Microwave RS
Microwave RS
Microwave RS
Passive microwave sensing is similar in concept to thermal remote sensing. All objects
emit microwave energy of some magnitude, but the amounts are generally very small. A
passive microwave sensor detects the naturally emitted microwave energy within its field
of view. This emitted energy is related to the temperature and moisture properties of the
emitting object or surface. Passive microwave sensors are typically radiometers or
scanners and operate in much the same manner as systems discussed previously except
that an antenna is used to detect and record the microwave energy.
The microwave energy recorded by a passive sensor can be emitted by the atmosphere
(1), reflected from the surface (2), emitted from the surface (3), or transmitted from the
subsurface (4). Because the wavelengths are so long, the energy available is quite small
compared to optical wavelengths. Thus, the fields of view must be large to detect enough
energy to record a signal. Most passive microwave sensors are therefore characterized by
low spatial resolution.
Before we delve into the peculiarities of radar, let's first look briefly at the origins and
history of imaging radar, with particular emphasis on the Canadian experience in radar
remote sensing. The first demonstration of the transmission of radio microwaves and
reflection from various objects was achieved by Hertz in 1886. Shortly after the turn of
the century, the first rudimentary radar was developed for ship detection. In the 1920s
and 1930s, experimental ground-based pulsed radars were developed for detecting
objects at a distance. The first imaging radars used during World War II had rotating
sweep displays which were used for detection and positioning of aircrafts and ships. After
World War II, side-looking airborne radar (SLAR) was developed for military terrain
reconnaissance and surveillance where a strip of the ground parallel to and offset to the
side of the aircraft was imaged during flight. In the 1950s, advances in SLAR and the
development of higher resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) were developed for
military purposes. In the 1960s these radars were declassified and began to be used for
civilian mapping applications. Since this time the development of several airborne and
spaceborne radar systems for mapping and monitoring applications use has flourished.
Canada initially became involved in radar remote sensing in the mid-1970s. It was
recognized that radar may be particularly well-suited for surveillance of our vast northern
expanse, which is often cloud-covered and shrouded in darkness during the Arctic winter,
as well as for monitoring and mapping our natural resources. Canada's SURSAT
(Surveillance Satellite) project from 1977 to 1979 led to our participation in the (U.S.)
SEASAT radar satellite, the first operational civilian radar satellite. The Convair-580
airborne radar program, carried out by the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing following
the SURSAT program, in conjunction with radar research programs of other agencies such
as NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), led to the conclusion that spaceborne
remote sensing was feasible. In 1987, the Radar Data Development Program (RDDP),
was initiated by the Canadian government with the objective of "operationalizing the use
of radar data by Canadians". Over the 1980s and early 1990s, several research and
commercial airborne radar systems have collected vast amounts of imagery throughout
the world demonstrating the utility of radar data for a variety of applications. With the
launch of ESA's ERS-1 in 1991, spaceborne radar research intensified, and was followed
by the major launches of Japan's J-ERS satellite in 1992, ERS-2 in 1995, and Canada's
advanced RADARSAT satellite, also in 1995.
Top of page
• Ka, K, and Ku bands: very short wavelengths used in early airborne radar systems
but uncommon today.
• X-band: used extensively on airborne systems for military reconnaissance and
terrain mapping.
• C-band: common on many airborne research systems (CCRS Convair-580 and
NASA AirSAR) and spaceborne systems (including
• ERS-1 and 2 and RADARSAT).
• S-band: used on board the Russian ALMAZ satellite.
• L-band: used onboard American SEASAT and Japanese JERS-1 satellites and NASA
airborne system.
• P-band: longest radar wavelengths, used on NASA experimental airborne research
Two radar images of the same agricultural fields
Here are two radar images of the same agricultural fields, each image having been
collected using a different radar band. The one on the top was acquired by a C-band
radar and the one below was acquired by an L-band radar. You can clearly see that there
are significant differences between the way the various fields and crops appear in each of
the two images. This is due to the different ways in which the radar energy interacts with
the fields and crops depending on the radar wavelength. We will learn more about this in
later sections.
When discussing microwave energy, the polarization of the radiation is also important.
Polarization refers to the orientation of the electric field (recall the definition of
electromagnetic radiation from Chapter 1). Most radars are designed to transmit
microwave radiation either horizontally polarized (H) or vertically polarized (V). Similarly,
the antenna receives either the horizontally or vertically polarized backscattered energy,
and some radars can receive both. These two polarization states are designated by the
letters H for horizontal, and V, for vertical. Thus, there can be four combinations of both
transmit and receive polarizations as follows:
C-band images