IOT Surveillance Robot Using ESP-32 Wi-Fi CAM & Arduino: Dr. Nookala Venu
IOT Surveillance Robot Using ESP-32 Wi-Fi CAM & Arduino: Dr. Nookala Venu
IOT Surveillance Robot Using ESP-32 Wi-Fi CAM & Arduino: Dr. Nookala Venu
Research paper © 2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal Volume 11, Iss 5, July 2022
At present the surveillance of International border areas is a difficult task. The border
guarding forces are patrolling the border seriously, but it is not possible to watch the border
at each and every moment. An essential requirement of this situation is a robot which
automatically detects trespasser in the border and report nearby border security control unit.
Many of the military departments now utilize the robots to carry out risky jobs that cannot
be done by the soldiers. In this present work, a Raspbian operating system based spy robot
plat form with remote monitoring and control algorithm through Internet of Things has been
developed which will save human live, reduces manual error and protect the country from
enemies. The spy robot system comprises the Raspberry Pi (small single-board computer),
night vision pi camera and sensors. The information regarding the detection of living objects
by PIR sensor is sent to the users through the web server and pi camera capture the moving
object which is posted in side the webpage simultaneously. The user in control room able to
access the robot with wheel drive control buttons on the webpage. The movement of a robot
is also controlled automatically through obstacle detecting sensors to avoiding the collision.
This surveillance system using spy robot can be customized for various fields like
industries, banks and shopping malls.
Keywords: Mobile robot, Raspberry Pi board, PIR sensor, Metal Detector, Humidity
Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Gas Sensor, Camera, military surveillance, Spy Robot.
1. Introduction
Embedded Technology is now in its prime and the wealth of knowledge available is mind
blowing. However, most embedded systems engineers have a common complaint. There are
no comprehensive resources available over the internet which deal with the various design
and implementation issues of this technology. Intellectual property regulations of many
corporations are partly to blame for this and also the tendency to keep technical know-how
within a restricted group of researchers. An embedded computer is frequently a computer
that is implemented for a particular purpose[1-2]. In contrast, an average PC computer
usually serves a number of purposes: checking email, surfing the internet, listening to
music, word processing [3-5].However, embedded systems usually only have a single task,
or a very small number of related tasks that they are programmed to perform [6].
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Research paper © 2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal Volume 11, Iss 5, July 2022
Research paper © 2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal Volume 11, Iss 5, July 2022
alarm and smaller computer systems (particularly in uninterruptible power supplies; UPS)
and for electric scooters, electric wheel chairs, electrified bicycles, marine applications,
battery electric vehicles or micro hybrid vehicles, and motor cycles. Lead-acid batteries were
used to supply the filament (heater) voltage, with 2V common in early vacuum tube (valve)
radio receivers. Portable batteries for miners' cap lamps headlamps typically have two or
three cells [35].
Wi-Fi Module
The ESP-32 module which is low cost, self contained chip consists of TCP/IP protocol stack
that is used to provide network access to any microcontroller. It is highly compact in size and
is easily a portable one and thus this is interfaced with the arduino to provide the robot with
Wi-Fi facility [36].
1.2 Software Requirements
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. Pretty fancy sounding, and should
make you feel smart any time you use it. The IDE is a text editor-like program that allows
you to write Arduino code. When you open the Arduino program, you are opening the IDE. It
is intentionally streamlined to keep things as simple and straight forward as possible. When
you save a file in Arduino, the file is called a sketch – a sketch is where you save the
computer code you have written [37]. The coding language that Arduino uses is very much
like C++, which is a common language in the world of computing. The code you learn to
write for Arduino will be very similar to the code you write in any other computer language.
All the basic concepts remain the same it is just a matter of learning a new dialect should you
pursue other programming languages [38].
2. System Design
The system consists of two major sections - one is the user section and other is the robot
section. In that the user section can possess laptop or mobile for communicating with the
robot end. Thus by using a laptop or a mobile the user section can be a portable one
compared to those that uses a typical stationary computer system. The communication can be
performed with RF technology or by using a ESP-32 device or by using a Wi-Fi technology,
but that comes at the cost of limited range. Thus in order to implement the idea of increasing
the range we can go connecting the user section with the internet which is the main concept
of Internet of Things. For connecting the user system with the internet, the Blynk software is
used. Blynk software is nothing but an object relation.
Mapping, which is used to design prototypes and develop IOT applications. Thus through this
Blynk software, we can send commands and can easily control the robotic vehicle. At the
robot end, we are using an ESP 32 placed on the body or the chassis of the robot, which is the
integral part of the robotic vehicle. Below the chassis, the wheels are connected with DC
motors that are of 30 rpm each. Each motor requires 12v supply, supplied by means of an
external battery source. The motors are interfaced with the Arduino through relay driver.
Four relay drivers are employed for two motors and they are used for amplification purpose.
The microcontroller is coded with IDE software in order to operate the robot in appropriate
directions. This is the manual mode operation associated with it. Several sensors such as
ultrasonic sensor, infrared sensor are also used which are interfaced with the microcontroller
in the respective I/O pins. Ultrasonic sensor operates by reflection principle, that is by
transmission and reception of signals obstacles are detected. In short, it follows the principle
of bats termed as echo location. Similarly, Infrared sensors are used to emit and detect
infrared radiations, so that the surrounding temperature changes can be detected.
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Research paper © 2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal Volume 11, Iss 5, July 2022
Wifi module
Dc motor
Ultra sonic
Research paper © 2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal Volume 11, Iss 5, July 2022
By combining camera features with the robot we can easily monitor indoor as well as outdoor
locations during daytime and at night. Remote areas can also be explored. Used to record and
send video output of the required environment. Lead acid batteries were used to supply the
filament (heater) voltage, with 2 V common in early vacuum tube (valve) radio receivers.
Portable batteries for miners' cap lamps headlamps typically have two or three cells.
It minimizes human effort because IoT devices connect and communicate with one another
and perform a variety of tasks without the need for human intervention. It can assist in the
smarter control of homes and cities via mobile phones. It enhances security and offers
personal protection. By automating activities, it saves us a lot of time. Information is easily
accessible, even if we are far away from our actual location, and it is updated frequently in
real time.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, the framework for making a robot for surveillance purpose is proposed. It
overcomes the problem of limited range surveillance by using the concept of IOT. We can
control the robot with the help of laptop/mobile manually. Automatic monitoring can also be
done. Our proposed robot is small in size thus maneuvering into area where human access is
impossible. Wireless technology is one of the most integral technologies in the electronics
field. This technology is used to serve our project as a supreme part of surveillance act. This
provides highly efficient and a cost effective robot that replaces human work and reduces
human labor and performing monitoring works in a well effective manner.
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