Harvard Referencing
Harvard Referencing
Harvard Referencing
This document will introduce you to how to find out which referencing style you should use in your
work, using in-text citations and referencing a variety of different source types using the Harvard
(Warwick WMS) referencing style, and to secondary referencing.
Table of Contents
How do I reference sources?.................................................................................................................1
Which style should I use?..................................................................................................................2
What does an in-text citation look like?............................................................................................3
How do I reference sources?.............................................................................................................4
Book chapter.................................................................................................................................4
Journal article................................................................................................................................4
Image or photograph.....................................................................................................................4
YouTube video...............................................................................................................................4
What is secondary referencing?........................................................................................................5
Which style should I use?
Different referencing styles have different rules about punctuation and the order in which you
should write information in the reference.
The Library's referencing styles guide gives an indication of which departments are likely to use
which style.
Always check with your tutor or department which style they require for your work.
What does an in-text citation look like?
In Harvard (Warwick WMS) style:
-Referring to a specific page: Add page numbers after the date with a colon in between
Harvard is a popular referencing style (Smith, 2019:76)
-Making a short direct quotation (less than two lines): Add quotation marks and page numbers
“Harvard is a popular referencing style” (Smith, 2019:76)
You should include all author names in the reference. Where a source has a
very long list of authors, e.g. in the case of some scientific articles, you might
wish to consult your tutor on whether to use "et al" in place of some author
-If author has more than one publication in a given year: Add a letter (a, b, c and so on)
Smith (2019a) argues strongly that the best way to reference is to use Harvard, though she has also
written of its limitations (2019b).
How do I reference sources?
In Harvard (Warwick WMS) style:
Author. (Date) Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2016) Cite them right: The essential referencing guide. 10th ed. London:
Book chapter
Chapter author. (Date) Chapter title. In: Book editor(s). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher:
Page numbers
Gwen, C. (2005) Students in higher education. In: Ford, C. & Funn, S. eds. Education and culture.
London: Routledge: 86-106.
Journal article
Article author(s). (Date) Article title. Journal title. Volume number (Issue number): Page numbers.
Sach, P. & King, J. (2005) The Role of higher education. Journal of Education, 11 (2-3): 90-113.
Author. (Date) Website title. [online] Available from: URL (Accessed date).
Author. (Date) Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
Varghese, N. V. (2008) Globalization of higher education and cross-border student mobility. Paris:
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Image or photograph
Creator. (Date) Title. [Format] Publisher. Available from: URL/Location (Accessed date).
YouTube video
Creator. (Date) Title. [Format] Available from: URL (Accessed date).
University of Warwick Library. (2016) BiteWISe: Using Try Warwick Library proxy to access e-
resources. [YouTube video] Available from: URL (Accessed 2 July 2019).
What is secondary referencing?
Sometimes you may be reading a piece of work and find that the author has quoted or cited another
author’s idea which you want to quote. Where possible, it is good academic practice to trace the
original source and read the quote or idea in its original context.
If you are unable to find or access the original work, then secondary referencing is when you
reference a work which you have not read.
Jones has written that “referencing is highly important” (quoted in Smith, 2019:66).
You should reference only the work you have actually read (in this case Smith).