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Project Reference Child Safety

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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Iot Based Surveillance And Monitoring System

For Child Stuck Inside The Car
T. Narendra Kumar1, E. Venkata Sagar2, P. Bhavya Sri 3 N. Yagneswara Reddy4
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Under Graduates, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Under Graduates, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Under Graduates, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

DVR & Dr. HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, Andhra Pradesh India

Abstract: The goal of this project is to create an IoT-based the vehicle. A baby is vulnerable to dehydration, which can
surveillance and monitoring system for the safety of a child or result in coma or, in the worst-case scenario, death. To prevent
pet in a car. It can be used to locate a baby who has been left incidents like this from occurring, a vehicle must be equipped
or trapped inside a vehicle. It is also capable of detecting with an alarm and sensor that can be installed in the vehicle. If
motion performed by a person in a vehicle. The IR Sensor the sensor detects the presence of a human body or any
detects living organisms inside the car cabin by detecting movement, it will make an announcement and notify the
infrared radiation waves. Using the DHT11, MAX30102, and parents by updating the sensor values in Thing Speak, as the
MQ 135 this project monitors the temperature, pulse, and proposed system does.
other toxic gases released inside the car. We are using a This system required a technique for detecting interior
MEMS sensor to detect whether the baby has fallen out of the movement or the voice of a child who had been left in the car
baby cradle. we can control the glasses of the car by using the and alerting the parent if any movement occurred. Aside from
servo motor. The WI-FI (ESP8266) module uploads all sensor the proposed system's simplicity, the cost will be kept as low
values to THINGSPEAK. The Arduino Mega 2560 (AT Mega as possible in order to make it affordable for installation in
2560) microcontroller. This system can also be used to any type of vehicle, regardless of quality or brand. Even
intentionally leave children in the car. The sensors are the though the vehicle's alarm system has been activated, the
project's beating heart. We can monitor the baby's condition alarm's primary purpose is to keep the car safe from outside
inside the car because all sensor values are uploaded to intrusion, not from inside. The proposed system will detect
THINGSPEAK. If an unwelcome event occurs, we can use any motion movement from the interior of the vehicle. This
the servo motor to control the car's glass. Apart from the smart project can be useful in monitoring the baby's condition inside
phone application, this System also has a Buzzer as an the car by using the sensors.
alternative to a security alarm and requested immediate
assistance from the people in the surrounding area. If their The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new and promising
parents leave, the proposed system will monitor the children, technology that gives every device an identity by assigning it
which can be installed and used for real. an IP address. IoT can communicate with all items in the
universe through the internet, allowing systems to be audited,
logged, and controlled for a variety of purposes. Sensors,
Index Terms: ARDUINO Mega 2560, ESP8266, DHT11,
MAX30105, MEMS, MQ135-Gas Sensor, THING SPEAK, IoT network connectivity, and data storage applications are the
I.INTRODUCTION three key components of an IoT system. Sensors in IoT
Many scientists around the world have reported on cases devices can communicate with the central server directly or
involving the death of a child in a vehicle. It happens almost through gate way devices to store data. Sensors such as
every year as a result of parents' negligence in leaving their temperature, power, force, humidity, proximity, and others
children alone in a car. Tragic events occur on a regular basis, are utilised in many IoT devices. A gateway monitors
making everyone fearful and concerned. When a driver arrives numerous wireless standard interfaces and can support a
safely at their destination, they may forget or overlook the variety of technologies and sensors. Gateways connect to the
presence of children in the vehicle due to his hasty exit from cloud using wireless or cable backbone technologies such as
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mobile, DSL and Wi -Fi are available. Figure 1 indicates that
the Internet of Things supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.
Because of IPv6 support, which has a 128-bit IP address
length, there are enough addresses available to meet the
growing demand for IoT devices. DTN is one of the unique
characteristics of IoT. (Networks that tolerate delays). It
handles logic variable delay.

Figure: 3 Arduino Mega 2560

B. ESP8266
The ESP8266 Node MCU CP2102 board contains
the ESP8266, a highly integrated chip built for the
requirements of a future connected world. It provides an all-
in-one Wi-Fi networking solution, allowing it to either host
Figure: 1 Simplified IoT Architecture the application or offload all Wi-Fi networking tasks from
another application processor.
II. PROPOSED WORK The ESP8266 features robust on-board processing
and storage capabilities, allowing it to be integrated with
sensors and other application-specific devices via its GPIOs
with minimal development and runtime loading.

Figure: 4 ESP8266

The white LED here is an IR LED that serves as the
Figure: 2 Proposed Block Diagram transmitter, and the photodiode next to it serves as the
receiver in the IR sensor.


The ArduinoMega2560 is an ATmega2560-based
microcontroller board. It features 54 digital I/O pins (of which
15 are PWM outputs), 16 analogue inputs, 4 UARTs
(hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button.
It comes with everything you need to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer through USB
or power it using an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get

Figure:5 IR sensor

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The IR transmitter continuously produces IR light, analogue signal that can be used to estimate the concentration
while the IR receiver continuously looks for reflected of various gases in the atmosphere.
light. If the light is reflecte back by any object in front of
it, the IR receiver receives it. In the case of the IR sensor, The MQ135 air quality sensor module operates at 5V and
the item is detected in this manner. draws around 150mA. It needs to be pre-heated before it can
produce reliable findings.

The MAX30102 is a multifunctional sensor that can

measure body temperature in addition to heart rate and blood
oxygen level. This sensor detects pulse oximetry (SpO2) and
heart rate (HR) signals using two LEDs (one infrared and one
red), a photodetector, optics, and a low-noise signal
processing unit.

The basic idea is to shine a single LED at a time and

measure the amount of light reflecte back to the sensor. The
blood oxygen level and heart rate can be calculated using the
reflection. Figure: 8 Gas Sensors (MQ-135)


A beeper or buzzer is an electromechanical,

piezoelectric, or mechanical type of auditory signaling
Figure: 6 Max30102 device. The primary function of this is to transform the audio
signal to sound. In general, it is powered by DC voltage and
E. DHT11 SENSOR is utilized in timers, alarm devices, printers, alarms,
computers, and so on. It can make various sounds such as
The DHT11 is a popular temperature and humidity alert, music, bell, and siren according on the design.
sensor that includes a dedicated NTC to detect temperature
and an 8-bit microprocessor to output temperature and
When the IR sensor detects the infant, the buzzer will
humidity measurements as serial data.
The sensor has an accuracy of 1°C and can measure
temperature from 0°C to 50°C and humidity from 20% to

Figure:9 Buzzer


The work in this algorithm of operations consists of the

analysis and design of embedded system parts that can be
Fig: 7 DHT11 sensor
installed in the vehicle to monitor children trapped in the car.

In this proposed system, automation is used to locate the child

who has been unknowingly left inside the car when the
parents are in an emergency situation as well as to monitor the
internal temperature. Front and back IR sensors comprise the
Ammonia (NH3), Sulphur(S), benzene (C6H6), CO2, and car module. If the baby detects something, the microcontroller
other dangerous gases and smoke can be detected by the MQ- will activate the buzzer.
135 Gas sensor. This sensor, like the others in the MQ series,
includes a digital and analogue output pin. When the level of The proposed system includes a DHT11 sensor, a
these gases in the air exceeds a preset limit, the digital pin Max30105 sensor, a MQ-5 sensor, and a MEMS sensor. The
swings high. The on-board potentiometer can be used to set DHT11 sensor is used to determine the temperature and
this threshold value. The analogue output pin generates an humidity levels inside the vehicle. The Max 30105 sensor is
attached to the baby's finger and can detect the baby's

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temperature, heart rate, and oxygen level. If the baby's oxygen
levels fall below 30 to 70, the microcontroller will sound an
alarm using a buzzer.

It also includes a temperature sensor, which monitors

the temperature inside the vehicle when it is stopped.
When the car is turned off and the child is found alone, the
IR sensor inside the car detects motion. If the temperature
rises above a certain level, the car window will open
automatically to allow for temperature adjustment. To
open and close the door, use the remote control.

The MQ 135 gas sensor detects gases released within the

vehicle. Using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, all sensor values Figure: 12 Heart beat and body temperature of
are uploaded to Thing Speak. Using the sensors, we can
monitor the baby's condition inside the car. The system also Baby
includes a control mechanism. If toxic gases are released or
the baby's heart rate or temperature drops, we can use the
wireless remote to control the glasses.


Front and rear IR sensors are fitted in the car cabin. The
IR sensor detects whether or not the infant is present in the
automobile. The system's cost is incredibly minimal because
it only contains one sensor. The kit's connection and view are
depicted in the figure.

Figure: 13 Temperature and gas value inside the

Car cabin

Figure 10: kit

V.Sensor values uploded to ThingSpeak

Figure : 14 MEMS value


During system testing, if IR Motion Senses identifies

Figure: 11 spo2 value of children organisms, an alert system can be initiated. Using the Wi-Fi
module, all sensor values are uploaded to the Thing Talk. The
technology includes a servo motor that can control the car

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www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Currently, no such equipment is fitted in the vehicle. It
can be quite handy in detecting if a child or pet is trapped
inside the automobile. It can be implemented in conjunction
with the central locking system in a vehicle.
The installation fee is reallyminimal. We can boost the
system's efficiency by adding more high-accuracy sensors.
If we install this device inside the automobile, we can
leave the children inside knowingly because we can check the
baby's health indicators.
In the future, it may be possible to improve the system's
performance in order to improve the effect of identifying a
youngster or a pet and saving from an undesired event.

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