Interval Estimation
Interval Estimation
Interval Estimation
Statistics (OA3102)
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Objective for Interval Estimation
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Why Interval Estimation?
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(Unobserved) mY
y 95% confidence
interval for mY
(Unobserved) population
distribution (pdf of Y)
mY 2 Y n 7
In General
Pr qˆL q qˆU 1 a
Target Confidence
parameter coefficient
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Example: Constructing a
95% CI for m, known (2)
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Example: Constructing a
95% CI for m, known (3)
Y - mY
Pr -1.96 1.96 0.95
Y / n
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Example: Constructing a
95% CI for m, known (4)
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Example 8.4
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Example 8.4 (continued)
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Example 8.5
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Example 8.5 (continued)
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Large-Sample Confidence Intervals
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Example 8.6
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Example 8.6 (continued)
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One-Sided Limits
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Example 8.7
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Example 8.7 (continued)
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Example 8.8
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Example 8.8 (continued)
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Example 8.8 (continued)
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What is a Confidence Interval?
• Simulated 20 95%
confidence intervals
with samples of size
n=10 drawn from
N(40,1) distribution
• One failed to cover
the true (unknown)
parameter, which is
what is expected on
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Another CI Simulation
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Summary: Constructing a Two-sided
Large-Sample Confidence Interval
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E.g., Constructing a Two-sided
Large-Sample 95% CI for m
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E.g., Constructing a Two-sided
Large-Sample 95% CI for p
• Width of CI’s: w 2 za /2
• Margin of error: E za /2
– Bigger s.d. bigger s.e. wider intervals
– Bigger sample size smaller s.e. narrower
– Higher confidence bigger z-values wider
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Sample Size Calculations
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Example 8.9
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Example 8.9 (continued)
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Example 8.10
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Example 8.10 (continued)
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Small-Sample Confidence
Interval for m ( Unknown)
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Example 8.11 (continued)
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Small-Sample Confidence
Interval for m1-m2
Y Y m
1 2 1 m2
~ N (0,1)
1 1
n1 n2
• But if is unknown, then need to appropriately
estimate it
• To do so, first estimate the two sample means
n1 n2
1 1
Y1 Y1i Y2 Y2i
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n1 i 1 n2 i 1 48
Pooled Estimate of the Variance
i 1 1i 1 i 1 2i 2
n1 n2
( y y )2
( y y ) 2
s 2p
n1 n2 2
Average squared deviation
from different means
• Can also express as a weighted average of s 1
and s22 :
(n1 1) s1 (n2 1) s2
2 2
n1 n2 2
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Small-Sample Confidence
Interval for m1-m2 , continued
Z Y1 Y2 m1 m2 1 2 p
n n 2 S 2
W / 1 n1 1 n2 2 n1 n2 2
Y Y m
1 2 1 m2
~ T n 1
1 1
n1 n2
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Example 8.12
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Example 8.12 (continued)
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CI for the Variance
• Then a confidence interval for the variance is:
(n 1) S 2 ( n 1) S 2
Pr 2 2 2 1 a
a /2, n 1 1a /2, n 1
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Example: 95% CI for Variance
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Example 8.13 (continued)
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Why Calculate CIs for ?
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What We Covered in this Module
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