B. A. H Eco. 26 Applied Econometrics Sem. 4 2014
B. A. H Eco. 26 Applied Econometrics Sem. 4 2014
B. A. H Eco. 26 Applied Econometrics Sem. 4 2014
Minutes of Meeting
Attended by:
1. It was decided that for the academic session 2014-15, the main textbook would
continue to be Basic Econometrics by Gujarati, Porter and Gunasekar(2012)
supplemented by Wooldridge(2009) for selected topics. For applications using software,
Econometrics by Example by Gujarati(2011) would be the recommended text.
2. It was also decided that in Section II.1 i.e. The Matrix Approach to Linear Regression
Model, the entire Appendix C in Gujarati and Porter(2012), 5th edition (International)
would be included in the reading list.
3. Teachers are advised to go through the following textbook for potential introduction in
the Applied Econometrics course in the BA(Hons) Semester batch of 2016-17:
Asteriou, D and Hall, Stephen G, Applied Econometrics, 2nd Edition, 2011,
Palgrave Macmillan.
In addition, it was felt that Wooldridge (2009), which is used currently as the reading for
topics III.b and V, could be used for a few other topics for the batch of 2016-17.
Teachers are advised to go through this book for the topics which are currently taught
from other books.
4. The Applied Econometrics course must orient students to do a research project and get
hands on experience with appropriate software(GRETL/ EViews/ Stata/EXCEL). This
would form part of the Internal Assessment.
The details of the Syllabus, Topic-wise Reading list, recommended text books and
Student Assessment summary are given below.
I. Stages in Empirical Econometric Research
II. The Linear Regression Model: Estimation, Specification and Diagnostic Testing
i. The Matrix Approach to Linear Regression Model: The k- variable regression
model, Assumptions of the Classical Linear Regression Model, OLS
estimation, Variance-Covariance Matrix, Coefficient of Determination R2.
ii. Review of Functional forms and Qualitative explanatory variable regression
iii. Regression Diagnostics
a. Detection of and remedial measures for Multicollinearity,
Autocorrelation and Heteroscedasticity.
b. Model Selection and Diagnostic Testing
1. Tests of Specification errors: Detecting the presence of unnecessary
variables, omitted variables and incorrect functional form ( Ramsey
RESET and Lagrange Multiplier Test for Adding Variables)
2. Errors of measurement: Consequences and remedial measures
3. Model Selection Criteria: R2 and Adjusted R2 criteria, Akaike’s
Information Criterion and Schwarz’s Information Criterion.
4. Additional topics in modeling (Outliers, Leverage, Influence; Recursive
least Squares; Chow’s Prediction Failure Test; Missing Data)
5. Non-normal errors and stochastic regressors
The Pooled OLS Regression Model, The Fixed Effect Least Squares Dummy Variable
Model, The Fixed Effect Within Group Estimator, The Random Effects Model.
Recommended textbooks
1. D. N. Gujarati, D.C. Porter and Sangeetha Gunasekar, Basic Econometrics, 5th edition,
McGraw Hill, 2012 Indian edition.
2. D. N. Gujarati and D.C. Porter, Basic Econometrics, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, 2012
International edition. (This text book is required only for Topic II i. - The Matrix
Approach to Linear Regression Model. Readers can also refer to Gujarati and Sangeetha,
Basic Econometrics, 4th edition, McGraw Hill, 2009 Indian reprint. Relevant sections to
be studied are same in both text books).
3. Damodar Gujarati, Econometrics by Example, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
4. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Econometrics, Indian Edition, Cengage Learning, 2009.
The end-semester final examination will be of 75 marks. The question paper will consist of
seven questions of 15 marks each from Topics I, II, III and IV only. Students will have to answer
any five questions.
The software skills of the students will be tested by the teachers during internal assessment
and not in the end-semester final exam. The paper setting committee should take a note of
1. Attendance: 5 marks
2. Class Test/ Assignment: 10 marks
3. Empirical project using the econometric software learnt: 10 marks. (Projects can be
done in groups of 2 or 3)