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CH 02 PQ

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Chapter 2: Today's Environment for Business Ethics and Related Social


LO 2.1: Explain the concepts of business ethics and social responsibility.

1. Business ethics refers to standards of conduct and moral values applied in business decision
a. True
b. False
Ans: A
LO: 1
AACSB: Ethics

2. ________ refers to adhering to deeply held ethical standards in business situations.

a. Conscientiousness
b. Integrity
c. Commitment
d. Leadership

Ans: B
LO: 1
AACSB: Ethics

3. Floyd Aranowski worked for Pillsbury while serving on the Board of Directors for
Entenmann’s. This would be considered

a. a smart career move. c. an insider trading violation.

b. a conflict of interest. d. a strategic partnership.
Ans: B
LO: 1
AACSB: Ethics

4. Technology has expanded the range and impact of unethical business practices.
a. True
b. False

Ans: A
LO: 1
AACSB: Ethics

LO 2.2: Describe the factors that influence business ethics.

5. A firm’s ability to behave ethically depends upon

a. the ethical values of the firm’s executives.
b. the ethical values of the firm’s employees.
c. a climate within the organization that promotes ethical conduct.
d. all of the above.

Ans: D
LO: 2
AACSB: Ethics

6. Businesses must first rely on ________to maintain an ethical organization.

a. policies
b. legislation
c. individual employees
d. customer complaints

Ans: C
LO: 2
AACSB: Ethics

7. Business ethics are shaped by

a. the company’s Code of Ethics. c. the company’s upper management.

b. the ethical climate in the organization. d. all of these.
Ans: D
LO: 2
AACSB: Ethics
8. The foundation of an ethical environment is ethical awareness, and a Code of Conduct
provides a good step in this direction.
a. True
b. False

Ans: A
LO: 2
AACSB: Ethics

LO 2.3: List the stages in the development of ethical standards, and discuss how
organizations shape ethical behavior.

9. People who are aware of and respond to their duty to others have achieved:
a. The preconventional stage of ethical development
b. The conventional stage of ethical development
c. The postconventional stage of ethical development
d. None of the above

Ans: B
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethical

10. A situation where an action benefiting one person has the potential to harm another is
a. A conflict of interest
b. Whistle-blowing
c. A loyalty dilemma
d. Integrity

Ans: A
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics

11. Identify how many employees who took the National Business Ethics Survey witnessed an
act of misconduct in their company within the past year.
a. More than one-half of employees
b. More than two-thirds of employees
c. Less than one-third of employees
d. More than three-fourths of employees

Ans: A
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics

12. In the highest level of ethical and moral behavior, the individual is able to move beyond mere
self-interest and duty and take the larger needs of society into account as well. This stage of
ethical development is the:
a. Preconventional stage
b. Conventional stage
c. Postconventional stage
d. Metaethical stage

Ans: C
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics

13. Which of the following would NOT be considered an appropriate response when asked for
donations at work?

a. Always give the suggested donation c. If you aren’t sure about the
amount or the amount that coworkers organization, ask for more information
at your employment level are giving. before writing a check.
b. Decline if you simply cannot afford it d. Offer to pool your resources with
at this time. coworkers in order to make a larger
single donation.
Ans: A
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics
14. John spent at least an hour a day surfing the Internet at work. He justified his behavior by
noting that “everyone’s doing it.” This type of behavior is

a. expected by management, as long as c. inappropriate, unprofessional, and

John gets his regular work done. probably unethical.
b. appropriate as long as he isn’t the only d. inappropriate only if he visits certain
one doing it. kinds of websites at work, such as
pornography or gambling.
Ans: C
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics
15. In which stage of ethical decision making do individuals primarily consider their own needs
and desires in making decisions?

a. at all three stages c. the conventional stage

b. the preconventional stage d. the postconventional stage
Ans: B
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics
16. At which stage of ethical decision making do groups have an influence on what is acceptable
and what is not?

a. groups do not influence individual c. conventional

ethical decision making at any stage
b. preconventional d. postconventional
Ans: C
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics
17. Lucent Technologies requires employees to participate in a Web-based compliance and
business ethics training program. This type of program primarily serves which level of ethics

a. ethical awareness c. ethical action

b. ethical reasoning d. ethical leadership
Ans: B
LO: 3
AACSB: Ethics

LO 2.4: Describe how businesses’ social responsibility is measured, and summarize the
responsibilities of business to the general public, customers, and employees.
18. The federal agency charged with ensuring universal access to jobs and ending discrimination
in the workplace is the:
a. FTC
b. SEC
c. EPA

Ans: B
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

19. What is green marketing?

a. A marketing strategy that promotes environmentally safe products and production
b. A color-coded market strategy designed to improve employee morale
c. A marketing strategy that promotes environmentally questionable products and
production methods
d. None of the above

Ans: A
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

20. In a social audit

a. A firm attempts to measure its own performance relating to social responsibility.
b. Outside auditors are called in to evaluate business practices.
c. The FTC audits the ethical practices of a firm.
d. The government estimates the social costs of individual business action.

Ans: A
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

21. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993:

a. Affects firms with more than 100 employees
b. Requires firms with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave
for workers who need to attend to family matters
c. Requires firms with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave
for workers who need to attend to family matters
d. Does not include a guarantee that employees will be returned to an equivalent job
when they come back to work
Ans: C
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

22. Discrimination based on gender:

a. Is known as sexual harassment
b. Is known as sexism
c. Is to be expected in a culturally diverse workforce
d. Was outlawed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Ans: B
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

23. The federal agency charged with ensuring universal access to jobs and ending discrimination
in the workplace is the:
a. FTC
b. SEC
c. EPA

Ans: D
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

24. In the U.S. economy, the social responsibility of a firm is evaluated:

a. By consumers who may patronize or avoid a firm based on its behavior
b. On the basis of the firm’s contribution to economic growth and employment
c. By outside groups who create and monitor standards of corporate performance
d. By the firm itself doing a social audit
e. All of the above are methods for evaluating social responsibility

Ans: E
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

25. After graduating from trade school, Ann accepted a position as a mechanic in a shop where
she is the only woman. After a few months she complained to her supervisor about lewd jokes
and sexually explicit posters in the workplace. Her supervisor should:
a. Tell Ann to relax and try to be one of the boys
b. Listen to Ann and help her adjust to the environment
c. Realize that these occurrences can be construed as sexual harassment and need to be
d. Realize that women have no place in a work environment that was previously all male

Ans: C
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

26. Business responsibilities to the general public include:

a. Dealing with public health issues
b. Protecting the environment
c. Developing a quality workforce
d. All of the above

Ans: D
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

27. A strategy that promotes environmentally safe products and production methods is called

a. green marketing. c. the Safe Environment Project.

b. cause-related marketing. d. a public health issue.
Ans: A
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics
28. In September 1982, seven people died in the Chicago area after swallowing Tylenol capsules
that had been tainted with cyanide, replaced in their packaging, and put on store shelves for sale.
Johnson & Johnson maintained that the tampering could not have been foreseen, and was
therefore not its fault, but still recalled all Tylenol capsules and canceled advertising at a pre-tax
loss estimated at $100 million. It also developed a capsule-shaped tablet that would be more
difficult to tamper with. In doing this, Johnson & Johnson

a. admitted product liability. c. raised awareness of the dangers of

using Tylenol.
b. handled the situation in a socially d. avoided accepting responsibility and
responsible way. therefore acted unethically.
Ans: B
LO: 4
AACSB: Ethics

LO 2.5: Explain why investors and the financial community are concerned with business
ethics and social responsibility.

29. Identify the federal agency responsible for investigating alleged unethical or illegal financial
behavior of publicly traded firms.
a. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
b. The Secret Service
c. The Securities and Exchange Commission
d. The Federal Bureau of Investigation

Ans: C
LO: 5
AACSB: Ethics
30. The ____________protects investors and investigates unethical and illegal actions by
publicly traded companies.
a. SEC
c. Sarbanes Oxley
d. SBA

Ans: A
LO: 5
AACBS: Ethics

31. Companies are required to publish their codes of ethics and inform the public of any changes
to them because of

a. the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. c. a lawsuit filed by the Fair Factories

b. the Ethics Compliance Act. d. the Public Agenda and the Kettering
Foundation study.
Ans: A
LO: 5
AACSB: Ethics
32. Ethical business practices create positive impact on profitable business operations.
a. True
b. False

Ans: A
LO: 5
AACSB: Ethics

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