Two Quotes and Thoughts
Two Quotes and Thoughts
Two Quotes and Thoughts
The article explores the complex relationship between the Rights of Man and the concept of the
subject. Rancière engages with the ideas of other philosophers, such as Giorgio Agamben and
Hannah Arendt, to discuss how political subjects emerge in the context of rights and citizenship.
The text delves into the implications of political dissensus, the nature of bare life, and the role of
humanitarianism in shaping the discourse around human rights.
Research Question: The article seeks to answer the question of who constitutes the subject of the
Rights of Man and how the concept of political subjectivity interacts with the notion of rights.
Rancière challenges Arendt's distinction between "man" and the "citizen." While Arendt suggests a
fundamental division between those who belong to the political realm (citizens) and those who do
not (humans), Rancière argues that this distinction is not a sign of disjunction but rather an
opening for political subjectivization.
Rancière introduces the concept of "dissensus," emphasizing that true politics involves a capacity
to stage scenes of dissensus. He criticizes Arendt's idea of consensus, which, according to
Rancière, attempts to get rid of politics by replacing surplus subjects with predefined social
groups, identity groups, and other partners.
In summary, Rancière's critique of Arendt revolves around his emphasis on dissensus, the role of
surplus subjects, and the dynamic relationship between the Rights of Man and their dissensual
stage. He argues against the depoliticizing tendencies inherent in Arendt's ideas and suggests a
more inclusive understanding of political subjects.
My personal thoughts: