Property - WK 14 Notes
Property - WK 14 Notes
Property - WK 14 Notes
AND LIMITATIONS THEREON intent to defraud creditors, the court may order
the transaction to be annulled or reversed.
ARTICLE 750. The donation may
comprehend all the present property of the Effect of failure to make the reservation required
donor, or part thereof, provided he reserves, under Article 750 on the donation
in full ownership or in usufruct, sufficient § A donation where the donor did not reserve
means for the support of himself, and of all property or assets for himself in full ownership
relatives who, at the time of the acceptance or in usufruct sufficient for his support and all
of the donation, are by law entitled to be relatives legally dependent upon him, is not
supported by the donor. Without such
void. It is merely reducible to the extent that the
reservation, the donation shall be reduced on
support to himself and his relatives is impaired
petition of any person affected.
or prejudiced.
2) What is the effect if the donation to Jun is ARTICLE 772. Only those who at the time of
P2,000,000.00? Then, the donation is inofficious the donor's death have a right to the legitime
as it exceeds the disposable free portion and their heirs and successors in interest
(P1,250,000.00) by P750,000.00. The excess of may ask for the reduction of inofficious
P750,000.00 will be paid back to the estate by donations.
Jun, otherwise, the legitimes of the compulsory Those referred to in the preceding
heirs will be impaired to that extent (Art. 771). paragraph cannot renounce their right
Impairment of legitime is not allowed (Art. 842) during the lifetime of the donor, either by
express declaration, or by consenting to the more recent date shall be suppressed or
donation. reduced with regard to the excess.
The donees, devisees and legatees, who are
not entitled to the legitime and the creditors Disposable Portion
of the deceased can neither ask for the
§ This refers to the "disposable" part of the free
reduction nor avail themselves thereof.
portion in the net estate of a testator which Is
arrived at after segregating the legitimes of the
Persons Qualified To File Action For Reduction legitmate children, the spouse and the
Of Inofficious Donations illegitimate children, if any, or of the secondary
§ This kind of action is pursuable only after the compulsory heirs in the absence of the
death of the donor. aforementioned primary compulsory heirs (See
§ Accordingly, it cannot be filed by the donor Article 908).
himself. § When the entire free portion had been totally
§ Only compulsory heirs or their heirs and consumed by the legitimes of the spouse and of
successors in interest may sue for reduction of several recognized illegitimate children there is
inofficious donations. nothing more left for the disposable free portion.
§ Voluntary heirs (devisees and legatees) and
donees who are not compulsory heirs cannot When Disposable Free Portion Is Insufficient To
seek the reduction of inofficious donations. Cover Two or More Donations; Rule
§ When the disposable free portion is not enough
Creditors Of The Deceased; Rule to satisfy all the donations, those of the recent
§ Creditors of the deceased are not also allowed to dates shall be suppressed if totally inofficious or
avail themselves of this action for reduction of reduced accordingly if only partly inofficious or
inofficious donation (Art. 772, third par.). excessive.
§ However, they can seek the annulment of § In other words, the later donations must be
donations made in fraud of creditors. dropped first.
§ The earlier donations, are given preference in
Remedies Of Creditors accordance with the principle that,
§ During the lifetime of the donor, the creditors 1) "priority in time gives priority in rights" (3
can sue for the annulment of inofficious Oyuelos 93), and
donations made in fraud of creditors (Art. 1387); 2) the irrevocability of donations inter-vivos.
or they can go against the estate of the deceased § Generally, if there is a disposable free portion,
and not against the donees. the first donations are accommodated therein.
§ Creditors, unlike the heirs of the donor, have no § It is the later donations that ordinarily impinge
right to sue donees for the reduction of the on the legitimes of the compulsory heirs which
inofficious donation under Art. 772 (See: legitimes are legally untouchable.
Catibog, et al. vs. Ramon, et al. [CAl 50 0.G.
5433). No Reduction Of Wedding Gifts
§ As exception to Article 773, there shall be no
Adopted Person reduction in the case of certain wedding gifts
§ An adopted person or adoptee (whether adult or made in favor of descendants by their parents or
minor) is deemed included among the ascendants which should not exceed one-tenth of
compulsory heirs under Art. 887 who could sue the sum of the disposable free portion.
for reduction of inofficious donations because
they are considered legitimate children for all Some Grounds For Suppression Of Donations
legal intents and purposes (Art. 189. Family § Donations may be suppressed if they are
Code; R.A. No. 8552 (Domestic Adoption Law a) totally inofficious or excessive because
of 1998). there is no more disposable free portion to
accommodate them;
Waiver Of Right To Sue For Suppression Or Re b) failure to comply with the conditions
duction Of Inofficious Donation imposed by the donor (Art. 764);
§ A waiver of an heir's right to file an action for c) ingratitude of the donee (Art. 765);
suppression or reduction of inofficious donation, d) when the donation is in fraud of creditors
made during the lifetime of the donor is void in and the amount of the judgment is equal or
whatever form it is extended. more than the amount of the disposable free
§ Such waiver is against public policy. portion (Art. 1387).