Wma11 01 Rms 20230817
Wma11 01 Rms 20230817
Wma11 01 Rms 20230817
Summer 2023
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Summer 2023
Question Paper Log Number 72868
Publications Code WMA11_01_2306_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the
first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the
candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles
by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.
‘M’ marks
These are marks given for a correct method or an attempt at a correct method. In
Mechanics they are usually awarded for the application of some mechanical
principle to produce an equation, e.g. resolving in a particular direction; taking
moments about a point; applying a suvat equation; applying the conservation of
momentum principle; etc.
For example, in a moments equation, every term must be a ‘force x distance’ term
or ‘mass x distance’, if we allow them to cancel ‘g’ s.
For a resolution, all terms that need to be resolved (multiplied by sin or cos) must
be resolved to earn the M mark.
‘M’ marks are sometimes dependent (DM) on previous M marks having been
earned, e.g. when two simultaneous equations have been set up by, for example,
resolving in two directions and there is then an M mark for solving the equations to
find a particular quantity – this M mark is often dependent on the two previous M
marks having been earned.
‘A’ marks
These are dependent accuracy (or sometimes answer) marks and can only be
awarded if the previous M mark has been earned. e.g. M0 A1 is impossible.
‘B’ marks
These are independent accuracy marks where there is no method (e.g. often given
for a comment or for a graph).
General Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the
mark schemes:
• bod means benefit of doubt
• ft means follow through
o the symbol will be used for correct ft
All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to
indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread
however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly
absurd answers should never be awarded A marks.
For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially
simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question
Method marks for differentiation and integration:
• Differentiation
o Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x n → x n −1 )
• Integration
o Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x n → x n +1 )
Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given in
recent examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted first. Normal
marking procedure is as follows:
• Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if
there are small errors in the substitution of values.
• Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by
implication from correct working with values but may be lost if there is any
mistake in the working.
Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is
asked for, or working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if
the candidate resorts to using rounded decimals.
( ) ( −7 ) ( )( )
− −7 − 4 4 −2
4 x − 7 x − 2 ...0 x =
x = ... M1
2 4
2 7 2 2
1 7 7 1
4 x − 7 x − 2 ...0 4 x − x − ...0 4 x − − − ...0 x = ...
4 2 8 8 2
x = − ,2 A1
x "− " , x " 2" M1
x − or x 2 oe A1
(4 marks)
M1: Gathers terms to one side and solves their 3TQ which is not 4 x 2 − 3x + 7 = 0 to obtain at least
one critical value for x. Allow by factorisation, the quadratic formula or completing the square. Do
not be concerned about the inequality symbol for the first two marks and the “…0” can be implied.
( )
Note that 4 x 2 − 7 x − 2 ...0 x + x − 2 ... 0 x = ... scores M0
For completing the square, the conditions for their 4 x2 − 7 x − 2 ...0 are as follows:
( )
Either 4 x 2 − 7 x − 2 ...0 4 x 2 +bx + c ...0 then as general guidance
Or 4 x − 7 x − 2 ...0 2 x − q 2...0 x = ...
2 16
A1: Both correct critical values. Allow unsimplified but must be single fractions e.g. allow − ,
8 8
These values may be seen embedded in their final answer but the first M1 must have been scored.
M1: Chooses the outside region for their 2 critical values. Allow with < and > for this mark.
1 1 1
Condone poor notation e.g. "− " x "2" or e.g. "− " x "2" or e.g. "2" x "− "
4 4 4
A1: Correct solution only – depends on all previous marks. Allow e.g. x − , x 2 ;
1 1 1
x − and x 2 ; −, − , 2, ; −, − or 2, ; −, − and 2, ) )
4 4 4 4
Do not allow −
x 2; x
− x 2 ; −, − 2, )
4 4 4
2 16
Allow unsimplified constants but must be single fractions e.g. allow − , as above.
8 8
Apply isw if possible if there is no contradiction so e.g. correct work leading to x − ,x 2
followed by − x 2 can score full marks. If several different answers are offered, mark the
final answer.
Particular cases and how to mark them:
Case 1
4 x − 3x + 7 4 x + 9 4 x 2 − 7 x − 2
1 1
x =− , 2 x − , x 2
4 4
Scores M0A0 M1A0
Case 2
4 x − 3x + 7 4 x + 9 4 x 2 − 7 x − 2
x − , x 2
Scores M0A0M0A0
Question Scheme Marks
2(a) 2 x + 2 y = 350 B1
(b) E.g. xy = 7350, x y = 7350 B1
(c) x(175 − x) = 7350 or (175 − y) y = 7350 M1
( )( )
E.g. x 2 − 175 x + 7350 = 0 x − 70 x − 105 = 0 x = ... dM1
x = 70 or 105 A1
( x y ) x = 105, y = 70 A1
(6 marks)
Ignore labelling and mark all parts together.
Ignore any units given whether correct or incorrect.
( )
B1: Correct equation. Accept any correct equation e.g. 2 x + y = 350, x + y = 175
B1: Correct equation. Accept any correct equation e.g. y =
M1: Substitutes for x or y into either of their equations to produce a 2 or 3 term quadratic equation in
one variable. Note that terms do not need to be collected for this mark so e.g. x(175 − x) = 7350 or
(175 − y) y = 7350 oe is acceptable for this mark.
Condone slips when substituting if the intention is clear e.g. substituting for 2x rather than x:
x(350 − 2 x) = 7350
(Note, if substituting x = into 2 x + 2 y = 350 they will need to multiply through by y to score
this mark. Condone slips but must produce a 2 or 3 term quadratic equation.)
dM1: Depends on the first method mark. Solves their 3 term quadratic equation, any suitable
means such as formula or by calculator (may be implied by correct values for their quadratic).
A1: Correct simplified roots of the quadratic. Do not be concerned about which is x and y for this
mark so just look for the values 70 and 105. It is possible that candidates may only select the larger
value for x (105) or the smaller value for y (70) but if both roots are found they must both be correct.
A1: Both x and y correct and correctly assigned and all previous marks scored.
Special Case:
Candidates who use Trial and Improvement in part (c) or guess the correct answers with no quadratic
formed allow a special case of M1M1A0A0. If the values are the wrong way round or both sets of
answers are offered then score special case of M1M0A0A0.
Vertex at −2,1( ) B1ft
(6 marks)
B1: Correct value for a stated or shown by working.
4 12
( )
M1: Obtains b = ± 2. Allow unsimplified e.g. b = , . May be implied by e.g. 3 x 2 + ...
2 6
A1: Fully correct expression or correct values.
b b2
Note that there are various methods e.g. ax + bx + c = a x + + c −
3x 2 + 12 x + 13 = ...
2a 4a
( )
or a x + b + c = ax 2 + 2abx + ab 2 + c a = 3, 2ab = 12, ab 2 + c = 13 b, c = ...
There must be a sketch to score marks in (b)
Labelling on the sketch takes precedence
Treat part (b) as Hence, or otherwise, i.e. part (a) may be incorrect but full marks are available in
part (b) for a correct sketch of y = 3 x 2 +12 x +13
B1: Correct U shape with minimum point in the second quadrant but not on the x-axis. Do not allow a
clear V shape.
B1: Correct y intercept labelled or stated. Allow as just 13 or (0, 13) or (13, 0) as long as it is in the
correct position. If stated away from the sketch it must be as (0, 13) and correspond to the sketch.
Their curve must at least touch at (0, 13). Any other intercepts can be ignored.
B1ft: Correct vertex labelled in some way, or follow through their b and c i.e. x = −b and y = c. Must be
a turning point but could be a maximum or a minimum. Allow the labelling as shown or as x =.., y = …or
as the ordinates shown on the axes. It must correspond to the sketch. If stated away from the sketch it
must be correct or correct follow through and correspond to the sketch.
5 x 2 + x3 5x2 + x 2
y= = 1
8x ...x 3
1 3 1
2− −
5x x
3 2 3
= + M1
2 2
5 1 7
= x3 + x6 A1A1
2 2
(b) dy 23 1
= ...x + ...x
dy 25 23 7 16
= x + x A1ftA1
dx 6 12
(7 marks)
M1: Converts the radicals into powers of x, with at least one power correct. E.g. x3 → x 2 or
8 x → ...x 3
M1: Correct subtraction index law seen used at least once. May be implied.
5x2 ...x 2 x3 ...x q
It is for → p
→ ... x 2− p
or → p
→ ...x q − p
8x ...x 3
8x ...x
Indices do not need to be processed for this mark.
5 53 1 7
A1: One term correct (coefficient and index) or both indices correct. E.g. x or x 6 or
2 2
5 7
BC = 6 − 4sin1.186 = 6 − 3.708... = 2.29... )
BC = 6 − 4 cos − 1.186 = 6 − 3.708... = 2.29... )
12 − 55
BC = 6 − 42 − 1.52 = 6 − 3.708... = 2.29... =
BC = 6 −
= 6 − 3.708... = 2.29... )
( )
Perimeter is 41.186... + 6 − 4cos 0.384... + 1.5 + 6 + 4 = .. ddM1
= awrt 18.5 (m) A1
(c) 1 2
Area sector = 4 1.186... M1
Area OBCD Examples:
( )
6 1.5 − "3.708"1.5 or 6 − "3.708" 1.5 + "3.708"1.5
2 2 M1
or (
) 1
6 + 6 − "3.708" 1.5 or 6 1.5 − 1.5 4sin1.186
A1 on
( )
or 6 1.5 + 6 − "3.708" 1.5 (= 6.219…)
1 2
4 1.186 + 6.219... = ddM1
= awrt 15.7 (m2) A1
(10 marks)
Allow equivalent correct work in degrees.
Ignore any presence or absence of units throughout.
M1: For a complete and correct method to find angle AOB in radians or degrees. May attempt angle
AOB directly using cosine, or angle BOD using sine then subtract angle BOD from or equivalent
work using tan.
A1*: Obtains angle AOB = 1.186 with no errors.
Example in degrees:
1.5 3
sin BOD = BOD = sin −1 = 22.0243...
4 8
AOB = 90 − 22.0243... = 67.9756...
= = 1.186 *
M1: Uses the correct arc length formula with r = 4 and 1.186. May be implied by awrt 4.74 or 4.75.
M1: Attempts the length of BC using an appropriate trig function and angle, or Pythagoras. May see
6 − 4sin 1.186 or 6 − 4 cos"0.384" or may use 6 − 42 − 1.52 . May be implied by awrt 2.3 provided
no incorrect working is seen.
ddM1: Depends on both previous marks. Adds the five lengths of the sides (or equivalent work)
to obtain the perimeter.
A1: Correct answer, accept awrt 18.5. No units required and ignore any given.
1 1186
M1: Correct attempt at the sector area. Look for 42 1.186... but may be implied by e.g. or
2 125
awrt 9.5. Allow equivalent expressions in degrees e.g. 42 67.9756... but not e.g.
2 180
1 2
4 67.9756
M1: Correct attempt at the area of OBCD – which may be found as the difference of a rectangle and
triangle or sum of rectangle and triangle or a trapezium. See scheme for details.
The attempt to find BC, if used, must have involved the use of trigonometry or e.g. Pythagoras.
ddM1: Depends on both previous marks. Correct attempt at the full area, so adds sector area to
area of OBCD
A1: Correct answer, accept awrt 15.7. No units required and ignore any given.
Note that some candidates assume BC = 2 (i.e. 6 – 4) which greatly simplifies the question.
The maximum possible marks in (b) and (c) are: (b) M1M0ddM0A0 (c) M1M0ddM0A0
3 − 2 2
3+ 2 2
( )( )
= p + q 2 1 = p + q 2 3 + 2 2 = 3 p + 4q + 2 p 2 + 3q 2
3 p + 4q = 1
2 p + 3q = 0
3 p + 4q = 1 6 p + 8q = 2
q = −2 3 p − 8 = 1 p = 3
2 p + 3q = 0 6 p + 9q = 0
= 3− 2 2
3+ 2 2
3+ 2 2 − 1 = 3+ 2 2 + 1
3+ 2 2 3+ 2 2
= 3 + 2 2 + 3 − 2 2 − 2 = ...(= 4) dM1
so 3 + 2 2 − =2 A1
3+ 2 2
(c) 1
Alt 3+ 2 2 − = 2 3 + 2 2 −1 = 2 3 + 2 2 M1
3+ 2 2
( ) = 4 (3 + 2 2 )
2+2 2 dM1
4 + 8 2 + 8 = 12 + 8 2 ✓ Hence true A1
(7 marks)
M1: Expands the bracket to obtain 3 or 4 terms with at least 2 correct which may be unsimplified.
Allow use of a different variable e.g. x for this mark.
A1: Correct simplified expansion in terms of r. Accept terms in any order.
Accept e.g. r + r − 2 and accept r + − 2 . Do not isw and mark their final answer.
2 −2 2
Note that if a correct simplified expression is seen and they then re-write the expression
correctly in a different way then this mark should be awarded provided their expression is
M1: Correct process to rationalise the denominator, so look for multiplying numerator and
denominator by 3 − 2 2 or any multiple of this expression. No processing is required so just look
for the statement as shown above.
A1: Shows an intermediate line before obtaining 3 − 2 2
Examples of an acceptable intermediate line are:
3− 2 2 3− 2 2 3− 2 2 3− 2 2 3−2 2
, , , ,
( ) 9 −8
( ) 9−6 2 + 6 2 −8
2 2
32 − 2 2 9−6 2 +6 2 − 2 2 1
3− 2 2
Do not allow as the final answer.
(b) ALT
M1: Sets = p + q 2, multiplies up, compares rational and irrational parts to produce 2
3+ 2 2
equations in p and q.
A1: Solves simultaneously showing working and obtains 3 − 2 2 .
M1: Applies their result from (a) or the correct result to 3 + 2 2 −
3+ 2 2
dM1: Depends on the first mark. Applies their result from (b) and cancels 2 terms to achieve a
A1: Reaches the correct answer from correct work. There is no requirement to justify the positive
square root.
(c) ALT
M1: Multiplies equation through by 3 + 2 2 and applies 3+ 2 2 3+ 2 2 = 3+ 2 2
dM1: Depends on the first mark. Squares both sides. May or may not have cancelled the 2 before
A1: Achieves similar expression for both sides and gives a (minimal) conclusion.
B1: Correct x intercept for y = 10 − 2 x or correct x coordinate for intersection of y = 2 with
y = 10 − 2 x . May be seen on the diagram or in a sketch or implied by their working.
27 1
M1: Correct method for area and sets equal to to form an equation in a or k. The 2 may be
4 2
implied. May use e.g. trapezium, triangle + trapezium, triangle + rectangle + triangle or 2 triangles.
See above for some examples. Note that with a correct “5” and “4” the area is 9 − a or 9 − .
A1: Correct value for a or k as a single value not a calculation.
A1ft: Correct values for a and k. Correct values or follow through using ak = 2 from their first
value to the second provided the M1 is scored. Allow exact equivalents or exact ft equivalents so if
correct allow e.g. k = 0.8, a = 2.25 or 2
M1: Any two of the three correct inequalities with their k and/or their a or the letters a and k. Note
inequalities in y may be combined in to one so " " x y 10 − 2 x would count as two correct
inequalities. Inequalities must be in the correct direction but accept with or for the M. Do not
allow incorrect notation such as R2 " " x, R2 10 − 2 x
A1: All three correct with the correct values of a and k – there is no follow though for this mark.
Note inequalities in y may be combined in to one as above.
Note that there may be an upper limit on the x inequality which is fine provided it is in an
acceptable range and consistent.
8 45
Note that y = x and y = 10 – 2x intersect when x = so the upper limit may be this value or
9 13
greater. In general the following are acceptable:
8 9 45 8 9 45
y x, y 10 − 2 x, x if or y x, y 10 − 2 x, x if
9 4 13 9 4 13
The following examples would score both marks,
8 9 45
y x, y 10 − 2 x, x
9 4 13
8 9
y x, y 10 − 2 x, x 5
9 4
Note that some candidates are also including limits on y and this is acceptable provided the
values are in the correct range. Allow strict or non strict inequalities e.g.
11 11
y 2, y 2, 2 y , 2 y but e.g. y 2, y 2 scores A0
2 2
Question 8 – General Guidance for marking
1 1
2 2
Note that some candidates are misreading the x as x in part (a) and/or part (b)
In the majority of cases it will be clear if this is the case as candidates often write down the
expression before they differentiate in part (a) or integrate in part (b)
1 3
x − 8 x 2 in either or both parts then FULL
If it is clear that a candidate thinks the expression is
marks should be awarded for correct work – details are below. We are condoning the fact that
P(4,12) does not lie on y = x3 − 8 x 2
If candidates do not write down the original expression (in (a) or (b)) then evidence of misreading
or not can be taken from their derivative or integral.
If candidates integrate in (a) and differentiate in (b) then the maximum marks available
If parts are not labelled then you should assume that the first attempt is part (a) and the
second attempt is part (b).
8. Scheme - No Misread
1 3 − 1 x4 8x 2
( f ( x) = ) x − 8 x 2 dx = −
(+c) M1
4 4 4 A1
f (4) = 12 16 − 32 + c = 12 c = ... ( 28) dM1
So ( f ( x) = ) − 16 x + "28 " A1ft
(10 marks)
M1: Correct method of differentiation, at least one power reduced by 1.
1 3
1 − −
Award for x3 → ...x 2 or −8 x 2 → ...x 2
A1: Correct differentiation, need not be simplified.
M1: Finds at x = 4. Requires the substitution of x = 4 into a “changed” function to find a value.
Note that some candidates are using the “12” in some way to find the gradient e.g.
1 1
12 = 3 ( 4 ) − 8 − ( 4 ) 2 + c c = 2 m = 2 and this scores M0
2 −
4 2
dM1: Depends on previous M. Correct method for the tangent not the normal. Uses their at
x = 4 with y = 12 and x = 4 correctly placed. If using y = mx + c they must proceed as far as
finding a value for c.
A1: Correct equation in the required form including “= 0” or any non-zero integer multiple of it.
M1: Attempts to integrate f(x), look for power increased by 1 on at least one term.
1 1 −1 1
Award for x3 → ...x 4 or − x 2 → ...x 2
4 8
A1: Correct integration, need not be simplified. (no need for constant for this mark).
dM1: Depends on first M. Sets f (4) = 12 and proceeds to find a value for c - must have a constant of
integration to score this mark.
A1: Correct value for c found.
A1ft: Correct answer following through their c only i.e. the algebraic part must be correct.
Accept with fractional index rather than square root. Allow 0.0625x 4 for . Depends on the
previous method mark.
The “f (x) =” is not required so just look for the correct expression. Apply isw if necessary, e.g.
1 1
correct work leading to ( f ( x) = ) − 16 x + 28 followed by ( f ( x) = ) x − 256 x 2 + 448 can score full
2 4
marks in (b).
Condone poor notation e.g. leaving the final answer as ( f ( x) = ) − 16 x 2 + 28
8. Scheme – Misread in (a) and/or (b)
1 4 2
1 3 1 x 8x
( f ( x) = ) x − 8 x dx = 2
( +c) M1
4 4 4 A1
128 116 dM1
f (4) = 12 16 − + c = 12 c = ...
3 3 A1
x 4 16 32 116
So ( f ( x) = ) − x +" " A1ft
16 3 3
(10 marks)
M1: Correct method of differentiation, at least one power reduced by 1.
1 1
1 −
Award for x3 → ...x 2 or −8 x 2 → ...x 2
A1: Correct differentiation, need not be simplified. Ignore any spurious “= 0”.
M1: Finds at x = 4. Requires the substitution of x = 4 into a “changed” function to find a value.
Note that some candidates are using the “12” in some way to find the gradient e.g.
1 1
12 = 3 ( 4 ) − 8 − ( 4 ) 2 + c c = 2 m = 2 and this scores M0
2 −
4 2
dM1: Depends on previous M. Correct method for the tangent not the normal. Uses their at
x = 4 with y = 12 and x = 4 correctly placed. If using y = mx + c they must proceed as far as
finding a value for c.
A1: Correct equation in the required form including “= 0” or any non-zero integer multiple of it.
M1: Attempts to integrate f (x), look for power increased by 1 on at least one term.
1 1 1 3
Award for x3 → ...x 4 or − x 2 → ...x 2
4 8
A1: Correct integration, need not be simplified. (no need for constant for this mark).
dM1: Depends on first M. Sets f (4) = 12 and proceeds to find a value for c - must have a constant
of integration to score this mark.
A1: Correct value for c found.
A1ft: Correct answer following through their c only i.e. the algebraic part must be correct. Accept
with fractional index rather than square root. Allow 0.0625x 4 for and equivalent mixed
16 116
fractions for and . Depends on the previous method mark.
3 3
The “f (x) =” is not required so just look for the correct (or correct ft) expression. Apply isw if
x 4 16 32 116
necessary e.g. correct work leading to ( f ( x) = ) − x + followed by
16 3 3
x 4 16 32 116
Condone poor notation e.g. leaving the final answer as ( f ( x) = ) − x +
16 3 3
Question Scheme Marks
( y = ) 3cos ( x ) M1
Same shape translated left
or right
Correct y intercept −2
(9 marks)
(i)(a) Remember to check the first page – (i)(a) is often attempted against the question.
M1: Identifies the curve as a cosine function of the form cos x . ( )
Also allow for a sine function of the form sin x + oe.
A1: For a fully correct expression as shown or any equivalent. There is no requirement for y = … or
f (x) = … Allow e.g. 3cos
(b) There must be a sketch to score the marks in (i)(b) which may be done on Figure 3
B1: Applies a horizontal translation y = f(x), either direction. The maximum at (0, 3) must have
moved to the left or to the right of the y-axis. There should also be one minimum to the left of the
y-axis and one minimum to the right of the y-axis. Ignore any scale on the y-axis.
B1: All x intercepts labelled correctly. These must be the only x intercepts and the curve must pass
through these points. Allow even if there is still a maximum on the y-axis. Allow as shown or as
7 7
coordinate pairs e.g. − , 0 and allow e.g. 0, − as long as the intercepts are in the correct
4 4
positions. Condone 3sf decimal answers: Awrt −5.50(or −5.5), −2.36, 0.785, 3.93
Condone use of degrees: −315°, −135°, 45°, 225° (with or without the degrees symbol)
3 2 3 2
B1: Correct exact y intercept labelled. Allow as shown or as e.g. 0, and allow e.g. , 0
2 2
as long as it is in the correct position. It must not be a clear maximum.
(ii)(a) Remember to check the first page – (ii)(a) is often attempted against the question
( )
M1: Identifies the curve as a sine function of the form sin x .
Allow also for a cosine function of the form cos x oe
A1: Any correct expression. There is no requirement for y = … or g (x) = … Allow e.g. sin 2
(b) There must be a sketch to score the marks in (ii)(b) which may be done on Figure 4
B1: Applies a vertical translation down to y = g(x). It must have the same number of cycles as g (x)
and look the same as g (x) and must lie entirely below the x-axis. Do not allow a clear “zig-zag”
shape with cusps. Ignore any scale on the x-axis, correct or otherwise.
B1: Correct y intercept. Allow as shown or as e.g. ( 0, − 2 ) and allow e.g. ( −2, 0 ) as long as it is in
the correct position and allow it to be shown by the intercept passing through the line with equation
y = −2.
Question Scheme Marks
10(a)(i) 1
Equation is y = x + 2
( ) B1
l1 intersect parabola −
( )( 1
x + 2 x − b = x + 2 x = ...
( ) M1
x =b−2 A1
y= b A1
(b) l2 passes through (b, 0) and has gradient −2 y = ... M1
y − 0 = −2 x − b ) A1
(c) 1
So equation is y − " b " = "− 2" x − " b − 2"
) M1
1 5
y − b = −2 x + 2b − 4 y = −2 x + b − 4 * A1*
2 2
(d) 5 5
y = −2 x + 2b = −2 x + b − 4 2b = b − 4 b = ...
2 2
5 5
y = −2 x + b − 4, x = b, y = 0 0 = −2b + b − 4 b = ... M1
2 2
( )( ) ( ) ()
− x + 2 x − b = −2 x − b x = ... 6 b − 2 = 6 b = ...
b=8 A1
(10 marks)
B1: Correct equation in any form e.g. y − 0 =
( ) 1
( )
x + 2 , y = x + 1, y = x − −2 . Do not allow e.g.
l1 = x + 1 . Apply isw if necessary, so allow e.g. y =
( ) 1
x + 2 if followed by y = x + 2
(a)(ii) Allow the marks for (a)(ii) to appear anywhere in their solution provided they are
solving their l1 with the given parabola.
Do not allow methods in (a)(ii) that assume that the y coordinate of P is the same as the y
intercept of C unless this is justified by further work.
( )(
M1: Sets − x + 2 x − b = their
) 1
( )
x + 2 and makes some attempt to solve for x (or y) however
poor – e.g. allow if there is a slip in the use of the quadratic formula. Condone copying errors
provided the intention is clear. Note that some candidates do not spot the cancelling of (x + 2) and
end up solving a quadratic equation.
A1: Correct simplified x
A1: Correct simplified y
(b) Allow the work for (b) to appear anywhere in their solution
M1: Uses a gradient of −2 and the point (b, 0) in an attempt to find the equation of l2 .
If using y = mx + c they must proceed as far as finding c in terms of b. The coordinates (b, 0) must
be correctly placed.
( ) ( )
A1: Any correct equation. E.g. y − 0 = −2 x − b , y = −2 x − b , y = −2 x + 2b . Apply isw if
(c) Allow the work for (c) to appear anywhere in their solution including in part (b) provided
they have attempted part (a)(ii) and have coordinates for P.
M1: Uses a gradient of −2 and their coordinates of P in terms of b from (a) in an attempt to find the
equation of l2 . If using y = mx + c they must proceed as far as finding c in terms of b. The
coordinates of P must be correctly placed.
A1*: Correct equation reached from fully correct working with full marks in (a)(ii).
M1: Equates intercepts in the two equations for the line l2 and solves for b. They must use the given
equation in (c) and their attempt at the equation using (b, 0) (however labelled) or uses the equation
( )
from (c) with x = b when y = 0 to find b or equates the parabola to the line y = −2 x − b , solves for
x, equates to their x coordinate for P and then solves for b.
A1: b = 8
Correct answer only in (d) scores both marks.