Eng1769 Ccby
Eng1769 Ccby
Eng1769 Ccby
Advanced Arc Welding Information Book
Learner’s Guide
Arc Welding 3
Advanced Arc Welding
Information Book
Learning Resource
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ISBN 978-1-74205-714-9
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Chapter 1 Distortion.......................................................................9
Coded welding
Weekly schedule
In this section we will look at the following.
Weekly schedule
• Week 1 – regulations (AS 1796 Item 2)
• Week 2 – safety (AS 1796 Item 1)
• Week 3 – terms and symbols (AS 1796 Item 3)
• Week 4 – elements in steel (AS 1796 Item 4)
• Week 5 – heat treatment (AS 1796 Item 5)
• Week 6 – weld testing (AS 1796 Item 6)
Test A
• Week 7 – weld joint preparation (AS 1796 Item 7)
• Week 8 – welding procedures (AS 1796 Item 8)
• Week 9 – metal cutting and gouging (AS 1796 Item 9)
• Week 10 – electrical terms (AS 1796 Item 10)
• Week 11 – arc conditions (AS 1796 Item 11)
• Week 12 – MMAW and electrodes (AS 1796 Item 12)
Test B
• Course review
• Competency mapping
• List major welding hazards.
• List possible causes of these hazards.
• Describe effects on welders’ health.
• Describe methods of prevention of injury from these hazards.
• Describe the main heat treatment methods.
• Temperatures and time involved.
• Phase changes that occur.
• Cooling rates.
• Changes in mechanical properties as a result.
Test A
Section 1 to 6
Week 7 – weld joint preparation (AS 1796 Item 7)
1. Edge preparations (sketch, dimension) AS 1554:
a) open and closed square
b) single and double bevel
c) single and double V
d) single and double U
e) transitions.
2. Reasons for and methods of preparation.
3. Reasons for pre and post cleaning (methods).
4. Backing bars, backing strips, back purging, back gouging.
5. Alignment, fit-up and temporary support (methods), jigs.
• List twelve (12) items that should appear on a welding procedure.
• Make up a welding procedure for a single V butt weld on a 20 mm thick steel
plate in the 1G position.
• Welding process is MMAW.
• Given the common elements found in plain mild steel (iron, carbon, manganese,
silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, chromium, nickel), describe the purpose of these
elements and their effect on the mechanical properties and also the weldability as
the amounts are increased.
Test B
Section 7 to 12
Week 13 – welding alloy steels (AS 1796 Item 13)
1. Reasons for using alloy steels.
2. Describe and define:
2.1 low alloy steel
2.2 high alloy steel.
3. List uses of alloy steel.
4. List common alloying elements used, describe effects on properties and
4.1 manganese, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, copper, silicon, vanadium.
5. Weldability of low alloy steels:
5.1 carbon equivalent
5.2 hardenability
5.3 welding techniques and procedures.
Chapter 1 – Distortion
Welding has proven to be a highly successful and reliable method of joining metals
and other materials. Joints that are as strong and reliable as the parent metal itself are
easily produced. The major problem associated with welding is ‘distortion’. Distortion
tends to occur in all weldments, and to completely eliminate distortion is extremely
difficult. The challenge for the welding operator is to reduce distortion to a minimum, or
at worst, to keep it to within acceptable limits.
There are many factors that cause, or influence, the amount of distortion which will
occur in a weldment due to welding. The welding operator needs to understand these
factors if he/she is to successfully control distortion.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz What causes distortion?
{{ the heat input
the amount of welding
the number of runs or passes
diameter of electrode
the amperage used
the polarity
the welding process
the welding position
{{ amount of restraint
{{ internal stresses in the parent metal (residual stress)
{{ properties of the parent metal
zz Types of distortion due to welding
{{ longitudinal distortion
{{ transverse distortion
{{ angular distortion
{{ warping, bowing or buckling
zz Methods of minimising distortion
{{ control of heat input
{{ use of restraint
{{ other methods of control
zz Contra-heating
{{ advantages of the process
{{ principles of flame straightening
{{ cooling procedure
{{ application to plates
{{ precautions to be observed.
Term Definition
distortion the overall movement of parts being welded, from
the position they occupy before welding to the
position they occupy after welding
The expansion forces exerted by steel at low temperatures are extremely high.
However when steel is heated to high temperatures it becomes softer, weaker and
plastic. In this plastic condition it is not capable of exerting as much force as when it
was cold. As expansion continues with increasing temperature, the metal in this plastic
condition yields and changes its shape. As the steel cools it becomes progressively
stronger and less plastic. It can exert progressively more force as the temperature falls.
This leads to the common statement that shrinkage forces are greater than expansion
An illustration of the above can be seen in the following example.
If a bar of steel at room temperature is heated uniformly throughout, it will expand
uniformly in all directions as represented by the dotted lines in Fig 1.1 (a). Since
the bar is unrestrained, it will contract uniformly to its original dimensions when
allowed to return to room temperature.
After heating
If the bar of steel is placed in a vice before heating, as illustrated in Fig 1.1 (b), lateral
expansion cannot take place. The same amount of volume expansion must occur, but
expansion along the bar’s horizontal axis is prevented; hence abnormal expansion
takes place in thickness and width. When the heat is removed and the deformed
bar returns to room temperature, it will still tend to contract or shrink uniformly in all
directions. Thus, the shape after cooling is as shown in Fig 1.1 (c). The bar is now
shorter, thicker, and wider. It has been permanently deformed or distorted.
Thermal conductivity
Metals that conduct heat well are also good conductors of electricity.
Copper and aluminium are good conductors and so need more heat to counteract the
loss when heat is conducted away from the weld area. On the other hand, stainless
steel is a poor conductor; heat is accumulated and retained at the weld area without
much loss.
A copper work lead should be used in preference to using strips of mild steel when
an extension to the welder’s work lead is unavoidable. The mild steel is not a good
conductor and causes more resistance in the circuit, making the machine hot and
electrically less efficient.
Additionally, there are various other factors that will influence how much or what type
of distortion takes place. In practical terms, these additional factors affecting distortion
can be grouped as:
zz the heat input
zz the amount of restraint
zz the internal stresses in the parent metal
zz the properties of the parent metal
zz deposited weld metal properties.
It can be seen from Fig 1.2 that a single-V butt weld contains approximately twice as
much weld metal as a double-V butt. Additionally with double sided preparations, the
shrinkage forces are balanced on each side of the plate, further reducing distortion.
Transverse distortion
Angular distortion
The polarity
When DC machines are used, particularly in conjunction with large diameter
electrodes, it is common practice to select electrode positive polarity (+ve). Higher
amperages are required to ensure complete fusion, but the heat input is reduced by
the increased travel speed, and higher deposition rate, when the electrode polarity is
Processes with higher deposition rates and lower heat inputs will produce the lowest
levels of distortion.
Amount of restraint
When a weld is made, the weld metal and adjacent parent metal are very hot and in a
plastic state until cooling is well advanced. If the parent metal is firmly held in position
during cooling, the plastic metal will stretch or yield under the action of the contraction
stresses and distortion will be reduced. Welding jigs and fixtures are used to control
distortion in this way.
Longitudinal distortion
Contraction forces acting along the line of the weld will pull the ends of the weld
towards each other. This creates what is commonly termed ‘longitudinal distortion’
(Fig 1.4).
direction of
contraction forces Parent
Transverse distortion
Contraction forces acting across the line of the weld will pull the sections of parent
metal towards each other, thus creating what is commonly termed ‘transverse
distortion’ (Fig 1.5).
direction of
contraction forces
As a simple example, consider a double-V butt weld. When the first run is made, the
contracting weld metal draws the edges of the plate together. The weld metal, as
deposited, is in a fully expanded state. It contracts as it cools, drawing the plate edges
together (Fig 1.5). This example also indicates angular distortion.
Angular distortion
Transverse contraction forces across the weld face cause the section of parent metal to
rotate about a longitudinal axis lying along the root of the joint, thus creating an angular
change in the position of the parent metal (Fig 1.6).
Direction of
Longitudinal Angular axis
axis change
Longitudinal angular
Transverse angular
Correction of warping such as this can be very difficult when multi-pass welds are
involved. Successive beads are deposited on metal that is already distorted, tending to
compound the total distortion.
1 2 3 4
Incorrect Correct
Use of restraint
The greatest distortion generally occurs when the parent metal is free to follow the
shrinkage of the weld metal, and the least distortion occurs where little movement of
the parent metal can take place.
Restraint may be defined as any force that opposes the contraction forces which
produce distortion. Methods commonly used include:
zz clamps
zz jigs and fixtures
zz back-to-back assembly
zz tack welds
zz strong backs
zz sequence welding.
13 12 7 5 1 6 8 17 18
11 10 9 3 2 4 14 15 16
Pre-setting parts
Allowance is made for parts to move into the required position.
Parts are pre-cambered to allow for movement into the required position.
Neutral axis
Welds may be placed on either side of the neutral axis, to balance shrinkage forces.
The methods of distortion control just described can be applied to minimise distortion
either prior to welding (pre-setting, pre-cambering) or during welding (sequence
welding, chill bars, clamping, intermittent welding, use of jigs and fixtures).
Although distortion can be corrected after welding, it is difficult, expensive, and
undesirable. Distortion can be corrected in the following ways:
zz hammering or forging – suitable for light sections only
zz pressing – suitable for larger and heavier sections
zz contra-heating – this involves localised heating, as a means of employing
shrinkage forces to pull the component to the desired shape.
Although contra-heating can be used for correction of distortion, it is more commonly
used for two other industrial applications, which are:
zz flame straightening of steel sections
zz cambering of steel sections.
In many instances a skilful person, with the help of an oxy-fuel set and some simple
mechanical aides, can perform the same operations as large and costly bending/
pressing machines. Fig 1.17 shows an example of the amount of movement that can
be obtained with the use of the flame bending technique.
1 2
1 2
Fig 1.17 – Two beams that were fabricated in the normal manner, and then
cambered, by the controlled use of the oxy-fuel flame
Abnormal expansion
occurs here
Expansion resisted in
these directions by
cold surrounding metal
Movement occurs in
these areas because
of contraction here
This wedge-shaped area should be marked out on the member for the operator’s
guidance. The apex of the wedge should commence at the root of the member and
extend across its full width. This wedge-shaped heating pattern must be maintained,
regardless of the cross-sectional shape of the member being heated. Examples of the
application of the wedge-shaped heating pattern to various structural sections and their
resultant direction of movement is shown in Fig 1.20 (a), (b) and (c).
(Heat legs in order indicated)
(Heat legs in order indicated)
1 2
1 2
1(Heat both flanges
(Heat both flanges (Heat web first at the same time,
at the same time) then flange) then web)
(Heat both flanges
(Heat both flanges (Heat web first at the same time,
at the same time) then flange) then web)
Fig 1.20 (a)
(Heat web, (Heat in order (Heat web,
then flange) indicated) then flange)
(Heat both flanges
(Heat in order (Heat web,
at the same time,
indicated) then flange)
then web)
Fig 1.20 – Application of the heat wedge to structural sections (a), (b) and (c)
Cooling procedure
As the process relies on the metal surrounding the heat wedge to be kept as cool as
possible, where more than one wedge is required the metal must be allowed to cool
between heats. It will be desirable in most cases to speed up the cooling rate by water
quenching. Quenching the heated steel will not cause any undesirable change in
properties, provided the temperature in the first place is kept below the lower critical
range (600 °C maximum for plain carbon steel). Fig 1.21 shows a suitable quenching
spray using water and compressed air.
Metal Air
tubing hose
Rubber hose
Water and
air spray
The advantage of the atomised spray is that the fine spray produced is rapidly
converted to steam on contact with the heated steel, and the heat quickly evaporates –
leaving the metal dry.
Application to plates
The principles described can be employed successfully to straighten distorted or
buckled plates. Local buckling should be tackled by spot heating on the convex side of
the buckle, as in Fig 1.22.
Fig 1.22 – Spot heating shrinks excessive metal on the convex side of the buckle
Buckles that extend to the end of the plate can be removed by employing the
wedge-shaped pattern as in Fig 1.23.
Fig 1.23 – Use of the heat wedge to correct buckles extending to the edges of plates
Precautions to be observed
zz Members under stress from external loads should be treated carefully, as this
stress may cause pronounced buckling or even failure at the heated zone.
zz Care must be taken with welded components, as any residual stresses caused by
welding will tend to be relieved when heated. This may add to, or subtract from,
the normal movement gained from contraction in the heated zone.
zz The process should not be carried out on material other than mild steel, without
full knowledge of any change in the properties of the metal that may result.
zz Due to the size of the heating equipment required, the allowable draw-off rate for
single cylinders of acetylene is likely to be exceeded in prolonged work. In such
cases, consideration should be given to manifolding several cylinders together.
zz It is worth noting again that the maximum temperature of the steel must be
restricted to 600 °C, particularly when water quenching, so as to avoid any
undesirable change in the properties of the metal.
The various welding processes used in the metal fabrication and welding industries
are often divided into categories, depending on whether the source used to generate
the heat required for melting of the parent metal and fusion is a combustible gas or an
electric source.
The various methods used to shield the weld from the atmospheric gases and their
undesirable effects on the molten weld pool and surrounding hot parent metal are often
used to further define the welding processes. For example, the oxy-fuel gas process
relies on a flame to provide heat and shielding, where resistance welding relies on high
current for resistance heating but does not have a visible heat source and does not
require shielding.
The arc welding processes use a visible electric arc to provide heat and have some
form of shielding to protect the arc zone from atmospheric contamination.
To be effective, any welding process basically requires the application of three basic
zz heat or energy source – needed for melting parent and filler material and fusion
zz atmospheric shielding – to prevent oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere from
contaminating the weld and weld zone
zz filler metal – to provide the required fill and weld build-up.
The above factors will be looked at in our more detailed examination of the various
welding processes; however the most important thing to be considered before any
welding or cutting operations are carried out is the safety of the welding operator
and those around them. A clean, tidy workplace, free from clutter and debris and
combustible materials is also an essential requirement for the safety of all welding
zz Special hazards
{{ confined spaces/hazardous locations
{{ cutting or welding near hazardous locations
{{ working on tanks and containers
{{ cylinder colours
{{ working on scaffolds
zz First aid for welders.
Personal safety
To achieve safe working conditions in industry, all personnel should be able to
recognise potential hazards that apply to their particular occupation and then take the
appropriate preventative measures.
As a worker within the general metal fabrication industry, the welder can be subjected
to all of the safety hazards associated with this industry. They may be injured through
incorrect lifting practices, falling or tripping, or incorrect use of hand tools and
Additionally, others working in the vicinity of welding operations are at risk from hazards
such as fumes, radiation, flying slag, fire or explosions. They too must be protected if
their safety and health is not to be put at risk.
The major hazards associated with any welding operations are:
zz electric shock
zz fumes
zz radiation
zz fire and explosion
zz burns
zz noise.
Electric shock
Electrical principles and requirements for arc welding machines will be discussed in
later sections, however at this stage it is necessary to clarify some basic electrical
zz Voltage is the force which makes current flow. Voltage is essentially electrical
zz Open circuit voltage is the voltage between welding terminals when the
machine is switched on but welding is not in progress.
The effects of electric shock on a welding operator may simply be a slight tingling
sensation when the body is exposed to low voltage and electric current. A more severe
exposure may cause pain and muscle contractions and superficial burns at the entry
If the electrical force (voltage) is sufficient to cause high current flow, then the welder
may have symptoms ranging from slight to severe muscle contractions and burns. If
the current path is through vital internal body organs such as the heart, then death from
cardiac arrest may occur.
The prevention of electric shock from welding equipment relies on three major
1. The voltages at the output terminals of a welding machine are kept low enough to
prevent easy passage of lethal current through the body.
2. Electrical resistance in any potential circuit is kept low. Current will take the path
of least resistance, however effective insulation will prevent or inhibit current flow.
3. Voltage and current path are confined to the welding circuit.
zz The phase of the heart cycle at the instant the shock occurs.
Studies in safety and health in welding suggest the main adverse health risk for
welders is working in confined spaces for extended periods of time. Investigators have
found a higher incidence of respiratory ailments in this group. Welders are known to
have higher incidence of bronchitis and emphysema.
Further studies found that although arc welding produces visible, infra-red and
ultraviolet light that increases in intensity with current and this radiation represents risk
to welders, particulate fumes represent the greatest health risk to welders.
Sources of fumes
Fumes are produced in all welding and cutting operations. Fumes may be a mixture of:
zz any by-products of a combustion process (carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide or
any other gases)
zz any chemical reaction between atmospheric gases such as nitrogen or oxygen in
the vicinity of the electric arc (nitrogen dioxide, ozone)
zz arc shielding gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, helium or the various gas
zz vaporised materials or elements such as iron, manganese, nickel, zinc, chromium
or cadmium from the parent metal, metal coatings, or welding consumables
zz airborne particles from metal working, grinding, welding or fluxes that are small
enough to be inhaled.
Effects of fumes
Research suggests that the build up of any welding fumes in a well ventilated workshop
is normally at low levels and tends to pose no great health risk. However, given that
most workshops are not effectively ventilated, any concentration of fumes from highly
toxic metals, even in low concentrations, may also cause health problems with respect
to the upper respiratory tract, lungs, blood, liver, kidneys and central nervous system.
The welder may also be deprived of the basic oxygen level needed to maintain good
Certain constituents found in welding fumes are recognised as being particularly
dangerous, even in very low concentrations. Welding operators should be aware of the
dangers associated with working with metals such as beryllium, cadmium, zinc and
Table 2.1 gives an indication of the toxicity of some of the fumes more commonly
encountered by welding operators.
Fume Ventilation
Gases non-toxic effect
source recommended
acetylene not-toxic, mild anaesthetic, fuel gas general ventilation
depressant effect
displacement of oxygen in
argon non-toxic inert gas general ventilation
(Ar) displaces oxygen in atmosphere
carbon dioxide non-toxic combustion by local exhaust
(CO2) displaces oxygen in atmosphere aux. air supply
carbon displaces oxygen in atmosphere combustion by local exhaust
monoxide product
attaches to blood and prevents aux. air supply
(CO) oxygen being absorbed, may
lead to coma and death
Toxics Effect Fume source
calcium irritant to eyes, skin, respiratory welding flux local exhaust
carbonate system
fluorides irritant to eyes, skin, respiratory hydrogen-controlled local exhaust
system rods, welding fluxes
bone damage
titanium oxide irritant to eyes, skin, respiratory welding flux local exhaust
Solvents Effect Fume source
alcohols blindness methanol-based local exhaust
skin irritant
brain and liver damage
basic irritant to skin white spirits local exhaust
hydrocarbons kerosene etc
brain damage
TCEs irritant to eyes, skin, respiratory welding flux local exhaust
An isolation box is a sealed chamber into which the job is placed. Access is via
gloves built into the wall of the chamber.
Control of fumes
To ensure that the concentration of fumes and exposure to fumes are within safe limits,
various controls can be applied.
zz Substitution
Where practicable, a less dangerous material, consumable, process or procedure
can be substituted.
zz Limiting the period of exposure
Limiting the time any one welder is exposed to excessive fume concentration
is not the most desirable method, but in some cases may be the only practical
Types of ventilation
zz Natural ventilation
In the greater majority of workshops and open sites, the natural flow of air is
sufficient to disperse fume concentrations.
zz General ventilation
This method is often used where the workshop does not have adequate natural
ventilation. Fumes rise and are dispersed into the atmosphere, generally through
ceiling exhaust fans.
These provide protection only against fume particles and not against gases.
Types of radiation
Three types of radiation are emitted by the arc welding processes: visible radiation,
infra-red radiation and ultraviolet radiation. Low levels of these radiation types are also
emitted from the flame and materials in gas welding and cutting.
Visible radiation
Exposure to high intensity visible radiation may result in ‘dazzle’, with temporary loss of
vision and fatigue. There may be permanent damage to the eyes over the long-term.
Infra-red radiation
Infra-red radiation acts in the same manner as exposure to surface heat, producing
burns. Permanent damage is unlikely unless exposure is severe, but the heat adds to
discomfort. Repeated exposure to infra-red radiation and burns can cause skin cancers
and damage the unprotected structure of the eye, such as the iris, the lens and the
retina. In severe cases of repeated exposure to luminous infra-red, eye cataracts can
Ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most common and powerful radiation hazard in welding.
This radiation type attacks the subsurface layers of exposed skin and eyes.
Brief ultraviolet radiation exposure to unprotected skin can produce inflammation
symptoms similar to sunburn. Longer exposure times or more intense radiation levels
can produce severe burns and blistering skin that may require hospitalisation and/or
result in permanent damage to the skin.
The eye is particularly sensitive to UV rays and even brief exposure to unprotected
eyes can result in a condition known as ‘arc eye’ or ‘welding flash’. This is accompanied
by pain, watering of eyes, and photophobia (intolerance to light).
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light can cause permanent damage to eyes and
exposed skin in the form of impaired vision, cataracts and damaged skin or skin cancer.
The symptoms of radiation burns or ‘arc eye’ develop over time and sometimes do not
appear until several hours after the exposure. These symptoms may last several days
in severe cases but generally subside, leaving no permanent or residual damage.
The amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted from the arc depends on several factors
such as the welding process type, the type of electrode, the amperage and the arc
Welding processes such as gas tungsten arc and gas metal arc welding in particular,
emit powerful ultraviolet radiation because of their high current densities and open arc
The GMAW and GTAW welding processes therefore require the welder to take greater
care and precautions against exposure to radiation. The use of a welding lens one shade
darker than those recommended for MMAW is also recommended (refer to Table 2.2).
It is most important to realise that all three radiation types can be reflected from shiny
surfaces – such as the underside of galvanised roofs, plates, or painted screens.
Where reflection is likely, for example in welding on highly reflective metals such as
aluminium or stainless steel, protection for the eyes and skin against indirect radiation
is required.
All welding processes require the operator to protect him/herself from the radiated heat
and rays associated with the process. Perhaps the most efficient way of doing this is by
the wearing of protective clothing. The use of all protective clothing is dictated by the
nature of the work and the comfort of the operator.
Ideally, dress for the operator should consist of the following items.
Always take care to check clothing for frayed edges, torn areas and open pockets
where sparks can lodge and start burning. Work clothes should also be free of oil or
grease. This may be difficult in some workshops, but a spare pair of clean overalls
could be left at work specifically for welding operations.
Protection of others
Adequate protection should be provided for all personnel within about 12 m of an
open arc or gas flame. Suitable screens, either fixed or portable, are desirable. These
screens and surrounding walls or partitions should have a matt finish and dull colours
in order to reduce reflection.
Sources of fire
Even though the temperature of the arc or flame of welding or cutting is more than
sufficient to cause combustion of many materials, a direct flame or electric arc is rarely
the cause of an actual fire. Any materials such as wood, wood-based products, paper,
synthetic materials, oil and grease soaked materials with a low ignition temperature
that are in the immediate vicinity of any cutting or welding operations will certainly
easily ignite. However, ignition will most likely occur by contact with hot metal sparks,
electrode stubs and spatter.
Any type of flammable or combustible materials should be cleared away from any
welding or cutting areas for a distance of at least 10 m, as hot particles lodged amongst
them may produce smouldering and fire at a later stage.
When considering the area affected by cutting and welding sparks, account should
be taken of the process and the job situation. Cutting and gouging can produce
high velocity particles travelling long distances, and hot particles falling from a high
workstation will travel further than normal, as illustrated in Fig 2.8.
To 20m
3.5m - 5.9m
4.2m - 7.8m
5.8m - 10.2m
Fig 2.8 – Typical travel distances for hot or molten metal particles in cutting
Fire prevention
zz Don’t let rubbish pile up in your work area. Remove it as it comes in.
zz Throw oily, greasy, or paint-stained rags into special bins and remove them as
soon as possible.
zz Keep areas around stored timber or other combustible material free from weeds
and scrub.
zz Store all flammable liquids and explosives in isolated areas and do not smoke
near them. Use only non-sparking tools to open the containers of these materials.
zz Don’t let material that can burn stay in the near vicinity of welding and flame
cutting operations.
zz Don’t walk or wheel materials over flexible electric cables. You could accidentally
cut the wire, causing sparking and a fire.
Causes of explosion
The risk of explosion is always present when welding or cutting, as these processes
may project hot sparks into an atmosphere containing flammable gases, liquids
or solids. Non-volatile oils or solids (which do not produce flammable gases at
atmospheric temperatures) may produce flammable or explosive gases when exposed
to heat and oxygen from welding or cutting. Drums, fuel tanks and other containers
pose a particular hazard to the safety of the welding operator, and no cutting or welding
should be carried out on them until all precautions have been carried out and the job
has been made safe.
Because welding and cutting is associated with intense heat, the welder is always in
danger of receiving painful burns.
Burns are classified in terms of their extent and depth. The extent of a burn is
described by calculating the burned area as a percentage of total skin area.
Depth of a burn is described by degree.
zz A ‘superficial burn’ produces reddening of the skin (1st degree).
zz An ‘intermediate burn’ produces blistering (2nd degree).
zz A ‘severe burn’ extends below the surface of the skin and causes injury to
underlying tissues (3rd degree).
In the metal fabrication and welding industry, noise of all types has been a constant
problem. Noise occurs at various frequencies (tones) and intensity. Noise is measured
in terms of sound pressure levels in decibels – dB (A).
Hazardous noise is any excessive continuous noise that inhibits normal conversation.
Excessive noise that is either high in level or continuous over a long period can result
in permanent damage to hearing. Use noise control methods and wear personal
hearing protection.
Special hazards
There are special work situations which present increased hazards to the safety and
health of the welding operator. These are:
zz confined spaces
zz hazardous locations
zz working on tanks and containers.
Confined spaces
Working in confined spaces usually entails difficult entry/exit and/or cramped
conditions. The workplace is often poorly ventilated and the welder is often completely
surrounded by a conductor which forms part of the welding circuit. Under these
circumstances, the welding operator is at increased risk from the following.
A build-up of fumes
The possibility of a build-up of dangerous fumes in a confined space due to the use
of welding processes in restricted air movement must be allowed for and adequate
ventilation must be provided.
zz Exhaust fans must be used.
zz Additional supplementary air supply may be required.
Electric shock
The possibility of an electric shock is greater because the welder can easily make
contact with the job and awkward and enclosed workplaces often lead to higher levels
of perspiration.
zz The welder should keep themselves dry as possible and use all necessary
protective clothing to prevent electrocution.
zz An all-insulated electrode holder shall be used.
zz High-frequency attachments shall not be used.
zz Portable electric lamps exceeding 32 V supply shall not be used. Electronic
leakage breaker (ELB) devices are acceptable.
zz Provision must be made close to the work for power to be switched off by an
assistant when:
{{ the welder is not prepared for welding
{{ the electrode is being changed
{{ the welder leaves the job.
Fully insulated
electrode holder Main switch
within reach
of observer
Dry wooden
form work
Hazardous locations
Although many workplaces may be described as hazardous, a ‘hazardous location’ is
defined as an area where any flammable liquids, solids, dusts, fibres or gases may be
present so as to pose a fire or explosion hazard.
Hazardous locations may be classified into four main groups (some examples are
provided below).
1. Typical locations in which flammable or combustible liquids are manufactured,
used, handled or stored, or where vapours may be present. For example:
zz refineries, fuel stores
zz dry cleaning plants
zz spray painting premises
zz varnish and paint manufacturing plants.
2. Typical locations in which combustible dust is thrown into suspension in the air
and quantities may be sufficient to produce explosive mixtures. For example:
zz sections of flour mills
zz grain elevators
zz coal pulverising plant.
3. Typical locations in which easily ignitable fibres are produced, handled, used or
stored. For example:
zz cotton or cotton seed mills
zz wood working plant
zz sections of clothing factories.
A fire watch must be maintained for a minimum of one hour after any cutting and
welding operations have ceased.
Recommended practice
Where steam is available, this may be used to remove materials which are easily
volatile. Washing with strong soda solution or detergents will remove heavier oils.
Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents must not be used for cleaning prior to welding.
Even after thorough cleansing, the container should (whenever possible) be filled with
water before any cutting or welding operation is performed. In practically every case, it
will be found possible to place the container in such a position that it can be filled with
water to within a short distance from the point where cutting or welding is to be done.
In doing this, however, care must be taken to ensure that there is a vent or opening to
provide for the release of heated air from the container. Where it is not possible to fill
the container with water, carbon dioxide or nitrogen may be used for added protection.
If possible, periodic examination of the air contents of the vessel should be made by
means of a detector of combustible gases, where such an instrument is available.
Pressure regulator
Small free space with opening
Carbon dioxide
Open pipe Welding
point Open pipe
Air exit
Welding 1 - 2cm
1 - 2cm
Container Container
Radiographic examination of welds using x-rays or gamma rays to penetrate welded
joints and project onto film is now fairly common practice. Often this quality assurance
function has to be carried out in the workshop at various project stages.
The ionizing radiation emitted from either the x-ray or gamma ray source units is
invisible and can be extremely harmful to any part of the human body. Strict control
measures must be followed whenever these operations are to be carried out, to prevent
any person being exposed to harmful radiation.
All staff must be made aware of the danger involved and the safety procedures that
should be followed. The following precautions should be observed.
zz Whenever practical, radiographic testing should be carried out when most staff
are not in the immediate area (eg overnight).
zz Equipment or exposure containers must be secured and kept locked at all times.
zz Radiographic equipment must not be tampered with or operated by unauthorised
Any personnel working in the area must wear film badges or dosimeters that are to be
monitored on a regular basis.
Gas cylinders
Oxygen cylinders
An oxygen cylinder is a hollow container of sufficient wall thickness and strength to
withstand much more than the filling pressure (safety factor). Into this container a
cylinder valve is screwed, to which a regulator may be attached. Oxygen cylinders are
painted black and have right-hand threads.
Oxygen gas is compressed and forced into the cylinder to produce a pressure to a
maximum of 17 5000 kPa at 15 °C. One size of cylinder (G) commonly used will hold
in excess of 8.9 m3 (8900 litres) of gas under pressure. Because oxygen cylinders are
therefore very dangerous, they are fitted with bursting discs that are designed to vent
off any excessive increases in cylinder pressure.
Acetylene cylinders
An acetylene cylinder is rather different from an oxygen cylinder. The cylinder is not
hollow, because acetylene is extremely unstable when compressed in a free area. The
cylinder is filled with a porous material saturated with liquid acetone.
The outside shell of the container is not required to be very strong, as the pressures
involved are not very high. Fusible plugs that melt at 100 °C are provided in acetylene
cylinders to vent off acetylene should any overheating occur (increased temperature
would increase pressure).
Acetylene cylinders are painted claret and have left-hand threads.
Oxygen cylinders
zz Always call oxygen ‘oxygen’ not ‘air’.
zz Never use oxygen in pneumatic tools, oil pre-heating burners, blowing out pipes
or tanks, or anywhere as a substitute for compressed air or other gases.
zz Any hydrocarbon (oil, paint, grease etc) can form an explosive compound
when subjected to oxygen under pressure. Never use oil on oxygen/fuel gas
Acetylene cylinders
zz Always call acetylene ‘acetylene’ not ‘gas’.
zz Always keep acetylene cylinders upright when in use to avoid loss of acetone.
zz If an acetylene cylinder valve leaks from or around the spindle, close the valve
and tighten the glands. If this fails, or if the fusible plug is leaking, remove the
cylinder to the open air, far away from possible sources of ignition. Tag the
cylinder properly to explain the trouble and notify the supplier immediately.
zz If the acetylene cylinder is on fire or seriously heated, either accidentally or
through severe flashbacks, if possible:
1. shut valve
2. take the cylinder into the open air
3. cool with copious supply of water.
If an acetylene cylinder is on fire, and cooling is being applied to allow the fire to burn,
call fire authorities and evacuate all personnel. Any gas leak that cannot be shut off is
more dangerous, because there is a high risk of explosion.
Cylinder colours
Table 2.4 – Colour code for identification of industrial compressed gas cylinders
Labels affixed to the shoulder identify the gas contents of cylinders (Fig 2.13). The
properties of the gases contained in cylinders can be determined by the colour of the
identification label, ie:
red − flammable gas
yellow − oxidising gas
green − inert gas
red and white − poisonous gas.
BOC Limited ©2006 *Always refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Working on scaffolds
Welders working at height should be aware of the special hazards involved; such as
falling from height, working with heat or hot material, sparks and spatter and the risk of
electrocution and fire. Special safety precautions are required and welders should have
sufficient knowledge of scaffold construction and use to enable them to work safely at
Because of the increased danger, it is recommended that any person welding or cutting
at height should have an assistant and should not be asked to work alone. Any welding
or cutting being carried out above hand-held height (1.8 m) should be carried out on
platforms or scaffolding erected specifically for the purpose. Working from temporary
supports such as ladders, trestles or old oil drums is not permitted.
For welding and cutting operations, the immediate area under and around any
scaffolding should be isolated with barriers and warning signs. Attention should be
taken to ensure that sparks and spatter do not fall or travel onto combustible material
below. Stub ends and offcuts should be caught in a steel container rather than be
allowed to fall.
According to AS/NZS 4576 – Guidelines for scaffolding and AS/NZS 1576.1 –
Scaffolding – General requirements, anyone working at a height above 2 m must be
provided with suitable platforms or scaffolding. Platforms or scaffolding are subject to
regulations and should only be erected by suitably trained or qualified personnel.
The use of mobile platforms of up to 4 m height is allowed, provided they comply with
the guidelines given below.
zz Where a person or object can fall more than 2 m, the scaffold must be fenced.
Typical fencing should consist of handrails/guard rails and these should be set at
900–1100 mm in height with a mid rail at 400–600 mm. Kick boards of 150 mm
height are to be fitted at platform level.
zz Where a person is working up to 4 m and cannot fall, or cause objects to fall, no
qualifications are required to erect scaffolding but the scaffold must be erected to
manufacturers’ specifications and the base must be firm and secure.
zz Where a person or object can fall more than 4 m, the scaffold must be erected by
a person holding the basic level of scaffolding certificate of competency.
zz Scaffolding erected for working at heights above 8 m must be erected and
maintained by a ticketed scaffolder.
Any scaffolding must have suitable safe access/egress. A ladder is suitable, provided it
is set at the recommended height-to-base distance ratio of 4:1 and is securely attached
to the scaffold.
Whenever a person can fall over 2 m, the use of a fall arrest system is recommended.
Equipment or heavy tools that can fall over two metres should be secured using
lanyards and small items and tools should be kept in carry bags designed for the
The use of fibre or nylon ropes is not permitted near any cutting or welding.
Is the supporting surface hard and A soft or uneven supporting surface will
flat? cause instability and may lead to the collapse
of the scaffold.
Is the area of operation free of floor It may be necessary to clearly limit the
penetrations, powerlines and other operational area of a mobile scaffold by
hazards? erecting barricades or implementing other
forms of control in order to isolate the
scaffold from hazards.
Are the castor wheel locks in working A mobile scaffold should not be left
order? unattended or worked from while the castors
are in a free-running condition. Castors with
inoperative or missing wheel locks should be
EFFECTIVE: 09/10/86
For all but minor injury, arrange for medical assistance. If there is little risk in moving
the casualty, arrange for transport (and for care during transport) to a physician,
hospital or nurse. If there is any risk of further injury posed by moving the patient,
he/she should not be moved and qualified medical help should be sought.
Major burns
Since urgent action is essential, cool the area with running water, cover and get the
casualty to hospital as quickly as possible. Keep the casualty covered with a light
blanket or other suitable material. Care must be taken to ensure that dressings,
blankets etc. will not stick to the wound.
Electric shocks
Electric shock usually does not kill at once, but may stun the victim and stop his or her
breathing. Delay in rescue and resuscitation may be fatal.
Immediately switch off the electricity where practicable and then pull or push the patient
clear. If the electricity cannot be switched off immediately, remember that the patient
is electrified until released and take precautions against receiving electrical shock
yourself. The patient must be pulled or pushed away from the conductor using any type
of dry insulating material, such as wood, rope, clothing, rubber or plastic.
Do not use metal or anything moist. In some cases, it may be easier to remove
the conductor from the patient. Where necessary, take care that the patient does not
sustain injury by falling.
After rescue, if the patient is not breathing, commence artificial respiration immediately
and continue without interruption for hours if necessary. When assistance is
available, send for a doctor and an ambulance.
Severe bleeding
Apply direct pressure to the wound by placing a large dressing over the wound and
holding it in position with a firm bandage. If the dressing becomes saturated with blood,
do not remove it, but apply another. This will aid clotting. In an emergency, if a dressing
is not readily available, firmly press the sides of the wound together with the fingers or
hand. Elevate the injured part to decrease the blood flow to the wound. Seek medical
attention immediately.
Do not move the patient, but immobilise the person and the fractured limb by use of
pillows, blankets or other suitable materials. Bleeding should be controlled if present
and the patient kept warm until qualified medical help arrives.
The previous section on safety makes reference to various standards or codes related
to safety in the workplace. Standards or codes and specifications are often used to lay
down minimum specifications or performance requirements for goods or service.
Standards and specifications related to welding or fabrication are used to control the
quality of the finished product, methods of manufacture and standards of workmanship
in the fabrication and many other industries.
This standardisation of work methods makes for greater efficiency and uniformity.
Without the use of standards and codes, designers, engineers and fabricators would
apply their own ideas as to how the work was to be designed and constructed and
inspection procedures would be difficult to carry out. Without some sort of work code or
standard being specified, the customer would not be able to define or verify the quality
of the finished product by other than visual means. In metal fabrication and welding
in particular, this could encourage sub-standard work. Contractors may be tempted to
under-quote and cut corners to get the job completed on schedule.
Most code books in the welding industry are a book of rules and standard procedures
laid down for carrying out work in a safe, organised and efficient manner.
Typical third parties may be simply an internal QA/QC section. The client will often
specify the adoption and use of codes or standards in the purchasing contract. External
parties may be government or other bodies, sections or departments
Typical government departments that may become involved include:
zz WorkSafe WA
zz utility bodies such as the electricity, gas and water departments
zz minerals or mines departments
zz road, rail or water transport departments
zz building or construction departments
• local shires or councils.
Additionally, the customer may develop a set of specifications of their own. This is
common for larger projects using specific processes such as manufacturing plant, gas
processing plants or fuel refineries. For example, the American Petroleum Institute
(API) issues standards for use in the petroleum industry.
Application of standards
Correct application of standards is an essential factor in their use. To this end, probably
the most important clause in any standard is the ‘scope clause’. The scope clause is
usually the first clause of any standard and as the name suggests, states the scope
of the code, ie it states exactly to what the code is to be applied. For example, the
following extract from a scope clause is taken from AS/NZS 2980 – Qualification of
welders for fusion welding of steels.
1.1 SCOPE. This standard defines the qualification test of welders for the welding
of steels to the requirements of a welding procedure specification. It provides a
set of technical rules for a systematic qualification test of the welder and enables
such qualifications to be uniformly accepted independently of the type of product,
location and examiner/examining body.
This standard does not deal with the certification of welders, this subject being
covered by AS/NZS 1796.
Further to this, some codes will also include an ‘application clause’ which gives further
guidance in the use of the standard. The following extract from an application clause is
also taken from AS 2980.
1.2 APPLICATION. The qualification tests prescribed in this Standard are intended to
provide a method to qualify welders for the welding of steel structures; however,
they may also be suitable for the qualification of welders for other applications,
by agreement between the principal and the fabricator. These tests are not
intended to be used as a guide for welding during actual construction. The latter
should be performed in accordance with the requirements of a welding procedure
specification (WPS) produced for the purpose.
Section 2 deals specifically with qualifications for welders using hand held
equipment, while Section 3 deals with qualifications for welders using non-hand
held equipment.
Where a welder fails the specified tests, their performance can be used as a basis for
establishing the value to be gained by further training.
When reading the scope clause, it is important to note the limitations that apply to the
application of the code. For example, the scope clause of AS/NZS 1554.1 states that
‘the code is “limited” to the welding of steel parent metal with a specified minimum yield
strength not exceeding 500 MPa.’
Anything outside this, or outside of the other limitations stated, is clearly outside the
scope of this code and another code should be applied.
‘Should’ and ‘shall’
zz The words ‘should’ and ‘shall’ are frequently used throughout standards.
zz Where the word ‘shall’ is used, it indicates that the statement is mandatory.
zz Where the word ‘should’ is used, it indicates a recommendation.
Australian Standard®
Standards Australia is the body responsible for producing Australian Standard®
Australian standards are easily recognised by their cover. The cover is usually yellow in
colour (sometimes blue when they are joint Australia/New Zealand, or joint
Australia/ISO Standards).
The cover always contains:
zz the Standard number and edition
zz the words ‘Australian Standard®’
zz the title
zz the Standards Australia logo.
Students should make use of college library or class resource sets (if provided) to
become familiar with these codes.
Section 1
Covers scope, terms and definitions.
Section 2
The material used in construction must comply with the requirements of the structural
steel codes AS/NZS 3678, AS/NZS 3679, AS1163, AS/NZS 1594, AS/NZS 3679.1 and
AS/NZS 3679.2, or their equivalent.
Bolts, nuts and washers must also conform to the specified standards.
All welds should be performed in accordance with the recommendations of
AS/NZS 1554.
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from Section 3.1 Design:
3.1.1 ‘Aim’ and 3.1.2 ‘Requirements’ of AS 4100-1998.
Section 14
Relates to fabrication and recommends methods for cutting and welding should comply
with AS/NZS1554.1. Methods of holing are described and most holes other than those
used on base plates should be bolt diameter plus two millimetres. Flame-cut holes are
not permitted. Bolting standards and methods are defined and joint types can be either
bolt bearing or friction grip type. General workmanship is defined.
Section 15
Covers erection procedures such as delivery, storage and handling, straightness and
alignment, joint assembly and tensioning methods.
The tolerances for location of anchor or holding down bolts and grouting are also
Section 1
Covers scope, terms and definitions.
An important aspect of section one is the welding processes allowable such as:
zz manual metal-arc welding (MMAW)
zz submerged arc welding (SAW)
zz gas metal-arc welding (GMAW or MIG), including pulsed mode
zz gas tungsten-arc welding (GTAW or TIG)
zz flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)
zz electroslag (including consumable guide) welding (ESW)
zz electrogas welding (EGW).
The standard is limited to the welding of steel parent material with a specified
minimum yield strength not exceeding 500 MPa. The Standard applies to the welding
of steelwork in structures complying with AS 3990, AS 4100, AS/NZS 4600 or
NZS 3404.1. Where welded joints in these structures are governed by dynamic loading
conditions, the Standard applies only to those welded joints that comply with the fatigue
provisions of AS 3990, AS 4100 or NZS 3404.1, as limited by Item (ii) below, or the
directly equivalent fatigue provisions of other application Standards.
Welded joints complying with the above requirements are those that are —
(i) not subject to fatigue conditions; or
(ii) subject to fatigue conditions, where—
(A) the stress range in the welded joint complies with the permissible stress
range of stress categories C, D, E or F of AS 3990, or weld categories lower
than or equal to detail category 112 of AS 4100 or NZS 3404.1; or
(B) the stress range in the welded joint is not more than 80% of the permissible
stress range of stress category B of AS 3990.
It also does not apply to the welding of pressure vessels and pressure piping, or railway
bridges. The Standard does not cover the design of welded connections or permissible
stresses in welds, nor the production, rectification, or repair of castings.
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from 1.6 ‘Weld categories’
on page 7 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from 1.6 ‘Weld categories’
on page 7 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
The major differences between these two joint types are the allowable levels of
imperfection and thereby, two levels of inspection. This is reflected in Table 7.2 of the
Standard and Appendix F of the Standard.
Section 2
Specifies permitted materials and these are mainly low carbon/manganese structural
steels. These may have a minimum yield strength up to but not exceeding 500 MPa.
See AS/NZS 3678 and AS/NZS 3679.1.
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from Section 2, 2.1
‘Parent material’ on page 9 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from Section 2, 2.3.1
‘Electrodes and filler wires’ on page 9 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
Section 3
Describes recommended welded connections such as butt, fillet welds, plug and slot
welds. Terms and definitions and parts of butt and fillet welds are also shown in this
There is a distinction made between ‘complete penetration butt welds’ and ‘incomplete
penetration butt welds’.
Note the design throat thickness allowance for the various types of weld and
Section 4
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from Section 4, 4.2
‘Methods for qualifying a welding procedure’ on pages 20 and 21
of AS/NZS 1554.1.2004.
Table 5.12.2 explains how a welder may qualify for various welds when welding on
selected text pieces, eg 6G pipe test.
Section 5
Describes the level of workmanship allowable for aspects such as thermal cutting,
edge preparation, assembly and alignment. Pre-heat and interpass temperature
recommendations are made based on carbon equivalent, joint configuration and heat
input. There are details for tacking, control of distortion and weld repairs.
A brief summary is as follows.
All surfaces to be welded shall be clean, smooth and free from imperfections and
foreign matter. Plates to be butt welded shall not be out of alignment by more than 10%
of the plate thickness, or 3 mm, whichever is the lesser. Where the separation of plates
forming a fillet weld is 1.5 mm or greater, the size of the fillet weld shall be increased by
the amount of the separation. The separation between plates to be butt welded and any
backing material shall not exceed 1.5 mm. Where pre-heating is required, the plates
shall be brought to the pre-heat temperature prior to tacking. The joint must be brought
to temperature for a minimum distance on each side of the joint at least equal to the
plate thickness, with a minimum distance of 75 mm.
Welding processes requiring an external gas shield shall not be carried out in a draft
or wind greater than 10 km/h, unless suitably protected. The minimum length of tack
welds shall be not less than four times the thickness of the thicker part, or 40 mm,
whichever is the lesser. The width of the weld face shall be the largest dimension of the
weld, ie exceed both the depth and the width.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 6.6 on
page 55 of AS/NZS1554.1:2004.
Peening may be carried out, except on the root run or surface layer of the weld. Where
correction of distortion by flame heating is carried out, the maximum temperature of
steels shall not exceed 600 °C.
Any grinding shall blend smoothly into the surface of the parent metal without abrupt
changes in contour. The depth of any grinding shall not extend below the surface of the
parent metal by more than:
zz 0.5 mm for material less than 10 mm thick
zz for material 10 mm and over in thickness – 0.07 times the nominal thickness, or
3 mm, whichever is the lesser.
Temporary welds and attachments shall not be allowed on the tension flanges of
beams and girders etc. Stray arc strikes are to be avoided. Slag shall be cleaned from
all welds and the welds shall not be painted until inspection has been completed.
Where welds are to be dressed flush, the surfaces shall be finished so as to:
a) not reduce the thickness of the thinner base metal or weld metal by more than
0.8 mm, or 5% of thickness, whichever is lesser; or
b) not leave reinforcement greater than 0.8 mm.
Section 6
Covers the quality of welds. Note the different various levels of imperfections allowable
for the GP and SP categories.
Section 7
Describes the methods of weld inspection that are to be used once welding is
completed. Note that all completed welds must be visually inspected.
Other methods of weld inspection that may be used to supplement visual are:
zz dye penetrant inspection
zz magnetic particle inspection
zz ultrasonic inspection
zz radiographic inspection.
Users are advised that pressure vessels must comply with the requirements of the
Inspecting Authority in the State or Territory where the vessel is to be installed or
used. However this Standard is usually used as the basis for the requirements for
vessels in all States and Territories of the Commonwealth.
AS 1210 applies to unfired pressure vessels only. Boilers are covered by other codes.
The class into which the vessel will fall depends on many factors such as:
zz volume
zz working pressure
zz location
zz nature of contents
zz operation and maintenance.
(e) Part of the first production weld or a complete pipe weld carried out by a welder
to an approved welding procedure is shown by either radiographic or ultrasonic
examination to comply with the pressure equipment Standard.
(f) The length of weld examined in a production weld or test piece shall be at least
300 mm, or the circumference of a pipe weld, whichever is less.
Welders qualified in accordance with the above are permitted to undertake production
welding within the limits of the essential variables listed in Table 9.1 using welding
procedures documented in accordance with the requirements of this Standard.
The suffix ‘E’ indicates that a candidate elected to make a full penetration
single-sided butt weld on plate.
Test pieces
The test pieces for the qualification tests are either pipe and/or plate, depending
upon the certificate being examined. All details of test pieces including number, types,
size and preparation details are given in Section 2 of the code, as are details of
consumables and general conduct of the test.
Upon completion, the test pieces are examined visually and those which pass visual
examination undergo further radiographic or destructive examination to determine
compliance with code requirements.
To gain certification to AS 1796, a candidate must:
• meet the pre-examination requirements
• pass a theory examination according to the syllabus set out in AS 1796
• pass one of the practical tests.
The qualification tests prescribed in this Standard are not intended to be used as
a guide for welding during actual construction. The latter should be performed in
accordance with the requirements of a procedure specification produced for the
Section 2 deals specifically with qualifications for welders using hand-held equipment,
while Section 3 deals with qualifications for welders using non-hand-held equipment.
Where a welder fails the specified tests, their performance can be used as a basis for
establishing the value to be gained by further training.
Qualification of a welder to AS/NZS 2980 gives reasonable assurance that the operator
can carry out the range of joints qualified by conduct of the test. Tests under this
Standard apply to carbon steel plate and pipe.
Acceptance criteria
Test welds are made, visually examined and destructively tested according to the
criteria set out in Appendix A of the Standard. Alternatively, radiographic examination
may be carried out.
Period of effectiveness
The welder’s qualification as specified in this Standard shall be considered as
remaining in effect indefinitely unless:
(a) there is some specific reason to question a welder’s ability; or
(b) the welder changes employer.
Regulations are support documents or laws or rules that help to clarify or redefine
certain parts of an Act. Regulations are easier to make and change and they can be
used by authorities to help to enforce the laws.
Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations
The Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (1996) have the effect of spelling out
specific requirements of the legislation.
Regulations may prescribe minimum standards and have a general application, or they
may define specific requirements related to a particular hazard or particular type of
work. They may also allow the licensing or granting of approvals and certificates etc.
If a regulation exists about a risk, you must comply with the regulation before any code
of practice or guidance note.
If an Australian Standard®, or part of a Standard is referred to in a regulation, the
Standard or relevant part of the Standard must be complied with.
If there is no regulation about a risk but there is a code of practice or guidance note,
you must either do what the code of practice or guidance note says, or adopt and
follow another way that gives the same level of protection against the risk.
Codes of practice are documents that provide guidelines and help towards the
practical application of laws or rules.
Typical codes of practice mentioned in this text may be:
zz safe working on roofs
zz manual handling
zz noise control.
A code of practice is defined in the Act as a document prepared for the purpose of
providing practical advice on preventative strategies and a practical means of achieving
any code, standard, rule, provision or specification relating to occupational safety and
health in Western Australia.
A code of practice may contain explanatory information. The preventative strategies
outlined do not represent the only acceptable means of achieving a certain standard.
A code of practice does not have the same legal force as a regulation and is not
sufficient reason, of itself, for prosecution under the Act.
If there is no regulation or code of practice about the risk, you must choose an
appropriate way and take reasonable precautions and exercise proper diligence to
ensure you meet your obligations.
Codes of practice should be followed, unless there is another solution which achieves
the same or better result and can be used to support prosecution for non-compliance.
Guidance notes provide helpful and useful information. Typical guidance notes
mentioned in this text may be:
zz general duty of care
zz election of safety and health representatives
zz notification of accidents
zz resolution of safety and health issues in the workplace.
AS 2812:2005 Welding, brazing and cutting metals – Glossary of terms sets out
and defines basic terms that may be used for describing various welding processes
and principles. The information contained herein is a guide to interpretation of these
terms and is by no means exhaustive in covering all the information contained in the
code. The purpose of this code is to try to standardise terms and thus help to avoid
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Common welding processes
zz Types of welds
zz Welding symbols
{{ basic symbols
{{ supplementary symbols
{{ location of symbols.
Types of welds
Welds may be any one of four basic types, however welds may also be combined to
produce compound welds.
F fillet joint
B butt joint
C corner joint
T T joint
pad weld (surfacing)
plug and/or slot weld
1 flat weld (position)
2 horizontal weld
3 vertical weld
4 overhead weld
As the standards are reviewed, changes are made that can result in some standards
being ‘out of date’ in terms of ‘position’. Examples are AS 1796, AS/NZS 1554.1 and
AS/NZS 2980, which refers to the terms used in Fig 4.2 and Table 1 from AS 3545 –
Welding positions.
1.F 2.F
Axis of plate
3.F 4.F
Vertical plate
1G 2G 3G 4G
Test 45o
Test position Pipe shall not be
horizontal turned or rolled while
These graphics have been removed. They were redrawn from Figure 6
on page 8 of AS 3545.
Fig 4.1 – (c) Examples of butt and fillet welds as per AS 3545
Plug and slot welds and pad welds are not commonly used in general fabrication and
will not be considered in depth in this text.
Fillet welds
Definition – A fillet weld is a weld approximately triangular in cross-section, lying
external to the planes of the parts being joined.
The parts of a fillet weld (Fig 4.2) are as follows.
zz Parent metal – the parts to be joined.
zz Root – where the parts to be joined are in the closest proximity.
zz Face – the exposed surface of the weld.
zz Toe – where the weld face meets the parent metal.
zz Depth of fusion – the degree to which the weld penetrates the parent metal.
zz Leg length – the distance from the root to the toe.
zz Actual throat thickness – the distance from the root to the weld face measured
through the centre of the weld.
zz Design throat thickness – the distance from the root to the hypotenuse of a
triangle lying wholly within the weld (used for design calculations).
zz Reinforcement – the distance between the design throat thickness and the actual
throat thickness.
Design throat
Leg length
Parent material
Fig 4.3 – Fillet weld configurations (a) T fillet, (b) corner fillet and (c) lap fillet
Butt welds
A butt weld is a weld lying internal to the planes of the parts being joined. The
terminology that applies to a fillet weld applies equally to butt welds, the major
difference being design throat thickness which in a full penetration butt weld is equal to
the plate thickness.
Butt welds can be either a ‘C’ complete penetration butt weld where fusion exists
through the full thickness of the joint, or a ‘P’ part (incomplete) penetration butt weld
where the depth of the weld is less than the thickness of the plates joined.
At this stage it is only intended to discuss complete penetration butt welds and even
here the types of butt welds referred to will be the more common types. Additional
information can be gained by referring to AS/NZS 1554.1.
Weld root
Welding symbols
Designers, engineers and workshop personnel need to have a system that transfers
or displays the information in a clear and precise manner to avoid confusion over
information or details related to the welding of steel structures.
AS 1101.3 – Graphical symbols for general engineering part 3 – welding and
non-destructive examination – This code describes symbols which provide the
means of placing complete welding information on drawings. Part 3 covers the details
and application of symbols related to various welding processes and non-destructive
The purpose of these symbols is to provide a means of placing complete and uniform
welding information on drawings. The information contained herein is a guide to
interpretation of these symbols and is by no means exhaustive in covering all the
information contained in the code. In fact, coverage will be limited to the more common
of the symbols for butt and fillet welds.
The code makes a distinction between a welding symbol and a weld symbol:
zz a welding symbol is a method that is used to present welding information on a
zz a weld symbol indicates or is a representative of the type of weld.
These elements are placed as shown in Fig 4.5 to make the welding symbol.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 2.3 on
page 8 of AS 1101.3-2005.
Basic symbols
The type of weld is shown by the basic symbol as indicated in the table (Fig 4.7).
The symbols for fillet, single and double bevel, single and double-J butt welds have
a vertical line in their formation and this vertical line is always shown to the left of the
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 13.1 on
page 99 of AS 1101.3-2005..
Symbols maintain their basic shape irrespective of root face, root gap or the number of
runs required.
Basic weld symbols are shown in the following.
These tables have been removed. They were reproduced from Figure
2.1 on page 7 of AS 1101.3-2005.
Supplementary symbols
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 2.2 on
page 7 of AS 1101.3-2005.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 4.29 on
page 59 of AS 1101.3-2005.
Finishing symbols
Finishing symbols are used in conjunction with contour symbols to indicate the contour
and method of weld finishing. Finishing symbols are as follows.
C chipping
G grinding
M machining
R rolling
P peening
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 4.29 on
page 59 of AS 1101.3-2005.
Process symbols
Where the use of a definite welding process is required, this is indicated by placing a
process symbol in the tail of the arrow. Some common process symbols are as follows.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 4.29 on
page 59 of AS 1101.3-2005.
Location of symbols
The basic symbol is placed on the reference line, its position depending upon where
the weld is to be made (see Figs 4.12 (a), (b) and (c)).
The backing material symbol is placed on the
reference line opposite the basic symbol.
Fig 4.17 – The backing material symbol
Cranked arrow
Where it is required that one member of a joint is to have preparation applied, eg a
bevel, the arrow must point to that part with a definite crank (see Fig 4.19).
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 2.26 on
page 26 of AS 1101.1-2005.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 2.28 on
page 27 of AS 1101.1-2005.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 2.29 on
page 27 of AS 1101.1-2005.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 2.30 on
page 28 of AS 1101.1-2005.
Basic symbol
This sequence will appear either above or below the reference line, depending on
whether the weld is to be made on the other side or the arrow side of the joint.
Where required, the following symbols are placed in the following order either side of
the reference line.
Finish symbol
F Contour symbol
Preparation angle
A Root gap
V Basic symbol
This sequence is reversed for welds to be made on the arrow side of the joint.
Fillet weld
this side
6 10
(c) Dimension/hatching
6 4
4 4
Backing run
CL weld
L weld
L weld 100
See note
50 50 50
See note
125 125
L weld C
L weld C
L weld
75 75 75 75
See note
125 125
L weld C
L weld L weld C
C L weld
Fig 4.26 – (a) Intermittent, (b) intermittent chain and (c) intermittent staggered chain
6 4
4 4
Backing run
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz What is steel?
zz Classification and availability of plain carbon steels
zz Properties of metals
{{ mechanical propertiesw
zz Mechanical tests
{{ tensile testing
{{ impact tests
{{ hardness tests
{{ fatigue tests.
What is steel?
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, in which the carbon content is within the range of
Elements in steel
The approximate composition of mild steel is as follows:
zz iron (Fe)
zz carbon (C) 0.1–0.3%
zz phosphorous (Ph) 0.05% max
zz silicon (Si) 0.35% max
zz sulphur (S) 0.06% max
zz manganese (Mn) 0.8–1.0% max.
Pure iron is a metal that is magnetic and has mechanical properties similar to those of
copper. The tensile strength of iron is 139 MPa, which means pure iron is too weak and
too soft for most engineering and structural applications.
Iron in its pure form is not readily available in nature. Its raw form of iron oxide (ore)
is processed in a blast furnace. The oxides are reduced by the heat produced by
combustion of a fuel which is typically coke. Other impurities are removed by adding
limestone (which acts as a fluxing agent) and the blast furnace lining itself.
Carbon has the greatest effect of any element when alloyed with iron. Adding carbon to
pure iron or increasing the carbon content of low carbon steel will:
zz increase tensile strength
zz increase hardness
zz increase hardenability
zz increase toughness
zz decrease ductility
zz decrease malleability
zz decrease weldability
zz lower the melting point.
Even small amounts of carbon will bring about significant improvements in the
mechanical and physical properties of steel.
Once the carbon content of steel exceeds 0.3%, the steel becomes ‘hardenable’,
ie it has the ability to be hardened by heat treatment. Heat treatment is an important
process and can be used to bring about significant changes in the mechanical
properties of steels. For example, a high carbon steel in the soft state may be cut
with a hacksaw, but following heat treatment it may be so hard that the only practical
method of cutting is by grinding.
Phosphorous forms iron phosphates, which cause cold shortness (a lack of ductility at
normal temperatures). Phosphorous must be kept below 0.05%.
Silicon is used mainly as a de-oxidiser in the steelmaking process. Silicon has no
significant effect on improving the mechanical properties of steel. In excessive
amounts, it tends to cause grain boundary weakness.
Sulphur causes hot shortness in steel. In plain carbon steels, sulphur is kept below
0.06%. Sulphur has been used as an alloy in free machining steels, however the
modern trend is to use lead to improve machinability in steels.
Although carbon/manganese steels (1.0–1.8% Mn) make use of manganese to improve
hardness and tensile strength, lower amounts of manganese (0.8–1.0% Mn) are used
in mild steels:
zz as a grain refiner
zz as a de-oxidiser
zz to counteract the effect of sulphur in promoting hot shortness.
Groups of steels
Steels may be divided into two main groups, as follows.
zz Plain carbon steels – Where the element used to improve mechanical
properties is carbon.
zz Alloy steels – Where elements other than carbon are used to improve
mechanical properties.
Alloy steels will be discussed in a later chapter of this text.
Once these alloys exceed 1.70% carbon, they cease being called steels and are
referred to as ‘cast irons’.
It should be noted at this point that although plain carbon steels are economical
to produce and are the most widely used, the progressive loss of ductility that
accompanies increases in carbon content precludes the use of plain carbon steels
for some applications. Medium and high carbon steels are commonly used where
hardness is a prime requirement of the finished product. Using mainly carbon to
provide this hardness results in a loss of ductility and toughness. Consequently, where
toughness is a prime requirement, the use of alloy steels is preferred.
Low carbon steels are ideally weldable, however in the hardenable medium and high
carbon steels, increasing carbon content leads to a progressive loss of weldability.
Careful consideration must be given to welding procedures when these steels are
used. Typical uses for carbon steels are shown in Table 5.1.
Low (dead mild) 0.05–0.15 Chain, nails, rivets, wire, pressing steels
(mild) 0.15–0.30 Structural sections and plates
Machine base
Cast irons Above 1.70
Low carbon steels are classified by yield strength. These low strength steels exhibit a
noticeable yield point. When the yield point is reached they may continue to deform for
a short time, with no increase in load. This is in contrast to higher strength steels, which
exhibit no noticeable yield point. High strength steels are classified according to their
ultimate tensile strength.
Classification system
Steels classified by yield strength are covered under AS/NZS 3678 and AS/NZS 3679
and are specified by Australian Standard® number, nominal minimum yield stress
(eg 250/350 MPa), a treatment type suffix (/1 OR /2) and an optional ‘WR’ prefix where
appropriate for weather-resistant (weathering) steels.
eg AS/NZS 3678 – 250
Additional to this, where the material must possess specified minimum impact
properties a suffix such as ‘L’ is used. ‘L’ indicates that the material has been low
temperature impact tested. Additionally, the suffix ‘L’ is followed by a number, which
indicates the temperature at which the test is conducted, at or below 0 ºC.
eg WR 350/1 L0 – indicates that an impact test has been conducted at 0 ºC.
350 L15 – indicates that a low temperature impact test has been conducted
at -15 ºC.
The grades of steel plates available under AS/NZS 3678/3679 are given in Table 5.2.
This table has been removed. It was reproduced from Table 1 on page 9
of AS/NZS 3678:1996 and Table 1 on page 12 of AS/NZS 3679.1:1996.
zz Low carbon steels are relatively ductile and are easily welded using any welding
process and appropriate filler material.
zz Pre-heating is normally unnecessary, except to reduce shrinkage stresses in thick
zz Rapid quenching (eg water quenching) should be avoided, as a loss of ductility
may result.
Medium carbon steels present the possibility of cracking in the weld itself or the
heat-affected zone, due to martensite formation.
Pre-heating will be required depending on the cooling rate of the weldment and
the heat input from welding. The higher the carbon content, the higher the pre-heat
The use of hydrogen-controlled electrodes and/or processes is highly advisable.
Consideration should be given to the amount of penetration and fusion into the parent
metal, with the aim of minimising dilution and pick-up.
Rapid cooling of the weld zone is to be avoided.
Welding high carbon steels
In high carbon steels, martensite will form readily, even at relatively slow cooling rates.
This reduces the weldability of high carbon steels. The use of a weld procedure and
close control of the heat input must be exercised. In weldments which have been heat
treated during manufacture, annealing may be required prior to repair welding being
carried out.
All sources of hydrogen must be removed from the welding process as this may
cause/contribute to underbead cracking in the heat-affected zone, adjacent to the weld.
The high strength weld metal will be less ductile and joint restraint must be minimised
to prevent cracking in the weld or the adjacent base metal.
zz High carbon steels are extremely hardenable and slow cooling must be ensured.
zz Good fit-up must be assured.
zz All sources of hydrogen must be removed. Clean workpieces and
hydrogen-controlled consumables are essential.
zz Joint restraint and shrinkage stresses must be minimised.
zz Pre-heat is usually applied and in some cases is followed by post-heating.
Further post-weld heat treatment may be required.
zz The use of a nickel alloy filler may be advisable.
Properties of metals
Knowledge of a material’s properties will greatly assist the tradesperson in many ways.
It is important to be able to select the most suitable material for a particular application
and the correct methods to be employed in using a given material, eg the correct
welding method. A general knowledge of materials can be built up by recognising the
individual characteristics or properties of each one.
The properties of metals can be divided into two groups:
zz physical
zz mechanical.
Physical properties
The physical properties of materials are those properties that are not directly related
to strength and may generally be determined by methods which do not destroy the
material under investigation. Among the more common physical properties are:
zz colour
zz mass
zz grain structure
zz heat and electrical conductivity
zz corrosion resistance
zz magnetism.
Many materials can be identified by their characteristic colour, eg rusty steel, bright
aluminium and dull copper. However, care must be taken as some metals are similar in
colour or may exhibit differences when scratched, polished or fractured. For example;
steel may be blue when new due to mill scale, silvery when wire-brushed, or may be
brown from rust.
An obvious example of mass is the comparison of components made from lead being a
heavy metal and aluminium being a light metal. The mass of a material is an important
consideration in modern construction, where every attempt is made to reduce mass
and yet obtain maximum structural strength. In metal fabrication, where materials are
often purchased according to a tonne rate, the less material that is used the lower the
Grain structure
All metals have differing grain structures. It is sometimes possible to identify fractured
metal by examining the grain structure exhibited on the face of the fracture. Cast
and malleable iron are good examples. Cast iron has a coarse dull grey appearance,
whereas malleable iron has a finer structure. Malleable cast iron also can be further
classified as ‘white heart’ or ‘black heart’, the former having a silvery grain structure and
the latter a dark centre surrounded by a thin silvery border. The term ‘homogeneous’
grain structure means that the grain or fibre patterns are the same throughout the piece
of material.
Corrosion resistance
The corrosion resistance of metals varies with the chemical composition and service
conditions or environment in which it is placed. Temperature, moisture, air and other
factors influence the selection of the most suitable material for a particular service.
Metals such as copper, zinc and aluminium greatly resist natural corrosive attack. Mild
steel is painted or protected by zinc rich coatings (eg galvanising) to keep corrosion to
a minimum and so retaining its design strength. By alloying iron with high amounts of
chromium, the material can become ‘stainless’.
Most ferrous material is magnetic and may be identified by holding a magnet near
it. However, care should be taken as there are exceptions where some metals may
confuse the unwary. Austenitic stainless steel (a ferrous metal) is non-magnetic.
Carbon steels can be non-magnetic when heated and some non-ferrous alloys
containing aluminium, nickel and cobalt are very magnetic although they contain no
iron. It is therefore wise to use magnetism as only one of a number of tests to assist in
identifying a metal.
Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties in a metal are those properties that can be observed when
various loads or stresses are placed on it. The mechanical properties of metals have
great influence on their selection for use whether for strength or ability, to be formed to
shape or processed using commercially available methods.
This is a measure of a metal’s ability to withstand a smoothly applied load or direct pull
before it breaks. The ultimate tensile strength of a metal is usually found by testing to
enable safe working limits to be established for construction work. A wire rope is a good
example of the tenacity of steel.
A ductile material is one that can be permanently deformed, pulled, bent and drawn
without failure. The deformation of a flat steel sheet into a motor car bonnet or guard is
an example of the ductile nature of steel.
Some metals show practically no permanent distortion before failure. In other words,
they fail suddenly without warning. Brittleness therefore indicates lack of ductility.
Ordinary cast iron, a brittle metal, has a low resistance to shock.
Hardness is usually defined as the resistance a metal has to forcible penetration
by another metal. A hard metal resists scratching or wear. It takes a combination of
hardness and toughness to withstand heavy pounding.
A material can be defined as malleable when it can be formed or worked by cold
forging or hammering. Gold is the best example of a material that can be cold worked
into very thin sections without hardening.
Mechanical tests
The quality of steel is usually established on the basis of tensile properties and
hardness. Other tests, however, are used in finding the strength of steel under
compression, shear or torsion loading. Furthermore, specimens of steel may be
subjected to suddenly applied loads as in impact testing, or to many repetitions of
loading as in fatigue testing. The information gained from mechanical testing is of
immense value to the engineer, metallurgist, technician or tradesperson.
Mechanical testing may be classified as follows:
zz tensile testing
zz impact testing
zz hardness testing
zz fatigue testing.
A brief summary of these terms is included here. For a more detailed description of
these tests, refer to chapter 7.
Tensile testing
Tensile testing is used to measure the elastic limit, yield point, ultimate tensile strength,
percentage of elongation and the percentage of reduction of area.
In this type of test, a specially shaped sample of the metal is subjected to a steadily
increasing load and is pulled until fracture occurs.
Tensile test
Strictly speaking, this term covers any test figures obtained by a tensile or pulling
Elastic limit
Is expressed as the load, usually in MPa, at which the test piece ceases to behave
like an elastic product, returning to its original dimensions upon release from load.
Beyond this load, the steel commences to stress and deform permanently. In practical
use a part stressed beyond this point will be damaged and in addition to having lost its
accurate shape will be more easily damaged further by repeated working stresses.
Yield point
Is the point at which the natural resistance of the steel breaks down so that it deforms
rapidly without a load increase. Once this point is reached, small additions to the load
cause rapidly increasing deformation until actual breakage occurs. The yield point is
close to the elastic limit and as it is a noticeable point in the test, it is usually taken as
the elastic limit in commercial testing.
This is the total amount by which the test piece increases in length before actual
breaking under tensile test. It is usually measured over an initial length and resultant
length and expressed as a percentage of their respective lengths. It is important that
the original length be stated when per cent elongation figures are given.
Reduction of area
Unless it is extremely brittle, a test piece pulls out thin before it breaks. The reduction
of area expresses the difference between the area of the fracture and the original
cross-sectional area of the test piece as a percentage. It is a valuable indication of the
ductility of the material. Both the elongation and the reduction of area are an indication
of the ductility of the steel.
Impact testing
To determine the notch brittleness of a material and its ability to withstand impact at
any temperature, or suddenly applied loads, impact tests are performed on specimens
prepared with a notch of precise width, depth and shape.
The two main types of impact tests are the Charpy and the Izod test. The impact test is
performed by a weighted pendulum striking the notch specimen from the material being
tested. The energy absorbed in breaking the specimen is recorded on a direct reading
indicator. The tougher the material, the greater the amount of energy absorbed in
fracturing it and the smaller will be the extent of swing of the hammer after it has been
Hardness testing
The hardness of a material is an important property in itself, but measurement of
hardness will also provide a useful indicator with respect to tensile strength, ductility
and impact resistance. In general, the harder of the two metals of similar composition
has a higher tensile strength, lower ductility and more resistance to abrasive wear. High
hardness also indicates low impact strength.
Different types of hardness test are used, not all of which involve penetration of the
material surface by a ball or point. These tests are the:
zz Brinell test
zz Rockwell test
zz Vickers hardness test.
Fatigue testing
A knowledge of tensile properties makes possible the design and fabrication of a
structure that will support a steady load pulling in one direction. These properties,
however, do not indicate the strength a metal will have if used in a structure where
the load is applied first in one direction and then in another. When the load alternates
like this, in a cycle, at one moment the force is tension and at another compression.
Alternating stresses are present in such components as axles, connecting rods,
transmission shafts, boiler drums and pressurised storage tanks. The stresses in these
components may alternate between high tension and low tension, or between tension
and compression.
Metals will fail at a lower stress under a changing load than if the load were steady.
Failure under a changing load is called ‘fatigue failure’.
Fatigue failure is invariably triggered off by some surface imperfections such as
inclusions near or on the surface, undercut, overlap, excessive build up, or even
grinding marks. Failures start at the surface as tiny cracks which spread into the metal
until failure occurs.
Fatigue tests are made by subjecting a test specimen to varying loads. Tests may be
made by:
zz bending the specimen alternately in one direction and then the other
zz applying and removing tensile loads
• making a cycle of tension and compression by rotating a loaded specimen.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Grain structure
zz The structure of steel
zz Phases in steel
{{ time temperature transformation
{{ essential features of the iron/carbon diagram
{{ the effect of heating and cooling
{{ recrystallisation
Grain structure
Steel, like all metals, is composed of grains. Each of these grains is in fact a crystal
of the metal or metal alloy. The size, composition and structure of these grains and
the strength of the bond between the grains, determine the physical and mechanical
properties of the metal.
A metal that is composed of grains which are soft and weak will itself be soft and weak.
A metal that is composed of grains which are hard and brittle will itself tend to be hard
and brittle.
Additionally, metals which are composed of grains that are large in size will generally
display poor mechanical properties, particularly in terms of malleability and ductility.
Grains form at elevated temperatures. Consequently the grain structure of a material
can be changed by heat treatment and also by the heating/cooling cycle of welding.
Control over changes in grain structure is important. Firstly it enables us to produce
desirable properties in the metals we use and secondly to prevent the formation of
undesirable grain structures due to welding.
Ideally, metals will have a grain structure which:
zz is fine and regular in shape
zz is of suitable composition and internal structure
zz has few impurities at the grain boundaries and good bond strength.
The mechanisms involved in the formation of grains in pure iron are described below.
zz As pure molten iron cools, the temperature of the metal falls until the solidification
temperature of around 1500 °C is reached.
zz At various points throughout the metal and generally on the outside at the cooling
surface where the solidification temperature has been reached, nuclei (or seed
crystals) begin to form in the molten metal as atoms cease to have the energy
needed to move freely (remain fluid).
zz The crystals continue to form where the temperature has fallen to the
solidification temperature. The seed crystals attract additional atoms into the
structure in a definite arrangement (according to temperature) and begin to grow
away from the cooling source. These structures are known as dendrites. These
dendrites will continue to grow in a certain direction. As growth of these dendrites
continues, secondary arms begin to grow at right angles to the first and arms
grow in a third direction, at right angles to the second and so on in six directions
along each axis at right angles to each other until their growth is restricted by
their neighbours. From this point, continuing growth is internal and will continue
until there are no more free atoms to take up or the space between the arms of
the dendrites is packed tight and a solid grain is formed (Fig 6.1).
Heat flow
Liquid Boundary
A good illustration of this is in the solidification of a metal ingot. Keep in mind that the
outer section of the ingot will fall to the solidification temperature first, due to the chilling
effect of the mould into which the metal is poured.
This rapid cooling will give rise to the formation of many nuclei or seed crystals and a
polycrystalline layer of a new form developing upon the inner boundaries of the chilled
The direction of growth will now be predominantly inwards towards the centre of the
casting, ie in the opposite direction to which the extraction of heat is taking place.
The crystals formed are extremely elongated, having their lateral growth greatly
reduced owing to early contact being made with adjacent crystals growing in the same
direction. Such crystals are known as columnar crystals and may often be found in
some types of weld metal deposits.
The continuation of heat loss from the mass of molten metal will reduce the internal
temperature so that simultaneous freeing of the remaining molten metal will now take
place. Hence a third type of crystal will begin to form.
These crystals in the centre zone of the metal do not show any preference to
directional growth because they are able to grow in any direction and are therefore
said to be equi-axed. They are much larger in size than the surface layer of chilled
crystals, due to a slower rate of cooling.
The sectional view of the cast iron ingot (Fig 6.2) clearly shows the crystal structure of
the cast pure metal.
Chilled crystals
Equi-axed crystals
Columnar crystals
During cooling from the molten state, the temperature will fall until the solidification
temperature is reached. However the temperature will not fall below this point until
solidification is complete. Once solidification is complete, the temperature will once
again begin to fall. The graph shown in Fig 6.3 shows temperature plotted against time
during the cooling of a molten metal.
Liquid phase
Nucleus forming
in liquid
Dendrites growing
in liquid
Term Definition
ferrite a constituent of carbon steels; pure iron; magnetic and
cementite the iron carbide constituent of steel and cast iron; very
hard and brittle
pearlite lamellar structure resembling mother of pearl;
a compound of iron and carbon occurring in steel as a
result of transformation of austenite into aggregations of
ferrite and iron carbide
tensile strength pertaining to forces on a body that tend to stretch, or
elongate, the body
eutectoid steel a steel that contains 0.83% carbon (the eutectic point);
a carbon steel with 0.83% carbon is pure pearlite
austenite a phase of steel in which the metal is in a solid solution;
austenite is stable only above 1333 °F in plain carbon
Ferrite Cementite
In low carbon steel, the grains are predominantly ferrite. As the percentage of carbon
is increased, the number of ferrite grains decreases and the number of pearlite grains
increases, until at 0.83% carbon the steel is composed entirely of pearlite and is said to
be ‘fully pearlitic’.
When the carbon content exceeds 0.83%, the additional iron carbide which forms
cannot be taken in to the grains. It resides at the grain boundaries and is known as
‘free cementite’. This brittle constituent at the grain boundaries results in decreasing
toughness of the steel as more free cementite is formed. Fig 6.5 summarises the
changes to the grain structure which occur with increasing carbon content and shows
the accompanying properties and uses.
Brinell hardness
Saws, razors, files
Coil, nails, wire
drop forgings,
% Elongation
Axles, gears,
wire rope
0.900 30 300
n gt
s tre
s ile
T en
0.600 ar dne 20 200
r i n ell h
(% D
El uc
on til
0.300 ga ity 10 100
n )
0.100 Cementite
0.60 Ferrite
0.40 Pearlite
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Carbon % 0.83
a) Pure iron is composed wholly of ferrite and is soft, ductile and weak.
b) 0.3% C (low carbon steel) is composed of approximately 25% pearlite distributed
evenly in a matrix of ferrite. The pearlite increases the tensile strength and
hardness but there is a loss of ductility.
c) 0.6% C (high carbon steel) is composed of approximately 60% pearlite. There is
a further increase in strength and hardness but a notable decrease in the ductility.
Because of this, welding is more difficult for the material is brittle and tends to
d) 0.83% C (eutectoid steel) is composed wholly of pearlite and is even more brittle
and therefore difficult to weld unless close attention is paid to heat input and
cooling rate.
e) 1.1% C (hypereutectoid steel) is composed mainly of pearlite but with cementite
forming at the grain boundaries. These steels are extremely hard and can only be
welded after the steel is heat treated to soften it.
1.7% C is the limit for steels. More cementite is present around the pearlite, thus the
steel is extremely hard and brittle.
Phases in steel
Steel can also be seen to be allotropic in nature, ie the patterns into which the atoms
of the material arrange themselves (the atomic structure) is changeable and may exist
in more than one form depending on carbon content, temperature achieved, time at
temperature and cooling rate.
This change in structure results in differing properties in the metal; eg steel at ambient
temperatures is magnetic. If the steel is heated to a high temperature, the atomic
structure changes and the steel becomes non-magnetic. It becomes magnetic again
just prior to the melting temperature being reached.
Changes of this type are referred to as ‘phase changes’. Metallurgists make use of
these phase changes to obtain desirable properties in many metals.
The two structures present in low carbon steels at ambient temperatures are ferrite and
Other phases of steel which are important are as follows.
Austenite – When carbon steel is heated above the lower critical temperature (or
transformation range), the ferrite/pearlite structure is dissolved into a constituent known
as austenite. This transformation to austenite occurs while the steel is in the solid
state. The carbon is dissolved evenly throughout the austenite and the ferrite/pearlite
structure is no longer present. Austenite is non-magnetic.
In plain carbon steels, austenite can only exist at elevated temperatures above
723 °C. In some steels, austenite can exist at ambient temperatures. The two most
common examples of such steels are ‘austenitic stainless steel’ and ‘austenitic
manganese steel’. In these steels, the grain structure is predominantly austenite. Due
to the fact that austenite is non-magnetic, these steels themselves are non-magnetic.
Because austenite can only exist in plain carbon steels at elevated temperatures,
as the steel cools it reverts back to a ferrite/pearlite structure or some other phase,
depending on carbon content and cooling rate.
The higher the carbon content and the more rapid the cooling rate, the greater the
amount of martensite which will form within the ferrite/pearlite structure.
Martensite increases hardness and tensile strength in steels but also reduces ductility.
Steels containing large amounts of martensite are too brittle for most applications.
The steel is usually reheated to modify the internal structure of the needles within the
grains. Slightly decomposing the internal structure in this way will restore some ductility
to the steel.
Eutectoid steel
Steel which contains 0.83% carbon has both an LCT and a UCT of 723 °C. Because
the carbon is evenly distributed throughout the metal, no time is required for the
migration of carbon, as is the case with other steels when they undergo phase
changes. The change to austenite is almost immediate.
Transformation zone
The range between the LCT and the UCT is known as the transformation zone. It is
between the LCT and the UCT that the transformation from one phase to another
When steel is heated, a phase change from ferrite/pearlite to austenite begins to occur
at the LCT. When the UCT is reached, the change to austenite will be complete.
The phases within the transformation zone are:
zz ferrite and austenite for steels below 0.83% carbon (hypoeutectoid steels)
zz cementite and austenite for steels above 0.83% carbon (hypereutectoid steels).
Heating Cooling
60% (723 C)
Fig 6.8 – Phase changes in hypoeutectoid steel due to heating and cooling
The phase changes just described occur when steel is heated through the
transformation range and subsequently cooled.
It is unlikely however that the ferrite/pearlite structure upon cooling will be identical to
the ferrite/pearlite structure prior to heating. In most cases, the grain structure of the
steel prior to heating will be distorted due to stress or cold working. Alternatively the
grain size may be large due to the metal having undergone prolonged heating.
When steel passes through the transformation range during heating, new grains grow
from the grain boundaries at close and regular intervals. These new equi-axed crystals
will result in the formation of a fine grained austenite structure at the UCT. If the steel is
cooled from just above the UCT, it will transform to a ferrite/pearlite structure within the
new grains which have been formed being fine and regular in shape.
The phase changes in steel are summarised in Fig 6.9.
8 Solidification temperature
780 UCT
723 LCT
6 7 10 11
If the temperature continues to fall steadily from this point, the fine-grained austenite
structure will transform to a fine-grained ferrite/pearlite structure (Point 7) if cooling
through the transformation zone is slow. A fine-grained ferrite/pearlite/martensite
structure (Point 6) will result, if cooling through the transformation zone is rapid.
If cooling from just below the solidification temperature is slow, or if the steel is held at
high temperature for a prolonged period of time, grain growth will occur (Point 9).
Cooling of the steel (Point 9) will result in a coarse-grained ferrite/pearlite structure
being formed if cooling through the transformation range is slow (Point 11), or a
large-grained ferrite/pearlite/martensite structure if the cooling rate through the
transformation range is fast (Point 10).
Fusion line
Single-pass weld
Multi-pass weld
The refinement of the grains achieved by multi-pass welds makes the weld metal
stronger and tougher. However, if the weld is allowed to cool between passes, then
only the surface of the previous run is refined.
Grain growth
Grain growth is the term used to describe the actual growth of some grains by the
absorption of adjacent grains (Fig 6.12).
Grain growth and the resultant coarse-grained structure may be caused by:
zz slow cooling from the liquid to the solid state
zz maintaining the metal at a high temperature for an extended period of time
zz heating the metal to a temperature well above the recrystallisation temperature.
The effect of this grain growth upon the mechanical properties of the metal is reduced:
zz tensile strength
zz ductility
zz malleability
zz impact resistance
zz fatigue resistance.
Grain growth is caused by prolonged heating and slow cooling. It follows, therefore,
that because different welding processes have different heat inputs and cooling rates,
the effect of welding on the grain structure will vary depending on the nature of the
welding process used.
Examples of welding processes that produce coarse grain structures are:
zz electroslag welding
zz submerged arc welding
zz oxy-acetylene welding.
Each of the above processes has a high heat input and slow cooling rate.
Manual metal arc and gas metal arc processes tend to give a much more localised
heat and have faster cooling rates, therefore grain growth does not occur to the same
extent. In fact, grain refinement is common during multi-pass welds.
Steel that has suffered grain growth can be restored to its original structure by
reheating to just above its recrystallisation temperature and by controlling the cooling
Heat treatment
Heat treatment is the process of applying a controlled heating/cooling cycle to a metal
to bring about desirable changes in the properties of the material.
The commonly applied heat treatment processes are:
zz annealing
zz normalising
zz hardening
zz tempering.
Normalising involves heating to above the UCT (50–70 °C above – as for annealing).
Normally, steel is ‘soaked’ for one hour per 25 mm of thickness – to ensure a uniform
temperature. Cooling is then in still air (usually just outside the furnace). The purpose
of normalising is to restore a fine and regular grain structure to the metal as a means of
improving mechanical properties.
A time/temperature curve for normalising can be seen in Fig 6.14.
Parent material
(rolled plate)
Tough equal
grain structure
Quenching rate
The quicker the cooling rate, the greater the hardness which will result when a given
steel is quenched from a given temperature. Common quenching media in order (most
rapid first) are:
zz brine (salt water)
zz water
zz oil
zz air.
Tempering is a common term for a low temperature process that relieves internal
stresses and improves ductility and toughness in steels. Tempering is normally
associated with hardening, as tempering usually follows hardening as a means of
reducing brittleness.
Temperatures of between 200 °C and 300 °C are used, followed by quenching in
a suitable medium such as oil or water. The higher the temperature from which
quenching is carried out, the softer and more ductile the component will become.
Tempering is carried out below the LCT. A typical time/temperature curve for
tempering is given in Fig 6.16.
Heating Quench
Fig 6.16 – Time/temperature curve for tempering
Temper colours
As a polished steel is heated, the oxide layer that forms on the surface will change
colour from a soft yellow at 220 °C through to a dark blue at 300 °C. Temper colours
are thus useful guides as to some form of tempering control in the workshop.
Post-heat is the application of heat to a weldment after welding has been completed.
Post-heat is done to:
zz ensure an even temperature prior to cooling
zz slow the cooling rate.
Post-heat should not be seen as a replacement for pre-heat, as post-heat in itself will
not prevent rapid cooling through the transformation range.
Concurrent heating
Concurrent heating is the application of heat to the weldment during welding. This is
done essentially as a means of maintaining the interpass temperature between weld
Stress relief
Residual stresses in a metal from forming processes or welding can lead to failure of
the weldment – particularly if it is subjected to live (fatigue) type loading in service.
Stress relief involves heating the component to 75–125 °C below the LCT (usually
around 600 °C), holding for a minimum time of one hour per 25 mm of thickness,
followed by slow and uniform cooling in the furnace. Because heating is below the LCT
no re-crystallisation occurs, but residual stresses will be removed (Fig 6.17).
Heating Quench
Methods of heating
zz Furnace – A furnace is the preferred method of heating where large components
are to be heat treated, or where close control of the heating/cooling cycle is
required. The evenness of temperature in furnaces is a decided advantage.
Furnaces can be fired with oil, gas or pulverised coal.
zz Heating coils/blankets, which can be wrapped around the job, are popular,
particularly for heating sections of a fabrication. These are heated by electrical
resistance and are ideal for heating butt welds in piping and for on-site
applications. Electric induction heating can also be used.
zz Gas heating blowpipes are best suited to heating small components, for site work
and for pre-heating and post-heating of welds.
Temperature measurement
The most commonly used temperature measuring devices are:
zz temperature sensitive crayons and paints
zz thermocouples
zz pyrometers.
sensitive crayon
Plate to be
Crayon mark
changes colour when
plate temperature
reaches 140 C
Unaffected crayon
marks mean that the
metal has not yet been
heated to the required
Colour change
indicates metal is at
required temperature
A thermocouple consists of two wires of dissimilar composition joined at the ends and
attached to a voltmeter. The wires are made from dissimilar metals which change
their potential voltage as the temperature changes. The scale of the voltmeter is
graduated in degrees of temperature, giving a direct temperature readout. For furnace
heat treatment, the thermocouple is commonly attached to a chart that will record the
temperature cycle and give a printed readout.
Hot junction
Lead wires
Instrument (a)
Fig 6.19 – Thermocouple units (a) older style, (b) digital readout
Surface pyrometer
Electronic surface pyrometers are now relatively cheap and reliable. These pyrometers
can be used to conveniently measure the surface temperature of any material. The
electronic pyrometer makes use of liquid crystal technology, which is sensitive to heat
and light variations. When exposed to heat, by pointing the device at the surface of the
material, they display the temperature directly on a small screen.
Testing of welded joints is a routine part of the quality assurance process for welded
fabrications. Weld testing is carried out as part of the following.
zz Weld procedure qualification – to ensure that the welding procedure is capable
of delivering welds that are defect-free and have the required mechanical
zz Welder qualification/certification – to ensure that the welding operator is capable
of producing defect-free welds.
zz Prototype testing or product inspection – to ensure that the completed weldment
meets specifications and is fit for purpose.
There are few, if any welds which may be described as perfect. Virtually all welds have
some minor imperfection or discontinuity.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Weld defects
{{ cracks
{{ cavities
{{ inclusions
{{ incomplete fusion (lack of fusion)
{{ contour defects
{{ others (secondary discontinuities)
zz Product inspection
{{ visual inspection
{{ penetrant inspection
{{ ultra sonic testing
{{ radiographic testing
{{ pressure testing
{{ destructive testing.
Weld defects
A weld discontinuity becomes a defect when it exceeds accepted standards.
It must be kept in mind that every imperfection in a weld is not necessarily a defect.
Minor imperfections are known as ‘weld discontinuities’. These discontinuities
only become defects when they exceed limits imposed upon them by the code or
specification to which they are made. Australian Standard® codes, such as
AS/NZS1554.1 and AS 1796, specify the minimum acceptable standards for welds.
AS/NZS 1554 – Part 1 Welding of steel structures for example specifies two categories
of weld – GP CATEGORY (general purpose) and SP CATEGORY (structural purpose).
GP category welds are suitable for low stress applications and static loaded structures.
SP category welds are designed for dynamic loads and higher stress loadings,
therefore a better quality of weld is demanded. Section 6 of AS/NZS 1554 – Part 1 sets
out the allowable surface imperfections for each of these categories of welds. From
the extract of this table below, it can be seen that an ‘allowable imperfection’ in one
instance may be classified as a ‘weld defect’ on another.
This table has been removed. It was reproduced from page 61, Section
6, Part 1 of AS/NZS 1554.
Defined as a weld discontinuity produced either by stress, tearing of the metal in the
plastic condition (hot cracks), or by fracturing when cold (cold cracks).
Hot cracking
Hot cracks are common in materials with high coefficient of expansion and/or which
suffer from hot shortness. Hot cracking occurs at elevated temperatures soon after
solidification. This mode of cracking is common in aluminium and stainless steel,
longitudinal cracks and crater cracks being the most common examples.
Cold cracking
Most commonly occurs in the base metal adjacent to the fusion zone, particularly when
cooling rates are rapid. The most common example of this is underbead cracking in
hardenable steels.
Cracks may occur in the weld metal, or in the parent metal, fusion zone or HAZ.
Cracking is considered to be a serious weld fault and rarely is any amount of cracking
Most types of cracks are named according to their direction or location, such as:
zz longitudinal cracks generally occur along the axis of a weld
zz transverse cracks generally across a weld
zz crater cracks tend to occur in the weld crater at the start or finish of a weld
zz toe cracking occurs at the toe of the weld
zz underbead cracks occur under the weld shape.
Transverse crack
Longitudinal crack
Crater crack
Crater cracks
These come from hot shrinkage. The crater solidifies from all sides toward the centre,
leading to a high concentration of stress at the centre of the crater. If the metal lacks
ductility, or the hollow crater cannot accommodate the shrinkage, cracking may result.
Crater cracks may, under stress, propagate from the crater and lead to failure of the
Underbead cracks
This defect occurs in the HAZ of welds in heavy rolled sections and appears as a crack
or tear running in the direction of rolling. One factor which most limits the weldability
of carbon and low alloy steels is the tendency toward underbead cracking when the
welding conditions are not right. As the name suggests, these cracks occur in the HAZ
of the weld bead. These cracks may appear at the plate surface as toe cracks, but are
commonly subsurface.
Incomplete penetration
Effect – A crack may not cause any problems at all in a static loaded structure. In a
heavily loaded or dynamically loaded structure, any crack will probably become a start
point that will allow a crack to propagate along a weld and this will cause ultimate weld
Correction – Cracks should preferably be removed in their entirety; care must be taken
to ensure that no portion of the crack remains. Failure to do this may result in further
cracking occurring. Any re-welding of the joint should be undertaken using correct weld
procedures and consumables.
Defined as a pore or group of gas pores in the weld metal. Porosity may be
conveniently differentiated according to size and distribution. A number of different
size-related terms are used:
zz gas pore – a cavity (usually spherical) formed by entrapped gas during the
solidification of molten metal
zz wormhole – an elongated or tubular cavity in the weld metal caused by
entrapped gas being forced away from the solidifying weld metal
zz cluster – a group of pores in close proximity to each other.
Effect – A cluster of pores may cause a loss of weld strength due to the loss of
cross-sectional area of weld metal. Isolated pores scattered throughout the weld
have little effect on weld strength. Surface porosity has a detrimental effect on weld
appearance. Clusters of porosity are considered to be more serious as they may
concentrate stress in dynamically loaded joints.
Correction – If porosity in a weld exceeds the limits set by the code, then affected
sections of weld must be removed and welded again, using correct preventative
Defined as metal oxides and other solid compounds which occur as irregular or
globular inclusions in the weld metal.
Not cleaned,
or incorrect
Narrow root gap Lack of penetration
due to slag inclusion
Causes include:
zz low amperages – lack of arc force makes slag control difficult
zz incorrect electrode angles
zz undercut – slag may become trapped in undercut from previous runs
zz restricted joints – restricts electrode manipulation
zz surface contamination – rust or scale may become trapped in the weld
zz incorrect electrode – heavy or fluid slag may be unsuitable in some positions or
joint configurations
zz poor starting technique
zz lack of interim/interrun cleaning.
Effect – May cause a serious loss of cross-sectional area. Additionally, the irregular
shape and sharp corners/edges may propagate cracks.
Correction – Slag inclusions are removed when they exceed the allowable limits set
by the code. The best method is to gouge out affected areas (flame or arc), or they
may be chipped or ground. Thoroughly clean the preparation and re-weld. Inclusions
are usually in the form of slag inclusions, but may also be in the form of other metallic
inclusions such as tungsten from the GTAW process or silicon from GMAW wire.
Inclusions may occur at various points within the weld metal or at the weld
metal/parent metal boundary.
Causes include:
zz amperage too low
zz electrodes – too small an electrode used on heavy, cold plate
zz electrode angles – heat of the arc not being directed into the parent metal
zz speed of travel – too fast, not allowing time for proper fusion
zz joint preparation – inadequate angles of bevel tend to stop correct electrode
manipulation, hence lack of fusion
zz cleanliness – any slag, scale, rust or other foreign material may prevent the
underlying metal from reaching fusion temperature.
Effect – Lack of fusion is difficult to detect and may cause a serious loss of weld zone
soundness. The fault may propagate cracks or cause failure of the joint.
Correction – Lack of fusion should be removed. The best method is to gouge out
affected areas (flame or arc). Thoroughly clean the preparation and re-weld using
correct weld procedures.
Contour defects
Fillet welds should have the correct leg size and weld profile that provides the correct
DTT (design throat thickness). Concave fillet weld profiles reduce the throat thickness
and this may lead to weld failure. Convex fillet weld shapes represent over-welding and
tend to set up a notch effect at the toes.
Butt welds should have a fully filled groove with a weld reinforcement within specified
limits. The transition at the toes should be smooth and of approximately 135° or
Causes include:
zz welding speed too fast or too slow
zz too large or too small an electrode
zz incorrect electrode manipulation
zz incorrect electrode angles.
Effect – If the weld is too large or too convex, the extra weld metal causes increased
distortion. If the weld is too small or concave, the chilling effect of the parent metal will
cause embrittlement and cracking and/or the weld may not be of the specified size.
zz Too large a weld must be ground down to size and to the correct profile.
zz Too small a weld must be built up with extra metal.
Incomplete penetration
Causes include:
zz root face too large
zz gap too narrow
zz arc length too long
zz amperage too low
zz incorrect angle of electrode
zz joint included angle too narrow
zz incorrect electrode choice
zz travel speed incorrect.
Effect – This is two-fold: first, there is a reduction in the effective throat thickness of the
weld and second, a notch effect is produced due to the void in the root. It has the same
effect as putting a hacksaw cut along the root of the joint.
Correction – In butt welds that can be reached from the other side, the root is
completely ground out and a backing run is made – this is normal procedure for all
such welds, to ensure full penetration. When a butt weld is only accessible from one
side, defective parts must be completely removed and re-welded. One method used to
stop this occurring is to use backing plates or rings. In fillet welds, it is very difficult to
tell if full penetration has been obtained – these welds are difficult to x-ray. The welder
must depend on maintaining approved procedures.
Effect – Undercutting is not a very serious defect in statically loaded joints unless it
causes a substantial reduction in plate thickness, thereby reducing the strength of the
joint. In joints which are dynamically loaded, undercut is regarded as much more serious
and may ultimately cause failure due to the stress concentration produced. Undercut
of around 1 mm or 10% of the metal thickness may be allowed on some welded joints,
however it can cause stress concentration and notching. Additionally, the sharp corners
and/or edges may propagate cracks.
Correction – To rectify undercut, an extra run of weld is deposited in the undercut
groove. The operator must be very careful, however, in the manner that this repair is
carried out. Usually, the undercut groove is opened out in order to accommodate the
extra weld metal and reduce the risk of slag inclusions. Electrodes must be of sufficient
size to ensure good fusion, but small enough to deposit a bead that will conform with
requirements for weld contour.
Stray arcing
Defined as the damage on the parent metal resulting from the accidental striking of an
arc away from the weld.
Stress concentration
Causes – Most often, stray arcing is the result of operator error, but sometimes faulty
connections can have the same effect. This defect may possibly occur:
zz between the electrode and the work (most commonly)
zz between the electrode holder and the work
zz between the work and the work lead connection.
Effect – Small globules of metal are deposited on the plate surface and chill very
quickly, resulting in hard spots and pitting. On work that is subject to high working loads
and extremes in temperature, particularly in hardenable steels, these spots become
points of stress concentration and can result in cracking of the material leading to
ultimate failure.
Correction – Stray arcing has little effect on most mild steel joints; however, on highly
stressed joints and most alloy steels, this defect is undesirable. Prevention is the best
and sometimes the only acceptable method, but sometimes the area may be ground
smooth and in some cases stress relieved, or a weld placed over the affected area and
ground flush. When correcting by grinding, care should be taken to ensure that any
reduction of thickness is within allowable limits.
Misalignment occurs in the parent plate as a result of bad fit-up or weld metal
Effective plate
Excessive spatter
Defined as the metal particles expelled onto the surface of the parent metal or weld
during welding and not forming part of the weld.
Effect – Besides detracting from the appearance of a weld, this defect is similar in
effect to stray arcing, in that chill spots and minor pitting in the surface of stainless steel
are caused.
Causes include:
zz arc length too long
zz high amperage
zz incorrect electrode size
zz incorrect type of electrode
zz incorrect angles of electrode
zz insufficient deposition time at the edge of a weave.
Effect – Reduces the effective plate thickness. In lap welds it reduces the effective leg
length and in corner welds it reduces the effective throat thickness.
Correction – Extra runs are placed in the joint to increase the throat or extend the leg
length of corner and lap joints respectively.
It is usually a requirement that a witness of the plate edge is left to ensure that
edge of plate melt-off has not occurred.
Over-roll or overlap
Defined as an imperfection at the toe of a weld caused by an overflow or spilling of
weld metal on to the surface of the parent metal without fusing to the latter.
Causes include:
zz insufficient heat – causing weld metal to lie on top of the parent metal
zz contaminated parent metal surfaces
zz incorrect electrode angles
zz travel speed incorrect.
Lamination opening
under load
Product inspection
Weld quality is hard to define, but generally a quality weld is one that does what it is
designed to do (fit for purpose). Weld quality is relative to the application for which
the weldment is intended. Generally speaking, the requirement for ‘higher quality’ will
increase the cost of fabrication and this should be kept in mind when specifying, or
working to quality requirements. It can also be reasonably assumed that if the welding
procedure is capable of delivering the required mechanical strength, then all welds
made using that procedure will possess the required mechanical strength, provided
that the welds are fault free.
Product inspection is usually carried out by simple visual methods. Where strength of
the weld is critical, or when a structure is to be subjected to high or dynamic loads, then
further inspection and testing methods may be required. For example, in the case of
pressure vessels proof tests are required on top of NDT testing.
Visual inspection
Visual inspection is the cheapest, the simplest and the most widely applied method of
inspection. Visual inspection can be used not only to examine the finished weld, but
unlike other inspection methods, it can be applied at all stages of the welding process.
Aids to visual inspection are devices such as fillet gauges, calipers, other measuring
devices and a low powered (up to 10 x) magnifying glass.
The major limitation of visual inspection is that it will disclose only surface defects and
defects which are able to be seen by the naked eye, eg fine surface cracks may not
be readily apparent by visual inspection but may easily be detected by some other
Penetrant inspection
Penetrant inspection is a test method for locating any defect open to the surface. It is
particularly advantageous for inspection of non-magnetic and non-ferrous materials
and is widely used on stainless steel, magnesium, aluminium, brass and other metals
of cast or welded construction.
Basically, two different methods are used: dye (usually red) penetrant and fluorescent
(visible under ‘black light’) penetrant.
Subvisible Visible
crack indication
If the magnet is now broken in half, effectively making two magnets, it will be seen that
a concentration of filings now occurs as the lines of force come together (Fig 7.21).
(a) (b)
The area to be inspected is then covered with fine magnetic particles, either as a dry
powder or in suspension in a liquid. This is commonly a light, kerosene-based liquid
known as magnetic ink.
Where the crack runs across the lines of magnetic force, the powder will congregate
and disclose the defect. If, however, the crack runs along the lines of magnetic force, it
is highly unlikely that any indication of the defect will be seen.
Once the crack runs at an angle greater than 50º to the magnetic flux, it will be visible.
It is common practice to test twice, the second test being carried out at right angles to
the first so as not to miss any defects that may be present.
Ultrasonic testing
Audible sound has been used in the testing of material since ancient times. It is
possible, especially in the case of ceramics, to detect whether a flaw is present by
listening to the sound emitted when the specimen is tapped.
Very high frequency sounds known as ‘ultrasonic energy’ provide a method for the
non-destructive testing of materials. In many cases this may be used to advantage
instead of, or in association with, other methods of examination. In other cases it
provides a test method when none existed before.
Ultrasonic testing employs waves above the frequency limit of human audibility and
usually in the range 0.6 to 5 MHz. A pulse consisting of a number of these waves is
projected into the specimen under test. If a flaw exists in the specimen an echo is
reflected from it and from the type of echo the kind of flaw can be deduced.
The equipment comprises an electrical unit which generates the electrical oscillations,
a visual display unit on which pulse and echo can be seen and probes which introduce
the waves into the specimen and receive the echo. The electrical oscillations are
converted into ultrasonic waves in a transducer.
To transmit the ultrasonic waves through the metal, a good contact is required between
the probe and test plate, as the waves will not transmit if there is an air gap. For this
reason a thin oil or water film is spread over the test plate and the probe is slid over this
Oscilloscope screen
Defect indication
The far
surface Coaxial
indication cable
Oil film
Sound waves
reflected from
defect surface
Some of the materials that can be inspected by this method are carbon and low alloy
steels, aluminium, brass, magnesium, monel, steel, stainless steel and other
non-porous metals. The dimensions of the work are usually not critical, suitable
techniques being available for the testing of plate stock as thin as 1.5 mm and larger
structures as long as 6 m. Defects can be indicated to the extent that they are actual
mechanical discontinuities such as cracks, laminations, voids, open welds and
segregations. Extremely small weld defects can be detected, regardless of thickness.
Zero Line
Impulse Echo Echo
Radiographic testing
This inspection method relies on the ability of short-wave radiation, such as x-rays
or gamma rays, to penetrate thick, dense objects which will not transmit ordinary
light. This method is a most useful and widely applied non-destructive testing method
and many codes specify radiographic examination for all or some of the joints in a
General principle
When x-rays or gamma rays fall onto a metal, their passage is obstructed by the metal
and part of the radiation is absorbed. The extent of this absorption depends upon the
density and thickness of the weld. If a cavity such as a blowhole or crack exists in the
interior of a weld, the radiation beam will have less metal to pass through than in a
sound weld. Consequently, this region will absorb fewer rays.
If we record this variation in absorption on a sensitive film, it will produce an image that
will indicate the presence of the defect. This image is called a ‘radiograph’ (Fig 7.27).
The radiation which passes through the specimen strikes the film behind. The radiation
exposes the film so that regions of lower weld density (which allow radiation to pass
through more readily) appear dark on the radiograph in comparison with regions
of higher weld density which absorb more of the radiation. Thus the defects or
discontinuities, being less dense than the base metal, will appear as darkened regions
on the radiograph.
X-rays are produced in an electrical apparatus (see Fig 7.28) by placing a high voltage
(60 000 to 180 000 volts) across the ends of two terminals. These are called the
‘cathode’ (negative) and ‘anode’ (positive). They are contained in a vacuum tube and
the high voltage causes a stream of electrons to flow from the cathode to the anode.
When these electrons strike the anode, their high energy causes the anode to give off
heat plus short wave rays which are termed x-rays. These rays will penetrate metal.
Filament Target
(cathode) Cathode ray (anode)
Power +
Lead Film
backing cassette
Gamma rays
Gamma rays are given off by all radioactive materials. In the testing of welds, artificial
radioactive elements called ‘isotopes’ are generally used.
Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength and high
frequency and they can penetrate solid matter more readily than x-rays. Like x-rays,
they can create an image on a sensitised film.
In the gamma ray testing of welds, the isotopes generally in use are cobalt 60, iridium
192, caesium 137 and thulium 170. Using a radioactive isotope, radiographic pictures
or ‘gammagraphs’ similar to x-ray pictures can be taken without an electricity supply,
with great penetration and at lower cost. The small size of the isotope enables work
that is inaccessible to an x-ray unit to be examined.
Exposed head
Coaxial cable to
control console
The radiation source is housed in a small but heavy container, lined with lead to contain
the radiation. Requiring no external power and being easy to transport, it is well suited
for on-site and workshop use. When located on the central axis of a pipe or shell, a full
circumferential weld can frequently be radiographed in one exposure.
Radioactive isotope,
ie gamma ray source
Gamma rays
Film cassette
Another application might consist of arranging several large weldments radially around
a capsule containing radium. The films, of course, would be placed on the side of the
weldment opposite to the radium. Gamma ray exposure times are usually longer than
x-ray exposures, but require no attention during exposures.
Radiographs made by gamma rays usually lack the sharpness and contrast that
characterises x-ray radiographs.
Safety precautions
The x-ray or gamma ray operator must be highly trained in the safe use of radiographic
equipment. Besides penetrating the human body, these rays have adverse effects on
certain parts of the body. Leukaemia, anaemia and sterility are the main dangers.
Factory regulations specify that personnel operating x-ray or gamma ray equipment
must either wear film badges or carry dosemeters. Film badges are supplied by a
special service which processes them after they have been worn for a specified time
and reports on the amount of radiation that the wearer has received. A Geiger counter
indicating the intensity of radiation is used to indicate the effectiveness of shielding and
the limits of the area in which it is safe for personnel to work.
Interpretation of radiographs
Experience is necessary to interpret radiographs correctly and to identify defects. The
defect will normally show up as a darker area within the general confines of the weld.
Porosity is usually smooth and usually regular in shape compared with trapped slag,
which is generally irregular in shape. The position of the defect within the weld area is
significant, as it indicates whether the fault is in the root, interpass, or on the surface of
the weld.
Straight lines occurring down the centre of a butt weld indicate that edges along the
root have not been fused. Wider and less clearly defined lines in a similar position
may indicate internal undercut or defects along the toes of the root run. Wider spaced
defects running parallel with the weld can usually be identified as interpass problems,
such as undercut, lack of fusion or slag entrapment at the toes of internal beads.
Pressure testing
Where absolute leak tightness of all joints is essential (such as in tanks, pressure
vessels and pipe lines), the soundness of the weld may be tested by the application
of internal pressure. Leaks are discovered by observation or by loss of pressure. The
pressure medium may be water, oil, air, or gas; each one of these having a definite field
of application. Oil, particularly when thin or hot, will frequently penetrate leaks that do
not show up with water under an equal pressure. Air will also leak out more readily than
water and hydrogen will escape where air will not.
Wherever possible when testing to high pressures, hydrostatic (rather than pneumatic)
testing should be used, as liquids are incompressible and will not result in a violent
explosion should the vessel fail. Pneumatic testing is usually restricted to low volume,
low pressure tests.
Non-destructive test methods are summarised in Table 7.2.
detection of
are required.
warpage, faults.
Workmanship under
standards. welding, Gives
over-welding, indication
poorly formed of incorrect
beads, procedure.
Commercial EXTERNAL Applicable to Only surface In thin-walled
kits, DEFECTS: magnetic and defects are vessels will
detection of
undercutting, indication.
viewing of excessive of operators
radiographs. penetration. Requires and welding
safety procedures.
Virtually all precautions.
internal and Because of
external Not generally cost, its use
defects in suitable for should be
which there is fillet weld limited to
a reduction in inspection. those areas
the through- where other
thickness methods will
of the test not provide
specimen. the assurance
Special INTERNAL Very sensitive Requires high Pulse-echo
commercial AND degree of skill equipment
equipment EXTERNAL Permits in interpreting is highly
either of the DEFECTS: probing pulse-echo developed
pulse-echo or of joints patterns. for weld
transmission Surface inaccessible inspection
type. and sub- to Permanent purposes.
surface flaws, radiography. record is
Destructive testing
Destructive testing can be divided into two areas.
zz laboratory-type mechanical tests to measure the properties of weld metal and the
heat-affected parent metal
zz workshop-type mechanical tests to prove weld metal acceptability and freedom
from significant defects.
Weld specimens for testing can be obtained as extensions of actual welded joints, as
separate but representative welds carried out either before or concurrently with actual
work, or from welded test plates.
Mechanical tests provide information about the ‘mechanical properties’ of a metal.
Mechanical testing machines are normally situated in a laboratory and operated by
specialist personnel. Consequently the welding operator is more concerned with
results than the actual tests. The welder should be aware of the tests available and the
properties being tested.
The properties which these tests will disclose are as follows.
zz Ductility – The ability of a material to be permanently deformed without failure,
ie to be bent or drawn. Brittleness is a term used to describe a lack of ductility.
zz Toughness – The ability of a metal to withstand shock loading. A tough metal has
a good resistance to impact.
zz Hardness – The resistance a metal has to forcible penetration by another
substance. A hard metal resists scratching or wear.
zz Malleability – The property of a metal that enables it to be rolled or hammered
into thinner sheets or shaped by forging. Most metals are more malleable when
zz Elasticity –The ability of a metal to stretch and then return to its original shape
and size when the forces causing it to stretch are released. Elasticity and ductility
must not be confused.
zz Tenacity (tensile strength) – The ability of a metal to resist a force that is acting
directly to pull it apart.
The mechanical properties of metals determine their suitability for different purposes.
High tensile properties are necessary for some uses, whereas hardness and wear
resistance are required for other applications. Tests are also used to measure the
effects of heat treatment or mechanical working to which the metal has been subjected,
thereby assisting in the control of manufacturing processes.
Load Ultimate
kN tensile load
Yield Breaking
point load
Fig 7.31 – Stress/strain diagram for tensile testing of low carbon steel
A tensile test will disclose information about the test specimen regarding its:
zz ultimate tensile strength (UTS)
zz yield strength
zz elasticity
zz ductility.
Yield strength
Some metals (particularly low carbon steels) exhibit a noticeable yield point during
tensile testing. When this point is reached, the metal will be seen to continue to stretch
with no increase in load. In some cases the load will even decrease. Not all metals
exhibit a noticeable yield point; for example, it is not evident in high strength steels.
When the load is first applied to a tensile test specimen, the increase in length is
directly proportional to the load. If this load is released, the test specimen will return to
its original length, provided that the elastic limit of the material has not been exceeded.
Once the elastic limit of the material is exceeded, permanent deformation will begin to
Ductility will enable the metal to stretch prior to failure, due to the tensile force being
applied. Ductility is an important property as it enables metals to be bent or rolled
during fabrication and to withstand shrinkage forces due to welding.
The ductility of the metal is expressed as a percentage as this allows for direct
comparison between metals. This percentage can be calculated as either:
zz % elongation, or
zz % reduction of area.
Prior to tensile testing, the specimen is marked at two points and the distance between
them is noted as the ‘gauge length’.
section Extension
Example 1
Consider a test piece of a gauge length of 50 mm which stretched 12 mm prior to
increase in length x 100
% elongation =
original length
= 12 x 100
= 24% elongation
Example 2
Consider a specimen whose original diameter was 10 mm, where this diameter was
reduced to 8 mm at the point of fracture.
Original area = � D2
= � x 10 x 10
= 79 mm2
� D2
Decreased area =
= 50 mm2
Reduction of area = 79 - 50 = 29 mm2
decrease in cross-sectional area x 100
% reduction of area =
original cross-sectional area
29 x 100
Hardness tests
The hardness of a material is an important property in itself, but measurement of
hardness will also provide a useful indicator with respect to tensile strength, ductility
and impact resistance. In general, the harder of two metals of similar composition has
the higher tensile strength, lower ductility and more resistance to abrasive wear. High
hardness also indicates low impact strength, although some steels when properly heat
treated have both high hardness and good impact strength.
To the welder, the hardness of the metal will give an indication of its weldability.
Generally the harder the metal, the lower its weldability. The hardness of a weld’s HAZ
is important as it can give a reliable indication of susceptibility to underbead cracking
and suitability of a welding procedure.
There are four main methods of hardness testing, three of which involve measuring the
resistance that a metal has to indentation.
Applied Rockwell
weight gauge
release lever
Test sample
The Vickers hardness test consists of pressing the point of a square-based diamond
pyramid into the surface of a specimen with a predetermined load. The load is
maintained for a set period and then automatically released.
The surface impression appears as a dark square on a light background.
Measurements are taken across the diagonals of the impression by means of a special
measuring microscope and the actual hardness figure is then obtained by referring to a
chart, or calculated by the following formula.
DPN (Diamond Pyramid Number) = contact area of impression
Impact testing
Impact testing measures the toughness of a metal, ie its ability to withstand shock
It has been found that the ability of a material to withstand impact depends not only on
the velocity of the impact, but also on the temperature of the material and the presence
or otherwise of notches in the material. Certain steels become quite brittle at low
temperatures, as do the welds which join them. It may be necessary to carry out impact
tests at various temperatures to fully establish a metal’s suitability for use. Tests may
be carried out on parent metal, weld metal, or the weld HAZ.
In the impact test, a weighted pendulum swinging from a predetermined height strikes a
notched test specimen. The distance that the pendulum swings through after fracturing
the specimen is dependent on the amount of energy required to break the specimen.
This distance is recorded by a pointer, the energy absorbed being measured in Joules.
Common impact tests differ in the dimensions for the test piece and the way in which
each is supported. In the Izod test, the specimen is held vertically in a vice by one end
only. The hammer strikes the end protruding from the vice.
The Charpy test employs a specimen which is supported at both ends, lying in the
horizontal position. The sharp end of the hammer strikes the test piece in the centre.
Impact testing is illustrated in Fig 7.34.
knife edge
Anvil, vice or
Vice Blo
w Blo
Support Blo
Fatigue testing
A knowledge of the metal’s tensile properties makes possible the design and fabrication
of a structure that will support a steady load pulling in one direction. These properties,
however, do not indicate the strength a metal will have if used in a structure where
the load is applied first in one direction and then in another. When alternating load is
applied, the loading on the component alternates between compression and tension.
Alternating stresses are present in such components as axles, connecting rods,
transmission shafts, boiler drums and pressurised storage tanks.
Metals will fail at a lower stress under a changing load than if the load were steady.
Failure under a cyclic load is called ‘fatigue failure’.
Fatigue failure is invariably triggered off by some surface imperfection such as
inclusions near or on the surface, undercut, overlap, excessive build-up, or even
grinding marks. Failures start at the surface as tiny cracks which spread into the metal
until failure occurs.
Fatigue tests are made by subjecting a test specimen to varying loads. Tests may be
made by:
zz bending the specimen alternately in one direction and then the other
zz applying and removing tensile loads.
For practical purposes, 10 000 000 cycles is taken as the number of reversals which
a specimen must withstand to establish the endurance limit. It is considered that a
metal able to withstand a given stress for this number of cycles will continue to do so
Bend testing
Bend tests will give an indication of the ductility of the metal, but bend tests are
primarily used to disclose defects such as lack of fusion or inclusions in the weld.
Tests may be free bend tests, where bending is free to occur at any point, or guided
bend tests where the location of the bend is closely controlled.
When bend testing weld specimens, three types of tests are used:
zz root bend test
zz face bend test
zz side bend test.
The tests are identified by stating the surface of the weld test specimen that is placed
in tension. For thinner plates, root and face bends are common. When welds in thick
plates are being tested, side bend tests are usually employed.
Weld Weld
face root
(a) (b)
Fig 7.35 – Bend testing (a) face bend, (b) root bend
Nick-break tests
The nick-break test is used to reveal the presence of internal defects such as
porosity, slag inclusions and lack of fusion. This test may also give an indication of the
toughness of the metal, as some distortion may take place prior to fracture.
In the nick-break test, the weld reinforcement is not removed and the specimen is
not dressed in any way. Saw cuts are made at both sides of the weld and the test
specimen is supported on edge and broken by pressing or by sharp blows. Fig 7.36
illustrates a typical nick-break specimen.
200 mm min
Direction of blow
2 mm 25 mm
150 mm approx
of load
Macro examination
Both fillet and butt welded structures are macro tested to show the weld, the fusion
zone and surrounding area. A small cross section is removed from a competed weld
and polished using various grades of grit paper until its surface has a mirror finish. The
surface is then etched using an acid solution. This highlights:
zz the weld
zz the number of runs used to complete the joint
zz the level of penetration and fusion zone
zz the HAZ
zz any defects.
Different etching solutions are used for different metals. It is important that thermal
cutting processes are not used to cut the test specimen from the plate, as these will
recrystallise the metal adjacent to the cut, which when polished and etched will give
misleading information about the grain structure.
Surface dressed
smoothly before
Test piece
Polished surface
etched with acid
weld structure
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Weld preparation and workmanship
{{ selection of joint type
{{ effective area
{{ preparation of plate edges for butt welds.
Compression of
stress lines raises
Stress lines stress here (stress
Concentration point)
Fillet welds
A fillet weld is a weld approximately triangular in cross-section lying external to the
planes of the parts being joined.
Throat Reinforcement
thickness Toe
Parent metal
Heat affected Depth of
zone (HAZ) Leg length penetration
Fig 8.3 – Fillet weld configurations (a) T joint, (b) outside corner
(c) lap or edge weld
Lap joints
The minimum overlap for parts carrying stress is five times the thickness of the thinner
part joined. Both ends of the lap require welding.
eg min lap on 2 x 6 mm plates = 5 x 6 mm = 30 mm
min lap on 5 plate lapped onto 8 mm plate 5 x 5 mm = 25 mm
Min. 5t
Fig 8.5 – Fillet weld profile (a) convex, (b) mitre (c) concave
Ideally, fillet welds will be slightly convex. It should be noted that concave fillet welds
require longer leg lengths to meet the requirements of nominal size.
Nominal size
The nominal size of a fillet weld is the length of the leg of a triangle that can be
inscribed wholly within the cross section of the weld. Where a gap exists in the root of
the joint, a reduction in the nominal size may be made.
(a) Equal leg convex fillet (b) Equal leg concave fillet
S1 S
L1 L
Effective length
The length of weld which is of the specified size (including end returns).
Effective area
The amount of weld required may also be expressed in terms of effective area.
The effective area of a weld is the effective length multiplied by the design throat
thickness (DTT).
Example 1
What is the effective area of 400 mm of 8 mm fillet weld?
= 228
Required length of 10 mm fillet is 230 mm.
Use of the effective area method allows the fabricator flexibility in the welding process.
eg If an effective area of 2000 mm2 were specified:
200 mm of 10 mm DTT Fillet = 2000 mm2
400 mm of 5 mm DTT Fillet = 2000 mm2
End returns
Welds terminating at the ends or sides of parts of members should, whenever possible,
be returned around the corners for a distance of not less than twice the nominal size of
the weld. The weld carried around the corner is not taken into account for purposes of
strength calculations, as this is counted as the allowance for start and finish of the weld
(Fig 8.9).
2 x nominal size
(a) (b)
Fig 8.10 – Intermittent fillet welds (a) chain welds and (b) staggered welds
Any section of intermittent fillet welding shall have an effective length of not less than
four times the weld size, with a minimum length of 40 mm.
The clear spacing between the effective lengths of each weld carrying stress shall not
exceed the following number of times the thickness of the thinner part joined:
• 16 times for compression
• 24 times for tension and in no case be more than 300 mm.
Chain intermittent welding is preferred to staggered intermittent welding.
Where staggered intermittent welding is used, the welds on each side of the parts
joined shall be continued to the end of the part.
Weld breaks
HV fillets
Weld breaks
Weld breaks
Weld Weld
Force breaks breaks
to open
Butt welds
Butt welds are used to join metal products such as sheet, plate and rolled and pressed
sections. This type of joint has the advantage of giving high strength without changing
the profile of the structure. Butt welds are better able to transfer stress than fillet welds
and are preferred for live or cyclic loading.
Industrial uses for butt welds include:
zz boiler and pressure vessel construction
zz ship building
zz earth moving equipment
zz aircraft and submarines.
Heat affected
zone (HAZ)
Throat thickness
Reinforcement W
Parent metal
Depth of
Effective HAZ Depth of root
throat thickness bead ‘penetration’
Root face
Root gap
The separation between parts to be joined by a butt weld. The gap is for the purpose of
ensuring, as far as possible, complete fusion or penetration through the full thickness of
Root gap
Angle of bevel
The angle of the prepared edge of a component bevelled for welding.
Angle of
Included angle
The angle between the fusion faces of components prepared for welding.
Throat thickness
The distance from the root to the weld face measured through the centre of the weld.
Plates that have been cut by shearing or bevelling machines should have all burrs and
irregularities removed before welding and may also require a dressing by grinding.
Parts should be aligned correctly. Weld preparation is commonly applied by:
zz shearing
zz grinding
zz machining
zz flame or plasma cutting
zz arc or flame gouging.
Butt welds can be either a ‘complete penetration butt weld’ where fusion exists through
the full thickness of the joint, or an ‘incomplete penetration butt weld’ where the depth
of the weld is less than the thickness of the plates joined.
At this stage it is only intended to discuss complete penetration butt welds and even
here the types of butt welds referred to will be the more common types. Additional
information can be gained by referring to AS/NZS 1554, Part 1.
The type of butt weld selected for a particular job is usually the one which is easiest
and cheapest to make when all other factors have been considered.
t = 3 max.
t = 6 max.
t = 6 max.
Backing material
60 –70
RF = 3 max.
G = 2–5 mm
RF = 3 max.
G = 2–5 mm
RF = 3 max.
G = 2–5 mm
RF = 2–5mm
G = 2–5mm
J and U joint
Where the weld metal volume required is large (in thick joints), the basic shape of the
preparation may be modified.
Chamfer before 1
1 1
Remove after
Equal to t or less welding
t t
Narrow plate
1 Butt joint
Wider plate 1
Backing runs
Where possible, complete penetration butt welds should be welded from both sides.
The back of the root run should be gouged and/or ground to clean metal to ensure
complete penetration of the backing run.
Backing material
Backing material is used to support the root run of a butt weld, or to provide a sound
weld through the full plate thickness when access is possible from one side only.
Permanent backing material is known as a backing strip. Temporary backing material is
known as a backing bar.
Backing strips are fused into the weld and:
zz should be no less than 3 mm thick and be of sufficient size to ensure they are not
burnt through
zz have weldability not less than that of the parent metal
zz fit as close as possible, with a maximum gap between the parent metal and the
backing strip of 1.5 mm.
The objective in establishing welding procedures is to develop the best and most
economic means of producing welds to a set standard.
Once a suitable procedure has been established and proved suitable for use and
providing that suitably trained and qualified welders are employed, the welds that result
should consistently prove fit for purpose.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Definitions
zz The necessity for welding procedures
{{ obtaining the welding procedure specification
{{ application of code books
{{ carbon equivalent
{{ calculation of pre-heat
{{ Australian Standard® specifications
{{ selection of consumables
{{ qualification by testing
{{ writing a welding procedure qualification/specification (WPQ).
Welder certification – Shows the ability of a welder to pass an examination in welding
competency, to a minimum acceptance standard (eg AS 1796). It does not indicate
current competency nor the welder’s ability to complete specific weldments to code
requirements. Welder certification is portable.
Welder qualification – The ability of a welder to execute welding to a given procedure
specification, at a particular place and/or time, on a particular type of weldment.
Generally, welder qualification is not portable and becomes redundant at the end of a
contract or after a specific period of time.
Welding procedure – A specific, pre-planned course of action followed to complete
a particular weldment. Procedures may be informal (passed to welders verbally) or
formal such as written instructions to be followed.
Welding procedure qualification (WPQ) – A welding procedure setting out proposed
variables for a proposed production weldment. The procedure is then used by a welder
to make a test weld(s), which must then undergo a series of tests (destructive and/or
non-destructive) to ‘prove’ the procedure. Once qualified, a welding procedure usually
has no time limitation – it remains in force indefinitely.
Welding procedure test – Completion and testing of a weldment, representative of
that to be used in production, in order to prove the feasibility of a proposed welding
Qualified welding procedure – Also known as the following.
zz Welding procedure specification (WPS) – A documented welding procedure
that has been approved by the inspecting authority (and client), either by means
of testing, or by documentary proof of previous satisfactory welding of joints to
which that procedure applies.
zz Procedure qualification record (PQR) – A record of the welding procedure and
test results with all amendments, kept for future reference and possible use in
other weldments. In fully traceable weldments, a record of qualified welders (and
the joints they welded) is also required.
zz Production weld test (PT) – A production test is normally a part of production
welding. A test coupon may be cut from the product, or an extension piece may
be welded to the end of a production joint. If neither is practical, sometimes
a test plate welded to represent production as closely as possible may be
acceptable. The production test weld is then tested to ensure weld quality is
being maintained.
Each manufacturer (or sub-contractor) is responsible for all welding they complete
and are therefore responsible for writing, qualifying and recording their own welding
procedures. Alternatively, procedures qualified by the client may be used. The welding
procedure specification should contain all the necessary information that the operator
needs to make the weld. The document should be clear, concise and easily understood
by the operator. A clear, complete WPS will reduce the amount of supervision required
and maximise weld quality.
All of the factors that need to be considered when writing a WPQ cannot be dealt with
here, as many of these factors depend upon the application code, welding process and
other variables. There are however some considerations which need to be addressed.
These are:
zz application of code books
zz carbon equivalent
zz calculation of pre-heat
zz qualification range
zz selection of consumables.
Carbon equivalent
Carbon has a greater effect on the properties of steel than any other element. We
know by now that increased levels of carbon in steel bring about improvements in the
properties of hardness and tensile strength, but that they also increase hardenability
and reduce ductility.
Increases in carbon content will produce a harder and more brittle heat-affected
zone due to welding and this must be taken into account when formulating welding
General guidelines
Low carbon steel (< 0.3%) Generally weldable with any grade of consumable
without pre-heat, except for heavy thickness.
Medium carbon steel (0.3% – 0.5% C) Usually require hydrogen-controlled consumable and
increases in pre-heat as carbon content hardness and
thickness increases.
High carbon steel (0.5% – 1.7% C) Usually always requires hydrogen-controlled
consumable and pre-heat. As hardness and thickness
increases, post-heat may be required, and possibly
annealing of the weldment prior to welding.
Most welders would understand these general guidelines for welding carbon steels,
however welding of alloy steels is far more complex due to the range of alloying
elements used and their effect on weldability. Such ‘rules of thumb’ would be difficult to
An alternative approach is to calculate a ‘carbon equivalent’. We can, by use of
formulae, equate alloy content to percentage of carbon and apply the general rules
mentioned, for the purpose of determining pre-heat and welding procedures. The major
difference here of course is electrode composition.
There are two main formulas in common use.
Method 1
CE (Carbon equivalent) = C% + Mn% for carbon manganese steels
Method 2
CE = C% + Mn + (Cr + Mo + V) + Ni + Cu (for other low alloy steels)
6 5 15
= 0.12 + 0.12 + (2.5 + 1.0) + 0.015 + 0
6 5 15
= 0.12 + 0.02 + 0.7 + 0.01
CE = 0.85
Calculate the equivalent for a low alloy steel having the following composition.
This particular steel would have similar hardenability to a plain carbon steel containing
0.85% C and welding procedures would be similar.
The carbon equivalent is usually only calculated to two (2) decimal places.
Calculation of pre-heat
Pre-heat is an essential factor in maximising the weldability of hardenable steels. The
amount of pre-heat required is determined by calculation using tables contained in the
zz AS/NZS 1554.1 Structural steel welding – Part 1: Welding of steel structures
zz WTIA Technical Note 1: ‘The weldability of steels’.
The prime function of pre-heat is to slow the cooling rate of the weld zone. When
calculating pre-heat, the following factors are taken into account.
1. The weldability of the steel.
2. The cooling rate on the basis of the quenching effect of the parent metal.
3. The heat input from welding.
4. The hydrogen levels that can be expected via the welding consumables.
The first step in calculating pre-heat is to determine the weldability of the steel. This is
done by consulting tables from which the weldability group number can be obtained, or
by calculating the carbon equivalent which can then be converted to a weldability group
number using tables. (See Table 9.1)
This table has been deleted. It was reproduced from Table 1 on page
12 of AS/NZS 3679.1:1996, Table 1 on page 9 of AS/NZS 3678 and
Table 1 on page 8 of AS/NZS 1548-1995.
This table has been deleted. It was reproduced from Table 5.3.4(B) on
page 52 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
Once the weldability of the steel has been established, the combined thickness of the
metal conducting the heat away from the weld zone is determined. This is done by
adding together the thickness of all the plates adjacent to the weld. By this means the
cooling rate can be determined. The method of doing this is explained in Fig 9.1.
The group number and combined thickness are combined to give a ‘joint weldability
index’. This is done by cross-referencing the group number and combined thickness
(see diagram Fig 9.1) and the closest curve selected.
The heat input is then calculated using the formula.
Fig 9.1 – Relation of joint weldability index with joint combined thickness
and group number
This graph has been removed. It was redrawn from Figure 5.3.4 (B) on
page 54 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
This graph has been removed. It was redrawn from Figure 5.3.4 (C) on
page 54 of AS/NZS 1554.1:2004.
1. Weldability group No = 5.
2. Combined thickness = 20 + 20 = 40 mm.
3. Joint weldability index = C.
4. Heat input Amps x Volts x 60
Travel speed x 1000
120 x 25 x 60
180 x 1000
= 1.0 kJ/mm
5. Minimum pre-heat = 50 °C.
Selection of consumables
Welding consumables are chosen that will match the parent metal composition and
properties and give the deposited weld metal similar tensile strength, weld metal
toughness and alloy content. The welding situation must be taken into account and the
consumable chosen must provide cost effective welding.
Qualification range
Most codes allow qualification to cover a stated range of parent metal thickness either
side of the test piece.
For example, a 10 mm butt weld is to be made using AS 1210 as the application code
and the procedure qualification test weld made in 10 mm plate (ie t = 10 mm).
Table 5.14.3 of the code allows qualification in the range of 5 mm – 2t for joints of this
This means that welds in plates ranging from 5 – 20 mm can be qualified using this
The person writing the procedure should consider the range of joints to be welded
and use the qualification range to best advantage so as to minimise the number of
procedures to be qualified.
Qualification by testing
To establish whether or not welds made with the proposed welding procedure will
comply with the specification, test plates are welded and tested. Testing is used to
disclose the presence of weld defects, but more importantly at this stage to verify that
the procedure will deliver finished welds that exhibit the required mechanical properties.
The level of testing required is governed by the application code (eg AS 1210).
A welder who completes the test plates used for procedure qualification shall be
deemed to be qualified if the test plates conform to the code requirements. The
process of procedure qualification and welder qualification is time consuming and
Every attempt should be made to minimise the number of qualification tests required,
firstly by making best use of qualification range and secondly by ensuring that the
welder is kept current and his/her qualification is not allowed to lapse, necessitating
Client _____________________________________________________________________________
Code/spec _______________________________________________ Date / /
Run Side Consumable Dia Extn Gas L/min Pol Amps Volts Speed Kj/mm
Notes ____________________________________________________________________________
Weld preparation is commonly applied by:
zz grinding
zz shearing
zz machining
zz flame or plasma cutting
zz arc or flame gouging.
Angle grinder
The angle grinder is in common use in the fabrication industry, particularly for the
fabrication of steel. It provides a convenient and efficient means of edge preparation,
slag and scale removal and final finishing/shaping to accurate dimensions.
The angle grinder is so called because the disc rotates at right angles to the electric
The angle grinder employs the use of a hard (and usually recessed) disc, which
is protected by a guard that must be kept in place at all times. A range of discs is
available for grinding materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium.
Choice of the correct disc for the material being ground is important, as material
contamination, or clogging of the disc may result if the incorrect disc is chosen.
Manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed in this regard.
Grinders come in a range of sizes from 100 mm (wheel diameter) up to 230 mm. It is
important to select the correct size grinder for the job. 100 mm and 125 mm grinders
are suitable for light work only and are easily overloaded. Larger grinders provide
for faster and more efficient removal of metal. 180 mm and 230 mm grinders are
powerful tools and the operator will be unable to stop the wheel should it jam due to
inappropriate use. A firm grip of both handles of the grinder is essential and use should
be in line with recommended procedures.
Cut-off wheels are available for use with angle grinders. These discs are thinner than
a grinding disc and do not have a recessed centre. They can be used to clean out or
repair root runs or faces. Care should be taken to avoid jamming or kick back. Once
again it is essential that both handles are gripped firmly, guards are in place and the
machine is used in line with manufacturer’s recommendations.
Cutting-off wheels should not be used for grinding applications, as they are thin
and unable to withstand sideways pressure.
Disc sander
Disc sanders are available either as a straight, or in-line type, or as an angled sander
– the type most commonly used in the fabrication industry. Sanders are ideal for
cleaning of the material surface. They are particularly useful in the aluminium industry
where they are used for removal of surface oxide prior to welding, or for cleaning up
and final polishing.
Sanders employ the use of a flexible abrasive disc supported by a rubber or fibre
back-up pad. The discs are held in position by a broad, flat locknut, which fits into a
depression in the centre of the pad. Alternatively, the disc may self-adhere to the pad.
Sanders operate at lower RPM than grinders, to minimise clogging of the disc and
burning of the surface being sanded.
The edge preparation of the circular material such as pipes may be easily carried out
on a lathe, provided the lathe capacity is appropriate. The edge of flat material can
be milled or machined. A hand-machining tool is now commercially available for the
preparation of long plate edges.
The nibbler is capable of preparing bevelled edges to angles of 30°, 37.5°, or 45°.
By changing the guide bracket, it is also possible to produce angles of between
approximately 15° and 55°. A feature of the bevelling machine is that bevelling may be
started and stopped at any point of the edge being bevelled.
Fig 10.9 – Double V edge preparation (a) first cut and (b) second cut
Oxy-flame cutting
Outline of the process
The process of oxy-flame cutting makes use of the reaction between heated iron and
oxygen combining to form iron oxide.
When iron is heated to 815 °C (called the ignition temperature), it readily combines with
oxygen. The resulting reaction produces iron oxide. This reaction (combustion) also
gives off extra heat, which keeps the process of oxidation going.
The important point to note is that the reaction occurs at a lower temperature than the
melting point of steel (approx. 1500 °C).
The molten iron oxide, together with some free iron which runs off as molten slag, is
removed by an introduced jet of oxygen, thus exposing more pre-heated iron and iron
With the movement of the cutting blowpipe and with it the cutting stream, a narrow cut
or kerf is produced (Fig 10.11).
Nozzle movement
Fine Kerf
drag lines
Oxy-flame cutting can only be successfully employed on materials that have a lower
ignition temperature than their melting point, eg carbon steels and low alloy steels.
Materials, such as aluminium and stainless steel cannot be successfully cut because
their oxide melts at a higher temperature than their melting point.
4. The continued and even movement of the blowpipe along the line of the cut.
The burning or oxidation process produces heat. This is what pre-heats the next
layer of iron prior to oxidation.
Elements have the property of combining or uniting with one another to form new
substances that have chemical and physical properties entirely different from those of
the two substances that entered into the combination. This new substance is called a
compound and the process is known as a chemical combination or chemical reaction,
eg iron will combine with sulphur to form iron-sulphide.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which oxygen combines with another element to
form an oxide, eg iron + oxygen = iron oxide. When steel (an alloy of iron) is heated
to about 815 °C (or above) and is not protected from the atmosphere, oxidation of the
surface of the metal occurs, ie oxygen combines with the iron, an element in the steel,
to form iron oxides. This oxidation results in the weld being porous, hard and brittle.
Therefore during welding, care has to be taken to prevent oxygen coming into contact
with the metal. In the case of gas welding, this is done by careful use of outer envelope
of the flame and/or use of fluxes. Flame cutting relies on this process of oxidation.
A nozzle that has been correctly cleaned and in good condition will exhibit a clean,
long jet of cutting oxygen. This appears as a long parallel-sided pipe or zone
through the centre of the heating flame.
A short, indefinite or bushy jet indicates a dirty or damaged nozzle. When
inspecting the cutting jet, it should be viewed from two positions at right angles to
each other.
By observing all the above factors, oxy-cutting will be of a very high standard.
The positive results of good quality oxy-cutting are:
zz less time and effort spent in cleaning up the job by grinding and filing
zz greater accuracy means final finishing or machining is kept to a minimum.
zz less material wastage
zz overall quality and finish is attained, which promotes a general feeling of pride in
those associated with the work or product.
When all the conditions are correct, a good quality cut should have the following
features (Fig 10.13):
zz a sharp top edge
zz a smooth surface, with drag lines barely visible
zz a very light scale or oxide film on the cut face, which is easily removed
zz a square face
zz a sharp bottom edge.
Light oxide
film to
Fine drag
lines Sharp
Flame-cutting techniques
The following segments outline the recommended techniques and methods to be used
when oxy-cutting.
Cutting guides
Adjust to
correct height
2–3 mm approx
Angle iron or
heavy section
Centre line of
blowpipe and
line of cut
Nozzle angle
adjusted to bevel
angle using roller
Cutting nozzle
size selected for
bevel length ‘T’ Angle
iron guide
Circle cutting
Manual oxy-cutting of a round hole or disc can be made easier using a radius bar or
radius rod.
A radius rod (Fig 10.19) is fitted into the roller guide stock. It can be made in a variety
of sizes to suit mainly small radii.
The wheel shown fitted (Fig 10.19) is optional, as it may hinder the operator in small
work but can be a steadying influence with slightly larger radii.
Round bar
radius leg
Adjust to suit
required radius
3 mm thick
Radius bar (Fig 10.21) is used in conjunction with roller guides and is suitable for
medium to large circle cutting.
Radius bar
fixed into roller
guide body
of circle
to be cut
Clamp screw
Adjust to suit required radius
Pipe cutting
1. The tubular section should be supported on rollers, or in such a way that it can be
easily turned (Fig 10.22).
2. Half-way round one side, pierce a hole and carry the cut along the required line
to the top of the pipe. The operator should maintain the nozzle at 90° to the pipe
face by using a rolling action of the wrists.
3. Give the pipe a quarter turn and repeat the operation, continue this procedure
until the pipe is severed in two.
‘B’ Finish
‘A’ Start
Flame gouging
Flame gouging has similarities to the oxy-fuel gas-cutting process such as:
zz it relies on the chemical process of oxidation for its operation
zz it is suitable only for use on carbon and low alloy steels
zz both acetylene and LPG are fuel gases used for the process.
The principal difference between the two processes is that flame gouging uses a low
velocity oxygen stream, as opposed to the high velocity oxygen stream used for
flame-cutting. This is achieved by increasing the diameter of the oxygen orifice at the
outlet end of the gouging nozzle, as opposed to the cutting nozzle which reduces in
To obtain the volume of oxygen required for gouging, relatively high oxygen pressures
must be set at the regulator.
Progressive gouging
The flame for gouging is adjusted in the same way as the oxy-cutting flame. The
pre-heat flame should be neutral, with the oxygen lever fully depressed. When starting
to gouge, the nozzle is held at an angle of 20° to 40° from the metal surface and above
the line of gouge. As the metal reaches a bright red heat, the oxygen lever is slowly
depressed and gouging begins. The nozzle angle is gradually lowered to about 7° and
a smooth and constant travel speed is maintained. Cone points of the pre-heat flame
should be 6–13 mm behind the reaction zone and the nozzle just clear of the groove
(1) (2)
20 - 40
(3) (4)
Spot gouging
Spot gouging uses a step back sequence, which means it is easier to control the depth
of the cut. This method uses the same technique for starting as progressive gouging.
Once the gouge has been started and the depth of groove obtained, the operation is
stopped, moved back along the line of cut and the starting procedure repeated. This
action reduces the possibility of damage to the cutting nozzle.
Back-step gouging
For certain types of work, it is necessary to make a long deep gouge. This procedure
combines both progressive and spot gouging techniques. The surface of the metal
is pre-heated as for normal gouging, the cutting oxygen is turned on and the nozzle
angle reduced. The angle is then gradually increased until the desired depth is
obtained and the nozzle moved backward approx 25–30 mm while reducing the angle
to the normal 7°.
At the end of this sequence, the nozzle angle is again increased and the sequence
repeated until the gouge has progressed along the required line. In effect, a spooning
action is employed as in Fig 10.26.
(1) (2)
20 - 40
(3) (4)
(a) (b)
Fig 10.29 – Back gouging used in conventional butt weld designs (a) single V
preparation, (b) U-groove preparation and (c) double V preparation
Air-arc gouging
The process
Air-arc gouging removes metal by melting it with the heat of an electric arc and
directing a jet of compressed air to clear away the molten metal. As the process does
not depend on oxidation, it may be used for materials such as non-ferrous metals which
do not oxy-gouge. Further advantages over flame gouging include faster operation
and a reduced HAZ with less distortion. The advantages are offset to some extent by
reduced portability and the need to guard against increased fume and long streams of
hot sparks.
The equipment
Power source
Various DC power sources (such as constant current welding generators or transformer
rectifiers) are commonly used to supply the current needed.
Constant voltage equipment is often preferred for heavy duty applications. It is
essential to connect the electrode holder to the positive pole of the DC power source
used. An AC power source may be used, provided suitable electrodes are available. In
each case, the power source should have a continuous rating for the current values to
be used. An output of up to 450 amperes is required for general purpose arc-air cutting
and gouging. Higher current outputs may be required for certain applications.
Electrode holder
The gripping jaw of the holder is fitted with a self-aligning rotating head. When the air
valve in the holder is opened, twin jets of compressed air are emitted parallel to the
axis of the carbon electrode. The self-aligning rotating head permits the blowpipe to be
used in any position and ensures that the air stream is always directed to converge at
the arc.
Max 150 mm
Min 75 mm
Air valve
Air jets
Air flows
Photograph reproduced with the permission of Lincoln Electric Co. (Aust) Pty Ltd
Electrode materials
Electrodes are made of a blended mixture of carbon and graphite, bonded together
and enveloped in a thin layer of copper. The copper coating aids electrical conductivity
through the electrode and acts as a stiffener to the carbon, increasing its working life
and reducing radiated heat.
Electrodes are available in a range of sizes from 4 mm to 12 mm and to suit both DC
and AC. The choice will depend on the job application (ie the amount of metal to be
removed) and the equipment available.
The arc welding processes have been a popular and widely applied method of welding for
many years. The arc welding process offers sound and reliable welds, simple operation
and low capital cost.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Arc welding process overview
{{ welding voltage
welding current
{{ welding machines
machine characteristics.
All these welding processes depend on three main requirements for their operation:
1. a heat or energy source needed for fusion
2. atmospheric shielding to prevent oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere from
contaminating the weld
3. filler metal to provide the required weld build-up.
The above factors will be looked at in our closer examination of specific arc welding
processes and discussed further in later chapters.
All of the arc welding processes have a few basic electrical requirements for their
operation. They must have sufficient voltage available for the operator to get the arc
started and be maintained. They also must provide sufficient amperage to heat and
melt the parent metal and filler material.
Welding voltage
The voltage available at the MMAW power source output must be safe for the operator.
To protect the operator from the greater risks associated with high open circuit
voltages, the maximum voltage allowed is restricted by law (80 V for AC and 110 V for
DC). A high open circuit voltage will however assist the operator to easily strike the
arc. At open circuit voltages lower than 45 V, the arc becomes difficult to strike without
some form of starting assistance. The load voltage of an MMAW machine should be in
the range of 21–28 V and most electrodes will run satisfactorily at load voltages around
24–25 V. Low hydrogen and alloy steel electrodes sometimes require slightly higher
load voltages (26–28 V) to run properly.
Welding current
To be suitable for welding, the current used must meet the following requirements.
zz There must be sufficient amperage to provide the heat for fusion.
zz There must be a suitable means of current control.
Mains supply is unsuitable for direct use for welding as the supply current is too
low. Mains supply must be ‘transformed’ to make it suitable for use in welding, or
alternatively, welding current can be produced from a dedicated welding generator or
Due to the even periods of current flow with AC, the heat is distributed evenly at the
electrode and the work piece and there is no choice of polarity.
1/50 Sec.
+ 1Hz
0 0
_ _
(a) (b)
Polarity refers to the way in which the electrode lead is connected to the DC welding
power source. When welding with positive polarity, the electrode lead is connected to
the positive terminal of the welding machine. When welding with negative polarity, the
electrode lead is connected to the negative terminal.
Changing polarity with DC does not change the direction of current flow, current still
flows -ve to +ve. Changing polarity however alters the point at which the greater portion
of heat is generated in the welding circuit, ie:
zz most of the heat is generated at the electrode with +ve polarity (electrode
connected to positive)
zz most of the heat is generated at the work piece with -ve polarity (electrode
connected to negative).
Arc blow
Arc blow is a problem peculiar to DC circuits. Arc blow is the effect of electromagnetic
forces within the circuit that deflect the metal droplets as they flow across the arc gap.
As the current within the circuit increases, the magnetising effect increases accordingly.
Consequently, arc blow is more severe at higher amperages, particularly above about
300 A.
Among the methods used to control or minimise the effects of arc blow are:
zz change to AC
zz change polarity
zz change the position of the work return lead
zz use two work return connections
zz change the direction of welding
zz wrap the work return lead around the job
zz reduce the amperage.
AC versus DC
AC and DC welding circuits each have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Essentially, AC welding machines are cheap and lack portability but are simple and
trouble-free in their design and operation. Not all of the electrodes will run on AC.
DC generator machines are generally portable and offer better control of welding
conditions, but are more expensive to buy and maintain. Some welders prefer the
smooth arc characteristics of pure DC and like the advantages of polarity choice and
heat control.
Initial costs Cheaper plant as less Most costly due to generator and
construction is required. motor construction involved.
Running cost Cheaper running costs due to Added costs due to the use
the use of an installed power of electric motors or internal
supply. combustion engines
Voltage Constant open circuit voltage. The open circuit voltage can be
control varied by the operator.
Welding machines
There are various types of welding machines available to accommodate the wide range
of welding processes and applications that comprise ‘welding’.
Welding machines range from small ‘hobby type’ machines putting out as little as
100 amps, to large industrial types with outputs in the thousands of amps.
To ensure the safety of the welding operator, the open circuit voltage (OCV) of welding
machines is restricted by regulations to:
zz AC – maximum OCV 80 V
zz DC – maximum OCV 110 V.
AC machines
When an AC mains supply is available, it is possible to use a step-down transformer to
reduce the supply voltage of 415 V to a safe OCV of around 70–80 V. At the same time,
current is increased so as to provide sufficient heat for welding.
(P) (S)
The step-down welding transformer consists of a laminated soft iron core carrying two
coils which are not electrically connected. The first is connected to the supply (primary).
Voltage applied across the first coil will produce, by induction, a voltage in the second
coil. The value of this secondary (induced) voltage will be proportional to the ratio
between the turns in the two coils. If each coil has an equal number of turns, equal
voltage will appear at the secondary connections. If however a transformer has
400 turns in the primary coil and 50 turns in the secondary coil, then a primary voltage
of 400 V will induce 50 V to appear at the secondary connections.
The power into the welding machine is calculated by multiplying the volts by the amps
and is expressed as volt-amps (VA). This figure is generally quite large and divided by
1000 and expressed as kilovolt amperes (kVA).
Power IN = volts x amps.
Therefore – 400 V x 50 A = 20 000 VA.
DC machines
Direct current for welding may be obtained from a generator set, a transformer rectifier
unit or an inverter.
A welding generator basically consists of an armature carrying a number of windings
that rotate in a magnetic field produced by electro-magnets (field coils). The passage of
the armature through this field induces a voltage through the windings. The current is
collected by carbon brushes running on a copper commutator at one end of the rotating
armature and current will flow when the circuit is made. The armature is rotated by an
electric motor connected to an AC supply or by a diesel or petrol engine.
Electrode positive
Electron flow -ve to +ve
Welding generators are constructed to produce high current flow at the comparatively
low voltages suitable for welding. The current produced by the generator should
be steady and the voltage must not fluctuate during welding. A steady current is
maintained by compensation coils or reactors to absorb current fluctuations and
produce a more stable arc.
Generators can be engine driven using either petrol or diesel engines. These machines
offer the advantage of being portable and are popular for site work where line power is
unavailable. Some generators also provide auxiliary power, which is useful for power
tools and lighting.
Most modern portable power supplies utilise a highly efficient high frequency alternator
and electronics to provide both AC and/or DC current at constant voltage, or constant
current type outputs suitable for use in a wide range of welding operations.
A rectifier is a device that permits current flow in one direction only and can therefore
be used to convert AC to DC. They can be supplied as an individual unit, but most
often are incorporated into the welding power source. The rectifier consists of metal
plates coated with a selenium compound of silicon diodes, each unit having the special
property of allowing the current to flow in one direction only. This means that when an
alternating voltage is applied, only the positive half cycles are effective. This ‘half wave
rectification’ is undesirable and uneconomic, so the rectifier units are arranged in the
form of a bridge to achieve ‘full wave rectification’.
Where both AC and/or DC welding current is desirable, for example with gas tungsten
arc welding (GTAW), or when DC is required from mains supply (eg for gas metal arc
welding (GMAW)), a transformer/rectifier is commonly selected. GMAW machines
usually provide DC output. Manual metal arc welding (MMAW) and GTAW machines
usually provide both AC and DC output. By means of a switch or by changing leads,
the welder can select either positive or negative polarity on the DC output.
Most GTAW machines are equipped with a high frequency oscillator that provides
a high frequency spark to enable the arc to be started without the electrode making
contact with the work. The high frequency spark may be used simply to start the
arc when using DC, or may be continuous to re-establish and maintain a steady arc
with AC.
+ +
0 0
_ _
Diode rectifiers
supply Secondary
Fig 11.4 – Single phase transformer with bridge (full wave) rectifier
Inverters are fast taking over from other types of welding machines as they are able
to provide AC and smooth stable DC output at high efficiency levels and they feature
lightweight construction.
The machines operate on either 240 V or 415 V AC input current and immediately
rectify this to DC, using a series of high temperature diodes. This DC current is stored
in filter capacitors and then converted to an oscillated AC output in an oscillator stage
at a much higher frequency than the input supply. This high voltage/high frequency
signal is then fed into a high efficiency transformer primary coil and high frequency AC
current is produced in the secondary coil. The frequency can be anything from 5 kHz
upward, depending on the design and type of output required.
Because of the high frequency AC generated by the oscillator, the weight of
transformers can be reduced dramatically because there is no magnetic loss or heat
loss through the windings, therefore much greater transformer efficiencies can be
Now that a high frequency, low voltage but high current power supply has been
created, it can be used as high frequency AC welding power for MMAW or GTAW of
aluminium. Alternatively, the AC can then be rectified into DC current again and passed
through a second filtering system to produce a very smooth DC current flow. Welding
machines with an output frequency of around 5 kHz demonstrate a characteristic
whistling sound during welding.
Inverter welding machines have very good electronic controls that offer excellent
control over the characteristics, voltage and current. They are also very efficient and
highly portable, due to their reduced weight.
Amperage control
If a welding operator draws current direct from a transformer with no form of current
control, the welding current is fixed and will only be limited by the resistance of the
arc, the welding leads and transformer characteristics. Current may be excessive and
there will be no means of enabling the operator to select the correct setting for the job.
Some method of current control is required if a machine is to be practical to use. Four
common types of current control devices are described here.
Movable coil
This consists of a special arrangement in the transformer so that the distance between
the primary and secondary windings may be varied, enabling the amount of current
induced in the secondary coil to be varied.
Amperage is usually selected by winding a hand wheel or shifting a lever. This action
moves the primary coil in the machine either closer to or away from the secondary
coil, which is usually mounted on the machine base. The closer the two coils are
together, the greater the magnetic force between them and consequently the higher
the amperage. As the coils are moved further apart, efficiency is lowered – resulting in
reduced current output.
Iron core
screw Minimum output
0 100 200
Iron core
Primary Maximum output
0 100 200
Electrical resistance in a circuit opposes the flow of current. By varying the resistance
in the welding circuit, the amperage can be controlled. This is usually done by
passing the current through one variable resistance coil, or a series of coils with fixed
resistance. Resistance is inefficient where high currents are used, as large amounts of
heat are generated.
Transformer 50
power in Machine terminal
Work piece
Machine terminal
Machine terminal
Line (AC) AC
Machine characteristic
Further to classifying welding machines as AC or DC, welding machines are also
classified according to their characteristic output curve. Machines are classified as
zz constant current (CC) – also known as drooping characteristic
zz constant voltage (CV) – also known as constant potential of flat characteristic.
The machine characteristic is often referred to as the slope of the machine, as it can be
seen that the output curve slopes downward.
(a) 70 (b)
50 45
30 30
20 15
0 0 100 200 300 400
100 200 300
Maximum OCV
Minimum OCV b
125 A
27 V
Arc voltage
100 200
Current amps 15
Fig 11.12 – Typical volt-ampere curves possible with a variable voltage power source.
The steep curve (a) allows minimum current change. The flatter curve (b) permits the
welder to control current by changing the length of the arc
Duty cycle
An essential factor in the performance of any welding machine is the machine duty
The duty cycle is the percentage of a five minute period that the machine can operate
at the rated output amperage. It is important to realise that:
zz the duty cycle rating may not be at the maximum current output of the machine
zz semi-automatic and fully automatic processes may require that the machine be
rated at or near 100%
zz if the current required is higher than the amperage at which the machine is rated,
the operating time will have to be reduced
zz welding at an amperage lower than the amperage at which the machine is rated
will enable the operating time to be increased
zz simply reading the maximum output current on the dial of a welding machine is
not a reliable indicator of the machine's performance capability.
A welding machine is rated at 60% duty cycle at 300 A on the front label.
The maximum amperage output of this machine is 350 A.
At 100% duty cycle the allowable amperage would be 232 A.
There are six basic machine types commonly available. These are:
zz AC transformers
zz transformer rectifiers
zz inverters
zz motor generators
zz independently driven generator
zz engine driven generator.
Transformer rectifiers
These stationary machines provide AC/DC welding current from an AC main by means
of a rectifier. They offer quiet efficient operation with virtually no moving parts. These
machines are commonly used for GTAW and GMAW.
Inverters also require mains primary current. Compared to other machines of similar
current capacity they are compact, lightweight and provide a smooth DC output. They
are commonly used as MMAW, GMAW and GTAW machines.
Operating Controls
1 Negative (–) dinse connection 8
2 Positive (+) dinse connection 4
AC motor generators
An AC electric motor and a DC generator are built on a common shaft. The AC motor
turns the shaft and direct current is produced in the generator section and output to the
welding terminals. These machines offer smooth current with a choice of polarity. OCV
small machines (typically to 300 A) are commonly used for MMAW and larger machines
are commonly used to provide current for SAW.
Manual metal arc welding (MMAW) is one the earliest of the arc welding processes, but
has remained in popular use despite the introduction of newer and more sophisticated
processes. Indeed this lack of sophistication is one of the major attractions of the
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz The process
{{ applications of the process
zz Manual metal arc welding (MMAW) electrodes
{{ AS/NZS 4854
{{ AS/NZS 4855
{{ AS/NZS 4856
{{ AS/NZS 4857.
The process
zz A low voltage, high amperage current flows to create an arc between the tip of
the electrode and the workpiece. This generates the heat for welding and causes
the workpiece and the tip of the electrode to melt.
zz The flux coating on the electrode decomposes (burns) due to the intense heat
of the arc and generates a gaseous shield which protects the weld pool and
surrounding hot metal from the atmosphere.
zz The electrode melts off and is transferred across the arc in the form of droplets.
The molten metal provided by the electrode adds to the molten parent metal and
they become the weld metal when solidified.
zz Molten electrode flux that is transferred across the arc acts as a scavenger,
picking up impurities from the surface of the parent metal. The slag that forms
covers the weld pool, then solidifies and protects the hot weld metal as it cools.
zz The flux constituents provide arc ionisation (the air gap between the tip of the
electrode becomes electrically conductive), enabling the use of alternating
Weld metal
Parent metal
Equipment for manual metal arc welding consists of the following.
zz A power source – Usually a constant current type output transformer or
transformer rectifier is used, although various other types of power sources such
as generators or inverters can also be used. The function of the power source is
to supply welding current with sufficient amperage to provide the necessary heat,
at a voltage that is safe to use.
zz Electrode hand piece and lead – To carry current to the arc via the electrode.
zz Work return lead – Connects the workpiece to the power source, thereby
completing the welding circuit. A closed circuit is necessary for current flow.
Electrode Work
MMAW variables
The major variables of the MMAW process are:
zz amperage
zz arc length
zz travel speed
zz angle of approach
zz angle of travel.
An increase in amperage will:
zz increase the heat of the welding arc
zz increase fusion and penetration
zz give a higher deposition rate
zz increase arc force
zz enable easier arc starting
zz give a more fluid weld pool
zz increase spatter
zz increase emission of ultraviolet radiation.
Correct current
Undercut spatter
Arc length
Arc length is fairly self regulating in MMAW, because of the constant current type output
characteristics of the power source. An increase in arc length will, however, increase
voltage slightly whilst current will remain relatively stable. The slight voltage increase
will cause the arc width to increase and decrease overall heat into the weld area.
Typical arc length for MMAW is about equal to the electrode core wire diameter. Too
long an arc will cause loss of metal transfer across the arc and lead to poor shielding.
A short arc may cause the electrode to freeze into the weld zone.
Good penetration.
Fine spatter
Neat, even
weld run
Poor penetration.
Coarse spatter
Rough, uneven
weld run
Electrode stuck
to work Narrow,
uneven bead
Correct speed
Too fast
Too slow
Angle of approach
Another simple rule for welders is that the metal goes where you point the electrode.
Following that rule, it can be seen in the fillet weld example below that to get an even
weld build up, the electrode must be pointed evenly at both plates, ie 45° (half the
angle). Also the welding arc is ‘directional’, ie metal transfer is essentially along the line
of the electrode.
Unless attention is given to the angle of approach, defects such as slag inclusions, lack
of fusion and penetration and unacceptable weld contours may result.
Angle of travel
Direction of travel
The angle of travel is established essentially as a means of keeping the molten weld
pool behind the arc and preventing the slag from catching up to electrode and causing
slag inclusions. Although the angle of travel is commonly set at 70–80°, many factors
such as amperage, electrode type and travel speed will determine the actual angle
It should be noted, however, that the angle of travel used should be the minimum
required for slag control, as laying the electrode too flat causes problems such as poor
appearance, excessive spatter, reduced penetration and a narrow, convex bead shape.
MMAW electrodes
Core wire
The MMAW electrode consists of a core of wire surrounded by a flux coating. The wire
is generally of similar composition to the metal to be welded. The flux is applied to the
wire by the process of extrusion. For welding carbon and low alloy steels (the metals
most commonly fabricated using the MMAW process), electrodes will have one of four
flux types, which are:
zz cellulose type coating
zz rutile type coating
zz hydrogen-controlled coating (low hydrogen)
zz iron powder type coating.
The above list is by no means exhaustive and many characteristics are incompatible,
eg deep penetration and minimum spatter. Therefore when choosing an electrode
for use, compromises must be made. The choice of an electrode for a particular
application depends upon:
zz the composition of the parent metal
zz the size and thickness of the parent metal
zz the mechanical and physical properties required of the weld metal
zz the welding position
zz the amount of penetration required
zz the amount of spatter allowable
zz available welding current
zz deposition rate required
zz appearance
zz cost
zz slag detachability
zz weld contour and size
zz fluidity of the slag
zz operator appeal.
As shown above, there are five basic electrode coating types used to make electrodes
for the welding of carbon and low alloy steels. Reference should be made to
AS/NZS 4855 for the full range of coatings.
These coating types are then arranged into four basic electrode types or groups,
which are:
zz cellulose
zz rutile
zz hydrogen-controlled
zz iron powder.
The general characteristics for each of these groups are as follows. For the purpose of
this text, only part of the ISO 2560-X classification has been shown.
Cellulose type
These electrodes contain a high percentage of alpha flock (wood flour) and from 3–7%
moisture in the coating. This provides the fiery, deep-penetrating arc characteristic of
cellulose electrodes. Cellulose electrodes run on low amperages compared to rutile
electrodes (approximately 15% lower) and the thin, fluid slag does not completely cover
the finished weld deposit. High spatter levels are produced and the weld appearance is
characterised by coarse, uneven ripples.
Applications: Used for the first (root) run on pipes and plates, welding in the vertical
position (particularly vertical down) and wherever deep penetration is required.
Storage conditions: Should contain 3–7% moisture for best results (do not store in
electrode ovens).
Rutile type
These electrodes contain a high proportion of titanium-dioxide and are known as the
general purpose group of electrodes. They are used for the general welding of low
carbon steels and are suitable for use in all welding positions.
Rutile electrodes have a smooth running and stable arc, low to moderate spatter levels
and moderate penetration. Most of them operate on AC or DC operation and have
good appearance and easy slag detachability.
Rutile electrodes may also have small amounts of iron oxide added, to give them a
fiery more penetrating arc.
Applications: Used for general purpose welding on most joint types and weld positions.
Storage conditions: Rutile electrodes have no special storage requirements. Storage in
a warm dry place is sufficient.
E4312 E4313 E4314
2.6 mm 50−90 50−90 60−110
3.25 mm 90−140 90−140 95−150
4.0 mm 130−190 130−190 140−200
The covering of electrodes can become contaminated by oil, grease, paint and other
fluids through bad handling or storage practices. Some contaminants such as paint
may introduce undesirable material into the weld or interfere with the welding process.
Oil, for instance, is also a source of hydrogen and may lead to hydrogen-induced
Recommended practices
Deterioration of the types described can be prevented or sometimes corrected by
adopting good practices in packaging, handling, transport and storage.
Storage of electrodes
Electrodes are supplied in sealed packets or cans to prevent absorption of moisture.
They should be stored in a moisture-free environment that has a fairly even
temperature. Electrode packets, cans and bulk packs should not be opened or
unsealed until required for use.
Once the electrode container is opened, the following procedure should be adopted.
zz Mild steel electrodes should be stored in a warm dry place.
zz Cellulose electrodes must not be stored in an electrode oven.
zz Hydrogen-controlled electrodes should be conditioned and stored in an electrode
oven at 100 °C minimum.
zz When obtaining electrodes from storage, they should be used in order of receipt.
This method will ensure that electrodes do not remain in storage for any length of
Re-drying of electrodes
Re-drying of electrodes when their moisture content exceeds the recommended range
should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Further to
this, WTIA Technical Note 3 ‘Care and Storage of Manual Arc Welding Steel Electrodes’
provides guidance in this area.
zz Electrodes other than hydrogen-controlled that are affected by excessive
moisture content can be re-dried at 120 °C for approximately one hour.
zz Hydrogen-controlled electrodes that are affected by excessive moisture content
can be re-dried at 400 °C for half to one hour's duration. If facilities to carry out
this procedure are not available, then drying for a minimum of one hour at 250 °C
will suffice for most applications.
Electrode classification
MMAW electrodes are classified under Australian Standard® AS/NZS 4855 – Welding
consumables – covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine
grain steels – Classification.
This standard deals with the manufacture, testing, marking and packaging and
classification of covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding.
The classification system of the code provides a mechanism for identification of the
various electrodes and a description of the electrode and their characteristics and
AS/NZS 4855 classifies electrodes using letters and numbers. An example of the full
classification system using letters and numbers is available in Appendices 3 and 4 at
the back of this book. This text deals with the classification system as per ISO 2560B.
Approximately 0.1 x tensile
strength in N/mm2
Flux type
Weld position
Welding current Suffix
The classification system consists of five letters and figures. To assist with the above
explanation, the symbols X1, X2, X3 etc are used to represent the variables.
The first group of letters relate to the consumable. E stands for ‘electrode’. After E the
two numericals XX1 refer to 1/10th of the minimum strength of the deposited weld,
which is measured in Newton millimetres squared. This code only covers electrodes
that are 430 or 490 N/mm2.
A second set of two-digit numbers XX2 are used to represent the flux type, the welding
position or positions in which the electrode is capable of making satisfactory welds and
the welding current to be used.
zz Optional indicators relating to notch toughness grading, attainable diffusible
hydrogen status and coating moisture absorption resistance.
A brief summary of the electrode types covered in AS/NZS 4855 follows in Table 12.2.
Table 12.2 – Welding position, current and covering type from AS/NZS 4855
EXX03 electrodes
Electrodes of this type contain a mixture of titanium dioxide (rutile) and calcium
carbonate (lime), so they share some characteristics of rutile electrodes with some
characteristics of basic electrodes.
EXX48 electrodes
EXX48 electrodes demonstrate the same usability, composition and design
characteristics as EXX16 and EXX18 respectively. In addition, these electrodes are
specially designed for vertical down welding. Some electrodes of this type are designed
to provide a flat to slightly concave fully loaded penetration bead without undercut on
single V welding, such as in piping and pipelines.
EXX99 electrodes
The coating and running characteristics of electrodes in this classification are such that
one or more features prevent their classification in any of the preceding classes.
E4818 – A1 C/Mo deposit: 0.12% C / 0.4–0.6% Mo
Note: all electrodes in this group are of similar composition and have an Al suffix.
E5518 – B2 Cr/Mo deposit: 1.0–1.5% Cr / 0.4–0.65% Mo / 0.05–0.12% C
E5515 – B4L Cr/Mo deposit: 1.75–2.25% Cr / 0.4–0.65% Mo / 0.05% C
AISI steel type
Weld position
Flux type
E X1 X2 X3
The classification system consists of letters and figures. To assist with the above
explanation, the symbols X1, X2, X3 etc. are used to represent the variables.
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon or other additional elements. However, there are
many types or groups of steels and many grades within each group.
Steels can be classified into two main groups: plain carbon steels and alloy steels.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Plain carbon steels
zz Alloy steels
{{ general oxy of low alloy steels
{{ typical low alloy steels
{{ high alloy steels.
Plain carbon steels may also be divided into three groups according to carbon content:
zz low carbon 0.1–0.3% carbon
zz medium carbon 0.3–0.5% carbon
zz high carbon 0.5–1.7% carbon.
Carbon has the greatest effect of any of the alloying elements. It only takes relatively
small changes in the carbon content of steel to bring about significant changes to
the mechanical properties of the steel. The effect of increasing carbon content in low
carbon steel is that it:
zz lowers the melting point
zz increases the tensile strength
zz increases hardness
zz increases hardenability
zz reduces ductility
zz reduces malleability
zz reduces weldability.
Plain carbon steels are an extremely useful and economical group of steels. The major
drawback of the plain carbon group of steels is the progressive reduction in ductility
and weldability that accompanies increases in carbon content.
Alloy steels
Alloy steels are those where the mechanical properties of the steel are controlled by
the addition of small amounts of carbon and the addition of other elements.
Alloy steels are divided into two basic groups:
zz low alloy steels – where the total alloy content is less than 5%
zz high alloy steels – where the total alloy content is greater than 5%.
Stainless steels and austenitic manganese steel are examples of high alloy steels in
common use.
The major advantage of these steels is that we can bring about improvements
in mechanical properties (such as hardness and tensile strength) without the
accompanying lack of ductility that occurs when carbon alone is used to improve
mechanical properties.
Further to this, we get a combination of desirable properties that the addition of each of
the alloying elements brings.
For example, if we alloyed a steel with:
chromium – to improve hardness, tensile strength and corrosion resistance
nickel – to improve toughness and promote a fine grain structure
molybdenum – to impart creep resistance,
we would finish up with a strong, tough, corrosion resistant, creep resistant steel.
Manganese (Mn)
Manganese is added to plain carbon steels to counteract the effects of the oxygen
left over from the steel refining process (de-oxidiser). Manganese also combines with
any residual sulphur to reduce hot shortness. When used in alloy steel, manganese
slows down the transformation of austenite. Manganese will increase hardenability.
When present in quantities between 11–14%, manganese maintains an austenite grain
structure in steels at room temperature and confers the ability to work harden.
Chromium (Cr)
Chromium increases hardness and tensile strength without reducing ductility and
increases corrosion resistance at both high and low temperatures.
Chromium alloyed steels retain their strength and resist scaling at high temperatures.
Chromium increases hardenability and reduces weldability.
Nickel (Ni)
Nickel is a grain refiner and an austenite former. It improves tensile strength without
reducing ductility, ie improves toughness. Nickel improves corrosion resistance.
Molybdenum (Mo)
Molybdenum will increase the hardenability of steels. It reduces temper brittleness
of chromium steels and reduces the tendency towards creep (the slow stretching
of a metal under stress at high temperatures). Molybdenum also raises the critical
temperature in steel.
Vanadium (V)
Vanadium improves the mechanical properties of heat treated steels and can induce
secondary hardening in high speed steels. Vanadium produces a fine grain structure
and is also used to produce magnet steels.
Tungsten (W)
Tungsten enables steel to remain hard at elevated temperatures and is used in the
manufacture of high speed steels.
Copper (Cu)
Copper helps steels to resist atmospheric corrosion and also brings about slight
increases in tensile strength.
Cobalt (Co)
Cobalt imparts the quality of red hardness, ie steels may remain hard even though they
are red hot.
Sulphur (S)
Sulphur improves the machinability of steels.
Heat input
Alloy steels are hardenable and rapid cooling may lead to the formation of martensite in
the HAZ adjacent to the weld. This can be controlled by:
zz pre-heat
zz taking advantage of the heat or controlling the heat input of the welding process.
For manual welding, electrodes conforming to the relevant standard are normally
chosen. These electrodes will provide good ductility of the weld metal and also help
minimise dilution.
The use of the following sound welding techniques and procedures can significantly
improve the results obtained when welding steels in these groups:
zz determine pre-heat requirements prior to flame cutting or welding
zz ensure all flame-cut surfaces are clean, smooth and crack free
zz ensure alignment and fit-up to close tolerances
zz meet all conditions of pre-heat prior to tacking or welding
zz make long convex tacks of sufficient throat thickness
zz no arc strikes outside the weld preparation area
zz use preparation and welding variables aimed at minimising dilution
zz ensure removal of all moisture from the weld zone and consumables
zz feather tacks.
Carbon/manganese steels
These micro-alloyed steels containing from 0.5–1.8% manganese are manufactured to
AS 1548 and are intended for use primarily in the fabrication of pressure vessels and
boilers. These plates are silicon-aluminium killed (de-oxidised) and are supplied up to a
maximum thickness of 150 mm. Plates may be supplied as rolled, or in the heat treated
condition and are supplied with certificates of chemical analysis and mechanical
The manufacturer produces the steel to more stringent quality requirements, ie the
chemical composition is strictly controlled to much finer tolerances than is the case
with mild steel. The manufacturer also carries out more stringent, non-destructive and
destructive testing to ascertain the steel’s physical and mechanical properties. It also
clearly identifies the steel with identifying numbers legibly marked on the plate.
The steel is supplied to the purchaser with a set of test certificates showing such things
as the:
zz purchaser’s order number
zz identification code of the material
zz process of manufacture
zz ladle analysis in respect to all elements
zz temperature at which tests are carried out to ascertain mechanical properties
zz details of any heat treatment applied to the plate or test samples (if any).
• 430
• 460
• 490.
Heat treatment
R = as rolled
N = normalised (870–930 ºC)
A = as rolled (may be normalised)
T = supplied as material by the TMCR process.
Impact properties
Specifies notch toughness at a particular temperature:
H = high temperature (100 to 450 ºC)
L = 0 ºC or below
L20 = -20 ºC.
Grades available – The grades available under AS 1548 are given in Table 13.1
AS 3678 – WR – 350 / – L0 16
AS/NZS 3678
Weather resistant
AS 3678 – A 10 06
AS 3678 –X K 15
Silicon killed
Chemical composition
This table has been removed. It was reproduced from Table 1 on page 9
of AS/NZS 3678:1996.
Mechanical properties
Minimum Minimum Min %
Grade yield strength tensile strength elongation
& 340 450 20
Quenched and tempered steels offer several advantages over structural carbon steels.
zz High strength – The tensile strength of quenched and tempered steels is about
three times greater than that of structural carbon steel.
zz Corrosion resistance – The atmospheric corrosion resistance of quenched and
tempered steels is about three times that of structural carbon steel.
zz Toughness – Quenched and tempered steels are tougher and in particular
display good low temperature notch toughness.
zz Abrasion and impact resistance – Some grades of quenched and tempered
steel are heat treated to give high hardness with good abrasion and impact
resistance. These grades are used as wear plates.
zz Economy – For structural fabrication purposes, thinner sections of quenched
and tempered steels can offer the same strength as much thicker structural
carbon steel sections. Apart from the design advantages of lighter weight, thinner
sections make handling easier and welding and cutting faster.
Quenched and tempered steels, because of their strength, toughness and lighter
weight (reduced thickness), are being widely used for such fabrications as bridges,
crane jibs, dump truck bodies, gas and liquid tanks and even the structural members
for large buildings.
When supplied in the higher hardness grades, quenched and tempered steels are
widely used in quarries, mines and ore treatment plants on components such as
excavator buckets, ore chutes and wear plates.
Quenched and tempered steels are produced both in Australia and overseas. A brief list
of manufacturers and their product name is given below.
Manufacturer Product
Bisalloy Steels Bisalloy
Nippon Steel Welten
Sumitomo Sumiten & Sumihard
Kawasaki Steel Riverace
Kobe Steel K-Ten
Nippon Kokan Hiten & Everhard
United States Steel T1
Bisalloy Steels are produced in Australia and tend to be the most commonly
encountered. These are followed closely by the USS T1 steels, due to the fact that
machinery such as cranes and earthmoving equipment produced by American-based
companies is common in Australia.
Common structural grades are:
zz T1 A
zz Bisalloy 60, 70, 80, 80PV
zz Wel-Ten 60 and Wel-Ten 80c.
Mechanical properties
The mechanical properties of Bisalloy steels can be seen in Table 13.5 below. Low carbon
steel has been included for comparison purposes.
Yield CE
Quench Temper Elongation
Grade strength UTS MPa (IIW)
ºC ºC %
MPa %
Quenched and tempered steels are readily weldable, particularly the structural grades.
Quenched and tempered steels can be welded by a range of hydrogen-controlled welding
processes. The most widely used are MMAW, FCAW, GMAW and SAW. The cooling rate
of welds made with these processes is such that the mechanical properties of the weld
are close to those of the parent metal. Welding processes with high heat inputs such as
ESW or OAW are not recommended, as excessive heat input will destroy the mechanical
properties. Most manufacturers supply data that can be used to help predict the pre-heat
required for a given heat input. Maximum allowable heat input and interpass temperatures
are also given.
Quenched and tempered steels are hardenable and rapid cooling will cause a loss of
ductility and possible cracking in the weld zone. Above 12 mm plate thickness pre-heat
should be considered. Hydrogen-controlled consumables should always be used.
C Nb Si Cr Mo
As the alloy content of Cr/Mo steels increases, so does the hardenability and the
tendency towards cracking. These steels should be welded using hydrogen-controlled
processes that deposit weld metal of similar composition to the parent metal. MMAW
electrodes are classified in AS/NZS 4855 and have a ‘B’ suffix denoting a chrome/moly
weld metal composition. GMAW wire would have a similar suffix.
Pre-heating and interpass temperature control is also employed, in addition to post-heat
treatment (stress relieving), when welding creep resisting steels. Also, the completed
weld joint is usually subject to stringent non-destructive testing; ie radiography, ultra
sonic testing and/or dye penetrant testing. Non-destructive testing is generally carried
out after post-weld heat treatment.
Nickel steels
As an alloying element, nickel enables ductility and toughness to be maintained in
steels, even at very low temperatures. Consequently, the major use for nickel steels is
for cryogenic applications (storage vessels for liquified gases). The cryogenic steels
described are intended for use below -60 °C.
The 3½% and 5% nickel grades are not commonly encountered as they have little cost
advantage over 9% nickel steels, which have lower service temperatures and superior
mechanical properties.
9% nickel steels
9% nickel steels are in common use in storage vessels for LNG (-164 ºC) and for liquid
oxygen and nitrogen (-196 ºC).
9% nickel steel is available as quench and tempered – QT and double-normalised and
tempered – NNT. Available grades are as follows.
Stainless steels are classified under a three digit classification system established by
the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). This is:
zz 200 series – non-hardenable austenitic
zz 300 series – non-hardenable austenitic
zz 400 series – hardenable martensitic or non-hardenable ferritic.
Austenitic stainless steels are also commonly referred to by their chromium and nickel
content, eg 18/8 or 20/12. The approximate chromium content is always stated first,
followed by the nickel content.
Cracking occurs when cooling from high temperatures and follows the boundaries of
the dendrites as solidification progresses. Cracks can affect a large part of the weld
zone. Austenitic stainless steels are sensitive to micro-cracking of the grain, however
this sensitivity decreases if there is ferrite present in the microstructure. Ferrite is
needed to minimise micro-cracking, however > 3% ferrite is desirable to completely
eliminate micro-cracking of the grain structure.
Various diagrams such as the Schaeffler diagram and the DeLong diagram have been
used to predict levels of ferrite in deposited weld metal.
For information regarding the types and properties of common austenitic steels, visit
the website of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) at <www.steel.org>.
Grain structure
There is a wide range of austenitic welding consumables available. In general,
consumables are chosen that give weld deposits which match the base metal chemistry.
If in doubt, consumables slightly richer in nickel and chromium should be selected.
Higher grade consumables should also be used where dilution may reduce the corrosion
resistance, or increase the hardenability of the steel. For selection of stainless steel
consumables see Table 13.8.
Type C N Cr Mo Ni Other
18–2 02 .02 18 2.0 – .25Ti, .3Nb
26–1 003 .008 26 1.0 – –
Sea cure .01 .025 26 3.0 2.5 .4Ti
29–4 .005 .01 29 4.0 – –
29–4–2 .005 .01 29 4.0 2.0 –
Ferritic stainless steel consumables are available, however they produce welds of low
ductility. For this reason, austenitic stainless steel consumables are generally used, as
they ensure ductile weld metal in the as-welded condition.
When the use of austenitic consumables is contemplated, consideration should be
given to the following.
zz They will have no effect on possible corrosion in the HAZ.
zz Problems may be encountered with colour match and differences in thermal
zz PWHT can cause weld metal embrittlement and corrosion susceptibility, unless
stabilised electrodes are used.
Duplex alloys
Ferritic/austenitic stainless steels contain 18–28% Cr, 4.5–8% Ni and 2.5–4% Mo. In
these steels there is insufficient nickel to produce a fully austenite grain structure and a
mixture of ferrite and austenite results.
Basic properties
zz High resistance to stress corrosion cracking.
zz Higher tensile strength than austenitic or ferritic stainless steels.
zz Good formability and weldability.
These steels are commonly used where chloride concentrations are high, as a means
of minimising stress corrosion cracking.
Duplex alloys are generally specified by proprietary names, eg SAF 2205.
The composition of manganese steel is as follows.
zz Carbon 1.00–1.40%
zz Manganese 11–14%
zz Silicon 0.30–1.00%
zz Sulphur 0.60% max
zz Phosphorus 0.10% max.
Austenitic manganese steel can be identified by its non-magnetic properties (it may
become slightly magnetic due to cold working) and a bright bushy spark when touched
on a grinding wheel.
To join austenitic manganese steel by welding, the electrode recommended is 18/8
chrome/nickel (stainless steel). For building up worn parts, an electrode depositing
11–14% manganese can be used.
The following precautions should be taken during welding.
zz Deposit short welds – well dispersed to affect rapid cooling. Use the smallest
gauge electrode and lowest welding current consistent with adequate fusion.
zz Allow the parent metal to cool between runs – it can be quenched or cooled with
wet rags. The body of the component should not be hotter than can be borne by
the bare hand, before depositing another run.
zz To reduce cracking due to contractional stresses, peen each weld bead as it is
zz Do not let manganese steel cool slowly from high temperatures.
Manganese steel as cast is brittle, it will return to this embrittled state following slow
cooling from high temperatures. Toughness and ductility can be restored by quenching
from 1050 °C.
Austenitic manganese steel must be arc welded and pre-heating must be avoided,
otherwise it will become brittle. It can be cut with the oxy-acetylene gas flame
without any serious hardening effect on the cut surface. It is suggested however,
that oxy-cut surfaces be ground prior to welding.
Hard-facing electrodes with a carbon steel core must never be deposited straight
onto manganese steel. The manganese steel must first be buttered with an electrode
depositing 18/8 stainless steel. Otherwise, the carbon steel weld metal will be diluted
by the parent metal, resulting in extremely brittle welds.
Welding procedure
The mild or alloy steel backing should be welded first, making sure that the root run
does not come in contact with the stainless cladding. This can be achieved either by
welding with a fairly close butt weld preparation and a large root face, or by cutting the
cladding away from both sides of the root.
After the welding of the steel backing has been completed, the back is grooved out by
grinding or carbon-arc gouging. The first run on the clad side is welded with a stainless
steel of matching composition and with minimum dilution. A more highly alloyed
electrode (such as a 25/20) is often desirable to overcome the effect of dilution. The
remainder of the joint is completed with an electrode of matching composition.
For the best corrosion resistance, at least two layers of stainless steel weld metal
are recommended. If the cladding is thin and it is only necessary to deposit a single
layer, it would be best to use an electrode of higher alloy content.
70 70
Step 1
Mild steel
2 mm max
Step 2
MS weld MS weld
Step 3
Step 4
Non-ferrous metals are metals that contain no iron at all, or those in which iron forms
only a minor part of the alloy.
Aluminium and copper are typical non-ferrous metals that are widely used in the metal
fabrication industry in their alloy form. Aluminium is very abundant on earth in its raw
form of aluminium oxide (bauxite). The process used to convert bauxite to aluminium is,
however, very expensive. In spite of this, aluminium and its alloys can offer significant
advantages over steel when used in specific applications.
The major groups of non-ferrous metals commonly encountered by the fabricator are:
zz aluminium and its alloys
zz copper and its alloys
zz nickel and its alloys
zz titanium alloys.
Properties of aluminium
Density – Aluminium has a density of 2700 kg/m3, ie approximately one-third the
density of steel. Aluminium is widely used in applications where weight is a factor.
Melting point – The melting temperature of commercially pure aluminium is 660 °C.
Alloying (particularly with silicon) lowers the melting temperature of aluminium, with
most commercial alloys melting in the range of 520–650 °C.
Corrosion resistance – Aluminium resists atmospheric corrosion and is resistant to
corrosion by some other media. This corrosion resistance is gained by the formation of
a tough oxide that forms on the surface of the metal. The melting temperature of this
surface oxide is 2040 °C.
The oxide must be removed prior to welding; this is usually accomplished by vigorous
brushing with a stainless steel wire brush and the action of the welding arc when the
polarity is electrode positive.
Tensile strength – The tensile strength of pure aluminium is around 90 MPa UTS
(mild steel 300–450 MPa). However, this can be improved substantially by alloying and/
or heat treatment. By this means the tensile strength can be raised to in excess
of 700 MPa.
Electrical conductivity – Aluminium is second only to copper among the commercial
metals in electrical conductivity. Where:
zz Cu = 100
zz Al = 60
zz mild steel = 10
zz stainless steel = 2.
Thermal conductivity – The thermal conductivity of aluminium is about five times that
of mild steel. While this makes it suitable for applications such as heat exchangers, this
property tends to lead to lack of fusion defects when welding.
Co-efficient of thermal expansion – The co-efficient of thermal expansion of
aluminium is 0.000026, ie for each °C of temperature it rises or falls, it will expand or
contract that fraction of its length. This is twice as much as for mild steel (0.000012).
Hot shortness – Aluminium alloys lack ductility at elevated temperatures. This,
combined with high thermal expansion, tends to cause hot cracking when welding.
Hydrogen solubility – Aluminium will dissolve substantial amounts of hydrogen in the
molten state. Upon cooling, this hydrogen is forced out of solution, resulting in weld
porosity. For this reason it is essential that weldments be cleaned thoroughly prior to
welding and that there is no possibility of hydrogen being introduced via the welding
process or consumables.
Colour change – Unlike many metals, aluminium does not change colour when
heated; neither does the surface oxide change colour.
magnetism non-magnetic
spark test non-sparking
colour silvery-white
weight lighter than cast iron, steel lead, tin, zinc alloys
grain structure uniform light grey grains
oxy flame test does not ‘flare’
Aluminium is often difficult to distinguish from zinc die castings and magnesium alloys.
However, zinc die cast when fractured often exhibits shiny pores (fish eyes) in its grain
structure, and magnesium filings ‘flare’ and burn when subjected to the oxy flame test.
Uses of aluminium
Aluminium is often selected for use in the fabrication industry where its properties of
light weight and corrosion resistance can be used to advantage.
Typical uses of aluminium alloys are:
zz aircraft
zz boats
zz truck bodies
zz storage vessels
zz lightweight castings and extrusions.
Certain factors may limit the usage of aluminium. Among these are:
zz high temperature service
zz where hardness is required
zz where fatigue stresses are present
zz corrosive media such as hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, or nitric acid
zz cost.
1xxx Series Pure aluminium for applications requiring excellent corrosion resistance, high
conductivity and good workability. They have low strength and are readily
2xxx Series High strength but lower corrosion resistance. Difficult or impossible to weld by
the common welding processes.
3xxx Series Good workability, moderate strength and are readily weldable.
4xxx Series Silicon lowers the melting point without producing brittleness. A major use is in
filler rods for welding and brazing.
5xxx Series Moderate to high strength – good corrosion resistance in marine
environments. These alloys are readily weldable.
6xxx Series Moderate strength, good formability and corrosion resistance. Readily
7xxx Series High strength – difficult to weld. Medium strength – limited weldability.
Clad alloys Cladding is a means of having a highly corrosion resistant surface with a high
strength centre. Weldability depends on the alloys used and the type of joint.
Temper designations
Aluminium alloys can have their mechanical properties enhanced by being worked
(wrought) by either mechanical or temperature treatments.
A system is used to indicate the exact condition of the worked material and whether the
alloy is heat treatable, consisting of a letter and numbers.
F temper – Applies to products that acquire some temper from shaping but have no
special control over the degree of strain.
O temper – Applies to a fully annealed product with the lowest strength and greatest
H temper – Applies to a product that has had strength improvements by cold working.
8 = fully hard
Common grades
There are many commercial aluminium grades available. However, the range available
‘ex-stock’ is generally limited to the following.
Elongation min
Yield strength
strength MPa
MPa min
Surface oxide
Aluminium gains its corrosion resistance from the oxide film that forms on the surface
when exposed to the atmosphere. While pure aluminium melts at 660 °C, the melting
temperature of the oxide is much higher at 2040 °C. This leads to welding problems in
two major ways, as follows.
zz Lack of fusion defects – Where the oxide film prevents adequate fusion to the
base metal.
zz Collapse of the weldment – Particularly where heat input is slow, such as in
oxy-fuel gas welding. A considerable amount of the base metal may be melted,
supported only by the surface oxide on the underside of the plate. Eventually the
weight of molten aluminium may break the oxide film, leading to collapse of the
{{ Gas tungsten arc welding process – Rapid rise in temperature enables
fusion without substantial melting of the base metal.
{{ Slow heating of the base metal – By the time the surface melts, a
considerable amount of parent metal may be at the same temperature
supported only by the oxide film underneath.
{{ Collapse of base metal – Supporting oxide film breaks due to the weight
of the molten aluminium base metal.
Arc welding
Parent metal
660 C
Oxide film
2,040 C
Gas welding
Absorption of hydrogen
In the hot condition, aluminium will dissolve large amounts of hydrogen. As the metal
cools, hydrogen comes out of solution and forms gas pores in the microstructure.
Levels of porosity may be extreme, causing a serious loss of cross-sectional area of
the weld. It is essential that aluminium is cleaned prior to welding and that all possible
sources of hydrogen via the welding process are eliminated.
The main uses of copper are electrical, plumbing and heat exchanger applications.
zz de-oxidised copper – good weldability
zz tough pitch copper – limited weldability
zz oxygen free copper – good weldability.
The weldability of copper is limited by three factors.
1. The presence of oxygen results in cuprous oxide forming at the grain boundaries,
leading to cracking. Fusion welding should be restricted to de-oxidised or
oxygen-free copper.
2. High thermal conductivity necessitates that pre-heat be used in most cases
(400 °C–700 °C).
3. Annealing of the weld zone, accompanied by a reduction in mechanical
properties. Hot peening of the weld zone may be required.
Copper is commonly alloyed with other elements to produce a range of useful metals.
The common alloys are:
zz brasses – alloys of copper and zinc
zz bronzes – alloys of copper and tin
zz cupronickels – alloys of copper and nickel.
Cartridge brass – 70% Cu/30% Zn. Ideal for cold forming operations such as stamping,
drawing, or spinning.
Muntz metal – 60% Cu/40% Zn. More yellow in colour than cartridge brass. Cold short.
Weldability of brass
The major problem associated with welding brass is the loss of zinc, as zinc boils at
910 °C. This leads to porosity and a loss of strength. To control this zinc loss, filler rods
have small quantities of aluminium or silicon added. This forms a skin over the weld
pool and helps to stop the zinc boiling off.
Formability – Brasses which contain in excess of 68% copper are hot short, while those
containing less than 68% copper are cold short.
Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. The addition of tin to copper increases hardness,
wear resistance and resistance to salt water corrosion.
Tin bronze – 1%–15% Sn. Commonly referred to as phosphor bronze because of the
addition of tin, which acts as a de-oxidiser.
Aluminium bronze – 5%–11% Al. Whitish in colour. Alloys containing above 10%
aluminium are heat treatable to produce high strength alloys.
Silicon bronze – up to 5% Si. The strongest of the non-heat treatable bronzes. They
have good workability and are readily weldable.
Weldability of bronzes
Tin bronze oxidises easily. Phosphor de-oxidised filler is generally used.
Aluminium bronze tends to be hot short and is susceptible to cracking at high
temperatures. PWHT may be required.
Silicon bronze has good weldability. However, rapid cooling between 800 °C and
950 °C should be facilitated, to prevent hot cracking.
Weldability of cupronickel
Cupronickels are readily welded by the gas shielded arc welding processes and by
silver brazing. They are prone to porosity as a result of contamination by O2 and H2
during welding. Shielding gas flow rates may need to be increased slightly when
compared to other metals.
Nickel is tough and ductile and corrosion, oxidation and creep resistant. Common
applications of nickel are:
zz food handling equipment
zz chemical plant
zz heating coils
zz evaporators
zz marine fabrications.
Composition: Ni 65%
Cu 28%
Mn and Fe.
Monel exhibits high resistance to corrosion by acids and salt water. It is tougher,
cheaper and stronger than nickel.
zz food handling equipment
zz heat exchangers
zz offshore structures
zz turbine blades, bolts, screws, shafts.
Composition: Ni 57% or 75%
Cr 20%
Fe, Ti, Al, Co.
Nimonics are high strength, high temperature alloys. They have excellent resistance to
corrosion, creep, oxidation and scaling at high temperatures.
zz pumps, valves, springs
zz turbine blades, aircraft engine parts
zz vessels, chemical plant.
Composition: Ni 32%–76%
Cr 15%–20%
Fe 7%–46%
Al, Ti, Mn.
Highly resistant corrosion and oxidation, these alloys maintain strength and toughness
from sub-zero to elevated temperatures.
zz food and chemical plant
zz heat exchangers
zz furnace parts and equipment
zz turbine blades
zz aircraft manifolds.
Pure titanium is relatively soft and weak. Its applications are generally restricted to those
applications that take advantage of its excellent corrosion resistance, but do not have a
high strength requirement.
Titanium is commonly alloyed with elements such as aluminium, chromium, zinc, iron,
manganese, tin, vanadium and molybdenum. Titanium alloys exhibit high strength-to-weight
ratios, good creep resistance and excellent corrosion resistance up to 250 °C.
The major uses for titanium alloys are in the chemical, marine and aerospace industries,
in applications that take advantage of the strength, light weight and corrosion resistance of
titanium alloys.
Processes such as RW and GMAW may be used to weld titanium and its alloys. However,
GTAW has become the most popular process. Although titanium has excellent corrosion
resistance up to 250 °C, above this titanium is highly reactive with oxygen, hydrogen,
nitrogen and other contaminants.
The major challenge when welding titanium and its alloys is to prevent contamination of
the parent metal. The weld should be gas shielded until it has cooled to below 400 °C. To
facilitate this, trail gas shielding is commonly used. An example of this for use when welding
pipe is given in Fig 14.2. Sound welding procedures will result in welds with excellent
mechanical properties.
TIG torch
Gas in
Shielding device
Gas out
Welding recommendations
zz thorough cleaning
zz use of jigs and fixtures
zz low heat input
zz close tacks
zz short arc lengths.
Welding recommendations
zz Thorough removal of all surface scale, grease and other surface contaminants is
essential. This can be achieved by pickling, brushing with a clean stainless steel
wire brush and solvent cleaning with acetone or alcohol. The weldment should be
cleaned for a distance equal to ten times the plate thickness on either side of the
weld, with a minimum of 25 mm.
zz High purity shielding gases must be used (minimum 99.995% pure). Argon,
helium, or argon/helium mixtures may be used.
zz Gas shielding must completely protect the weld until it cools to below 400 °C.
Trail shielding devices and welding chambers are used to facilitate this.
zz Filler rods should be cleaned using a cloth wetted with alcohol or acetone and
once cleaned, the filler rods and weldments should only be handled with clean
cotton gloves.
zz Backing gases are essential and weld support is desirable.
zz Current for GTAW is DC -ve.
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) has increased in popularity because of the relative
ease with which it can be applied to difficult to weld materials, notably aluminium and
stainless steel and the increased use of these materials in various industries. Thin
metals, out of position work and automatic applications are well within the scope of
the GTAW process and it is in these areas that it excels. Welds produced are of high
quality in terms of both soundness and appearance.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz The gas tungsten arc welding process
{{ applications of the process
{{ equipment
shielding gases
gas regulators and flow meters
{{ gas tungsten arc welding techniques.
or DCRP Gas cup.
Welds made with
power supply Either ceramic or
or without addition
water-cooled metal
of filler metal
ave Many joint designs
o f tr
ion in all positions
Tungsten electrode ect can be welded
(virtually Dir easily
Weld surface
smooth & clean
No flux
Base metal
can be any
metal Weld possesses good
quality, little or no loss Inert gas Work return
of alloying elements shields electrode lead
and weld puddle.
concentrated heat
Power source
Gas tungsten arc welding power sources can be obtained to operate on domestic or
industrial mains supply voltages. Most industrial machines operate on a 440 volt supply
and provide current in the range 200–500 amperes with 60% duty cycle.
Any AC or DC manual metal arc welding machine (constant current) can be used to
supply the current for GTAW. It is important, however, that the machine has a good
current control for low amperages in order to maintain a steady arc when welding
thin material. When using DC for welding, a high frequency unit is desirable for easy
arc starting, but not essential. With AC, a high frequency unit is definitely required;
this will be discussed later. The ideal power source for GTAW is one that has been
specially designed for the process (refer to Fig 15.2). These welding machines are
typically transformer rectifiers or inverters that supply both AC and DC and have a high
frequency unit incorporated in them. They also usually have other controls peculiar to
the GTAW process, such as:
zz a selection of current ranges or digital current control to give the operator better
control over the amperage
zz remote current control, usually hand or foot-operated, enabling the welder to alter
the amperage whilst welding
zz a soft-start switch, which reduces the current when starting the arc. This is
an advantage when welding aluminium or magnesium. A better GTAW power
source will also provide the ability to control upslope and down slope on the main
current, as well as pulsing options
zz high frequency spark intensity control, which is useful when welding aluminium
and magnesium
zz pre and post-gas flow timer to allow the shielding gas to flow before the arc is
started and then provide a gas (and water if used) flow for a set time after the arc
is extinguished. This prevents atmospheric contamination of the weld pool and
electrode and also assists in torch and tungsten electrode cooling.
Base Gas
Foot pedal
Electrode lead
Choice of current
With GTAW, the operator has the choice of three types of welding current.
1. DC(-) electrode negative.
2. DC(+) electrode positive.
3. AC(hf) AC with superimposed high frequency.
DC electrode negative
In the GTAW process, two-thirds of the heat generated at the arc occurs at the positive
terminal and one-third of the heat at the negative terminal. Therefore, it is beneficial
(whenever possible) to connect the tungsten electrode to the negative terminal, since
higher amperages can be used without the tungsten becoming overheated. Also,
because most of the heat is concentrated in the parent metal, deeper penetration is
With electrode negative, the flow of electrons is from the tungsten electrode to the
parent metal (from negative to positive). The shielding gas, as it passes through the
arc, becomes electrically charged (ionised) and the ions of gas that are positively
charged are attracted to the negative electrode (Fig 15.3). No cleaning action occurs
with this polarity, but this is only needed when welding metals with a high melting point
surface oxide. Electrode negative is preferred for most of the common fabrication
metals, except aluminium.
GTAW with electrode negative produces deep penetration because it concentrates the
heat in the joint area. No cleaning action occurs with this polarity.
DC welding
power supply
3 heat at
Gas ions
2 heat at work
DC electrode positive
With electrode positive, the gas ions are still positively charged but are now attracted
to the negative parent metal. They bombard the plate surface, causing any oxide on
the plate surface to be chipped away, exposing bare metal that is easily melted. This
cleaning action is most useful when metals with a high melting point surface oxide have
to be welded, eg aluminium, magnesium and titanium.
With electrode positive, the bulk of the heat is now concentrated at the tungsten
electrode, which can become overheated unless a sufficiently large electrode diameter
is used. The penetration is wide and shallow and the arc tends to be erratic due to the
large electrode and relatively low amperage being used (Fig 15.4). Therefore, electrode
positive is not recommended for GTAW.
GTAW with electrode positive produces good cleaning action, as the argon ions flowing
towards the work strike with sufficient force to break up oxides on the surface of the
material. Since the electrons flowing towards the electrode cause a heating effect at
the electrode, weld penetration is shallow.
DC welding
power supply 2
3 heat at
Gas ions
AC alternating current
The ideal type of welding current for metals with a high melting point surface oxide
would be one that gives the good cleaning action of the electrode positive cycle and
then the deep penetration, cooler electrode of the electrode negative cycle. AC is
actually a combination of electrode negative and electrode positive. One half of the
cycle is negative and the other half positive (Fig 15.5). The heat is equally distributed at
the electrode and the work piece.
1 cycle
DC electrode positive
Zero line
DC electrode negative
Unfortunately, the strong surface oxide on metals such as aluminium prevents the
full flow of current in the reverse polarity (positive) direction of the cycle, causing the
arc to become unstable. Also, as the cycle passes through the zero voltage point, the
arc goes out and must re-ignite. To prevent instability or complete loss of the arc, a
continuous high frequency spark is required. The high frequency current is able to jump
the gap between the electrode and the parent metal during the period of arc shut down,
and assists to penetrate the oxide film and form a path for the welding current to follow.
Because continuous high frequency voltage is needed with AC, this type of current is
usually identified as AC(hf) (Fig 15.6).
AC welding
power supply
2 heat at
1 heat at work
AC square wave
A variation on true AC is also available with modern GTAW welding equipment, where
the top and bottom of the AC sine wave are flattened by electronics (Fig 15.7). With
modern electronic control, the AC wave can also be altered to give more positive or
negative arc time and/or current. The fact that these parameters can be changed can
be used to advantage by a skilled operator to alter arc cleaning or heating time.
AC sine wave
Hertz 50 Hz/sec
Electrode cooling is provided by the torch through the copper collet, gas diffuser
and torch body.
Direct current electrode negative is the most common type of current used for welding
materials such as mild steel, stainless steel and alloy steels. Direct current electrode
negative is used also to obtain narrow, deep penetrating welds.
Direct current electrode positive may be applied to welding very thin aluminium and
magnesium parts, but is not commonly used because a large diameter electrode is
required to carry low current values and the arc may be unstable.
Alternating current, with a superimposed high frequency current, is most commonly
used for aluminium and magnesium, as it combines good oxide clearing when the
electrode is positive with good penetration when the electrode is negative.
Pulsed current
Pulsed current is also available on some GTAW equipment. The welding current is set
to fluctuate between a high fusion current level and a low background current, both
of which are adjustable, as is the time for which each current level is effective. The
number of pulses can be varied from ten per second down to about one per second.
Pulsed current, which may be AC or DC, is particularly useful for welding very thin
materials, providing good penetration during the high current cycle with cooling of the
molten pool and solidification during the low current cycle. In effect, pulsed current
produces a series of spot welds, penetration is good, distortion is minimised and heat
control is improved for difficult welding situations involving thin materials and positional
352 © VET (WA) Ministerial Corporation 2010 – ENG1769
& Fabrication Advanced Arc Welding
Welding current
High Low
pulse pulse
time time
Cycle time
Shielding gases
Generally, an inert gas is used in GTAW as the shielding medium to protect the
tungsten, molten weld pool, weld zone and filler material from contamination and
oxidation by the atmosphere.
Argon is the inert gas most commonly used in Australia – in preference to helium
because of its lower cost and its general suitability for a wide variety of metals. Argon
is an electron carrier and also exhibits better oxide removal characteristics than helium.
It aids the welding operation, as heat input to the weld puddle is less affected by
variations in arc length.
Helium is also an inert gas, but it is not as easily obtained and therefore is more
expensive than argon. On the other hand, because it does not carry electrons as well
as argon, the power source is not loaded up as well and therefore arc voltages are
higher. This means more heat is available, which increases penetration and travel
Oxygen is an oxidizing gas and small amounts may be introduced into the gas mixture
to stir up the weld pool and increase heat in the arc. Carbon dioxide is a cheap
insulator gas that may also be added in small amounts to help decrease costs and
stimulate weld fusion. It should not be used on stainless steel.
Mixtures of the two main gases of argon and helium may prove advantageous, in
some special applications. An increase in helium content will bring about increased
temperature, better fusion and faster weld speeds on most materials, but there would
be a corresponding increase in costs. Gas suppliers have developed numerous
combinations of the various gases (brews) to suit particular situations or applications.
Those seeking further information should contact the local supplier.
Welding torches
Handheld GTA welding torches may be air cooled for low to medium amperage
applications (these are also gas cooled by the gas supply). Water cooled torches
are required for industrial operations involving higher amperages and longer welding
periods. The electrode is held by a collet in a collet holder/gas diffuser that assists in
electrode cooling and allows for removal and setting of the electrode in relation to the
nozzle, or gas shroud.
Projection of the electrode should not be excessive, as this makes touching onto the
work and contamination of the electrode more likely. Minimum projection of electrode
consistent with good control, normally 2–5 mm, will provide good welding conditions
and satisfactory gas coverage of the electrode and work. The collet is tightened by
screwing in the torch back cap, which also provides insulation for the electrode.
Collet body/
gas diffuser
BOC Limited ©2006
A control knob for gas flow may be located on the torch and this often incorporates a
current on/off control. Most welding torches have now removed the gas control and
modern GTAW equipment provides one-touch control over pre and post-gas flow and
all other welding parameters.
The general rule for the gas lens size is four to six times the electrode diameter. This
may be altered however, depending on the type of joint being welded and the material
being welded. For example, an outside corner weld may require a larger gas lens size
to give more shielding, while an inside corner can be achieved easily with a small gas
lens because the gas will be trapped in the corner. Typically, aluminium or stainless
steel may also need one step larger gas lenses to give a better gas cover.
Different types of tungsten electrodes are available and provide a comprehensive
range for specific applications. Tungsten electrodes are identified on the tip by a colour
code. This colour code should be preserved, as identification of a tungsten electrode
that has lost its code can be difficult.
In recent studies related to health issues for welding operators, the thoriated
and zirconiated type electrodes have been found to produce a slight amount of
radiation when they are ground up. For this reason, they should be used only when
special precautions are used. Because of this problem, new types of electrodes for
GTAW have been developed.
Before assembling the electrode in the torch, one end should be prepared to suit the
type of welding current being used. For DC -ve, it should be ground to a taper with the
nose section having approximately 30° included angle; do not grind it to a sharp point,
but leave approximately one-third of the electrode diameter unground as a sharp point
can be lost from the electrode into the weld pool during welding. For AC welding, grind
with a chamfer to provide rapid formation of the balled end necessary for AC welding.
DC-ve AC (hf)
(a) (b)
When DC is employed without HF, it will be necessary for the electrode to make actual
contact with a starting block. At the moment of contact and when the arc is struck, the
electrode should be raised 3 mm above the starting block. The torch is then moved
quickly towards the work area.
To stop an arc, the current should simply be switched off and the torch held over the
cooling weld to provide a protective gas shield (post-purge) whilst the electrode and
work are cooling. The current may gradually be decreased (down slope) at the end of
a weld pass, thus allowing the crater to be filled, instead of being finished in a concave
Some care will be necessary, particularly with high-quality work and in pipe preparations
when breaking the arc when a simple power source is used. In some instances, it
can be advisable to run-off on to a tab or up the side of the pipe preparation when
completing a pass.
Arc wander
Occasionally, the point from which the arc leaves the electrode can move and waver
without any apparent reason. This is termed ‘arc wander’ and is generally attributed to
one of the following causes:
zz low electrode current density (too large an electrode for the current being
zz contamination of the electrode
zz magnetic effects.
With AC welding, due to the fact that a ball ended electrode is used, when the current
density of the electrode is of a sufficiently high level, the entire end of the electrode will
be in a molten state and completely covered by the arc. When too low a current density
is used, only a small area of the electrode becomes molten, resulting in an unstable arc
that has poor directional characteristics and is difficult for the operator to control. Too
high a current density results in excessive melting of the electrode end.
Arc wander in GTAW can be reduced by careful selection of the electrode diameter and
is much less serious in DC welding, due to the fact that a tapered point is ground on
the electrode.
Electrode contamination can be caused by excessive amperages or careless striking
of the arc. It may be preferable to use a piece of copper for starting purposes. Carbon
blocks are not recommended because of carbon pickup producing arc instability.
Contamination may also result from allowing the electrode to enter the molten pool or
from being touched by the filler rod. In AC welding, contamination of the electrode can
also occur when the filler material is not kept at the leading edge of the weld pool. If the
electrode is allowed to wander into the arc zone then, filler may transfer to the tungsten
on one half of the AC cycle. When contamination does occur, the only course of action
is to remove the electrode and either replace or clean it by grinding or breaking off the
contaminated end.
70° approx.
When filler metal is required to provide adequate reinforcement, the filler rod is held at
about 15° to the work and about 25 mm away from the starting point. When the puddle
becomes bright and fluid, move the arc to the rear of the puddle and add filler metal
by quickly touching the rod to the leading edge of the puddle. As soon as the puddle
is again bright, repeat the same procedure. Care should be taken to ensure the filler
rod end is not permitted to leave the protection of the gas shroud during the welding
The rate of forward speed and amount of filler metal added will depend on the desired
width and reinforcement of the weld bead. Fig 15.13 illustrates the filler rod movement.
5 3
4 2
Direction of
Direction of
Direction of
t i on 45°–90°
ec g
Dir eldin
Weld backing bars may be of a temporary or permanent type. The former does not form
part of the welded joint and can be copper, stainless steel, mild steel, etc, depending
on the material to be welded and may be removed on completion of the weld. The latter
is usually of the same composition as the material to be welded and becomes part of
the welded joint as illustrated in Fig 15.20. They are generally used where access does
not allow the removal of the temporary type.
backing bar
A type of temporary backing bar commonly used is that shown in Fig 15.21, where the
surface is cut or machined out directly below the joint. A bar of this type will protect the
bottom of the weld from excessive contamination by the atmosphere, as well as draw
heat away from the weld zone.
Temporary Relief
backing bar groove Backing bar Channel to allow
free flow
of underbead
Backing bar
Channel to
Insert support molten
On applications where the final weld composition must conform to extremely rigid
specifications, extra care must be taken to exclude all atmospheric oxygen from the
weld underside using temporary backing bars that will trap gas on the underside. A
supply of inert gas can also be offered up to the underside. Nitrogen may be used for
the stainless steel. Argon should be used for aluminium, magnesium and other metals
that oxidise readily or react with nitrogen at high temperatures.
Since its introduction in the 1940s, gas metal arc welding (GMAW) has become a very
popular welding process in the metal fabrication and welding industries. The flux-cored
arc welding (FCAW) process has also become very popular since new gas shielded
wires have been developed.
The GMAW solid wire process is suited to a wide range of light and general fabrication
applications. Gas metal arc welding is a semi-automatic process where the wire is
automatically fed into the weld pool. This produces higher deposition rates and greater
efficiency over the manual metal arc welding process.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) principles
{{ applications of the process
{{ specific safety related to gas metal arc welding
{{ wire feed systems
{{ metal transfer
{{ classification of consumables
{{ gas metal arc welding variables
{{ gas metal arc welding defects
of travel
Wire guide and contact tip
Gas nozzle
weld metal
Shielding gas
Clear safety glasses must be worn at all times, as the higher current density and
emission of UV radiation results in increased risk of arc flash and more severe arc
flashes if safety is ignored.
Body protection
This same arc intensity will also require the operator to ensure his/her body is
completely covered with protective clothing. Even extraneous light from the arc (ie UV
radiation bouncing from a reflecting wall) can result in a rather uncomfortable ‘ray burn’.
Experience has shown that cotton materials have a lesser degree of resistance to UV
rays than woollen materials. Cotton and particularly synthetics, will quickly break down
and eventually disintegrate. Consequently, it is preferable to wear leather or woollen
When using GMAW, a toxic gas called ozone (O3) is given off in the vicinity of the arc.
Processes that employ higher current densities produce more ozone. Although ozone is
not normally dangerous under most conditions, it is advisable to use exhaust extraction
when working in confined spaces where ventilation is restricted. Natural ventilation and
exhaust fans can also be advantageous. Any ventilation system used must not interfere
with the gas shielding of the weld zone.
Equipment required
The major equipment items that make up a GMAW plant are the:
zz power source
zz wire feeder
zz cable assembly and welding gun
zz gas supply system
zz inter-connecting cables.
Nozzle Work
Fig 16.6 – Gas metal arc welding guns (a) goose neck, (b) push pull
Interconnecting cables
These consist of:
zz the work return lead and work clamp
zz the welding current cable from the power source to the contact tip via the wire
feeder and cable assembly
zz the control cables from the activation switch to the wire feeder and from the wire
feeder to the power source.
Guide tube
locking knob Wire feed
current rolls
Wire spool/reel
Shielding gas
Wire feed
Welding Wire
torch reel
Drive Drive
rolls rolls
(pull) (push)
Top roll
Wire feeders use either a two or four-roller drive system. Two-roll systems are cheaper
to manufacture and purchase and are best suited to feeding hard wires such as carbon
and stainless steels through short gun cables. Most two-roll wire feeders have the two
rolls geared to drive together, however some cheap machines have only one roll driven
and this will inevitably give trouble and should be avoided.
Four-roll feeders (especially the all-geared type) allow positive drive between the rollers
and the wire with less roller pressure, giving a smoother feed with less slippage and
less distortion of the wire.
The four-roll system offers advantages for:
zz feeding soft wires such as aluminium
zz feeding wires through longer cable assemblies
zz use with cored wires.
Wire direction
Wire direction
The cross sectional shape of the rollers used with any particular wire feeder, for any
particular application, varies according to the manufacturer.
This list is not exhaustive, but these are the ones in the most common use.
Contact tip
The contact tip serves two functions, to:
zz guide the wire to the arc
zz transfer welding current to the wire.
The contact tip is the most important component of the welding torch. It is here that the
filler-wire is energised or ‘picks-up’ the welding current. The contact tip is usually made
from copper and is, via the gas diffuser and torch body, directly attached to the power
lead and power source. Contact tips are matched to each wire size.
It is important that the contact tip is maintained in a clean condition, free from spatter
on the end and with a smooth internal bore. Worn contact tips reduce the efficiency
with which current is transferred to the wire and contribute to uneven wire feeding.
They should be replaced when worn.
Metal transfer
With most of the commonly used welding processes, the operator has little control
over the way metal is transferred across the arc. With GMAW, the operator can select
and control the type of metal transfer. This is done essentially by a combination of arc
voltage selection, wire feed rate and shielding gas type being used. Wire type and
size being used will also influence the effect these parameters have on the final metal
transfer mode.
The metal transfer mode determines the welding characteristics of the GMAW process.
The operator must select the most appropriate mode of transfer and set the machine
according to a specific application prior to commencing welding.
Apart from the pulsed transfer mode, which requires sophisticated power sources, the
welding operator can select from three transfer modes, which are:
zz dip (or short arc) transfer
zz globular transfer
zz spray transfer.
Dip transfer
Dip transfer is also known as short arc transfer (short for short circuiting arc). In the dip
transfer mode, low voltage and wire feed settings are used. The low voltage employed
is easily overcome by electrical resistance across the arc, preventing continuous
current flow as arc length increases.
Dip transfer can occur anywhere from 12–20 volts and 50–170 amps when using
0.9 mm steel wire and argon/15% CO2 shielding gas.
When welding commences, the tip of the electrode wire contacts the plate and a short
circuit occurs, causing a rapid rise in current from the constant voltage power source. If
this rate of current rise is too rapid, the wire can simply explode or vaporise much the
same way as a fuse wire does when exposed to excessive current. The rate of current
rise is controlled by fixed or variable inductance that can sometimes be altered (pinch
control). The rapid current rise leads to a temperature rise in the wire (caused by the
short circuit current flowing through to the work) and the end of the electrode wire is
heated and melted off. An arc is immediately formed between the tip of the wire and the
parent metal, creating heating and a weld pool. The arc is maintained by the electrical
circuit for a short time. The electrode wire continues to feed at a rate greater than burn
off, until the decreasing arc gap causes the arc to be extinguished.
The wire tip once again dips into the pool and the cycle is repeated. This sequence of
events is repeated at a frequency of up to 200 times per second. It produces sufficient
heat for fusion and to keep the weld pool fluid.
This method is suitable for positional welding, due to rapid freezing of the weld pool
and has the advantage that the heat input to the work is kept to a minimum. This limits
distortion and enables thin sheet material to be welded. However, on thicker material,
the low heat input tends to give rise to lack of fusion defects on material above 5 mm in
thickness if care is not taken with machine adjustment and technique.
Direction of
wire travel
1 2 3 4 5 1 2
Globular transfer
Globular transfer can occur anywhere from 18–23 volts and 100–175 amps when using
0.9 mm steel wire and argon/15% CO2 shielding gas.
Globular transfer occurs at voltage and current levels between those used for dip and
spray transfer. Voltages are high enough to ensure a constant arc, but amperage is
set below the threshold current that produces spray transfer. The result is that the wire
melts in the arc and a molten globule forms on the end of the wire.
As melting continues, the size of the globule grows until its own weight causes
detachment of the droplet due to gravitational forces. This droplet detachment is erratic
and, along with the influence of arc forces repelling the droplet away from the wire, high
spatter levels result. Droplet size is considerably larger than the wire diameter.
Shielding gas
metal drops
Spray transfer
Spray transfer can occur anywhere above 23 volts and over 170 amps when using
0.9 mm steel wire and argon/15% CO2 shielding gas.
Unlike dip transfer, where the low arc voltage used precludes the use of a continuous
arc, spray transfer employs an arc that burns continuously. To achieve this, the arc
voltage when welding steel must be above approximately 23 V, depending on wire size
and shielding gas composition.
Additionally, the amperage used must be above the ‘threshold current’, which is the
current above which tiny droplets are pinched off and projected axially across the arc
gap. Below the threshold current, droplet detachment is brought about by the molten
droplet of wire growing in size until it is heavy enough to be detached by gravitational
Spray transfer offers greatly increased deposition rates compared to dip transfer
and minimal spatter and is not accompanied by the lack of fusion defects sometimes
associated with dip transfer. Because of the hot, fluid weld pool associated with spray
transfer, it is only suitable for use on plates above approximately 5 mm thick and in the
downhand (flat) position.
20 globular
10 spray
Voltages and currents shown are due to the graph applying to 1.2 mm steel wire
and argon/15% CO2 shielding gas.
Pulse peak
average current
Classification of consumables
There are many different types of solid electrode wires commercially available. They
are classified according to a particular standard, which makes it possible to identify
and select the most suitable type of wire for a job. It is important to understand these
classification systems and the information they represent.
Consumable classification systems list a number of essential features about
the consumable; for example, consumables are classified in terms of electrode
construction, filler metal composition, shielding method, mechanical strength of the
weld deposit and so on.
This graphic has been removed. It was reproduced from Figure 1.1 on
page 6 of AS/NZS 2717.1:1996.
The classification system consists of three groups, separated by a hyphen. Each group
consists of a letter or letters and figures. To assist with the above explanation, the
symbols X1, X2, X etc are used to represent the variables.
AS/NZS 2717.1 – Welding – Electrodes – Gas metal arc – Part 1: Ferritic steel
Represents the code for ferritic steel electrodes.
Group 1 (ES2)
The first group of letters relates to the filler metal. ES stands for ‘electrode solid’. After
ES, a number indicates the chemical composition of the wire. From the following chart,
you can see that a wire ES2 contains 0.07% carbon and 0.9 to 1.4% manganese.
This table has been removed. It was reproduced from Table 2.2 on page
8 of AS/NZS 2727.1:1998.
Electrodes can also contain very small additions of copper, titanium, zirconium and
Group 2 (GM)
The second group relates to the shielding method. G represents gas shielded and then
two letters that indicate the type of shielding gas used during qualification tests and the
welding current required, for example:
C = shielded with carbon dioxide (CO2)
M = shielding with a mixture of gases
I = shielded with an inert gas
For example, GM indicates that the wire is to be shielded by use of mixed gas.
Group 3 (W502H)
The third group relates to deposited weld. W means weld metal followed by a
three-digit number. The first two numericals refer to one-tenth of the minimum strength
of the deposited weld, which is measured in megapascals (MPa). The third numerical
refers to the minimum impact test or value. The letter H generally completes the
classification, which indicates that the process is hydrogen-controlled.
W = weld metal properties
50 = 500 MPa (minimum specified tensile) strength
2 = degree of impact test
H = hydrogen-controlled
For example, W502H indicates the weld strength is 500 MPa, impact tested to achieve
a minimum 47J @ 0 °C and low in hydrogen content.
A plain carbon steel wire electrode.
The chemical composition can be found in the previous chart. When deposited with an
Ar/CO2 gas shield, the weld metal will have a minimum tensile strength of 500 MPa and
an impact value 47J @ 0 °C. The weld is hydrogen-controlled.
A plain carbon steel wire electrode.
The chemical composition can be found in the previous chart. When deposited with
CO2 shielding gas, the weld metal will have a minimum tensile strength of 500 MPa and
an impact value of 47J @ -20 °C. The weld is hydrogen-controlled.
Filler wires for welding of steels are de-oxidised with manganese and silicon and are
generally copper coated (nickel is sometimes used). The copper coating of the wire
serves three purposes:
• prevents corrosion of the wire
• improves current pickup
• improves feeding characteristics.
Common wire sizes for GMAW of steels are as follows.
0.9 mm
1.0 mm general purpose GMAW
1.2 mm
Arc voltage
Arc voltage determines the mode of metal transfer, arc length (and therefore width) and
also the weld shape when GMA welding. At low arc voltages, resistance across the arc
causes extinguishment of the arc, which results in short circuiting (dip transfer). Higher
arc voltages may be enough to maintain an open arc by overcoming the electrical
As the arc voltage is increased, arc length is increased. This enables more wire to be
melted off without ‘stubbing’ as sometimes occurs when high wire feed speeds and low
arc voltages are used. Increased arc length also increases the width of the weld bead.
Increased voltage
It can be seen therefore that if arc voltage is increased without changing the wire speed
or travel speed, a wider, flatter bead will result.
Wire speed/amperage
As previously explained, voltage and wire feed rate are linked together to
produce the various modes of metal transfer. A minor change in one may have an
insignificant effect on the weld characteristics. More commonly, a change in any
parameter may require the operator to also adjust another variable to compensate.
Increased amperage
Travel speed
As travel speed is increased, the weld bead becomes smaller and stringy in appearance
due to the lesser amount of filler wire being deposited in the same place. Heat input is
also reduced, due to the fact that the arc does not remain above any particular point for
very long. A decrease in travel rate will have the opposite effect and produce a larger
more convex weld shape. In GMAW, the travel rate can also affect penetration, due to
the effect that the arc has on the parent metal.
For example, an operator may actually get better penetration by increasing the travel
rate, because this action allows the arc to directly heat the parent metal. Conversely,
an operator who slows the travel rate down (and thus allows the weld metal to build up
under the arc) may in fact produce lack of fusion in a weld.
Increased speed
Electrical stick-out
When discussing GMAW, two types of stick-out are referred to.
1. Visible stick-out – The distance that the electrode protrudes beyond the gas
2. Electrical stick-out – The distance that the electrode protrudes from the contact tip.
Visible stick-out
Electrical stick-out
Increase in
arc length
Torch angle
As with any welding process, the angle of approach must be adjusted to distribute the
weld metal evenly in the joint. The torch should typically dissect the angle between the
two parts to be joined. The theoretical torch angle may be varied to compensate for the
various heat sink paths of different joint configurations (Fig 16.25).
Angle of travel
The angle of the gun is maintained such that it is ‘pushed’ in the direction of travel
(Fig 16.26).
10° to 30°
Direction Nozzle
of travel Weld
The exception to this is when making heavy welds in spray transfer where the gun is
‘dragged’. This is done to direct shielding gas over the solidifying/cooling weld metal,
which remains hot for an extended period of time.
The operator determines the actual angle of travel used by seeking the best
compromise between good visibility and efficient shielding.
As the torch angle is lowered, shielding efficiency is reduced due to the venturi effect,
which draws air into the gas shield.
(a) (b)
Air Note: Angle varies with
direction of travel drag
or push
Shielding gases
In Australia, GMAW was also commonly known as ‘MIG welding’ (metal inert gas).
This is in fact misleading, as it suggests that the shielding gas is inert. All GMAW of
carbon and low alloy steels employs the use of an active shielding gas, ie there is a
reaction between the shielding gas and the metal droplets as they travel across the
arc. Inert shielding gases are used for welding stainless steels and non-ferrous metals.
To achieve the desired arc stability when welding carbon and low alloy steels, some
oxidising action is required in the arc. This can be achieved in one of two ways, using:
zz CO2 (carbon dioxide) as a shielding gas, or
zz Ar (argon) as the base with the addition of CO2 and/or O2 (oxygen).
Carbon dioxide
CO2 is easily produced and large quantities can be stored in a gas cylinder, because
the gas liquifies at low pressures. CO2 is therefore cheap when used as a shielding
gas. CO2 gas breaks down into carbon monoxide and oxygen in the arc and this
produces a highly reactive arc. CO2 promotes the following characteristics to the
welding arc:
zz deep penetration
zz high spatter levels
zz high deposition rates
zz high heat input.
Argon is a true inert gas that is often used to weld non-ferrous metals. Argon ionises
easily to promote electron flow, however argon is more expensive than CO2 and is
rarely used by itself to weld carbon and low alloy steels. When used to weld mild steel,
argon produces arc characteristics that have the following features:
zz smoother arc
zz lower penetration
zz lower heat input
zz lower spatter
zz improved bead shape
zz promotes spray transfer.
Oxygen is an oxidising gas and when used in small quantities in the GMAW of steel will
improve weld finish and arc transfer characteristics.
Gas mixtures
Gas mixtures for welding steel employ the use of argon as a base to promote a
smooth arc, combined with differing levels of CO2 and/or O2 to achieve desirable arc
The greater the CO2 addition, the lower the cost and the more the arc characteristics
align to the characteristics of CO2. The lower the addition of CO2, the more the arc
aligns toward characteristics produced by argon shielding gas.
Shielding Chemical
gas behaviour
Each gas company will supply mixtures of their own formulation. However, as a rough
guide for welding carbon and low-alloy steels, uses for mixtures approximating the
following compositions are as follows.
The choice of shielding gas influences bead shape, as well as the amount of
penetration obtained. The effect of shielding gas upon bead shape can be seen in
Figs 16.28 (a) and (b).
Argon Helium
(b) penetration Weld
Flow rates
Gas flow rates should be set so as to provide adequate shielding.
zz The recommended rate of flow for argon/CO2 mixtures = 12–14 litres/min.
zz The recommended rate of flow for CO2 mixtures = 18–20 litres/min.
It should be kept in mind that excessively high flow rates cause turbulence and
increase the venturi effect, which will in fact drag in atmospheric gases when torch
angles are too low.
Spot timer
Spot timers allow the weld time and reset time to be preset as a means of making
consistent weld sizes for spot welding. The timer is activated when the gun trigger is
Burnback control
Enables wire to feed for a small amount of time after current flow is terminated when
the torch trigger is released. This can be adjusted to prevent the wire fusing to the
contact tip, or to stop it sticking to the weld pool when welding is terminated.
Spool brake
The wire spool carrier employs a braking device to prevent over-run of the wire due
to the inertia of the spool of wire. It should be adjusted to provide enough braking to
prevent over-run, but with no unnecessary drag that would cause slippage of the wire
at the drive rollers.
GMAW defects
Apart from slag inclusions (silicon can be trapped in the weld), all the common weld
defects that occur with other processes may also occur with GMAW. Defects such as
porosity and lack of fusion can be a particular problem with GMAW.
The defects commonly encountered in GMAW are:
zz porosity
zz cold lap/lack of fusion
zz lack of root penetration
zz excessive penetration
zz contour defects
zz undercut
zz weld cracking
zz excessive spatter
zz stray arcing.
As is the case with other welding processes, porosity may be caused by moisture, or by
surface contaminants on the plate. The GMAW process has no hydrogen source itself
but is particularly susceptible to contamination and the parent metal and filler must be
clean. By far the greatest cause of porosity is due to inadequate gas shielding.
This may be due to:
zz flow rate set too low
zz flow rate set too high
zz no gas flow at all
zz excessive wind or air movement at the gun
zz contaminated shielding gas
zz stick-out length too long
zz gun angle too low.
Lack of fusion
Defined as portions of the weld deposit which do not fuse to the surface of the metal
or edge of the weld joint. With GMAW, lack of fusion is commonly referred to as ‘cold
lapping’, as it usually takes the form of lack of sidewall fusion over an extensive part of
the joint.
Cold lapping is common when welding in the dip transfer mode, particularly when the
plate thickness exceeds 5 mm. Welding downhill, or with high wire speed and low arc
voltage settings, further increases the risk of occurrence. Plates that are dirty or heavily
scaled further exacerbate the problem.
Cold lapping does not generally occur when welding in the spray transfer mode.
Therefore, to minimise the likelihood of cold lapping, one or more of the following
should be employed:
zz weld in the spray transfer mode
zz clean plates
zz if in doubt, set the arc voltage slightly high
zz set enough amperage to ensure sufficient heat for fusion
zz keep the electrical stick-out short
zz use CO2 shielding gas or a mixed gas high in CO2.
Excessive penetration
Defined as excess weld metal protruding through the root of a butt weld, this defect
normally only occurs on thin (sheet) materials or when excessive heat (current) is
used. Adjustment of wire speed, arc voltage or travel speed will usually overcome this
problem with relative ease.
Another form of this defect is electrode wire protruding through the root of the butt in
the form of ‘spikes’ or ‘icicles’. This is caused when arcing to the root face of the butt
weld momentarily ceases, a small amount of wire penetrates the butt and the arc is
re-established when the wire contacts the parent metal.
The solution to this problem is to limit the width of the root gap and/or to increase the
arc voltage, which results in a wider spread of the arc so that arcing to one or both
sides of the weld is always present.
Contour defects
Contour defects may be in the form of overroll or overlap, excessive convexity or
concavity of the bead, or simply rough, uneven appearance.
Travel speed and torch angle adjustments may fix many of these problems, but the
GMAW operator has an advantage in that he/she can control weld profile by adjusting
the arc voltage.
Excessive convexity may be remedied by increasing arc voltage. Beads that are too
wide or too concave may be remedied by decreasing arc voltage.
Defined as a groove or channel in the parent metal, occurring continuously or
intermittently along the toes or edge of a weld.
Undercut is not a common problem in GMAW; however, it is likely to be encountered in
two situations.
1. When fillet welding in spray transfer – This is normally caused by setting the arc
voltage too high, causing a long arc length that results in undercutting of the toe
of the weld of the vertical plate. The solution to this is quite simple and is good
practice for all welds in spray transfer: set a smooth spray transfer mode using
the lowest arc voltage that will facilitate this.
Defined as discontinuities produced either by tearing of the metal in the plastic
condition (hot cracks) or by fracturing when cold (cold cracks), cracking in GMAW is
not common but may be related to parent metal susceptibility or stress. Cracking is
considered to be a serious defect and rarely is any amount of cracking tolerated.
Hot cracks are common in materials with high co-efficients of expansion and/or which
suffer from hot shortness. Hot cracking occurs at elevated temperatures soon after
solidification. This mode of cracking is common in aluminium and stainless steel.
Cold cracking is most common in hardenable materials, particularly when cooling rates
are rapid.
Cracks may also be described depending on how, when and where they occur, eg
longitudinal, transverse, crater, centre line, hot, cold, toe and underbead. Cracks may
occur in either the parent metal, usually as fusion or HAZ cracks, or in the weld metal.
Crater cracks
These come from hot shrinkage. The crater solidifies from all sides toward the centre,
leading to a high concentration of stress at the centre. If the metal lacks ductility, or the
hollow crater cannot accommodate the shrinkage, cracking may result. Crater cracks
may, under stress, propagate from the crater and lead to failure of the weldment.
Cracking in GMA welds is not generally a major problem due to the following factors.
zz GMAW is a ‘low-hydrogen’ process.
zz Hollow craters are not usually a characteristic of GMA welds.
zz The inherent low heat input is ideal for stainless steels and other metals that are
prone to hot cracking.
Stray arcing
Stray arcing is defined as damage on the parent metal resulting from the accidental
striking of an arc away from the weld. Stray arcing is not a major problem associated
with GMAW, as the electrode is usually only live when the gun trigger is depressed.
Care should be taken that the gun is not put down with the weight resting on the
trigger and also that arcing does not occur between the job and the work return lead
Excessive spatter
Defined as the metal particles expelled onto the surface of the parent metal or weld
during welding and not forming part of the weld.
This usually occurs due to one of the following factors:
zz shielding gas or plate contaminated with moisture
zz high levels of CO2 or O2 in the shielding gas
zz excessive arc voltage in the dip transfer mode
zz welding in the globular transfer mode.
Mains power on but no trigger switch not working check − if trigger is working,
welding power wire feeder will operate,
wire feeder not connected
wire will feed
Wire feeds, but no arc work return not connected check work return
blown fuse check fuses
Wire fused to contact tip excessive arc voltage reduce arc voltage
excessive burnback time reduce burnback time
intermittent wire feed see above
GMAW equipment requires a regular inspection and maintenance schedule, such as:
zz contact tips inspected at least daily
zz liners, drive rolls and spool brake inspected weekly
zz gas and electrical connections inspected monthly.
As the name implies, the FCAW process employs an electrode which is essentially a
hollow formed steel sheath containing a core of flux. The flux-cored electrode has been
described as a ‘stick’ electrode turned inside out and made into a continuous wire.
There are two distinct types of FCAW welding.
zz Self-shielding FCAW process in which all of the shielding is provided by the
decomposition of the flux-core.
zz Gas-shielded FCAW, which uses additional shielding gas to assist or take over
the role of shielding the arc from the atmosphere.
Self-shielding wire has the advantage that it is suitable for use in windy conditions
and is therefore ideally suited to site work. Further to this, no shielding gas system is
Gas-shielded wires have the disadvantage of requiring a shielding gas system, but they
produce lower levels of fume.
of travel Thread
Current carrying
Molten slag contact tip
The flux-core also serves as a medium to introduce deoxidants and other alloying
elements into the weld. The flux is low in hydrogen and the process is therefore
suitable for welding hardenable steels and other carbon and low alloy steels.
Due to the limitations of the manufacturing technology available at the time, early
flux-cored wires were produced by applying the flux to a strip of metal and then forming
it into a tube. Wires smaller than about 2 mm to 2.4 mm diameter could not easily be
produced by this method. This meant that when low welding currents were required,
the current density in the wire was relatively low and the metal transfer across the arc
was relatively coarse and rough.
Currently, flux-cored wires are produced in a number of configurations designed to
improve burn-off, as shown in Fig 16.30. They are also being manufactured by filling a
tube with flux and drawing the wire to produce a seamless electrode in sizes down to
0.9 mm diameter. This is a major advantage in that even though welding current used
may be low, the current density is high enough to ensure ideal transfer characteristics
across the range.
Steel sheath
Tubular IP
electrode electrode
Deposition rate
Compared with manual metal arc electrodes, the deposition rate is very high.
Slag detachability
Providing that the operating conditions are correct, the slag is virtually self-detaching.
In a deep groove, the slag is removed easily when the weld has cooled.
Providing the operating conditions are correct, the weld appearance is bright and neatly
rippled with a good ‘wash’ into the parent metal at the toes. Fillet welds tend to be mitre
or slightly concave rather than convex.
Weld quality
The weld deposit is low in hydrogen content and has good mechanical properties.
Sound radiographic quality welds can be achieved.
Low spatter
Assuming the correct operating conditions have been selected, spatter should be
Because of its high deposition and high penetration characteristics, gas shielded
FCAW is often compared with submerged arc welding, which can offer similar
advantages. With the FCAW process, however, the operator can see the arc and be in
a position to allow for variations in the joint fit-up.
Operator fatigue
With the smaller diameter of all positional wires, operator fatigue is no greater than
that experienced with GMAW. However, when used as a high deposition process, the
welding gun and cables must be robust enough to withstand the heat generated and
are usually rather heavy. This, together with the hot conditions, makes operator fatigue
a significant factor. This problem can be overcome by mechanising the process.
Many FCAW wires (particularly self-shielding wires) emit a substantial volume of fumes
that can add to the discomfort of the welder. Special precautions may be required to
eliminate these fumes, such as the use of fume extractor nozzles fitted to the gun. In
confined spaces, fume extraction units will be needed to remove fumes from the work
area into filter banks or outside the workshop.
The equipment required is essentially the same as that used for GMAW, however the
component parts may be heavier duty. Electrode positive is generally required for gas
assisted wires, whilst most of the self-shielding wires use electrode negative.
A constant voltage DC power source is generally used, however there are some newer
wire feeders that incorporate a wire feed rate compensating circuit. These will operate
successfully on constant current power supplies.
The wire feed unit used for GMAW can usually be adapted for FCAW. The wire reel
holder may need to be changed to carry the spool of flux-core wire, which is usually
supplied in 30 kg reels. The wire drive rolls may be serrated or have a 15° vee groove.
Care must be taken to minimise the pressure on the feed rolls so that the wire is not
squeezed out of round.
The welding torch is the preferred pistol type where the wire is kept straight as it
passes through the torch. Goose-necked torches with a small radius bend tend to
create a ‘drag’ on the wire, thus giving rise to wire feed problems.
Because of the high amperages employed, heat radiation is intense and therefore the
welding torch is sometimes fitted with a heat shield at the handle.
Power Contactor
cable leads
Goose neck
Gas line
Water lines
Gas line
The welding cable and return lead must be of sufficient size to carry the high currents
without overheating.
Electrode stick-out
Recommended stick-out lengths must be adhered to; they tend to be greater than the
stick-out lengths used with GMAW. Stick-out is the length of the wire from the end of
the contact tip to the surface of the work piece. A shorter stick-out could result in a
poorly shaped weld, due to an increase in amps and a decrease in voltage. A longer
stick-out could give rise to excessive spatter and porosity in the weld due to poor gas-
shielding when using gas-shielded wires.
Direction of travel
The direction of travel (whether pushing the torch or dragging it) is usually a matter of
personal preference on the part of the operator. However, where the work is to be of a
particularly high quality, the backhand or drag method is regarded as superior.
2° to 15°
of travel
As already mentioned, it is preferable to push the arc with gas-assisted wires and most
self-shielded wires should be dragged (although not always essential). Fig 16.33 shows
the recommended angle of the torch in relation to the direction of travel.
In the flat position, the torch is angled at 90° to the plate (Fig 16.34).
Self-shielding FCAW
This is probably best regarded as a semi-automatic version of the MMAW process.
Like MMAW, the flux-cored wire generates sufficient vaporised gases around the arc to
completely protect the arc from the atmosphere.
Electrode stick-out
For all-positional self-shielding electrode wires, the recommended electrode stick-out
is usually 18–20 mm. If with these wires no gas nozzle is used, the electrode stick-out
is visible from the contact tip to the work (Fig 16.36). Even though no gas-shielding is
employed, a nozzle is commonly used to give the operator the feel of ‘normal’ electrical
stick-out. When no nozzle is used, the tendency is for the operator to reduce the
stick-out so as to provide the visible stick-out that the operator is used to (Fig 16.35).
Some self-shielding electrode wires are designed to give high deposition rates in the
downhand positions by employing long electrical stick-out (Fig 16.36).
A long electrical stick-out is used to increase the deposition rate by pre-heating the wire
before it is melted at the arc. The recommended electrical stick-out varies, depending
on the type and size of wire. The wire manufacturer’s recommendations should be
observed. To assist the operator in maintaining the correct electrical stick-out for these
wires, the welding gun can be fitted with a nozzle incorporating an insulated extension
guide tube
extension guide
Electrode Visible
Electrode angles
When welding with self-shielding flux-cored wires, the electrode angles are much the
same as for MMAW electrodes, as shown in Fig 16.37.
Drag angle
Vertical welding
Most all-positional self-shielding wires can be used vertical-down or vertical-up.
Vertical-down is usually preferred for welds in thinner sections, or for the first pass in a
butt weld. The gun is tilted to a drag angle of 10–15° from the horizontal so that the arc
force helps hold the molten metal in the joint (Fig 16.39).
Direction of travel
Techniques for welding vertical-upwards are the same as for low hydrogen MMAW
electrodes. Vertical-up welding is recommended for welds in thick sections. The first
pass in a vertical-up fillet or butt is best made using a triangular weave technique and
subsequent passes are made with a side-to-side weave.
Whereas all solid wires for GMAW run on direct current electrode positive DC +ve,
some flux-cored wires are designed to run on negative polarity.
Arc voltage
If the other variables are held constant, arc voltage variations have the following effect.
zz Higher arc voltage gives a wider and flatter bead shape.
zz Excessive arc voltage can cause porosity.
zz Low voltage causes a convex, ropey bead shape.
zz Extremely low voltage will cause the electrode wire to stub on the parent metal.
zz The arc voltage should be set according to the wire manufacturer’s
recommendations and, if necessary, be fine-tuned to give the desired bead
As the current (WFS) is increased or decreased, the arc voltage must be increased
or decreased to maintain the proper bead shape. The correct current range should be
obtained from the wire manufacturer’s tables.
Electrode stick-out
If the other variables are held constant, variations in stick-out have the following effects.
zz Increasing stick-out decreases the welding current.
zz Decreasing stick-out increases the welding current.
zz With self-shielding wires, the stick-out can be increased to reduce the
penetration, thereby allowing poor fit-ups to be bridged.
zz Decreasing stick-out can lead to spatter build-up on the contact tip or overheating
of the contact tip.
Cracks may be described depending on how, when and where they occur, eg
longitudinal, transverse, crater, centre line, hot, cold, toe and underbead. Cracks may
occur in either the parent metal, usually as fusion or HAZ cracks, or in the weld metal.
Cracking is considered to be a serious weld fault and rarely is any amount of cracking
Crater cracks occur when the weld solidifies from all sides toward the centre, leading to
a high concentration of stress at the centre of the crater. If the metal lacks ductility, or
the hollow crater cannot accommodate the shrinkage, cracking may result. Crater cracks
may, under stress, propagate from the crater and lead to failure of the weld.
Cracking in FCAW welds on mild steel is not generally a major problem.
Porosity in FCAW welds may be the result of welding on a parent metal that is
susceptible, such as steel that contains high amounts of dissolved gases or sulphur.
Porosity may also be caused by welding on dirty material or material contaminated with
moisture, oil, paint or grease. The electrode may have been contaminated, or too much
voltage or current has been used. The shielding gas may not be the correct type to suit
the wire. The gas flow may be set incorrectly or be affected by wind, or too long an arc
length may have been used.
Excessive penetration
Excess weld metal protruding through the root of a butt weld may occur in FCAW
because of incorrect joint preparation, wrong electrode choice, excessive amperage or
incorrect variables.
Contour defects
Contour defects may be in the form of insufficient or excessive leg size, overroll or
overlap, excessive convexity or excessive concavity of the bead, or simply rough,
uneven appearance.
These are mainly caused by the operator, but using the correct electrode, voltage,
amperage, travel speed and electrode angle adjustments may fix many of these
Undercut in FCAW is defined as a groove or channel in the parent metal, occurring
continuously or intermittently along the toes or edge of a weld.
Undercut is a common problem in FCAW and may be caused by excessive voltage or
amperage, too long an arc length, wrong electrode angles, or wrong travel rate.
Excessive spatter
Spatter is a normal part of welding and FCAW does not normally produce excessive
Stray arcing
Defined as damage to the parent metal resulting from the accidental striking of an arc
away from the weld.
Even though stray arcing is not usually a major problem associated with the FCAW of
mild steel, it is good practice to take precautions against accidental arc of the electrode
anywhere other than in the weld zone.
Stray arcing can lead to serious weld failure in a material that is crack sensitive, or that
is going to be put into a stressed situation.
Given the efficiency and advantages of other modern welding processes, there would
be few welding applications for which the oxy-acetylene flame is considered to be the
most efficient production process. The gas welding process is characterised by low
heat input, with slow travel speeds and high heat transfer into the parent metal.
However, a competent operator can use the gas welding processes to fuse weld or
repair nearly any material. The gas welding process remains as an occasional back-up
process for situations where other processes are not available, or where portability of
other equipment is a problem.
In the maintenance industries (and for the occasional welding of thin materials and the
welding of small bore pipe), the oxy-acetylene fusion welding process is still a viable
alternative to some other welding processes.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Oxy-fuel gas welding (OFGW) principles
{{ oxygen
{{ acetylene
{{ gases – oxy-acetylene
zz Oxy-welding techniques
{{ braze welding
{{ bronze
{{ galvanised iron
{{ silver brazing.
• flux-free fusion welding of plain carbon and alloy steel
• fusion welds of pure aluminium and some alloys (flux required)
• fusion welds of some stainless steels (flux required)
• fusion welds of copper and copper based alloys (flux required)
• fusion welds of other metals (requires great skill)
• general repairs
• braze or bronze welding (not fusion welds)
• silver soldering.
• equipment set up is simple
• equipment is readily available and portable
• wide range of applications
• cheap consumables
• low skill level required.
• large HAZ (distortion)
• slow output
• more suitable processes are available.
Oxygen is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas. Oxygen itself does not burn, but
supports combustion. Oxygen is used in welding to make the fuel gases used burn
Chemical symbol 02
Can be liquified at -183 °C
Gas at 150 °C and 100 kPa 1.337 kg/m3
Liquid at B.pt 1.141 kg/L
Oxygen production
Oxygen is distilled from the air around us. Air consists of one-fifth oxygen, the
remainder being mainly nitrogen, with some carbon dioxide, water vapour and traces of
other rare gases.
The air is compressed in stages. Between each compression stage, the heat generated
is extracted in coolers, resulting in a fall in temperature of the air. The air is compressed
and super cooled until it liquifies.
The liquid air is then distilled (nitrogen allowed to boil off) to separate the nitrogen from
the oxygen. Nitrogen forms as a vapour, at the top of the distillation tower. The oxygen,
still in liquid form, collects at the base of the tower.
This oxygen is virtually pure and is drawn off and contained under pressure in large
storage vessels. The oxygen is then distributed either in cylinders as a compressed
gas, or in insulated containers in liquid form.
Oxygen cylinders
An oxygen cylinder is a hollow container of sufficient wall thickness and strength to
withstand much more than the filling pressure (safety factor). Into this container a
cylinder valve is screwed, to which a regulator may be attached.
Oxygen gas is compressed and forced into the cylinder to produce a pressure to a
maximum of 17 500 kPa at 15 °C. One size of cylinder (G) commonly used will hold in
excess of 8.9 m3 (8900 L) of gas under pressure, but if water was to be poured into it
when empty it would hold only 47 litres. It will be seen that oxygen when compressed
will occupy much less space than it does at normal atmospheric pressure. It is
squeezed into the cylinder and reduced in volume approximately 140 times. Oxygen
cylinders are therefore very dangerous and are fitted with bursting discs that are
designed to vent off any excessive increases in cylinder pressure.
Acetylene is composed of carbon and hydrogen (C2H2). Acetylene is a colourless gas
with a distinctive odour and is readily soluble in acetone. It is a popular fuel gas for
cutting and welding as it produces a hotter flame than any other fuel gas.
Chemical symbol C2 H2
Density at 0 °C and 1 atm 1.1709 kg/m3
300:1 by volume
Solubility of acetylene in acetone
175 kPa gauge
Acetylene burns in air with a yellow hot and smoky flame. The ignition temperature of
acetylene (335 °C) is much lower than the majority of fuel gases.
Acetylene, when mixed with air, has a very wide flammable and explosive range, from
about 3% acetylene and 97% air to 81% acetylene and 19% air. When submitted to
a pressure exceeding 175 kPa, acetylene becomes unstable; if subjected to a slight
shock, friction or heat, it is likely to explode with great violence. Consequently, the
maximum safe working pressure for acetylene is 150 kPa.
Acetylene production
In contrast to oxygen production, impure acetylene is relatively easy to make but
because of its unstable nature stringent safety precautions must be maintained.
Acetylene gas is produced by feeding solid calcium carbide into water; acetylene is
given off as a gas and the slaked slime remains with the water to form a sludge.
Ca C2 + 2H2O = C2 H2 + Ca (OH) 2
Calcium carbide + water = acetylene + slaked lime.
The acetylene gas given off is washed in water, purified, dried and passed onto the
acetylene compressor.
A characteristic of acetylene is its effect on copper. When acetylene and copper come
into contact, a highly explosive compound (copper acetylide) is formed on the surface
of the copper. This compound may cause an explosion if subjected to heat, friction or a
sharp blow. For this reason, copper tubing should never be used to join welding hoses
– use approved type joiners only.
Acetylene cylinders
An acetylene cylinder is rather different from an oxygen cylinder; the cylinder is not
hollow because acetylene is extremely unstable when compressed in a free area. The
cylinder is filled with a porous material saturated with liquid acetone. Whilst the porous
mass is used to break up the area inside the cylinder into a great number of very fine
holes capable of absorbing the acetone in a similar manner to a sponge absorbing
water, use is made of the established fact that acetone is soluble and acetylene gas
can be absorbed into this liquid. The presence of the porous mass prevents large gas
areas forming and limits any possible explosion to the size of the microscopic pore.
Gases – oxy-acetylene
Oxygen and fuel gas combined
At the end of the nineteenth century, a discovery was made which was to have a big
effect on the metal fabrication industry in general. The flame produced by burning
acetylene with oxygen was hotter than any previously known. The flame was quickly
adapted to heat and weld metal.
Today, the system is in wide use where welding and cutting operations use oxygen and
acetylene or other fuel gases in a great variety of equipment.
Table 17.1 sets out the flame temperatures of various fuel gases. From this it can be
seen that acetylene is the hottest of all flames in commercial use.
Oxy-acetylene flames
Characteristics of the oxy-acetylene flame
Oxygen and acetylene blowpipes utilise the Bunsen burner principle of mixing gases
together before they reach the point at which combustion is to take place. This prior
mixing of the gases produces a much hotter and shorter flame than when fuel gases
are simply allowed to flow out into the air and burn.
For example, acetylene when pre-mixed and burnt with pure oxygen produces the
highest temperature gas flame known to man that is safe and convenient for welding.
Theoretically, it requires two volumes of oxygen to burn one volume of acetylene, but
the blowpipe is designed to only supply the oxygen necessary to form the luminous or
incandescent cone for which the volume is 1:1. When the flame is adjusted to neutral
(see Fig 17.2) – the extra volumes of oxygen are obtained from the atmosphere.
Flame adjustment
Three types of flame adjustment can be obtained when using the oxy-acetylene gas
welding plant:
1. neutral
2. carburising
3. oxidising.
It is essential that the operator learns to recognise the three types of flame, because
incorrect flame setting could lead to weld problems or failure of the weld.
Neutral flame
A neutral flame is produced when acetylene and oxygen burn in the proper proportions,
ie equal volumes. It is made up of a distinct and clearly defined incandescent cone or
jet, surrounded by a faint secondary flame or envelope. The length of the inner cone
should be between three to five times its own width. The flame desired is what may
be termed as a gentle or soft flame, not a harsh flame. A harsh flame increases the
agitation of the molten metal and causes metal to be forced over unfused areas.
Inner envelope
Carburising flame
This flame is produced when there is an excess of acetylene and can be readily
recognised by a luminous intermediate cone or ‘feather’ around the inner cone; caused
by unburnt particles of carbon that are burnt and disappear as they reach the outer
edge of the feather.
The carburising flame has an excess of carbon and will add carbon to the surface of
the material. It is also sometimes referred to as a ‘reducing flame’. A reducing flame is
one that, because of its need for oxygen, will reduce oxides such as iron oxide.
The temperature of the carburising flame is lower than that of the neutral flame. It
causes mild steel to seemingly sweat or look greasy. This is brought about by the
unburnt particles of carbon in the flame reacting on the steel’s surface and lowering the
melting point of the steel before it melts to any depth.
Outer envelope
Inner feather
Excess of acetylene
Oxidising flame
This flame is produced when there is an excess of oxygen in the flame and is so
named because of its oxidising effect on the molten metal. The effect of too much
oxygen is to decrease the length and width of the outer envelope and to shorten the
inner core.
An oxidising flame is very harmful in certain welding applications, such as in the
welding of mild steel, aluminium and stainless steels.
When welding mild steel, excess oxygen can be detected by the intense sparking of
the melted metal and the appearance of a whitish scum.
Outer envelope
Excess oxygen
Oxy-welding techniques
Forehand welding technique
The definition of forehand welding is welding with the blowpipe flame pointing in
the direction in which the weld progresses, ie towards the unfilled seam, where the
blowpipe follows the filler rod (see Fig 17.5).
Filler wire
Direction of travel
This technique is the most commonly used for mild steel and alloy steels on butt weld
and fillet weld joints, flanged edges, unbevelled plates up to 3 mm and bevelled plates
up to 5 mm. It is also the technique adopted for cast iron and non-ferrous metals.
Direction of travel
Tip sizes
Welding tip sizes are designated in tenths of a mm, ie:
zz size 8 = 8/10 = 0.8 mm
zz size 20 = 2 mm.
8 1.6 0.8 mm 50 50
8–10 1.6 1.6 mm 50 50
10–12 1.6 2.4 mm 50 50
12–15 2.4 3 mm 50 50
These pressures apply only to equal pressure blowpipes, when you can adjust
both regulators.
Filler rods
Filler rods are available to enable oxy-acetylene fusion welding of a wide range of
materials and these are identified by colour codes or markings in accordance with
the AS 1167.2 Fusion Filler wire code, which contains details of filler specifications in
various tables as shown in the examples that follow.
For example, a steel wire would be shown in AS1167 part 2 in Table 3 as RG and an
alloy steel wire as R1.
Tack weld
Plates level
Offset plates to after
allow for welding
Joint gap (refer Table 17.4) sets out the correct edge preparation and accompanying
joint gap for forehand welding in the flat position.
60 - 90
4.0 2.5
5.0 3.0
Table 17.4 should be used as a starting point, but minor adjustments can be made
to allow for expansion and contraction forces produced during welding. However,
depending on the type and grade of material, thickness and length of weld, the
allowance may vary and only by using experience can the operator decide the most
suitable joint set-up.
A sound weld is produced by the correct employment of such factors as flame setting,
flame control, tip angle, filler rod angle and feed. The operator should choose a
comfortable position and, as the result of experience through practice, be able to
coordinate and control all factors to produce consistently good welds. Welding should
take place with the operator welding across the face of the body. In case of a
right-handed person, from right to left.
1. The flame – The inner core is brought to within 2 mm of the metal surface and
directed at a point to melt the metal and form a molten pool. The flame is kept in
a direct line of the weld joint, maintaining recommended angles – Fig 17.8.
2. The molten pool – Should extend from the top surface of the plate through to the
underside edges of the seam. Welding takes place when the two molten faces
fuse, the forward movement of the blowpipe makes this a continuous process.
3. The filler rod is held in the outer envelope to raise and keep it at a welding
temperature. For the correct angle see Fig 17.8.
Care should be taken to keep the end of the filler rod within the envelope to restrict
the formation of oxides that would be detrimental to the weld.
Welding tip
Filler rod
Direction of travel
Operator control
Accurate control of the welding rod requires great operator skill. The filler metal should
be deposited at an even rate to form a sound joint with adequate weld reinforcement.
Operator control is also needed to prevent the rod from sticking. If the rod should stick
to the parent metal, simply melt it loose using the welding flame.
When the weld is completed, or in the case of an intermediate stop, the molten pool
should be allowed to slowly solidify inside the flame envelope so that oxides are not
formed and gases are not trapped within the weld.
Forehand technique
Pipe welds using the forehand technique are started at the bottom or ‘6 o’clock’ position
and welded upwards to the top or ‘12 o’clock’ position. The welding flame points towards
the direction of welding with the filler rod leading the blowpipe (see Fig 17.9).
Direction of travel
Bevel beginning
to melt Torch
Filler rod weld
Backhand technique
The backhand technique is illustrated in Fig 17.10. It involves the welding of pipe from
top to bottom, when the pipe is in the fixed horizontal position. The flame is directed back
into the molten pool and the rod is held behind the welding flame.
Direction of travel
Finished Torch
Movement of
Molten eye flame
in a small circle
Backhand is faster than the forehand technique. The flame is directed into the root
opening, until both pipe edges are melted to form a molten eye, or ‘key hole’. As the
molten eye forms, the rod is moved towards the forward edge of the pool.
General notes
As gas welding is slower than other processes, it allows more time for change of
operator position when welding small bore pipes. Welds are normally sound and no
grinding or slag removal is required on completion.
Normalising of mild steel is often required. The slow process tends to promote heat
transfer into the parent metal, which causes slow cooling and a relatively coarse grain
structure. Any post-weld heat treatment should be carried out strictly in accordance
with the specifications for the material.
Trade terms
There are four terms used in the oxy-acetylene welding trade that are frequently
confused. The terms must be understood and correctly used at all times. These are:
zz braze welding
zz brazing
zz bronze welding
zz bronze surfacing.
Braze welding
The joining of metals using a technique similar to fusion welding (fillet weld external to
parts to be joined or butt weld that extends to cover the surface). The parent metal is
not melted and the low temperature filler material bonds to the grain structure from the
surface only, but without melting the parent metal (see Fig 17.11).
Filler material
A process of joining metals in which, during or after heating the parent material,
molten filler metal is drawn by capillary attraction into the space between closely
adjacent surfaces of the parts to be joined. In general, the melting point of the filler
metal is above 500 °C, but always below the melting temperature of the parent metal
(see Fig 17.12).
0.05–0.25 mm
Filler material
Bronze welding
A form of braze welding in which copper-rich filler metal is used.
Bronze surfacing
The deposition of bronze filler metal over an area of a metal surface, to impart certain
wear resistant properties or build-up of worn parts.
These processes may seem similar in their low temperatures required and in the
method of bonding, however there are differences in the filler material, joint design
and flame type required.
Bronze welding
– braze welding
temperature above 500 °C below parent metal melt point below parent metal melt point
filler material type copper/zinc alloy copper/silver alloy
joint design required weld build-up capillary type
bonding method intergranular intergranular
(filler to metal)
flux type (borax base) bronze GP silver solder GP
flame type required neutral – slightly oxidising neutral –
slightly carburising
Intergranular penetration
The molten filler metal permeates into the parent metal, around the grains and ‘hooks’
itself in the parent metal. For this reason, the parent metal must be hot (but not molten)
to expand the gaps in the grain. A flux is used to clean out the gaps and help the filler
metal to flow between the grains.
Capillary attraction
This is the final term requiring definition. It describes where molten filler metal flows
between closely fitted surfaces of a joint, which will even occur against the pull of
zz much faster than fusion welding
zz lower heat input will not destroy the properties of the parent metal
zz resultant weld is ductile.
Bronze welding is not to be used in the following instances:
zz on joints under stress, as tensile strength of the joint is lower than that of the
parent metal
zz in conditions where the operating temperature is above 260 °C, as bronze loses
strength rapidly at elevated temperatures
zz when the joint comes in contact with ammonia gas
zz when a colour match with the parent metal is required.
As can be seen from the previous chart, extra care must be taken to prevent the zinc
from vaporising (becoming a gas). Zinc forms an oxide, from atmospheric oxygen,
which is poisonous. On mild steel, only the zinc in the bronze filler can vaporise; with
galvanised iron, the zinc coating can also vaporise. By using the correct flame (slightly
oxidising), this problem can be minimised; but for all braze welding, the operator must
avoid breathing the fumes given off.
This can be achieved by:
zz using a fume extractor (exhaust fan)
zz wearing a personal respirator
zz working in the open air or near a draught (open the doors and windows in the
Preparation of materials
The surface of parts to be joined must be absolutely clean, mechanical cleaning and a
corrosive flux being required for most applications.
The base metal must be ‘tinned’ before depositing the bulk of the filler material.
Galvanised iron
It is not necessary to grind off the zinc coating, but a light rub over the joint surfaces
with emery cloth will remove any grease or oxides prior to joining.
Filler material
A range of filler material is available for various applications. Examples are given from
the BOC Gases range.
Tobin Bronze A low cost copper zinc alloy for fusion weld of brass and bronze.
Manganese Bronze 411 A free-flowing manganese bronze from producing high bond
Blue Tip strength on steel and cast iron.
Nickel Bronze 904 Produces maximum bond strength in braze welds on steel and
Imperial Brown cast iron. Has excellent hardness and wear-resistant properties.
Some of these above examples are also available in a pre flux-coated rod.
Filler material is manufactured in a range of rod diameters to suit various applications.
In general, a flux should be used to remove any contamination from the surface
(oxides) and to help to protect the surface from the effects of the atmosphere. Most
fluxes are slightly acidic and will etch the surface of the material when heated. Fluxes
may be based on resins, borax, sodium or fluorides. There is a particular flux blend to
suit each application.
General purpose flux Braze welding of mild steel and galvanised iron.
Tip size
Generally, a tip one size smaller than would be appropriate for a similar joint, if fusion
welding were employed, is used for braze welding.
Flame setting
The flame adjustment for braze (bronze) welding is slightly oxidising; this creates an
oxide film over the puddle and prevents the zinc from dissipating (fuming).
fillet If flux is correctly applied
the braze will flow between
the plates
Reinforced pieces
for pipe
With the joint edges properly prepared and the equipment set up correctly, the surface
is brought to the correct temperature; this will generally be a dull red colour. The correct
temperature can be ascertained from the fact that if too cold, the filler material will
tend to ‘ball up’ on the surface and not flow out or ‘tin’. Overheating will cause the filler
material to boil, characterised by a spitting and popping sound; zinc fumes will be given
off in large amounts and black, oxidised areas may appear in the weld.
The forehand technique is generally employed, as the backhand method usually results
in overheating. The inner cone should be maintained at approximately 6 mm from the
surface of the metal and the tip and the filler rod should be held at 45° to the surface.
If an uncoated rod is being used, this must be heated and dipped into the flux; some
flux will then adhere to the rod and be introduced to the joint. This procedure is
repeated as the fluxed rod is consumed.
Welding tip
Fluxed filler rod
45° 45°
As an alternative, flux powder may be mixed with water to form a paste, this being
painted on the surface of the joint prior to welding.
Flux removal
On completion of the weld, the weld area will be coated with flux residue, a hard glassy
substance; this must be removed by mechanical methods or acid pickling to prevent
any corrosion when the part is put into service.
Silver brazing
A process of joining metals in which, during or after heating, molten filler metal is drawn
by capillary action into the space between closely adjacent surfaces of the parts to
be joined. In general, the melting point of the filler metal is above 500 °C, but always
below the melting point of the parent metal.
The process involves using an alloy filler rod consisting largely of silver and copper,
with additions of other elements. The materials that can be silver brazed include nickel,
monel, nickel-silver, copper, brass, bronze, stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel and
tungsten carbide tool tips.
The process
Silver brazing is extremely easy if a few basic rules are strictly observed. Successful
brazing depends upon:
zz joint design
zz choice of brazing alloy
zz preparation of surfaces
zz technique.
Joint design
Joints must allow for sufficient surface areas to be in close contact – large gaps do not
allow capillary action to take place. Generally, a gap of 0.05 to 0.03 mm is required.
Some of the more common joints are shown in Fig 17.16.
Group 1 SBA
These are used primarily for the brazing of copper to copper, without flux. They should
be used with flux on copper alloys. They should not be used on ferrous or nickel-base
alloys, as this forms nickel-phosphide, causing severe embrittlement of the weld. These
alloys contain silver-copper-phosphorous.
Group 2 SBA
This group is the most commonly used alloy in industry for the low temperature brazing
of all ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This group should not be used on food handling
equipment, however, particularly where the equipment is subject to high temperature.
The alloys in this group contain silver-copper-cadmium-zinc.
AS/NZS 1167.1-A8 contains 50% silver and 4% nickel. It has been specially
developed for brazing tungsten carbide tool tips. An example is BOC Gases’
ProSilver 494.
Group 3 SBA
These are used for intermediate temperature brazing of all metals and are particularly
useful in the silversmith’s trade. These should be used in the food handling industry.
These alloys are cadmium-free; they contain silver-copper-zinc.
Group 4 SBA
These are used on vacuum units and where high electrical conductivity is necessary.
They are best used on copper, but may also be used on stainless steel, copper alloys
and nickel alloys.
These alloys contain very high proportions of silver (for electrical conductivity), the rest
being copper.
The silver brazing alloys (Table 17.6) for selecting silver brazing alloys has been
included for future reference. Welders need to select the SBA carefully.
AS/NZS 1167.1
AS/NZS 1167.1
AS/NZS 1167.1
The fluxes used can also generate dangerous or toxic fumes when heated. Avoid
breathing any fumes at all, always use correct fume extraction methods or proper
ventilation procedures.
Most of the fluxes that are use in oxy-acetylene welding operations are based on
borax, fluorides, or other caustic materials. Avoid contamination of the hands by using
gloves or applying flux with disposable items. After using any flux, always wash your
hands thoroughly before eating.
The principles of submerged arc and electro-slag welding processes are similar, to
the extent that they are ideally suited to joints in very heavy materials. Both processes
make use of a continuously fed filler wire and a granular flux. Deposition rates are high
and weld quality is excellent, providing very economical welded joints.
The basic difference between the two processes is that submerged arc is applied to
joints in the flat position and electro-slag to joints in the vertical position.
In this chapter we will look at the following.
zz Submerged arc welding principles
{{ the effect of welding variables
{{ submerged arc welding consumables classification
{{ process requirements
zz Electro-slag welding.
Molten flux
From flux Direction of travel
Slag Electrode hopper
flux blanket
The process
The process is particularly suited to welding heavy plate and up to 75 mm thick plate
can been welded in one pass. With smaller filler rod and low amperages, SAW can be
used successfully on material as light as 2.6 mm. High welding currents can be used
on heavy sections and in some cases this can be as high as 4000 amps. This allows
faster weld deposits to be made with very deep penetration.
Plates up to 12.5 mm thick can be welded without edge preparation. On thicker plate,
a relatively small narrow preparation is used, permitting the use of smaller amounts of
deposited metal.
Process advantages
The SAW process is capable of high productivity rates, because of its automatically
fed filler wire and subsequent high deposition rate. The process also has a high duty
cycle because of its easily mechanised nature. Welds completed by the submerged arc
welding process typically have controlled penetration or are deep penetrating in nature.
Deposited welds display uniform bead width and height with no spatter and are thus
high quality in appearance. Welds produced by the process have good mechanical
Welding operators like the process because it is mechanised and thus requires less
effort than other processes. The arc is hidden, low levels of radiation and fumes are
emitted and the slag is easy to remove. Additionally, the flux blanket prevents any rapid
escape of heat and the submerged arc welding process produces less distortion than
some of the other weld processes.
Multiple electrodes can be used (ie tandem or twin arcs) and thick materials can be
welded with less passes and less filler metal being required than with other processes.
Small preparations only are required on thin materials.
Process limitations
The major limitations of SAW are the high initial cost of equipment and the inability of
the process to cope with positional welding and poor fit-up or dirty joints.
There is a limited selection of consumables; almost exclusively mild and low alloy high
strength steels.
The high heat input and slow cooling cycle of submerged arc welding can be a problem
when fine grained welds are required, or when welding quenched and tempered steels.
The heat input limitations of the Q and T steel must be strictly adhered to when using
SAW. This may require the making of multi-pass welds, where a single-pass weld
would be acceptable in mild steel. In some cases, the economics may be reduced to
the point where flux-cored arc welding or some other process should be considered.
In semi-automatic submerged arc welding, the inability to see the arc and puddle can
be a disadvantage in reaching the root of a groove weld and properly filling or sizing.
Seam tracking can also be a problem and the operator can only see the completed
weld once all the slag and unused flux is removed from the surface.
Flux hopper
Handheld gun Wire reel
wire Wire feeder
Power source
Control system
Electrode lead
Direction of travel
Work lead
Base metal Auto-torch
Power source
The power source for submerged arc welding can be either constant voltage or
constant current type. Constant voltage is often used with small wire sizes, where the
self-adjusting arc properties are most useful. Constant current type power sources are
generally used on larger wires and these require feedback circuits that change the wire
feed rate to compensate for any arc length or wire burn off variations.
Machines can be either generator, inverter or transformer rectifier power sources. The
rectifier type machines are the most common and modern versions are efficient and
quiet. The machines range in capacity from 300–1500 amperes and must be rated for a
100% duty cycle; they may also be connected in parallel to provide extra power for high
current applications. Both AC or DC current can be used. Multiple electrode systems
require specialised types of circuits, especially when AC is employed.
Photograph reproduced with permission of Lincoln Electric Co. (Aust) Pty Ltd
Photograph reproduced with permission of Lincoln Electric Co. (Aust) Pty Ltd
Arc voltage
As the arc voltage is reduced, the tip of the welding wires will operate at a lower height
level, giving a narrower weld with deeper penetration than a higher arc voltage would
give under the same current and speed condition. With high arc voltage, the wire tip
operates at a higher height level, allowing the metal to spread out and giving a wider
weld with less penetration. It also allows the fusing of slightly more flux than in the
former case.
An extremely low arc voltage for a given current setting, with the tip of the welding
wire operating at a lower level (which could be well below the surface of plate in
a narrow vee preparation), will cause the molten deposited metal to be forced up
around the sides and the rear of the crater. The resultant bead will be rough, irregular,
comparatively high and narrow, with visible gas holes sometimes occurring in the
crater. With an excessively high arc voltage under the same current conditions, the
tip of the welding wire being rather high above the plate surface will mean that the
covering flux will tend to extinguish the arc. The resultant bead will again tend to be
rough and irregular, but in this case comparatively flat and wide.
Volts 26 33 26 30
speed 1000 700 400
The electrical stick-out must be set correctly, because this will affect arc voltage and
welding current. On a constant voltage power source, any increase in stick-out will
produce a voltage rise and therefore require the power source to reduce amperage to
Submerged arc welding flux shields the arc, and the molten weld metal, from the
harmful effect of atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen. The flux contains deoxidisers and
scavengers, which help to remove impurities from the molten weld metal. The welding
flux also provides a means of introducing alloys into the weld metal. As this molten flux
cools to a glassy slag, it forms a covering that protects the surface of the weld.
The non-melted portion of the flux does not change its form, its properties are not
affected, and it can be recovered and reused. The flux that does melt and forms the
slag covering must be removed from the weld bead. This is easily done after the weld
has cooled and in many cases will actually peel without requiring special effort for
removal. In groove welds, the solidified slag may have to be removed by a chipping
Fluxes are available in various types similar to MMAW; namely rutile, acid, or basic
type fluxes (hydrogen-controlled). These fluxes are formulated for specific applications
and for specific types of weld deposits. Because a large part of the flux can interact
with the molten weld pool, another method is often used to differentiate between
various types of submerged arc fluxes. A neutral flux has no effect on the finished weld,
in spite of any variable change.
Active fluxes contain elements such as manganese and/or silicon and these can be
picked up in the arc and thus contribute to the weld metal properties. The flux/wire
combination must be carefully selected and is often critical in predicting weld metal
properties. Submerged arc welding fluxes are also available in different particle sizes
and methods of manufacturing.
Vertical displacement
When circumference welds are carried out, the molten weld pool must be kept as near
to the flat position as possible while it solidifies. Some allowance can therefore be
made to deposit the weld before the flat position, to allow liquid weld to cool and solidify
as it travels though the ideal position. Too much lead distance may allow flux loss and
the weld will tend to run back onto itself before the cylinder turns to the ideal position.
Not enough lead distance may allow the molten weld insufficient time to freeze before
the weld goes through the ideal position and the flux spills off.
The best lead angle should be determined by trial runs.
Group 1 (EL12K)
The first group of letters relates to the filler material and denotes a solid electrode and
E = electrode
L = little or no increase in manganese (H = high manganese silicon,
M = moderate manganese silicon)
12 = 0.12% carbon, 8, 12, 13, 14 (a number indicating % carbon)
K = killed (double de-oxidised).
Group 2 (FMM)
The second group relates to the shielding medium used and consists of F for flux shield
and then two letters that indicate the type of flux and contribution to weld metal:
F = flux shield
M = multi run (S = single run, B = basic flux, G = general flux)
M = moderate increase in manganese, (L = little or no increase, H = high
Group 3
The third group relates to the weld deposit and involves a letter W followed by a
three-digit number. W stands for weld metal. The following two digits refer to the
minimum strength of the deposited weld, which is measured in megapascals. The
third digit refers to the minimum impact value:
W = weld metal properties
50 = 500 MPa strength
3 = degree of impact test.
Process requirements
The successful application of the process of submerged arc welding depends on the
zz Welding conditions and preparation to suit the work.
Correct voltage, welding current and travel rate create the necessary bead
width, weld contour and penetration. The joint often contains more of the base
metal (from 50 to 70%) than applied filler metal, hence the composition of the
base metal plays an important part in this process. Base metal composition and
thickness go hand-in-hand in determining the mechanical properties of the joint.
zz Correct selection of welding wire and flux combination to suit the base
metal to be welded.
The wire and its manganese contribution, combined with flux manganese and
alloy contribution, should be matched to the parent metal and expected weld
metal properties. The depth of flux covering applied should be no greater than is
required to obtain a quiet action and an absence of porosity in the finished weld.
If too deep a layer is used, the rough and uneven surface that results is due to
the entrapment of gases generated during the welding process which cannot
escape through the thick layer of flux. Too shallow a flux results in porosity and
‘open arcing’ occurring.
zz Plate surface preparation other than joint preparation.
It is important that no foreign material is picked up during flux reclamation and,
to prevent this, a suitable width of plate on either side of the joint is cleared prior
to welding. It is essential that the plate and joint surfaces are clean and dry. Oil,
grease, paint and other gas producing mediums remaining in the joint area will
cause porosity. Even a crayon mark on the joint surface can ruin an otherwise
good weld.
zz Heat treatment prior to, during and after welding has been completed
Calculation of pre-heat temperatures and the requirements of post-weld heat
treatment is extremely important. For most plain carbon and alloy steels, only
pre-heat is needed, if any treatment is required at all.
Weld backing
Due to the large volume of molten metal that remains fluid for an appreciable time, it is
essential to provide support to contain the weld until solidification is effected.
Methods used are:
zz non-fusible backing, for example copper backing strip
zz weld backing – this is the most widely used method of applying support.
Causes of cracking
The principal causes of cracking when submerged arc welding are as follows.
Steels of low high alloy content, high carbon equivalent or large mass can all
weldability contribute to poor weldability
if cracking is due to plate composition, electrode positive polarity is
recommended. The 20% to 30% better burn-off will help to build up
an adequate cross section of weld with a proper convex bead which
resists cracking
Manual first pass weld use only recommended hydrogen-controlled electrode types for this
backing function
Bead shape and particularly the ratio between the width and depth of deposit (ratio 3
dimensions width to 2 depth or better)
to prevent internal shrinkage cracking, the bead surface must be
Internal shrinkage flat to slightly convex and the width of the weld must not be greater
than penetration depth
this determines the burn-off rate; a high burn-off rate gives less
Electrode stick-out penetration and weld dilution and reduces cracking, but bead shape
is hard to control
All operating factors are important. With adequate supervision, SAW will provide
the most consistent and trouble-free welding of all production processes.
Electro-slag welding
The electro-slag process was first developed for vertical welding of tank seams on
site, but the process potential for single-pass welds on heavy materials in the vertical
position was soon realised. A unique feature of the process is the absence of an
open arc, because once the molten pool is established, welding heat is developed by
resistance heating as the current passes through the molten slag.
Preparation of plate edges is minimised, since square oxy-cut edges can safely be
welded, but the advantages of this feature are limited to some extent by the need to
provide substantial clamping arrangements to secure the parts during welding.
The slag has no metallurgical function, because very limited amounts of flux are used
in comparison with other processes. Its function is to develop and distribute welding
heat and to protect the molten pool of weld metal from the atmosphere.
In the electro-slag process, the guide and contact tube for the continuously fed
electrode wire is mounted just above the weld pool and mechanically raised as the
weld progresses. An adaptation of this process employs a continuous guide from top
to bottom of the weld, passing down the centre of the joint. This process is referred
to as ‘consumable guide welding’ because the guide is melted into the weld pool as
it rises. The advantage of a consumable guide is that it can be set up before welding
commences, including the wire feed mechanism which remains static, and joints that
change direction and slope away from the vertical can be better catered for.
Vertical drive
Flux mechanism
Solidified weld
Preparation also requires the provision of run-on and run-off plates at the beginning
and end of joints. These short extensions of joint plates, approximately 75 mm, allow
full size and full strength welds to be maintained throughout. They can be seen on the
sketch of the consumable guide arrangement in Fig 18.12.
Copper mould
Copper moulds, or shoes, contain the molten metal and slag and are moved forward
as the weld proceeds. Copper is a good conductor of heat and the moulds tend to
cool the weld quickly. The moulds are water cooled internally and form a solidified flux
coating against the weld face, which also serves to protect the copper. Reinforcement
of the weld is created by the shape of the moulds. They are held in close contact with
the joint faces to prevent leakage from the molten pool and are moved upwards as
welding progresses. The molten metal solidifies and becomes self-supporting before
the bottom of the mould moves forward. An alternative to continuously moving shoes is
the stepping of moulds as indicated in Fig 18.12.
Flux is similar to submerged arc fluxes but has additional amounts of:
zz calcium fluoride – to prevent arcing
zz manganese and aluminium silicates – to raise boiling point
zz fluorspar and magnesia – to improve conductivity and ionisation.
Flux is added as necessary to compensate for losses and the level of molten slag is
maintained between 38 mm and 50 mm. The flux is a non-conductor of electricity when
cold, but in the molten state it becomes highly conductive.
Molten slag that is too deep may trap gas or slag and if too shallow may allow metal to
run out or cause unstable current flow. Steel wool is often used to assist with starting of
the arc.
Consumable Flux
guide ferrule
Water cooled
copper shoes
Consumable water
guide and wire
weld metal
Molten slag
The molten slag maintains a temperature between 1700° C and 2400° C, which melts
the filler wire and the plate edges. The actual melting point of flux is much lower than the
melting point of steel, which is designed to prevent slag being trapped. The molten slag
must not be allowed to boil.
Power source
Ordinary arc welding transformers or generators that have high output can be used,
but the duty cycle must be very high. Constant potential machines give better control
of weld conditions than constant current machines. Alternating or direct current can be
used, but alternating is preferred. Welding current is relatively high, depending on the
size of joint and the number and size of electrodes; for example, three wire feeds may
require 3000 amps at 40 to 55 volts.
Metallurgical aspects
Owing to prolonged heating and slow solidification, the welds produced have a very
coarse grain structure and a wide HAZ, often returning low impact values. However,
normalising can give the necessary grain refinement and a resulting improvement in
mechanical properties.
zz single-pass only required
zz square edge preparation
zz no visible arc and little heat given off
zz excellent on heavy material
zz no angular distortion
zz more metal is deposited per unit of electric power than other processes
zz flux consumption is very low compared to submerged arc welding.
zz high cost of equipment
zz can only weld vertical
zz setting up may be difficult – strongbacks must be used
zz heat treatment is often required.
MEM 05008C
MEM 05015D Weld using manual metal arc welding process
MEM 05016C Perform advanced welding using MMAW process
MEM 05046B Perform welds to code standards using MMAW process
MEM 05019D Weld using gas tungsten arc welding process
MEM 05020C Perform advanced welding using GTAW process
MEM 05044B Perform welds to code standards using GTAW process
MEM 05017D Weld using gas metal arc welding process
MEM 05018C Perform advanced welding using GMAW process
MEM 05043B Perform welds to code standards using GMAW process
MEM 05048B Perform advanced welding using FCAW process
MEM 05042B Perform welds to code standards using FCAW process
MEM 05023C Weld using submerged arc welding process
12. MMAW, arc conditions and Arc conditions, MMAW and electrodes
encouraged). The pathway meets the requirements of AS1796 and guidelines of the MEM05 Training Package.
Context of assessment
Assessors are reminded the individual units may be assessed on the job, off the job or a combination of both on and off the job. Where
assessment occurs off the job, that is the candidate is not in productive work, then an appropriate simulation must be used where the
range of conditions reflects realistic workplace situations.
Method of assessment
Assessors should gather a range of evidence that is valid, sufficient, current and authentic. Evidence can be gathered through a variety of
ways including direct observation, supervisor’s reports, project work, samples and questioning. Questioning should not require language,
literacy and numeracy skills beyond those required in this unit. The candidate must have access to all tools, equipment, materials and
documentation required. The candidate must be permitted to refer to any relevant workplace procedures, product and manufacturing
specifications, codes, standards, manuals and reference materials.
Consistency of performance
Appendix 2
6.1 Have drains, pits and depressions been checked, isolated and sealed? Yes / N.a.
6.2 Have combustible materials been removed from the work area or made
Yes / N.a.
6.3 Have tanks, valves, vents and pipelines been blanked off or effectively
Yes / N.a.
6.4 Is ventilation adequate? Yes / N.a.
6.5 Are spark and flash screens in place? Yes / N.a.
6.6 Have leaks from valve and pump glands, flanges and the like been
Yes / N.a.
6.7 Have pressure relief valves been vented to safe areas? Yes / N.a.
6.8 Has contaminated ground been covered? Yes / N.a.
6.9 Is the fire equipment checked and laid out ready for use? Yes / N.a.
6.10 Is the fire pump or fire brigade on standby? Yes / N.a.
6.11 Is a firewatch required? Yes / N.a.
6.12 If required, has a firewatch been organised? Yes / N.a.
6.13 Is the wind direction satisfactory for hot work to be done? Yes / N.a.
6.14 Has product movement been stopped in the area of hot work? Yes / N.a.
6.15 Has the site of the hot work been isolated and roped off? Yes / N.a.
Results of test________________________________________________________________
Percentage L.E.L._____________________________________________________
Initials of tester_______________________________________________________
________________________________ _________________________________
(print name) (signature)
12 Person in charge of location:
________________________________ _________________________________
(print name) (signature)
13 Responsible Officer:
________________________________ _________________________________
(print name) (signature)
Return permit:
________________________________ _________________________________
(print name) (signature)
________________________________ _________________________________
(print name) (signature)
at______am/pm ___/___/__
The worksite has been inspected by me at the expiry/cancellation of this hot-work permit and
declared safe for normal operations to resume.
________________________________ ________________________________
(print name) R.O. (signature)
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from page 21 of AS/NZS
4855:2007 ISO 2560:2002..
Appendix 5
The ISO 3580 Classification system for covered electrodes based upon chemical
composition is shown in Figure A.1.
The ISO 3580 Classification system for covered electrodes based upon tensile strength
and chemical composition is shown in Figure A.2.
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from pages 14 and 15 of
AS/NZS 4856:2006 ISO 3580:2004.
Appendix 6
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from pages 18, 19 and
20 of AS/NZS 4857 ISO 1825:2005.
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from pages 2, 3 and 4 of
AS/NZS ISO 17632:2006.
Appendix 9
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from pages 20, 21 and
22 of AS/NZS 17632:2006.
Appendix 10
Examples of designation
This text has been removed. It was reproduced from pages 18 and 19 of
AS/NZS 17632:2006.
Learner’s Guide
This resource supports learners to develop advanced-level skills and knowledge relating
to a number of competency units used in the Engineering Tradesperson Fabrication
learning pathway.
Topics covered include the following.
• Distortion
• Welding safety
• Codes and regulations
• Welding terms and symbols
• Welding plain carbon steel
• Heat treatment
• Weld testing
• Weld preparation and set up
• Weld procedures
• Metal cutting and gouging
• Elementary electrical terms
• MMAW, arc conditions and electrodes
• Welding alloy steels
• Ferrous metals
• GTAW and equipment
• GMAW/FCAW and equipment
• Oxy-fuel gas welding
• Automatic welding
Detailed graphics, technical drawings and photographs are provided throughout the
book to support learners. As the content within this book is of a higher level and is more
technical in nature, it aligns with a range of Australian Standards, and includes extracts
from some Standards documents as references for students.
Metals and Engineering
• MEM05
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