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Group 5

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IT Sustainability Analysis

Company – HCL
By R Gayathri (PGP/26/097)
As software engineers and product designers creating custom digital projects, it’s easy to forget
about all of the resources that go into making your job possible. Think of the “Cloud” — out of
sight, out of mind. But the resources and energy used to build your computer, power it, and
power the data center holding your information in the Cloud all contribute to carbon emissions.
Working in technology, we are called on to be future-facing every day, and it’s our responsibility
to be aware of how our work impacts the environment.
Because software is intangible, it can be difficult to grasp how it affects the environment.
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector is rapidly growing, accounting
for more than 2% of global emissions — roughly the same as the aviation industry’s carbon
footprint from fuel emissions. The environmental impact has become too big to ignore, and the
increasing number of devices, expansion of data centers, and ambiguity of carbon offsets all
contribute to the problem. It’s not all bad news, though: with thoughtful research and planning,
there are solutions we can work toward to initiate change.
HCL has contributed in line with SDG (16/17) and contributed and achieved in Climate Change, Human Capital, Eco
efficiency, Renewable Energy, Waste, Equal Opportunities, Sustainable Procurement, Government and Ethics, Anti
Goals for the Future with respect to Environment, Social as well as Governance perspectives like Electricity,
Gender representation in senior leadership and sustainable supply chain to name a few.
The report is aligned to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ACT: They understand that impact starts with them. They act in the most responsible and
standards, Sustainability Accounting Standard Board sustainable manner. They ensure they use every resource efficiently to maximize value.
(SASB) standards, WEF - ESG principles, TCFD principles, PACT: Its relationships go beyond a formal contract with its stakeholders. They are working for a
and Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting sustainable future, in collaboration with their clients, partners, employees, communities and all
(BRSR) requirements of SEBI. This material issues are other stakeholders.
also aligned with the United Nations Sustainable IMPACT: It focus on creating sustainable, long-lasting impact through all their initiatives and
Development Goals (UNSDGs) activities.
WITHIN THE ORGANISATION Talent Development: Designs and deploys a robust, integrated and
comprehensive learning ecosystem focused on employee development to drive
INNOVATION: critical business outcomes.
Patents filed: 97 Patents granted: 29 Rewards and Recognition: promote a culture of appreciation to motivate the
superior technology platforms and products to change society positively. employees. These programs are aligned with the organizational values and play
Ideapreneurship: all unique and innovative solutions incubate as ideas. an essential role in asserting an employee's sense of belonging and commitment
innovative ecosystem has evolved organically by collaborating with start-ups, to HCL.
VCs, and trade missions worldwide Diversity and Inclusion: Gender empowerment and inclusion, Cultural inclusion,
Alliances: healthy alliances play a crucial role and supercharge the drive for Disability inclusion, LGBTQ+ inclusion.
ecosystem-based innovation. It has invested in co-innovation labs, dedicated HR Policies and Procedures: The policy focuses on fostering an open and
Centers of Excellence (CoEs) across the globe to build solution frameworks inclusive workplace, and includes, Respect for human rights, Valuing diversity,
and accelerators and get certified in partner products Safe and healthy workplace , Workplace security, Equal opportunity employer.
Industry 4.0: Quantum Computing, Immersive Banking, No-contact Car Whistleblower Policy This policy defines and lays down the process for raising a
Buying Experience, Decentralized Clinical Trials complaint, the safeguards in place for the person raising a complaint, the roles
Enhancing customer experience through Innovation and Enabling Clients and responsibilities of all stakeholders, and sets the timelines for processes to
with Technology during Covid 19 be followed.
Eco Efficiency: Focus on resource optimization and efficiency while reducing the negative environmental impacts of our
Climate Change: Addressing, mitigating and adapting to climate related risks while capitalizing on opportunities presented by
climate action.
Work Environment: It ensures that the employees have the best-in-class facilities. It also have created robust systems to
make sure that the employees work in a safe and healthy environment.
Corporate Citizenship: Leverage its 209,000 employees, expertise and knowledge to drive transformative change through
integrated community development projects.

Human Capital: Employees are the most valuable asset. Rapid change is a constant in our technology sector, and we need to
upskill and reskill our employees to deliver cutting edge solutions to our clients
Local Hiring: The responsibility to be part of the communities in which it operate. To address this, it invest in local talent and
work with academic partners
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): The DEI strategy has been designed to ensure that every employee feels included and
valued. By fostering a climate free of bias, where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic, a result oriented and caring
organization that nurtures intellectual strength and produces innovative solutions from the synergy of its people.
Talent Attraction and Retention: The talent management plans don’t just focus on attracting and retaining our skilled
workforce, they develop the workforce, manage performance, transition talent to new leadership roles, and make our
workplace culture a competitive advantage.

Sustainable Procurement: To drive sustainability across the value chain, HCL has developed a procurement strategy that
evaluates suppliers on specific ESG dimensions and conducts programs that improve suppliers’ knowledge of sustainability
Sustainable Impact on clients: As there is a growing recognition of the interdependence of digitalization and sustainability,
they are ready to help our clients through our sustainable solutions.
Governance and Ethics: established policies, mechanisms and processes that follow the highest standard of ethics. This has
played a pivotal role in the credibility the organization has generated over years.
Cyber Security, Data Protection and System Availability: As cyber threats and security breaches become more advanced it is
critical for us to have superior security systems and management plans.
CSR: Green Buildings for the Future: With sustainability at its core, green
Rural Development Programs: programs for rural communities aim to create architecture optimizes the use of water, energy, and materials to help us live in
self-reliant villages through the maintainable socio-economic wellbeing of all. harmony with nature. HCL has started adopting measures to convert campuses
Under Samuday Rural: HCL Foundation has envisioned for rural development. into “Green Campuses” by implementing measures to ensure energy efficiency,
in developing 300 villages in Uttar Pradesh. Samuday Rural has six thrust water conservation, and waste reduction.
areas: Education, Health, Infrastructure, Water and Sanitation, Employability/ Green IT
Livelihood and Agriculture; and focuses on holistic development of selected HCL is committed to using IT resources efficiently and effectively with minimal
villages through optimal interventions in these sectors. or no impact on the environment. The main levers that HCL uses to drive this
Urban Development Programs: Focuses on areas with the challenges of rapid are
urbanization and imbalanced growth. after-school coaching centers in urban • Reducing the use of hazardous materials - Use of RoHS-compliant
slums and in Government-aided schools to enhance the quality of learning equipment and limit mercury content and Recycling as much as possible
and development in children aged between 11 and 17 years. Support throughout the contract, and at the end of the product use.
activities include coaching, counselling, life skills training, sports and arts, • Maximizing the use of energy efficient equipment having specifications like
rehabilitation, digital literacy, water and sanitation. Energy Star, Energy Rate and Energy Label to enhance efficiency for
Employee Volunteering: HCL’s CSR engagements are defined by the passion computers, servers, and utility lifecycles
for ‘Power of One’ that motivates employee volunteers and contributors to Sustainable Supply Chain
offer their time and effort to community upliftment programs Adopting industry best practices like digitization to reduce carbon footprint
Energy Efficiency Initiatives: HCL has undertaken various energy efficiency and enhance responsible operations throughout its value chain
initiatives to reduce the energy consumption. These include improving the • Focusing on sustainable sourcing and Aligning supply chain partners to HCL's
performance of HVAC systems, energy efficient lighting and controls, effective social and environmental performance goals by sharing the expectations with
utilization of uninterruptible power source (UPS) system, and optimizing the vendors regularly
elevator operations. • Procuring IT equipment and software from vendors committed to
Water Neutrality: HCL has taken various steps to control its water demand sustainability. For non-IT resources, by strictly monitoring the vendors for
and widen its conservation practices through reduce, reuse and recycle statutory compliance
approach • Ensure all devices sourced for customers are procured, packaged, and
• Sewage treatment plants at facilities to treat wastewater and reuse it for shipped efficiently and in a green manner by OEMs. And Encourage local
flushing, landscaping, and soft water applications. sourcing by giving preference to local vendors.
• Rainwater harvesting and Installation of dishwashers Waste Management: HCL is reducing the generation of waste and undertaking
• New efficient EWC installations, Water aerators in hand wash taps recycling where possible for better waste management. It primarily generate e-
• Purchase of new pneumatic pumps with flow / speed control waste, food waste, and paper waste in its operations.


Overall, Capgemini's CSR reports demonstrate a strong commitment to

sustainability, including environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

The company has set ambitious targets in each of these areas and has made
CONCLUSION progress towards achieving them. However, the reports lack some key

information, including progress towards some targets and the impact of some

initiatives. To improve transparency and accountability, Capgemini should

provide more detailed information in their future CSR reports.

By Reeti Rai, PGP/26/099
About the Company 2021 2020 2019
• Wipro's Approach to social responsibility and sustainability
rests on three pillars: the strategic, systemic, and
deliberative No. of
• It has a dedicated CSR committee (Sub-committee to the Employees
201,665 188,270 175,690
Board) which is the apex body that oversees its CSR policy
and programs
• It has the ISO 14000 and ISO 45001 and OHSAS % of Women 35.7% 35% 35.2%
certifications across19 locations in India and 8 locations
outside India.
• Wipro spent Rs. 251.2Cr for CSR activities in 2021, a
whopping 51% over the regulatory limit of 2%. PWD
667 578 545

In 2022, ISG
Azim Premji GHG
ranked Wipro
has topped the Emissions 447,683 559,510 498,236
CEO and MD: as a Leader in CO2 Tons
Edelgive Hurun
Thierry Sustainability &
Delaporte ESG Services Environment
in Australia, al Impact 200 230 310
List 2020
UK and USA (USD Mn)
Reports Summarised “Continuous
effort to enhance
people's lifestyle
• The IIRC Framework and quality by
Workplace Sustainability
• The GRI Standards 2016 (‘GRI means of
Standards’) and revised topic-specific Ecological Sustainability
developing new
Customer Stewardship
• The principles of the National Voluntary
technology in
Guidelines (NVG) and SEBI’s Supply Chain Policies wireless
requirements with respect to Business
Responsibility Reporting (BRR).
Social Responsibility communication”

•Wipro OnAir: Profiled unique stories on their global podcast series to celebrate the resilience of the human spirit. Since its launch in 2017, it has
received over 766,000 hits on 99 podcasts.
•3 biodiversity projects completed till date - Butterfly Park, Wetland Zone and Thematic Garden in Bengaluru and Pune and Long-term urban water
programs in Bengaluru, Pune and Hyderabad for citizen engagement and advocacy on ground water management .
•TopCoder is their crowdsourcing and on-demand talent platform for enterprise with 1.6 million members from over 250 countries. In FY21 49K
challenges and tasks were completed, an increase of 88% from FY20.
•Education for Children with Disability Program supports the educational and rehabilitative needs of over 2,200 underprivileged children with
disabilities, through 14 projects in 5 states and Nearly 8,800 children from underprivileged communities benefited from their 22 education projects in 9
states through our community program.
•Started in 2012, the Wipro SEF USA is a twoyear program designed to improve individual teacher practice, foster teacher leadership opportunities, and
create a district corps of teacher leaders supporting sustainable positive changes in science education.
Issues and Allegations
Internal Sex discrimination,
Employment Financial Fraud Fired 300
unfair dismissal Top Management
Discrimination allegations against employees for
against people of and verbal abuse accused of mental
Azim Premji and moonlighting in
Non-South Asian by employees, won harassment
his Wife 2020
Origin the case


• Business Ambition for 1.5°C ENGAGE
• GC 100 Understand
• Responsible Climate Policy Inform
Engagement Assess
• SBTi (Approved) Collaborate
• Target Gender Equality
• Women's Empowerment
Cognizant is an American multinational
information technology services and
consulting company. It is headquartered in
Teaneck, New Jersey, United States. It has
355,300 employees worldwide and total
revenue $19.4B
Reporting Standards followed Global Context
Cognizant detail their ESG progress using
globally recognized frameworks: In 2021, Cognizant joined the United Nations
● Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Global Compact (UNGC). As a UNGC Participant,
(SASB) standards Cognizant has to show how and where
● Task Force on Climate-related Financial technology can help drive the outcomes of the
Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development
● Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Goals (SDGs).
Cognizant foster following SDG’s
To hold their ESG reporting to high standards:
● Commissioned an external third party to
perform attestation procedures over GHG
● Leverage the COSO2(Committee of
Sponsoring Organizations) framework to
support goal of transparent, accurate and
complete reporting
Environment Social Governance
1-Net Zero emission 1-Leadership development 1- Supply chain management
2026-Source 100% renewable energy Dedicated leadership programs focus on Seek to create a positive ripple effect based on
2030-Reduce absolute emissions by 50% in our global enabling individual contributors to become their Values – do the right thing, the right way
operations and supply chain emerging leaders.
2- Environment, health and safety
2- Green buildings 2- Associate learning & Protect associate health and safety through
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) development Environmental, Health & Safety management
certified Entry-level associates partake in multi- system, policies and steps to prevent accidents
month, role-specific skills training and occupational illnesses in the workplace.
4- Green information technology (IT) and data
centres 3- Cloud lab 3- Ethics & compliance
Cloud-first strategy led to reduce footprint in data In 2021, launched a cloud lab to give Upheld by following the Code of Ethics.
centres and enables to capitalize on cloud efficiency associates on-demand, hands-on learning Cognizant’s senior and seasoned global
and MyLearningStudio. leadership team maintains a strong ethical
5- Supply Chain Engagement
Engaging top4 150 suppliers to help them set their own 4-Diversity and inclusion
net zero emissions reduction targets. Building a diverse and inclusive workforce 4- Data security & data privacy
and promote a culture of belonging. Focuses on safeguarding data through effective
Women accounted for 38% of our security and privacy policies and procedures.
6- E-waste management workforce globally and 39% within India. Cognizant has maintained ISO27001 since 2002
Upcycle, and not simply recycle, devices and donate and is currently ISO27001:2013 standard
them to schools, colleges and charities globally to certified, valid through 2024.
increase access to digital technology for underserved
Moving beyond carbon tunnel
vision with a sustainability
data strategy
Businesses need to focus on
interlinked environmental and social
impacts to gain the full breadth of
opportunities and value that lie
And the starting point is a data
strategy to augment sustainability
strategy — something many
companies lack.
The International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM) is an American
multinational technology corporation
headquartered in New York and is
present in over 175 countries. The
company has been included in the Dow
Jones Sustainability Index for 22
consecutive years and has been
recognized as a leader in corporate
sustainability by several publications.
IBM's Sustainability Initiatives
Energy Efficiency:
Circular Economy: Climate Change:
IBM has implemented various
IBM is committed to reducing waste IBM has set a goal to achieve net-
energy-efficient technologies
and promoting a circular economy. zero greenhouse gas emissions by
across its operations, including
The company has set targets to 2030, which includes reducing its
smart building systems, data
reduce waste and increase the carbon footprint, purchasing
center optimization, and
amount of recycled materials used renewable energy, and investing in
renewable energy sourcing.
in its products and operations energy-efficient technologies.

Diversity and Inclusion:

Social Responsibility:
IBM is committed to fostering diversity, equity, and
IBM is committed to using its technology and expertise
inclusion in its workforce and supply chain. The
to address global challenges, including climate change,
company has set targets to increase the
healthcare, and education. The company has launched
representation of women and underrepresented
various initiatives to promote social responsibility,
minorities in its workforce and to promote diversity in
including the IBM Corporate Service Corps, which
its supply chain.
sends IBM employees on pro bono consulting
assignments in emerging markets.
IBM’s ESG commitments Ethical impact (Governance)
– Include technology ethics education
in training for IBM ecosystem partners,
Environmental impact reaching 1,000 partners by end of 2022
– Reach net-zero greenhouse gas – Added diversity modifier to executive
emissions by 2030 annual incentive program metrics
– Divert 90% (by weight) of IBM’s total – Engage 100% of suppliers on sound
nonhazardous waste from landfill and practices, including social and
incineration by 2025 environmental responsibility, ethics,
– Initiate 100 client engagements or and risk planning
research projects by 2025 in which IBM
solutions have enabled demonstrable Equitable impact (Social)
environmental benefits – Skill 30 million people globally by 2030
– Log 4 million volunteer hours by 2025
– $250 million investment in apprenticeship
and new collar programs by 2025
– 15% of first-tier supplier diversity spend
with Black-owned suppliers by 2025
Environmental Goals and Results
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Energy conservation as % of total
6.1 4.8 3.6 Re-use 3.3 3.2
energy use (goal 3%)
IBM's total energy consumption
in megawatt-hours 4,896,386 4,912,714 4,845,695 Re-use
4,666,514 4,455,752

Renewable electricity use % 03/

of total electricity
consumption (goal
32.7 37 39 Re-use 37.9 47
55% by 2025)
IBM total operational CO2
emissions 1,569,241 1,436,464 1,417,985 1,375,027
Re-use 1,221,969
in metric tons
360° Value Reporting
Accenture continue to build on their long-standing
partnership with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
and their commitment to the UN Sustainable Development
Goals. In addition, they report against three ESG reporting
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure
The World Economic Forum International Business
Council (WEF IBC) metrics
While continuing to align with the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI) Standards, the Ten Principles of the UNGC and the
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Accenture's reporting captures how they
deliver unique value across six vital
Accenture is well-positioned to report against dimensions— Sustainability, Talent, Inclusion &
standards set by the International Sustainability Diversity, Client, Experience, and Financial—
Standards Board of the International Financial and offers a comprehensive view of our
Reporting Standards Foundation as reporting financial and ESG measures and our goals,
standards change progress, and performance for each.
Accenture’s ESG Materiality Matrix Inputs to the Business axis

Inputs to the Stakeholder axis Business prioritization was reviewed in light of Accenture's new
Reviewed the latest insights on ESG materiality from purpose and governance reforms, new ESG targets, Enterprise Risk
relevant NGOs, industry bodies, and academics; new Management program, and other relevant impacts on people and
frameworks such as the universal ESG metrics from the global operations. They also collaborated with a number of top
World Economic Forum; and the SDG Ambition benchmarks officials to explore potential improvements to our issues or how to
prioritise them

Highest priority SDGs for Accenture in

Sweden’s operations
The prioritized SDGs are the product of a careful examination of numerous
inputs and perspectives, including direct and indirect stakeholders, economic
market development, technological factors, competitor analysis, and civil
society. Market research on the top 20 Nordic clients was part of the
approach. Although they have divided the priority SDGs into business-facing
and stakeholder-facing categories, there are overlaps—what is important to
their business is also important to their stakeholders, and vice versa.
Renewable Electricity Responsible Travel
Reduce your own Emissions When travel is necessary, we equip
Committed to achieving 100% our people to make climate-smart
renewable electricity in our offices travel decisions. For example:
globally by the end of 2023. At the end Analytics and reporting assist
of fiscal 2022, our mix of renewable business travellers and runners in
electricity reached 97%, an identifying possibilities to cut
improvement over 53% in fiscal 2021 travel or choose less carbon-
Expanded our use of smart meters, to intensive forms of transportation
inform our energy management Encourage the use of more
decisions carbon-efficient alternatives
Increased our renewable electricity Aviation carbon calculator
through contracts purchased from the highlights actual emissions to
grid or local renewable energy markets inform booking decisions
Green IT Move to Zero Waste
Accenture's worldwide IT organisation During fiscal 2022, they reused or
uses a cloud-first approach to run the recycled 99% of the e-waste
business, developing new apps and
FY2022 Highlights relating to computers and
Created a CO2 calculator prototype to • 97% renewable electricity in their locations
In fiscal 2023, expand digital asset
measure an estimation of Accenture’s • Total carbon emissions decreased by 68% from tracking to encompass monitors,
public cloud energy consumption the baseline servers, and uninterruptible
Green software development • 99% of e-waste relating to computers and power supply equipment
practises, Including sustainability in workstations was reused or recycled Refurbishment and reuse to
the preferred supplier programme, the • 98% of people completed Ethics & Compliance extend the life cycle of our
new device catalogue allows furniture assets
accenture to share sustainability
• 1.6M+ people worldwide equipped with the skills
statistics with users
Ethics & Governance Accenture's clear corporate governance structure and Ethics & Compliance
program, which are based on core values and the Code of Business Ethics (COBE),
guide strategic business decisions and actions as Accenture work to foster a culture
of integrity, transparency, inclusivity, and respect for all people

Client value creation

Creating long-term connections and enabling clients to become high-performance
businesses by being responsive and relevant and continually delivering value
One global network
Leveraging the power of global insight, collaboration, and learning to deliver
exceptional service
Respect for the individual
Accenture values variety and distinctive contributions fosters a trustworthy, open,
and inclusive atmosphere, and treats each individual in a way that matches
Accenture's values
Best people
Attracting, developing, and retaining the best talent for our business, fostering a
collaborative and supportive environment.
Being ethically unyielding and honest
Ethics & Compliance training
Provide an anti-corruption module, and the method gives a baseline level of training
to all Accenture employees, including part-time employees and contractors
Anticorruption policies and compliance
Reporting concerns and transparency
Supply Chain Practices
Procurement Plus
Responsible Procurement -
Procurement Plus buying program
influences key initiatives such as
their award-winning Supplier
Inclusion & Sustainability Program
Ethical Procurement Strategy - An
underlying component of their
business practise, ethical
procurement strategy impacts
applicable training for Accenture
staff, supplier selection criteria,
Driving supplier sustainability and the establishment of their Sustainable Procurement
standards for doing business with Hub
Promoting Supplier Engagement - the suppliers
Working actively to increase the Carbon Disclosure -
number of suppliers disclosing their As a corporate member of CDP's
sustainability performance, such as Supply Chain Program, they use CDP
the percentage of suppliers reporting technologies as well as The Hub to
emissions reduction objectives and enhance supplier participation,
actions or routinely assessing their transparency, and sustainability
own supply chains
Practices in
IT sector

Group 5

Presented By
R Gayathri (097)
Rajneesh Kumar (098)
Reeti Rai (099)
Ritu Sirohi (100)
Rohan Gulve (101)
Sahil Kori (102)
Introduction: Why IT?
The IT industry has a significant impact on the
environment and society, and thus,
sustainability is an important consideration for
the industry. Specially when we look at the
Indian economy, IT plays a key role in boosting
India's GDP.

Some key points to summarize sustainability in

the IT industry include improving energy
efficiency, adopting sustainable manufacturing
practices, promoting a circular economy,
ensuring responsible sourcing, and prioritizing
data privacy and security.

By implementing these measures, the IT

industry can reduce its environmental impact,
promote ethical and responsible practices, and
create a more sustainable future not just for
India, but for the entire planet.
Global IT Carbon Emissions
1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: the IT sector makes up over
2% of global emissions, but if trends continue, by 2040 it
will constitute 15% of global emissions.

2. Electronic Waste: In 2020, the world generated 53.6

million metric tons of e-waste, and only 17.4% was

3. Water Usage: The IT industry requires large amounts of

water to cool data centers. In 2020, it was estimated that
the global data center industry consumed 205 billion liters
of water, which is equivalent to the water usage of
820,000 people.

4. Energy Consumption: The energy consumption of the IT

industry is significant, with data centers alone accounting
for 1% of global electricity usage in 2020.
HCL, Wipro, Cognizant, Capgemini, IBM and Accenture are all
global technology and consulting companies that have
implemented corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices in

their operations. While they share some similarities in their CSR
practices, there are also differences.

of the CSR practices adopted by HCL, Wipro,

Cognizant, Capgemini, IBM and Accenture

Environmental Community Diversity and Ethics and

sustainability engagement inclusion governance

All six companies have The companies are The companies The companies have
set targets to reduce committed to recognize the implemented strong
their carbon footprint engaging with the importance of diversity ethical and
and are committed to communities in which and inclusion in the governance practices,
achieving sustainable they operate. They workplace and have including codes of
business practices. provide support for initiatives to promote conduct, anti-
This includes investing education, health, and this. This includes corruption policies,
in renewable energy, social welfare hiring practices, and whistleblowing
reducing waste, and programs, and employee resource systems.
conserving natural encourage employee groups, and training
resources. volunteering. programs.

Areas of Scope and Employee Reporting and

focus scale engagement transparency

While all companies The companies may The companies may differ The companies may
have a broad range of differ in the scope and in their approach to differ in their reporting
CSR activities, they scale of their CSR employee engagement. For and transparency
may differ in their activities. For example, example, Capgemini has a practices. For
specific areas of IBM's CSR program is strong focus on employee example, some
focus. For example, focused on creating volunteering and companies may
HCL's CSR program solutions for societal encourages employees to provide more detailed
focuses on education, challenges, while spend up to three days a reporting on their CSR
health, and Accenture's CSR year on volunteer activities, activities, while others
environment, while program is focused on while Cognizant offers may provide less
Wipro has a focus on skills development and opportunities for information.
education, training. employees to use their
sustainability, and skills and expertise to
social welfare. support social causes.

High Exacerbating
energy social
consumption inequalities

While the IT industry is taking steps towards sustainability, Another critique is the industry's role in
there are still several areas for improvement and critique. exacerbating social inequalities. The rapid
One of the primary critiques of the industry is the high growth of the tech sector has led to the
energy consumption of data centers. While many displacement of local communities,
companies are investing in renewable energy and energy- particularly in areas with high concentrations
efficient technologies, the rapid growth of digital of tech companies. Additionally, the industry's
technologies means that overall energy consumption is still reliance on precarious labor practices and
increasing. Furthermore, the industry's focus on energy outsourced manufacturing can contribute to
efficiency does not address the broader issue of resource poor working conditions and labor rights
depletion and the need for a circular economy. violations.

Innovation Lack of
promotes uniformity in
consumerism reporting

The industry's focus on Finally, there is a need for greater

innovation can also be seen standardization across the industry. While
as a double-edged sword. many companies are taking steps towards
While innovation can drive sustainability, there is a lack of uniformity in
sustainability, it can also reporting and measuring sustainability
perpetuate a culture of performance. In conclusion, while the IT
consumerism and planned industry is making progress towards
obsolescence. Furthermore, sustainability, there are still several areas for
the industry's focus on data improvement and critique, such as addressing
and artificial intelligence can energy consumption, balancing innovation
raise concerns around with consumerism, and standardizing across
privacy, security, and ethics. the industry.
Key Learnings
Based on the analysis few key practices in
the industry have been identified. We
have tried to summarise all key learnings
and recommended practices derived from
the ana;ysis.

The IT industry has adopted several

sustainability practices and goals in
recent years to reduce its environmental
impact and contribute to a more
sustainable future. Here are some of the
key practices and goals adopted by the IT
Key Learnings-
Areas of Focus & Recommended Practices
Energy Sustainable Social
efficiency data centers responsibility

The IT industry has made Data centers are a significant The IT industry has recognized
significant efforts to reduce its source of energy consumption in the importance of social
energy consumption by adopting the IT industry. Companies are responsibility and is taking steps
energy-efficient technologies, adopting sustainable practices, to ensure that its products and
such as virtualization, cloud such as using renewable energy services are ethically and
computing, and energy-efficient sources, implementing cooling socially responsible. This
hardware. Companies have also technologies, and improving includes ensuring the protection
set targets to reduce their server efficiency, to reduce the of human rights, promoting
carbon footprint and increase environmental impact of data diversity and inclusion, and
their use of renewable energy centers. working to reduce inequality.
Overall, the IT industry is taking significant
steps towards sustainability, and many
companies have set ambitious targets to
reduce their environmental impact and
contribute to a more sustainable future.

Certain areas need improvement whereas

certain critiques need to be addressed on
priority basis. The findings of the analysis
provide an understanding of the same.

In summary, HCL, Wipro, Cognizant,

Capgemini, IBM, and Accenture share
common CSR practices related to
environmental sustainability, community
engagement, diversity and inclusion, and
ethics and governance.

However, they differ in their areas of focus,

scope and scale of activities, employee
engagement, and reporting and
transparency practices.

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