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Importance of Yoga For School Going Children

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Review Article International Journal of Science and Consciousness

Access online at: www.ijsc.net March 2016, 2(1), 24-28

Importance of Yoga for School going

Alakh Aprameya Niranjan Kr Singh

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhanda, India


Children are a valuable asset of any country or community as they are the future citizen. It is
necessary to take care of their intelligence and well being. There should be an attempt to
channelize their energy properly. Yogic practices are highly effective to manage them. For a
healthy functioning of all the tissues and organs as well as for a healthy mind, practice of Yoga is
one of the best methods.
The current study is an attempt to imbibe in students the values of self discipline, oneness with
nature, introspection and peaceful co-existence. The study has its mere focus on the subject of
early age stress in students, declining of concentration levels, everyday health issues and
environmental factory adding on all these. The study has the objective of early development of
fundamentals to create a coordinated synergism, peaceful and a more nourished soul.
It can be concluded that regular practice of Yoga, including asana, Pranayama and meditation,
has brought positive improvements in discipline, team work, behavior and sharing, except
eating habit of the school going children.

Key words: Yoga, School, Children

Article Received: 29-01-2016, Published: 18-03-2016

Conflict of interest: None declared

*Corresponding Author:

Alakh Aprameya Niranjan Kr Singh,

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, Uttarakhanda, India

International Journal of Science and Consciousness (IJSC): a Bio-Psycho-Spiritual approach

Published by the Research Foundation for Science & Consciousness, Uttarakhand, India

Copyright IJSC 2016 | March 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 1 | Pages 24-28 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

Importance of Yoga for School going Children

Introduction: (2011) Prāna (the inner energy) is the secret of

Yoga (meaning union or yoke) is the practice of fickleness of growing children. There should be
accessing and integrating all aspects of our true an effort to channelise properly that energy.
nature -- body, mind, and spirit -- in the pursuit Their energy should be applied in a
of inner harmony. As yoga becomes more constructive way. The obstinate and
popular in schools through physical education destructive nature of the children can be
classes and after-school programs, that changed by suggesting them to work according
popularity comes with controversy. Although to their interest.
many adults like the benefits of yoga, some
parents feel that the practice might have a Rajora and Prajapati (2009) observed the
religious association and, like prayer, shouldn't positive effect of Selected Yogic Exercises
be allowed in a public space. They argue that on Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence
yoga is an offshoot of Hinduism and that it Quotient of School going Children. Schonert-
disseminates religious and meditation Reichl & Lawlor, (2010), also observed
principles with its use of "om" and "namaste" students who practiced yoga- asana three times
chanting. Some also believe that the asanas, or a day in brief segments of attention training
postures, such as the sun salutation, are a form and mind-full breathing improved their well-
of Hindu religious worship. To dispel this being, and social and emotional competence.
notion and avoid any religious or cultural Another study conducted by Linda J. Harrison,
messages, most yoga teachers focus on the et.al (2007) showed improvements in
benefits of the exercises and use generic terms, children’s behavior, self-esteem and
instead of the Sanskrit names, for the poses, relationship quality.
renaming them cat, bridge, table, tree,
downward-facing dog, volcano, and so forth. (I The study conducted by M. L. Gharote at
think it is not fair to change the names of these Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla (1976) after a three
postures due to fear of some people, because it week Yoga practice also shows a significant
destroys its originality) Yoga's rising result on children’s physical health. A study has
popularity can be attributed to its basic been conducted at Bihar School of Yoga by
stretching advantages and improved body Veena Verma (Sannyasi Soumyashakti);
awareness, with the added component of a Possibilities of Revolutionizing the Education
mind-body connection. System through Yoga Nidra; (2004). One of the
studies conducted by B. K. Batra, Dr. Nagratna
Scientist says that the children have many and Dr. H. R. Nanendra at Vivekananda Yoga
unexplained and unexpressed problems; they Anusandhan Sansthan (2003) also shows a
cannot express their problem correctly. This is significant impact on children’s analysis and
due to their power of expression and their memory.
knowledge of their own psychology is not
mature enough. it. Now it is the responsibility We dreams of a society where every child is
of teachers and guardians to take care of their equipped with the tools provided through Yoga
behavior; because they usually express their for Self Management. Rather than depending
problem in front of them only. upon external aids, every kid should be able to
handle various stresses as they appear during
Kumar K (2012) Introducing the children to their growth.
yoga at an early age can help them learn
healthy lifestyle habits and set the foundation Every child in school is taught that "Prevention
for a fit future. Here are kid-friendly yoga poses is better than Cure". Yet, how many know how
to get your family practice started. Kumar K to implement this in practice. And for those that

Copyright IJSC 2016 | March 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 1 | Pages 24-28 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

do, how many have the will and wherewithal to qualified network of yoga practitioners, we
do so. Familiarizing the child with Yoga tools undertake programs to educate and introduce
can help show them the path of "Preventive Yoga in schools.
Shana Meyerson, the founder of mini yogis
There have been many studies published in the (miniyogis.com), a yoga studio Southern
respective field. A randomized controlled study California that offers classes for kids, believes
had shown the comparable effects of yoga and that yoga builds self-esteem and self-respect. "A
physical exercise on physical fitness and Stroop child's yoga practice is a rare opportunity to
task performance in pre adolescent school experience play and focus without worrying
children in between group comparisons while about being wrong," she says. Meyerson
the total self-esteem was found higher in within believes that yoga is an option for children who
yoga group (Telles et al., 2013). In another shy away from physical activity or group
study, the yoga group showed a significant activities for fear of failure or being picked last,
increase in the level of total, general and social and it helps athletic children excel in other
self-esteem after one month of comprehensive physical activities and sports. Christina
yoga program (Bhardwaj & Agrawal, 2013). Enneking, the founder of Heart Happy Yoga, a
studio in Los Gatos, California, believes yoga
Kumar K & Tiwary S (2014) Yoga helps bring introduces cornerstone values "such as non-
about subtle attitudinal changes in life. If taught harming, truthfulness, moderation, cleanliness,
earlier on in life, they are easier implemented gratitude, and self-discipline." There are five
and can bring about a healthy change in society. key areas where kids benefit from the practice
Being able to harness ambition in a positive of yoga, and each of them improves their
manner rather than through negativity will not overall well-being.
only help the student excel but also make him /
her healthier and happier person. Is that not Relevance of yoga for children:
TOP priority what each parent seeks for his Self-confidence is an essential life skill for
child? children to develop, and parents can be a main
source of this. A low self image can lead to
Children by their very nature have to be many emotional issues in adulthood, including
handled very differently. Teaching cannot be depression and anxiety. This can be avoided
imposed (or else it will be self defeating). with the guidance of some very caring role
Rather, Yogic principles have to be absorbed models, and the positive interactions that these
through Group activities and games. It is only relationships impose.
then that the seed can be planted which will
bear fruit over time. Role models range from parents and teachers
to doctors and sports coaches. Another great
Unfortunately Yoga is much abused in today's source of positive guidance that parents should
times. Practitioners with shallow knowledge take into consideration is that of a yoga
inadvertently end up teaching practices that instructor. Combine ancient effective poses
may not be suitable for all age groups. For with the counsel of a benevolent, neutral party
example, how many of us know that children and your child instantly has a mentor that he or
should NOT be introduced to Pranayama she can relate to.
(Breathing) practices at an early age?
There are numerous benefits to enrolling your
Therefore, while introducing children to Yoga is child into a yoga class for kids, and even more
very desirable today, utmost care must be specifically a Hatha Yoga class. Hatha Yoga
taken while initiating them into it, so that they specializes in four areas which are breathing,
reap the maximum benefits. At H&Y, through a relaxation, meditation, and posture. Each

Copyright IJSC 2016 | March 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 1 | Pages 24-28 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

individual topic is easily understood, but that for healthy development. Social-emotional
does not mean there is no challenge involved. learning, trusting relationships, and adequate
Yoga seems to contradict the nature of a child, amounts of physical activity, play, and
but when performed in a group atmosphere exploration are critical for young children.
and seen as a beneficial life tool, children excel
in yoga. Look at the idea of math, for example. Parents may notice how yoga benefits their
Many children find this area of study difficult, kids, but the best judges are the kids
with many asking “When will I use these themselves. Children who have practiced yoga
techniques in my life?” Children and tell their teachers and parents that they are
adolescents find it tedious and frustrating to able to concentrate better during the day, focus
learn things they feel add no value to their life better on their activities, and pay better
(math is a fundamental tool for learning and attention to their tasks -- all the finest
expanding the mind, but most young people fail endorsements.
to see its relevance in their future), but yoga
will never feel that way. Immediately your child The purpose of this study is also to help to
will understand its benefits and will remain nourish the soul which reflects in their mental
eager to continually learn from this practice. and physical activities in their mental and
There is no competition in yoga, so children are physical activities and to build the character we
not competing with one another which can also want to see in the next decade as per Indian
subconsciously harm the ego. context. We found a state of urgency to start to
nourish their souls with some mental activities
In the first set of yoga lessons, your child will like contemplation, meditation etc, in other
learn self-acceptance and patience in order to words, inside-out approach rather than
practice and grow at yoga. He or she will try outside-in approach. We can conclude this
hard at things, only to impress his/ herself. It is study as the inside out approach meditation,
also understood (and discussed) that people contemplation, introspection have a significant
are good at different skills. Certain children find improvement in persistence, self discipline to
it easy to meditate and relax their mind and attain objectives of life, self discipline to control
body, while others may excel at holding difficult the senses and maintaining a stoic life.
poses. Yoga instructors understand that Moreover, they learned the value of sharing.
balance and acceptance are necessary to people Persistency in these practices will bring the
of all ages, and consciously praise all of their collective development of psychological well-
students equally. This unifies the students and being of the roots and future of this society
class as a whole. concerned.

The early childhood years are exciting and Conclusion:

transformative. It is inspiring and magical to Yoga helps bring about subtle attitudinal
observe children as they are immersed in changes in life. If taught earlier on in life, they
learning and development. These years, are easier implemented and can bring about a
however, are also often challenging and healthy change in society. Being able to harness
confusing. ambition in a positive manner rather than
through negativity will not only help the
Children require a safe, nurturing, and student excel but also make them a healthier
stimulating environment to meet the and happier person.
developmental tasks of this time period and to
grow into subsequent phases of life well- Children described benefits at home (better
prepared. Never has the message been clearer sleep patterns, less anxiety) and at school
that our children and communities need light, (more able to concentrate, less conflict).
safety, and structure to provide the sustenance Parents reported feeling happier, less stressed

Copyright IJSC 2016 | March 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 1 | Pages 24-28 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

and more able to manage their child’s behavior. variable i.e., eating habit majority of parents
Results of this preliminary investigation reveal could not find changes it may be because of the
that the five months bring out the positive pattern of eating followed with in the family
changes in the children on four variables of the and their approach towards healthy food
wellness parameters. But in case of only one habits. Therefore, it may be concluded that this
program may offer to the families as an
effective management tool and family-oriented
treatment for the children.
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Cite this paper as: Singh, A. A. N. K. (2016). Importance of Yoga for School going Children.
International Journal of Science and Consciousness; 2(1): 24-28.

Copyright IJSC 2016 | March 2016 | Vol. 2 | No. 1 | Pages 24-28 eISSN: 2455-2038
An international, refereed, quarterly, open access, multidisciplinary, e-journal

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