Factors Affecting Investment Decisions and The Process of Investment Decision
Factors Affecting Investment Decisions and The Process of Investment Decision
Factors Affecting Investment Decisions and The Process of Investment Decision
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Objectives
4.8 Summary
4.9 Glossary
4.13 References
On the other hand, gambling involves high risk with an expectation of high
returns. Gambling relies on tips, rumours and hunches and it is therefore,
considered as unplanned, unscientific and uncalculated risk. In gambling,
the outcome is largely a matter of luck, no rational economic reason can be
given for it. This is in contrast to what we can say about genuine investments.
Unlike investors and speculators, the gamblers are risk lovers in the sense
that the risk they assume is quite disproportionate to the expected reward.
iii) Valuation
v) Portfolio evaluation
Investment Process
a) Investible funds: The entire investment procedure revolves around
the availability of investible funds. Funds may be generated through savings
or from borrowings. If the funds are borrowed, the investor has to be extra
careful in the selection of investment alternatives. He must make sure that
the returns are higher than the interest he pays. Mutual funds invest their
stockholders' money in securities.
The investor should be aware of the stock market structure and functions of
the brokers. The modes of operation are different in the Bombay Stock
Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), Over-the-Counter
Exchange of India (OTCEI). Brokerage charges are also different.
Knowledge about stock exchanges enables an investor to trade the stock
2) Security Analysis
prices may fluctuate in the short- run but in the long-run, they move in trends,
i.e. either upwards or downwards. The investor can fix his entry and exit
points through technical analysis.
3) Valuation
Valuation helps the investor determine the return and risk expected from an
investment in common stock. The intrinsic value of the share is measured
through the book value of the share and price earning ratio. Simple
discounting models also can be adopted to value the shares. Stock market
analysts have developed many advanced models to value shares. The real
worth of the share is compared with the market price, and investment
decisions are then made.
4) Construction Portfolio
5) Portfolio Evaluation
a) Appraisal: The return and risk performance of security varies from
time to time. The variability in returns of securities is measured and compared.
Developments in the economy, industry and relevant companies from which
stocks are bought have to be appraised. The appraisal warns of the loss and
steps can be taken to avoid such losses.
Speculation has a special meaning when talking about money. The person
who speculates is called a speculator. A speculator does not buy goods to
own them, but to sell them later. The reason is that speculator wants to earn
profit from the changes of market prices. One tries to buy the goods when
they are cheap and to sell them when they are expensive.
Speculation includes the buying, holding, selling and short selling of stocks,
bonds, commodities, currencies, real estate collectibles, derivatives or any
valuable financial instrument. It is the opposite of buying because one wants
to use them for daily life or to get income from them (as dividends or interest).
Investor Speculator
Time horizon Plans for a longer time horizon. His Plans for a very short period. His
holding period may be from one year holding period varies from few days to
to few years. months.
Risk Assumes moderate risk. Willing to undertake high risk.
Return Likes to have moderate rate of return Like to have high returns for assuming
associated with limited risk. high risk.
Decision Considers fundamental factors and Considers inside information.
evaluates the performance of the
company regularly.
Funds Uses his own funds and avoids Uses borrowed funds to supplement his
borrowed funds. personal resources.
The term gambling dates back to antiquity. Most dictionaries refer to 'gamble'
as an act involving an element of risk. In particular, a gamble involves taking
on risk without demanding compensation in the form of increased expected
return. Gambling exhibit some or all of the following characteristics:
ii) Gambling absorbs all other interests
vi) The gambler seeks and enjoys a strange thrill from gambling, a
combination of pleasure and pain.
vigilance, against a background of knowledge, can enable us to decrease
the risks which are inherent in all forms of ownership. Speculation is not the
same as gambling and the two should never be confused. The difference
between speculation and gambling is that in gambling artificial and unnecessary
risks are created whereas in speculation the risks already exist and the
question is simple who shall bear them.
Gambling is a far cry from the carefully planned research and scientific
procedure which underlies the best speculative practice. The gambler plays
rumours, tips, hunches and other unreliable intuitions which should not play
any but a negative role in the trained speculator's process. Speculation is a
reasoned anticipation of future conditions. It does not rely upon hearsay or
labels. It attempts to organize the relevant knowledge as a support for
judgments. It is as legitimate and moral as any other form of risk-taking
business activity.
In fact, the whole fabric of our society revolves around speculation. Those
who write and speak most forcibly against speculation are usually guilty of
failing to define their terms. Mere risk assumption is not gambling so long as
the size of the risk is known, risk taking is speculating. Gambling has to do
with acceptance of risks (1) for their own sake, (2) for the object of pecuniary
gains, (3) without knowledge of the exact nature of the risk.
III) The investor holds securities for the longest period of time and the
speculator holds it for a short period of time. The holding period of
gamblers can be measured in seconds.
alternatives and the market. Thereafter, securities to be bought are scrutinized
through market, industry and company analyses after the formulation of
investment policy. The investor shall undertake fundamental analysis and
technical analysis to select 'stock' related securities. In case on 'bond' related
securities, he shall consider yield-to-maturity, credit rating, term-to-maturity,
tax shelter, liquidity etc. A portfolio has to be managed effectively. Efficient
management calls for evaluation of the portfolio. This process consists of
portfolio appraisal and revision.
1. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
2. Investment and speculation are somewhat different and yet similar in certain
respects. Explain.