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Paper - Diki Wahyudi - Politeknik Negeri Bandung

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Diki Wahyudi D-4 Teknik Kimia Produksi Bersih

Tugas Akhir PKL Politeknik Negeri Bandung


Sulfur Deposit Removal And Control In A Power Plant Cooling Tower: A Case
History From Cerro Prieto, Mexico’s Largest Geothermal Field
Attila G. Relenyi, Ph.D., Howard R. Rosser, Jr., Ph.D. AMSA, Inc., 4714 South Garfield Road, Auburn,
Michigan 48611, U.S.A.

INTRODUCTION Humeros (93 MW installed, 6 x 5MW

noncondensing units decommissioned, 2 x
Title 25MW units under development), Tres Virgines
Sulfur Deposit Removal And Control In A (10 MW) and San Pedro Lagunillas (5MW
Power Plant Cooling Tower: A Case History installed, 2 x 25MW under development;
From Cerro Prieto, Mexico’s Largest (Flores-Armenta, 2012; Gutierrez-Netrin, et al,
Geothermal Field 2015). Cerro Prieto, Los Azufres, Los Humeros
and Tres Virgines plants are operated by the
Writer state-owned Compania Federal de Electricidad
(CFE). The San Pedro Lagunillas plants are the
Attila G. Relenyi, Ph.D., Howard R. Rosser, first privately built and operated geothermal
Jr., Ph.D. AMSA, power plants in Mexico, and are operated by
Source Grupo Dragon.

Geothermal-Energy Igastandard 2016/022 HYPOTHESIS

Relenyi Many geothermal power plants utilize a
BACKGROUND ISSUE cooling system to condense vapor exhausted
from the steam turbine. Both air and evaporative
Mexico is the world’s fourth largest cooling systems are used. In Dry Steam and
producer of geothermal power, with net installed Flash Steam plants using evaporative cooling
capacity of 1069 MW, and an additional 481 systems, cooling water is used to condense the
MW planned or under development (Geothermal steam, either through a heat exchanger, or in a
Energy Association, 2016). Cerro Prieto, located direct contact condenser. The condensed steam
in northern Mexico, is the largest of five major is often used as ultra-low TDS (Total Dissolved
geothermal fields, with installed capacity of 720 Solids) make-up water, replacing water lost from
MW in 13 operating units. The first two units of the cooling tower through evaporation and drift.
Cerro Prieto I were commissioned in 1973. As a result, impurities in the condensate (mainly
Cerro Prieto IV (CP IV), commissioned in 2000, dissolved gasses associated with the steam) are
comprises four 25 MW single flash units mixed with the cooling water, and circulate
(Flores-Armenta, 2012). In 2011, four of thirteen through the entire cooling tower system.
units at Cerro Prieto were decommissioned due Condensate in excess of the amount required for
to lack of steam, reducing capacity from 720 cooling tower make-up is discharged from the
MWe to 570 MWe (Miranda-Herrera, 2015). cooling system, and is either reinjected along
with the brine to recharge the geothermal
Other major geothermal power plant
reservoir, or discharged for surface disposal.
operations in Mexico include Los Azufres (194
MW installed, 75 MW near completion), Los
Diki Wahyudi D-4 Teknik Kimia Produksi Bersih
Tugas Akhir PKL Politeknik Negeri Bandung

In binary cycle plants the hot geothermal J. L.: Present Situation and Perspectives of
brine is used to heat a secondary working fluid Geothermal in Mexico. Proc. World
in a heat exchanger. The secondary fluid is then Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne,
flashed to vapor to drive the turbine, and then Australia (2015)
cooled and condensed in a heat exchanger which
Haklidir, F.S.T., Akin, T., Guney, A.,
interfaces with the cooling system. As a result,
Bukulmez, A.A.: Geochemistry of Fluids in
the geothermal brine and the secondary fluid
New Wells of Kizildere Geothermal Field in
never come in direct contact with the cooling
Turkey. Proc. Thirty-Sixth Workshop on
water, and contaminants from the condensate or
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford
brine never enter the cooling system. For this
University, Stanford, California, U.S.A.,
reason, operational issues discussed in this paper
SGPTR-191, 8p (2011)
apply to plants with evaporative cooling systems
and direct contact condensers, but not to binary Hedlund, B.P., J. K. Cole, A. J. Williams, W.
cycle plants. Hou, E. Zhou, W. Li H Dong.: A Review of
the Microbiology of the Rehai Geothermal
Field in Tengchong, Yunnan Province,
Chihiro, I., Atsuo, Y., Koichi, S., Tadashi, C.: China. Geoscience Frontiers 3(3): 273-288
Stabilization of a Geothermal Power Plant (2012)
Operation by Repressing of Sulfur Bacteria
Inskeep, W.P., Rusch, D.B., Jay, A.J., Herrgard,
in the Cooling System. Kaken Database of
M.J., Kozubal, M.A.: Metagenomes from
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Project
High-Temperature Chemotrophic Systems
#13555276 Report Summary (2003)
Reveal Geochemical Controls on Microbial
Clevinger, R. B.: Nitrogen Chemistry in Community Structure and Function. PLoS
Cooling Tower Water at Magma Power ONE 5(3): e9773
Company’s Four Salton Sea KGRA Power doi:10.1371/journal/pone.0009733 (2010)
Plants. Geothermal Resources Council
Islander, R., J.S. Devinny, J.S., Mansfeld, F.,
Transactions, 16: 583-586 (1991) Culivicchi,
Postyn, A., Shih, H.: Microbial Ecology of
G., Lenzi, A., Tarquini B., Marian, S.:
Crown Corrosion in Sewers. J. Environ. Eng.
Sulfobacteria in Geothermal Fluids: a
117:751-770 (1991).
Preliminary Study in the Larderello
Geothermal Area. Proc. World Geothermal Khalifa, H. E., Michaelides, E.: The Effect of
Congress, 2005, Antalya, Turkey (2005) Noncondensable Gases on the Performance
of Geothermal Steam Power Systems. US
Flores-Armenta, M.: Geothermal Activity and
DOE Report COO-4051-36. November 1978.
Development in Mexico -- Keeping the
44p. (1978)
Production Going. Short Course on
Geothermal Development and Geothermal Kudo, S., Yano, T.: Sulfur Scale Abatement
Wells, organized by UNU-GTP and LaGeo, System Using a Surfactant in Geothermal
Santa Tecla, El Salvador, March 11 - 17, Power Plant Circulating Water. Proc. World
2012, 12p. (2012) Geothermal Congress 2000, Kyushu -
Tohoku, Japan, pp. 3205-3209 (2000)
Geothermal Energy Association 2016 Annual
U.S. & Global Geothermal Power Production Luther, G.W., Findlay, A., MacDonald, D.J.,
Report (2016) Gutiérrez-Negrín, L. C. A., Owings, S.M., Hanson, T.E., Beinart, R.A.,
Maya-González, R., José Luis Quijano-León, Girguis, P.R.: Thermodynamics and kinetics
Diki Wahyudi D-4 Teknik Kimia Produksi Bersih
Tugas Akhir PKL Politeknik Negeri Bandung

of sulfide oxidation by oxygen: a look at respectively. Prior to the trials the system was
inorganically controlled reactions and treated regularly with isothiazolone and
biologically mediated processes in the methylene bis thiocyanate biocides to control
environment. Frontiers in Microbiology, microbial populations. Corrosion, scale and
April 9, 2011 Vol. 2: 1-9 (2011) deposit inhibitors were applied as needed since
Cooling Efficiency and Fouling in CP
CP IV operating data provided clear IV CP IV cooling water systems performed as
evidence that deteriorating cooling system designed at commissioning, but over the first
performance was having a direct impact on year of operation performance began to
power generation. An investigation was deteriorate, with cold-water temperatures
undertaken to identify the cause(s) of poor gradually increasing. At the same time, power
cooling system performance, and develop a plan output from the plant declined despite increased
to remedy the problem(s). steam use (Figure 1). Analysis of cooling system
CP IV Plant Operating Environment CP design performance curves showed that cooling
IV consists of four single flash operating units efficiency was poor, and, after 3 years of
(Units #10, #11, #12 and #13) of 25 MW each. operation, cold water temperatures were
Each Unit has an independent evaporative approximately 6 °C above design. All design
cooling water system with a volume of considerations and operating parameters were
approximately 400,000 gallons (1514 m3). The evaluated in depth in an effort to identify the
cooling system includes a direct contact cause of the deterioration in cooling system
condenser where cooling water mixes with performance.
steam/condensate. The condensate serves as
ultra-low TDS make-up to the cooling water
system. Cerro Prieto geothermal fluids contain
the non-condensable gasses CO2, H2S, NH3 and
CH4. CFE analysis of CP IV steam indicated
15,640 ppm CO2, 546 ppm H2S and 81 ppm
NH3. Condensate pH was determined to be 5.34.
Condensate TDS was 30 mg/L. Sulfate was not
detected in the condensate. The CP IV cooling
system normally operates, with caustic
additions, at a pH of approximately 6.7 to 7.0,
although occasional acid pH excursions do Figure 1. CP IV cooling system cold water
occur. Among CP IV Units #10, #11, #12 and temperatures gradually increased after
#13, cooling water TDS was reported to vary commissioning in July 2000.
from 860 to 1470 mg/L (average, 1150 mg/L).
Turbidity ranged from 7 to 27 NTU. Sulfate Over the same period power output
content of the cooling waters varied declined despite increased steam use. Design
significantly, ranging from 240 to 1825 mg/L. and operation of the cooling water system were
Average sulfate concentrations in Units #10, determined not to be reasons for poor cooling
#11, #12 and #13 at the time of this investigation system performance. Through the investigation,
were 904, 475, 707 and 676 mg/L, respectively. however, it became apparent that two types of
Nitrate and nitrite were previously detected in fouling were occurring in the cooling tower,
the ranges of 0.7 to 2.5 mg/L, and 0 to 2.0 mg/L, associated piping and equipment. Biological
Diki Wahyudi D-4 Teknik Kimia Produksi Bersih
Tugas Akhir PKL Politeknik Negeri Bandung

fouling (as microbiological and algal biofilms) As noted previously, sulfur fouling in
was evident in the lower parts of the towers in the hot water distribution lines at the top of the
areas with greater sunlight exposure, and was tower, if present at sufficient thickness, can
also observed to a lesser extent in the fill. restrict flow. Sulfur fouling in the spray nozzles
Although present throughout the cooling tower, results in an altered spray pattern which causes
this fouling was not considered to be a major damage to the surface of the fill, and uneven
contributor to poor cooling system performance. accumulation of sulfur in the fill (Figure 3).
A second form of fouling was evident in
the hot water distribution lines at the top of the
tower, in the hot water spray nozzles on these
distribution lines, and in the upper areas of the
tower’s high efficiency fill (Figure 2). This
fouling appears as hard, white to yellow-white
deposits, with thicknesses of up to 2 cm.
Analysis of the deposits indicated their Figure 3. Areas of heavy sulfur fouling
composition to be ~99% elemental sulfur. This beneath spray nozzles result in uneven water
is consistent with observations from geothermal distribution through the cooling tower fill,
power plant cooling water systems in Japan, and damage to the fill (red arrows).
New Zealand and the Philippines which
experience similar sulfur fouling (Chihiro, et al, This pattern of nozzle/fill fouling results
2003; Kudo and Yano, 2000; Richardson, et al, in uneven water distribution across the fill and
2013). channeled flow through the fill (Figure 4). The
impact of this pattern of “channeled flow” is
poor air-water mixing, and reduced cooling
efficiency. A thermograph of a water curtain
showing channeled flow in CP IV detected a 13
ºC higher temperature in water from heavy flow
areas (poor air-water mixing), compared to
water in normal flow areas.

Figure 4. Channeled flow due to uneven

water distribution beneath sulfur-fouled
spray nozzles.
Figure 2. Sulfur fouling of distribution lines
(top), spray nozzles (middle) and tower fill Extensive mechanical cleaning to
(bottom). remove sulfur deposits was shown to
temporarily reverse the decline in cooling
Diki Wahyudi D-4 Teknik Kimia Produksi Bersih
Tugas Akhir PKL Politeknik Negeri Bandung

system performance (Figure 5), thereby effective in removing existing sulfur deposits,
confirming that this form of fouling had a and preventing the formation of new sulfur
significant impact on cooling system deposits was sought. An effective online
performance. chemical cleaning program would remove sulfur
deposits from all wetted surfaces, including the
cooling tower fill. Regular chemical treatments
to prevent sulfur deposition would eliminate
unscheduled maintenance outages, and would
maintain full cooling system and power
generation efficiencies. The costs and cost
savings of mechanical methods vs. chemical
treatments for the management of sulfur fouling
will vary significant from country to country,
and therefore must be carefully evaluated for
each facility.

Figure 5. Extensive mechanical cleaning of IMPLICATION

nozzles and distribution lines, and limited
This paper aims to find out what is
mechanical cleaning of the cooling tower fill
the result studies literature and development
resulted in improved cooling system
performance in CP IV Unit #10. prototype scale for controlling sulfur
deposits in the main cooling tower system
It soon became clear that restoring was successfully implemented by
design cooling performance in this system would performing several injection controls sulfur
require two things: (1) removal of sulfur trearment in colling water.
deposits from the distribution lines, spray
nozzles and fill; and (2) prevention of the PAPER STRENGTH
formation of new sulfur deposits once the
system was cleaned. CP IV Maintenance 1. Complateness of equiqment and
Operations demonstrated that distribution lines result data maybe the weather
and spray nozzles could be cleaned conditions also have an impact
mechanically. Attempts to remove sulfur presented to reflect the whole
deposits from the cooling tower fill using process. Therefore team actual
mechanical cleaning methods, however, resulted situation.
in significant damage to the fill. Mechanical 2. The outhor can express his opinion
cleaning carries high manpower and equipment in accordance with the facts that
costs, and requires a complete system shutdown
accour in the field very well.
to conduct. Unscheduled maintenance outages
result in lost power generation revenue. The
3. The outhor also conveys the time
inability to clean cooling tower fill by good try to get accurate research
mechanical methods makes it necessary to results.
budget for regular fill replacement. Between fill
replacements fouling occurs and deposits
accumulate, impacting cooling operations and The authors wish to acknowledge the important
reducing power generation efficiency. For these contributions of Mary McCloud, consultant to
reasons, a chemical treatment which would be
Diki Wahyudi D-4 Teknik Kimia Produksi Bersih
Tugas Akhir PKL Politeknik Negeri Bandung

AMSA, to the planning and execution of these


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