PDF Document 23
PDF Document 23
PDF Document 23
In nature, nothing is perfect and everything
is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird
₹2.50 n 6 PAGES.
ways, and they’re still beautiful.
IIT Madras inaugurates first campus in Trump to testify at
Zanzibar; 50% students in first batch Indians civil trial targeting
Odd-even rule back as Delhi chokes on shroud of toxic air
NEW DELHI: At least 50% of the stu- his New York empire
dents in the first batch at IIT Madras’ NEW DELHI: Delhi environment minister Gopal
Zanzibar campus are Indians while Rai on Monday announced that the odd-even NEW YORK: Former President Donald
40% of the admitted students are car rationing scheme will be enforced from Trump is expected to testify on Mon-
women, according to the Indian Insti- November 13 keeping in view the rising pollu- day in the New York civil case threat-
tute of Technology Madras director V tion levels in the national Capital. ening to upend his real estate empire
Kamakoti. The decision was taken in a high-level meet- and deal him a damaging financial
The Zanzibar campus which is the ing held on Monday afternoon, which was blow as he seeks to retake the White
first offshore campus of any IIT, was headed by Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejri- House next year. The 77-year-old
inaugurated on Monday by President wal. Republican is due to take the stand at
of Zanzibar, Hussein Ali Mwinyi. “The decision has been taken as after 10.00 am (1500 GMT), sitting next to
“The campus has started in its first A view of the Indian Institute of Diwali, pollution may rise further. Odd-even Arthur Engoron, the judge oversee-
semester with students from differ- Technology Madras campus ANI FILE will come into effect a day after Diwali, for a ing the case whom Trump has repeat-
ent countries including Zanzibar, week’s time, so from November 13 till Novem- edly derided as “unhinged” and a
India, Nepal and Tanzania Mainland. A Memorandum of Understanding, ber 20. After that, based on the pollution levels “Trump-hating radical left, Democrat
A total of 45 students have been signed in July between India and prevailing in Delhi, further decisions can be operative.” Engoron has responded
admitted for a four-year Bachelor of Tanzania, was the final procedural taken,” Rai said, addressing a press conference The ITO crossing in the Capital on Monday. Air quality in by slapping Trump with two fines –
Science degree in Data Science and step that paved the way for the open- after the meeting. the city remained in the 'severe' category on Monday. ANI one for $5,000, another for $10,000 –
AI and a two-year Master of Technol- ing of the campus. “We have implemented odd-even in Delhi when he ruled the onetime reality tel-
ogy degree in Data Science and AI,” The institute will offer two full- before too, so people are aware about it, but private offices will be taken later,” Rai said. evision star had violated a partial gag
said Kamakoti, who attended the time academic programmes – a four- essentially it means that on odd dates, cars Delhi’s average AQI on Sunday was 454 order imposed after he bashed the
inauguration virtually. year Bachelor of Science in Data Sci- having odd-numbered digits will only be (severe) at 4pm, which had prompted the judge’s clerk on social media. AFP
“At least 50% of the admitted stu- ence and Artificial Intelligence and a allowed to ply in Delhi. Similarly on even days, Commission for Air Quality Management
dents have gone from India and 40% two-year Master of Technology in only cars with their last digit ending in an even (CAQM) in NCR to invoke its most stringent
of the admitted students are women,” Data Science and Artificial Intelli- number will be allowed on the road,” Rai said, measures – under stage 4 of the Graded Total repatriated to
Kamakoti said. The existing campus gence.IIT Madras’ Zanzibar campus, further requesting Delhi’s neighbouring states Response Action Plan (GRAP) across Delhi
in Bweleo district, located approxi- has also become the first-ever IIT to to impose a complete ban on firecrackers – NCR with immediate effect. Afghanistan touches
mately 15 km south of Zanzibar
Town, is equipped with international
have a woman director.
The total student intake will be 70,
just like the national Capital has.
“Delhi has a complete ban on firecrackers
The curbs as per Stage 4 focus heavily on
diesel vehicles and bans all diesel light com-
1,70,000: Official
amenities designed to meet the cur- including 50 students for Bachelors and with Diwali around the corner, we need to mercial vehicles that are registered outside ISLAMABAD: More than 6,500 Afghan
rent needs of students. and 20 for Masters courses. The fees prevent further deterioration. I request the Delhi and are non BS VI, from entering the nationals left Pakistan through the
A permanent campus will be built will be $12,000 per year for the bache- neighbouring states to implement such a ban capital. Similarly, there is a ban on entry of Torkham border on Sunday, taking
soon jointly by the governments of lors course while for the masters as well,” he said, stating Delhi Police had been trucks into Delhi, alongside a ban on plying of the total number of repatriated
Zanzibar and India. course, it will be $4,000 per year. PTI directed today to crack down on the entry of all diesel-Medium Goods Vehicles (MGV) and Afghans to over 1,70,000, border offi-
any form of firecrackers into Delhi. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) in the capital. cials said on Monday. The voluntary
He also said schools have been directed to Under this category, all linear construction evacuation has been going on since
Tremors in N. India IMD: Widespread suspend physical classes for all grades barring projects such as highways, roads and flyovers the government gave an ultimatum to
classes 10 and 12, until November 10. Classes will have also been stopped. all unregistered foreign nationals to
after quake of 5.6 rains likely in Kerala can be held online during this period, he said. The maximum temperature was recorded leave Pakistan by November 1 after
magnitude in Nepal during next 5 days “Under stage 4, we can also take a decision
on allowing work from home. The call to allow
at 31.5°C, a notch above the season’s average.
The minimum temperature was recorded at
which action would be taken against
them according to law. A total of
NEW DELHI: An earthquake of 5.6 mag- THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The India only 50% of staff in Delhi’s government and 13.5°C, a notch below the season’s average. HTC 1,74,358 Afghan nationals left for
nitude struck west Nepal on Monday Meteorological Department (IMD) on Afghanistan since September 17, add-
and strong tremors were felt in parts Monday predicted widespread rain- ing that voluntary repatriation was
of north India, the National Centre for fall in Kerala during the next five llSCHOOL EVENT l WORD POWER still underway, but the number was
Seismology said. days due to a cyclonic circulation dropping with each passing day, the
It said the epicentre for the quake prevailing over northern Tamil Nadu SALWAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, Dawn newspaper reported, quoting
was 233 km north of Ayodhya in Uttar
and adjoining areas.
Heavy rains in the state a day ago,
The quake triggered panic among caused landslides in various parts of Salwan In-sens (Noun/verb)
people, with many in Delhi and the Idukki district of Kerala and resulted Public Meaning: An aromatic gum or other sub- New Beatles song
National Capital Region reporting vig- in the loss of a life and damage to sev- School,
orous shaking of furniture. eral homes. The IMD said wide- Mayur
stance producing a sweet odour when
burned, used in religious ceremonies, to
set to reach No.1 on
Several social media users shared
visuals of people rushing out of resi-
spread moderate to medium rainfall
was likely to occur in Kerala during Phase 3,
enhance a mood, etc. UK singles chart
celebrated Achievers’ Day to felicitate the Origin: First recorded in 1400–50 from Old
dential buildings. At least 157 people the next five days. Heavy rains were LONDON: A new Beatles song, pro-
success of young achievers in the academic French encens, from Church Latin incensum,
were killed and more than 160 injured likely at isolated places in the state and sports for the session 2022-2023. The chief from Latin incendere to kindle. duced with the help of AI, is on track
when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earth- between November 6 and 9. guest for the event was Col (Dr.) Arun Chaud- to be named number one on the UK’s
quake, the worst since 2015, struck The IMD issued an orange alert in Synonyms: Aroma, perfume, scent, essence official singles chart on Sunday night,
hary, professor and head of the pathology
Nepal on Friday night and destroyed Ernakulam and Palakkad districts of department and associate dean at Noida Antonyms: Odour, stench, stink the chart company said. The song,
hundreds of houses in the Himalayan the state for the day. It also issued International Institute of Medical Sciences. Now and Then, that used artificial
The school was abuzz with excitement as the Usage: From a religious standpoint, incense is
nation’s remote mountainous region. yellow alerts in nine districts of the also used to purify and cleanse the air.
intelligence to include the vocals of
Nepal lies in one of the most active state. An orange alert means very programme began with great zeal. >P2 John Lennon and guitar by George
tectonic zones (seismic zones IV and heavy rains from 12 cm to 20 cm of Harrison, who died in 1980 and 2001
V) of the world, making the country rain and a yellow alert means heavy respectively, was released last Thurs-
extremely vulnerable to quakes. PTI rainfall between 6 to 11 cm. PTI day. AFP
02 Beyond Books
NOVEMBER 07, 2023
DAV Public School, Sreshtha Vihar,
conducted Donate A Book campaign
with all fervour. In this drive, the A special assembly was held to reaffirm India’s inherent strength and resilience
school principal, staff & students
enthusiastically donate the books and Greenfields Public School, Dilshad Garden,
be part of this noble work of knowl-
edge sharing. The students of every celebrates National Unity Day with fervour
class of different wings actively par-
ticipate in this campaign by donating Greenfields Public School, Dilshad Thereafter, the learners dressed in
books that they have already read and Garden, celebrated National Unity traditional attire of different states of
Meritorious students were felicitated with trophies, badges, and certificates for their performances in academics & sports want to share the knowledge with Day on its inner ground to commem- India did a cultural ramp walk and
others so as to promote the habit orate the invaluable contributions of presented the amalgamation of states
Four-day LEAP Boot Camp organised at Greenway Modern, Dilshad Garden, organises street play on single-use plastic
Ryan International School, Mayur Vihar Greenway Modern School, Dilshad The play focused on the detrimen- paper bags, etc to end the menace of
Garden, organised a nukkad natak tal effects of plastic on the environ- this non-biodegradable waste.
A four-day LEAP Boot Camp - 2023 (street play) on the theme ‘Say no to ment and living beings around. The
was organised at Ryan International single-use plastic ‘ as part of its eco participants urged students to use The play focused on the detrimental
School, Mayur Vihar. It introduced club activity. biodegradable substitutes like jute & effects of plastic on the environment
the students to the fascinating world
of entrepreneurship, where they
were taught to think with growth
mindset. The LEAP (Leadership, MIND GAMES
Entrepreneurship, Adaptability and
Perseverance) camp was envisioned The event introduced students to the
by chairman AF Pinto and managing fascinating world of entrepreneurship SUDOKU MATHDOKU
director Grace Pinto in cooperation Place numbers into
with White Canvas Group, India. The brianstorming sessions with the puzzle cells so
White Canvas founder and Indian army veteran Brigadier San- that each row and
column contains each
director Samaresh Shah highlighted deep, India Rose co-founder Nikita of the digits from 1 to
the importance of being future-ready Goel, chocolatier Smriti Bhatia, Being 5. No number is to be
and the skills needed to be a success- Chef founder Shubham Maheshwari, repeated in any row or
ful entrepreneur. Participants were CORE & PURE founder Priyanka column. Each bold-out
taught the importance of converting Sachdeva, Zoe – Nutrition founder lined cells contain a hint
of a number and one of
passion into profession. They learnt and CEO Taniya Dhirasaria, and - sym-
the mathematical
to express their ideas, come out of Vijayant Gaur, head, Cyber Security bols + x - /. The number
their comfort zones & learn market- Operations, Command Centre, is the result of the
ing skills of being great entrepre- Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission & operation represent-
neurs. They got insights about four Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana ed by the symbol to the
crucial stages of entrepreneurship -- proved beneficial for all participants. digits contained.
to dream, to create, to grow & to The guests shared with students
manage – to develop entrepreneurial their entrepreneurial experiences
mindset. Students also got an insight and the strategies applied for a good
about a business model canvas. marketing exposure.
participated with zeal in several souvenirs made by them to their Answer: 1-c, 2-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-e
Erode, octet, mining, kibosh
games & activities such as identify grandparents. It overwhelmed the SCRAMBLE Solution Words:
the song & ramp walk. Each winner grandparents. The event was very Amrita Bharati Features
was given a sapling as a token of memorable and a huge success.
NOVEMBER 07, 2023 In The News 03
llMORE THAN 200 PEOPLE DIED IN OVERNIGHT STRIKES: GAZA l The Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival procession passes through Somerset, southwest England
in Israel and saw over 240 hostages Blinken’s first visit since Israel went has exploded,” he told France 2 televi- Colourfully costumed participants atop floats
taken, Prime Minister Benjamin Net- to war with Hamas in reprisal for the sion, adding that 486 people have
anyahu has vowed no let-up despite militants’ October 7 attack comes with been arrested for such offences,
mounting international calls for a fury at both Israel and the West boil- including 102 foreigners.
Ground forces with tanks have
flooded the northern half of the Gaza
Strip and tightened an encirclement of
ing over on the streets of Turkey and
in the palace of President Recep Tay-
yip Erdogan.
Police used tear gas and water can-
France’s Jewish population, esti-
mated at over 500,000, is the largest in
Europe and the third-biggest in the
world, after Israel and the United
The Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival,
Gaza City, effectively splitting the ter- non to disperse hundreds of protest- States. the oldest of its kind in the United
ritory in two, even as hundreds of ers who marched on an air base hous- Paris police chief Laurent Nunez
thousands of civilians remained in the ing US forces in Turkey’s southeast said Sunday that there had been 257
Kingdom and one of the largest illu-
north despite Israeli evacuation hours before Blinken’s arrival Sunday. anti-Semitic acts in the Paris region minated processions in Europe, was
orders. Erdogan himself was travelling alone, and 90 arrests. held in Somerset, England, last week-
Gaza’s health ministry said more across Turkey’s remote northeast end. Held since 1881, the event is
than 200 people had died in overnight Monday in a seeming snub of Wash- Intense Israeli bombing around famous for squibbing, wherein a long
strikes -- a day after reporting a total ington’s top diplomat. hospitals: Hamas
death toll of more than 9,770, mostly Blinken’s closed-door talks with Gaza’s Hamas government said the
row of people line the high street and
women and children. Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan in Israeli army carried out “intense simultaneously light fireworks. Pupils
“These are massacres! They Ankara would have been packed with bombings” on Sunday evening around from schools and nurseries designed
destroyed three houses over the heads problems even before Israel launched several hospitals in the north of the and decorated masks that were dis-
of their inhabitants -- women and a relentless bombing and expanding Gaza Strip, shortly after telecommuni- play in the Bridgwater town centre.
children,” one resident, Mahmoud ground campaign aimed at eradicat- cations were cut. AF
Mechmech, said in Deir al-Balah in ing Hamas. “For more than an hour, intense It is England’s oldest and one of Europe’s largest illuminated carnivals
central Gaza. bombings have been taking place The event dates back to 1881
“We have already taken 40 bodies US ‘encouraging’ Israel to kill around hospitals,” said Salama
out of the rubble,” he said as crowds Palestinians: Iran Marouf, the head of the Hamas gov-
prayed around corpses wrapped in Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on ernment’s media office.
white shrouds outside a nearby hospi- Monday accused the United States of The vicinity of the Palestinian terri-
tal. “encouraging” Israel to kill and carry tory’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, saw
The Israeli army said on Monday it out “cruel acts” against Palestinians in particularly heavy strikes, according
had pounded Gaza with “significant” the Gaza Strip. to Marouf.
new strikes on 450 targets, having ear- “The aid from the United States to The bombing came after the Israeli
lier said it had already hit over 12,000. the Zionist regime (Israel) is encour- military once again accused Hamas of
aging them to kill and commit cruel using hospitals in their military cam-
‘Are there any survivors?’ acts of neglect against the Palestinian paign against Israel.
Israeli troops and Hamas fighters people,” Raisi said at a joint news con- “Hamas places forces and weapons
have engaged in fierce house-to-house ference in Tehran with visiting Iraqi inside, under and around schools,
combat in densely populated Gaza, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia mosques, homes and UN facilities,”
where the war has sent 1.5 million al-Sudani. Israeli military spokesman Daniel
people fleeing to other parts of the ter- “We believe that the bombings Hagari told reporters.
Revellers on one of the many floats The crowd watches floats pass by during the procession
Palestinians search for casualties at the site of an Israeli strike on a house, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza on Monday REUTERS
Jaipur Aerodrome: Sir Frank Noyce to perform opening ceremony photographs of the passage of the
Soviet second earth satellite in the
sky this morning.
JAIPUR - The new Jaipur Sawai-Madhopur, Isarda, Malpura Jaipur has purchased an According to a message
aerodrome at Sanganer, about six and Jhunjhunu, in the State. efficient monoplane for his received here from the chief
miles from the city proper, la now The sub-estates of Sikar and private use, and has secured astronomer, U.P. State observato-
practically complete, It is provided Khetri already possess their own the services of Flight-Lieut. ry, Naini Tal, the satellite was seen
with a hanger and equipped with landing grounds. The new A. L. R. S. Upton, an experi- in Naini Tal between 5-5 a.m. and
adequate facilities for night landing. aerodrome at Jaipur is expected to enced airman to act as his 5-7 a.m. The I actual duration was 2
The design of the aerodrome was serve a useful purpose and it is pilot. min. 18 5 sees. The brightness was
made by Col. P. L. Bowers, the 1935 hoped will result in the The opening ceremony of of zero magnitude comparable to
State Engineer, in consultation establishment of an aerial link the new aerodrome will be the brightest star of the sky.
with Rai Bahadur Pt. Amar Nath with other centres in India, while performed on November 17, Dr Sampurnanand, Chief
Atal, Finance Member, Jaipur. the landing grounds in different and it is understood that Sir Minister of U.P., today made
The original grant for the main parts of the State will facilitate easy Frank Noyce, Member for observations of the second Soviet
aerodrome was Ra. 60,000, while Ra. approach to the various places on Industries and Labour, satellite which dashed across out of vision towards the
40,000 were sanctioned for the occasions of emergency. Government of India, has been the Lucknow skies at 5-10 a.m. 1957 north-north-east. It lingered in
construction of landing grounds at His Highness the Maharaja of invited for this purpose. He hoped it would be seen the Lucknow skies for about a
again in Lucknow tomorrow at a minute.”
little later, at 5-17 or 5-18 a.m. "The path of the Sputnik seemed
15,000 I.N.A. men await absorption in army The Chief Minister's observa-
tions were later confirmed by the
to pass near Magha (Regulus in
Leo). The satellite then
BOMBAY - "Officers and men of the Gandhi commanded every Indian at and rescued us from British justice." Naini Tal observatory. disappeared after seeming to pass
I.N.A. (war-time Indian National that time. Now that India is free, we In the last four years since we Dr Sampurnanand said: "Sput- between Marichi and Vashishtha
Army) will always remain true to only want to serve India to the best escaped martyrdom," he said, nik II was travelling from the south in Saptarishi (Epsilon and Eta in
India's cause." Mr J. K. Bhonsle, of our ability." "I.N.A. personnel-especially former to the south-east and then passed Ursa Major)."
former Chief of Stat of the I.N.A. 1949 The former I.N.A. Chief officers and men of the Indian
and Chairman of the I.N.A. reviewed the career of the Army-have been going through
Advisory Committee, said here "Army of Liberation, formed by considerable difficulty and WATCH OUT THIS SPACE FOR QUIZ
yesterday. Mr Bhonsle told a Press Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, disappointment.’' Mr Bhonsle spoke
conference at the Taj: "We have no during the war and paid a high of the representations to the
politics. We organized ourselves as tribute of gratitude to leaders of the Government, made by the I.N.A. The quiz will be based on HT archives. Send in your answers at
the I.N.A. to fight' for India's Indian National Congress, "who Advisory Committee, regarding the htpacedelhi@hindustantimes.com
freedom-'to do or die', as Mahatma defended us at the Red Fort Trial future of the I.N.A. personnel.
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°F±FF ´FÂF IiY¸FFaIY 8548-64/ E(II)-1 dQ³FFaIY 11.07.2017 IYe A³Fb´FF»F³FF ¸FZÔ b. 6 Switches in the Commission’s Office (7th CPC) (in years)
´Fbd»FÀF IY¸FeV³FSXZMX, ¦Fb÷Y¦FiF¸F ¸FZÔ ·FFSX°Fe¹F ÀFZ³FF IZY ·Fc°F´FcUÊ ÀF`d³FIYûÔ, Central Armed 3. Management Switch 2 Scientist F 1 Level-13A Group ‘A’ By deputation For deputation
Police Force (CRPF) ÀFZ ÀFZUFd³FUÈ°F WXbE IY¸FʨFFdSX¹FûÔ AüSX HSISF/HAP WXdSX¹FF¯FF 4. Standard Server Rack 42U 3 Scientist E 1 Level-13 Group ‘A’ from serving 56 years and for
ÀFZ WXMXFE ¦FE IY¸FʨFFdSX¹FûÔ IYû dUVFZ¿F ´Fbd»FÀF Ad²FIYFSXe (SPO) IZY ÷Y´F ¸FZÔ A³Fb¶F³²F 5. Multi-mode OFC patch cord 5 meter (25G Support) 100 Scientist D 1 Level-12 Group ‘A’ officers/ applying by the
IZY AF²FFSX ´FSX EIY U¿FÊ IZY d»FE 18 WXþFSX ÷Y´FE ´Fid°F ¸FFWX UZ°F³F ´FSX ·F°FeÊ dIY¹FF þF³FF Finance & Accounts Officer 1 Level-12 Group ‘A’ on contract retired Government
6. Multi-mode OFC patch cord 20 meter (100 G) Support 20 Scientist C 4 Level-11 Group ‘A’ basis from officers, the
Licences/Subscriptions Technical Officer 2 Level-9 Group ‘A’ the retired maximum age
´Fbd»FÀF IY¸FeV³FSXZMX, ¦Fb÷Y¦FiF¸F ¸FZÔ 63 SPOs IZY ´FQ dSX¢°F WX`Ü B³F ´FQûÔ IZY d»FE dQ³FFaIY Chemist 2 Level-7 Group ‘B’
7. Red Hat Enterprise Linux for virtual Data Center 7 Government will be taken
15.11.2023 IYû ÀF¸F¹F 09.00 E.E¸F. ÀFZ 05.00 ´Fe. E¸F. ¶FþZ ´Fbd»FÀF AF¹Fb¢°F (Non Gazetted) officers for all as the date of
8. Elastic search (search engine) 3 Assistant 3 Level-6 Group ‘B’
IYF¹FFÊ»F¹F, ¦Fb÷Y¦FiF¸F (³FþQeIY SXFþeU ¨FüIY, ¦Fb÷Y¦FiF¸F) IYe ÀFZ³FF d»Fd´FIY ¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F posts. superannuation
VFFJF, ¦Fb÷Y¦FiF¸F ¸FZÔ ´Fbd»FÀF EÀF.´Fe.Aû. ´FQ IZY dSX¢°F 63 ´FQûÔ ´FSX ·F°FeÊ IZY d»FE AFUZQ³F Detailed advertisement along with tender document may be downloaded from (Non Gazetted) plus four years.
ÀUeIYFSX dIYE þFEa¦FZÜ WXdSX¹FF¯FF IZY dIYÀFe ·Fe dþ»FZ IYF dSXWXF¹FVFe, dþÀFIYe CX¸Fi 25-50 UPSC website https://www.upsc.gov.in/tenders. Bids shall be submitted only The eligibility conditions, other detail for each post and prescribed application Proforma is available in
U¿FÊ °FIY WX` AüSX ·FFSX°Fe¹F ÀFZ³FF, Central Armed Police Force (CRPF) ÀFZ on GeM portal at https://gem.gov.in. The GeM Bid No. for the above bidding is DDWS website https://jalshakti-ddws.gov.in & DoPT website. The eligible candidates may forward their
ÀFZUFd³FUÈ°F WX` ¹FF HSISF/HAP WXdSX¹FF¯FF ÀFZ WXMXF¹FF ¦F¹FF WX` °Fû UWX EÀF.´Fe.Aû. ´FQ IZY application on or before the closing date for receipt of the applications on 30.12.2023. For deputation
GEM/2023/B/4154488 Manual bids shall not be accepted. The last date of submission basis, the candidates serving in Government departments/Institutions/Universities/PSUs should forward
d»FE AFUZQ³F IYSX ÀFIY°FF WX`Ü ÀFFÃFF°IYFSX/AFUZQ³F IZY d»FE AF³FZ UF»FZ CX¸¸FeQ½FFSX IYû of bid is 16.11.2023 (1200 hrs.). their application through proper channel through cadre controlling authority and for contract basis,
IYûBÊ ¹FFÂFF ·FØFF ³FWXeÔ dQ¹FF þFE¦FFÜ Ad²FIY þF³FIYFSXe IZY d»FE ´Fbd»FÀF AF¹Fb¢°F IYF¹FFÊ»F¹F the retired Government officers should forward their application with self attested copies of documents
IZY QcSX·FF¿F ³Fa. 0124-2869300 ´FSX ÀF¸´FIÊY dIY¹FF þF ÀFIY°FF WX` AüSX relating to educational qualification, experience certificate issued by competent authority alongwith pension
cp.ggn@hry.nic.in ´FSX ÀFc¨F³FF ¸FFh¦Fe þF ÀFIY°Fe WX`Ü (Rakesh Kumar Dixit) payment order/last pay certificate in the prescribed Proforma. The corrigendum/addendum, if any, will be
- ´Fbd»FÀF CX´FF¹Fb¢°F, Under Secretary published in DDWS website only.
(Dr. Anil Kumar)
RO NO 1084/11/1898/2024/22462/19/7 ¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F, ¦Fb÷Y¦FiF¸FÜ CBC 55103/12/0012/2324 Telephone: 011-23388418 CBC 35301/11/0005/2324 Administrative Officer
NOVEMBER 07, 2023 World of Sport 05
Since Antoine Lavoisier invested
1 Lavoisier was not 2 in a financial 3 Besides his deep
interest in chemis- 4
Lavoisier’s contem-
porary, Italian 5 Chemistry stu-
dents in France
adept at English, his scheme known as the try, Lavoisier took on French mathemati- are still taught the law
wife became proficient General Farm. From administrative duties cian Joseph-Louis of conservation of
in the language and this, he became a Tax within the Academy of Lagrange, commented mass as Lavoisier’s law,
translated chemical Farmer, and devoted Sciences and other on his death, “It took which is a testament
studies for him. She the majority of his time government agencies them only an instant to his multifaceted
also recorded the to financial and admin- during the final years to cut off that head, and lasting legacy
research conducted in istrative affairs, of the monarchy and and a hundred years in making this principle
the laboratory through in addition to passion early years of the may not produce part of modern
her drawings. for scientific research. French Revolution. another like it.” chemistry.
Government of Punjab
(Department of Health & Family Welfare)
Bid Ref No:- E-tender/PHSC/Proc/2023/97
The Punjab Health Systems Corporation, SAS Nagar (Mohali) invites online bids for the Rate
Contract of Two Years for the supply of Urine Testing Kits (five tests for drug addicted) and
Urine Testing Kits (ten tests for arm license renewal) as per list enumerated in the tender
document available on the website https://eproc.punjab.gov.in.
Date, time and place of : 17.11.2023 at 11.30 am in the Committee Room of Punjab
pre bid conference Health System Corporation, Punjab School Education Board
Building, 2nd Floor, E-Block, Mohali-160062.
Phone No. 0172-2232245, 2232247
Closing Date and Time : 05.12.2023 till 11.30 am
For details log on (https://eproc.punjab.gov.in).
Note: Any Corrigendum(s) to the tender notice shall be published on the above website only.
No separate communication shall be given to any of the bidders. All the prospective bidders
are advised to check the website regularly.
29535 PHSC Mohali