i 0.78
K300501 3E 2700 3639 3.58 0. 151 0.542 0.64.1 0.257
9. 11 0.975 8.88 4.15 1.660 321 x 10- 1 1.2
528T500 JCS 3.40 0.187 0.634 0.465 0.186
8.63 1.21 10.4 3.00 1.20 733 x 10- 1
400T750 JCS 5.00 0.281 1.40 1.27 0.508
I 2.7 1.8 1 23.0 8.20 3.28 162 x 10- J 2.2
144T500 JCS 6.7 0.342 .30 1.84 0.736
17. I 2.2 1 37.8 I 1.86 4.744 265 x 10- J 3.0
743PIJ3-3E 3E 7 1100 576 0.408 0.0067 0.0027 0.0 11 6 0.0056 0.0022 399 x 10- 1 0.57
1.04 0.0433 0.045 0.0747 0.036 1 0.0 144
332 Pl33134-3 E 3E 9 1100 1350 0.559 0.0216 0.0120 0.0124 0.0057 0.0021
1.42 0. 139 0.197 0.080 0.0368 0.0137
174 x 10-' 0.86
l 107P-L00-3B7 387 11 1430 1940 0.608 0.0259 0.0157 0.0164 0.0083 0.0033 378 x 10- 6 0.103
1.54 0.167 0.257 0.105 0.0535 0.0214
l 107P-L00-303 303 11 635 865 1.54 0.167 0.257 0. 105 0.0535 0.02 14 c c
N l 107P-L00-4C4 4C4 II 114 155 1.54 0.167 0.257 0.105 0.0535 0.02 14 c c
1408 P-L00-3 R7 387 14 1400 2240 0.77 1 0.0386 0.0297 0.0267 O.Ql5 0.0060 665 x 10 - 6 0. 161
1.96 0.247 0.487 0.172 0.09b8 0.0387
1408 P-L00-3139 3B9 14 11 90 1910 1.96 0.247 0.487 0. 172 0.0968 0.0387 c c
1408 P- L00-3 0 3 303 14 705 11 30 1.96 0.247 0.487 0. 172 0.0968 0.0387 c c
1408 P- L00-3 E 3E 14 l300 2080 1.96 0.247 0.487 0.1 72 0.0968 0.0387 365 x J0- 6 0.16 1
1408P- L00-4C4 4C4 14 125 200 1.96 0.247 0.487 0.172 0.0968 0 0387 c c
18 11P-L00-3B7 387 18 1740 3680 1.02 0.0672 0.0683 0.0458 0.029 0.01 16 123 X 10- 5 0.265
2.59 0.433 1.1 2 0.296 0. 187 0.0748
1811 P-L00-309 389 18 1250 2630 2.59 0.433 I. I 2 0.296 0.187 0.0748 c c
1811 P- L00-303 303 18 735 1550 2.59 0.43~ 1.12 0.296 0. 187 0.o7-t8 c c
1811 P-L00-3E 3E 18 1660 3500 2.59 0.-03 1.12 0.296 0.187 0.0748 658 x 10- 6 0.265
1811 P-L00-4C4 4C4 18 125 265 2.59 0.433 1.12 0.296 0. 187 0.0748 c c
2213 P- L.00-3 B7 387 22 1825 4650 1.23 0.0985 0.122 0.0652 0.046 0.0184 208 x 10-i 0.392
3. 12 0.6JS 1.99 0.420 0.297 0. 118
22 1J P-LOO-J B9 389 22 1275 3250 3.12 0.6J5 1.99 0.420 0.297 0.11 8 c c
2213P-L00-303 30 3 22 705 1800 3. 12 0 .635 1.99 0.420 0.297 0 . 11 8 c c
22 I 3P-L00-3E 3E 22 1725 4400 3. 12 0 .635 1.99 0.420 0.297 0.1 18 11 2 X 10- s 0 .392
22 13P-L00-4 C4 4C4 22 120 JOO 3. 12 0 .635 1.99 0.420 0.297 0 . 118 c c
26 16P-L00-3 B7 38 7 26 1880 6000 1.47 0.1 47 0.21 7 0 .0890 0.063 0.025 362 X 10 - s 0.555
3.73 0 .948 3.56 0.574 0.406 0 . 163
2616 P-L00-3B9 389 26 1380 4390 3.73 0.948 3.56 0.574 0.406 0.163 c c
26 16 P- L00-303 303 26 735 2340 3.73 0.948 3.56 0.574 0.406 0.163 c c
2616 P-L00-3E 3E 26 1830 5850 3.73 0.948 3.56 0.574 0.406 0 .1 63 190 x 10 -s 0.555
2616P-L00-4C4 4C4 26 120 390 3.73 0.948 3.56 0 .574 0.406 0. 163 c c
3019P-L00-3 B7 38 7 30 2020 7580 1.77 0. 214 0.380 0 . 124 0.091 0.0364 608 X 10 - 5 0 .767
4.50 1.38 6 .23 0 .800 0.587 0.235
3019 P- L00-3 B9 J B9 30 1480 5750 4.50 1.38 6.23 0 .800 0 .587 0. 235 c c
3019P-L00-303 303 30 745 2820 4.50 1.38 6.23 0.800 0.587 0 .235 c c
3622P-L00-3B7 387 36 2000 9660 2.08 0 .313 .65 1 0.167 0.1 16 0.0464
N 5.28 2.02 18.7 1.08
102 x 10- · 1.06
0.748 0.299
3622 P-L00-3B9 3 B9 36 1440 7050 5.28 2 .02 10.7 1.08 0.748 0.299 c c
3622 P-LOO-JD3 303 36 745 3580 5.28 2.02 10.7 1.08 0.748 0.299 c c
3622 P-L00-3 E 3E 36 2250 10.ROO 5.28 2.02 10.7 J.08 0.748 0.299 464 x 10-1 1.06
4229P- L00-3B7 3 87 42 2100 10,300 2.68 0 .41 3 l. I I 0.301 0.2 17 0.0868 165 x 10- • 1.60
6 .81 2.66 18 . 10 1.94 1.40 0 .560
K5 350 56-3E JE 45 2400 I J.5 00 2 .56 0.45 1 1. 15 0 .25 1 0. 160 0 .0640 764 x 10- 1 1.59
6.50 2.9 1 18.8 l.62 1.03 0.412
K5 350 I l-3E 3E 66 2440 18.200 4.85 I. II 5.38 .857 0.620 0.248 352 x 10 - • 4.42
12.30 7.16 88.2 5.53 4.00 1.60
The design objective has been satisfied when 2434 turns of wire are layer-
wound on the toroid core. The progression of design is patterned after in-
formati on contained in Ferroxcube Bulletin 330-A. In a practical situation
the core used should be physically larger than that chosen in Fig. 1-17, even
if the k1 rating is substantially higher. Thjs will facilitate easier winding and
perrrut the use of larger wire gauges than would be required for the core
where the factor Po is given for each core type in the tables. Once this info r-
mation is acquired, the designer can make final adjustments (empirical) to
compensate for the temperature-rise effects on µe and the inductor Q. It
may at this juncture be necessary to modify the number of coil turns slightly
to meet the initial design objective. Typically, assuming that the design was
done carefully at the beginning, the changes caused by heating should be of
low percentage.
1uT 1_ 7
Figure 1-18 Example of a magnetic-core inductor used to
supply de operating voltage to the collector of an RF-
amplifier transistor. Ac and de components are present in
L 1, but only ac is a consideration at L2 and L3.
Air gaps in cores are used with regularity in the design of power chokes,
filter inductors, and transformers. We have just outlined the fundamentals
of designing with air gaps, but finding the exact air-gap dimension for a
given optimum condition versus core material, inductance, and de current is
a tedious undertaking at best. A simplified method was disclosed by C.R.
Hanna in his 1927 AlEE Winter Convention paper. His method enables the
designer to derive the best air gap for a speci fic group of requirements.
From his technique, Fair-Rite Products Corp. constructed a Hanna curve
for use with its Fair-Rite No. 77 core material, a popular type for use in
power inductor and transformer applications.
!al (bl
Figure 1-19 The concept of a magnetic core with air gap is shown in (al. The curve in (bl
illustra tes how µav departs from a straight line. However, the straight line is used as the
ba sis for µav in a practical situation.
10.000 ------------~~-~~.--.-
. ~~~
S? 1000
c(\) 100
0.040 1n.
10 L-----L.---l'-J...W...W...-'---'-----'-....L.L.1....J....l....L.-_..._....._......._...........1....LI
0.01 0. 1 10
DC bias !Al
Fig ure 1-20 Curves that show the effect of increasing air gap versus induc-
tance. (Courtesy of Fair-Rite Produ cts Corp.).
Air-gap selection by means of the Hanna curve eliminates the need for a
separate set of curves for each core size, with respect to de bias and induc-
tance. But, of greater significance, it negates the need for trial-and-error
O> = 0.040 in. /
~ 100
E ; 0 .001 in.
Ai r gap = 0
1 ..___,_~.__'-'-
l ul'-'-l....._~.....__,__,_~....._,_.._._~_._--'-~..J...J-..1...J..JU
0.01 0. 1 10
DC bias (A)
Figure 1-21 This group of air gaps form a Hanna curve. The curve is strik -
ingly similar to that of Fig. 1-20. (Courtesy of Fair-Rite Products Corp. ).
the curve. These points are based on the value of the air gap, divided by the
effective path length of the core (le) in centimeters.
Normally, the first step in using the Hanna curve dictates selecting a
core that will yield the required amount of inductance versus an acceptable
wire gauge. Following this it is possible to calculate the vertical factor of the
curve by
VI= L x Ii
where L is the inductance in henries, I the de current in a mperes, Ve the ef-
fective core volume in cm\ and Ve the vertical factor.
Once the vertical factor is derived, a horizonta l line is drawn from the
vertical axis until it meets the Hanna curve. At this point of intersection we
10 2
10 3
10 •
10 100 1000
H: 0.4r.Nl/lc ( 0 )
Rgure 1-22 Classic Hanna curve as extracted from the significant points on
the curve in Fig. 1-21 . (Courtesy of Fair-Rite Products Corp.).
have the value of the magnetizing field in oersteds (produced in the core).
T he equation for this is
H = 0.4 x N x I
where H is in oersteds, L the inductance in henries, I the de current in
amperes, and le the effective path length of the core in centimeters.
Once this value is obtained, it is possible to calculate the number of
turns required. As mentioned earlier, if the turns will not fit on the chosen
core, a larger one must be selected and the process repeated.
The air-gap factor is found at the intersection point of the horizontal
line and the Hanna curve. The air-gap factor can be determined by
where AG/ is the air-gap factor, ~! the air gap in inches, and le the effective
path length of the core in inches.
The air-gap factor varies in a nonlinear manner. For this reason it is dif-
ficult to use interpolation between the defined points on the curve. The
36 The Basics of Magnetic M aterials Chap. 1
"' 9477025002
~ 94770 3600 2
=_, .:94 77032002
E 9477015002
z 9477016002
~ - 94 77020002
10 .__~...__~~....................__~~~~~~~~~.__..................~
Flgure 1-23 Curves for a group of Fair-Rite E cores which are made of No.
77 (1800µ;) ferrite material. (Courtesy of Fair· Rite Products Corp.).
c: 100
0.001 0.010 0. 100 1.00
Air gap (in.)
Figure 1-24 Fair-Rite Products Corp. curves for No. 77 ( 1800µ;) pot cores.
(Courtesy of Fair-Rite Products Corp.).
shim stock between the core halves to provide an air gap. In such cases the
stock is inserted between the outer posts of the E cores and between the
halves of the pot cores along the outer perimeter of the cores. When this
technique is applied, it is necessary to use shims which are half as thick as
the desired air gap. This is because the center post of the core is elevated by
the same amount as the outer legs or walls, creating an effective gap which
is twice the thickness of the shim stock.
Ferrite rods and bars are available in standard lengths up to 8 Y2 in. The rods
can be obtained with diameters from ~ in. to V4 in. Bar stock is available in
thicknesses from Ys to ~ in., with widths from % to Ya in. The bar stock is
sold in the flat or rectangular format (Fair-Rite Classes 34 and 35). Rod
materials can be purchased in the solid or hollow formats (Fair-Rite Classes
30 and 31, respectively).
Ferrite rods and bars are used principally as magnetic cores for radio
antennas from the VLF spectrum well into the VHF range. The advantages
of these physically small antennas are high Q, compactness of assembly,
40 Application of Rods, Bars, and Slugs Chap.2
10 10
10 100 1000
Rod length divided by rod diameter, /Id
f igure 2-2 Family of curves that illustrate the relationship between rod length and
diameter to permeability. (Courtesy of Fair-Rite Products Corp.).
On the other hand, if a lowerµ; is selected (10) and the form factor is reduc-
ed to 15 (0.25-in. in diameter, 3. 75 in. in length), the µe remains the same as
theµ;. At the upper end of the initial-permeability range it becomes a prac-
tical impossibility to realize a rod whose µe is comparable to the µ; of its
material. For example, a rod that measured 0.25 x 25 in. (form factor =
100), and whose µi is 5000, would exhibit a µe of only 1800 . Because of this
phenomenon, the designer will find the curves in Fig. 2-2 of considerable
If we were to extend the curves of Fig. 2-2 to the right, it could be seen
42 Application of Rods, Bars, and Slugs Chap.2
that there is actually an optimum permeability versus lid ratio. Further in-
creases would lead to a decrease in JJe· The effect sets practical size limits for
magnetic rods that are used in loop antennas. Fortunately, the limits are
workable ones with respect to compact portable radios that contain built-in
Polydoroff [1] discusses another design characteristic that must be con-
sidered when using magnetic-rod materials: The effective permeabilities in-
dicated by the curves in Fig. 2-2 are somewhat less than the vertical scale in-
dicates, in a practical situation. This is related directly to the differential
between the mean coil area and the core area. The permeabilities are actual-
ly increased as the core length exceeds that of the coil. The rod areas beyond
the ends of the coil are called free ends. The empirical equation Polydoroff
provides is suitable for a wide group of variations in coil length versus rod
length :
There are some schools of thought which suggest that a coil placed at
one extreme of a selected rod will yield greater Q than when the coil, pruned
for the same inductance, will exhibit at the physical center of the rod (Fig.
2-3a and b). The graphical exhibit of Fig. 2-5 shows that this is a false
assumption. While using the same rod that served in the tests of Fig. 2-3 , an
- - -- - - 7. 5 on.- - - - --
28 µH
- ·-==----=----
AL "' 750
- 20 turns
0 _,.,_
20 turns
) 50 µH
AL "' 1250
0.5 x 7.5 in. ferri te rod ( R6 1- 500X7}
µ, = 125
250 -
!(test} 2.5 MHz
245 ,_
To ta l rod (spread turns)
240 1--------------.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.---.
28 µH
235 ,_
Rod center (spaced one wire diameter}
~ 230 1--------------------------------------.
0 28µ H
225 -
220 -
210 -
I I I I I I I I t
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Turns no. 22 Teflon
Fig ure 2-4 Comparison between coil turns and Q for a specified inductance on a
given ferrite rod.
f(tesc) 2.5 MH z
0.5 x 7.5 in. ferrite rod
220 -
µ, = 125
200 - 27 µH
d' 140 I-
120 ,_
Figure 2-5 The Qu of a 27-uH inductor is 80 when the winding is placed at the end
of a ferrite rod. A Ou of 190 was obtained by placing the 27-uH winding at the center
of the rod .
Sec. 2-1 Rods and Bars 45
Fig. 2-5, where the actual conductor turns were closer together and in-
sulated from one another by a material with a lower dielectric constant.
Further investigation was conducted to compare the placements of coils
with identical turns and dimensions, versus end and center location. First, a
one-turn coil was moved from the rod center to the extreme end of the core.
Figure 2-6 displays the results. In this case the Q11 was slightly higher at the
end (155) as opposed to the center (145), a variation of only 6% . The induc-
tance at the center was 8.4% greater than at the end-1.19 and l.09 µH,
respectively. This demonstrates that there is a definite relationship between
µi and the number of turns when attempting to find a workable AL, along
with the factors discussed earlier. If one were to pick an AL value referenced
to a single turn at the center of the rod, a value of 11,900 would result, based
upon AL = LµH N2. The difference between this and the value arrived at
when using 20 turns (Fig. 2-3b) is startling proof of the general prob-
Figure 2-7 shows the inductance and Q11 of a close-wound 20-turn coil of
No. 20 Formvar wire based on center and end placement on the same test
rod . Moving the coil from center to the rod end caused an inductance
decrease of 46% and a Q11 reduction of 47% .
There is still another consideration with respect to the coil geometry and
the ferrite rod. The inductance for a coil wound tightly on the core will be
considerably higher than when the coil is spaced away from the core. These
effects are highlighted in Figs. 2-8 and 2-9. An investigation was conducted
with a 4-in. ferrite rod, 0.5 in. in diameter, the µi of which was 125. By
f(tesl} = 8.0 MH z
1.4 ~
0.5 x 7.5 in. ferrite rod
µ ; = 125
1.3 -
=i 30 -
-.J 20 turns
20 ~
2.1.3 Frequency versus Core Material
2.2 Rods and Bars as Antennas
Ferrite rods and bars are used in numerous loop-antenna applications such
as broadcast-band receivers, low- and medium-frequency direction-finder
receivers, in the receivers used for airborne navigation, and even in pocket-
size VHF receivers. A closed-core magnetic device cannot serve the same
purpose as the rod or bar when used as a loop-antenna core. This is because
the toroidal configuration is self-shielding, thereby preventing the desired
signal pickup. Similarly , there is a degrading effect in rod-antenna efficien-
cy when the length versus diameter (lid) is carried beyond approximately
35. As the length is increased past that point, the "toroidal effect" becomes
more and more pronounced. In this context an infinitely long ferrite or
powdered-iron rod becomes equivalent to a closed circuit at full permeability.
The electrical parameters of a magnetic-core loop antenna are roughly
equivalent to those of the early-day air-core loop or "frame" antenna seen
in Fig. 2-10, which was developed by Hertz in 1888. It was known then as
the "loop collector." Various forms of this type of antenna have been used
since for reception of broadcast-band signals, navigational signals aboard
vessels and aircraft, and amateur-radio signals. The air-core loop can be
used as an open system or as an electrostatically shielded device, as seen in
Fig. 2-11. In the latter form, the loop discriminates various types of noise
and corona static. Ferrite-rod loops can also be equipped for electrostatic
shielding. This subject will be covered later in the chapter.
Loop antennas, whether the air-core or magnetic-core variety, have a
height factor, specified as h. This is called the effective height, he. This is
expressed in meters as a factor, which, multiplied by the field strength in µV
per meter provides the loop-induced voltage in µV:
where d/A<l, N is the number or loop turns, rr = 3 .14 and A is the area of
each turn in square meters. The effective height obtained from the equation
is for signals with horizontal polarity impinging on a loop that is orientated
for maximum response.
The magnetic-core loop exhibits an interesting and superior trait when
compared to an air-core loop: The he increases as a function of 1-'e· Thus,
he = 2rrNAµe
where, for practical considerations, A is in centimeters and A is in cm 2 •
During laboratory and outdoor test-site investigations, the author
observed that signal pickup over an efficient air-core loop is somewhat less
Balanced air-core
loop antenna
100 n µF 100 .Q
so n o-----------fr)
to ..
J_ 1 0.1 µF
x 0- ·- ->./INv- - --0 y
To preampli fier
Small shield
Figura 2-11 Format for a bal-
anced, magnetically shielded loop
than µe with very short rods (less than lid = 5). But, when the ratio is
greater than 5, the full benefits of µe are realized.
Tests were conducted with lumped turns at the center of rods, at the
ends of the cylindrical cores, and with the coil turns spread uniformly over
the entire rod. Irrespective of the resultant Q values obtained from the three
formats, the greatest he was noted when the turns occupied the entire core
length. This is because the maximum number of turns was necessary to
secure the required inductance, as seen in Fig . 2-4. These results are com-
patible with the equations for he, where a significant term is N. These
evaluations were performed with cylindrical ferrite cores which had an lid
ratio of 30 (0.5 x 15-in. rod), which was obtained by joining two 7.5-in.
rods, end to end, by means of epoxy cement. The JA; of the material was
The test method of Fig. 2-12 was employed during the tests. The signal
source was a commercial AM broadcast station, located I mile from the test
site. No conductive objects were closer than ~ mile from the loop under
test with respect to the signal path. The loop was oriented for maximum
figure-eight response for each test.
An air-core frame loop of comparable a rea to the 0.5 x 15-in . rod loop
was fabricated and tested as in Fig. 2-12. The magnetic-core loop with
spread turns exhibited a gain of approximately 50 over the air-core version.
However, when the rod loop was compared to a free-standing vertical
antenna with buried radials, the loop was some 30 dB less effective when
oriented for the same polarity. The vertical was Ya wavelength high but ad-
antenna ,.- - -7
- 40 dB max. + 30 dB
Reciever I I
50 n --' I
atten. -1
•••• _ ·1
Figure 2·12 Test method used by the author during evaluation of a ferrite rod antenna.
justed electrically to \14 wavelength by means of top loading. The feed point
was matched for 50 Q at the operating frequency.
A transmitting loop can be used as a signal source for more precise
testing. In a n exercise of this type, current in the tra nsmitting loop is im-
posed by a single generator. For spacings of A/2 or less, the field strength is
µ V per meter at the test loop is
l 8.85Nr 2J
E= xi
where r is the transmitting loop radius, N the number of turns, I the current
in mA, a nd X the spacing between the two loop antennas in meters, as
discussed by Polydoroff[ l ]. He adds that the results can be expressed alter-
natively by
l ,180Nr2e
where with regard to the transmitting loop, e is the voltage across the loop
in µV ,/the frequency, and L the inductance of the transmitting loop in µH.
In this case E is the voltage across the receiving loop, as in the previous
A. l oop
2rrNAE .
e• =A.- - cos() sin wt
{a) (b)
Figure 2-13 Classic response pattern of a properly balanced loop antenna (a). In (b) the pat-
tern can be distorted many degrees by only a slight imbalance in the system.
Figure 2-14 Method for providing magnetic
shielding of a ferrite-rod loop antenna. An
aluminum U-channel is employed.
+ 50 f
OL = -o-
'1 - f2
CD 1
- '-
0 I -t
Figure 2-15 Comparison of signal-to-noise ratio for a low-Q and
a high-Q loop antenna. The trade-off is in bandwidth.
D llWlllll11111llll1l1111JJJ11JlJJJJJJllJJJfil._
-----2 ~ in. - - - - -<....
~ in.
-1I- A i3G in.
(kH z) Ou CPF
instead of No. 28 magnet wire. But, when pocket-size radios are built for
retail at less than $10, a trade-off between performance and economy is the
rule more often than not.
An example of how a ferrite-rod loop can be used directly into the mixer
stage of a broadcast-band receiver is given schematically in Fig. 2-18. The
rod characteristics and winding information for this example and the one in
Fig. 2-19 are supplied in Fig. 2-20. The circuit of Fig. 2-18 shows the loop
with a tap near one end. The tap is set fo r approximately 600 Q to match the
characteristic input impedance of the bipolar transistor mixer, QI . With the
specified loop inductance, 240 µH, the entire broadcast band can be covered
by means of a single-sectio n 365-pF variable capacitor. In a typical design
such as one finds in low-cost AM radios, the benefits of the high Q11 are
negated to a greater extent by the tight coupling to the mixer.
550- 1600 kH z
; 365
PF 2N2222A
z ~ 600 S2 C1-F ampli fier
240 µ H
Ou = 350 5600 !"2
0. 1 µF
To Lo
550- 1600 kHz
PF 455 kHz
a. = 350
I 390 !1 0. 1 µF -=-
(3 V peak to peak)
Figure 2-19 Technique for using a M OSFET mixer with a rod antenna. The FET
gate impedance is on the order of 1M nor greater. This permits placement of the
tap near the high-impedance end of the rod antenna.
that results from undercoupling the loop to its load. This allows L2 to be set
for the desired QL or loop BW L (loaded bandwidth).
Transistor Ql in this circuit is configured as a fed-bac k, broadband
amplifier. The characteristic input and output impedance of the stage is ap-
proximately 50 Q. A combination of degenerative feedback (RI) and shunt
negative feedback (R2) ensure unconditional stability of Ql, even when very
light coupling is used between the loop and the amplifier. A 4: I broadband
toroidal transformer, Tl, steps the 200-Q down to 50 Q. Tl contains 20 bifilar
turns of No. 28 enameled wire on a 0.5-in.-diameter ferrite toroid core. The
µi of the core is 950. A 0 ..37-in.-diameter core of the same µ would be
suitable if smaller-gauge wire were employed. The 2N5179 transistor was
chosen for its high f T rating (> 1000 MHz) and low-noise characteristic.
Typical gain is 15 dB. Another advantage of this type of circuit is that the
50-Q output of the RF amplifier is compatible with diode-ring doubly
balanced mixers, the ports of which are also 50-Q. The gain of Q 1 would en-
sure adequate receiver noise figure if a DBM (double balanced mixer) were
used. Such a mixer would greatly elevate the receiver dynamic range. T he
port-to-port isolation of the diode-ring mixer, plus the inclusion of RF stage
Ql, can virtually eliminate unwanted local-oscillator radiation via the
+ 12 v
RF amp.
0.1 µF
0.55- 1.6 MHz
3.3kQ To
~----,.----' 11nn-_._--1 !---------o mix er
01 0.1µF Z " 50H
• - Indicates
same phase
0. 1 µF
Gain~ 15dB
L2 : see text.
Figure 2·20 Example of a fed -back bipolar-transistor RF amplifier as used with a rod
loop antenna. Shunt and degenera tive feedback are used to ensure unconditional
_,.....- Sense .,, _ _>. _ ft
JI' ant. 0.0032
2200 kHz Rl
Loop ant. 10 k.11 2200 kH z
2200 kH z
100 p F
0. 1
100 .n µF
10 kQ
Cl: dual 100 p F ~---o + 12V
Cardoid response
Figure 2-21 Circuit of a ferrite-rod loop antenna with sense antenna and preamplifier (al . The
resultant cardioid response pattern is shown in (b) .
Sec. 2-3 Practical Loop Circuits 61
Layer· wound clip
co il Solder
Movable coil on
low·loss lorm
(b )
Although ferrite rods are used primarily as cores for loop antennas, they are
employed sometimes in broadband transformers. More typically, however,
toroids and pot cores are chosen as the core material for narrow- and broad-
band transformers.
The major disadvantage in using a solenoidal winding on a rod core is
that the inductor or transformer Jacks the self-shielding characteristic of the
toroid or pot-core equivalent. Apart from that shortcoming, the rod is an
entirely suitable magnetic-core material. It can be used as the foundation
element in narrow- or broadband circuits. Some manufacturers prefer the
Sec. 2-4 Rod-Core Transformers 63
rod format over that of the toroid because of reduced winding complica-
tions, especially if a toroid-winder machine is not available.
Figure 2-23 portrays in pictorial and schematic form a broadband 4: 1
transformer as it would be configured on a ferrite rod. The rules given in the
chapter on transformer design apply in this example, even though a closed
core is not utilized. Although the wire pair is shown in a parallel placement
format, some designers prefer to twist the wires together before laying them
on the core. Normally, 6 to IO twists per inch is the common rule.
c A 0
R,,, 200 n
4: 1
• - Phasing
{b )
Figure 2-23 Pictorial (a) and schematic
(bl illustrations of a ferrite rod as used in a
4:1 broadband transformer.
64 Application of Rods, Bars, and Slugs Chap. 2
Sl ot
Adjust. slot hex hole
(a) (b)
,--- inserl
Threaded , slu g
mounting •I
post Coil
' I
clip ~
I!I 11
Low-loss form \ //
Sol der
(cl {d)
66 Application of Rods, Bars, and Slugs Chap. 2
Mechanical stability requires that the coil winding be held firmly in place
on the coil form with low-loss coil dope, such as polystyrene cement. The
slug mechanism should be tight in its threaded collet or coil form.
The core material must be selected correctly for the chosen operating
frequency. Too low aµ will require excessive coil turns to realize a given in-
ductance. The greater the number of turns, the higher the de resistance and
the lower the Q. Too high a core permeability will result in a small number
of turns but will cause a degraded Q characteristic. Thus, it is prudent to ex-
amine the core characteristics versus recommended operating frequency
before committing a particular core material to the circuit. Table 2-2 lists
the recommended operating frequencies for most of the popular core
Freqrie11cy Core Basic Color
M/-/z Material Powder Code
materials available for slugs of the kind shown in Fig. 2-25a, as provided by
J. W. Miller, a Division of Bell Industries. Table 2-3 gives the same general
data for slugs of the type depicted in Fig. 2-25b. The core materials are
brass or powdered iron. The recommended frequency ranges will ensure op-
timum Q. The Miller color code for slugs is included in the tables. The
permeability factors are not listed in the tabular presentations, as theµ will
depend on the core dimensions. The manufacturers of slugs can provide
speci ficµ information versus the various slugs, with respect to size.
TABLE 2-3 Threaded-slug characteristi cs.
Freque11c.1• Core Basic Color
MH= M01erial Powder Code
DC Test
S lug QI/a Core R esistance Frequency
Position L Material (fl ) (MHz )
_Lt __ J 100 k
0.002 µF 1 mH
- ---------- . ,
.L c'" 101 i
Cma. = 214pF
T ~ 6 pF
Cm,n = 55 pF I
Assume C2 at I
midrange ( 15 pF)
C1 C2 C3
r -1 -- - - -- -- - - -- -
+ - -- -- - + - - - --
C4 Cl + C2 + C3
C;" + 1 1
- +-
cs C6
Figure 2-28 Design example for a VFO that contains a slug-tuned inductor (Ll ) in the
frequency-determining part of the circuit. Excellent stability can be obtained with this circuit by
using negative-temperature coefficient capacitors at C3 through C7 inclusive. The capa citors
compensate for the positive drih of the core at L1 (a). The effective capaci tance in parallel with
L1 is demonstrated in (bl.
70 Application of Rods, Bars, and Slugs Chap.2
I 50 .n
_J__ _ __.__ _ _j __
'-------' I
----1---- / ___ J
the insertion loss that can be tolerated in terms of noise figure and receiver
sensitivity. An insertion loss of 4 to 6 dB is a suitable target amount for the
frequency specified.
In the test model, the author employed J. W. Miller 43A224CBI induc-
tors at L2 and L5. The inductance range is 138 to 275 µH, with a Qu of 128
with the core set for 138 µH. Inductors L3 and L4 are J. W. Miller 43474CBI
parts, with a range of 240 to 580 µH. Q11 at 240 µHis 135. The Q11 of both
coil types was measured at 790 kHz.
The dashed lines in Fig. 2-27 indicate extensive shielding of the filter
from outside influences. Each resonator is shielded from the others. Cl, the
three-section tuning capacitor, should be constructed with shield baffles
between the rotor sections to minimize leakage from one filter pole to the
This circuit was developed primarily to demonstrate just one application
for slug-tuned inductors. There is no reason why toroidal or pot-core units
could not be substituted for the type of inductors shown. Were this done,
however, it would be necessary to include trimmer capacitors at each section
of the filter to permit tracking.
2.6 RF Chokes
RF chokes are not selected in random fashion during the design period.
There is a definite and necessary relationship between the choke
characteristics and the circuit point at which it is used. If the choke is used
as a choke, in the true sense of the word, the reactance should be con-
siderably higher at the lowest operating frequency than the impedance of
the circuit to which it is connected. A viable rule of thumb is to ensure that
the RF choke has an X l which is four times or greater the circuit im-
pedance. This principle is demonstrated in Fig. 2-30, where a cathode-driven
RF power amplifier receives excitation in parallel with a cathode choke,
RFCI. The input impedance of the amplifier at full drive is approximately
Solenoidal PI
winding wind ing
Slot / Slot
t Wi re lead ~ Wire lead
Magnetic core Magnetic core
(a) (b)
µ, ;;;. 125
Bi filar winding J
heavy·gauge wire
Figure 2-29 A small solenoidal RF choke is seen in {a}. A bank·wound RF choke is il-
lustrated in (b). A bifilar-wound power choke is depicted in (c) . All three chokes are
wound on magnetic-core material.
linear amplifier
3-30 MHz
network o.o'i' µJI xL ;:;. 4z.,, :. xL ;;;.500 n
h c1ll]
150 n
L H ;;> - - ;;> 32µ H
µ 2rrf
• : Phasing
5 Vac 14.5 A
Figure 2-30 Design example for a bifilar-wound filament choke of
the type seen in (c) of Fig. 2-29.
Sec. 2-6 RF Chokes 75
x 600
LµH = 2~ = 6.28 x 3 = 32 µH
RFC 2 II ~Rl
_ _ _J
22 µF
RFC 3 II 1° "1····•' T
01 25 v
z coll '> -
Po is the desired output power in watts. Thus, XL for RFC2 should be 14.8Q
or greater. At four times Zcou this calls for 1.02 iiH. Once again, a standard-
value choke of 1 µH will suffice.
RFC3 is used as a decoupling choke in the Vee supply line. Since / coll will
be approximately 3.67 A, allowing 500Jo efficiency for the amplifier, the
supply-line impedance is roughly equal to 3. 7 Q (Z = El I), RFC3 should
have approximately I µH of inductance also.
Power transistors tend to self-oscillate at the operating frequency and
elsewhere in the spectrum by virtue of tuned base/tuned collector condi-
tions. The greater the transistor gain, the worse the problem. Typical HF,
VHF, and UHF power transistors exhibit gains of 13 dB or more. Stability
is, therefore, a design problem if care is not taken with layout and compo-
nent selection. In theory, the transistor gain increases 6 dB per octave as the
freq uency is lowered. Because of this phonomenon, self-oscillation at low
frequency and VLF is the principal malady to consider. If a power tran-
sistor is operated somewhat below its rated saturated power-output rating
(the point ·at which no further output can be obtained with an increase in
drive), the beta rises and stability is marginal. This is because as the collec-
tor current drops, the beta rises.
When transistor input and output capacitances are similar, and when
base and collector chokes are of the same or approximate value, the tuned
base/tuned collector syndrome arises. If the RF chokes have high Q, such as
Sec. 2-6 RF Chokes 77
they might when ferrite cores are used, the condition is quite apt to happen.
Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to swamp the chokes as shown in Fig.
2-31. RFCI is shown with a single miniature high-µ ferrite bead in series
with the grounded end. A bead of 950 µ is slipped over the pigtail of the
choke to swamp the choke Q. Laboratory measurements proved that a
single bead increased the choke inductance by I µH at 2.5 MHz. The choke
Q fell from 60 to IO when the bead was added.
An alternative Q-killer technique is employed at RFC2. RI is placed in
parallel with the choke to lower the Q. The value of resistance should be
selected to stabilize the amplifier with the highest ohmic value possible. The
lower the resistance of RI, the more RF power will be dissipated in the
resistor. Typically, values from 150 to 470 Q are satisfactory. Bypass
capacitors which are effective at various frequencies in the spectrum are
used at the junction of RFC2 and RFC3. They are an important part of the
decoupling network.
Solenoidal RF chokes need not be used for RFCI through RFC3. Small
toroids can serve as the cores for these chokes. This could enhance stability
by means of the self-shielding qualities of toroids.
A wide assortment of blank coil forms with pigtails affixed are
manufactured for use as RF-choke cores. They are available in various J.I;
[I] W.J. POLYDOROH, High-Frequency Magnetic Materials. New York: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., 1960.
[2] HENRY JASIK, Amenna Engineering Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1961.
For the purpose of definition, low level in this book refers to circuits in
which the power level is less than 1 W. In some engineering circles this term
relates to power levels in the mW region. For the most part, the expression
is a mathematical one. However, it has been defined here as it will be used
by the author.
In communications equipment there are a number of low-level circuits in
which inductors or transformers with magnetic cores find application. Prom-
inent among these circuits are RF amplifiers, IF amplifiers, oscillators,
mixers, detectors, tuned audio amplifiers, and filters. Some of these circuits
operate in narrow-band fashion, while others are classified as broadband in
their functions. The narrow-band circuits have reasonably flat responses
over a range of hertz or kilohertz, depending on the design. Broadband cir-
80 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap. 3
3.1.1 RF Amplifiers
Figure 3-1
Various toroidal inductors and transformers.
RF ampli f ier
f 0 = 2.5 MHz
Sig. T1
470.n C3
R1 39
0.006 µF C5
4. 7 k.11 krl R2 l 0.006µF
100 .11
N( Tl) = N (T2) =
RE= VEB ' "' 0.7 silicon)
Rl "' lORE
R2 : Select to obtain
2VEB (1.4 V) with
XL = Xe at f 0 R1 - R2 pair
:. X1.. Tl {sec}.T2(pri) = 200 = 12.7µH tr (01) ;;;. 1or0
Figure 3-2 Design example for a small -signal RF amplifier in which two toroidal transformers
!Tl and T2) are used. Design progression is discussed in the text.
- = 1.
Thus, if we desired a voltage gain of 10 for the circuit of Fig. 3-2, the Ql hfe
should be no Jess than 10 if the primary and secondary windings of T2 have
an impedance ratio of 1. If, with the step-down ratio shown in the diagram,
the circuit must provide a voltage gain of 10 at the output port, the hie will
need to be proportionately higher than 10.
An arbitrary Xe is suggested for Cl and C4. It will be 200 Q, which calls
82 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap.3
Lµ H =_ ____;~- 12.7
when the parallel capacitance is 318 pF at fo.
The characteristic impedance o f the tuned windings can be determined
when the series resistance, R, is known:
z -- XL
Z = XL X Q
where Z is in ohms and Q = XIR.
In this design example we will assume that the factor R is 1 Q, made up
by the ac resistance of the transformer winding. This being the case, Q =
XLIR or 200. From the equation for impedance we note that Z = 200 2 /l =
40,000 Q. Similarly, when XL and Qare known, Z = 200 x 200 = 40,000 Q
Starting with Tl of Fig. 3-2, the turns ratio, primary to secondary, is
N = VZsc/Zpri = v 40,000750 = 28 : 1
N = V40,000/600 = 8: l
as taken from the basic equation for N.
In making a core selection, we find one that is rated for optimum Q at
2.5 MHz, thefo in Fig. 3-2. Carbonyl E will be chosen because of its 1- to
30-MHz recommendation. It has a µi of 10, which will permit an ample
number of c0il turns to obtain a practical realization of the turns ratios
determined earlier. A 0.5-in.-diameter core will be large enough to operate
without saturating in this type o f circuit, assuming that abnormally large
signals are not present at the input to Tl. An Amidon Associates T50-2
powdered-iron core is suitable (see Appendix E for available Amidon
The AL factor for a T50-2 core is 50, so to learn how many turns are
needed to obtain an inductance of 12. 7 µH, we apply
27 kU lOOkU
+12 v
R;"= 10 kQ
C4 10 MHz
10 = 10 MHz
l s
RL = 10 kQ"" C3
910 51 C5
R'" L1 10 kQ
so n II
100 n
+ 12 v
Xe (C3, C4, C5, CB) ~ lO i l ;;;. 0.0015 µF
QL > 14. 1
2: 0
t - f
= 10 MHz = 20
2 1
4: Cr=[ QL
2r.f0 (RL /2 )
J x 106 =63.6pF=Xc 250 :. LµH= 4µ H
5: - C2- "" ~L
- - 1 = 13. 1
Cl nom Rin
Sec. 3-1 Low-Level Circuits 85
0.01 µF
0 .01 µF
C2 C3
+12 v .
of Tl would contain 42 turns of No. 28 wire and the secondary would con-
sist of 12 turns of wire. Either type of core material will yield excellent Q at
l.75 MHz.
A trifilar-wound toroidal transformer is illustrated in Fig. 3-5. In this
circuit a mixer, Q 1, supplies signal voltage to a half-lattice crystal filter,
FLI. Tl is tuned by means of trimmer CL The transformer phasing is such
that YI and Y2 are supplied with energy that has a 180° differential. RI is
used to improve the mixer IMD and R2 is chosen to provide the filter ter-
mination that ensures minimum passband ripple.
The rule of thumb for XL and Xe in Fig. 3-4 can be used in this circuit
example. Therefore, the windings of Tl will have an inductance of 3.5 µH
and Clnom will be 88 pF. An SF type of powdered-iron core will be ap-
propriate for use at 9 MHz. If we employ an Amidon T50-2 toroid core,
which has an AL factor of 50, the transformer will contain 26 turns of wire
for each winding. Since the three windings are applied in parallel, the core
will require an equivalent of 79 turns. This calls for No. 30 enameled wire.
To ease the winding assignment, one could use a larger core of the same
material, such as a T68-2. The required number of turns would be 25
9 MHz
Rl Cl To
..___-11---<> 1- F
amp lifier
560 i1
Lo input
• : Phasing
+ Vao
Figure 3-5 A toroidal trifilar-wound transformer {Tl) is excellent for coupling a single-ended
mixer to a half-lattice filter.
R," n Lt
600 II C2 C2
r, = 0 .225 MHz
3 - - C2 = 3.18f,(10 )
[ f 2 (f2 - 11 )R
J= [71 ,550
- -
J = 4336 pF
2 2
4 - - Lt = 2
.0796 (f2 -f1 ) R
t, 12
J =
[ 2.388
J - 77 18 µH
- .
E,ms x 10 2 x 108
7- · B = = 14. 1 gausses
oP 4.44 A 0 N (f mh l X 106 ) 14, 141 ,400
Figure 3-6 Design progression for using toroid cores in a bandpass type
of two-section filter.
AF amplifier AF amplifier
2mA f 0 = 700 Hz
0.03 µF
01 02
3k.Q C2
R1 0 .47 µF
100 .n
Max . 0
+24 v
RP "' Rd ll Rl + Xc 1
Xc 1 = 7583 Q
Xc 2• X Ll = 483
2. Q = Ro = 9833 = 20.3 Xu
XL 483 R2
700 Hz .
3. BW, = -fo =- - = 34.5 Hz With R2 at 0 n
· al 20.3
90 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap. 3
5.0 - 5.5 Local I/ 50 S1 L1
XLl , XL 2 • 50 X c2 = 25 2/ .. - 3 1 dB
X c 1· Xc3 = 50 fco = 6 MHz 31 = - 53 dB
OL ( FL1 l =1
XL 50
1. LI, L2 (µ H) = - - = - - = 1.32
27ffMMl 37.68
1 1
2. Cl . C3 (µFJ = f X = - - = 0.00053
211' MHI C 1884
3. C2 (µFJ =
= - 1- = 0.001
2;rf MHz X C 942
FL 1
E,m, = 224
50!1 son
P,., = 1000 W l.___ _ _ _..__..___ __.~.___ _ _ _.j
5·pole Chebyshev
X u. X LJ = 106.8 X L2 = 150.3
Xc 1 • X c 2 = 45.8 2f = -45dB
f0 = 1600 kH7. 3f =- 65 dB
{co= 1675 kHz 4f=-78dB
3. 8 ( L 1 L3) = x l Os = 235 G
op ' 4.44 X 0.706 x 19 x 1.6 X 106
density and is a more definitive term than Bmax• which was introduced
earlier in the book . Both terms find common usage in the industry, and they
refer to the same condition.)
Both values are well below the level at which saturation takes place.
Some heating of the powdered-iron cores will occur. T herefore, it is impor-
tant that ample ventilation be included in the design.
Some RF engineers prefer to use £pea k rather than Erms for the B0 P equa-
tion. This will allow additional leeway in choosing a core chat will operate in
the linear portion of its curve. However, when B0 P is considerably below
Bsat for a given core, as is the case in Fig. 3-9, the E rms factor is satisfactory.
An example of a high-pass filter that contains toroidal inductors is given
in Fig. 3-IOa. A filter of th is type would be used at the 50-Q input of a
marine-band receiver to prevent broadcast-band signals from overloading
the marine receiver front end. T his design is based on the image-parameter
- son Lill
~ L1
x y
ratio of the resistances is 5010.5, or J00, the power delivered at port Z will
be - 20 dB of that appearing at port Y. The usefulness of this type of at-
tenuator is seen when the signal source is too great in magnitude to use safe-
ly with some instrumenta tion.
An extension of the circuit given in Fig. 3-11 is shown in Fig. 3-12. In the
example given, we see an SWR indicator for use in an RF transmission line
of 50 Q impedance. Tl is a current transformer with the equivalent of a one-
turn primary. The voltage appearing across the transformer secondary is
proportional to the current in the through-line, as is the voltage across RI.
The voltage appearing at the junction of Cl and C3 is reduced from that on
the through-line by the ratio of the capacitive divider. Cl is adjusted so that
the voltage at Cl , C3, and DI is the same as that across Rl. When J2 is ter-
minated in a 50-Q load, the two voltages will be equal and of opposite
phase, thereby canceling . This will provide a reading of zero at Ml to in-
dicate a VSWR of 1.
Terminals J 1 and 12 a re now reversed and C2 is adjusted to provide a
null at MI with JI terminated in 50 Q. The bridge will at this juncture be ad-
justed properly for a 50-Q characteristic impedance. With the load con-
J1 J2
5 pF 5 pF
son son
Cl C2
1on 10 n
1 mH 1 mH
0.01 µF 0.01 µF
r f-J_
Sensitivity 0- 100
nected to J2, the source to J 1 and the meter switched to read forward power
(F), a full-scale reading should be noted at Ml when R3 is adjusted for
greater resistance than was present during the adjustment of Cl and C2.
Typically, R3 is set for maximum meter sensitivity during the nulling pro-
cedure. Thereafter, the control is adjusted for full scale at Ml when max-
imum power is flowing through the bridge.
The circuit is suitable for relative SWR measurements, as shown in Fig.
3-12. Additional switches and trim pots can be inserted between SI and the
two RF chokes to provide calibrated RF power readings in both the forward
and reflected modes. This technique permits actual RF power
measurements in both directions. An accurate means of measuring VSWR
will result.
The arrangement shown at Fig. 3-12 is patterned after the basic RF
power bridge developed by Warren Bruene of Collins Radio in the 1950s.
Most commercial RF bridges that are used for power and SWR measure-
ment (using a current transformer) are founded on the Bruene design.
Another useful application of a toroidal transformer is seen at Fig. 3-13.
This circuit can be used as a return-Joss bridge for measuring impedance. It
can be employed also as a 6-dB hybrid combiner when, for example, two
signal generators must be connected to a test circuit. An example of such an
application can be envisioned where the dynamic range of a receiver must be
When the circuit of Fig. 3-13 is used as a return-loss bridge, the
unknown impedance is connected to port X. Initial setup calls for applying
power to the bridge while port X is open- or short-circuited. A 50-Q detector
is connected to port Y. Signal power is increased until a full-scale reading is
obtained on detector meter. Next, the unknown impedance is attached at
port X. With the same level of power applied to the bridge, the meter is
observed for scale reading. The ratio of the meter readings, expressed in
decibels, is the return loss (dB = 20 log E.JEi). The greater the return loss,
50 .U
1- F
Jl, J2: 0.5- 500 MHz
J3: de - 500 MHz
X LIT!. T21 = 200 .\1 Core: FT·23·43, µ; = 950,
L (Tl , T2) ;;l?o 64 µH AL = 189 :. N = 18 Trifilar
turns No. 34 enam wire
Tl 01 T2
40 p F (nom.)
30 MHz
60 MHz
-=- 7 -::-
D2 0.7 µH
Broadband +12 v
ampli fier
f igure 3-16 In (a), T1 and T2 are toroidal transformers as used in a
balanced diode doubler. The broadband amplifier in (b) contains a 4:1
toroidal transformer (Tl). The amplifier is suitable for use after the
doubler in (a).
An iron core with aµ; of 8 is a good choice at T2. If the core diameter is 0.5
in. (Amidon T 50-6), a winding of 13 turns is required. No. 20 enameled wire
is recommended. The output tap on the transformer secondary is chosen to
provide an impedance match to the doubler load. If it is followed by a
broadband amplifier li ke the one shown in Fig . 3-15b, the tap should be set
for 50 Q .
Sec. 3-2 Broadband Transformers 99
The broadband toroidal transformer is one of the most useful and com-
monplace components found in the RF communications industry. The form
taken by these transformers is pretty much the designer's choice, but he or
she may prefer the transmission-line transformer to the conventional type.
Somewhat better efficiencies are available from the transmission-line ver-
sions, according to some designers. However, the impedance-transforma-
tion ratios obtainable with transmission-line transformers are restricted to
specific values. The designer has relative freedom when working with con-
ventional broadband transformers: He or she can develop any required
turns ratio because the transformer windings are separate from one
another. Transmission-line transformers, conversely, consist of bifilar,
trifilar, or quadrifilar windings of some definite impedance. It is quite com-
mon to find these transformers with 25-Q windings. The wires can be laid
on the core in parallel, twisted a given number of times per inch, or they
may consist of miniature 25-Q coaxial cable.
Most broadband transformers are wound on ferrite cores because for a
specified power-handling application the ferrites provide much higher
permeabilities. This permits the use of considerably fewer turns of wire for
ensuring reduced IR losses and adequate performance at the low end of the
transformer bandwidth curve. In this instance we are considering the basic
rule given earlier, where the transformer windings should have an XL that is
equal to or greater than four times the impedance to which the windings in-
High-µ cores are ideal for broadband transformer use because the wind-
ings yield considerable inductance at the low end of the operating range,
1 00 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap. 3
U nbal.
R ,"
R = -
L 2
RL RL : 4R;n
4: 1 Balun Combmer
(c) Id)
Figure 3-18 Four classic examples of broadband toroidal transformers. Each contains a
bifilar winding .
RL = 9R,n
9: 1 unbal.
to unbal. 9 : 1 bal. to bal.
(a) (b)
• : Phasing
(c) (d)
Figure 3-17 Multifilar windings are used on toroid cores to effect the broadband
transformers in (a) through (c). Two 4:1 transformers can be used in cascade (c) to obtain a
16: 1 impedance step-down.
Class C
son rin ir
30 MHz To
MRF449 harmonic
30 MHz
:~·~~' ~ II ':.""
-:- 0.001 µF
L1 11
Gain "" 13 dB .---4 t+-- ------0 +13.6 v
1. z coll --
v 2
cc - 3n
J- 22 µF
2Po -
2. Turns ratio: Tl =4:1 , T2 = 4: 1
3. XL: Tl (pri), T2 (sec) ""4 x 50 S1 = 200 S1
:. L : Tl (pri). T2 (sec) = 1.06 µH
Figure 3-18 Conventional broadband toroidal transformers IT1 and T2)
are shown in a Class C RF power amplifier.
ferrite cores (125µi) can be stacked atop one another at T2 to provide ample
B0 P characteristics. Lt is a decoupling choke. A ferrite core capable of
handling the de current flow and able to provide a few µH of inductance will
satisfy the requirement.
Top view
t ""' End
plate plate
(a) (b)
End plate A
End plate A
Tubi ng
End plate B End plate B
(c) (d)
Figure 3-20 Circuit and structural details for a conventional transformer that uses
rows of toroid cores. The end plates are made of printed-circuit-board material [{a) and
!ell. An assembled transformer is seen in (d).
Linear amplifier
50$1 To 50Q
input fil ters
{4W) (100 W)
2-30 MHz
II 01 µF 2-~rr
0. 1 µF
1 06 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap. 3
the negative feedback networks for the amplifier. Rl swamps the secondary
of Tl to aid stability at low frequencies. Decoupling choke LI and the
associated bypass capacitors also help to ensure stability .
An alternative method for obtaining negative feedback is shown in Fig.
3-22. In this example Tl has a third winding for use in the feedback circuit.
The number of turns for the feedback winding is chosen to deliver the
necessary voltage with respect to the base winding of Tl . Some designers
place the fe.e dback winding in T3 rather than Tl. The effect is the same.
T2 of Fig. 3-22 serves the same purpose as T2 of Fig. 3-21. This
amplifier circuit is shown with a half-wave low-pass harmonic filter con-
nected to the output of T 3. Compensating capacitors (Cc) are connected
across the secondary of Tl and the primary of T3-a necessary step in many
broadband amplifiers that cover several octaves of frequency. RI is includ-
ed to permit precise adjustment of the bias for best linearity. Re at QI and
Q2 establishes degenerative feedback while aiding the dynamic balance of
the two transistors. A typical value for Re would be l Q.
In the example of Fig. 3-23a we find a phase-reversal transformer used
at Tl and a combiner type of transformer at T2. Both transformers are
bifilar wound on ferrite toroid cores . For illustrative purposes we have
specified a collector characteristic of 15 Q for each transistor. T2 combines
the two impedances to provide an output level of 7 .5 Q. In such an instance
the harmonic filter would be tailored to have an input impedance of 7 .5 Q
and an output characteristic of 50 Q for conventional transmission lines .
The hybrid couplers shown in Fig. 3-23a and b (T 1 through T3) can be
wound toroidally or on balun types of magnetic cores. They are used in
many designs to combine the outputs of individual power amplifiers, or to
combine the outputs of groups of power modules. It has become standard
practice to use this style of transformer at power levels as great as 1 kW
throughout the high-frequency bands.
Hybrid transformers can be reversed and used to split a single power
source into two or more branches of equal phase and amplitude. When they
are constructed and used correctly, they provide isolation amounts of be-
tween 30 and 40 dB from 1.8 to 30 MHz between the two like power
sources. This isolation enables the system to continue operating, even
though one of the power sources may fa il. Although failure of one amplifier
will result in reduced power output, a constant load impedance will exist.
This will protect power transistors from damage and will preserve the
linearity of amplifiers which operate in that mode.
The balancing resistors of Fig. 3-23 (R l and R2) keep the VSWR at a
low value even if one of the amplifiers fail. Each balancing resistor must be
twice the ohmic value of the driving source. The resistor should be rated for
at least 0.25 of the output power of the total system, and it must be the
noninductive type. Granberg treats this general subject in depth in
Motorola AN-749 (4).
RF linear amplifier
2W Harmonic filter
L1 L2 (100 W)
l·;lff f:r f J
(4W) •
0.1 µF.._ _ __. -:-
..... -:-
0 Gp "=' 14dB
R,e 0.01 µF Cc: Compensating capacitor
or~ R18 : Feedback resistor
R 1~• ' w.t-. ' VM ' ' 0+13.6V
Bias +
set 01 1 22µ F
-:- -:-
Figure 3-22 Tl has a third winding which is used in the negative-feedback loop of this amplifier.
z=15 .11
T2 To
~lllLr-1,__-0 harrno n ic
RI • fi l ter
30 .11 (7.5 !1)
z = 15 .11
y R1(W) = 0.25P0
50 .11
R2 ---
R1 = 2 x 50 .11 = 100 .11
R2 = 2 x 25 n = 50 n
3.2.4 Variable Impedance Matching
XL I '=' 315rl.
Xe , -,, 31sn
Xc 2 '=' 530 Q
Figure 3-24 The transformer in (al has a tapped
secondary to permit matching va rious impedances
t o a specified primary load. In (b) is a T·matching
network that contains a narrow-band format. L1
can be built as a nonresistive rheostat, using a
toroid core as the foundation (see Fig. 3-251.
110 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap.3
Tuning Plexiglass
shaft / header
Toroid inductor
core )~--+--- glued to
Epoxy -cement
core end to
insulating arm
Figure 3-28 How a variable inductor can be made from one -half
of a toroid core. This scheme was devised by the author in 1970 for
use in a low-power antenna Transmatch for field use. As the core
half enters the 180° air-wound coil, the inductance increases.
Mechanical details were developed by A. Pfieffer of Old Lyme,
Figure 3-28 Ferrite cores or sleeves can be placed over the con-
ductors of a dipole antenna to decrease the antenna length. Field-
strength measurements indicated no measureable degradation in
antenna performance as a resu lt of the loaded dimensions.
11 3
114 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap.3
Toroids, as well as U cores, pot cores, and E cores, are used extensively in
transformers for de-to-de converters and dc-to-ac inverters. The principle
of operation for these power supplies is relatively simple: The transformer is
wound on a core that will provide a hysteresis loop whose shape is nearly
that of a rectangle, as is seen in Fig. 3-29. This type of transformer is found
in Fig. 3-30 (Tl) .
QI and Q2 of the same circuit operate as switches. When one is off the
other is on, and vice versa. So that we may illustrate the operational con-
cept, let us assume that QI is conducting and that Q2 is in cutoff. This con-
dition places the input voltage across the top half of Npri of Fig. 3.30. As
this occurs, a voltage is induced in all the Tl windings. When QI conducts,
instantaneous current and voltage peaks reach maximum in the transformer
windings. This condition will be maintained until the core of Tl saturates.
At this time the flux change rate will drop to zero, and the induced voltages
will decline to zero. As this happens, the base drive disappears from QI. At
this period the current decreases, causing the flux to increase in the opposite
direction . Since a voltage of opposite polarity is induced in the windings of
30 K
10W +300 v
50 µF C1
+14 v
• - Heat sink,
40 sq. inches, NPRt - 40TS CT, no. 12enam. (bifilar)
inch thick
NFB - 12TS CT, no. 18enam. (bifilar)
or greater
Nsec - 448 TS CT, no. 23 enam.
Wind on magnetics inc. 51001 - 2A
toroid core. Kilogausses "" 15.
01, 02 - Motorola Core type: Orthonol, 2.5" OD, 1.5" ID,
HEP G6006 or equivalent. 0.5" thick, tape wound.
Figure 3-30 Basic circuit for a de-to-de converter in which a saturable transformer (Tl) is
used. This circuit is patterned after one that was published by Delco Division of GM Corp. in
AN-18, an application note.
Tl, Q2 goes into conduction. From this point onward, the cycle keeps
A square wave will appear across Nsec of Fig. 3-30. The frequency of
the QJ, Q2 switching action is determined by number of primary turns on
Tl, the de operating voltage, and the flux characteristics of the toroid core.
N, . Ebb x 108
pn = 4BsAf
where Ebb is the supply voltage, Npri the number of turns in one-half the
primary winding, B5 the saturation flux density in lines per square inch, A
the core area in square inches, and/ the frequency o f switching in hertz. The
116 Applying Toroidal Cores Chap. 3
frequency, from no load to full load, should not change more than 5% if
the design is done correctly.
Oscillation is started by virtue of Rl and R2. These resistances provide
forward bias for Q 1 and Q2. This causes the transistors to operate above the
low-current, nonlinear portion of the curve. A full-wave bridge rectifier is
formed by using Dl through 04, as shown. R3 is a minimum-load resistor.
It is necessary to prevent the 50-µF filter capacitor from charging to the
peak value of the spike voltage which is present. It serves also as a safety
measure against shock hazard by bleeding the de voltage from Cl when the
power supply is inoperative.
The turns on Nsec can be varied in number to obtain the desired output
voltage. The power rating of the composite supply must be kept in mind if
this is done.
A circuit similar to that of Fig. 3-30 is given in Fig. 3-31. The major dif-
ference is that Ql and Q2 are VMOS power FETs. The use of power FETs
enables the designer to employ smaller components for a given power level.
This is because the upper frequency limit of FET switches is much higher
(100 MHz or greater), thereby permitting switching frequencies of 50 kHz
or greater. Smaller toroid cores can be used and the oscillator efficiency is
high. The filter capacitor can be much lower in value than at the lower switch-
02 l
Figure 3-31 Power FETs (VMOSl are ideal for use with a saturable
transformer. The basic circuit seen here is capable of highly efficient
Sec. 3-6 Core Doping 117
8-H loops of Supermendur
saturabl e materials
Permalloy 80
5000 Perrn.
\er rite
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Agura 3-32 Comparison of core types for use in saturable reactors. The Orthonol core has an
almost ideal rectangular hysteresis characteristic. (Courtesy of Magnetics Division of Spang
Industries, Inc.).
Therefore, it is prudent to affix the coil turns to the core material in filters
as well as oscillators.
40 2 mil orthonol
1 1--~~~~~+-~~--.f-~~~~+-~~~+-+-~----4
CJ "'
Flux density (gauss)
Figure 3-33 Flux density and frequency of operation versus core loss is il-
lustrated here. These curves are based on 2-mil Orthonol core material.
!Courtesy of Magnetics Division of Spang Industries, Inc.).
outer edges. This helps keep the transformers in place on the printed-circuit
board. There is no copper conductor on the component side of the printed-
circuit board. Had there been, each transformer would have been elevated
at least Y4 in. above the copper ground plane, using an insulating pedestal.
Suc.h an elevating insulator serves two purposes: it prevents abrasion of the
windings and consequent short-circuit conditions. Also, placing the trans-
former somewhat above the copper ground plane reduces unwanted
capacitive effects between the windings and ground. In a symmetrical cir-
cuit, such as a balanced mixer, all stray capacitance and inductance must be
kept to a minimum.
Figure 3-34 The two toroids shown in this module are trifilar wound. They have been
doped with polystyrene Q-dope 10 seal them against moisture.
Figure 3-35 Three toroids are seen on this pc board. Each has been coated
•' I
generously with Q-Dope to affix them to the circuit board and protect the windings
from abrasion and moisture.
PC board
Figure 3-38 A toroid can be edge -mounted by
floating it in a dab of silicone cement such as GE
Silastic or RTV sealant. The cement has a
rubber-like consistency when dry, thereby func-
tioning as a shock mount.
Epoxy potting
of circuit board that has been fitted with solder terminals. A mold of
suitable dimensions is chosen next. It is coated internally with silicone
grease to prevent the potting compound from adhering to it. The toroidal
assembly and terminal board is inserted in the mold, then the potting com-
pound is poured. Mounting studs are also contained on the printed-circuit-
board header if mounting is to be done at the terminals. Alternatively, as
seen in Fig. 3-37, the studs can be affixed to one side of the finished pro-
duct. If the latter method is used, the mold must have holes on one wall to
accommodate the studs.
Many potting compounds must be baked for a specified period of time
after they have been poured in a mold. This curing process ensures a stable
and reliable component for field use.
Various dyes are available for making the encapsulating material prac-
tically any color the designer specifies. Some casting resins which are sold in
hobby stores are entirely suitable for one-shot laboratory experiments with
encapsulation. Few of them require oven baking, and dyes can be mixed in-
to the resin as desired.
, I
I I ••
Figure 4-1 Pot core and some ferrite beads.
124 Beads, Sleeves, and Pot Cores Chap. 4
are generally much smaller overall than the typical toroid core. Finally, the
applications to which beads are put are somewhat apart from those of
We can envision the ferrite sleeve as a long ferrite bead which has a
relatively thin wall, comparatively speaking. It can be used for many of the
tasks assigned to the bead, as we shall learn in this chapter. For most circuit
applications the bead, sleeve, and pot core are used to surround the conduc-
tor (single wire or coil), whereas the conductor is on the outer surface of a
toroid core. Thus, the bead, sleeve, and pot core not only increase the in-
ductance of the conductor, but also serve as shield material for the induc-
Pot cores and cup cores are two-piece units. One-half of the ferrite
cylinder contains an insulating bobbin on which an inductor or transformer
winding is placed. The remaining core half fits over the bobbin and mates
with the first half of the core. The two sections are tightened together by
means of a nonconductive screw-and-nut assembly. The resultant device is
an enclosed, shielded transformer or inductor.
The physical and electrical characteristics of the ferrite bead are shown in
Fig. 4-2. A blank bead is depicted in part (a). Part (b) shows a single-wire
conductor passed through the bead. Part (c) indicates the existence of Rand
L components that result from the assembly seen at B. When a ferrite bead
is inserted in series with an ac voltage, the condition shown in Fig. 4-3
prevails. Therefore, the impedance exhibited by one or more beads slipped
over a conductor can be used to considerable advantage when it is desired to
suppress a selected frequency or band of frequencies. The amount of sup-
pression is dependent upon the 1-'e of the ferrite, the size of the bead, and the
frequency of the suppressed energy . The impedance presented by the ferrite
material can be increased by winding two or more turns of wire through the
bead. This is seen in Fig. 4-4a. An alternative but more costly method for
increasing the series impedance is shown in part (b), where two or more
Bead Conductor Equivalen t ci rcuit
Zl Z2 Z3
Figure 4-4 The effective inductance of a ferrite-loaded impedance can be increased
(a) by looping one or more wire turns through a single bead, or (b) adding beads in
series on a single conductor.
t_:Y 0 0
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4-5 Ferrites are available for use as baluns or single impedances in the
forms seen at la) through (cl. The number of holes will depend on the application .
attenuation = 20 log,0 EL
where EL is the voltage across the load without the bead in the signal path,
and ELB is the voltage across the load after the bead has been inserted.
Figure 4-7a and b show the two conditions of the equation. A desired
amount of attenuation can be obtained through empirical means by simply
0.001 µF
Xe = 72.3 D.
Zdamp = Z r x Xe = 5422.5 n
Zl , Z2. Z3: µ1 =5000
Figure 4-8 Signal absorption can be increased
greatly by using a capacitor in combination with fer·
rite beads, as shown here. The load is in parallel with
. EL
Attenua t ion = 20 log 10 -
= 20 log 10 -
3 = 16.9 dB
Figure 4-7 How the attenuation of a ferrite bead {Zs) can be determined
(see the text).
128 Beads, Sleeves, and Pot Cores Chap. 4
Es source voltage.
EL load voltage before adding a shield bead.
Ew load voltage after adding a bead.
IA circuit current without a bead.
ls circuit current after adding a bead .
Zc source impedance.
Zs impedance of bead.
zl load impedance.
EL = I AZL = Es X ZL
Zc + zL
and Eis = laZL = Es x Zi
Zc +Zs + ZL
EL EsZil(Z0 + Zi.)
Also, attenuation = 20 log,o Eia = 20 log ,0 EsZLl(Zc + Zs + Zi.)
Zc + Za + ZL
and attenuation = 20 log, 0 Z
2G + L
Magnetic Properties
Series impedance vs. frequency Series inductance and resistance vs. frequency
40 40
~ 30 30 !§
.!::. .c
0 0
t\i 20 20 Q:
10 10
and the other is for inductance. Both curves are referenced to operating fre-
The curve of Fig. 4-1 l shows the relationship between attenuation and
frequency . It can be seen that as the operating frequency is increased, the at-
tenuation in decibels escalates almost linearly.
Impedance vs. lrequency
so ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
tc 40
Frequency (MHz}
Figure 4-9 Operating frequency versus impedance for an Amidon Associates
FB101-43 ferrite bead (950µ) .
0.14 35
0.12 30
3- 0.10 25 ]
u Effective series L (µH) and
c 0.08 20 tc
u series R (ohms) of one bead
:J on 1.5 in. or No. 22 wire 15 t;
"c ·~
0.04 10
O.o2 05
Attenuation vs. frequency
:£ 14
.g 12
e 10
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency (MHz) x 102
Figura 4-11 Attenuation with respect to operating frequency while using an
Amidon Associates FB101 -43 ferrite bead.
13 1
01 2N4416
(-o Eo
50 pF
(a) Oscillator
150 MHz
~ = 10 .n
(b) VH F amplifier
6.5 MHz
parasitics, the VHF energy would be readily apparent by observing the out-
put waveform (£0) by means of a wide-band oscilloscope. The VHF energy
would be superimposed o n the 5-MHz sine wave.
Zl through Z4 of Fig. 4- 12c are used for the purpose j ust discussed . But,
because of the very high gfs of the two VMOS power FETs , and because the
devices are connected in a parallel arrangement (increased lead lengths),
parasitic oscillation is a problem. Complete stability resulted in this circuit
Sec. 4-1 Propert1esof8eads 133
only after a bead (950 µ) was placed in both the drain and gate leads. It is
practical to employ a 10- to 22-Q Vi-W noninductive resistor in place of Zl
and Z2 for parasitic suppression. ln fact, many designers use that techni-
que. However, if resistors were situated at Z3 and Z4, the de voltage drop
across them would be prohibitive: the beads offer a better solution.
In Fig. 4-12b we find Zl through Z4 serving a different purpose. Here
they provide an impedance across which the driving energy to Ql is sup-
plied. If we use the beads specified for the curve of Fig. 4-9, each bead will
exhibit an impedance of 38 Q at 150 MHz. A total impedance of 152 Q will
be present with the four beads- somewhat more than the minimum require-
ment of four times the base impedance specified (10 Q). The primary advan-
tage in using the beads instead of a conventional wire-wound solenoidal RF
choke is that the Q will be low for Zl through Z4 compared to a wire-wound
choke. This is a desirable condition in the interest of circuit stability. Many
times a solid-state amplifier will break into self-oscillation by virtue of a
tuned base/tuned collector condition brought on by the RF chokes in the
base and collector leads. The input and output capacitance of the transistor
helps to establish the frequency of oscillation. But, if the base-return im-
pedance is of low Q, and if the collector RF choke (RFCl) of Fig. 4-12b is
of low Q, self-oscillation is unlikely. The cost of four beads versus that of a
commercially made RF choke is similar.
Figure 4-13 Zl is used in (a) and lb) to lower the circuit Q (see
the text) and enhance amplifier stability.
Sec. 4-1 Properties of Beads 135
At VHF and higher the ferrite bead becomes one of the most effective
components available at low cost for RF filtering and decoupling. Zl
through Z6 in Fig. 4-14 are used in the Vee supply lines to prevent unwanted
migration of signal energy from one stage to the other. If feedback voltage
was permitted to travel along the Vee leads, instability could very easily
result at QI, Q2, or both. C l and C2 prevent Q degradation of RFCI and
RFC2 which would otherwise be caused by the use of Zl /Z2 and Z5/Z6.
These capacitors become part of the RF decoupling networks along with
C3, C4, and Z3/ Z4. T hree different values of capacitance are used in the
driver 150 MHz
Z6 I
0.01 0.1 C4
G:}ID Oscillator
-:- .L2 C1 C2
Type 4
Class 27 t.. ~cr- · 1 -1A
~~"7 8
In. 0. 130/ 0. 146 0.047/ 0 .0SS 0.22610.246
2673000.101 73
1, 19/ 1.40 5.74/ 6.25
mm J.30/ 3. 71
in. 0.130 0.04710.55 0.485/ (1.515
2643000701 43 1,19/ 1.40 12.32/ IJ.06
mm UO/J.7 1
in. 0. 130/ 0.146 0.04710.055 0.485/ 0.5 15
2664000701 64 1.19/ 1,4() 12.3211 l.08
mm UO/l.7 1
in . O. IJ0/ 0.146 0.047/ 0.055 0.485/ 0.5 15
267300070 I 7,l 1.19/ 1,.10 12.3211 J .OS
mm 3.30/J .7 I
in. O. IJ5/ 0.14S 0.06510.075 0.224/ 0.244
26-13001301 43 1,65/ 1.91 5.6916.20
mm 3.43/J.68
in. 0 .15310.169 0.074/ 0 .084 0.457/ 0,487
26-13001401 43 1.8812. 13 11.611 12.37
mm 3.89/ 4 ,29
in . 0 . 15710.181 0.063/ 0.079 0.185/ 0.?09
2663001201 63 mm 3.9914 ,60 I .6012.0 1 4, 70/ 5.JI
in . 0.190/ 0.210 0.05710.067 0.240/ 0.2W
2633012401 3.1 mm ·• .S3t 5. JJ 1.4511 70 6. 1016.60
in . 0. 19010.2!0 0.05710.67 0.240/ 0.260
?6-13022401 4J 1,4511.70 6. 10 16.60
mm ·• .S315. JJ
in . 0.190/ 0.210 O.OS7/ 0.0ll7 0.4?210.452
26-13021801 43 1.4511.70 10. 7211 1.48
mm 4.8315.33
in . 0. 190/ 0.?10 0.0S710.0ll7 0.42 210.452
2664021801 64 1.4511.70 10.7211 1.48
mrn 4,8315.JJ
in . 0. 190/ 0.210 0.0S710.0ll7 0.422/ 0.452
2673021801 73 1.4511.10 10.72111.48
mm 4.8315.JJ
in. 0.203/ 0,232 (2) 0.029/ 0.041 0.456/ 0 .488
2664001101 6-1 (21 0.14/ 1.04 I U S/ 12.40
mm l .2815.89
in. 0.12610.?46 (6) O.oJ5/ 0.04 I 0.384/ 0.404
26-13225111 43 l.74/ 6.25 (61 O.S9/ l.04 9.7l/ I0.26
in. 0.226/ 0.246 (6) O.OJ5/ 0.04 I 0.384/ 0.404
2664225111 64 5.74/ 6.25((0) 0.891 1.04 9.751 10.26
in. 0.24010.260 (6) 0.04510.055 0.45610.486
2664000901 64 llH1l 6. 10/ 6.60 (21 1.14/ 1.40 I U8/12.J4
In . 0.291/0.JO I 0.03910.0?9 0.287/ 0.J07
2643000801 43 7.J911.6S 2.2612.51 7.2917.80
Avai lable bead sizes and permeab ilities. Courtesy Fair- Rite
Corp. Initial permeabilities are given here with material
type: 33 = 800 mu; 43 = 850 mu; 63 = 40 mu; 64 = 250 mu ;
73 = 2500 mu; 75 = 5000 mu; 77 = 1800 mu;
j Sleeve
equipmen t
Rgure 4-18 The basic ferrite sleeve is shown pictorially in (a). A
solenoidal inductor is shown partially inserted into the sleeve in (bl.
Ferrite sleeves can be used to decouple coaxial RF transmission lines
as shown in (cl .
illustration in part (b) shows how the sleeve and a solenoidal inductor can be
used in combination to elevate the coil inductance.
Additional to the feature of increased inductance, the sleeve functions as
an effective shield for the coil. Still another advantage in using the sleeve is
that it offers physical protection to the inductor. This eliminates the need
for a special shield can or the added burden of encapsulation. The wall
thickness of ferrite sleeves is 120/o of the sleeve outside diameter, or greater.
This is a manufacturing requirement that makes it practical to fabricate the
sleeves by means of the compaction-pressing or extrusion techniques. The
net result is beneficial to designers who choose to use the sleeve as a protec-
tive covering for the coil with which it is used.
Sec. 4-3 Ferrite Balun Cores 141
The ferrite balun core of Fig . 4-5c is an excellent substitute for a group of
toroid cores that have been combined for broadband transformer applica-
tions (Fig. 3-20). The practical limit is set by the sizes of available balun
cores. Most of them are relatively small in cross-sectional area. This places a
restriction on the amount of power that can be handled safely with ferrite
Although the term "balun" refers specifically to a balanced-to-unbalanced
transformation of impedance levels, there is no reason why balun cores can-
not be used for all manner of conventional or transmission-line
transformers. Figure 4-17 shows a 150-W solid-state linear amplifier for use
from 2 to 30 MHz. The input transformer uses a balun core that is 'Is in.
Jong and Y:z in . wide. Driving power for the amplifier is on the order of 6 W.
The larger transformer on the module is used at the amplifier output. It is
fashioned from two I '!ii-in. lengths of ferrite tubing. Each is Y2 in. in
diameter. End plates have been made from printed-circuit board as shown
in Fig. 3-20. However, the principle of operation for the two transformers
seen in Fig. 4-17 is the same. Both are conventional transformers.
A pictorial view of how we might employ a balun core for a broadband
conventional transformer is given in Fig. 4-18. The example in part (a)
shows the core from one end. The shield braid from a small piece of coaxial
cable has been placed in the core holes, then fanned as shown. The braid is
passed through the holes so that fanning can be done at each end of the
core. Solder is flowed over the fanned areas to secure the braid in the
desired position. At the far end of the core in Fig. 4-18, the two sections of
braid are joined and soldered. This results in the winding C-D-E of Fig.
Flgure 4-17 A 150-W solid-state broadband amplifier in which a balun core is used for
the input transformer. The larger transformer (output) is a conventional type which
coniains two long cylinders of ferrite . This amplifier was designed by Helge Granberg of
Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc.
{join braid)
shield braid
c E
( b}
Flgure 4-18 Method of using coaxial-cable shield braid as the CDE winding of (cl
The braid is passed through the holes of a balun core as shown in (a) and (b).
Sec. 4-4 Pot Cores 143
A typical pot core is shown before and after winding and assembly in Fig.
4-19. This device is excellent when the designer requires a large amount of
inductance and a high degree of magnetic self-shielding. For example, we
could fabricate a 4-H inductor on a pot core that had a diameter of only Y.6
in. Furthermore, excellent values of Q can be obtained when using pot
cores .
Another advantage in the use of pot cores is the reduction in manufac-
turing cost with respect to winding equipment and winding time. Pot cores
contain plastic bobbins on which the inductor or transformer windings are
placed. The winding procedure is far less complex than when toroid cores
are used for the same purpose.
Owing to the small size of pot cores, miniaturization becomes a routine
procedure when an inductor or transformer is required in a circuit. The
mounting techniques for pot cores make them compatible with etched-
circuit boards and metal chassis. An assembled pot core can be impregnated
to protect the winding from dirt, moisture, and fungus. T he impregnation
Figure 4-19 Typical pot core before and after winding.
process will also help to keep the core halves tensioned properly. Any reduc-
tion of pressure will cause Lhe inductance of the pot-core winding to
decrease. Similarly, dirt or grease on the mating surfaces of the core halves
must be avoided to ensure maximum inductance. It is important, therefore,
to prevent varnish or encapsulating material from appearing on the mating
sur faces of the core. Even the thinnest of foreign-matter layers will reduce
the core AL.
Two common styles of pot core are depicted in Fig. 4-20. The a ssembly
seen in part (a) uses a metal mounting clamp to hold the core halves tightly
together. The base plate and the metal clamp are held together by means of
screws and nuts , thereby confining the pot core between them. Alternative-
ly, the entire assembly can be snugged against a circuit board or metal
chassis . One or more shims (washers) can be used at the bollom of the
"sandwich" to provide the desired tension . Slots in the core halves permit
bringi ng the transformer o r inductor leads out of the assembly.
The inductance adjuster screw at the cop of Fig. 4-20a is an o ptional
feature of some pot cores. It can be used to vary the core-winding induc-
ta nce by approximately ± 13 OJo. This screw contains a ferrite slug tha t
bridges the air gap within the core to increase the inductance. This feature is
especia lly useful when precise final a lignment of high-Q filter sections is re-
T he core assembly shown in Fig. 4-20b is entirely suitable for most non-
critical circuit applications. The winding inductance is predetermined within
reasonable limits of tolerance by means of the AL factor which relates to the
core being used. A nylon nut and screw is used to hold the core halves
toget her a nd to affix the completed assembly to the chassis o r pc board.
Ferrite slug
~~ Inductance
'j'- adjustor
Pot core
-----e;;?Z77???????2?; I
:2222???2???2;1 I I
Pot core
Add washers
for required Base
tension plate
~ ·
ITf Nut
o=i Washer
II 2-section
I:IC (a)
Figure 4-21 Pot-core bobbins are
available with 2 (a) or more lb)
winding sections. An end view of a
bobbin is seen in (c).
Although ferrous or brass nuts and screws can be used for the purpose, they
will have some effect on the winding inductance and Q. Therefore, they
should be avoided whenever possible.
In addition to the single-section bobbin of Fig. 4-20, there are two- and
three-section bobbins available. These are seen in Fig. 4-2la and b. The
slots in the end plates of the bobbins are situated to align with the slots in
the core halves. This facilitates bringing the transformer or inductor leads
out of the core for connection to the circuit. Some manufacturers of pot
cores provide a glass-epoxy header which can be affixed to the top or bot-
tom of the core assembly. The header is fitted with the desired number of
terminal posts, consistent with the number of leads coming through the core
slots . The transformer or inductor leads are soldered to the header posts to
reduce the fragility of the leads.
4.4.2 Design Considerations
When pot cores are employed in narrow-band LC types of circuits, there
are some basic considerations which the designer must address prior to
selecting a core:
1. The operating frequency.
2. Inductor Q at the chosen operating frequency.
3. Operational flux density (B0 p).
4. Required inductance.
5. Temperature coefficient of the inductor.
6. Long-term stability.
7. Available space for the pot-core assembly.
3 J:
0 QJ
.0 1000 c
current losses in the winding- an aid to higher Q. Litz-wire data are provided
in Table 4-2.
As an aid to predetermining the size of bobbin needed for a given
number of wire turns, it is convenient to refer to the nomograph presented
in Fig. 4-23 . First , the a rea occupied by the turns in terms of square inches
or square centimeters must be determined. This will be based on the wire
gauge, inclusive of the insulating material on the wire. It is also assumed
that the windings will be machine-wound in layers rather than scramble-
wound by hand . Tables 4-2 and 4-3 ca n be consulted to learn what bobbin
area will be occupied by the chosen wire and number of turns . T his infor-
mation can then be used to select a bobbin of appropriate a rea by consulting
Fig. 4-23 .
TABLE4-2 Litz wire data.
:; 1000
0.001 0.01 0. 1 1.0
ReQuired bobbin area (in. 2 )
Agure 4-23 Nomograph that shows w ire gauge, number of turns and bobbin area in
inches'. (Courtesy of Magnetics Division of Spang Industries, Inc.I
TABLE4-3 Bobbin data.
~L T2
__ = DFe X log
L Tl
where MIL is the decrease in inductance between times TI and T2, DFe is
the effective disaccomrnodation coefficient of the chosen core, and Tl and
T2 are time differences. For the purpose of definition concerning the
foregoing equation, Tl is the time lapse between manufacture of the core
(these data are usually marked on the shipping carton) and the time it is
soldered into the circuit. T2, on the other hand, is the time lapse from
manufacture to the period when the product in which the core is used has
Disaccommodation commences the moment the core is fabricated by the
manufacturer, through its period of cooling (Curie temperature). Subse-
quent to this time frame, if the core is thermally or mechanically shocked,
or if it is demagnetized, the inductance can increse to its original value. If
this occurs, disaccommodation starts anew. In view of these traits, the
designer must take all the possibilities into account when designing a circuit.
But if a relatively normal environment is expected for the equipment, the
Jong-term changes in pot-core inductance will be small. Most of the change
will take place during the first few months after the core is manufactured.
It is recommended, therefore, that the unwound cores be allowed to age a
sufficient length of time before they are placed in the manufactured
Effective permeability (µe) is as important when working with pot cores
as it is with any magnetic-core material. Unlike the toroid core, a pot core
has a defined gap. The air gap determines the 1-'e and hence the AL factor for
any given type of pot core. The larger the air gap, the lower the AL. Con-
versely, the larger the air gap, the better the stability of the inductance with
time and temperature. A definite degradation of the Q will accompany in-
creases in air gap. These conditions do, therefore, conflict somewhat with
one another from a design-objective viewpoint. Since stability and Q are
both highly desirable in narrow-band circuit work, the air gap must be a
compromise value in order to strike an acceptable balance between the two
desired conditions-Q and stability.
A representative circuit for a pot core with an air gap is seen in Fig. 4-24.
Am Cross section
__ 0.4rrN 2 x 10 -a
L henries
Im /µ;Am + lgfA 9
Figure 4-24 Representation of a pot core with its gap. Design
considerations are detailed in the text.
For an inductor wound in the manner shown, the inductance can be found
0.4rrN2 X 10 - s
L henries
Im lg
µ;Am Ag
L = µ
X 10-s) henries
e I --
( A
Sec. 4-4 Pot Cores 153
50 i1
3.3 kU
II out
• : Phasing Product
(+ 7 dBm)
4. Determine N
N = 1000 . jLmH + AL = 1000 . j0.0699 + 160 = 20.9turns
which is well beyond the Bsat of the pot core. A trifilar winding is placed on
the core bobbin after first twisting the three wires approximately 10 times
per linear inch. Each wire has a different color of insulation to make iden-
tification of the windings easy when connecting them to the circuit.
The four switching diodes in the circuit are small-signal types that
should be chosen for similar forward resistances. Hot-carrier diodes are a
better choice than ordinary silicon types, but good performance can be had
after careful matching of a set of JN914s or similar types. An RF RC filter
is used at the detector output to prevent energy other than audio frequency
from reaching the subsequent stages of the composite equipment.
As has been the rule throughout this book, the XL of the windings
should be four times or greater the characteristic impedance of the circuit to
which they connect. Since we are dealing with a 50-Q source impedance, XL
should be 200 Q or greater. Therefore, the minimum acceptable inductance
of the individual windings will be 69.9 µH, as shown by step 2 of Fig . 4-25.
A suitable pot core is chosen next. Because Q is not a prime considera-
tion in this application, we select a core that has a substantially high AL fac-
tor for RF work. The manufacturer's catalog is consulted and we learn that
a Magnetics G-41107-16 core has sufficient bobbin area and a of 120 (AL
= 160).
Step 4 of Fig. 4-25 is used to determine the required number of turns for
the trifilar winding. Since the equation calls for 20.9 turns of wire, we use the
nearest whole number, which is 21. We must take into consideration the
fact that a trifilar winding is used. Therefore, allowance is made for the in-
crease in effective wire gauge caused by three conductors being laid on the
bobbin in a single winding operation. It is determined that 21 trifilar turns
of No. 30 enameled wire will be suitable for the bobbin area of 0.00785 in. 2
This is verified by consulting the graph in Fig. 4-23. In fact, some bobbin
space should be left over after the winding is placed on the bobbin. The
polarity dots on the circuit diagram of Fig. 4-25 must be observed when
connecting Tl to the circuit. If not, the phasing will be wrong and the detec-
tor will not function correctly.
Other uses for this kind of tone generator are numerous. One example is
the "tone-on" or access tone for VHF and UHF repeaters used by some of
the land mobile radio services and by radio amateurs. The operator in his or
her automobile must key a specified audio-frequency tone when the mobile
transmitter is actuated. The tone is decoded at the repeater, thereby
directing the repeater transmitter to turn on and be available for service un-
til the duty is performed. When the operator is finished with the repeater, it
shuts down and awaits another tone encoding before it is again actuated.
The frequency tolerances established for the tone decoders at repeaters
are fairly rigid. Therefore, it is imperative that the tone-encoder oscillators
be stable and reliable at all times. Pot-core inductors have proven reliable
for many years, and are therefore excellent for the application.
Figure 4-26 contains the circuit of a typical tone encoder device. A
device of the type shown is suitable for use with telephone answering ser-
Tone encoder
f ~ 1500 Hz
+ 19V
1. T1 pri. = 88 mH. Z P'i ~ 3 k.11· :. Turns ratio= 19: 1
3. Determine Np,;_
vices. The operator can dial or tone up his office or personal phone from
some remote location. He or she can then place the speaker of the encoder
near the telephone transmitter and command the a nswering service (unat-
tended) to rewind its tape, then play back any messages that may have been
recorded during the operator's absence.
A simple bipolar-transistor tuned base/tuned collector oscillator is used
at QI of Fig . 4-26. Tl is a pot-core inductor that is wound for an inductance
of 88 mH. There is nothing especially sacred about the inductance value: it
happens to be a relatively common one in telephone circuits that use
toroidal inductors. The circuit is shown with a standard capacitance value
of 0.09 µF in parallel with the primary of Tl . lf 1500 Hz was the precise fre-
quency desired, an adjustable pot core could be used for putting the
oscillator exactly on frequency. Alternatively, a high-capacitance trimmer
might be used in parallel with the 0.09-µF capacitor.
The oscillator is keyed on and off by means of SI, a momentary switch.
Encoding is effected by merely placing the speaker near the mouthpiece of
the telephone (or microphone of a transmitter).
We shall assume a collector current of 3 mA for QI. Therefore, the de
collector resistance will be on the order of 3000 Q . The impedance transfor-
mation ratio for Tl becomes 375: I, which gives us a turns ratio of 19.36:1.
A precise match between the transistor and the speaker is not important.
The required output from the speaker is modest, negating the need for max-
imum power transfer to the load. Step I of Fig . 4-26 shows that we have
chosen a turns ratio of 19: I.
Step 2 of the design exercise requires some intuition. We are aware that
to develop 88 mH of inductance we will need a reasonably large pot core. It
should have a substantially high µe, and hence a high A L factor. However,
the core chosen needs to permit a Q that is high enough to ensure good
oscillator action . At this juncture we are also aware that a large area core in
a low-power circuit such as that of Fig. 4-26 relieves our need to ponder the
Bmax profile of the core: we will be well within the area of linear operation.
After studying the manufacturers' literature we have selected a
Magnetics G-42823-Xl pot core. Equivalent types made by other manufac-
turers would be entirely suitable also. The core measures 28 x 23 mm, has a
µe of 307 and an AL of 1000. The published curves indicate that the Qu of
the inductor should be in excess of 200 at 1500 Hz. The bobbin area for this
core is 0.0910 in. 2 •
Using the standard equation for N we learn that 296 turns of wire are re-
quired to develop 88 mH of inductance (step 3 of Fig. 4-26). No. 28 enamel-
ed wire will be small enough in diameter to enable us to place 296 turns on
the bobbin, with ample space remaining for the secondary winding of Tl.
The design is concluded by moving to step 4. A layer of thin insulating
tape is place over the completed primary winding of Tl; then the secondary
Sec. 4-4 Pot Cores 157
is laid on the bobbin. We shall need 15.57 turns of wire for the secondary in
order to realize the 19: 1 turns ratio of step 1. A 20-turn winding is
f 00 =1000H z
Ll L2 L3
pot cores will prevent the need for using partitions between the filter sec-
A seven-pole low-pass filter is illustrated schematically in Fig. 4-28. It
has an fco (cutoff frequency) of 2. 7 MHz. Therefore, the core material for
the three inductors must be selected accordingly. The improper core would
degrade the Q and render the filter ineffective.
Step 1 of Fig. 4-28 specifies a Ferroxcube 1107PA25 pot core of 4C4
material. The dimensions are given in inches and millimeters (11 x 7 mm).
The µe is 19 and the AL is 25. The manufacturer's Q curves indicate than the
core material is suitable for use at 2. 7 MHz and lower.
N for LI and L3 is found in step 2, again using the standard equation for
Nversus AL. 12.6 turns are specified for the end coils of the filter.
The calculations for L2 are conducted in step 3 of Fig. 4-28. The result-
a nt number is 13.8. A wire gauge of No. 22 will be used for all three induc-
tors. The larger wire gauge will reduce the R of each coil, thereby enhanc-
ing the Q.
Ll L2 L3
Low·pass filter
160 Permanent-Magnet Data Chap.5
Domain :
Atom 105 atoms
0 0
_ - .....
~ -· - - _,..,
-J I-- Bloch wall
/' I
I ,; I / '1 /1 / I _...'1 )
I ,,,/" \,;,.../ ~ _,..- [.,./,.. t,.. ,..." ~ /
, _ /
' y/
t ti I
1 62
(d) +H
164 Permanent-Magnet Data Chap. 5
BH point max. I
-H I ~H (oersteds )
Figure 5-8 The B-H curve, or hysteresis loop is obtained from
measurement on a specimen under closed circuit conditions. Solid
lines indicate the normal form of the curve; arrows indicate the direc-
tion in which the curve traverses a symmetrical cycle of magnetiza-
tion. Dotted curve shows intrinsic hysteresis loop.
lf, at any point such as Pin Figure 5-6, the cyclic change in His reversed
in direction, the flux density changes along a curve such as PR. If, from R ,
the field strength H retraces its values, the induction traverses the upper half
of the loop (PR) until it again reaches P , after which the major hysteresis
loop is followed . The loop (PR) may be coincident with the major loop.
Such a loop is known as a recoil loop, the average slope of which is fairly
Sec. 5·2 Elementary Permanent-Magnet Relationships 167
constant whatever the point of origin. This slope is known as the recoil (or
reversible) permeability (µre>· It is sufficiently accurate for engineering pur-
poses to regard the loop as a straight line.
In practice, the effective reluctance is less than this value, since part of
the nux is leakage. This is equivalent to a proportionate increase in the gap
area, which may be considered as a leakage factor (F). This factor is usually
between 1.5 and 20, and, although it may be calculated approximately by
taking the reciprocal of the sum of reciprocals of all leakage path reluc-
tances, it is more reliably based on previous experience of comparable
Si milarly , it is frequently advisable to apply a correction factor to the
gap length to allow for the losses introduced by curvature of llux path, sub-
sidiary joints in the magnetic circuit, and loss in pole-piece materials. This
factor(/) is usually much smaller than the area factor, and is normally be-
tween I. I and 1.5. For a gap of section Ag (cm 2) and length 1 (cm), the cor-
rected reluctance is
(5 .4)
where Bd and Hd are the values at the assumed point of the magnet of sec-
tion Am and length 1111 • This can be transposed as
Bd 1 Agf
-- = -111 -- (5.5)
Hd A 111 1gf
The reciprocal of reluctance (A F!lgl) is known as the permeance.
The whole right-hand side of equation (5.5) is known as the unit per-
meance a nd may be represented graphically by a straight line passing
through the origin of a B- H curve. Several such lines are shown on Figure
5-7. Every design has a corresponding operating line, and its slope depends
on the dimensions of the magnet and the gap, with correction of leakage
factors. The slope is independent of the alloy of which the magnet is made.
The intersection of this line with the demagnetization curve of the alloy
gives the ·working point of the magnet.
The foregoing gives the ratio /11/ Am for the magnet and it remains to fix
either Im or Am. If the total flux required from the magnet (including
Sec. 5·2 Elementary Permanent-Magnet Rela tionships 169
lea kage) is known, then A 111 can be determined, as this total flux is Bd ·Am.
If the field strength Hg in the speci fied air gap is known , then
-H 0
Figure S.7 Typical demagnetization curves showing various
operating slopes.
170 Permanent-Magnet Data Chap. 5
5.3 Magnetization
A permanent magnet, to exhibit its fu ll properties, must be magnetized to
saturation. Partial magnetization results in reduced properties, a nd the effi-
ciency and stability of the permanent magnet are consequently impaired.
The permanent-magnet manufacturer generally ships demagnetized
magnets to the user. The main reason is that the permanent magnet is usual-
ly incorporated into a magnetic circuit and the operat ing flux levels can only
be obtained by magnetization after assembly into the magnetic circuit. Ad-
ditionally, shipping costs of magnetized permanent magnets are greater and
the danger of contamination due to pickup of magnetic particles is lessened
by shipping and handling demagnetized magnets.
+B or B;
Figure 5-8 B is the loss of flux density for - H 8 external applied
field influence.
5.3. 1 Conditions for Complete Saturation
To fully saturate a permanent magnet requires careful consideration of
the magnitude, the shape, and the time duration of the applied field. In a
previous section, the term "self-demagnetization" was introduced. In
magnetization the free pole or self-demagnetization concept is extremely
important because the self-inflicted, self-demagnetization is a maximum for
a permanent magnet during magnetization.
The saturation magnetizing force (Hs) of a permanent magnet material
may be taken as four to five times its intrinsic coercive force. In designing a
magnetizer it must be remembered that the value of (Hs) must be the net ef-
fective value acting on the magnet, and the presence of self-demagnetization
or shuntings effects will necessitate additional magnetizing field strength to
compensate for these factors. The self-demagnetization influence will be a
maximum for the case of a bar magnet having a small ratio of length to
cross-sectional area magnetized in a solenoid. For example, a relationship
between net effective working force as seen by the permanent magnet (Hs)
and the field strength of the solenoid (H5 p) may be expressed as follows:
Dimensional ratio
(length/ diametera) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 S.O 10.0
K 1.000 0.850 0.730 0.472 0.270 0. 140 0.040 0.017
1 72 Permanent-Magnet Data Chap. 5
MT" j
Bar magnets magnets C-assemblies
(a) (bl (c)
Cross section
r-- - ---,
Ignition : I
Charging Capacitor or 1 Pulse i
ci rcu it bank 1 transformer
thyristor I I
(SCR ) I
'--- - --- -~
Capaci t or discharge
r -------,
Ignition I I
or I Pulse :
thyristor 1 transformeq
l..------- ..J
Figure 5-10 Typical impulse-magnetizer circuits. (a) Capacitor discharge; (bl half·
Magnet Conductor
" C" or ring magnets So lenoi d magnet izing coil bar magnets
(a) (b)
Conduct ors
N -1A
2-pole on ID of stator magnet or assembly
5.4 Demagnetization
Sec. 5·5 Stability and Stabilization 177
dy currents generated near the surface tend to shield the interior from the ac
field. Very high values of the ac field will aid in this regard, as will lower fre-
quencies. AC fields are also applicable to calibration.
DC Fields. Using de, two methods can be employed to perform
demagnetization (although less than ideally). In the first, a magnetizer with
a reversing switch and a means to reduce the de current to zero are required.
The magnet is placed in the magnetizer and the field is applied in alternating
directions by means of the reversing switch and, a t the same time, its
magnitude is gradually reduced by, for instance, a rheostat in the de line or
a variable autotransformer in the ac line of the rectifier system. The quality
of demagnetization is dependent. upon the number of reversals and the field
reduction per step.
In the second method, the saturated magnet is exposed to a de field in a
direction opposite to saturation. The magnitude of the field, to be found by
experiment, must be such that after exposure, the magnet is demagnetized.
This is the least desirable procedure of the various methods herein describ-
ed. Since neither the de field nor the permanent magnet are perfectly
homogeneous, the best that can be accomplished will result in portions of
the magnet being slightly magnetized in one direction and other portions in
the opposite direction. DC fields are also applicable to calibration , although
with less convenience than in the case of ac fields.
Thermal Method. If the temperature of a magnetized magnet is raised
above the Curie temperature of the material and subsequently cooled to
room temperature, it will be found that demagnetization has been achieved .
Unfortunately, this is not practical for any of the metallic materials because
heating these above the Curie point causes metallurgical changes
resulting in unusably low magnetic properties thereafter. On the other
hand, this is quite practical for any of the ceramic grades. The Curie
temperature for these is approximately 460°C, and a slight safety factor of
40 to 50°C should be used to assure that all parts of the magnets will reach
at least 460°C. To avoid cracking because of heat shock, the ceramics
should be heated and cooled relatively slowly, depending upon the size and
shape of the part. Thermal demagnetization is not applicable to calibration.
Permanent magnets do not "run down." In this respect they differ fun-
damentally from batteries, radioactive materials, or the like. The magnetic
field surrounding a magnet does not require energy to maintain it,
therefore, there is no theoretical reason for a permanent magnet 10 con-
tinually lose strength . In practice, however, flux changes may occur as a
result of several factors. Proper stabilization will eliminate or reduce these.
5.5.1 Metallurgical Changes
Loss at /00,000h
Material Per Log Cycle ( 11.4 yrs }
Sec. 5·5 Stability and Stabilization 179
Ceramic5 0 0 0 0
Bd/ Hd> 2(above maxi mum energy)
Ceramic 6 0 0 0 0
Bd/ Hd> I. I (near maximum energy)
Alnico 5(near maximum energy) 1.3 0.8 I 2.5
Alnico 6(near maximum energy) 0.6 0.4 0.5 l.3
Alnico 8 (near maximum energy) 0.3 0.2 0. 1 0. 1
Alnico 8 (near coercive) 3.5 2.0 0.5 0.8
Sec. 5-8 Glossary of Terms 183
Ar Area of the Air Gap: The cross-sectional area of the air gap perpendicu-
lar to the flux path, is the average cross-sectional area of that portion of
the air gap within which the application interaction occurs. Area is mea-
sured in cmz in a plane normal to the central flux line of the air gap.
Am, Area of the Magnet: The cross-sectional area of the magnet perpendic-
ular to the central flux line, measured in cmz at any point along its
length. In design, Am is usually considered the area at the neutral section
of the magnet.
B, Magnetic Induction: The magnetic field induced by a field strength, H,
at a given point. It is the vector sum, at each point within the substance,
of the magnetic field strength and resultant intrinsic induction. Mag-
netic induction is the flux per unit area normal to the direction of the
magnetic path.
Bd, Remanent Induction: Any magnetic induction that remains in a mag-
netic material after removal of an applied saturating magnetic field, Hs.
(Bd is the magnetic induction at any point on the demagnetization curve;
measured in gauss.)
Bd/Hd, Slope of the Operating Line: The ratio of the magnetic induction,
Bd, to its self-demagnetizing force, Hd. It is also referred to as the per-
meance coefficient, shear line, load line, and unit permeance.
BdHd, Energy Product: The energy that a magnet material can supply to an
external magnetic circuit when operating at a point on its demagnetiza-
tion curve; measured in megagauss-oersteds.
(BdHd),,,, Maximum Energy Product: The maximum energy a material can
supply to an external magnetic circuit.
Bis• Saturation Intrinsic Induction: The maximum intrinsic induction
possible in a material.
Bg, Magnetic Induction in the Air Gap: The average value of magnetic
induction over the area of the air gap, A 8 i; or it is the magnetic induction
measured at a specific point within the air gap; measured in gauss.
B,, Intrinsic Induction: The contribution of the magnetic material to the
total magnetic induction, B. It is the vector difference between the mag-
netic induction in the material and the magnetic induction that would
exist in a vacuum under the same field strength, H. This relation is ex-
pressed by the equation.
F =
J Hdl
Ha: The magnetic field strength at the point of the maximum energy prod-
uct (Bd H d)m: .measured in oersteds .
Hs, Net Effective Magnetizing Force: The magnetizing force required in
the material, for saturation; measured in oersteds.
lg, Length of the Air Gap: The length of the path of the central flux line of
the air gap; measured in centimeters .
Im, Length of the Magnet: The total length of magnet material traversed in
one complete revolution of the center line of the magnetic circuit; mea-
sured in centimeters.
l m!D , Dimension Ratio: The ratio of the length of a magnet to the diam-
eter of a circle of equivalent cross-sectional area. For simple geometries,
such as bars and rods, the dimension ratio is related to the slope of the
operating line of the magnet, BdlHd.
P, Permeance: The reciprocal of the reluctance, p; measured in maxwells
per gilbert.
R, Reluctance: Somewhat analogous to electrical resistance. It is the
quantity that determines the magnetic flux, ~ resulting from a given
magnetomotive force, F.
R =-
where R is the reluctance in gilberts per maxwell, F the magnetomotive
force in gilberts , and t the flux in maxwells.
Tc, Curie Temperature: The transition temperature above which a material
loses its permanent-magnet properties.
Vg, Air-gap Volume: T he useful volume of air or nonmagnetic material
between magnetic poles; measured in cubic centimeters.
µ, Permeability: A general term used to express various relationships be-
tween magnetic induction, B, and the field strength , H.
µre• Recoil Permeability: The average slope of the recoil hysteresis loop.
(Also known as a minor loop.)
~. Magnetic Flux: A contrived but measurable concept that has evolved in
an attempt to describe the "flow" of a magnetic field . Mathematically,
it is the surface integral of the normal component of the magnetic in-
duction, B, over an area, A.
~=ff B dA
[l] R. AsTLE, "Optimum Shapes for Inductors," IEEE Trans. PM & P, March
[2] H. BLINCHIKOFF, "Toroidal Inductor Design," Electro-Technology, Nov. 1964.
[3] B URNELL & Co. ENGINEERING STAFF, "The Application of Iron Powder Cores
in Electric Wave Filters," Progr. Powder Metalf., 1962.
TAB LE A· 1 I EC publications on linear ferrites.
133 (1967) Dimensions for pot cores made of ferromagnetic oxides and associated parts
(2nd edition).
226 (1967) Dimensions of cross cores (X-cores) made o r ferromagnetic oxides and
associated parts.
424 (1973) Gui de to the specification or limits for physical imperfections of parts made
from magnetic oxides.
431 (1973) Dimensions of square cores (R M cores) made of magnetic oxides and
associated parts.
525 ( 1976) Dimensions of toroids made from magnetic oxides or iron powders.
Selected Technical Papers 191
[4] E.H. CHANT, JR .. "Moly Permalloy Cores," MPIF Sem., June 1969.
(5) R.A. CHEWIODEN. "A Review of Magnetic Materials-Especially for Com-
munications Systems," Metal Progr., 1948 .
[6] E.G. CRISTAL, "Tables of Maximally Flat Impedance-Transforming Networks
of Low-Pass-Filter Form," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, Vol.
MTT 13 , No. 5, Sept. 1965, Corres.
(7) M.F. " DOUG" DEMAw , "The Practical Side of Toroids," QST Maga·dne
(ARRL, Inc.), June 1979.
(8) R.M . FA NO. "Theoretical Limitations on the Broadband Matching of Arbitrary
Impedances," J. Franklin Inst., January-February 1950.
[9] G.B. FI NKE, "Moly Permalloy Powder Cores-Their Characteristics and Appli-
cations," MP!F Sem., December 1969.
(10) E.A. GAUGLlm, "Soft Magnetic Materials," Product Eng. , July 1949.
(11) A.J. HARli.NDZA.ffARINXMA, "Recent Developments in the Manufacture of Per-
malloy Powder Cores," Western Electric Eng., 1964.
[12] J.H . HOROWITZ, "Design Wideband UHF Power Amplifiers," Electron.
Design, May 24, 1969.
[13) G.A. KELSALL, "Permcameter for Alternating Current Measurements at Small
Magnetizing Forces," Opt. Soc. Amer. J., Vol. 8, Feb. 1924.
[14) BoHDAN KOSTYSHYN AND PETER H. HAAS, "Discussion of Current-Sheet Ap-
proximations in Reference to High-Frequency Magnetic Measurements," J.
Res. NBS, Vol. 52, No. 6, June 1954.
[1 5) KRA USS-ALLEN, "Designing Toroidal Transformers rn Optimize Wideband Per-
formance," Electronics, Aug. 1973.
[16] LEfft::RSON, "Twisted-Wire Transmission Line," IEEE Trans. Parts, Hybrids,
Packaging. Vol. PHP-7, No. 4, Dec. 1971.
[17) V.E. LEGG, "Magnetic Measurements at Low Flux Densities Using the A.C.
Bridge," Bell Systems Tech. J., Vol. I?, Jan. 1936.
(18] V.E. LEGG, "Analysis of Quality Factor of Annular Core Inductors," Bell
System Tech. J., Vol. 39, No. I, Jan. 1960.
[1 9] V.E. LEGG AND F.J. GIV EN, "Compressed Powdered Molybdenum Permalloy
for High Quality Inductance Coils," Bell System Tech. J., Vol. 19, July 1940.
[20] G.L. MATTHAEI, "Tables of C hebyshev Impedance-Transforming Networks of
Low-Pass Filter Form ," Proc. IEEE, Aug. 1964.
(21] E.J . O ELllERMAN, "Moisture Aging of Powder Core Toroids," Electronics,
May 1953 (with R.E. Skipper and W .J. Leiss).
(22] C.D. OwENS, "Stability Characteristics of Molybdenum Permalloy Powder
Cores," Elec. Eng., March 1956.
[23) o. PITZALIS AND R.A. GILSON. "Tables of Impedance Matching Networks
Which Approximate Prescribed Attenuation versus Frequency Slopes," IEEE
Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, Vol. MTT-19, No. 4, April 1971.
192 References App.A
The subject& of magnetic core materials and related network design are
treated in the following books. T he engineer or student may find these
references of value as supplemental material to the topics covered in this
Table B-2 contains a group of important conversion factors which find fre-
quent application among engineers and students who are concerned with the
design and use of components that utilize magnetic cores . Metric/English
conversion data are also included for those areas of engineering that encom-
pass transformer and inductor design.
TAB LE B-1 Magnetic-core symbology.
TABLE B-1 (continued)
TABLE B-1 (cont inued )
Wei g In
Sinuso id al Wa vefo rm
Magnetic Induction. 8
TABLE B-2 (continued)
Magnetizing Force. N
oersteds 2.0213 ampere-turns per inc h
oersteds 0.79577 ampere- turn s per
cen timete r
oersteds 79.577 ampere-t urns per meter
ampere-turns per centimeter 1.2566 oc rsteds
ampere-t urns pe r centimeter 2.5400 ampere-turns per inch
am pere-t urn s pe r cent imctcr 100.00 ampere-tllrns per meter
ampere- turns per inc h 0.49474 ocrstcds
a111perc-turns per inch 0.39370 ampere-turns pe r
ampere- turns per inch 39.370 ampcre-1 urns per meter
ampere-turns per 111cter 0.012566 ocrsteds
a111pere- turns per meter 10- ~ amperc-IUrnS per
cen timeter
a111pere-turns per meter 0.025400 am pere-turns per inch
Permeabi lity
ga uss per oe rsted 3. 1918 lines per am pere-turn
gauss pe r oerste<l 3. 19 18 x 10- • we bers pcr am pcrc-t urn
gauss pe r ocrsted 1.2566 x 10 - • we hers per ampere-t um
webers per ampere-turn meter 7.9577 x 10~ gauss per ocrstcd
webcrs per ampere-turn meter 2.5400 x 10'• Jines per ampere-turn
wcbcrs pe r ampere-turn mete r 0.025400 wcbcrs per ampe re-turn
wcbcrs pcrampere-tu rn inch 3.1330 x 107 ga uss per oersted
webers pera111perc-tllrn inch 10s lines per ampere-turn
webers per ampere-turn inch 39.370 we be rs per ampere-turn
lines per ampere-t urn inc h O.J IJJO gauss per oerstcd
lines per am pcre-t urn inch 39.370 x 10- • wcbcrs per am pere-turn
mete r
lines per ampere-turn inch 10 - • wcbers pe r a111pcre-t11rn
10 TO 44
Columns A and B of Table 8-3 provide data on the common circular mils
notation and the metric equivalent for each wire gauge. Column C is useful
to the engineer or student, as it provides the equivalent resistance in
microhms/centimeters (µQ/cm or io- 6 Q/cm), Columns D through L
contain important information concerning coated wires and the effect of
the insulation on the size and number of turns, plus the total weight in
The designer can determine the total resistance of a winding by multiply-
ing the MLT (mean length/turn) of the winding in centimeters by the
µQ/cm for the chosen wire gauge and the total number of turns. Hence,
R = (MLT) x -cm x N
wt = (MLT) x - - x N
The turns per square inch and per cm 2 are based on a 60% wire-fill factor .
TABLE B-3 Circular mils notation and metric equivalents.
Wirt• ('Ill : x 10- i:.1
/0-., I
cm at 20°(' c1111 X 10
t i t<'{/
Diamett r
,.,,_h cm
Turns per:
Si:" l ' IY ' (trllltl"
10 52.61 10.384 32.70 55.9 11.()..16 0.267 0.1051 3.87 9.5 10.73 69.20 0.-168
II 41.68 8.126 41.37 44.5 8.798 0.238 0.0938 4.36 10.7 13A8 89.95 0.3750
12 33.08 6,529 52.09 35.6-1 7.022 0.213 0.0838 4.85 11 .9 16.81 108.4 0.2977
I3 26.26 5.184 65.64 18.36 5.610 0.190 0.0749 5.47 (j,4 21.15 IJ(>.4 0.2367
14 20.82 4.109 82.80 22.95 -1.556 0.171 0.0675 6.()..1 14.8 2C>.14 168.<· 0. 1879
15 16.51 3.260 1()..1.3 18.J7 3.62-1 0.153 0.0602 6.77 16.6 32.6<> 110.6 0. 1492
I<> 13.07 2.581 I 31.8 1-1.73 2.905 0.137 0.0539 7.32 18.6 40.7.l 262 .7 0.118-1
17 10.J'I 2.052 165.8 11.68 2.323 o.m 0.0-182 8.18 20.8 5U6 HU 0.0943
18 8.228 1.62-1 209.5 9.326 1.857 0.109 0.()..131 9.13 13.2 64 .3.1 414 .9 0.07-172
19 6.531 l.2X'I ~f. .1 •) 7.539 1.-190 0.0980 0.0386 10.19 25 .9 79.85 515.0 0.05940
20 5.188 1.024 ,,~ . J 6.065 1.197 0.0879 0.0346 11.37 28 .9 9!1.93 638 I 0.04726
21 4.1 16 812.J 418.9 4.$37 954.8 0.0785 0.0.109 12.75 32.4 124.0 799.R 0.03757
22 J.2-IJ 640.1 531.-1 3.857 761.7 0.0701 0.0276 1-1.25 36.2 155.5 1.00.1 0.02965
2.1 2.588 510.8 666.0 3. 135 620.0 0.0632 0.0249 15.82 40.2 191..l 1.2.14 0.02372
24 2.11.11 404.0 842 .1 2.514 -197.3 0.0566 0.0223 17.63 44 .8 2.1!!.6 1539 0.0 188-1
25 I 1>2.1 320.4 1.062.0 2.002 396.0 0.0505 0.0199 19.80 50.3 199.7 1.93.1 0.0 1498
26 1.280 252 .8 1.345.0 1.603 Jl6.8 0.0452 0.0178 22.12 56.2 374.2 2.-11·1 0.01 IS5
27 1.021 201 .6 1,687.6 1.3 1J 259.2 0.0409 0.0 161 24.44 62 . 1 456.9 2.947 0.00945
2X 0.8046 158.8 2.142.7 1.0515 207.J 0.0366 0.0144 27.32 69.4 57Q.6 3.1\80 0 0074 7
29 0.6470 127.7 2.660 0.854R 169.0 0,0330 0.0130 30.27 76.9 70 1.9 .1 ,527 0.00602
J() 0.5067 IOO.O J.402.2 0.67$5 I J4.5 0.0294 0.0 116 33.?J 86.2 X8·U 5.703 0.00472
JI 0..1013 79.21 4.294.6 0.5596 I 10.2 0.0267 0.0 105 37.48 95.2 1.072 (i.C) 1·1 0.00372
J2 0.3242 64.00 S.314.9 0.-1559 90.25 0.024 1 0.0095 41.45 105.3 U 16 8,488 0.00305
J.1 0.2554 50.41 6.748.6 0..161>2 72.25 0.02 16 0.0085 46.33 I 17.7 I J1Jll 10.565 0.0024 1
.14 0.201I 39.69 R.572.8 0.2S6.1 ~n.25 0.0 191 0.0075 52.48 IJJ ..1 2.09 5 11.5 12 0.00IR'l
.15 0. 1589 J 1.36 10.849 0.2268 44.l\9 0.0 170 0.0067 58.77 149.3 2"'45 17.060 0.00150
J(l 0.1266 25.00 13.608 0.18 1.1 36.00 0.0 152 0.0060 65 .62 166.7 JJ09 21,.143 0.001 19
37 n. 1026 20.25 16.80 1 0 . 1 53~ 30.25 0.0 140 0.0055 71.57 IR I .8 3.901 25, ((ii 0.000977
JX 0.08 107 16.00 21.266 0. 1207 24.01 0.0124 0.0049 80.3 5 204.1 4.971 32.062 0.000773
.l9 O.Cl6207 12.25 27,775 0.0931 18..19 0.0109 0.004.1 9 1.57 nu, 6.4J7 41 5 1X 0.000593
40 0.04K69 9.61 35.400 0.072.1 14.4-1 0.0096 0.0038 103 .6 26.1.2 R.298 5.t.522 0.000464
d I 0.0.1972 7.84 4 \.40'\ 0.0584 11.56 0.00863 0.0034 115.7 29-1 .1 10.27.1 (>(1.260 0.000379
42 0.0.116(> 6.25 :'-1.429 O.CJ.155X 9.00 0.00762 0.0030 1.11.2 333.J 13.16.l H4.901 0.000299
4.1 0.02452 4.84 70.308 0.0.168.l 7.29 0.00685 0.0027 145.8 .170.4 111.291 105.076 O.OOOB3
44 ,\ 0.0202 0 4.00 c 85.072 0 O.OJIC.5 ~- 6.25 F0.00635 C 0.0025 11 157.4 I 400.0 .I 18.957 I< 122.272 I. O.ll00195
nol;lllon mcm1:-. 1luu 1hc entry in the colunut m1t'' be multiplied b)' IO-'.
h~, hC\C d:ua frnm R1:.· ,1 ,\ filJ!lft'lir w;,... nmnloat<H'
( 'ou11c .. ~ uf \''.', l)f..,i.!lion of Span~ Industries
100 H 100 H 10 H 1H 0.1 H
1,000,000 n
100,000 n
10,000 n
1000 n
100 .11
10 .n
1 ..11
Some of the more pertinent definitions that relate to terms used in magnetic-
core-component design are listed in this section. Although some of the
terms may seem somewhat academic to the engineer, they have been includ-
ed for use by the student. Other terms are peculiar to the transformer
designer and should be of interest to readers of all levels.
TA BLE B-4 Resistance temperature correction factors.
To Find T o Find
Resis1a11ce A 1: M11/1iply 8y: R esis1a11ce A 1: MulriplyBy:
Ampere's Law: T his defines the relationship that exists between current
and magnetizing force. The classic equation is
}-[ = -M -
where H is the magnetizing force in oersteds, N the number of turns, I
the current through the turns, and M l the magnetic path length of
the core material.
Coercive Fo rce: A specific value of magnetizing force which is needed to
lower the flux density to zero (He).
Faraday's Law: T his defines the relationship of the voltage and flux. Thus
E = Ndf
x 10 - s
where Eis the desired voltage, Bm the flux density in gausses, 1 the total +
flux capacity of the core, Ac the effective cross-sectional area of the
core, F the frequency, N the number of turns, and 1 = 2Bm x Ac. +
App.a Miscellaneous Data
Gauss: This is the unit of magnetic induction used in the cgs electromag-
netic system. One gauss equals I maxwell per cm 2 •
Magnetic Flux: This is the product of the magnetic induction (B) and the
cross-sectional area when B is distributed evenly and is normal to the
plane of the cross section.
Maxwell: Unit of magnetic flux used in the cgs electromagnetic system.
One maxwell = IO - 1 weber.
Oersted: Unit of magnetizing force in the cgs electromagnetic system. One
oersted = a magnetomotive force of I gilbert per cm of path length.
Permeability: Represented by the symbolµ. Broadly, this is the ratio of the
changes in magnetizing force to magnetic induction (B to H).
Residual Flux: The value of magnetic induction that remains in a magnetic
circuit when the magnetomotive force is lowered to zero.
Squareness Ratio: The ratio of the residual flux density to the maximum
flux density (saturation).
Winding Area: Circular-mil area of the hole in a core.
Winding Factor: Ratio of the total area of wire in the center hole of a tor-
oid to the window area of the toroid.
This section contains essential information for use by those who engage
in the design and application of pot-core inductors and transformers. In this
appendix we can find dimensional and tolerance data for a popular group
of standard pot cores. The specifications are in accordance with the interna-
tional standard, !EC Publication 133, entitled "Dimensions for Pot Cores
Made of Ferromagnetic Oxides." The tables have been provided through
the courtesy of Indiana General Corp.
Table C-1 contains the physical dimensions for standard pot cores.
Figure C-1 provides the physical outlines for the pot cores.
H1 H i
t t
(2 p laces)
i t f
- - j f-s -I f- s
(2 places) (4 places)
o, o, DJ D, H, 11, B,1 .u .011 IJu .°'1or, ,1 R
(mm) mm in mm in mm in mm in mm mm mm m ,,,,,, m ,,,,,, mm in
"' "'
9x 5
MIN . 9.0 .3543 .750 .2953 3.7 .1457 2.0 .0787 S.J . 2008 3.6 . 1417 1.6 .063 - - 6.0 .236 - -
MAX , 9 .3 .366 1 7 , 75 . JOSI 3.9 . 1535 2.2 .0866 S. 4 . 2126 J.9 . 1535 2 ..a .O'J.a - - 7. 2 . 283 0.25 .0 10
11 x 7
MIN. 10.9 .429 9.0 .354 4.5 . 1772 2.0 .0787 6.3 .248 4.4 .173 1.6 063 - - () . 5 . 256 - -
MAX. 11.J .445 9,4 .370 4.7 .1 850 2.2 .0866 6.6 . 260 4. 7 . 185 2.6 . 102 - - M.O . Jll 0. 25 .OIO
14 x 8
MJN. 13.8 .54] 11.6 . 4567 s .8 3.0 .118 8.2 .3228 5.6 .2205 2.0 .079 1.6 .063 8.7 ,J 4J - -
MAX. 14.3 .563 12.0 A724 6.0 .2362 J.2 .126 8.S . JJ46 6.0 .2362 4. 1 . 161 2.0 ,079 1(),4 ,409 0. 25 .010
18 • II
MIN. 17.6 .693 14.9 .587 7.3 .2874 3.0 . 118 10.4 .4094 7.2 . 2835 2.0 .079 2.0 .079 11.J .445 - -
MAX. 18.4 .724 IS.4 .606 7.6 .2992 J. 2 . 126 10.7 .4213 7.6 . 2992 4. 4 . 173 3.0 . 118 14.Q .55 1 0. 25 .0 10
0 MIN. 21.2 .835 17.9 .705 4A
CX> 9.1 3583 . 173 13.2 .5 197 9.2 .362 2.5 098 2.5 098 IJ. J .524
22 x 13
MAX. 22.0 .866 18.S .728 9.4 .3701 4.7 . ISS 13.6 .5354 9.6 .378 4 . .J . 173 3. S .138 16.S .650 0.35 .0 14
.~tl N . 2S.O .984 21.2 .835 I I.I .437 5.4 . 2 126 15.9 .626 11.0 .433 2.5 .098 2.5 .098 17.0 .669 - -
26 x 16
MAX. 26.0 1.024 22.0 .866 11.S .453 5.7 .224 16. J .642 11.4 .449 4.4 . 17) J.s . 138 20.0 .787 O. JS .014
Ja x 19
MIN. 29.5 1. 16 1 25.0 .984 13 .1 .5 157 5.4 .2126 18.6 . 732 13.0 .S J 18 3.0 . 118 20 .0 .787 - -
MAX. 30.S 1.201 25.8 1.016 13.5 .SJl5 S.7 .2244 19 .0 .748 13.4 .5276 5.3 . 209 4.0 . I 57 23 .0 .9()6 O.Js .0 14
36 . 22
MAX. 36.3
35.0 1.378 29.9
1.425 30.9
I S.6
.61 4
.2126 21.•
.2244 22.0
. 138
3. 5
. 177
24 .0
- -
0.35 .0 14
42 X 20
MIN . 41.1 1.642 35.6 1.402 17. 1 .673 S.4 .2126 29. J 1.154 20.J . 799 4.0
.160 - - - - - -
MAX. 43 . 1 1.697 37.0 1.457 17.7 .697 5.7 .2244 29.9 1. 177 20.7 .8 15 - - - - - 0.40 .016
D2 D3 1-12 R1
( 111111 ) Tnlera11ce 111111 in. 111111 in. 111111 in. 111111 ill.
R 1 ( typ.)
rF~1~I'i 1-0-1'
Ll -::Y-J
I '
Table C-3 contains the dimensions of bobbins that will fit within the
standard pot cores listed in Table C-1. Printed-circuit versions of some of
these bobbins are presented in Table C-4. These dimensions are referenced
to the outlines given in Fig. C-3.
See Table C-3 for complete dimensional information concerning this list
of bobbins . Dimensional outlines are provided in Fig. C-4.
Toblo c.3 Bobbin Dlmonaions.
9 x 5 l Min. J. 17 0.00l92 1.6 0.060 7.23 0.285 4.67 O.IR4 4.0 1 0.158 3AO 0. 134
II x 7 I
- 0.()(.0
4. 11
0. 162
0. 189
0. 161
M a•.
- -
2.16 0 .0 03H
- - 8.89 0.350 5.69 0.224 4 .9 1 0. 193 4,19 0. 165
- - I 26 000195
x 8
Ma'-. - -
14 I Min. 8.81 0.0136 1.6 0 ,()(.0 11.J 0 J4J 6.98 0.275 5.117 0.215 5.28 0 .208
Min .
- - 392 000608
- - 11.5 0.J5-J 1.i .i 0.285 6.10 0.240 5.49 0 .216
~t ax.
- - 2.35 0 .00365
18 y 11 I
~l ;,t\ .
,\ ·tin. 17.1 0.0265
- - 1.8 0.070 14.6 0 .574 8.59 0.338 7.70 0 .303 6.88 0 .271
~ht\ ,
- - 7 6 1 0 01 18
- - 14 .8 0.584 8.84 O.J48 7.82 0.308 7.09 0.279
i\1 a,,
M in.
- - ·1.66 0 00722
..... ~ t ax. - -
0 22 X IJ I Min. 26.2 0.().106 I 8 0.070 17.6 0.69.1 10..l 0..107 9.50 0.374 8.89 0.350
- - 12.5 0.019·•
- - 17,8 0.702 10.6 0..11 7 9.75 0 .384 9.09 0.358
~-1 in.
- - 7.S7
x 16
Max. - -
26 I ~1in . JU 0.0582 1.8 0,070 20.9 0.82• 12.-1 0 .489 11.6 0.451 10.7 0.4 21
~li n .
- -
17.J 0 .0269
- - 21 I 0 .832 12 .7 0 ..199 11.7 0..162 10.9 0.429
~'1 3\.
Min .
- - 10.S 0 .016~
JO x 19 I
M in . 53.7 0.0834
- - I 8 0 .070 24.7 0.971 14.6 0.575 IJ.(. O.SJS 12.7 0 .500
Ma1i .
- -
25. 1 OOJR9
- - 24.9 0.980 14.9 0.585 13.7 0 .5~0 12.9 0 .508
M 3'(.
- - 15 9 00246
36 x 22 I
Min. 71.3 0. 110
- -
2.S 0 .110 19.5 1. 160 17.9 0.105 164 0 645 14.2 0 .560
M in.
- -
JI 9 0().194
- - 29.8 1.172 18.2 0.715 16,6 0 .653 14.4 0.568
M in.
- -
20 0 0.0310
42 x 29 I
Ma~ .
Min. 136 0.211
- - 2.8 0. 110 35.1 1.)86 19.5 0 .768 18.0 0 .709 19.6 0.772
~lax. - - - - 35.4 1.394 19 7 0776 18 2 0 71 7 19 8 0780
Min. 55.6 00862
~l ax.
Figure C-3 Dimensional outlines for pot-core bobbins which can be used with the pot
cores of Table C-1.
p s, S2
( 111111 I T o/('mllf<! 11111/ in. II/Ill in. 111111 in. Fig11re
- s,--
w inding
6~ ref.
wind ing
(a) (b) ( c) (d)
Figura C-4 Dimensional outlines tor printed-circuit types of bobbins. These outlines are
referenced to Table C-4.
2 11
The method used here is recommended for the calculation of the dimen-
sional parameters of pot cores and is in accordance with !EC Publication
205, "Calculation of Effective Parameters of Magnetic Piece Parts."
For this method of calculating the dimensional parameters of pot cores,
the pot-core set is substituted by an ideal toroidal core such that a coil
wound on that toroid would give exactly the same electrical performance as
a coil with same number of turns placed on the pot core set.
The dimensional parameters of that substitute toroid are called "effec-
tive" parameters. These are indicated by the suffix "e" added to the sym-
Magnetic path length
Cross-sectional area
Core volume
For the purpose of the calculation of the dimensional parameters, the closed
magnetic circuit of a pot-core set is divided into five sections. For each sec-
tion the area, flux path length and the core constants C, and C2 are deter-
mined (Fig. C-5).
Section A - A
Figure C·5 Pot-core set divided into five sections.
Pot-Core and Bobbin Data App.C
The core constants for the total magnetic circuit of the pot-core set are
Cross-sectional area A = C, mm 2
e C2
Core volume V = l
A = -'
e''e C/ mm 3
For each of the five sections of the magnetic circuit of a pot-core set, the
magnetic path length and cross-sectional area has to be determined:
Area of centerpost,
The condition to obtain A ' 1 = A "1 is
Area of outer ring,
The condition to obtain A ', = A ", is
Cross-sectional area of centerpost,
Cross-sectional area for outer ring,
I .!_ for two plates,
_for two plates,
A A1
The calculations above ignore the effects of wire slots, which can be
taken into account by the following corrections:
From A, subtract:
Multiply _12_ by
Multiply·_!:_____ by
Ai 2
Multiply A. by
214 Cylindrical-Core and Coif Data App.D
S1 = r2 -y r2 2 + r1 1
A1 = A '1 + A"1
52 = V r1 1 + r.' - r 1
/2 1 ) T3 0. 733 T3 - I
- = - '1- =---log-mm
A2 nh r2 h r2
A , = ~ (r, 2 - r/ + 2r1h) mm 2
1, = !', + C = (h + 251) mm
- ng z
1 - - -- -
The cores are made from powdered iron and are available in a wide range of
It is important to understand that the µe of a cylindrical core will be dif-
ferent from that of the same material in toroidal form. The actual µe is
dependent upon the LID (length-to-diameter ratio). To illustrate this effect,
the curves of Fig. D-2 are included in this section. The graph is founded on
a single layer winding (close-wound) occupying 950Jo of the cylindrical rod.
Table D-1 contains a listing of standard solid cylindrical cores that are
suitable for use in slug-tuned inductors and fixed-value RF chokes. The
cores are available in a wide assortment of powdered-iron mixes.
Hollow cylindrical slugs are available in a large range of powdered-iron
core materials. A listing of various standard sizes is given in Table D-2.
50 LID
> 20
1 ~~~---'~~~---'~~~---'~~~---''--~~~'--~~---'
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
µ. 11 (effective permeabi lity)
Figure 0·2 Family of curves that demonstrate the relationship between effective
permeability of rod material and the LID ratio. (Courtesy of Micrometals Corp.)
TABLE D-1 Standard solid cylindrical cores.
OD Length Parr
(in./mm ) (in./111111) Number
OD ID Length Part
( in. / 111111) (in. / 111111) (in./111111) Number
Powdered-iron cylinders are also available with wire end leads em-
bedded into them. A limited number of mixes are provided for this style of
core material. A listing of the sizes is given in Table D-3. Figure D-3 shows
the outline details .
- 0.000
_L_ r l -=---1-1~ in.- -1
~ 9
8 Plain IP) 8 Notched (NJ
Flgure 0·3 Profile and end views of slug forms w ith w ire
leads. Dimensional data are given in T able D-3.
21 8
A wide variety of insulated coil forms are available on the U.S. market. The
exact format chosen will depend for the most part on the amount of induc-
tance needed, plus the physical space available in the manufactured com-
posite equipment. A number of forms are available for snap-in mounting,
while others are configured primarily for printed-circuit-board applica-
tions. Figure D-4 contains outlines for a standard group of coil-form
shapes, most of which are intended for use as adjustable inductors. Other
· types of slug-equipped coil forms mount by means of a threaded collet and
machine nuts. The slug shafts are also threaded, and are contained in the
center holes of the mounting collets.
(/ CA cc CD CE
Figure 0-4 Various standard coil forms for use with magnetic cores. {Courtesy of J .W. Miller
Co., Division of Bell Industries.)
co CR cs CT
cu CV cw ex CY
Figure D-4 (continued)
Figure 0-4 (continued)
22 1
TABLE 0-4 Standard values of inductance.
Max. 1'vfin.
Mini11111111 Q Test Maximum Q Test Max.R C11rre111 F
!nd11crance Min. Frequency lnducrance Min. Frequency ( fl ) ( MA J ?t.1
( 1'vl
Ma.\ . M in.
Alinimum Q fr.fl A1aximum Q T1'.<I M a-'.R Currell/ F
/11tl11rtam·,~ M in. Fr1•q111•nn· lmluc1t111rt 1
M iu. Frequency (Ill / /lf11J /M~:I
0.440 II 80 25. MH1 0.760 II 52 25. M~(z O.oJ 1600 142.
1. 10 H 72 25. MHz 1.50 H 40 7.9 MH z 0.()(1 1000 96.
1.70 H 51 7.9 MH z 2.70 H 36 7.9 MH z 0.11 636 80.
3.1 0 H 56 7,9 MH1 4.80 H 33 7.9 MH z 0.23 400 58.
5.50 H 60 7.9 MM1 8.60 II J3 7.9 MH z 0.49 256 45.
9.90 H 52 7,'l MHr. 15.0 H 41 25 MHz 1.5 JOO 32.
17.0 H 47 2.5 MH 1. 23.0 H 53 2.5 MH z 2J 100 19.
26.0 II 48 2.5 MH 7 JJ.O H 51 2.5 MH z 2.9 JOO 16.
31>.0 H .so 2.5 MHt 57.0 II 48 2.5 MH z 3.4 IOU 12.
66.0 II 44 2.5 /\! Ht 114. II 40 0. 79 MH z 4.1 100 5.2
120. H 46 0.7•) /\! Hz 190. II 40 0.79 MH1. 5.7 100 4.1
209. H 45 0.79 Miit 314. II 32 0.79 MHL 7.7 100 3.2
350. H ~u 0.79 1'11it 475. II 41 0.79 MHz 10. 100 ~.9
528. H 44 0.79 Miit 760. II 40 0.79 MHz 14. 100 2.5
N Counc~y of J W Miller <:o .. 01vi5ion of Bell lndu5tric:~.
,\/(}\ , Mi11.
,\fi11im11m Q Tr.<t jHa.rimum Q r ....., Ma.1. R Curren/ F1
111d11c1011rr M i11. Freq11e11n /11d11cta11cr M in Frrq11e11c.1· 1 11 1 I \IA I (,\ /ff: /
TABLE D-B (contin ued)
1\1inimum Moxi11111111 Form
Re.,·ona!ll Maximum :Wa.rimum Wi11di11g l1·11111/1
/Vomlnol lvfinimum Te.rr rreqllell('_I' DC mil lJiam<'fer I 1/32
lntf11c1a11ce Q Frequency I M/1: 1 Re.<i.<1a11ce Ro1i1111 f ill. / l ilr.I
Figure E-1 contains a set of curves for powdered-iron toroids which have
permeabilities ranging from 10 to 100. These curves demonstrate the H
characteristics of the cores versus other pertinent parameters.
Figure E-2 presents a family of curves that relate to factor Bin toroid cores.
The initial permeability is rendered in percentage versus the ac flux density.
These data are useful for quick reference in a design exercise. It illustrates
clearly the effect flux density has on the core permeability.
.~ 70 - 15
ii -1
II> 60
0. 50 -3
~ Where N = turns
I = current (A)
:s 40 I =mean magnetic path (cm)
* 30
20 - 41
2 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 200
DC MMF oersted (H)
Figure E-1 Permeability versus de bias for various powdered-iron core materials. (Courtesy of
Micrometals Corp.)
- 40
~------- -41
.~ 140
"'., Where E = rms voltage
A = core cross section (cm 2 )
.,E 130
B = Ex
N = turns
f = frequency (Hz)
·c: 120
Figure E-2 Percentage of initial permeability versus ac flux density for powdered-iron toroids.
(Courtesy of Micrometals Corp.)
2 30
It was established in the early chapters of this book that the core tempera-
ture of a transformer or inductor has a significant effect on the permeabili-
ty, which in turn affects the inductance of the core windings. Figures E-3
through E-6 contain curves for the main group of powdered-iron toroid
cores manufactured by Micrometals Corp. The curves show the various
core mixes versus temperature and percentage of inducta nce change.
It is necessary for the designer to know the fill factor of a given toroid core
in order to make a proper core selection. This section explains how this is
determined and provides data on the various wire gauges versus fill factor.
Average temperature coefficien t
,,, ,,, No. 6
Material 2: 95 ppm/ ° C _,,/
+ 2.5 /
Material 6: 35 ppm/° C /''
,, /
~ +1.5 / No.2
c /
u /
"O +1.0 /
c /
-55 - 25 /
-2. 5
Average lemperature coefficient
No. 10
g +1.5
c + 1.0 No. 12
c /
...... /
- 0.5
-1.0 Temperature {° C)
- 2.0
Average temperature coefficient
Material 1: 280 ppm /° C No. 3
+6 .. Material 3: 370 ppm/° C /
Material 15: 190pprn/° C /
<·5 -
/ /
+4 / No. 1
+3 /
c +2 - /
// ___ _ _ No. 15
c +1 0 +25 /
L-___ _ .... -- ... ~--
-55 - 25
- I
C' 0
+ 50 + 75 +100 + 125
Cl. -1
Temperature (° C)
Figure E-5 Temperature/ inductance curves for Amidon Associates and Micrometals
Corp. core types 1, 3, and 15. (Courtesy of Amidon Associates.)
of the available window space may actually be used for the winding. The
charts are based on the assumption that the inside diameter of the wound
core is one-half that of the bare core; that is, K J = 0. 75 (to allow free pas-
sage of the shuttle) (Fig. E-10) . A typical value for the copper fraction in the
window area is about 0.40. For example, for A WG 20 wire, K, x K2 x Kl
= 0.855 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 0.385.
Upon selection of the transformer core material and material thickness, the
next step is to select the proper size core for a transformer with a given
operating frequency and output power. The power-handling capability of a
+7 - Average
tem pera tu re
coef fici ent
Material 41 : 845 ppmf C
~ +4
.g +3
£"' ·~1
~ o~~~-'-~~--'~~-+-~~--'~~~_._~~_._~~~........~-
8:. - 55 - 25 0 +50 +75 + 100 + 125
- 1 Temperature (° Cl
E 1.0
1O.O Fi II factor
0.5 inside diameter remaining
wire are<1 ) = O. S
( wound area
• 2
Effective window area =
E 1.0
0 <-~C--'-""'--..C........L.....w::lc..J.....L..IC;__~_J..~-'---'''--''--''-'-.i...:..-'-~~-'-~-'----'---'--'-,___,
10 100 1000
E"' 1.0
Effect ive I
window area-., \
I Clearance for
passage of
shu t tle
Core Size Sefection
N = number of turns
f = frequency in hertz
Aw = bare wire area in cm 2
Wa = window area in cm 2
K = window utilization fact o r
I = current (rms)
J = current density
Po = output power (total)
Pi = input power
Pr = total power
YJ = efficiency
Solving yields
NA _Ex 10'
c - - --
Window utilization factor :
K = NAw
= - -
Multiply both sides by Ac:
Ex 10'
4B111 JK
WA = EAw x 10'
a c 4BmfK
J = _!_ A
Aw cm 2
Pi =El
Toroid-Core Data App. E
EA _ EI _ Pi _ P0
w - J -1 - Jry
WaAc = W0 Ac + WaAc
(total) (primary) (secondary)
WaAc = P0 X 10" + P 0 X 10• = P0 X 10• (l/ry + l)
(total) J 4Bm JK 4B111 JKJ 4Bm fKJ
P r=Y}+ P.
WaAc = PT X 10
Window utilization factor K:
The curve in Fig. E-11 shows the required core Wc/lc product plotted
against transformer output power for different frequency. The values held
constant were
Bm = 0.3T
J = 200 A/cm 2
K = 0.40
Y) = 95%
These values were held constant so that one nomograph could be used
with all materials and the engineer could adjust B111 , J , K, and ri to fit the
design. From the equation
WA = Pr x 10"
a c 1.6 X B111 fl
P. = Pr
0 l/ry +
0 .1
1.0 10 100 1 kW
with WaAc and Po with weight. These nomographs were generated from the
lamination and C core in the article. The nomograph in Fig. E-11 compares
Po with W0 Ac; thus the size of the trans former can quickly be determined.
The nomograph in Fig. E- 12 compares power with weight; thus the weight
of a fully wound transformer can quickly be determined. These nomographs
have the following constraints:
Bm = 0 .3T
J = 200 A/cm 2
K = 0.4
"' 100
Bm =0.3T
J = 200 A/crn 2
K = 0.40
1) =95%
0 10 100 1.0
Output power {W)
Very likely, after the WaAc has been selected, a slight adjustment of the
constraints is required to correspond to the actual core WaAc products
After calculating the inductance and de current, select the proper per-
meability and size powder core with a given L/2/2. The energy-handling
capability of an inductor can be determined by its W0 Ac product, where Wa
is the available core window area in cm 2 , and Ac is the core effective cross-
sectional area in cm 2 • The WaAc relationship is obtained by solving E =
L d/ldt as follows:
where E = voltage, volts
L = inductance, henries
I = current, amperes
N = number of turns
~ = flux, webers
Bm = flux density, teslas
A 'c = core cross section , m 2
µr = relative permeability
µ 0 = absolute permeability
(4rr X 10- 1 )
Core Size Selection
E = L di= Nd+
dt dt
L =Nd+
+= BmA'c
If Bm is specified,
_ (BnY1~,A'r:
- -·· -- -- watt seconds
8,., = 0.3T
J = 200 A /cm 2
K = 0.4
0.01.___._.....__._,._,_........._~~~·~·~' ~'--".....................
0.0001 0.001 O.Dl 0. 1
W0 A, = 2 (Eng) x lo•
.= 10
Bm = 0.3T
J = 200 A/c m2
K = 0.4
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Energy = LI 12
two nomographs were generated to compare energy or Ll2/2 with WaAc and
energy or LJ212 with weight. These nomographs were generated for 13 com-
monly used powder cores in this article. The nomograph in Fig. E-13
compares L/2/ 2 with WaAc; thus the size of an inductor can quickly be de-
termined. The nomograph in Fig. E-14 compares L/l/2 with weight; thus
the weight of a fully wound inductor can quickly be determined. These
nomographs have the following constraints:
Toroid-Core Data App.E
Bm = 0.3T
J = 200 A/cm 2
K = 0.4
After the core size has been determined, the next step is to pick the right
permeability for that core size, using the following equation:
µ = Bmlm X 10'
r 0.4nW0 JK
Very likely, after the permeability has been selected, a slight adjustment of
the constraints to match the available core sizes and permeabilities must be
The outside diameter of the wound toroid, Fig. E-15 (less the outside
wrapper), may be calculated from the following equation (assuming that
one-half of the ID remains after winding):
(D = diameter)
where A , = n(R6-R~)
A,= A,
core window ID = D0 = 2R0
core ID = Db = 2Rb
core OD = De = 2Rc
n (K!J - R~) = n (R~ - R~)
Powdered-Iron Toroid Characteristics
R~ - R~
Rh - R~ = R6 &_
Rh = R6 (Y,) + Re
Rd R6 (%) + R/
OD 2Rd
-.-1 1~·57 Std. ht.
Tl2- I
- 6 17 16 Yellow
_t 0.050 -
_1.27 - 12 7.5 90 Green/white
t - IS 50 Red/ whi1e
-I 0.125
1- -0 J. ISO Tan
B ht.
Tl2-2B 18.S 12 Red
+ 0.042 - 6B 13.5 20 Yellow
t 1.07 - 108 10 35 Black
- I l~.98 Std. ht.
T l 6- I
- 2
I Gray
(OJ _J_0.060 - 3
~) T 1.52 -
Green/ white
Red/ white
-1 0.160
1- - 0 ) 120 Tan
- - _r~:70
2.24 T20 - I 52 Blue
I I - 2
- J
-6 21 11 Y<l1o"
-7 2• y Whut
-10 16 JO Bl>:~
_ _ 1.78 -12 10 80 Grccn/ \lrihll<
-l 1- - 22 9 90 Gr<cn 1or3ngc
-0 3.5 120 T•n
3.84 ---i
I- Std. ht .
T:?1- 2 33 u R<d
® 1- _f - 6 27 10 Yclln1.1o•
0.128 Black
- 10 19 !O
_ 3.25 - 12 12 60 Grctn/ \lo hllt
t -0 J.5 120 Tan
-1 0.280
0. 151
3.84 -
I I- Std. ht. rJ0-1
- J l.W o. ~
- 6 10 Y<llo"
{OJ -• 0.128 -7
- 10
~ -3.25 - 12 16 60 Grttfl / \lri•hitc
5.2 1 ®
0205 _ .,..
1 l-
fttd. ht.
0. 128
TJ7 - 8
- 2
- J
- 6
0 .6
ti ray
-12 IS 60 GrttO/ "- h1tc
1- -IS
' .9
Red ' 04 h11c
2 46
r- Std. ht.
- 2
0.l Gray
-3 180
- 6 42 10 Yrllow
- 7 46 l While
\.....__.,/ 0.159 Orange
- 8 204 0.6
4.04 - 10 )J 18 lllock
- 11 18.l 50 C rten / v.•h11t'
~ 0.440
11 .18
1- Aht.
-1 ~
- 0
Rctl/ whi1c
_ t_
0 .128 T44-2A 36 2.l Red
3 .25
o.303 I
- I 7.70 -
T50- I
~. ht . - 3 175 O.• Gray
-6 40 10 Yellow
- 7 43 l White
0.190 - 8 190 0.4 Oran gt
4.83 -10 JI 16 Black
-t - 12
Grccn/ whne
Red / while
~ 0.500
1- - 0 6.4 100 Ton
0.200-i 1-
5 . 0 8 @ 3 _r:.312 T51 - 2B IJ8 Red
- 68 102 Yellow.
_ 7.92
- 1 0.500 r- t
9.40 ®
0.370--1 1-
_ 4.83
T68- 1
- 2
- S
I ll
0. 4
Grccn/ ,,-.·hicc
- 12 21 JO
R<dl ...•h11c
--1 0.690
- ll
- 0
100 Tan
A ht.
T68-2A 70 2 Red
_l__0.250 - JA 260 0.3 Gray
_ _ 6 .35 -6A 62 JO Yellow
-7A 73 5 Whitt
0.280 _
1 I- t
7.1 1 @ 3
T72-2 128 2 Red
-0.260 360 0.2 Gray
6.60 -7 95 5 White
- I ~
12.57 -
I I- T80- J 115 0.4 Blue
-2 55 2 Red
-3 J80 O.J Gray
-6 45 10 Yellow
0.250 -7 so 5 White
-8 J90 0.4 Or~nge
-t - 10
--1 20.19
0.795 1- -15
-I 14.22
o.s6o l--
ltd. ht. T94-I 160 0.4 Blue
0.312 -2 84 2 Red
-3 248 O.J Gray
_7.92 - 6 70 JO Yellow
t -JO 58 20 Black
-J S 200
0.5 Red/white
-0 10.6 60 Tan
0.570......J L__
14.48 -1 I~ TJ0<>-1 325 0.3 Blue
-2 135 2 Red
- 0.437 -J 450 0.2 Gray
-6 J 16 10 Yellow
-t-1 l.10 -7 IB 5 While
- J5 345 0.3 Red /·~" hice
-j 1.060
1--- - 0 J9 0.260 Tan
19.81 cm itd~.::7 Tl30-J
0 .3
0 .2
~ -6 96 10 Yellow
11.10 - 7 JOJ 5 White
-IS 250 0.3 Red/ white
-I 1.300
l_.J" -0 JS 50 Tan
24. 13I-
_i_ 0.570
14.48 - 6 I 15 10 Ytllow
- JS 360 0.3 Rtd/whi1t
-i 1.570 1--1
J_ 0.710
0 .2
0 .2
TS.03 - 6 195 10 Yellow
- I 1.840
3 1.75
T 200-I
- 2
_13.97 -6 100 10 Y-:llow
1- t
-7 105 Whitr
--1 2.000
TABLE E- 1 (continued)
Index 252
G Jasik, Henry, 61
Q Rods (Cont'd.)
coil placement, 42-47
Q (quality factor): diameter-to-lengt h ratio of, 40-42
beads and, 133-35 effective perm eability of, 40-42
coil placement on rods and, 42-47 frequency vs. core materials, 48
of loop antennas, 54-57 sizes of, 39-40
measurement of, 12-14 as transform ers, 62-63
pot cores and, 143, 147-50
powdered-iron cores and, 5-6 s
of R F chokes, 73, 75-77 Saturation, 7, 8
sl ugs and , 65-68, 70 of permanent magnets, 171 -72
toroida l-distributed capacitance Sense antenn a used with loop
and, 113 anten na , 59-61
Q-dope, 10, 118-21 Sevick, J., 111
Q meter, 12-13 Shape anisotropy, 164-65
Quadrifilar transformers, I01-2 Shield-bead attenuation, 126-30
Shock, effect o n perm anent
magnets, 180
Radiation, incidental, 136-37 Silver-mica capacitors, 85
Random-wou nd cores, 232 Sleeves:
Reactance: antenna loading, 112-13
approximation by nomograph, applications for, 137, 140-41
201 , 203 physical characteristics of. 124
ratio to resistance [see Q (quality Slugs, 216-27
factor) ] formals of, 64-65
Recoil loops, 166-67 performan ce considera tions,
Relative loss factor, 147 65-68
Reluctance changes, 180 practical circuits, 68-72
Resistance: prewound , 222-26
beads and, 129-30 vs. rods, 63
measurement of Q and, 14 sizes of. 64
ratio of reactance to [(see Q uses of, 63-64
(quali ty facto r)] "Soft " magnetic materials, 2
Resistance/ temperature correction Solenoidal RF choke, 73, 74
factor, 20 1, 203 Steel-laminated cores, 3-4
Reversible losses, 179-80 Strain anisotropy, 163, I 64
R F amplifiers, 57-59, 80-83 Stress, effect on permanent
RF chokes, 73-77 magnets, I 80
RF power bridge, 94-95 SWR indicator, 94-95
Rod-core transformers, 62-63 Symbols, 195-97
Rods, 2
as anten nas, 38-39, 49-62 T
loop pattern symmetry, 52-53 Tape-wound cores, 3-4
noise immunity, 53-54 Temperature/ resistance co rrection
practical loop circuits, 54-62 factor, 20 1, 203
Index 256