Artists Statement 1
Artists Statement 1
Artists Statement 1
Professor Williams
ENG 111
Artist's Statement
As a highschool student myself I see a major problem. That major problem is the very
high stress rate within students my age or older. According to my sources nearly 50% of
that you can be less stressed or reduce stress. I see people daily that I know are really stressed
out and I even get really stressed out sometimes so this could be helpful for other students and
My main purpose for making this is to help people who aren’t in a good place mentally
and hopefully give people some advice that will help them even if it is just a little bit. My main
audience is for students mainly in highschool and college. I chose this genre because it is
something that I genuinely care about. The mental health of America's youth is very important
The process that I went through for creating this formal assignment was creating a
website that not only had ways to help alleviate stress but state reasons why students might be
stressed in the first place. I think that my project turned out well and I think that my website is
concise and easy to understand. It also has many different ways to help and there are even
on the website who you can talk to. I think that this would help the website out a lot and make it
better for everyone who uses it because they can talk to a trained therapist that can help them for
free. The reason I would do this is because a lot of students don’t have a lot of money, especially
college students due to them usually having to pay tuition. Adding trained therapists for free
would be a massive help for students who either can not afford a therapist. There are lots of
people who feel embarrassed asking for help because they are afraid that they would be made fun
of by their peers. This would help them out a lot because no one has to know that they are talking
In my formal assignment my favorite part is how concise I made the website. This is
really good because no one likes to go on a website and not know where to find the thing that
you are looking for. I made sure to keep this in mind when I was creating my website which led
to the website being very clean and not cluttered with unnecessary pictures or links and a simple
menu to navigate to the different topics I covered in the website. I am overall happy with the
turnout of this website. The hardest part of this formal assignment was making sure that people
can relate to me and to my experiences and tips. This was hard because I had to imagine myself
as different types of people while I was writing so that I could relate to as many people as
possible. While this was a very difficult task I believe that it was very much worth it because it
allows a lot of people who are different than me or have had different experiences than me to still
be able to relate to what I had to say and still be able to take my advice. So while this was hard to
do, this is also one of my favorite parts about my formal assignment and I believe that this was
different everyone's life is. I knew that people lived different lives and had different experiences
but this really made me realize that every single person in the world has their own unique
experiences. This also makes it harder for me to give advice for people because no one has lived
the same life as me so what worked great for me and other people might not work at all for some
people. This is the main reason that I put so many different ways to help people on my website.
Overall, I made this website because as a student I constantly see people who are overly
stressed. This website is made to help this. While it might not be able to help everyone I believe
that this website will still be helpful for most people who are feeling stressed and need to find