Wills Reviewer 6
Wills Reviewer 6
Wills Reviewer 6
Wills Reviewer 6
Art. 1015. The representative is called to the succession by IN CASE OF VACANT PORTION:
the law and not by the person represented. The
representative does not succeed the person represented Art. 1022. In testamentary succession, when the right of
but the one whom the person represented would have accretion does not take place, the vacant portion of the
succeeded. instituted heirs, if no substitute has been designated, shall
pass to the legal heirs of the testator, who shall receive it
Art. 971. The right of representation applies only in the with the same charges and obligations.
descending line and never in the ascending line;
In the collateral line, it takes place only in favor of the PRIORITY OF DISTRIBUTION:
children of brothers or sisters, whether they be of the full or 1. Compulsory heir -legitime
half blood. 2. Share of instituted heir - institution
3. Substitution (predecease, incapacity)
4. Representation
1. Unity of object - only in instances where our compulsory heirs are
2. Plurality of subject - two or more persons are called instituted or for voluntary heirs, devises and
to the same inheritance or same portion legacies
3. Vacant portion - one of persons thus called die - compulsory heirs always inherit in their own right
before the testator, or renounce the inheritance, or be 6. Intestate succession
incapacitated to receive it - accretion may be applied in intestate succession
- Happens when: only in cases of REPUDIATION [Art. 1018, CC]
a. repudiation
b. predecease INTESTATE: When does accretion apply?
c. incapacity
d. non-fulfillment of suspensive condition Scenario REASON FOR WHOM
e. particular heir cannot be identified
1 Person repudiates accrue to his co-heirs
Art. 1016. In order that the right of accretion may take place [1018] his inheritance
in a testamentary succession, it shall be necessary:
(1) That two or more persons be called to the same 2 Relative his portion shall accrue to
inheritance, or to the same portion thereof, pro [968] repudiates/ other relatives of the same
indiviso; and incapacitated to degree
(2) That one of the persons thus called die before the succeed (save the right of
testator, or renounce the inheritance, or be representation when it should
incapacitated to receive it. take place)
Art. 1021. Among the compulsory heirs the right of RULES OF ACCRETION:
accretion shall take place only when the free portion is left 1. The heirs to whom the portion goes by the right of
to two or more of them, or to any one of them and to a accretion take it in the same proportion that they
stranger. inherit. [Art. 1019, CC]
2. The heirs to whom the inheritance accrues shall
Should the part repudiated be the legitime, the other co- succeed to all the rights and obligations which the
heirs shall succeed to it in their own right, and not by the heir who renounced or could not receive it would
right of accretion. have had. [Art. 1020, CC]
1. His/her alienations of hereditary property and acts (1) Express Acceptance: one made in a public or private
of administration, before the judicial order of document. [Art. 1049 par. 1]
exclusion, are VALID as to third persons who acted in (2) Tacit Acceptance: one resulting from acts by which
good faith [Art. 1036, CC] the intention to accept is necessarily implied or from
2. Has the right to demand indemnity for any acts which one would have no right to do except in
expenses incurred in the preservation of the the capacity of an heir.
hereditary property, and to enforce credits as he (3) Implied Acceptance: Within thirty days after the
may have against the estate [Art. 1037, CC] court has issued an order for the distribution of the
3. Shall be obliged to return the hereditary property estate in accordance with the Rules of Court, the
together with its accessions [Art. 1038, CC] heirs, devisees and legatees shall signify to the court
- Shall be liable for all the fruits and rents he having jurisdiction whether they accept or repudiate
may have received, or could have received the inheritance; if they do not do so within that time,
through the exercise of due diligence they are deemed to have accepted the inheritance.
[Art 1057, CC]
RECOVERY OF THE INHERITANCE [Art. 1040, CC] An inheritance is deemed accepted:
- Shall be brought within 5 years from the time the (a) If the heir sells, donates, or assigns his right to a
disqualified person took possession thereof. stranger, or to his coheirs, or to any of them – the heir
- It may be brought by any one who may have an must first accept the inheritance before he can
interest in the succession dispose of it.
(b) If the heir renounces the same, even though
gratuitously, for the benefit of one or more of his co-
ACCEPTANCE AND REPUDIATION OF INHERITANCE heirs – this is actually a donation. The heir must first
accept the inheritance before he can donate it.
ACCEPTANCE: The act by which the person called to succeed (c) If the heir renounces it for a price in favor of all his
by universal title either by the testator or by law manifests his co-heirs indiscriminately – this is actually an onerous
will of making his own the universality of the rights and disposition. The heir must first accept the inheritance
obligations which are transmitted to him. [Tolentino] before he can dispose of it.
(d) If the heir should die without having accepted or
REPUDIATION: The manifestation by an heir of his desire not repudiated the inheritance, his rights shall be
to succeed to the rights and obligations transmitted to him. transmitted to his heirs. [Art. 1053, CC]
NOTE: Must be accepted within the 30 days by the heirs, if
CHARACTERISTICS: [Arts. 1041–1042, 1056, CC] not accepted or repudiated within the period, it is considered
(1) Acceptance and repudiation must be voluntary and impliedly accepted.
free [Art. 1041, CC]
(2) They are irrevocable except if there is vitiation of NOTE: But if the renunciation should be gratuitous, and in
consent or an unknown will appears [Art. 1056, CC] favor of all the co-heirs (to whom the portion renounced
(3) They have a retroactive effect [Art. 1042, CC] should devolve by accretion), the inheritance shall not be
deemed as accepted. [Art. 1050] This is a true case of
REQUISITES: [Art. 1043, CC] renunciation.
(a) Certainty of death of the decedent
(b) Certainty of the right to the inheritance WHO MAY ACCEPT/REPUDIATE AN INHERITANCE:
Involves the confirmation of Renders the transmission of
transmission of successional rights All heirs Person identified by the
successional rights ineffective person in the testator’s will
[1044, To the poor can accept or repudiate the
Equivalent to an act of par. 3] institution
disposition or alienation
Publicity requirement is
[1044, Any heir having Himself
necessary for the protection
par. 1] free disposal of
of other heirs and creditors
his property
Art. 1089. The titles of acquisition or ownership of each Even though forbidden by the testator, the co-
property shall be delivered to the co-heir to whom said ownership terminates when:
property has been adjudicated. 1. any of the causes for which partnership is
dissolved takes place, or
2. when the court finds for compelling
MANDATARY: a person who is entrusted the power to make reasons that division should be ordered,
partition of the estate of the testator (should not be a co-heir) upon petition of one of the co-heirs.
- The partition by the mandatary may be rejected by
the heirs, in which case, the court will decide the
conflict When can the partition be made? [Art. 1084, CC]
LEGAL HEIRS Can demand partition anytime, unless
Art. 1081. A person may, by an act inter vivos or mortis prohibited by the testator within a
causa, intrust the mere power to make the partition after period not exceeding 20 years [Art.
his death to any person who is not one of the co-heirs. 494]
The provisions of this and of the preceding article shall VOLUNTARY HEIRS Cannot demand partition until the
be observed even should there be among the co-heirs a (with condition condition has been fulfilled
minor or a person subject to guardianship; but the imposed)
WHEN AN HEIR ALIENATES THE REAL PROPERTY: [Art. 1102] From the very start, she and her mother lived in the Aquino
An heir who has alienated the whole or a considerable part of ancestral house where she is presently residing. When she was
the real property adjudicated to him cannot maintain an action baptized, her father’s brother, Abdulah, stood as her godfather.
for partition on the ground of lesion Amadea further narrated that her grandfather, Miguel, paid for
Rodolfo and Abdulah separately moved for reconsideration, Hence, this Court did not err in denying the petition and
but Rodolfo later withdrew his motion. RTC denied Abdulah’s affirming the Decision of the Court of Appeals in holding that
motion. They also separately filed with the CA. petitioner Amadea Angela Aquino is disqualified to inherit
from the intestate estate of decedent Miguel T. Aquino.
CA DENIED Rodolfo’s petition for certiorari on the grounds of
litis pendentia, forum shopping, and for being the wrong mode
of remedy. But as to the appeal filed by Abdulah, CA
OVERTURNED the orders of the RTC and declared Amadea
disqualified to inherit from the intestate estate of Miguel,
raising ARTICLE 992 of the Civil Code which bars the
illegitimate child from inheriting ab intestato from the
legitimate children and relative of his father or mother.
The SC took note that Amadea has not, DURING HER LIFETIME
and up to the time filed the motion, filed any legal action to
establish her claim of illegitimate filiation. It is only by proving
her illegitimate filiation that she may start to prove her claim
over the estate of what she claims to be her relatives.