Iphone 11 Pro GLD 64GB
Iphone 11 Pro GLD 64GB
Iphone 11 Pro GLD 64GB
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Order No: 006739508842
2443 EMILY RENZELLI BOULEVARD, Order Placement Date: 01/02/2020
APTOS, CALIFORNIA (CA), 95003 Order Process Date: 01/02/2020
Ship Date: 01/02/2020
Wrhs Order No: 0884116067
*In Massachusetts and Nevada sales tax computed on the higher of the device price or VZW cost for the device. In
California , when a device purchassed for a 2 Year Contract price, sales tax is computed on the retail price of the
device The Sales tax charged on your device was based on $1,203.05
Verizon Wireless SIM may only be used with devices certified for use on Verizon Wireless network. You can check if
your device is certified at www.verizonwireless.com/certifieddevice
The wireless device on this order was purchased under installment Agreement #1127783081. Refer to your installment
Agreement for more information and important terms and conditions.
Return/Exchange Policy : New and Certified Pre-Owned merchandise may only be returned or exchanged, within 14
days of purchase. You are permitted to make one exchange. If you exchange your current device for another, you
must return the original device, or you will be charged difference between your purchase price and the MSRP. A
restocking fee of $35 ($70 for netbooks, notebooks and tablets) applies to any return or exchange of a wireless device
(excluding Hawaï).Cancellations must occur within 3 days of activation for the activation fee to the refunded. If you
return your merchandise verizonwireless.com/returnpolicy for complete details.
BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT CUSTOMERS. The terms and conditions for return and exchange, including the
return period, may vary try contract. Please contact your Verizon Wireless Account Manager of refer to your contract.