Sigma Methodology
Sigma Methodology
Sigma Methodology
Article details Peruvian companies’ craft brick stands currently experience significant
Submitted by authors 29 Jan 2023
Accepted for publication 11 Jul 2023 growth in sales. Thus brickyards seek to reduce the amount of waste to
Available online 25 Aug 2023 increase productivity and reduce cost overruns. In this study, the
problem that has the greatest economic impact on a brick company is
Contact details the excessive amount of waste. For this reason, the implementation of
∗ Corresponding author a model based on the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology is proposed,
applying Poka Yoke, Jidoka, Standardised Work, and Just in Time in
order to reduce the number of defective bricks and cost overruns. The
Author affiliations research project focused on the tambourine brick, the type whose
1 Engineering Faculty,
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias percentage of generated waste is the highest in the production batch.
Aplicadas, Lima, Peru To do this, the current situation was analysed; the main causes of the
2 College of Engineering, Lawrence problem were identified and measured; and then Lean Six Sigma tools
Technological University, were used to attack the root cause. Finally, the proposed design reduced
Michigan, United States overheated bricks by 2.36%, wet bricks by 2.01%, and poorly stacked
bricks by 1.8%, obtaining a 6.92% reduction in shrinkage and increasing
ORCID® identifiers the level of Six Sigma to 3.9, which contributed to the reduction of losses
J.C. Quiroz-Flores in the brickyard.
A. Ali
Tans ervaar Peruaanse handwerkbaksteenmaatskappye aansienlike groei
in verkope. Daarom poog die steenwerwe om die hoeveelheid afval te
DOI verminder om produktiwiteit te verhoog en koste-oorskryding te
verminder. In hierdie studie is die probleem wat die grootste
ekonomiese impak vir die baksteenmaatskappy genereer die oormatige
hoeveelheid afval. Om hierdie rede word die implementering van ‘n
model gebaseer op die Lean Six Sigma metodologie voorgestel, deur die
toepassing van Poka Yoke, Jidoka, Standardised Work en Just in Time,
met die doel om die aantal gebrekkige stene en koste-oorskryding te
verminder. Die navorsingsprojek fokus op die tipe tamboerynsteen
waarvan die persentasie afval wat gegenereer word die hoogste van sy
produksiegroep is. Om dit te doen, is die huidige situasie ontleed, waar
die hoofoorsake van die probleem geïdentifiseer en gemeet is, en daarna
is Lean Six Sigma-instrumente gebruik om die hoofoorsaak aan te pak.
Laastens verminder die voorgestelde ontwerp oorverhitte stene met
2.36%, nat stene met 2.01%, en swak gestapelde stene met 1.8%, wat ‘n
vermindering van 6.92% in krimping verkry en die vlak van Six Sigma tot
3.9 verhoog, wat bygedra het tot die vermindering van verliese in die
The sector of global construction has increased in the last decade, and an average annual average growth
of 3.9% until 2030 has been estimated [1]. In this context, the brick industry has been a determining factor
in construction, since it has been expanding [2], attracting investments from both industrialised and
developing countries. In Latin America, Mexico is one of the countries that is forecast to be the greatest
producer in the sector; it has 9,463 brick kilns that have a significant economic impact, since the sector
generates 52,315 formal jobs, boosting the country’s GDP [3]. Currently, countries such as China, the United
States, and India represent 57% of world growth in the construction sector [4]. In Peru, there are 2,300
medium-sized brick factories, of which 30 are semi-formal and 13 are formal and located in the capital,
producing more than 80 tons per day [5]. Higher growth is expected for the brick sector in 2022, thus
recovering from the fall during 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there are difficulties and
problems related to brick deterioration that harm productivity and cause cost overruns, which are a
challenge for brick industries. Specifically, lowering the cost without compromising the quality of the
products or their timely delivery is a determining factor for customer loyalty, which is why cost reduction
is an important objective of manufacturers [6]. Thus the strategies that could be adopted to reduce the
types of loss mentioned above and their consequences are significant because such losses generate
unnecessary delays, waste raw materials, and reduce the efficiency of speed of the daily production, in
addition to increasing the overall cost of production [7]. To calculate the cost of the main defective
products such as overheated, damp, and poorly stacked bricks, it is essential to know how this phenomenon
affects the company and its client portfolio (ironmongers), which are: changing to better quality inputs,
training staff, standardising processes, changing the brickyard, postponing deliveries, or enabling cash
refunds. Excess shrinkage has a significant economic impact on sales and delivery time to customers. It is
evident that one of the most damaging factors is excessive losses, which directly affect customer loyalty;
so the strategies adopted by the company are relevant to maximising profits.
Various favourable results from using the Lean, Six Sigma, or comprehensive Lean Six Sigma methodologies
are found in the literature in the pharmaceutical [8], automotive [9], food [10] [11], and even the
bookkeeping and consulting firm sectors [12]. However, it has been found that, although such
methodologies have been widely adopted in the manufacturing and construction sectors to improve their
performance, the aspect of the brick manufacturing process where the cost of production could be reduced
has not been widely covered. Therefore, there is little research on the use of Lean or Six Sigma tools in the
brick industry, where aspects such as the percentage of waste and its economic implication in the factory
have still to be investigated. Given this lack of a scientific basis, this research seeks to validate and
disseminate the use of the Lean Six Sigma methodology in a so-far-unstudied scenario to establish a
precedent that improves and optimises the brick industry processes, minimises cost overruns, increases
productivity, and maximises customer satisfaction. This study shows that a small company can decrease its
key process times and reduce waste, and that therefore this process improvement through a focused cross-
functional team reduces process variation, improving profitability and reducing costs. Defects in the
manufacturing process can also be reduced through the structured application of the Jidoka, Poka Yoke,
work method standardisation, and Just in Time tools under the Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and
Control (DMAIC) approach.
For this reason, this research proposes a model based on the Lean Six Sigma methodology to reduce the
percentage of waste in the company and to increase its Sigma level, applying different Lean tools to define,
measure, analyse, improve, and control the causes.
The case study was carried out in a brickyard located in Lima, Peru. This company has four production lines
of bricks, each of them using the same process to make its products. This company offers outstanding
quality standards, fine finishes and, above all, a guarantee on its products, which gives the customer a
great trust in and preference or its products. Nevertheless, according to the annual report for 2020,
significant losses were recorded, which, in addition to disarray in the production area, resulted in a lack of
compliance with customer expectations.
The problem that has been identified in this sector, according to a literature review, may be the result of
different factors, such as the excessive amount of wastage, the non-fulfilment of scheduled batches of
orders, and poor quality raw materials, all of which are detrimental to the company’s profits and impede
its growth [1]. The causes of these problems are a burning time that exceeds the standard range, a failure
to meet the required average humidity content, the improper stacking of bricks, and a high raw material
waiting rate. The inadequate distribution of the work stations in the production plant, machine stoppages,
and the deterioration of bricks cause excess waste in the firing area, especially of the main product, the
‘pandereta’ brick.
In order to identify the main causes of the excessive amount of wastage, a Pareto analysis was carried out,
as can be seen in Figure 1.
96,6% 100,0%
88,7% 92,9%
23,6% 18,9%
11,0% 7,4% 4,2% 3,7% 3,4%
Excessive distance
Constant delays in
Misalignment of the
Machine malfunctions
Non-compliance with
material waiting
Inadequate stacking
the required average
between areas
the process
extruder coil
percentage of
of bricks
Percentage Accumulated Percentage
According to the literature review, Lean Six Sigma combines the process ‘speed’ technique with precision
driving both efficiency and effectiveness, with the goal of identifying the causes of waste and providing
real methods to reduce or eliminate it [2]. Although several authors have implemented Lean Six Sigma,
they have done so with certain limitations, since it is a methodology with little scientific literature, most
of which is merely theoretical. Despite this, they emphasised that the use of the DMAIC approach in this
methodology revealed favourable results in reducing waste, identifying opportunities for activities that
lacked added value, and reducing variability and improving the process cycle time and the quality of the
manufacturing process [6] [9]; as a result there were some strategic benefits, such as customer satisfaction,
financial improvement, increased productivity and employee satisfaction, and increased efficiency in the
manufacturing processes [11] [22].
Through the Lean Six Sigma methodology, improvements in the wastage rate of industries could be obtained
[13]. Similarly, other authors have emphasised the Lean Six Sigma methodology’s improvement of the
economic aspect, and affirm that the methodology allows cost reduction without reducing the quality of
the production process, thus maintaining productivity and customer satisfaction [14]. Some authors have
studied the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma methodology in contexts such as the brick industry in
India to contribute economically by reducing waste [15]. Given this review of the methodology in this
project the tools that obtained positive results in the sectors that were studied (Value Stream
Mapping(VSM), Jidoka, Poka Joke, standardisation of the work method) were used to reduce waste in a
company. In addition, improvements were evident in the production processes, which led to savings in the
process and the improved quality of the finished products. However, the construction sector has been
poorly studied using this methodology; so there is also a limited background review regarding this sector,
even though several authors point out that the methodology is flexible enough to be used in any type of
industry [16] [13].
Some studies are also based on the combination of lean manufacturing tools and other tools. For instance,
in a beverage manufacturing industry a model was proposed based on the 5S methodology, workstation
redesigning, process standardisation, and reliability-based maintenance that increased the efficiency of
the production process by 8.8% [21]. Specifically, other studies show that some lean tools and techniques
that improve performance in the brick manufacturing process are VSM, Total Quality Management (TQM),
Quality Assurance (QA), Just-in-Time (JIT), Kanban, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) [14]. Based on the
suggestions of these authors, process standardisation and JIT would be the most appropriate methods, since
they achieve better numerical results – on average, an increased performance by 5.6% of the optimisation
of resources in a quarterly period [11]. However, there is a clear difference in results when using the VSM
methodology only [15], since it would be implemented in a company to determine the exact amount of
materials needed for a specific set of production. This would save on the cost of building the warehouse to
keep production materials on standby for when they would be needed [16]. In this way, the flow of all
relevant information and materials for products to reach the customer could be fully understood.
There is a history of the use of Lean manufacturing tools and other tools to reduce waste and defects in
the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) companies being studied [16] [23]. For instance, the
implementation of the Poka Yoke tool reduced milling machine stops by 45.6%, thereby increasing the
available operating time. The process could be constantly monitored and important decisions could be
made, based on the stops and the reasons for them. Furthermore, the implementation of Jidoka tended to
reduce the number of defective moulded bricks by 80% [23]. Finally, the purpose of using the Lean
philosophy was to reduce all types of waste such as waiting time, excess movement, transportation costs,
and excess inventory. In addition, a similarity was identified in what is mentioned in both articles, in that
they show the variability of the change during the months when the improvement tools were implemented.
Importance was given to the lack of production speed and the stops, which ended up generating economic
losses [11]. That was why they used tools such as work standardisation; this technique served as support
for reducing the cycle time, since it was possible to eliminate the operational loss points and to define an
action plan to promote continuous improvement, which was also useful in reducing waste. A similarity was
also identified in what is mentioned in both articles [16]: the reduction of waste and residues in the
company through the application of the JIT tool. The tool was used to eliminate all possible waste that
occurred in a production process. Among other things, this was equivalent to eliminating unnecessary or
redundant activities by 7% per month [8]. However, there was little precedent in Lean Manufacturing and
Lean Six Sigma for reducing the amount of waste in the brick industry. Therefore, it was necessary to
validate and disseminate the use of the Lean Six Sigma methodology in the construction sector, and
specifically in the brick industry, to contribute to the optimisation of production processes and, therefore,
minimise cost overruns.
Finally, the use of the Lean Six Sigma methodology was proposed because each process station in the
manufacturing companies had problems of shrinkage and waste. Therefore, these types of company tended
to face increased costs, defective products, and increased losses, which led to economic losses for them.
That is why this proposed solution aimed to improve the profitability of this type of company’s production,
and to have greater control in the manufacturing process by speeding up production time, reducing
variations in the final products, and reducing waste, which would be essential for the well-being of
companies and the entire manufacturing sector.
Based on the above discussion, an innovative proposal was developed (Figure 2) in which the inputs, the
process, and the outputs of its implementation were detailed. The information in this model was based on
the identification of the percentage of losses produced by the brick firing process, specifically for the
pandereta brick, by controlling the production that enters the furnace and the bricks that are not made as
a result of the different causes already mentioned – a relevant reason to attack the causes that produce
these losses. The investigation conducted a pilot plan over a two-month trial period to ensure an effective
implementation process.
Figure 3: Linking tools to the causes of the problem
The indicators given below allow the reduction of losses in each phase to be visualised.
As is To be
Objective Indicator formula Initial Description Final Source
value value
Calculate the (Kilograms of brick waste / 15% Too much waste 7.01% [1] [9]
percentage of losses Total bricks processed) x100 percentage is generated [11]
Increase the (Production reached / 63% Very low percentage of 85% [6] [15]
productivity of the Production programmed) x100 productivity
Improve the Number of nonconformities 55 High rate of 25 [13] [2]
company’s operational detected disagreements
Develop a strategic Objectives achieved / 47% Low and inefficient 60% [16] [11]
business plan Objectives raised fulfilment of objectives
The design of the proposed solution was based on the implementation of Lean Six Sigma tools under the
DMAIC approach in a company manufacturing handmade bricks. The development focused on a set of Lean
tool proposals. Here is a description of the stages:
First, the essential data of the company being studied were collected to identify the impact of the causes
of the problem, to determine the root cause(s), and to define the main products that generated the greatest
impact, so that an analysis could be carried out. The pandereta brick (classification A) and the types of
waste generated by the company, such as overheated, moist, and broken bricks, were defined through
Ishikawa, ABC analysis, and a Pareto diagram.
In this second stage, the data collected in the previous stage was examined, such as the times of the
production process and the resources for each of the processes, in order to build the current VSM and
visually identify the activities from the process, from the reception of the raw material to the process of
mixing, drying, and burning. To do this, the times of the activities carried out in the first half of 2020 were
considered. Similarly, the percentage of waste generated by the company with respect to the main brick,
the pandereta type, was equivalent to 14.32%, with an economic impact on sales of 19%. From this, the
impact of the reasons and causes was measured. The deterioration of bricks was the most significant at
81.3% of the losses generated in the company when making the pandereta brick. In the same way, the
variation of the processes was measured with the help of the Minitab tool, obtaining a Sigma level of 2.
This stage included the development of the analysis and the design of Poka Yoke, Jidoka, JIT, and the
standardisation of the work method.
Step 1: Analysis. This step carried out a preliminary analysis of the brick burning process.
Step 2: Design. In this step, the design of the current model (‘as is’) of the brick manufacturing process
and its improvement (‘to be’) was carried out. This was a crucial initial stage since, with respect to JIT, it
was found that the design, improvement, and standardisation of processes would have a beneficial impact
by reducing the time and wastage in each preliminary phase for the manufacture of bricks.
Poka Yoke implementation. The solution process began with observation of the complete burning process
of a 132 000 furnace, identifying the type of product entered, and the time established for its burning,
from the first action of the number of operators who were in charge of burning and the quality of the
fluxes. Subsequently, the causes that affected production were identified and converted into ‘rococho’
bricks; the reduction in brick burning was detailed according to the type of oven. This tool sought to prevent
an increase in the number of overheated bricks generated during firing, which was equivalent to 23.7%.
This was because the pandereta brick’s burning time was greater than the established range, since the
operators did not have control over the filling of the hoppers, which generated too much fire in the mixed
kiln. For this reason, the acquisition of sensors was proposed that would allow the hoppers to maintain the
maximum and minimum range allowed at the time of being filled with the flux (Figure 4), which would
reduce the fire.
For the follow-up, instructions would be developed to record the number of rococho bricks generated per
kiln and to measure the percentage of shrinkage per overheated brick.
In this stage, compliance with the objectives established by each area manager was analysed. The desired
performance state (future state VSM) would be displayed. To measure the achievement of the objectives,
it was proposed that general reviews be carried out, comparing the values before and after the proposal,
such as comparing the previous Lean of the brickyard with the current one.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed solution, the validation method known as ‘pilot’ was
chosen for the implementation of the Poka Yoke, Jidoka, and standardised work techniques over a period
of two months, according to the size of the sample, statistically established through an analysis of the
confidence level at 95%. The proposed validation took into consideration the brick drying and firing
The production of pandereta type bricks in the case study presented the highest percentage of loss in the
company, which was equivalent to 14.23% in the year 2020. This had an economic impact on 19% of its
sales, which represented a loss of S/.154,063 in annual sales of the product. In addition, regarding the
pandereta brick, the average percentage of overheated bricks was 3.36%; that of wet bricks, 3.96%; and
that of bricks broken by stacking, 2.96%.
Initially the design of the system of the process being studied was carried out to validate the expected
results of the investigation. This system was limited to considering only the processes being studied, from
the arrival of the bricks, to the drying warehouse, and to the entrance to the burning ovens. Then the
proposed model was developed through pilot studies over a period of two months so that it met the
expectations about the reduction of losses produced in the firing process. In this way it was possible to
analyse the effectiveness of the implemented tools.
First, the Poka Yoke tool was able to reduce the number of rococho bricks by 1.89%. This improved the
quality of the bricks in the burning process in response to the problem that the company had been
experiencing caused by the cost of each brick in the rococho state. Following the Poka Yoke philosophy,
the LVB-300 sensor machine was acquired to control the hoppers at the time of filling by the three
operators, who were trained over three sessions, and who then collected data on the new percentage of
overheated bricks by following the established instructions.
Second, the application of the Jidoka tool reduced the non-compliance in the average moisture content of
the bricks by 1.97%. The development of the methodology began with a verification phase for the problem
being studied; this was done under the supervision of the operators who had already been trained to identify
when a brick was in a wet or semi-dry state. It should be noted that this training topic was included in the
sessions for the correct use of the sensors in the hoppers. In addition to this verification activity, the
stevedores in charge of transferring the bricks to the kiln were also trained. This was done by separating
the bricks that were still in a non-optimal state and, according to the instructions, recording the number
of bricks in each stack that were found to be wet.
Finally, the implementation of the standardisation of the work method – whose indicator was broken bricks
from poor stacking – showed an average improvement of 1.12% because the operators were adapting to this
new method of improving the process of poorly stacked bricks. The new standard was explained to the
supervisors and management in order to contrast the activities set out in the formats and instructions (PRO-
OPS-001). Maximum stacking heights were defined, as well as the way in which they should be loaded on
to the trucks to avoid their falling during transport, among other things. In addition, there was approval
from the supervisors to continue with the activities and to keep follow-up records in order to know and
measure how the training in the new method was impacting the activities of the baking operators. The pilot
study consisted of carrying out this new stacking method during the months of April and May 2022, which
were reflected in a graph to observe the improvement.
It was possible to validate that the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma solution model, through the key
components, and that grouped the developed tools, managed to minimise significantly the excess waste
from 14.23% to 7.31% (a reduction of 6.92%), achieving the primary objective set out in this research.
Table 3: Result of the indicators
Result: Result:
Indicator Previous state Target value
pilot month April pilot month May
Rocky bricks 3.36% 1.42% 2.36% 1.89%
Wet bricks 3.96% 1.02% 2.11% 1.97%
Bricks broken by stacking 2.69% 1.18% 2.32% 1.12%
Table 3 shows the summarised results, comparing the previous state of the company and the
implementation of our proposal for improved processes during the pilot study period. The average
percentage of wastage in the first month was equivalent to 9.2% (i.e., a reduction of 5.03%) and to 7.31%
for the month of May – that is, a total reduction of 6.92% at the end of the pilot study period.
On the one hand, through an analysis of the improvements, using Poka Joke and Jidoka reduced wastage
by 2.36% and 2.11% respectively. On the other hand, in following up the work standardisation, there was
no significant improvement, since the workers did not adapt to the forms of stacking and the new loading
method in order to reduce the excess wastage in this process. However, a Sigma level of 3.9 was achieved,
thus reaching the main objective set out in the research.
Through the development of the pilots, it was possible to validate the improvement of the proposed
proposal for the reduction of excess waste, the reduction of cost overruns incurred at the time of having
losses in the production of pandereta brick. The results were positive and optimal. However, for the
purposes of the result and reliability, the implementation of the proposed tools will be analysed as an
improvement in other scenarios where the division of the type of brick was taken into consideration, since
it has the same manufacturing process and characteristics in the firing process: 18-hole brick and 15x30x30
ceiling brick.
This other type of commercial brick in the construction sector, for the realization of first floor wall has a
percentage of losses in its cooking process, with an average 10.72% in 2021, being surpassed by the
tambourine brick. Likewise, this brick goes through the same process of operations: by drying, moving to
the oven, stacking, burning process and finally removed from the furnaces to the warehouse of finished
products. On the other hand, it is important to mention that indicators of quantity of rocochos bricks,
removed wet bricks and broken bricks by stacking, are key to obtain the amount of waste that is generated
when producing this type of brick. However, unlike its star product as is the tambourine brick, this brick in
study has less burning time and in turn its drying time is greater by the shape of the product that has
greater holes and consistency.
The product of the brick ceiling 15x30x30, with function of lightening the weights of the ceilings with very
good thermal insulation is a product of manufacture of the company in study, certain product also handles
a high percentage of wastage (7.8% defective bricks on average in 2021), being the third product with a
high percentage for the bricklayer. Like tambourine brick, this process follows the same procedure to have
the same finish as its similar commercial products. Likewise, the number of rococho bricks, wet and finally
the amount of brick by poor stacking are indicators that will demonstrate the implementation of the
proposed model. However, unlike tambourine brick and brick 18 holes, this product has a lower production
and in turn its burning time is longer, so a study greater than 4 furnaces is required, because the capacity
of the furnace for whose brick type is 16800 units.
After validating the three scenarios, a comparative analysis of the results was carried out.
It was confirmed that the proposed model produced favourable results in the pilot studies over a period of
two months, so that it met the expectations of reducing the losses produced in the firing process. In the
same way, it was necessary to evaluate the economic and environmental impact, in order to identify the
benefits for the company of the improvements and how it might impact the population. Finally, for the
indicator of broken bricks from poor stacking, the improvement percentage was an average of 1.12%
because the operators were adapting to this new and improved method for stacking bricks.
With the present research concluded, in order to share information in other brick sectors and to contribute
to an improvement in the production process, the different improvements to be developed in the future
can be presented:
• Implement the knowledge of the tools in other manufacturing sectors, in order to validate the
implementation of the Lean Six Sigma model in other industries.
• Research and propose the implementation of Lean Six Sigma to solve significant problems in the
construction sector, and specifically in the brick industry, based on the improvement in the
production process described in this study.
• Investigate the compatibility and integration of the Lean Six Sigma methodology with other
engineering tools, such as Systematic Layout Planning (SLP), that could be applied to the
redistribution of workstations and to avoid more waste in the production process.
The present research project was able to identify that the excessive amount of wastage in the brick
company being studied was the main problem, since it had the greatest economic impact, equivalent to
19% of sales. In the literature, this kind of significant impact was found in the same sector or in similar
ones; the main identified causes were: (1) the inadequate distribution of work stations in the production
plant; (2) machine stoppages; and (3) the deterioration of products during the manufacturing process. The
present project was able to validate the great impact of these causes on the main problems that were the
root cause of the excessive amount of wastage: a burning time that was more than the established range;
a failure to comply with the average required percentage of moisture; inadequate stacking of bricks; and
a high rate of raw material in storage, which had an impact of 23.6%, 27.8%, 18.88%, and 11.02%
respectively on the excessive brick wastage in the company.
Using this diagnostic framework, the present research validates the application of the Lean Six Sigma
methodology, under the DMAIC approach, to improving the production process in a brick industry, as it was
able to reduce the percentage of brick wastage and achieve a reduction of 6.92% of the total wastage
generated in the firing process by reducing the number of overheated bricks by 1.89%, of the number of
wet bricks that had to be removed by 1.97%, and of the number of broken bricks because of bad stacking
by 1.76%. It was thus able to increase the Sigma level to 3.9, increasing the speed and reducing variation
in the processes involved.
Owing to the positive results that were achieved, the present research was able to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the Lean Six Sigma model in a scenario that was new to the literature, namely the brick
industry. Likewise, based on the present research and the reviewed literature, it could be concluded that
the proposed Lean Six Sigma model could be applied in several areas with satisfactory results, which would
show its high transferability, effectiveness, and quality.
The present study has managed to expand the literature on improving the productive process in the brick
industry and on optimising processes to avoid excess wastage in the sector, especially in small companies,
through the application of the tools Poka Joke, Jidoka, standardisation of the work method, and Just in
Time under the DMAIC approach. Finally, it is recommended that the possibility of extending the
implementation of the proposed model to other segments of the production line, such as the 18-hole brick
and the roof brick, be explored in the future, in order to continue improving the ratio of waste generated
in the company that was studied.
To the Research Department of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas for the support provided to
carry out this research work through the UPC-EXPOST-2023-2 incentive.
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