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II Pu SPC Current Electricity 23-24 KVV

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Introduction: Current electricity is a branch of physics which deals with the charges in motion and the
effects related with it.
Charges move from one point to another only when there is (i) potential difference and (ii) conducting
path between the two points.
The charges in motion constitute electric current. The material which allows charges to flow through it is
called a conductor.
1) Define electric current and give the expression for the same.
Ans: Electric current flowing through a conductor is the rate of flow of charges through any cross section of
that conductor.
If ‘Q’ is the amount of charge crossing any cross section of a conductor in ‘t’ second, then the electric
current I = .
NOTE: 1) Currents are not always steady and hence following definition is considered.
If ΔQ is the net charge flowing across a cross section of a conductor during the time interval Δt
[i.e. between t and (t + Δt)], then the current at time t across the cross-section of the conductor is given by,
I(t) = lim .
∆t → 0 ∆t
2) Mention the SI unit of electric current.
Ans: SI unit of electric current is ‘ampere’.
3) Write a brief note electric current in conductors.
Ans: When electric field is applied across a conductor ( i.e. potential difference is applied between the ends
of a conductor) , free electrons which are the charge carriers present in it move from one point to another
resulting in electric current.
NOTE: In electrolytes, positive and negative ions are the charge carriers. In discharge tubes, positive ions
and electrons are the charge carriers. Holes and electrons are the charge carriers in semiconductor.
4) Explain electric current in metallic conductors.
Ans: Even when electric field across a metallic conductor is zero, the free electrons will be in random motion
due to thermal energy. But the current is zero as the net flow of electrons across any cross section of the
conductor will be zero.
When electric field is applied, electrons experience force in a direction opposite to the direction of
electric field. Even though random motion due to thermal energy persists, a net movement of electrons is
produced in a direction opposite to the direction of applied field to give electric current.


5) Define ‘current density’. Give the expression for current density and mention its SI
Ans: Current density is the current flowing through unit area taken normal to the current.
If I is the current flowing through a uniform conductor of area of cross section A, then current density
J= . SI unit of current density is Am-2.
→ → →
NOTE: Current is the dot product of current density vector ( J ) and area vector ( A ). If the area vector ( A )
→ →
is making an angle θ with J , then I = JA cos θ. J acts in the direction of current.
6) Give the differences between electric current and current density.
(i) It is a scalar (i) It is a vector
(ii) It is the rate of flow of charges through (ii) It is the current flowing per unit area
any cross section of the conductor. cross section of the conductor.
(iii) In both uniform and non-uniform (iii) If the conductor is non uniform,
conductors the current remains constant current density varies.
(iv) Unit of current is ampere (A) (iv) Unit of current density is Am-2.
(v) [current ] = [A] (v) [ current density ] = [ AL-2 ]

7) State and explain Ohm’s law.

Ans: The potential difference between the ends of a conductor is directly proportional to current flowing
through it.
Explanation : If I is the current flowing through a conductor and V is the potential difference between its
ends, then V ∝ I  V = RI, where R is the resistance of the conductor.
NOTE: Ohm’s law gives the relation between current flowing in a conductor and the potential difference
maintained between its ends.
8) What is meant by electrical resistance of a conductor.
Ans: Resistance of a conductor is the opposition offered by the conductor to the flow of charge carriers or
current through it.
9) Define of electrical resistance of a conductor.
Ans: The resistance of a conductor is defined as the ratio of potential difference between the ends of the
conductor to the current flowing through it. OR Resistance of a conductor is numerically equal to the
potential difference required between the ends of the conductor for 1 ampere of current to flow through it.
10)Mention the SI unit of resistance.
Ans: The SI unit of resistance is ohm (Ω).


11)Explain the dependence of resistance of a conductor on its dimensions.
Ans: Consider a conductor of length L and cross sectional area A. I be the current
through the slab when a potential difference V is applied.
Therefore resistance of the slab = .
Let us place two such identical slabs side by side, so that the length of the combination is 2L. The current
flowing through the combination will be I, if the potential difference across the ends of
the ends of the combination is 2V.
2V V
The resistance of the combination, RC = = 2   = 2(resistance of single slab)
I I
Thus, doubling the length of a conductor doubles the resistance.
i.e. the resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its length OR R α L …(1)
Now let us place the two slabs one above the other so that the cross sectional area of
the combination is 2A.
For a given voltage V across the combination, I is the current through each slab and
hence the current flowing through the combination is 2I.
V 1
The resistance of the combination, RC1 = = (resistance of single slab of conductor)
2I 2
Thus, doubling the cross sectional area of a conductor halves the resistance.
i.e. the resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its cross sectional area OR R α …(2)
L L
Combining (1) and (2) we get R α OR R = ρ   . Where, ρ is a proportionality constant called resistivity
A A
or specific resistance of the material of the conductor.
12) How is resistance of a conductor related to its length?
Ans: Resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its length.
13) How is resistance of a conductor related to its area of cross section?
Ans: Resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its cross sectional area.
14) Mention the expression for resistance of a conductor in terms of length (L) and area

of cross section(A). Using the same derive the equivalent form of Ohm’s law(i.e. J =


Ans: The resistance of a conductor, R = ρ   . Where, ρ is a proportionality constant called resistivity of

the material of the conductor.
 ρL  I
By Ohm’s law, V = RI. Therefore V =   I = ρL J (Q J = is the current density)
 A A


OR = ρ J => E = ρ J (because = E is the magnitude of electric field in the conductor)
E 1
Therefore J = = σ E. Where, σ = is the conductivity of the material of the conductor.
ρ ρ
→ →
In vector form J = σ E . This is the vector form of Ohm’s law.
15) Give the relation between resistivity and conductivity of the material of a conductor.
Ans: Resistivity of a material, ρ = . Where, σ is the conductivity of the material.
16) Explain drifting of free electrons and define drift
Ans: Even when potential difference between the ends of a conductor is
zero, the free electrons will be in random motion due to thermal energy.
When potential difference is applied between the ends of the
conductor, electrons experience force in a direction opposite to the
direction of electric field. Even though random motion due to thermal
energy persists, a net movement of electrons is produced in a direction
opposite to the direction of applied field and it is called drifting.
The average velocity with which the free electrons of a conductor
drift in a direction opposite to the direction of electric field is called drift
17) Define the term relaxation time.
Ans: The average time interval between two successive collisions of a free electron with fixed ions is called
relaxation time (ττ) .
18) Explain the term mobility of free electrons. Mention its SI unit
Ans: Mobility of free electrons is defined as the drift velocity acquired by them per unit electric field applied
across the conductor.
If vd is the drift velocity produced in conduction electrons under the action of an electric field of strength ‘E’
then mobility of free electrons, µ = . The SI unit of mobility is m2V-1s-1.
19) Derive the expression for current in terms of drift velocity (i .e.I=n eA vd ).
Ans: Let us consider a uniform conductor of length ‘Δx’ and area of cross section ‘A’. n be the free electron
density of the material of the conductor. ‘V’ be
the p.d between the ends of the conductor and I be
the current through the conductor. vd be the
drift velocity of conduction electrons in a

direction opposite to E


By the definition of free electron density, the number of free electrons present in the conductor
N = (free electron density) ( volume of the conductor ) = nAΔx
Total charge associated with the free electrons, Δq= Ne Δq
= nAΔx e ----(1) Where e → charge on electron
Time required for the free electrons to drift the whole length of the conductor be Δt.
∆q (nA ∆x e) ∆x
The current through the conductor, I = = = neA vd (because = vd )
∆t ∆t ∆t
20) Derive the expression for drift velocity of conduction electrons.
Ans: In the absence of potential difference applied across a conductor, the current through it will be zero as
the average velocity of conduction electrons in any direction (uav) is zero.
When p.d is applied across the conductor, the magnitude of average velocity of conduction electrons change
from zero to vd in a time equal to relaxation time ‘τ’ under the force produced by the electric field.
The acceleration of the electrons, a = -----------(1) (... a = (vav –uav)/t here uav = 0, vav = vd and t = τ)
F eE
But a = = -------(2) [... F = qE= eE]
m m
vd eE eEτ
From (1) and (2) , =  vd =
τ m m
ne 2τ
21)Derive the expression for conductivity of a material (i.e. σ = ) using I=n eA vd.
Ans: Let us consider a uniform conductor of length ‘L’ and area of cross section ‘A’. n be the free electron
density of the material of the conductor. ‘V’ be the p.d between the ends of the conductor and I be the current

through the conductor. vd be the drift velocity of conduction electrons in a direction opposite to E .

We have, current through the conductor, I = neA vd.

But current density J = = ne vd ------------(1)
The magnitude of average velocity of free electrons change from zero to vd in a time equal to relaxation time
‘τ’ under the force produced by the electric field.
Hence the drift velocity of free electrons is given by vd = ------------(2)
 eEτ   ne 2τ 
Therefore current density, J = ne   =   E ------------(3)
 m   m 
By the vector form of Ohm’s law, J = σE ------------(4). Where, σ is the conductivity of the material.
ne 2τ
By comparing equations (3) and (4), the conductivity of the material is given by σ = .
eEτ v eτ
NOTE: We have vd = . Therefore mobility of free electrons, µ = d = .
m E m


22) Mention the limitations of Ohm’s law.
Ans: Ohm’s law is valid over a large class of materials. But there exist materials and devices used in electric
circuits where the proportionality of V and I does not hold.
(a) V ceases to be proportional to I for large currents.
(b) The relation between V and I depends on the sign of V in case of devices like pn junction diodes.
(c) The relation between V and I is not unique in case of materials like GaAs.
23) Draw the graph to show that V ceases to be proportional to I
for large currents.

24)The relation between V and I depends on the sign of V.

Explain this with a suitable graph.
Ans: If I is the current for a certain V, then reversing the direction of V
keeping its magnitude fixed, does not produce a current of the same
magnitude in the opposite direction. This happens in a diode.

25) Draw the graph to show that the relation

between V and I is not unique.
Ans: In certain material like GaAs there is more than one
value of V for the same current I.

1) Differences between ohmic and non ohmic devices

Ohmic device Non ohmic device

i) It is a device which obeys Ohm’s law. i) It is a device which does not obey Ohm’s law.

ii) Resistance of an ohmic device does not vary ii) Resistance of a non ohmic device varies with
with potential difference. potential difference.

iii) The graph of I v/s V for a ohmic device is a iii) The graph of I v/s V is not a straight line for
straight line. non ohmic device.

Examples: Wire wound(or bound) resistors, Examples: Semiconductor devices (like diode,
devices made out of metallic conductor like transistor etc), electrolytic devices (like
galvanometer, ammeter etc voltameter), discharge tubes etc.


2) Differences between resistance and coductance

Resistance Conductance

i) Resistance of a conductor is the opposition i) Conductance is the ease with which the
offered by the conductor to the flow of charges conductor allows charges to flow through it

ii) R = V / I ii) G = I / V

iii) Unit of resistance is ohm & iii) Unit of conductance is ohm-1 or

[R] = [ML2T-3A-2] (siemen or mho) & [G] = [M-1L-2T3A2]

26)Write a brief note on variation resistivity of a material with temperature.

Ans: The resistivity of a material depends on temperature. The resistivity of a metallic conductor varies with
temperature according to the equation ρT = ρo[1 + α( T-To)] where ρo → resistivity at a temperature To, ρT →
resistivity at a temperature T and α → temperature co-efficient of resistivity of the material of the conductor.(
Unit of α is K-1 or per 0 C depending on scale of temperature)
For metals, α is positive. The relation ρT = ρo[1 + α( T-To)] implies that a graph of ρT plotted against T
would be a straight line.
Alloys exhibit very low dependence of resistivity with temperature. In case of semiconductors, the
resistivity decreases with increase in temperature.
27) Draw the graphs to show the variation resistivity of i) metals, ii) alloys and
iii) semiconductors with temperature.

28) Write the expression for the resistivity of a material and using the same explain the
temperature dependence of resistivity of metals and semiconductors .
1 m
Ans: We have the resistivity of a material, ρ = = .
σ ne 2τ
According to the equation resistivity of a material of depends inversely on free electron density ‘n’ and the
relaxation time ‘τ’of conduction electrons. As we increase temperature, average speed of the electrons
increases resulting in more frequent collisions. The relaxation time ‘τ’, thus decreases with temperature.


In a metal, free electron density ‘n’ is not dependent on temperature. Thus the decrease in the value of τ
with rise in temperature causes ρ to increase.
In case of semiconductors (or insulators), however, free electron density n increases with temperature. This
increase will be more than the decrease in τ. Hence ρ decreases with temperature.
NOTE: 1) For metals Rt = Ro ( 1 + αt ). Where, Ro → Resistance of the conductor at 00C,
Rt → Resistance of the conductor at t0C and α →temperature co-efficient of resistance of the material of
the conductor.
Rt − Ro 1 dR R2 − R1
α= = . Also α = . Where R1 and R2 are the resistances at t1 and t20 C
RO t R dT R1t 2 − R2 t1
2) Definition of `ρ’ : The specific resistance of the material of a conductor is numerically equal to the
resistance of a conductor of that material of unit length and unit area of cross-section
Unit : Unit of resistivity is ohm-meter (Ω m )
3) Differences between resistance and resistivity
Resistance Resistivity
i) Resistance of a conductor is the ratio of i) Resistivity of the material of a conductor is
potential difference between the ends of the numerically equal to the resistance of conductor
conductor to the current flowing through it. of unit length and unit area of cross-section.
ii) Resistance depends on nature of the material, ii) Resistivity depends only on nature of material
temperature and dimension of the conductor and temperature. But not on the dimension of the
iii) Unit is ohm iii) Unit is ohm-metre
2 -3 -2
iv) [R] = [ ML T A ] iv) [ρ] = [ ML3T-3A-2]
4) Resistivity of alloys will always be greater than the resistivity of their constituent metals.
5) Metals have low resistivity in the range of 10–8 Ωm to 10–6 Ωm. Insulators like ceramic, rubber and
plastics have resistivity 1018 times greater than metals or more. In between the two are the semiconductors.
i.e. ρinsulators > ρsemiconductors > ρ conductors
6) Specific resistance of a material depends on temperature, impurity and imperfections present in the
7) When deforming force is applied on a conductor, its volume remains constant but length and area of cross-
section vary. Hence resistance of the conductor varies.
 ρL  L ρL
Case (i) We have R = =  = But ρ and V remain constant during the application of
A  A L V
deforming force. ∴ R α L2
If L1 and L2 are the length of a conductor before and after the application of deforming force and R1 and
R L 
R2 are the corresponding resistances, then 2 =  2 
R1  L1 


Ex : If a conductor of resistance 4 Ω is stretched to make its length twice the initial value, then the new
2 2
L   2L 
resistance R2 = R1  2  = 4 1  = 4(4) = 16Ω
 L1   L1 
 ρL  A ρV
ρL R A 
Case (ii) : We have R = =  = 2  ∴ During deformation 2 =  1  .
A  A A A R1  A2 
2 2 4
R  A  d  r 
For cylindrical conductors, 2 =  1  =  1  =  1  Where, d → diameter and r → radius
R1  A2   d 2   r2 

πd 2
( NOTE: A = πr = for cylindrical conductors)
29) Explain why a conductor carrying current heats up?
Ans: When p.d. is applied across a conductor, the charge carriers gain energy and try to accelerate.
Because of the collisions with ions and atoms during their movement, the charge carriers do not move with
acceleration but with a steady drift velocity. During collisions, the energy gained by the charges is shared
with the atoms. The atoms vibrate more vigorously and the conductor heats up.
30) Derive the expression for power dissipated in a conductor carrying current.
Ans: Let V be the p.d applied across a conductor. Δq be the amount of charge drifting across the conductor
in a time interval Δt to give current I.
The decrease in the potential energy of the charge Δq during its flow across the conductor, ΔU = - Δq V.
By the law of conservation of energy, the decrease in potential energy results in increase in kinetic given by
ΔK = Δq V.
The increase in kinetic energy tends to accelerate the electrons continuously but they undergo collision with
the atoms and transfer all their energy to atoms which appear as heat.
The amount of energy dissipated as heat in the conductor carrying current during the time interval Δt is,
ΔW = Δq V = (IΔt) V.
The power dissipated (i.e. the energy dissipated per unit time) is given by P = =VI
NOTE: Power dissipated in a conductor, P = V I = I2R = .
31) What is a cell?
Ans: Cell is a simple device used to maintain a steady current in an electric circuit.
32) Define the terms i) emf, ii) terminal potential difference and iii) internal resistance of
a cell.
Ans: The difference in potential between the terminals of a cell when no current is flowing through it is
called the electromotive force (emf) of the cell. OR The work done by the source in taking the unit charge
from lower to higher potential energy (i.e., from one terminal of the source to the other) is called the emf (E)
of the cell.


The potential difference (V) between the terminals of the cell when current is flowing through it is called
terminal potential difference.
The resistance offered by the electrolyte of the cell for the flow of current through it is called internal
resistance of the cell(r).
33) Derive an expression for the current drawn from external resistor connected to a
Ans: Let us consider a resistor of resistance R connected to a cell of emf
E and internal resistance r. I be the current flowing through the circuit.
When R is infinite, no current flows and the potential difference
between the terminals P and N = E
When current I is flowing, the potential difference between P and N,
V = E – Ir.
Since V is the potential difference across R also, by Ohm’s law V = IR
i.e IR = E – Ir  IR + Ir = E OR I =
1) The maximum current flows in the circuit when R=0 ( i.e. when cell is short circuited) and Imax =
2) The terminal potential difference, V = IR = E – Ir =
3) An electrochemical cell which cannot be recharged is called primary cell. Ex. Daniel cell, Leclanche cell.
4) A cell which can be recharged is called secondary cell. Ex. Alkali cell (1.75V), Lead acid cell (2.2V)
5) During the charging of a secondary cell, the terminal potential difference V = E + Ir
34) Derive an expression for the effective emf and effective internal resistance of series
combination of two cells.
Ans: Let us consider two cells in series with negative terminal of first cell connected to the positive terminal
of the second cell. E1, E2 are the emf’s of the
two cells and r1, r2 their internal resistances
Let V (A), V (B), V (C) be the potentials at points A, B and C . Then the potential difference between A
and B, VAB =V (A) – V (B) = E1 – I r1
Similarly, VBC =V (B) – V (C) = E2 – I r2
Therefore, VAC = VAB + VBC = (E1 – I r1) + (E2 – I r2)
= (E1+ E2) – I (r1+ r2) … (1)
If the combination of cells is replaced by a single cell of emf ‘Eeq’ and internal resistance ‘req’, then
VAC = Eeq – I req ………… (2)
From equations (1) and (2), the equivalent emf of the series combination of two cells Eeq = E1+ E2
and the equivalent internal resistance of the series combination of two cells req = r1+ r2


NOTE: i) If cells of emf E1, E2, E3, ……. with internal resistance r1, r2, r3 ……. are connected in series such
that all the cells tend to send the current in same direction, then
Eeq = E1+ E2+ E3……. and req = r1+ r2+ r3……..
ii) If cells of emf E1, E2 and E3 with internal resistance r1, r2, & r3 are connected in series such that E2 is
opposite to the cells E1 & E3, then Eeq = E1- E2+ E3 and req = r1+ r2+ r3
iii) If ‘n’ identical cells each of emf E and internal resistance r are connected in series, then
Eeq = nE & req = nr
Out of n identical cells if n1 cells are connected wrongly, then Eeq = (n-2n1) E & req = nr
35) Derive an expression for the effective emf and effective internal resistance of parallel
combination of two cells.
Ans: Let us consider the parallel combination of two cells with
positive terminals connected to B1 and negative terminals
connected B2. E1, E2 are the emf’s of the two cells and r1, r2 their
internal resistances, respectively. I1 and I2 are the currents leaving the positive electrodes of the cells.
Since as much charge flows in as out, we have I = I1 + I2
Let V (B1) and V (B2) be the potentials at B1 and B2, respectively.
Then, considering the first cell, the potential difference across its terminals is
E1 − V
V=V (B1) – V (B2) = E1 – I1 r1  I1=
Similarly for the second cell, the potential difference across its terminals is
E2 − V
V=V (B1) – V (B2) = E2 – I2 r2  I2=
E1 − V E2 − V E1 E2  1 1   E1 r2 + E 2 r1   r1r2 
Therefore, I = + = + - V  +  V=   − I   ……(1)
r1 r2 r1 r2  r1 r2   r1 + r2   r1 + r2 
If the combination of cells is replaced by a single cell of emf Eeq and internal
resistance req, then
VAC = Eeq – I req …………(2)
E1 r2 + E2 r1 r1r2
From equations (1) and (2), Eeq = and req =
r1 + r2 r1 + r2

NOTE: i) If there are n cells of emf E1, . . . En and of internal resistances r1, . . . rn respectively, connected in
parallel, the combination is equivalent to a single cell of emf Eeq and internal resistance req, such that
Eeq E1 E1 1 1 1
= + ………. and = + ……….
req r1 rn req r1 rn
ii) For n identical cells Eeq = E and req =


36) Why do we need Kirchhoff’s rules? Name the Kirchhoff’s rules
Ans: Ohm’s law can be used to analyse a simple circuit. But it is not possible to analyse a complicated circuit
formed by interconnecting large number of circuit elements like resistors, cells etc using Ohm’s law. In order
to analyse a complicated circuit Kirchhoff rules are required.
Kirchhoff rules are (1) junction rule and (2) loop rule.
NOTE: i) Junction or Node: It is a point in an electrical circuit at which more than two circuit elements
ii) Mesh or loop: It is a closed path for current present in a complicated circuit.
37) State and explain junction rule.
Ans: Statement: At any junction in an electrical network, the sum of the
currents entering the junction is equal to the sum of the currents leaving the
Explanation: Let us consider a node ’0’ of an electrical network. I1, I2, I3
and I4 be the currents flowing in different branches.
At O by junction rule, I1 + I2 = I3 + I4
38) State and explain loop rule.
Ans: Statement: The algebraic sum of changes in potential around any
closed loop involving resistors and cells in the loop is zero.
Explanation: By applying voltage law to the loop ABCDEFA of the
given network, we get
–I1R1 + I2R2 – E2 + I2R5 – I1R4 + E1 = 0
NOTE: 1) Sign conventions: When a loop is traversed in a particular direction, following conventions are
i) IR product of a branch is taken positive if the direction flow of current in that branch is opposite to the
direction of traverse. Otherwise it is taken negative.
ii) Emf of a cell is taken positive if it tends to give current in the direction of traverse ( i.e. if the cell is
traversed from –ve to +ve terminal). Emf is taken negative if it tends to give current in a direction opposite
to the direction of traverse ( i.e. if the cell is traversed from +ve to –ve terminal).
2) Analysis of an electrical circuit:
Analysis of an electrical circuit is nothing but determining various branch currents or potential
drop across different circuit elements.
During the analysis of an electrical circuit following steps are followed:-
i) If the directions are not given in the circuit for various branch currents, then arbitrary directions are given
to them.
ii) Junction rule is applied to various junctions to reduce the number of unknown currents.
iii) Loop rule is applied to various loops to get as many equations as there are unknown currents.
iv)The equations are solved to get unknown currents. If an unknown current obtained is negative then the
actual direction of its flow is opposite to the arbitrary direction given to it.


39)Describe a Wheatstone bridge with a diagram. When is it said to be balanced?
Ans: It consists of four resistors (P, Q, R and S) connected in the form of a loop. Between two diagonally
opposite points (B and D) a galvanometer is connected and between other two diagonally opposite points (A
and C) a cell is connected. By adjusting the values of four resistances, it is possible to make the current
flowing through the galvanometer zero.
If the current through the galvanometer is zero, then the
Wheatstone bridge is said to be balanced.
NOTE: Wheatstone bridge is a special electrical network which is
mainly used to compare as well as to measure unknown resistances.

40) Derive the condition required for the balance of a Wheatstone bridge:
Ans: Let us consider a Wheatstone bridge formed by four resistors
P, Q, R and S connected in the form of quadrilateral ABCD. Let G
be the resistance of the galvanometer connected between B and D.
Emf of the cell connected in between A and C be E. I, I1, I2, I3, I4
and Ig be the current flowing through different branches. Ig = 0
when the bridge is balanced.
By applying junction rule to the nodes B and D,
we get I3 = I1 – Ig => I3 = I1 (as Ig = 0) and
I4 = I2 + Ig => I4 = I2 (as Ig = 0 at balance)
By applying loop rule to the mesh ABDA, we get
–I1P – IgG + I2R = 0 => –I1P + I2R = 0 (as Ig = 0)
OR I1P = I2R …………(1)
Similarly for BCDB –I3Q + I4S + IgG = 0 => – I1 Q +I2S = 0 (because I3 = I1, I4 = I2 and Ig = 0)
OR I1 Q = I2S ………..(2)
Dividing equation (1) and (2), we get = .
This is the condition required for the balance of a Wheatstone bridge.
i) Current flowing through the galvanometer will be zero only when the electric potential at B is equal to the
potential at D i.e. when VB = VD
ii) A balanced Wheatstone network is equivalent to a parallel combination of two resistances
(P + Q) and (R + S) connected to a cell of emf E. Therefore the equivalent resistance of a balanced
(P + Q)(R + S)
Wheatstone network is .
P+ Q +R + S
iii) Meter bridge is the practical form of Wheatstone bridge used to find out unknown resistance accurately.
iv) Kirchhoff’s law can be used to analyse both AC and DC circuits.
v) The potentiometer is a device used to measure or compare potential differences and emfs without drawing
current from the circuit.
******** # ********


I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following
1. The magnitude of the drift velocity per unit electric field is Mar-23
a) mobility b) drift velocity c) relaxation time d) resistivity
2. As the temperature of a conductor increases, then its resistance Aug-23
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (d) both (a) and (b) are correct
3. The resistivity of a metallic conductor ______________ with decrease in temperature. MP 23-24
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) first increases and then decreases (D) first decreases and then increases


1. Define mobility of electron. Mar-14, Aug-22
2. Define drift velocity of electrons. July-14, Mar-18
3. What is the condition for the balanced state of Wheatstone’s network? July-15
4. Define mobility of free electrons. Mar-17
5. State Kirchhoff’s junction rule. June-17
6. State Ohm’s law. June-18, May-22
7. Define electrical resistivity of material of a conductor. Mar-19
8. How does the resistance of a conductor vary with its length? June-19
9. Graphically represent the variation of resistivity of a semiconductor with absolute temperature.
Mar – 20

10. Draw the curve to show the variation of resistivity as a function of temperature for copper.
Sep – 20

III. TWO mark questions

11. Draw Wheatstone’s bridge circuit and write the condition for its balance. Mar-14, Mar-23
12. Give any two limitations of Ohm’s law. July-14, Mar-15, July-15, June -19, Mar – 20, MP 23-24
13. State and explain Ohm’s law. Mar-17, Aug-22
14. Define mobility and mention its SI unit. June-17
15. State Kirchhoff’s laws of electrical network. Mar-18
16. Represent graphically the variation of resistivity with absolute temperature for copper and
nichrome metals. June-18


17. Write the expression for drift velocity in terms of current, explain the terms used. Mar-19
18. Define the terms ‘drift velocity’ and ‘mobility’ of free electrons. Sep – 20
19. Show with schematic graphs, variation of resistivity with absolute temperature for a) nichtome and
b) silicon. May-22
IV. THREE mark questions
→ →
20. Derive the expression J = σ E with the terms having usual meaning. June-17, May-23
21. Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor. Mar-16, July-16, May-22
22. Derive the expression for electric current in terms of drift velocity. Aug-22
23. Mention the limitations of Ohm’s law. Aug-23

V. FIVE mark questions

24. Derive the condition for balance of Wheatstone’s bridge using Kirchhoff’s laws.
July-14, Mar16, July-16, Mar-17, June -19, May-22, Aug-22, MP 23-24

25. Assuming the expression for drift velocity, derive the expression for conductivity of a material
ne 2τ
σ= where symbols have their usual meaning. Define the term mobility.
July-15, June-18, Mar – 20, Mar-23

26. Obtain an expression for the effective emf and effective internal resistance of two cells connected in
parallel such that the currents are flowing in same direction. Mar-18, Mar -19, May-23
27. Obtain an expression for the effective emf and effective internal resistance of two cells connected in
series. Sep – 20, Aug-23
1. 5 x 106 electrons are crossing per second through an area of cross section of a conductor. Calculate the
current through the conductor. What is the potential difference across the conductor if its resistance is 5 Ω.
2. A negligibly small current is passed through a wire of length 15 m and uniform cross-section
6.0 × 10 –7 m2, and its resistance is measured to be 5.0 Ω. What is the resistivity of the material at the
temperature of the experiment?
3. Calculate the current density and average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross
sectional area 1.0 x 10 -7 m2 carrying a current of 1.5 A. Given free electron density of copper is
8 x10 28 electrons/m3. (MAR- 17 A, Aug-23)
4. Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross-sectional area
1.0×10–7 m2 carrying a current of 1.5 A. Assume that each copper atom contributes roughly one
conduction electron. The density of copper is 9.0 × 103 kg/m3 and its atomic mass is 63.5 u.
5. 100 mg mass of nichrome metal is drawn into a wire of area of cross-section 0.05 mm2. Calculate the
resistance of this wire. Given density of nichrome 8.4 x103 kgm-3 and resistivity of the material as
1.2 x 10 -6 Ωm. (MAR-18)
6. The number density of free electrons in a copper conductor estimated is 8.5 x10 28 m–3. How long does an
electron take to drift from one end of a wire 3.0 m long to its other end? The area of cross-section of the
wire is 2.0 × 10–6 m2 and it is carrying a current of 3.0 A.
7. The resistance of the platinum wire of a platinum resistance thermometer at the ice point is 5 Ω and at
steam point is 5.39 Ω. When the thermometer is inserted in a hot bath, the resistance of the platinum wire
is 5.795 Ω. Calculate the temperature of the bath.
8. A silver wire has a resistance of 2.1 Ω at 27.5 °C, and a resistance of 2.7 Ω at 100 °C.
Determine the temperature coefficient of resistivity of silver and the resistance at 0 0C.
9. A wire having length 2.0 m, diameter 1.0 mm and resistivity 1.963 x 10-8 Ω m is connected in series with a
battery of emf 3V and internal resistance 1Ω. Calculate the resistance of the wire and current in the
circuit. (JULY-16)
10. A battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3 Ω is connected to a resistor. If the current in the circuit is
0.5 A, what is the resistance of the resistor? What is the terminal voltage of the battery when the circuit is
11. The storage battery of a car has an emf of 12 V. If the internal resistance of the battery is 0.4 Ω, what is the
maximum current that can be drawn from the cell?
12. A battery of internal resistance 3 Ω is connected to a 20 Ω resistor and potential difference across the
resistor is 10 V. Another resistor of 30 Ω is connected in series with the first resistor and battery is again
connected to the combination, calculate the e.m.f and terminal potential difference across the combination.
(MAR -14)
13. Two resistors 3 Ω, 6 Ω and a cell of emf 1.5 V and internal resistance 1
Ω are connected in the circuit as given below.
Calculate: Current through 3 Ω and 6 Ω resistors, and
a) p.d across 3 Ω resistor (MAR-17 B)
14. Two cells of emf 2V and 4V and internal resistance 1Ω and 2Ω
respectively are connected in parallel so as to send the current in the
same direction through an external resistance of 10Ω. Find the potential difference across 10 Ω resistor.
(MAR-15) (AUG-22)
15. Two identical cells either in series or in parallel combination, gives the same current of 0.5A through
external resistance of 4 Ω. Find emf and internal resistance of each cell. (JULY-15)
16. Calculate the current through the galvanometer in the
following network. (MAY-23)

17. Calculate the current through the galvanometer. (SEP-



18. In a metre bridge with resistors of resistance R and S in left and right gaps respectively, the null point is
found at a distance of 33.7 cm from A. If now a resistance of 12Ω is connected in parallel with S, the null
point occurs at 51.9 cm. Determine the values of R and S.
1. At room temperature (27.0 °C) the resistance of a heating element is 100 Ω. What is the temperature of the
element if the resistance is found to be 117 Ω, given that the temperature coefficient of the material of the
resistor is 1.70 × 10 –4 °C–1.
2. An electric toaster uses nichrome for its heating element. When a negligibly small current passes through
it, its resistance at room temperature (27.0 °C) is found to be 75.3 Ω. When the toaster is connected to a
230 V supply, the current settles, after a few seconds, to a steady value of 2.68 A. What is the steady
temperature of the nichrome element? The temperature coefficient of resistance of nichrome averaged
over the temperature range involved is 1.70 × 10–4 °C–1.
3. A heating element using nichrome connected to a 230 V supply draws an initial current of 3.2 A which
settles after a few seconds to a steady value of 2.8 A. What is the steady temperature of the heating
element if the room temperature is 27.0 °C? Temperature coefficient of resistance of nichrome averaged
over the temperature range involved is 1.70 × 10–4 °C–1.
4. The resistance of the platinum wire of a platinum resistance thermometer at the ice point is 5 Ω and at
steam point is 5.23 Ω. When the thermometer is inserted in a hot bath, the resistance of the platinum wire
is 5.795 Ω. Calculate the temperature of the bath.
5. At room temperature (27.0 °C) the resistance of a heating element is 100 Ω. What is the temperature of the
element if the resistance is found to be 117 Ω, given that the temperature coefficient of the material of the
resistor is 1.70 × 10 –4 °C–1.
6. A battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3 W is connected to a resistor. If the current in the circuit is
0.5 A, what is the resistance of the resistor? What is the terminal voltage of the battery when the circuit is
7. A storage battery of emf 8.0 V and internal resistance 0.5 Ω is being charged by a 120 V dc supply using a
series resistor of 15.5 Ω. What is the terminal voltage of the battery during charging?
8. Calculate the current through the galvanometer.

9. In the given circuit find the current I




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