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Tuesday WISE WORDS »

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything
is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird
₹2.50 n 6 PAGES.
ways, and they’re still beautiful.

war update focus on climate damage fund formula

inspiring odi wc
AFGHAN A polar bear, penguins and
a fur seal sits on a melting
TODAY 5 >P glacier in the middle of the

IIT Madras inaugurates first campus in Trump to testify at
Zanzibar; 50% students in first batch Indians civil trial targeting
Odd-even rule back as Delhi chokes on shroud of toxic air
NEW DELHI: At least 50% of the stu- his New York empire
dents in the first batch at IIT Madras’ NEW DELHI: Delhi environment minister Gopal
Zanzibar campus are Indians while Rai on Monday announced that the odd-even NEW YORK: Former President Donald
40% of the admitted students are car rationing scheme will be enforced from Trump is expected to testify on Mon-
women, according to the Indian Insti- November 13 keeping in view the rising pollu- day in the New York civil case threat-
tute of Technology Madras director V tion levels in the national Capital. ening to upend his real estate empire
Kamakoti. The decision was taken in a high-level meet- and deal him a damaging financial
The Zanzibar campus which is the ing held on Monday afternoon, which was blow as he seeks to retake the White
first offshore campus of any IIT, was headed by Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejri- House next year. The 77-year-old
inaugurated on Monday by President wal. Republican is due to take the stand at
of Zanzibar, Hussein Ali Mwinyi. “The decision has been taken as after 10.00 am (1500 GMT), sitting next to
“The campus has started in its first A view of the Indian Institute of Diwali, pollution may rise further. Odd-even Arthur Engoron, the judge oversee-
semester with students from differ- Technology Madras campus ANI FILE will come into effect a day after Diwali, for a ing the case whom Trump has repeat-
ent countries including Zanzibar, week’s time, so from November 13 till Novem- edly derided as “unhinged” and a
India, Nepal and Tanzania Mainland. A Memorandum of Understanding, ber 20. After that, based on the pollution levels “Trump-hating radical left, Democrat
A total of 45 students have been signed in July between India and prevailing in Delhi, further decisions can be operative.” Engoron has responded
admitted for a four-year Bachelor of Tanzania, was the final procedural taken,” Rai said, addressing a press conference The ITO crossing in the Capital on Monday. Air quality in by slapping Trump with two fines –
Science degree in Data Science and step that paved the way for the open- after the meeting. the city remained in the 'severe' category on Monday. ANI one for $5,000, another for $10,000 –
AI and a two-year Master of Technol- ing of the campus. “We have implemented odd-even in Delhi when he ruled the onetime reality tel-
ogy degree in Data Science and AI,” The institute will offer two full- before too, so people are aware about it, but private offices will be taken later,” Rai said. evision star had violated a partial gag
said Kamakoti, who attended the time academic programmes – a four- essentially it means that on odd dates, cars Delhi’s average AQI on Sunday was 454 order imposed after he bashed the
inauguration virtually. year Bachelor of Science in Data Sci- having odd-numbered digits will only be (severe) at 4pm, which had prompted the judge’s clerk on social media. AFP
“At least 50% of the admitted stu- ence and Artificial Intelligence and a allowed to ply in Delhi. Similarly on even days, Commission for Air Quality Management
dents have gone from India and 40% two-year Master of Technology in only cars with their last digit ending in an even (CAQM) in NCR to invoke its most stringent
of the admitted students are women,” Data Science and Artificial Intelli- number will be allowed on the road,” Rai said, measures – under stage 4 of the Graded Total repatriated to
Kamakoti said. The existing campus gence.IIT Madras’ Zanzibar campus, further requesting Delhi’s neighbouring states Response Action Plan (GRAP) across Delhi
in Bweleo district, located approxi- has also become the first-ever IIT to to impose a complete ban on firecrackers – NCR with immediate effect. Afghanistan touches
mately 15 km south of Zanzibar
Town, is equipped with international
have a woman director.
The total student intake will be 70,
just like the national Capital has.
“Delhi has a complete ban on firecrackers
The curbs as per Stage 4 focus heavily on
diesel vehicles and bans all diesel light com-
1,70,000: Official
amenities designed to meet the cur- including 50 students for Bachelors and with Diwali around the corner, we need to mercial vehicles that are registered outside ISLAMABAD: More than 6,500 Afghan
rent needs of students. and 20 for Masters courses. The fees prevent further deterioration. I request the Delhi and are non BS VI, from entering the nationals left Pakistan through the
A permanent campus will be built will be $12,000 per year for the bache- neighbouring states to implement such a ban capital. Similarly, there is a ban on entry of Torkham border on Sunday, taking
soon jointly by the governments of lors course while for the masters as well,” he said, stating Delhi Police had been trucks into Delhi, alongside a ban on plying of the total number of repatriated
Zanzibar and India. course, it will be $4,000 per year. PTI directed today to crack down on the entry of all diesel-Medium Goods Vehicles (MGV) and Afghans to over 1,70,000, border offi-
any form of firecrackers into Delhi. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) in the capital. cials said on Monday. The voluntary
He also said schools have been directed to Under this category, all linear construction evacuation has been going on since
Tremors in N. India IMD: Widespread suspend physical classes for all grades barring projects such as highways, roads and flyovers the government gave an ultimatum to
classes 10 and 12, until November 10. Classes will have also been stopped. all unregistered foreign nationals to
after quake of 5.6 rains likely in Kerala can be held online during this period, he said. The maximum temperature was recorded leave Pakistan by November 1 after
magnitude in Nepal during next 5 days “Under stage 4, we can also take a decision
on allowing work from home. The call to allow
at 31.5°C, a notch above the season’s average.
The minimum temperature was recorded at
which action would be taken against
them according to law. A total of
NEW DELHI: An earthquake of 5.6 mag- THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The India only 50% of staff in Delhi’s government and 13.5°C, a notch below the season’s average. HTC 1,74,358 Afghan nationals left for
nitude struck west Nepal on Monday Meteorological Department (IMD) on Afghanistan since September 17, add-
and strong tremors were felt in parts Monday predicted widespread rain- ing that voluntary repatriation was
of north India, the National Centre for fall in Kerala during the next five llSCHOOL EVENT l WORD POWER still underway, but the number was
Seismology said. days due to a cyclonic circulation dropping with each passing day, the
It said the epicentre for the quake prevailing over northern Tamil Nadu SALWAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, Dawn newspaper reported, quoting
was 233 km north of Ayodhya in Uttar
and adjoining areas.
Heavy rains in the state a day ago,

The quake triggered panic among caused landslides in various parts of Salwan In-sens (Noun/verb)
people, with many in Delhi and the Idukki district of Kerala and resulted Public Meaning: An aromatic gum or other sub- New Beatles song
National Capital Region reporting vig- in the loss of a life and damage to sev- School,
orous shaking of furniture. eral homes. The IMD said wide- Mayur
stance producing a sweet odour when
burned, used in religious ceremonies, to
set to reach No.1 on
Several social media users shared
visuals of people rushing out of resi-
spread moderate to medium rainfall
was likely to occur in Kerala during Phase 3,
enhance a mood, etc. UK singles chart
celebrated Achievers’ Day to felicitate the Origin: First recorded in 1400–50 from Old
dential buildings. At least 157 people the next five days. Heavy rains were LONDON: A new Beatles song, pro-
success of young achievers in the academic French encens, from Church Latin incensum,
were killed and more than 160 injured likely at isolated places in the state and sports for the session 2022-2023. The chief from Latin incendere to kindle. duced with the help of AI, is on track
when a powerful 6.4 magnitude earth- between November 6 and 9. guest for the event was Col (Dr.) Arun Chaud- to be named number one on the UK’s
quake, the worst since 2015, struck The IMD issued an orange alert in Synonyms: Aroma, perfume, scent, essence official singles chart on Sunday night,
hary, professor and head of the pathology
Nepal on Friday night and destroyed Ernakulam and Palakkad districts of department and associate dean at Noida Antonyms: Odour, stench, stink the chart company said. The song,
hundreds of houses in the Himalayan the state for the day. It also issued International Institute of Medical Sciences. Now and Then, that used artificial
The school was abuzz with excitement as the Usage: From a religious standpoint, incense is
nation’s remote mountainous region. yellow alerts in nine districts of the also used to purify and cleanse the air.
intelligence to include the vocals of
Nepal lies in one of the most active state. An orange alert means very programme began with great zeal. >P2 John Lennon and guitar by George
tectonic zones (seismic zones IV and heavy rains from 12 cm to 20 cm of Harrison, who died in 1980 and 2001
V) of the world, making the country rain and a yellow alert means heavy respectively, was released last Thurs-
extremely vulnerable to quakes. PTI rainfall between 6 to 11 cm. PTI day. AFP
02 Beyond Books
NOVEMBER 07, 2023


DAV Public School, Sreshtha Vihar,
conducted Donate A Book campaign
with all fervour. In this drive, the A special assembly was held to reaffirm India’s inherent strength and resilience
school principal, staff & students
enthusiastically donate the books and Greenfields Public School, Dilshad Garden,
be part of this noble work of knowl-
edge sharing. The students of every celebrates National Unity Day with fervour
class of different wings actively par-
ticipate in this campaign by donating Greenfields Public School, Dilshad Thereafter, the learners dressed in
books that they have already read and Garden, celebrated National Unity traditional attire of different states of
Meritorious students were felicitated with trophies, badges, and certificates for their performances in academics & sports want to share the knowledge with Day on its inner ground to commem- India did a cultural ramp walk and
others so as to promote the habit orate the invaluable contributions of presented the amalgamation of states

Salwan Public School, Mayur Vihar reading in young minds.

Principal Suhasini K. Nath appreci-
ated this noble cause initiated by the
the Iron man of India - Sardar Val-
labhbhai Patel.
On that occasion, a special assem-
based on the linguistic attributes to
spread the message of unity in diver-

Phase 3, celebrates Achievers’ Day

school’s senior library, saying, “Books bly was conducted to reaffirm the The programme ended with a col-
are the temple of knowledge and inherent strength and resilience of laborative pledge on peace and soli-
sharing of this is a noble cause that is the country. The event started with a darity, promoting the spirit of unity
done by our students and staff”. cheerful and spirited dance perform- among the learners. The small yet
Salwan Public School, Mayur Vihar In her welcome address, school The awards served as a testament ance by students, celebrating the rich significant event fostered the spirit of
Phase 3, celebrated Achievers’ Day to principal Capt Richa Sharma Katyal to the students’ well-rounded devel- cultural diversity of India. unity among all.
felicitate the success of young achiev- (Retd.) highlighted the importance of opment.
ers in the academic and sports for the perseverance in the pursuit of suc- The chief guest addressed the
session 2022-2023. The chief guest for cess. She congratulated the achievers audience with his words of wisdom.
the event was Col (Dr.) Arun Chaud- and urged them to persist in their He praised the achievers and encour- ASN Int’l School, Mayur Vihar, introduces
hary, professor and head of the endeavors, nurture ambitious aged them to chase their dreams
pathology department and associate dreams and maintain a steadfast until they turn into outstanding self-defence classes for its girl students
dean at Noida International Institute belief in their capabilities. accomplishments. The event culmi-
of Medical Sciences. The principal also congratulated nated with the valedictory address by To promote personal safety of girl
The school was abuzz with excite- the mentors, and the proud parents achool vice-principal Bhawna Puri. students and empower them, ASN
ment as the programme commenced for their crucial role in students’ In her address, Bhawna Puri International School, Mayur Vihar
with great enthusiasm. The felicita- remarkable achievements. Meritori- expressed gratitude to all the mem- introduced self-defence classes for
tion ceremony saw the awardees’ par- ous students were felicitated with tro- bers of the Salwan fraternity for their them. The initiative aimed to equip
ents in attendance, beaming with phies, badges, and certificates for steadfast support and commitment, them with essential skills and tech-
pride. The event began with the light- their excellent performances in the which significantly contributed to The event was organised to promote niques to protect themselves, boost-
ing of the lamp by the dignitaries. arenas of academics and sports. the seamless execution of the event. the reading habit among students ing their confidence and promoting a
sense of empowerment within the
The session covered various tech-
Speaker of House of Commons of Great Britain visits Ahlcon Public, Mayur Vihar niques & strategies. The classes were
designed to instil both mental and
Lindsay Harvey Hoyle, the speaker of tiatives. After the traditional wel- They were invited to the ground to physical readiness in them, preparing The classes were designed to instil
the House of Commons, along with come by the staff & the prefectorial witness the PLPS session. They them to handle potentially threaten- both mental and physical readiness in
his team from British High Commis- board, they were felicitated in the enjoyed themselves playing with kids. ing situations. During the classes, girl students to protect themselves
sion and British Council visited Ahl- conference room amid discussions The guests were urged to sign two students were taught the basics of
con Public School, Mayur Vihar. on Premier League Primary Stars footballs. Overall, the team was very self-defence, including situational enlightened them about self-defense
The visit gave a unique opportu- programme & the school’s overview. happy with the school’s educational awareness & escape from potential life skills that help them be more
The guests got an opportunity to engage with nity to them to engage with students The guests enjoyed the tour while approach and achievements and gave attackers. School headmistress Shiv- aware of surroundings and prepare
students and explore impact of sports initiatives and explore the impact of sports ini- visiting school’s labs and art rooms. positive feedbacks on the same. ani Khanna addressed the girls and them for any unexpected incidents.

Four-day LEAP Boot Camp organised at Greenway Modern, Dilshad Garden, organises street play on single-use plastic
Ryan International School, Mayur Vihar Greenway Modern School, Dilshad The play focused on the detrimen- paper bags, etc to end the menace of
Garden, organised a nukkad natak tal effects of plastic on the environ- this non-biodegradable waste.
A four-day LEAP Boot Camp - 2023 (street play) on the theme ‘Say no to ment and living beings around. The
was organised at Ryan International single-use plastic ‘ as part of its eco participants urged students to use The play focused on the detrimental
School, Mayur Vihar. It introduced club activity. biodegradable substitutes like jute & effects of plastic on the environment
the students to the fascinating world
of entrepreneurship, where they
were taught to think with growth
mindset. The LEAP (Leadership, MIND GAMES
Entrepreneurship, Adaptability and
Perseverance) camp was envisioned The event introduced students to the
by chairman AF Pinto and managing fascinating world of entrepreneurship SUDOKU MATHDOKU
director Grace Pinto in cooperation Place numbers into
with White Canvas Group, India. The brianstorming sessions with the puzzle cells so
White Canvas founder and Indian army veteran Brigadier San- that each row and
column contains each
director Samaresh Shah highlighted deep, India Rose co-founder Nikita of the digits from 1 to
the importance of being future-ready Goel, chocolatier Smriti Bhatia, Being 5. No number is to be
and the skills needed to be a success- Chef founder Shubham Maheshwari, repeated in any row or
ful entrepreneur. Participants were CORE & PURE founder Priyanka column. Each bold-out
taught the importance of converting Sachdeva, Zoe – Nutrition founder lined cells contain a hint
of a number and one of
passion into profession. They learnt and CEO Taniya Dhirasaria, and - sym-
the mathematical
to express their ideas, come out of Vijayant Gaur, head, Cyber Security bols + x - /. The number
their comfort zones & learn market- Operations, Command Centre, is the result of the
ing skills of being great entrepre- Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission & operation represent-
neurs. They got insights about four Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana ed by the symbol to the
crucial stages of entrepreneurship -- proved beneficial for all participants. digits contained.
to dream, to create, to grow & to The guests shared with students
manage – to develop entrepreneurial their entrepreneurial experiences
mindset. Students also got an insight and the strategies applied for a good
about a business model canvas. marketing exposure.

Bal Bhavan Public School, Mayur Vihar Phase 2,

hosts annual inter-school competition Galaxia
Bal Bhavan Public School, Mayur
Solve the four
Vihar Phase 2, hosted its annual
inter-school competition titled anagrams and DEEOR * * * *
move one
Galaxia with zeal. Over 1,500 stu- letter to each CEOTT * * *
dents took part in the contest. The square to form
chief guest for the event was Indian four ordinary GIIMNN * * *
actor Rishi Bhutani. The event, which words
drew participants from 48 prominent IOSBHK * * *
schools in the region, witnessed a The competition served as a platform Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the answer to the
vibrant display of talents. for young students to showcase their riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
The competition comprised nine creativity and prowess Where there are laws, he who has __ ___ ___ need not tremble. - Vittorio Alfieri (3,6,4)
contests including elocution, one act Answer: Where there are laws, he who has not broken them need not tremble. - Vittorio Alfieri
play, poem recitation, storytelling, tions to all participants and winners,
street play, canvas painting among lauding their dedication & hard work
others. The event served as a plat- that made the event a huge success. Solutions
form for young talents to showcase The chief guest lauded Bal Bhavan
their creativity and prowess, capti- Public School, one of Delhi-NCR’s
vating the audience and judges alike. esteemed educational institutions, Match the jigsaw pieces to the correct spaces in the grid.
In a heartening gesture, the school’s for its unwavering dedication to the
a b
principal extended warm congratula- holistic development of its students. 1 2

Somerville School, Vasundhara Enclave,

celebrates Grandparents’ Day with enthusiasm c d
Somerville School, Vasundhara
Enclave. celebrated Grandparents’
Day, which was attended by the
grandparents of the students of Pre-
School and Pre-Primary.
The event began with a prayer and
5 6
a welcome song ‘You Are My Sun- e
shine’. It was followed by a speech by
Pre-Primary student Noorvi Mittal. Grandparents participated in several
Students dedicated a lovely poem to games and activities with great zeal
their grandparents and performed a
dance performance. Grandparents appreciation. Children also presented MATHDOKU SOLUTION

participated with zeal in several souvenirs made by them to their Answer: 1-c, 2-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-e
Erode, octet, mining, kibosh
games & activities such as identify grandparents. It overwhelmed the SCRAMBLE Solution Words:
the song & ramp walk. Each winner grandparents. The event was very Amrita Bharati Features
was given a sapling as a token of memorable and a huge success.
NOVEMBER 07, 2023 In The News 03
llMORE THAN 200 PEOPLE DIED IN OVERNIGHT STRIKES: GAZA l The Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival procession passes through Somerset, southwest England

Israel steps up war as Hamas

says Gaza deaths near 10,000
Agencies ritory.Netanyahu has remained firm must stop as soon as possible, that a
on his position, vowing on Sunday ceasefire must be declared immedi-
GAZA STRIP, PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES/ that “there won’t be a ceasefire until ately and that aid be provided to the
ANKARA/ TEHRAN/PARIS: Israeli forces the hostages are returned”. oppressed and proud people of Gaza,”
pushed on with intense strikes target- Raisi said.
ing Palestinian militants in Gaza on Blinken holds talks in Turkey
Monday as the war neared one month US Secretary of State Antony Blinken Anti-Semitic acts up: France
and the Hamas-run health ministry’s held tough talks in Turkey on Monday France has recorded more than a
death toll approached 10,000 inside aimed at soothing the anger of one of thousand anti-Semitic acts since Octo-
the besieged territory. Washington’s most strategic but diffi- ber 7 attack by Hamas, Interior Minis-
Determined to destroy Hamas cult allies about the bloodshed in ter Gerald Darmanin said.
whose October 7 attack left 1,400 dead Gaza. “The number of anti-Semitic acts

in Israel and saw over 240 hostages Blinken’s first visit since Israel went has exploded,” he told France 2 televi- Colourfully costumed participants atop floats
taken, Prime Minister Benjamin Net- to war with Hamas in reprisal for the sion, adding that 486 people have
anyahu has vowed no let-up despite militants’ October 7 attack comes with been arrested for such offences,
mounting international calls for a fury at both Israel and the West boil- including 102 foreigners.
Ground forces with tanks have
flooded the northern half of the Gaza
Strip and tightened an encirclement of
ing over on the streets of Turkey and
in the palace of President Recep Tay-
yip Erdogan.
Police used tear gas and water can-
France’s Jewish population, esti-
mated at over 500,000, is the largest in
Europe and the third-biggest in the
world, after Israel and the United
The Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival,
Gaza City, effectively splitting the ter- non to disperse hundreds of protest- States. the oldest of its kind in the United
ritory in two, even as hundreds of ers who marched on an air base hous- Paris police chief Laurent Nunez
thousands of civilians remained in the ing US forces in Turkey’s southeast said Sunday that there had been 257
Kingdom and one of the largest illu-
north despite Israeli evacuation hours before Blinken’s arrival Sunday. anti-Semitic acts in the Paris region minated processions in Europe, was
orders. Erdogan himself was travelling alone, and 90 arrests. held in Somerset, England, last week-
Gaza’s health ministry said more across Turkey’s remote northeast end. Held since 1881, the event is
than 200 people had died in overnight Monday in a seeming snub of Wash- Intense Israeli bombing around famous for squibbing, wherein a long
strikes -- a day after reporting a total ington’s top diplomat. hospitals: Hamas
death toll of more than 9,770, mostly Blinken’s closed-door talks with Gaza’s Hamas government said the
row of people line the high street and
women and children. Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan in Israeli army carried out “intense simultaneously light fireworks. Pupils
“These are massacres! They Ankara would have been packed with bombings” on Sunday evening around from schools and nurseries designed
destroyed three houses over the heads problems even before Israel launched several hospitals in the north of the and decorated masks that were dis-
of their inhabitants -- women and a relentless bombing and expanding Gaza Strip, shortly after telecommuni- play in the Bridgwater town centre.
children,” one resident, Mahmoud ground campaign aimed at eradicat- cations were cut. AF
Mechmech, said in Deir al-Balah in ing Hamas. “For more than an hour, intense It is England’s oldest and one of Europe’s largest illuminated carnivals
central Gaza. bombings have been taking place The event dates back to 1881
“We have already taken 40 bodies US ‘encouraging’ Israel to kill around hospitals,” said Salama
out of the rubble,” he said as crowds Palestinians: Iran Marouf, the head of the Hamas gov-
prayed around corpses wrapped in Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on ernment’s media office.
white shrouds outside a nearby hospi- Monday accused the United States of The vicinity of the Palestinian terri-
tal. “encouraging” Israel to kill and carry tory’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, saw
The Israeli army said on Monday it out “cruel acts” against Palestinians in particularly heavy strikes, according
had pounded Gaza with “significant” the Gaza Strip. to Marouf.
new strikes on 450 targets, having ear- “The aid from the United States to The bombing came after the Israeli
lier said it had already hit over 12,000. the Zionist regime (Israel) is encour- military once again accused Hamas of
aging them to kill and commit cruel using hospitals in their military cam-
‘Are there any survivors?’ acts of neglect against the Palestinian paign against Israel.
Israeli troops and Hamas fighters people,” Raisi said at a joint news con- “Hamas places forces and weapons
have engaged in fierce house-to-house ference in Tehran with visiting Iraqi inside, under and around schools,
combat in densely populated Gaza, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia mosques, homes and UN facilities,”
where the war has sent 1.5 million al-Sudani. Israeli military spokesman Daniel
people fleeing to other parts of the ter- “We believe that the bombings Hagari told reporters.

Revellers on one of the many floats The crowd watches floats pass by during the procession

Palestinians search for casualties at the site of an Israeli strike on a house, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza on Monday REUTERS

HT CHRONICLE November 7 >> from the archives of the Hindustan Times

Sputnik II
at Naini Tal
LUCKNOW - The U.P. Government
observatory at Naini Tal took

Jaipur Aerodrome: Sir Frank Noyce to perform opening ceremony photographs of the passage of the
Soviet second earth satellite in the
sky this morning.
JAIPUR - The new Jaipur Sawai-Madhopur, Isarda, Malpura Jaipur has purchased an According to a message
aerodrome at Sanganer, about six and Jhunjhunu, in the State. efficient monoplane for his received here from the chief
miles from the city proper, la now The sub-estates of Sikar and private use, and has secured astronomer, U.P. State observato-
practically complete, It is provided Khetri already possess their own the services of Flight-Lieut. ry, Naini Tal, the satellite was seen
with a hanger and equipped with landing grounds. The new A. L. R. S. Upton, an experi- in Naini Tal between 5-5 a.m. and
adequate facilities for night landing. aerodrome at Jaipur is expected to enced airman to act as his 5-7 a.m. The I actual duration was 2
The design of the aerodrome was serve a useful purpose and it is pilot. min. 18 5 sees. The brightness was
made by Col. P. L. Bowers, the 1935 hoped will result in the The opening ceremony of of zero magnitude comparable to
State Engineer, in consultation establishment of an aerial link the new aerodrome will be the brightest star of the sky.
with Rai Bahadur Pt. Amar Nath with other centres in India, while performed on November 17, Dr Sampurnanand, Chief
Atal, Finance Member, Jaipur. the landing grounds in different and it is understood that Sir Minister of U.P., today made
The original grant for the main parts of the State will facilitate easy Frank Noyce, Member for observations of the second Soviet
aerodrome was Ra. 60,000, while Ra. approach to the various places on Industries and Labour, satellite which dashed across out of vision towards the
40,000 were sanctioned for the occasions of emergency. Government of India, has been the Lucknow skies at 5-10 a.m. 1957 north-north-east. It lingered in
construction of landing grounds at His Highness the Maharaja of invited for this purpose. He hoped it would be seen the Lucknow skies for about a
again in Lucknow tomorrow at a minute.”
little later, at 5-17 or 5-18 a.m. "The path of the Sputnik seemed
15,000 I.N.A. men await absorption in army The Chief Minister's observa-
tions were later confirmed by the
to pass near Magha (Regulus in
Leo). The satellite then
BOMBAY - "Officers and men of the Gandhi commanded every Indian at and rescued us from British justice." Naini Tal observatory. disappeared after seeming to pass
I.N.A. (war-time Indian National that time. Now that India is free, we In the last four years since we Dr Sampurnanand said: "Sput- between Marichi and Vashishtha
Army) will always remain true to only want to serve India to the best escaped martyrdom," he said, nik II was travelling from the south in Saptarishi (Epsilon and Eta in
India's cause." Mr J. K. Bhonsle, of our ability." "I.N.A. personnel-especially former to the south-east and then passed Ursa Major)."
former Chief of Stat of the I.N.A. 1949 The former I.N.A. Chief officers and men of the Indian
and Chairman of the I.N.A. reviewed the career of the Army-have been going through
Advisory Committee, said here "Army of Liberation, formed by considerable difficulty and WATCH OUT THIS SPACE FOR QUIZ
yesterday. Mr Bhonsle told a Press Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, disappointment.’' Mr Bhonsle spoke
conference at the Taj: "We have no during the war and paid a high of the representations to the
politics. We organized ourselves as tribute of gratitude to leaders of the Government, made by the I.N.A. The quiz will be based on HT archives. Send in your answers at
the I.N.A. to fight' for India's Indian National Congress, "who Advisory Committee, regarding the htpacedelhi@hindustantimes.com
freedom-'to do or die', as Mahatma defended us at the Red Fort Trial future of the I.N.A. personnel.

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04 The Science Of It
NOVEMBER 07, 2023


‘Deaths due to contagion

COP28 conference looks set for from animals may go
up 12 times by 2050’
conflict after tense negotiations Press Trust of India
NEW DELHI: Animal-to-human infec-
tions, or zoonotic diseases, have been
The United States and many increasing at an “exponential rate”
developing countries have and in 2050, are predicted to kill 12
times as many people as they did in
expressed disappointment 2020, researchers have warned in a
in the draft agreement, which British Medical Journal (BMJ) Global
Health study.
will be sent for global leaders Animal-to-human infections, also
to sign at the COP28 climate called ‘spillover’ infections, have been Animal-to-human infections, also
the cause of most modern epidemics, called ‘spillover’ infections, have been
conference which will begins including Covid-19, the researchers the cause of most modern epidemics,
in Dubai later this month from Ginkgo Bioworks, a biotechnol- including Covid-19 SHUTTERSTOCK
ogy company founded in 2008, said.
Associated Press Analysing 60 years of historical epi- ian haemorrhagic fever.
demiological data, the researchers Looking at over 3150 outbreaks and
BENGALURU: Tense negotiations at detected a general pattern of increas- epidemics between 1963 and 2019, the
the final meeting on a climate-re- ingly larger and more frequent spill- team identified a total of 75 spillover
lated loss and damages fund — an over events, even as their analysis did events occurring in 24 countries.
international fund to help poor not include the ongoing Covid-19 pan- These events had caused a total of
countries hit hard by a warming demic. 17,232 deaths, more than 90 per cent
planet — ended on Saturday in Abu Climate and land use changes are of which (15,771) across 40 outbreaks
Dhabi, with participants agreeing predicted to drive the frequency of - mostly in Africa - were caused by Fil-
that the World Bank would tempora- spillover events, facilitated by popula- oviruses, the researchers found.
rily host the fund for the next four tion density and connectivity, the Further, the spillover events and
years. researchers explained. reported deaths attributable to these
The United States and several However, the researchers said that four groups of viruses have been
developing countries expressed dis- the implications of these findings for increasing in numbers by almost 5
appointment in the draft agreement, future global health are difficult to and 9%, respectively, every year
which will be sent for global leaders characterise, given the limited histori- between 1963 and 2019, their analysis
to sign at the COP28 climate confer- Tense negotiations at the final meeting on a climate-related loss and damages fund — an international fund to help poor cal data on the annual frequency and found.
ence, which will begin in Dubai later countries hit hard by a warming planet — ended in Abu Dhabi on Saturday, with participants agreeing that the World severity of zoonotic spillover over “If these annual rates of increase
this month. Bank would temporarily host the fund for the next four years. AP time. continue, we would expect the ana-
The U.S. State Department, whose Thus, to understand the implica- lysed pathogens to cause four times
officials joined the negotiations in things where success can be meas- ence in Egypt. who has followed the talks over the tions, the researchers drew on their the number of spillover events and 12
Abu Dhabi, said in a statement it ured in the equality of discomfort.” Since then, a smaller group of last year. own epidemiological database, built times the number of deaths in 2050
was “pleased with an agreement Persaud negotiated on behalf of negotiators representing both rich Wu said the fund “requires almost on data from a wide range of official than in 2020,” the authors write in
being reached” but regretted that the Latin America and the Caribbean in and developing countries have met nothing of developed countries. ... At sources, to look for trends in spillover their study.
consensus reached among negotia- the meetings. multiple times to finalise the details the same time, it meets very few of events that might shed light on future They further cautioned that these
tors about donations to the fund He said that failure to reach an of the fund. Their last meeting in the the priorities of developing coun- expected patterns. figures are likely an underestimate for
being voluntary is not reflected in agreement would have “cast a long city of Aswan in Egypt in November tries — the very countries, need it be Their database covered epidemics two reasons - exclusion of Covid-19
the final agreement. shadow over COP.” ended in a stalemate. said again, that are supposed to ben- reported by the World Health Organi- pandemic and the strict inclusion cri-
The agreement lays out basic Mohamed Nasr, the lead negotia- While acknowledging that an efit from this fund.” zation (WHO), outbreaks caused by a teria for the pathogens in the analysis,
goals for the fund, including for its tor from Egypt, last year’s climate agreement on the fund is better than Sultan al-Jaber, a federal minister viral pathogen that killed 50 or more which effectively ruled out the impact
planned launch in 2024, and speci- conference host, said, “It falls short a stalemate, climate policy analysts with the United Arab Emirates and people and historically significant of advances in surveillance and detec-
fies how it will be administered and on some items, particularly the scale say there are still numerous gaps CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Com- outbreaks, such as the 1918 and 1957 tion over the study period.
who will oversee it, including a and the sources (of funding), and that must be filled if the fund is to be pany who will oversee COP28 next flu pandemics. The authors acknowledged the
requirement for developing coun- (an) acknowledgment of cost effective in helping poor and vulner- month, welcomed the outcome of The researchers focused on four “immense value” of measures imple-
tries to have a seat on the board, in incurred by developing countries.” able communities around the world the meetings. groups of viruses, which, according to mented in response to Covid-19, such
addition to the World Bank’s role. The demand for establishing a hit by increasingly frequent climate- “Billions of people, lives and liveli- them, had the potential to pose a sig- as rapid development of mRNA vacci-
Avinash Persaud, special envoy to fund to help poor countries hit hard related disasters. hoods who are vulnerable to the nificant risk to public health and eco- nes, passive wastewater testing and
Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mot- by climate change has been a focus The meetings delivered on that effects of climate change depend nomic or political stability - Filovi- active testing, and genomic surveil-
tley on climate finance, said the of U.N. climate talks ever since they mandate but were “the furthest upon the adoption of this recom- ruses (Ebola virus, Marburg virus), lance to detect emerging variants, in
agreement was “a challenging but started 30 years ago and was finally thing imaginable from a success,” mended approach at COP28,” he SARS Coronavirus 1, Nipah virus, and improving resiliency to public health
critical outcome. It was one of those realised at last year’s climate confer- said Brandon Wu of ActionAid USA said. Machupo virus, which causes Boliv- threats.

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NOVEMBER 07, 2023 World of Sport 05

Match goes ahead in pollution-hit Delhi

NEW DELHI : Bangladesh and Sri on the eve of the match at the Arun
Lanka’s Cricket World Cup match in Jaitley Stadium.
New Delhi was given the green light Earlier practice sessions were also
on Monday, a day after the smog- cancelled while some Bangladesh
choked Indian capital was ranked as players who have asthma were con-
the planet’s most polluted city. fined to their hotel.
The air quality has hovered The air quality index (AQI) was
between “poor” to “severe” in the close to 400 near the ground, though
capital, which has a population of 30 the sunny weather has reduced the
million, in the last few days. smog and improved visibility.
Some players and coaches from The World Health Organisation
both teams trained with face masks (WHO) advisory warns against any
outdoor activities when the AQI goes
over 300, which is “hazardous”.
According to the International
Cricket Council (ICC) guidelines air
quality is usually assessed and con-
sidered by match officials and is
treated as other weather matters.
Pollution in Delhi hit severe levels
during a Test match in December,
2017 when Sri Lankan players came
out wearing masks after the tea
break. Indian bowler Mohammed
Shami vomited on the pitch.
At Sunday practice, Sri Lanka team
manager Mahinda Halangoda
refused to rule out similar precau-
tions in the game.
“Obviously, today when we came,
we were wearing masks, and we were
told to wear masks,” he said.
“But it depends exactly what the
outside index is, and then we’ll make
a call on it.”
Bangladesh coach Chandika Hat-
hurusingha said the air quality “is not
Meanwhile, Bangladesh skipper
Shakib Al Hasan won the toss and
elected to bowl first in Monday’s
Bangladesh are out of the race for
the semi-finals while Sri Lanka only
have a mathematical chance of mak- Australia's Marcus Stoinis and Glenn Maxwell during a practice session at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai on Monday. REUTERS
Sri Lanka's captain Kusal Mendis. AFP
ing the final-four.


‘Kohli is the ‘absolute best’ batter in world’

Aus look to banish middle-order
NEW DELHI: Virat Kohli is the “absolute
best” batter in the world on the basis
of his overall record and he did not
need to equal legendary Sachin Ten-
woes versus plucky Afghanistan
dulkar’s record number of ODI hun- Agencies against Australia, for whom leg-spin- ping and turning in Ahmedabad, both nered in this edition.
dreds to earn that tag, feels former sportsdesk@hindustantimes.com
ner Adam Zampa’s 19 wickets in seven Smith and Labuschagne will hope for With four wins in the last five
Australia captain Ricky Ponting. matches are the most for any bowler stronger returns against Afghanistan. matches, the Afghans have kept the
Kohli equalled Tendulkar’s record of MUMBAI: With seats filling up fast for in this World Cup.Australia need only For Labuschagne, his two fifties semifinal dream alive but getting past
49 ODI centuries with a brilliant 101 not World Cup semifinals, Australia will one win from their remaining two have come in the last three outings Australia will be a humongous chal-
out against South Africa on his 35th look to banish middle-order woes and contests — against Afghanistan and and his 83-ball 71 against England was lenge, knowing that they are also
birthday in a World Cup match on Sun- secure a final four spot against a fear- Bangladesh — to become the third a quality knock on a sluggish surface required to improve the Net Run Rate
day. The century only further strength- less Afghanistan here on Tuesday. semifinalists and more importantly where Australia did just well enough in their respective last two league
ened Kohli’s case of being one of the Only two places remain up for the stay clear from the pack that is about to make a total which was beyond games.
greatest players of modern times. taking with rampant India slated to to engage in a dogfight in the middle England’s reach. The consistency displayed with the
“There is no doubt he is the absolute Virat Kohli. AFP finish atop the World Cup points table. of the points table for the final spot. At the top, David Warner (428 runs bat by captain Hashmatullah Shahidi
best and I have said that for a long South Africa have also qualified.With But the five-time champions are in 7 matches at 61.14, 2x100s, 1x50s) (282 runs), Rahmat Shah (264)
time,” Ponting said on the ICC website. Cup at an imposing average of 108.60. no other team directly threatening also in a way, a bit far from their best has done the heavylifting while Travis Azmatullah Omarzai (234), Rahman-
“He didn’t need to equal Sachin’s Ponting eluded to the fact that Kohli Australia’s progression into the semi- even though they come into Tuesday’s Head’s strong beginning to the World ullah Gurbaz (234) and Ibrahim
record, he doesn’t need to break the reached the feat of 49th ODI ton in 175 finals, Pat Cummins’ men would like contest riding high on confidence of Cup (120 runs in two matches) gives Zadran (232) has delivered three con-
record.”If you look at his overall bat- innings less than Tendulkar. to finish the job at the first given five consecutive wins, given that their Australia the hope of a fiery start. secutive wins while chasing for
ting record it is incredible,” said Pon- “To think that he (Kohli) got 49 ODI opportunity here at the Wankhede middle-order is yet to come to the With Mitchell Marsh returning, Afghanistan, but playing against Aus-
ting, himself a legendary batter. hundreds and equalled Sachin and in Stadium — a venue that has been a party. Steve Smith (one) and Marnus Australia must also be able to address tralia will be a different ball game.
The century against South Africa 175 less innings is unbelievable.” Pon- paradise for batting but also supports Labuschagne (two) are no ODI behe- the issue of Cameron Green’s ordinary With Rashid Khan (7 wickets) opt-
was Kohli’s second of the tournament ting predicted a more dangerous the bowlers adequately if they are moths but a combined total of three run with the bat among the team’s ing to have an extended batting ses-
and fourth overall in all 50-over World Kohli in the World Cup as he can play good enough to exploit the condi- fifties in seven matches each between designated all-rounders.For Afghani- sion here on Sunday, there were clear
Cups. The 35-year-old now has a total with freedom now that he has drawn tions.The battle promises to be an Nos 3 and 4 would give any team a stan, who have lost all three ODIs to indications which part of his game the
of 543 runs at this edition of the World level with Tendulkar. enticing watch given Afghanistan’s huge concern. Australia including two in World star player wanted to work on more as
battery of spinners and resolute bat- But given how the duo batted in Cups, it will be imperative to keep his 56 runs in seven matches have not
ting itching to deliver a strong show Ahmedabad on a pitch that was grip- building on the success they have gar- done justice to his abilities.

‘No drama’ says Real’s Ancelotti despite draw

BARCELONA: Real Madrid coach Carlo
Ancelotti said there was “no drama”
they so often manage to produce.
The draw leaves Madrid second,
despite his team failing to build on
their Clasico triumph, dropping two
points in La Liga’s title race with a
two points behind shock leaders
Girona, who came from behind to
beat Osasuna, and two ahead of Bar-
Verstappen wins Brazilian GP, ON RETURN AFTER
0-0 derby draw against Rayo Valle-
cano on Sunday.
Los Blancos spurned several chan-
celona after the Catalans’ fortunate
win over Real Sociedad on Saturday.
“In the table we are doing very
Perez widens gap over Hamilton PARENTS’ KIDNAP
ces as they drove Rayo back through- well, we’re in the fight, we’re doing Agencies sportsdesk@hindustantimes.com
out at the Santiago Bernabeu but very well in the Champions League --
could not find the last-gasp winner there is no drama,” Ancelotti said. LONDON: Luis Diaz saved Liverpool
SAO PAULO: Three-time champion Max from a shock defeat at Luton in a 1-1
Verstappen led from the start and won draw on Sunday on his first appear-
the Brazilian Grand Prix. ance since his parents were kid-
Sergio Perez of Red Bull finished in napped in his native Colombia.
fourth place, distancing himself from The winger was introduced as a
Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton in one of substitute moments after Tahith
the few competitions left this season Chong had given Luton a stunning
— a position for runner-up. lead 10 minutes from time.
Perez nearly took the podium posi- Diaz’s soaring leap and header five
tion from third-place Fernando minutes into stoppage time denied
Alonso of Aston Martin, but the Span- the Hatters their first ever home win
iard saw the checkered flag 0.053 sec- in the Premier League.
onds before the Mexican. His mother was rescued within
The two raced for the position in hours of her capture on October 28,
the three final laps of the race, with but the search goes on for his father
the Red Bull driver overtaking Alonso Luis Manuel Diaz.
once and then losing the position. The 26-year-old revealed a t-shirt
“For me, it was like 30 laps,” Alonso saying “freedom for Dad” after scor-
said after being chased by Perez. “I ing and again at full-time.
had the pressure from Checo but Red Bull's Max Verstappen celebrates on the podium in Sao Paulo. AFP “It’s a wonderful moment but it
when he passed me two laps to the doesn’t change the situation,” said
end, I thought. Okay, this is gone, the ment during the sprint race on Satur- more time in seeking improve- Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp. “The
podium is not possible.’ Then he day, and said later he was more confi- ments.Verstappen earned his record- most important thing is his father is
braked a bit late into turn 1.” dent for the grand prix. breaking 17th win and never lost the released.
McLaren’s Lando Norris was second “I was happy with the weekend,” lead, while Perez had an aggressive “It is wonderful he wanted to be
at Interlagos. Perez told broadcasters. “I just know I drive to face Hamilton. In the 18th lap, here. For us a super important goal
Perez will leave South America 32 could have had more if I didn’t get the Red Bull driver overtook the Mer- and for him very important and emo-
points ahead of Hamilton with two unlucky on Friday (at the qualifying cedes for fifth place, much to the dis- tional, but that’s it.”
races left — Las Vegas on Nov. 19 and session).” Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc, appointment of Brazilian fans who Diaz’s remarkable show of
Abu Dhabi a week later. His teammate who was going to start second, support the seven-time cham- strength glossed over a poor per-
and champion Verstappen said later crashed during the formation lap pion.Formula One will race in Sao formance and result for the Reds.
at a press conference it is not up to before the start due to an engine issue. Paulo at least until 2030, organizers Liverpool spent more on each of
him to help his fellow Red Bull driver “Disappointed to say the least. Lost announced Friday. their starting midfield trio this sum-
secure the runner-up position, the power steering and the engine “The whole race was about the mer than Luton have in the transfer
though. “It shouldn’t always be on me power on the formation lap. It hurts,” management of the tires,” Verstappen market since the advent of the Pre-
to get the points,” the Dutchman said. Leclerc said in his social media chan- said after the race. “Las Vegas will be mier League in 1992.
Perez started the race at Interlagos nels after the race. new for everyone, full of surprises, I Yet, Rob Edwards’ men were sec-
Poland's Iga Swiatek celebrates after defeating Belarus' Aryna in the ninth position and fan-favorite A red flag after the second lap am sure.”“It is going to be very differ- onds away from one of the biggest
Sabalenka during their women's singles semi-final at the WTA Finals Hamilton in fifth after a frustrating because of a crash involving Kevin ent from here. Low temperatures, shocks in Premier League history.
Championship in Cancun, Mexico. AFP qualifying for the Red Bull driver on Magnussen of Haas and Williams’ street circuit, we don’t know the Darwin Nunez struck the crossbar
Friday. He showed some improve- Alex Albon gave Red Bull drivers track’s grip,” he added. early on for the visitors.
06 Inspiring Lives
NOVEMBER 07, 2023

Versatile genius & pioneer

of Modern Chemistry
ANTOINE LAURENT LAVOISIER: Widely regarded as the Father of Modern
Chemistry, this late 18th century scientist laid the foundation for the development
of the field, revolutionising the way we understand chemical reactions and matter.
orn on August 26, 1743, in chemical reactions but rather trans- rigorous and scientific discipline.

B Paris, France, into an affluent

family, Lavoisier received an
excellent education. He stud-
ied law and graduated as a lawyer,
but his true passion lay in the natural
formed into different substances.

Oxygen and combustion

One of Lavoisier’s most significant
contributions was his explanation of
Gunpowder manufacturing
During his lifetime, Lavoisier was
also involved in practical applica-
tions of chemistry. He worked on
sciences. He pursued his interests the process of combustion. He improving the quality and safety of
fervently, collaborating with promi- showed that it was the combination gunpowder production for the
nent scientists of his time. of a substance with oxygen, rather French military.
than the release of a mysterious sub- His innovations in this field con-
Education stance called phlogiston, that fuelled tributed to the French army’s weap-
Lavoisier studied law from the the flames. He named this life-sus- onry and strategy. The famous chem-
reputed Collège Mazarin. During taining gas Oxygen, coining the term ist served as a director of the French
those three years, he spent much we use today. Gunpowder Administration from
time attending lectures on chemistry 1775 to 1792.
and physics, rather than on law. Simplified chemical names
After graduation, Lavoisier was Lavoisier also played a vital role in Personal life
inducted into the supreme Order of simplifying chemical nomenclature. His marriage to Marie-Anne Pierrette
Barristers, whose members pre- He proposed a systematic naming Paulze in 1771 proved instrumental,
sented cases before the High Court system for chemical compounds, as she played an active role in his sci-
(Parlement) of Paris. His father and which laid the foundation for the entific endeavours.
his maternal grandfather had fol- International Union of Pure and
lowed the same path. ‘ Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) system Tragic end
Soon, Lavoisier shifted his focus to used in modern chemistry. His work Despite his numerous achievements,
scientific research. In 1768, his made it easier for scientists to com- Lavoisier’s life took a tragic turn dur-
research got him entry into France’s municate and share their findings. ing the French Revolution.
elite natural philosophy society, the His connections to the nobility and
Academy of Sciences in Paris. Quantitative analysis tax-collecting responsibilities led to
Lavoisier’s quantitative approach to his arrest and conviction.
Revolutionised Chemistry chemistry was another break- On May 8, 1794, Lavoisier was exe-
Lavoisier is best known for his work through. He emphasised the impor- cuted by guillotine, a stark reminder
on the law of conservation of mass. tance of precise measurements and of the turbulent times in which he
He conducted numerous experi- accurate record-keeping. lived.
ments to demonstrate that mass is This focus on quantitative analysis
neither created nor destroyed in elevated chemistry to a more Sources: Wikipedia, Britannica,

Since Antoine Lavoisier invested
1 Lavoisier was not 2 in a financial 3 Besides his deep
interest in chemis- 4
Lavoisier’s contem-
porary, Italian 5 Chemistry stu-
dents in France
adept at English, his scheme known as the try, Lavoisier took on French mathemati- are still taught the law
wife became proficient General Farm. From administrative duties cian Joseph-Louis of conservation of
in the language and this, he became a Tax within the Academy of Lagrange, commented mass as Lavoisier’s law,
translated chemical Farmer, and devoted Sciences and other on his death, “It took which is a testament
studies for him. She the majority of his time government agencies them only an instant to his multifaceted
also recorded the to financial and admin- during the final years to cut off that head, and lasting legacy
research conducted in istrative affairs, of the monarchy and and a hundred years in making this principle
the laboratory through in addition to passion early years of the may not produce part of modern
her drawings. for scientific research. French Revolution. another like it.” chemistry.

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Expression of Interest
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