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The race "Long Term Investment Decisions" offers a short concept of the numerous
winning effort decisions inside the financial commercial enterprise sectors in India. With
hundreds of unstable selections like banking, fixed deposit, government safety, currency
exchange, land, gold and the sharing financial system, the standard currency consumer
ultimately will become greater careworn than at every other time. Each decision in concept
has its own merits and dire implications. In this journey, I just analyze approximately each
hypothetical selection available. Any economic backer earlier than making an investment
ought to take into account protection, liquidity, yield, block in/out, and bond capability limits.
We really need to study each adventurous selection at the these days referenced premise and
then put some cash apart. Today, the financial philanthropist faces a ton of chaos whilst
dismantling the various hypothetical choices available and immediately after choosing the
excellent one. In the continuing commercial enterprise, hypothetical choices are weighed
towards the blessings in addition to constraints such as security, liquidity, protecting length,
and so on., thus supporting the currency company like an useful resource to journey with
1 CHAPTER – I 01 – 09
2 CHAPTER – II 10 – 43
3 CHAPTER – III 44 – 63
4 CHAPTER – IV 64 – 75
5 CHAPTER – V 76 – 77

Investment is the process of creating or purchasing possessions with the aim of

gaining benefits in future. Therefore, making long-term objectives or decisions
is necessary for any business that relates to investment. For the organization to
yield returns and gain good performance in the market it must make good use of
the financial resources available to acquire buildings, machines, or other assets
that will enable smooth operation within the organization for a long period. A
planning that the management needs to consider involves accessing many issues
that face the business, and finally decide which issue to invest on depending on
its urgency in the business. The issues that are encountered in the business vary
depending on attitude, circumstances to risk, and particular age. Therefore, the
management must take time to think about the issues before making decisions to
avoid possibly costly mistakes.

A Plan Used by Managers When Selecting Pricing Strategies in

Order to Attain Inelastic In Their Products. It’s very crucial for managers to
price their product in order to attain the potential or current customers in the
market. As a result, the decision made by the management will determine the
future progress or success of the business. For that reason, major strategies like
employing pricing, safeguarding inelasticity in products, and many other
strategies need to be established to ensure that products are retained by
customers. On the other hand, before we make the food of low-calorie
microwavable company inelastic, meaning of elasticity must be understood
within the organization.

Long-term investment decision is referred to as the capital

budgeting decision. It relates to the investment in fixed assets eg. buying a new
machine. Before taking the final decision the finance manager makes a comparative
study of various alternatives available in the market on the basis of their cost and
profitability. These decisions are very important as they affect the earnings of the
business in the long-run.
(1) Large investment
- Involve large investment of funds
- Fund available is limited and the demand for funds exceeds the
existing resources
- Important for firm to plan and control capital expenditure

(2) Long term commitment of funds

- Involves not only large amount of fund but also long term on
permanent basis.
- It increases financial risk involved in investment decision.
- Greater the risk greater the need for planning capital expenditure.

(3) Irreversible Nature

- Capital expenditure decision are irreversible
- Once decision for acquiring permanent asset is taken, it become very
difficult to dispose of these assets without heavy losses.

(4) Long-term effect on profitability

- Capital expenditure decision are long-term and have effect on
profitability of a concern
- Not only present earning but also the future growth and profitability of
the firm depends on investment decision taken today
- Capital budgeting is needed to avoid over investment or under
investment in fixed assets.

(5) Difficulties of investment decision

- Long term investment decision are difficult to take because (i)
decision extends to a series of year beyond the current accounting period
- uncertainties of future
- higher degree of risk

(6) National importance

- Investment decision taken by individual concern is of national
importance because it determines employment, economic activities and
economic growth.

Scope of Investment Decisions

Selection of Right Assets: Investment decisions help in choosing right
type of investment plan for deploying the funds. Each of available
opportunity is properly analysed by management while taking investment
decisions. This way every aspect of asset available for investment is taken
into consideration which leads to building up a strong portfolio.

Identify Degree of Risk: These decisions help in identifying the level of

risk associated with an investment opportunity. Decisions are taken on
the basis of expected return and risk required for earning such return.
Managers properly evaluate assets using various tools for finding out the
risk while taking investment decisions.

Determines firm Profitability: Decisions regarding investment plans

determines the future profit earning potential of a firm. A right decision
may bring large amount of funds to an organization leading to better
growth. Whereas, any wrong decision regarding deployment of funds
may cause heavy losses and even adversely affect the continuity of firm.

Enhance Financial Understanding: Investment decisions imparts large

amount of beneficial financial knowledge to individuals taking these
decisions. Investors while choosing the asset uses a variety of tools and
techniques for analysing its profitability. It provides a lot of information
which enhances the overall financial knowledge and enables investors in
taking rational decisions regarding investment.

National Importance: These decisions are of national importance for a

nation as it leads to overall development and growth. Investment
decisions taken determines the level of employment, economic growth
and economic activities in a country. More amount of investment creates
better supply of funds in an economy which increase the pace of overall
economic development.

 To study different long – term investment

 To study the causes of volatility in Indian Stock Market.
 To study the various aspects of Indian Stock Market in detail.
 To study the measures have been adopted to control volatility.
Data Collection: This study is based on secondary data. The required
data related to Indian Stock Market, Bombay Stock Market (BSE),
National Stock Market (NSE) have been collected from various sources
i.e. Bulletins of Reserve Bank of India, publications from Ministry of
Commerce, SEBI Handbook of Statistics, Govt. of India. CNX Nifty
data is down loaded from the websites of NSE. Daily closing index value
are taken and averaged to get the index value for each year, which is
considered as more representative sure of index for the entire year rather
any one days/month closing sure of the index.

Factors affecting long-term investment decision

(i) Cash flow of the project Cash flow of the project during the life of an investment
affects the long-term investment decision. Series of cash receipts and payments over
the life of an investment has to be carefully analysed before taking a capital budgeting
decision. .

(ii) Rate of return of the project The most important criterion is the rate of return of the
project. Investment yields return in future. Thus, calculation of returns is necessary to
analyse the best project.

(iii) Risk involved With every investment proposal, there is some degree of risk
involved. The

(iv) company must try to calculate the risk involved in every proposal and select a
proposal with moderate degree of risk only.
 Only four long term investment options were selected for the study .
 The data cannot be generalized
 The time period of study was only 45 days.

According to “Debjit Chakraborty”(1997)in his study attempts to

establish a relationship between major economic indicators and stock
market behaviour. It also analyses the stock market reactions to changes
in the economic climate. The factors considered are in nation, money
supply, and growth in GDP, scale decat and credit deposit ratio. To and
the trend in the stock markets, the BSE National Index of Equity Prices
(Natex) which comprises 100 companies was taken as the index. The
study shows that stock market movements are largely influenced by,
broad money supply, in nation, C/D ratio and scale decat apart from
political stability.

According to “Redel” (1997) concentrated on the capital

market integration in developing Asia during the period 1970 to
1994 taking into variables such as net capital ows, FDI, portfolio equity
ows and bond ows. He observed that capital market integration in Asian
developing countries in the 1990s was a consequence of broad-based
economic reforms, especially in the trade and financial sectors, which is
the critical reason for economic crises which followed the increased
capital market integration in the 1970s in many countries will not be
repeated in the 1990s. He concluded that deepening and strengthening the
process of economic liberalization in the Asian developing countries is
essential for minimizing the risks and maximizing the benefits from
increased international capital market integration.

According to “Avijit Banerjee” (1998) reviewed Fundamental Analysis

and Technical Analysis to analyse the worthiness of the individual
securities needed to be acquired for portfolio construction. Technical
Analysis detects the most appropriate time to buy or sell the stock. It aims
to avoid the pitfalls of wrong timing in the investment decisions. He also
stated that the modern portfolio literature suggests 'beta'value Pas the
most acceptable measure of risk of scrip. The securities having low P
should be selected for constructing a portfolio in order to minimize the

According to “Madhusudan”(1998)found that BSE sensitivity and

national indices did not follow random walk by using correlation
analysis on monthly stock returns data over the period January 1981 to
December 1992.

According to “Arun Jethmalani” (1999) reviewed the existence and

measurement of risk involved in investing in corporate securities of
shares and debentures. He commended that risk is usually determined,
based on the likely variance of returns. It is more difficult to compare 80
risks within the same class of investments. He is of the opinion that the
investors accept the risk measurement made by the credit rating agencies,
but it was questioned after the Asian crisis. He concluded his article by
commenting that risk is not measurable or quantizable. But risk is
calculated on the basis of historic volatility. Returns are proportional to
the risks, and investments should be based on the investors' ability to bear
the risks, he advised.

According to “Suresh G Lalwani”(1999) emphasized the need for risk

management in the securities market with particular emphasis on the
price risk. He commented that the securities market is a 'vicious animal'
and there is more than a fair chance that far from improving, the situation
could deteriorate.

cording to “Nath and Verma” (2003) examine the interdependence of

the three major stock markets in south Asia stock market indices namely
India (NSE-Nifty) Taiwan (Taiex) and Singapore (STI) by employing
bivariate and multivariate co integration analysis to model the linkages
among the stock markets, No co -integration was found for the entire
period (daily data from January 1994 to November 2002). They
concluded that there is no long run equilibrium.

According to “Bhanu Pant and Dr. T.R.Bishnoy” (2001) analysed the

behaviour of the daily and weekly returns of ve Indian stock market
indices for random walk during April 1996 to June 2001.They found that
Indian Stock Market Indices did not follow random walk


already stated, the Indian Stock markets have played a significant role in
the early attempts at industrialization in India in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth century's. The early textile mills and the rst steel plants
were funded in the stock market. Some of these capital raising exercises
were large in relation to the size of the financial sector in those days.
Beginning in the late flies, the country embarked on an inward looking
socialistic model of development that sought to put the commanding
heights of the economy in the hands of the public sector. The state took
control of the allocation of resources in the economy as the banks and
insurance companies were nationalized and development financial
institutions grew in importance. A regime of financial repression came
into being and the stock market stagnated.
The period from 1984 to 1992 was in some ways the highwater mark of
the Indian capital markets. As the markets responded enthusiastically to
the rst whiff of reforms in the mid 1980s and to the major reform
initiative of 1991, the stock market soared through the roof. From
October 1984 to September 1992, the stock market index went up more
than ten times representing an annual compound return of 34per cent.


VOLATILITY The following measures have been adopted to control

Circuit Breakers
A system of coordinated trading habits and/or price limits on
equity markets and equity derivative markets designed to provide cooling
off period and avert pani selling during large, industry market declines. It
is a measure used by some major stock and commodities exchanges to
restrict trading temporary when market rise or fall too far, too fast. the
exchange has implemented index-based market wide circuit breakers in
company rolling settlement with from July 02, 2001. In addition to circuit
breakers, price band are also applicable on individual securities.
The index-based market-wide circuit breaker system applies at 3 stages of
the index movement, either way viz. at 10%, 15% and 20%. These
circuit breakers when triggered bring about a coordinated trading halt in
all equity and equity derivative markets nationwide. The market-wide
circuit breakers are triggered by movement of either the BSE Sensex or
the NSE S&P CNX Nifty, whichever is breached earlier.


1. To study the causes of volatility in Indian Stock Market.
2. To study the various aspects of Indian Stock Market in detail.
3. To study the measures have been adopted to control volatility.


Adventure is a manner to address getting your money be just right for you, so you can get
ready resources for by means of far most of your life's goals. Put in vital phrases, journey is a
manner to the give up. While saving is an outstanding affinity, you want to ensure that
placing your hold finances inside the proper way facilitates meet your goals.


Exactly whilst you contribute, take into account your targets certainly. There are many stages
in life when you may require colossal measures of money, for example school guidance,
marriage, shopping for a residence or vehicle, in the end, to oblige your retirement. A couple
of goals like retirement require long stretch, specific hypothesis, while others are to be had
2nd and want distinct methodologies.

Spending plan

Your enterprise monetary arrangement needs to exchange your future necessities against your
continuous necessities. Thusly, of all of your gain and keep reserves, you need to save some
for family fees in addition to unanticipated ability results, and see the relaxation in
speculation units with a purpose to foster over the path of different time frames.

Risk Appetite

Most endeavors are loaded with dangers of one type or the alternative. Generally, the extra
the ability benefits from the speculation, the less included it's miles. For example Offers can
be rather pleasing anyway are abnormal, while a great keep has for all intents and functions
no bet, but the gain are enormously low. Danger must be acclimated so much that there are
circulations for each flip of activities and safeguarding capital.

A brief see of various undertaking selections is given beneath:

Interest in segments of institutions is placing assets into values.
Stocks may be introduced/offered from the exchanges (discretionary marketplace) or through
IPO's - Initial Public Offerings (fundamental market). Stocks are the excellent lengthy stretch
speculation choices in which the market precariousness and the ensuing wager of disasters,
whenever offered good enough risk, are freed via the general vertical power from the
economic system. There are two floods of pay age from this type of adventure:-
 Benefit: Periodic quantities constructed from the association's advantages are named
as benefits.
 Improvement: The price of the stock values equal to the development published by
the affiliation accomplishing capital appreciation.
On an ordinary an hobby in values in India has an appearance of 25%. Incredible portfolio
the board, unique timing should make sure an look of forty% or extra. Picking the ideal
inventory with impeccable timing could guarantee that your capital increments for example
development in marketplace worth of inventory possessions, will rise.
It is a legitimate compensation (dedication) device gave for a duration of a couple of yr
completely plan on raising capital. The crucial or state government, associations and near
foundations sell bonds. A security is overall an assurance to pay off the head nearby fixed
velocity of interest on a foreordained date, known as as the development date. Other fixed
pay units combine bank stores, debentures, tendency offers, etc.
The everyday pace of return on bond and assurances in India has been around 10-thirteen%
Shared Fund:
These are open and near-finished holds worked by way of an endeavor association, which
raises money from individuals average and locations belongings right into a social event of
assets, consistent with a communicated plan of objectives. A substitute for those can not put
virtually in values or dedication thinking about aid, time or records restrictions.
Benefits integrate improve and grasp cash the board. Shares are given and recuperated on call
for, considering the net asset regard, not absolutely settled close to the final touch of each
trading assembly. The everyday pace of go back as a mix of all common sources set up isn't
constant at this point is general extra than anything get is constant shops. Regardless, each
commonplace resource will have its own ordinary speed of go back considering multiple
plans that they have floated.
In the brand new past, Mutual Funds have given an look of 18 - 35%.

For the essential piece of monetary sponsor the important asset of their portfolio is a personal
house. Despite a personal residence, the extra wealthy financial supporters are presumably
going to be enthused approximately both provincial land or can be in semi-metropolitan land
and the business property.
Significant Projects:
Significant articles are matters which are typical minimum in size besides astoundingly good
sized in financial terms. A couple of large sizeable matters appear to be the gold, silver,
important stones and furthermore the unique workmanship items.
Fiasco assurance:
In wide experience, existence inclusion may be tested as a idea. Protection installments deal
with the retribution and the dependable the total the blessings. The essential styles of
coverage policies in India are:
 Favoring affirmation device.
 Cash back plan.
 Whole lifestyles device.
 Term confirmation technique.
 Unit-associated coverage plan.


Stocks are speculations that address proprietorship or cost in a corporation. At the factor
while you buy shares, you have got a proprietorship proportion anyway little in that employer
and are qualified for a part of that company's profit and resources. Stock financial backers
called investors or buyers deliver in cash while the inventory expansions in really worth or
when the corporation supply income, or part of its benefits, to its investors.
A few businesses are secretly held, and that suggests the offers are available to a hard and fast
wide variety of people, like the employer's pioneers, its people, and monetary backers who
asset its flip of activities. Different corporations are public, and that implies their quantities
are reachable to any economic backer who desires to get them.

Initial public supplying

An agency may choose to offer inventory to trendy society for diverse reasons, as an
instance, giving liquidity to its specific monetary backer or fund-raising. Whenever an
organization first issues inventory is the primary sale of inventory (IPO), and the company
receives the returns from that deal. From that factor forward, portions of the stock are
exchanged, or delivered and bought on the protections markets amongst monetary backers,
but the partnership gets no greater pay. The value of the stock is going up or down relying
upon how a whole lot monetary backers will pay for it.

Periodically, an agency will provide more quantities of its shares, called an optionally
available contribution, to raise greater capital.

Development and Income

A few stocks are regarded as improvement ventures, while others are regarded as really worth
speculations. According to a financial planning factor of view, the fine evidence of
development is a rising fee after a while. Supplies of groups that reinvest their earnings as
opposed to delivering them out as income are commonly thought approximately ability
improvement speculations. Esteem stocks, conversely, are the loads of agencies which have
been failing to satisfy expectancies their authentic capacity, or are undesirable with monetary
backers. As end result, their costs will pretty frequently be lower than appears to be
legitimate, however they could in any case be turning in profits.

Market Capitalization

One of the fundamental methods of ordering shares is via their marketplace capitalization, in
some instances referred to as marketplace esteem. Market capitalization (market cap) is
determined by way of duplicating an enterprise's ongoing stock cost via the quantity of its
contemporary offers. For example, a inventory with an ongoing enterprise zone well worth of
$30 an offer and one hundred million portions of current stock would have a market cap of
$three billion.

P/E percentage

A well-known sign of a stock's development capability is its fee to-earnings proportion, or

P/E - or numerous - can help you with measuring the fee of a inventory corresponding to its
profits. For example, a inventory with a P/E of 20 is changing at a cost multiple times higher
than its income.

Knowing the way to work out YTM isn't always large at the present time. Truth be told, the
estimation in all fairness delicate and past the volume of this instructional exercise. The
critical trouble right here is that YTM is more particular and empowers you to evaluation
bond and various developments coupons.

Cost inside the Market

Up so far we've got mentioned the variables of assumed well worth, coupon, development,
and yield. All in the occasion that those features of a security count on a component in its
value, notwithstanding, the factor that influences a protection extra than a few other is the
diploma of triumphing mortgage costs within the economic system. At the factor when
financing fees upward push, the expenses of securities in the marketplace fall, for that reason
elevating the yield of extra mounted securities and aligning them with more energizing
securities being given with higher coupons. At the factor whilst financing expenses fall the
prices of securities in the marketplace upward thrust, in this manner bringing down the yield
of the more established securities and aligning them with fresher securities being given with
lower coupons.

Pay/Debt Oriented Scheme

The point of pay reserves is to show out ordinary and regular revenue to monetary backers. Such
plans by way of and big placed assets into constant pay protections, as an example, securities,
company debentures, Government protections and forex market contraptions. Such belongings are
safer contrasted with value plans. These assets aren't impacted due to modifications in value
markets. Anyway possibilities of capital appreciation are additionally confined in such property. The
NAVs of such property are impacted in light of development in loan prices within the us of a.
Assuming the mortgage charges fall, NAVs of such assets are possibly going to increment in the brief
run as well as the opposite manner round. However lengthy haul financial backers won't fear about
those variances.

Adjusted Fund

The factor of adjusted reserves is to offer each development and everyday pay as such plans placed
each in values and stuck pay protections inside the quantity showed of their proposition reports.
These are becoming for economic backers trying to find moderate development. They by using and
large positioned forty%-60% in price and responsibility instruments. These assets are likewise
impacted due to vacillations in share expenses inside

.Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs):-

Trade Traded Fund (ETF) is characterized as a security that tracks a document, a product or a
bin of assets like a file reserve yet exchanges like a inventory on a exchange and encounters
value adjustments over the route of the day as it is traded. ETF have been first sent off in
1993 in United States. Their notoriety as an prepared object has evolved hugely because of
the advantages it offers to economic backers and dealers. The issuance of ETF may be very
much like an important market IPO or a commonplace Fund NFO. Shares are given by using
the Fund director and recorded on the trades. Financial backers can alternate those gives from
the auxiliary marketplace via their intermediaries.

Trade Traded Funds (ETFs) are shared asset devices which monetary backers buy/sell from
the stock trade, as against a typical not unusual asset unit, in which the financial backer
purchases/sells via a service provider or straightforwardly from the AMC. ETF as an idea is
commonly new in India. It changed into completely in mid nineties that the idea received in
notoriety inside the USA. ETFs have moderately lesser expenses while contrasted with a
commonplace asset conspire. This is generally due to the layout of ETFs. While within the
occasion of a commonplace asset plot, the AMC manages the monetary backers or
wholesalers, the ETF structure is to such an extent that the AMC would not want to control
financial backers or merchants. It alternatively gives devices to more than one assigned good
sized contributors, who are likewise called as Authorized Participants (APs), who for this
reason go approximately as market creators for the ETFs. The Authorized Participants supply
way statements to the ETFs on the inventory alternate, which empowers economic backers to
change the ETFs at some random vicinity of time when the securities exchanges are open for
changing. ETFs thusly trade like shares. Trading ETFs is like buying and selling shares at the
stock trade. Costs are

reachable on constant and the ETFs can be sold through a stock exchange intermediary very
similar to one might buy/sell shares. There are good sized decreases in showcasing fees and
commissions because the Authorized Participants aren't paid by the AMC, yet they get their
pay by means of providing manner cites at the floor of the trade.

Because of those lower costs, the Tracking Error for an ETF is commonly low. Following
Error is the analysis for a list store/ETF. By plan a document keep/file ETF must simply
imitate the listing return. The evaluation between the profits created via the plan/ETF and
those produced by the listing is the following mistake.

Resources in ETFs

For all intents and purposes any resource magnificence may be applied to make ETFs.
Internationally there are ETFs on Silver, Gold, Indices (SPDRs, Cubes, and so forth), and so
on. In India, we've got ETFs on Gold, Indices such asNifty, Bank Nifty and so on.).

Advantages of Investing in ETF

• Can certainly be purchased/offered like a few other stock at the change through
terminals the kingdom over.

• Can be purchased/offered any time in the course of marketplace hours at a cost close
to the real NAV of the Scheme.

• No one of a kind shape filling. Simply a call for your intermediary or a tick at the net

• Capacity as a long way as viable orders

• Least undertaking is one unit.

• Appreciate adaptability of a stock and enhancement of list shop

• Cost Ratio is decrease. Subsequently minimum cost contribute, even lower than the
document reserves

• Gives trade amongst Futures and Cash Market


The G-ETF is deliberate as an unconditional plan. Financial backers should purchase/promote

units any time at then prevailing enterprise sector price. This is a sizable mark of separation
of ETFs from comparative unassuming assets. In the event of unconditional property,
financial backers get gadgets (or the gadgets are reclaimed) at a cost in view of that day's
NAV. In the occasion of ETFs, financial backers can exchange gadgets at a value that's
triumphing by way of then of time in the course of marketplace hours. Consequently for all
economic backers of unassuming plans, on a few random day their purchasing (or
reclamation) price might be equal, though for ETF monetary backers, the charges will range
for every, contingent on after they traded gadgets on that day

On an on-going premise

• Approved Participants (in the main large institutional monetary backers) supply
cash/Gold to AMC

• AMC gives identical quantity of units packaged collectively to those accredited

participants (AP)

• APs break up these packaged units into man or woman devices and make to be had
for purchase inside the auxiliary marketplace

• Financial backers should buy G-ETF units from the optional commercial enterprise
sectors either from the amount being bought via the Aps or with the aid of other retail
economic backers

• Retail financial backers can likewise promote their gadgets looking out

The Gold which the AP stores for buying the packaged ETF devices is known as 'Portfolio
Deposit'. This Portfolio Deposit should be stored with the Custodian. An overseer is any
individual who handles the actual Gold for the AMC. The AMC has the same opinion to an
arrangement with the Custodian, in which each one of the agreements are settled upon. When
the AP stores Gold with the overseer, it's far the duty of the caretaker to guarantee well being
of the Gold, anyhow he needs to bear the responsibility, to the diploma of the marketplace
worth of the Gold.
The overseer desires to hold record of every one of the Gold that has been stored/eliminated
beneath the G-ETF. A file is kept up with for that reason, that's called 'Distributed Account'.
The caretaker, continuously, enters the inflows and surges of Gold bars from this report. All
subtleties, as an example, the continual wide variety, purifier, fineness and so forth are kept
up with in this file. The change of Gold from or into the Allocated Account occurs towards
the finish of every

paintings day. A file is presented via the overseer, no later than the accompanying paintings
day, to the AMC.

The cash which the AP stores for buying the packaged ETF devices is referred to as 'Money
Component'. This Cash Component is paid to the AMC. The Cash Component isn't required
and is paid to adapt to the assessment among the material NAV and the market really worth.
Check out the best investment options which can be considered for investments:

Investment Option Returns Offered Tax Rebate Risks Investment Who should invest
Schemes like
Investors with
ELSS are Tax Free Low to ELSS has a
Mutual Funds Market-Linked moderate to high risk
under Section 80C High lock-in of 3
Comes under EEE Indian Citizens with
Public Provident
7.9% Category (Exempt- No Risk 15 years long term investment
Fund (PPF)
Exempt-Exempt) goals
Fixed returns Tax- saving FDs Individuals unwilling
Bank Fixed
(varies from Bank allow deductions up No Risk 7 Days to take risks or
to Bank) to Rs.1.5 lakh exposure to equity
Investors looking for
National Pension 8% to 10% Allows deductions Low to
60 years retirement investment
Scheme (NPS) (Market Linked) under Section 80C High
Unit Linked Varies depending Eligible for Less than or Investors looking for
Insurance Plans upon investor’s deductions under High risk equal to 45 life cover and wealth
(ULIPs) portfolio Section 80C Years creation
Treated as Debt
Low to
Gold ETF Market-Linked Funds and taxed Not Applicable Any Individual
Senior Citizens Eligible for
Saving Schemes 8.7% deductions under No Risk 5 years Senior Citizens
(SCSS) Section 80C
Recurring Deposits 7% No tax rebate No Risk 6 Months Any Individual
20% Tax Deduction Moderate
Real Estate 10% to 15% Not Applicable Any Individual
on taxable income Risk
Post Office
No to Low
Monthly Income 7.7% No Tax Rebate 5 Years Resident of India
Scheme (POMIS)
The Indian securities alternate ended up being a number of the international's
satisfactory entertainers in 2015-sixteen with the Bombay Stock Exchange
(BSE) Sensex rising 29% from 21,a hundred and forty on January 1 to 27,312
on December 19. Most market gamers take delivery of this heavenly run will go
on in 2015 at the rear of, regions of energy for modifications reserve inflows,
restoration of assembling, improvement in the huge scale financial situation and
ascend in company earnings development.

Alluring Valuations

Regardless of the sharp ascent, the valuation of the Indian securities alternate is
as yet appealing. On December 12, the Sensex become changing at a fee to-
income (PE) percentage of 18.Five, hardly under the five-yr normal of 18.77..
One rationalization is that the take advantage of cost of BSE 200 corporations is
accomplishing as far down as possible. "Recovery of improvement of Indian
agencies, which had been confronting difficult stretches for the beyond 5 years,
is presently at an incipient level. Clever 50 groups can see sixteen-17% profit
development within the following twelve months.

Stocks that answer mortgage cost actions, blended with select duty plans, are
probably going to be the champs in 2015, with the Reserve Bank of India
anticipated to start facilitating its cash related strategy.

Reserve supervisors stated economic opportunities have progressed, but the

New Year is probably more difficult for price financial backers to herald cash as
valuations of many stocks are wealthy after the expansive based totally rally in
2014. Worry over loan price climb within the US and frail international
unrefined petroleum expenses may also likewise hold economic backers on.
India is most of the top-acting growing enterprise sectors in 2014. Such an
extended ways in 2014, the Sensex has acquired 34%. More modest agencies
have fared some distance advanced, with the BSE Mid Cap list flooding 56%
and the BSE Small Cap Index hopping seventy five%.

However the falling unrefined costs have labored at the opportunities of the
Indian economy, India may not be saved assuming there's a developing
commercial enterprise quarter public sale. "On the global front, oil trading
international locations ought to cope with issues, and there may be a worldwide
threat avoidance.

Market participants take into account probably loan value cuts by means of the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as the best trigger for the financial system and the
enterprise sectors. The diploma of economic method facilitating could
determine the energy of convention in quantities of the alleged loan rate touchy
areas like banks, car, land and securities.

Reserve supervisors said duty assets ought to provide notable returns in the
imminent 12 months as a fall in financing costs ought to prompt an appreciation
in bond prices. With bargain price growth coming at nothing for November,
assumptions for loan fee cuts as soon as in the March zone are excessive.
"Shortterm charges can fall greater than lengthy haul quotes. We expect that
customer expansion should be in the scope of 5-five.5%, and expect that RBI
must cut financing costs by way of 50 premise focuses in 2015," stated Dhawal
Dalal, chief V-P and head (fixed pay), DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund. In the
event that mortgage costs fall by means of 50 premise focuses, monetary
backers could see a five% capital appreciation on their drawn out overlaid
reserve portfolio.

Estimated by means of BSE Sensex, securities alternate has created a positive

go back of around nine% for financial backers in 2013, at the same time as gold
expenses fell by way of around 3 percentage and its more unlucky cousin silver
dove near 24%.

In the wake of thrashing financial change for over 10 years, gold has been on
returned foot for two successive years now opposite values, shows an
examination of their price traits.

"Gold's beneath-execution was more often than not due to charges falling in
greenback terms within the midst of predicted to tighten over most latest some
time joined with FII hobby in Indian stocks.

"This development has been further legitimate for international commercial

enterprise sectors as 2013 noticed gold losing its sparkle and markets returning
with a bang," said Jayant Manglik, President Retail Distribution, Religare

"As normal, gold and inventory expenses pursue inverse directions and this year
became the equal excluding that both took a special direction," he stated.

Improvement on the planet economy has introduced the gamble craving

returned among retail monetary backers and this has soaked the liquidity from
places of refuge, for instance, gold prompting its beneath-execution, a expert

In 2012, the Sensex had obtained extra than 25%, which changed into nearly
twofold the addition of round 12.Ninety five percentage in gold. The
appreciation in silver become at around 12.84 every remaining year.

As in keeping with Hiren Dhakan, Associate Fund Manager, Bonanza Portfolio,

"Markets have mainly shown splendid strength post July-August 2013 whilst
RBI went to a few in range lengths to manipulate the steeply devaluing rupee."
"At the factor whilst america Fed gave signs and symptoms that it is able to
tighten its improve application given the economic system shows development,
an automatic revision become visible in maximum dangerous sources,
remembering shares for Indian commercial enterprise sectors. Once greater
anyhow, affirmation via the Fed approximately arranged and staggered
tightening in boost ended up being an impetus for the commercial enterprise

"Outside factors influencing Indian stocks appear like negative for the main
portion of 2014 due to proceeded with strength of the USA dollar and innocent
inside the ultimate part. At that point, selections additionally might have
occurred. A mix of homegrown and global factors highlight a defend shutting of
Indian commercial enterprise sectors in 2014 with twofold digit price
improvement," he said.

Financial alternate portion mid-cap and little cap documents have fallen via
round 10% and sixteen percentage, one at a time, in 2013.

Unfamiliar Institutional Investors have bought shares well worth over Rs 1.1
lakh crore (almost USD 20 billion) until December 19. In 2012, they had
siphoned in Rs 1.28 lakh crore (USD 24.37 billion).


Indian Stock Markets are one of the maximum seasoned in Asia. Its set of
reports lines all of the way again to almost a long time again. The earliest
maintains of safety dealings in India are small and dark. The East India
Company turned into the most important status quo back then and business in
its develop protections used to be completed in the direction of the stop of the
eighteenth 100 years.
By 1830's enterprise on company shares and gives in Bank and Cotton presses
occurred in Bombay. However the changing list was greater vast in 1839, there
have been pretty much six sellers perceived by using banks and buyers
throughout 1840 and 1850.

The 1850's visible a fast development of enterprise undertaking and financier

commercial enterprise pulled in severa men into the sphere and via 1860 the
amount of traders multiplied into 60.

In 1860-sixty one the American Civil War broke out and cotton supply from
United States of Europe became halted; as a result, the 'Offer Mania' in India
began. The quantity of dealers elevated to round 2 hundred to 250. In any case,
toward the finish of the American Civil War, in 1865, an unlucky rut began (as
an instance, Bank of Bombay Share which had contacted Rs 2850 have to be
offered at Rs. 87).

Toward the end of the American Civil War, the specialists who flourished out of
Civil War in 1874, tracked down a spot in a avenue (presently definitely
referred to as as Dalal Street) in which they could helpfully acquire and execute
commercial enterprise. In 1887, they officially settled in Bombay, the "Local
Share and Stock Brokers' Association" (which is however known as " The Stock
Exchange "). In 1895, the Stock Exchange procured a cause in a comparable
road and it become introduced in 1899. Accordingly, the Stock Exchange at
Bombay was blended.

Other riding urban areas in monetary trade responsibilities

Ahmadabad obtained importance close to Bombay concerning cotton fabric

enterprise. After 1880, many factories began from Ahmadabad and quickly
moved forward. As new vegetation have been drifted, the requirement for a
Stock Exchange at Ahmadabad turned into understood and in 1894 the traders
framed "The Ahmadabad Share and Stock Brokers' Association".
What the cotton cloth industry turned into to Bombay and Ahmadabad, the jute
enterprise changed into to Calcutta. Additionally tea and coal ventures have
been the other most important modern gatherings in Calcutta. After the Share
Mania in 1861-sixty five, inside the 1870's there was a sharp blast in jute stocks,
which become trailed by means of a blast in tea partakes within the 1880's and
1890's; and a coal blast someplace within the range of 1904 and 1908. On June
1908, some using professionals shaped "The Calcutta Stock Exchange

In the start of the 20th 100 years, the cutting-edge unrest turned into at the
manner in India with the Swadeshi Movement; and with the initiation of the
Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited in 1907, a significant degree in current
headway below Indian enterprise turned into reached.

Indian cotton and jute materials, steel, sugar, paper and flour flowers and all
corporations for the most component preferred staggering thriving, due to the
First World War.

In 1920, the then shy metropolis of Madras had the female rush of a inventory
change running in its middle, underneath the name and fashion of "The Madras
Stock Exchange" with one hundred individuals. Nonetheless, when blast
blurred, the amount of individuals stood reduced from a hundred to a few, by
1923, for that reason it left presence.

In 1935, the monetary exchange motion improved, especially in South India

where there was a fast expansion in the quantity of fabric factories and severa
ranch organizations were drifted. In 1937, a inventory change turned into
through and through coordinated in Madras - Madras Stock Exchange
Association (Pvt) Limited. (In 1957 the call changed into modified to Madras
Stock Exchange Limited).
Lahore Stock Exchange was framed in 1934 and it had a quick lifestyles. It
turned into converged with the Punjab Stock Exchange Limited, which turned
into consolidated in 1936.

Indian Stock Exchanges - An Umbrella Growth

The Second World War broke out in 1939. It gave a pointy blast which changed
into trailed with the aid of a downturn. Yet, in 1943, the circumstance modified
essentially, whilst India was completely prepared as a stockpile base.

By distinctive feature of the prohibitive controls on cotton, bullion, seeds and

distinct wares, the ones coping with in them tracked down within the financial
trade as the principle supply for his or her exercises. They were stressed to
enroll in the alternate and their wide variety was multiplied through numerous
others. Numerous new affiliations had been comprised for the cause and Stock
Exchanges in all pieces of the state were drifted.

• Exchanging at NSE can be ordered underneath two fashionable classes:

• (a) Wholesale obligation marketplace and

• (b) Capital marketplace.

• Discount duty market tasks are like currency market activities -

foundations and company our bodies pass into high well worth exchanges in
economic instruments, for instance, government protections, depository bills,
public region unit securities, business paper, announcement of shop, and so

• There are two varieties of players in NSE:

• (a) replacing individuals and

• (b) contributors.
• Perceived individuals from NSE are known as replacing people who
alternate inside the interest of themselves and their customers. Members
comprise exchanging individuals and huge gamers like banks who expect direct
agreement legal responsibility.

• Exchanging at NSE takes place through a completely mechanized

display-based totally exchanging element which embraces the rule of a request
driven market. Exchanging people can continue to be at their offices and
execute the changing, on account that they're related via a correspondence
organisation. The expenses at which the patron and service provider will
execute will show up at the screen. At the point when the charges match the
alternate will be completed and an confirmation slip will be published at the
administrative center of the exchanging element.

•NSE enjoys some upper arms over the conventional exchanging

trades. They are as in keeping with the following:

 NSE brings an incorporated economic alternate replacing network

the U. S. A Over.
 Financial backers can change at a similar price from wherever
within the united states because among market tasks are smoothed
out blended with the countrywide admittance to the protections.

• Postpones in correspondence, late installments and the

misbehavior's important within the conventional replacing device should be
possible away with greater noteworthy useful talent and educational
straightforwardness in the securities exchange sports, absolutely subsidized up
with the aid of absolute modernized network.

Except if securities exchanges provide professionalized help, little financial

backers and surprising monetary backers might not be keen on capital market
sports. Furthermore, capital market being one of the massive wellspring of
lengthy haul finance for current ventures, India can't stand to harm the capital
market manner. In such manner NSE acquires essential significance within the
Indian capital marketplace framework.


Frequently, inside the economic writing we find the terms 'improvement' and
'improvement' are applied conversely. Notwithstanding, there may be a
distinction. Monetary development alludes to the supported enlargement in per
capita or all out pay, while the time period financial improvement shows
supported number one trade, along with each one of the thoughts boggling
affects of monetary improvement. As such, improvement is related with
unfastened enterprise, wherein as advancement calls for a few form of manage
and guiding principle of the powers influencing development. Hence, monetary
improvement is an interplay and improvement is a peculiarity.

Financial arranging is extremely simple for a country, especially a non-

commercial country like India to take the united states of america within the
manner of monetary improvement to accomplish monetary improvement.

Why Economic Planning for India?

One of the full-size aim of arranging in India is to construct the pace of

monetary turn of activities, suggesting that rising the pace of capital association
by way of raising the tiers of pay, saving and mission. Nonetheless, expanding
the pace of capital improvement in India is plagued with diverse hardships.
Individuals are neediness ridden. Their potential to store is rather low because
of low levels of pay and excessive affinity to eat. Therefor, the pace of
hypothesis is low which activates capital lack and occasional efficiency. Low
performance implies low pay and the countless loop proceeds. Accordingly, to
interrupt this horrendous economic circle, arranging is inescapable for India.

The market system works defectively in non-commercial nations because of the

obliviousness and newness to it. In this manner, to improve and make stronger
marketplace factor arranging is extraordinarily imperative. In India, an big a
part of the economy is non-monitised; the item, factors of creation, coins and
capital enterprise sectors isn't coordinated as anticipated. In this way the
overarching value thing neglects to obtain modifications between total hobby
and supply of exertions and merchandise. Hence, to work at the economic
system, market blemishes have to be taken out; accessible assets need to be
prepared and used productively; and underlying rigidities need to be survived.
These may be accomplished solely through arranging. In India, capital is scant;
and joblessness and masked joblessness is pervasive. Subsequently, in which
capital turned into scant and paintings being considerable, giving valuable
commercial enterprise open doorways to a growing team of workers is a
difficult interest. Just a introduced together arranging model can address this
full scale problem of India.

Further, in a state like India where rural reliance is extremely excessive, one
cannot dismiss this section in that frame of thoughts of financial turn of
activities. In this way, a economic development model wishes to bear in mind
an inexpensive manner to cope with join each horticulture and industry and lead
for a resembled improvement. Also, both horticulture and industry can not
create without sufficient infrastructural places of work which simply the nation
can give and that is potential simply through a totally tons cut out arranging
approach. The public authority's part in giving framework is undeniable due to
the manner that the job of private location in infrastructural development of
India is exceptionally negligible due to the fact that these foundation tasks are
considered as unrewarding by the personal location.
Further, India is a reasonable instance of pay divergence. In this manner, it's far
the responsibility of the country to diminish the principal pay imbalances. This
is conceivable simply via arranging.


As a part of the process of economic liberalization, the stock market has been
assigned an important place in the Indian corporate sector. Besides enabling
mobilizing resources for investment directly from the investors, providing
liquidity for the investors and monitoring and disciplining company
managements are the principal functions of the stock markets. The main
attraction of the stock markets is that they provide entrepreneurs
and governments a means of mobilizing resources directly from the investors,
and to the investors they offer liquidity. It has also been suggested that liquid
markets improve the allocation of resources and enhance prospects of long -
term economic growth.

Stock markets are also expected to play a major role in disciplining company's
managements. In India, Equity market development received emphasis since
the very RST phase of liberalization in the early 'eighties. Additional emphasis
followed after the liberalization process got deepened and widened in 1991 as
development of capital markets was made an integral part of the restructuring
strategy. Today, Indian markets conform to international standards both in
terms of structure and in terms of operating efficiency.

Stock Market is a hub where facilities are provided to the investors to purchase
and sell their Shares, Bonds and Debenture etc. In other words, Stock Market is
a platform for trading various securities and derivatives without any barriers. In
Stock Market various companies are listed to their business venture through
public issues. In the current scenario, long term investors are investing in the
companies through Stock Market to attain prot. In India listed Stock Market are
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the
Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE). These three are largest Indian Stock Market.
Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security
or Market Index. Commonly, the higher the volatility greater the risk associated
with the security. Volatility estimation is important for several reasons
associated with different people in the market. Developed markets continue to
provide over long period of time with higher returns constituting low volatility.
Indian market has started becoming informational more efficient compared to
developed countries. The study would facilitate the reader to understand the
past, current and future aspects of Indian Stock Market

Sovereign Gold Bonds 2022 - SGB

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) are
the perfect alternative to investment in physical gold. With these bonds,
you can enjoy capital appreciation and also earn interest every year.
These bonds, issued by the Government of India, also eliminate several
risks associated with physical gold. Reserve Bank of India issues the
bonds on behalf of the Government of India. The rate of SGB will be
declare by RBI before every new tranche by issuing a press release.
RBI will issue Press Release stating issue
price of the Bond before new Issue. Price of Bond will be fixed in Indian
Rupees on the basis of simple average of closing price of gold of 999
purity published by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Limited
(IBJA) for the last 3 business days of the week preceding the subscription

Why government issues Sovereign Gold Bond scheme?

India has long been a nation where people have been attracted to gold as
an asset class. Indian households are estimated to be holding nearly $1
trillion worth of gold in the form of bars and jewellery. India is the largest
importer of gold, which mainly caters to the demand of jewellery industry
and investors. In volume terms, the country imports 800-900 tonnes of
gold annually. To reduce import of gold, government launched SGB in
November 2015 under Gold Monetization Scheme. Investors also facing
lot of problems in keeping gold in physical form. They face issues like
purity of gold, security i.e. risk of theft, making charges and tax
associated during the purchase. This way investors will receive gold in
demat form or as certificate with sovereign guarantee.
Why should you buy sovereign gold bond?
The quantity of gold for which the investor pays is protected, since he
receives the ongoing market price at the time of redemption/ premature
redemption. The SGB offers a superior alternative to holding gold in
physical form. The risks and costs of storage are eliminated. Investors are
assured of the market value of gold at the time of maturity and periodical
interest. SGB is free from issues like making charges and purity in the
case of gold in jewellery form. The bonds are held in the books of the
RBI or in demat form eliminating risk of loss of scrip etc.

Benefits of Sovereign Gold Bonds

 Interest Rate - Extra 2.5% interest paid semi annually.

No making charges compared to coins and jewellery.
Pledge and get loan against SGB online easily.
Negligible or zero maintenance cost.
 Safety No default risk as it issued by Government of India.
Convenience of buying gold online.
Provide all the benefits of physical gold in terms of investment

“mutual fund” means a fund established in the form of a trust to raise

monies through the sale of units to the public or a section of the pubic
under one or more schemes for investing in securities, money market
instruments, gold or gold related instruments, real estate assets and such
other assets and instruments as may be specified by the Board from time
to time.
In simple terms, a mutual fund is essentially a common pool of money in
which investors put in their contribution. This collective amount is then
invested according to the investment objective of the fund.

The money could be invested in stocks, bonds,

money market instruments, gold, real estate and other similar assets.
These funds are operated by money managers or fund managers, who by
investing in line with the specified investment objective attempt to create
growth or appreciation of the amount for investors.

For example, a debt fund will have its specified objective to invest in
fixed income instruments or products like bonds, government securities,
debentures, etc. Similarly, an equity fund will invest in equity related
instruments which include convertible debentures, convertible preference
shares, warrants carrying the right to obtain equity shares, equity
derivatives and such other instrument as may be specified by the Board
from time to time.

Some common categories of mutual funds are:

> Equity funds - funds that invest only in stocks and other equity related
> Debt funds - funds that invest only in fixed income instruments
> Money market funds - funds that invest in short-term money market
> Hybrid funds - funds that divide investments between equity and debt
to create a balance

How is a mutual fund set up?

A mutual fund is set up in the form of a trust, which has a sponsor,

trustees, Asset Management Company (AMC) and custodian. The trust is
established by a sponsor who is like the promoter of a company. The
trustees of the mutual fund hold its property for the benefit of the unit
holders. The custodian, who is registered with the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI), holds the securities of various schemes
of the fund in its custody. The trustees are vested with the general power
of superintendence and direction over the AMC. They monitor the
performance and compliance with SEBI Regulations.
The AMC employs professional money managers, having expertise in
investing in equity, debt or both, who then invest the collected amount
from investors and manage it on their behalf.
The AMC may have several mutual fund schemes with their specific
investment mandates. An investor can choose which scheme he or she
wants to invest in, based on the given mandate or objective.
All AMCs are governed by a Board of Directors and come under the
SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996. The regulator or SEBI has set
clear mutual fund regulations and requires all mutual fund schemes of an
AMC to clearly spell out the fund's objectives in its prospectus that an
investor must read before he/she invests in a mutual fund.

Why investing in a Mutual Fund is a wise choice?

 Diversification
One of the biggest advantages mutual funds give you is that of immediate
diversification. You may not have enough money to spread your
investments in varied stocks and sectors, but by pooling money from
thousands of similar investors, a mutual fund spreads your investment
and hence, risk. It is highly unlikely that all the stocks will go down by
the same proportion on any particular day. This ensures that you have not
kept all your eggs in one basket and are safe from incurring huge losses
from a single bad investment.
 Professional Management
Another big benefit of investing in mutual funds is the professional
expertise it provides for your investments. Asset Management Companies
(AMCs) provide qualified fund managers who, with the help of strong
research teams and their own expertise, pick the best options to meet the
fund's objective. This saves you time and the stress of constantly
monitoring your investments and wondering if you made the right buy or
sell decision. With mutual funds, you do not have to worry about market
 Affordability
You may want to buy shares of large companies or want to invest in big
companies in a particular sector of choice. However, you may not have
the money to make a big investment. Mutual funds trade in big volumes,
giving their investors the advantage of lower trading costs. Anyone can
start an investment in a mutual fund through a Systematic Investment
Plan (SIP) with as little as Rs 500.
For example, say Pooja has just started her career and wishes to put aside
atleast Rs 48,000 annually to go on an overseas vacation after three years.
Instead of waiting to collect a lump sum of Rs 48,000 to kick start the
investment, mutual funds allow Pooja to invest a small sum of Rs 4,000
every month, in the form of a SIP. This makes it affordable for Pooja and
at the same time keeps her goal on track.
 Liquidity
You can easily move your money in and out of mutual fund investments.
Investments in open-ended funds can be redeemed in part or as a whole
any time to receive the current value of the units.
 Tax Benefits
There are various tax benefits available on your investments in mutual
funds. For example, investments in Equity Linked Savings Schemes
(ELSS) qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax
Act. There is no tax on capital gains on units of equity schemes held for
more than 12 months. Schemes other than equity-oriented schemes are
treated in the debt category for tax purposes. Short term capital gain is
applicable for redemption of debt mutual funds within 3 years. Long term
capital gain (more than 3 years) from debt mutual funds is taxable after
claiming the benefit of Indexation.
 Well Regulated
In India, all mutual funds are regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI). All mutual funds are required to follow
transparent processes, as laid down by SEBI, protecting the interest of
investors. Further, SEBI makes it compulsory for all mutual funds to
disclose their portfolios every month.

The most popular types of mutual funds in India are listed


a. Equity funds
b. Debt funds
c. Money market funds
d. Index funds
e. Balanced funds
f. Income funds
g. Fund of funds
h. Specialty funds
List of 10 Best Long Term
Investment Plans in India 2022 for
High Returns

Here is a look at the top 10 long term investment plans in India with high
returns every Indian can look at while saving for their future goals or
financial needs:

 Bank Fixed Deposit (FD)

 Post Office Savings Schemes
 Public Provident Fund (PPF)
 National Savings Certificates (NSC)
 Corporate Fixed Deposits
 Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA)
 Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)
 National Pension System (NPS)
 Stocks and Mutual Funds
 Real Estate

Depending on the type of goal, period, and risk-taking ability, one can
choose from any of the above top long-term investment options and start
saving. Let us look into each investment plan in detail and its features:-

1. Bank Fixed Deposit (FD)

This is the most traditional form of investment in India when there were
not many options. The fixed deposits offered in banks are considered the
safest, where the amount can be invested for more extended periods such
as three or five or even ten years for a fixed rate of return that ranges
between 3% to 6.5% per annum. Once the term ends, it is available for
withdrawal. The interest rates are higher than savings account and RD,
there is also a possibility of early withdrawal but a penalty is levied.

2. Post Office Savings Schemes

Like banks, there are various savings schemes offered by postal offices
and are preferred by many nowadays due to the security and better
interest rates. Some of the famous post office savings schemes are the
post office Savings account, post office monthly income scheme account,
5-year senior citizen savings scheme, National savings certificate, Kisan
Vikas Patra,Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, etc.

3. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

This is similar to the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) provided to
salaried, but the only difference is, anyone can open PPF. PPF
investments are to be held for up to 15 years, and the current rate of
return is 7.1%, which is fixed by the government every year. The most
significant advantage of investing in the PPF scheme is, one can claim tax
deduction under section 80C.

4. National Savings Certificates (NSC)

It is yet another secure long-term investment option in India available
with the post office and few public sector banks. The investment tenure is
five years, and once can start their savings in NSC with as low as ₹ 100,
making it an affordable option for people from the unorganized sector
also to start saving. The current interest rate is 6.8% per annum, and
similar to PPF, the Indian government fixes the rates every year.

5. Corporate Fixed Deposits

These deposits are collected by corporates for expansion and operational
activities. Though it is similar to bank FD’s, the risk is relatively high
compared to other avenues, but the interest rates are slightly higher than
bank FDs. They provide an interest rate of 6 to 8% per annum.

6. Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA)

This is an investment scheme that the Indian government introduced for
the benefit of the girl child. A minimum of ₹ 1000 can be invested in one
financial year, and deposits can be made till the girl completes 14 years.
The account matures on her completing 21 years of age from the date of
account opening. The interest rate offered is 7.6% and can be claimed for
tax deduction under section 80C.
7. Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)
If you are looking for a long-term investment option that combines
insurance and investment? Then ULIP could be your best bet as one
portion of the premium you pay goes towards securing your life, and the
other portion is invested into stock markets for generating returns. The
returns can hover around 8%, but since it invests in stocks, one can
expect fluctuations in its prices. Because of the same reason, their
premium and administrative charges are also high.

8. National Pension System (NPS)

It is a pension scheme introduced by the Indian government as a long-
term investment plan in india for providing regular income to investors
after retirement. A person can continue to invest in this scheme until the
age of 60 years, post which a minimum of 40% of the funds must be
utilized to purchase an annuity plan that gives regular income. The
remaining 60% can be withdrawn as a lump sum amount.

9. Stocks and Mutual Funds

Stocks are the best place to generate very good returns over a more
extended period. You may choose to invest in long-term investment
stocks directly or opt for the SIP route in mutual funds. Either way, you
can expect around 12 to 16% returns, and if the economy is doing good,
returns could also touch 20 or 30%. Some of the best mutual funds for
long-term investment are large-cap and mid-cap funds with a good track
record of delivering excellent returns.

10. Real Estate

Investing in a booming sector like real estate is one of the time-tested best
long-term investment strategies that require huge capital initially but is
guaranteed to fetch you massive returns if held for a longer term. One can
look to invest in plots, houses, farmhouses, commercials, hotels,
restaurants, etc.

So, if you are looking for long-term

investment plans in India, you may consider the above options. However,
you should go through and research each of the investment plans
carefully before opting for one so that you can make the maximum out of
your decision.
The risks involved with long term investment plans
 Market-related risk
 Inflation risk
 Credit risk
 Liquidity risk
 Longevity risk amongst others.

IIFL Securities Limited (Formerly India Infoline Limited) is one of the
largest independent full-service retail and institutional broking house
along with being a leading investment advisory firm in India providing
diversified financial services and products to corporates, institutional
investors, foreign portfolio investors, mutual funds, insurance companies,
alternative investment funds, trusts, high net worth individuals and retail
Since the incorporation of our Company in 1996 and as of
March 31, 2020, we have served over 2.4 million customers through a
network of about 2,500 points of presence covering our branches and
business partners over 500 cities in India.
IIFL retail brokerage and financial products businesses
comprises financial planning, equity, commodities and currency broking
(both cash and derivatives), depository participant services, portfolio
advisory, investment banking, distribution of mutual funds, bonds,
portfolio management services, alternative investment funds and other
investment products. These services and offerings do not just enable our
customers to access the Indian financial capital markets but also provide
an integrated interface that allows them to track various portfolio
parameters, including the performance of their investments. IIFL
institutional equities business offers broking, research and corporate
access services to institutional clients.

IIFL are well-placed as a prominent name in the

industry backed by end-to-end technology platforms, experienced
management and vast network of branches across the country. With
complete investment planning and quality offerings, the Company
continuously strives to deliver more value to its customers.
IIFL is an India-based holding company. Its segments
include fund- based activity, financial product distribution, capital market
activity and others. The Company is an online and offline broking, and
advisory services provider to retail and institutional clients in the cash
and derivative segments.
IIFL Securities (formerly known as India Infoline Limited) is a provider
of financial services. It offers financial planning, equity commodities,
currency broking, portfolio advisory, investment banking, distribution of
mutual funds, bonds, etc to corporate’s, institutional investors, insurance
companies, alternative investment funds, trusts, high net worth
individuals and retail clients.

 Financial Services
 Financial Management
 Investment Management
 Private Equity

Type: Private

Founded: 1995

Website: indianfoline.com

IIFL Finance Ltd

IIFL Finance Limited operates as an investment company. The Company offers
wealth management, broking solutions, mutual funds, loans, demat accounts,
and other related services. IIFL Finance serves customers in India

IIFL Finance Limited (erstwhile IIFL Holdings

Limited, hitherto referred to as IIFL) (NSE: IIFL, BSE: 532636) is one of the
leading players in the financial services space in india. Together with its
subsidiaries – IIFL Home Finance Limited and Samasta Microfinance Limited,
it provides a diverse range of loans and mortgages.

These include home loans, gold loans, business

loans including loans against property and medium & small enterprise
financing, micro finance, developer & construction finance and capital market
finance; catering to both retail and corporate clients. The company has a
nationwide presence with a thriving network of 3,119 branches across 500+

IIFL Home Finance

Samasta Microfinance Ltd.

Asset Management
Wealth Management

Demat Account
Futures and Options
IIFL Finance Limited is a listed public company incorporated
on 18 October, 1995. It is classified as a public limited company and is located
in Thane, Maharashtra. It's authorized share capital is INR 971.05 cr and the
total paid-up capital is INR 75.95 cr.

IIFL Finance Limited's operating revenues range is INR 100

cr - 500 cr for the financial year ending on 31 March, 2018. It's EBITDA has
increased by 10.69 % over the previous year. At the same time, it's book
networth has decreased by -2.93 %.

Description: The company provides financial services. It offers home, gold,

commercial vehicles, and SME loans
Products & Services: Financing, Wealth and Asset management, Financial
Advisory & Broking, Distribution, Institutional Equities, Realty & Property
Advisory Services, Investment Banking, Mutual Funds, and Housing Finance
Category: Service Provider

The current status of IIFL Finance Limited is - Active.

The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of IIFL Finance Limited, per
our records, was held on 30 June, 2021. Also, as per our records, its last balance
sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2021.

IIFL Finance Limited has nine directors - Nirmal Bhanwarlal

Jain, Venkataraman Rajamani, and others.

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of IIFL Finance Limited is

L67100MH1995PLC093797. The registered office of IIFL Finance Limited is
at IIFL House, Sun Infotech Park, Road No. 16V,, Plot No.B-23, Thane
Industrial Area, Wagle Estate, Thane, Maharashtra.


Date Price Returns(R) R RR R  R 


Mar-21 1,602.70 0.003821 0.004281 -0.00046 2.11951E-07

Feb-21 1,596.60 -0.018142 0.004281 -0.02242 0.000502771
Jan-21 1,626.10 0.037318 0.004281 0.03304 0.001091456
Dec-20 1,567.60 0.037665 0.004281 0.03338 0.001114469
Nov-20 1,510.70 -0.029674 0.004281 -0.03396 0.001152966
Oct-20 1,556.90 0.027996 0.004281 0.02372 0.000562403
Sep-20 1,514.50 -0.031092 0.004281 -0.03537 0.001251253
Aug-20 1,563.10 0.060952 0.004281 0.05667 0.003211557
Jul-20 1,473.30 0.014041 0.004281 0.00976 9.52553E-05
Jun-20 1,452.90 0.070276 0.004281 0.06600 0.004355372
May-20 1,357.50 0.012757 0.004281 0.00848 7.18491E-05
Apr-20 1,340.40 -0.007405 0.004281 -0.01169 0.000136568
Mar-20 1,350.40 -0.018105 0.004281 -0.02239 0.000501139
Feb-20 1,375.30 -0.006286 0.004281 -0.01057 0.000111664
Jan-20 1,384.00 0.027392 0.004281 0.02311 0.000534126
Dec-19 1,347.10 0.042082 0.004281 0.03780 0.001428951
Nov-19 1,292.70 0.003493 0.004281 -0.00079 6.20556E-07
Oct-19 1,288.20 0.015370 0.004281 0.01109 0.000122967
Sep-19 1,268.70 -0.007044 0.004281 -0.01132 0.000128254
Aug-19 1,277.70 -0.024508 0.004281 -0.02879 0.000828781
Jul-19 1,309.80 -0.025229 0.004281 -0.02951 0.000870831
Jun-19 1,343.70 -0.036774 0.004281 -0.04106 0.001685529
May-19 1,395.00 -0.016983 0.004281 -0.02126 0.00045214
Apr-19 1,419.10 -0.004839 0.004281 -0.00912 8.31691E-05
Mar-19 1,426.00 0.004791 0.004281 0.00051 2.60541E-07
Feb-19 1,419.20 -0.014034 0.004281 -0.01831 0.000335425
Jan-19 1,439.40 0.034126 0.004281 0.02985 0.000890725
Dec-18 1,391.90 0.025492 0.004281 0.02121 0.000449897
Nov-18 1,357.30 0.007123 0.004281 0.00284 8.07837E-06
Oct-18 1,347.70 -0.007292 0.004281 -0.01157 0.000133941
Sep-18 1,357.60 -0.022254 0.004281 -0.02654 0.000704118
Aug-18 1,388.50 0.035653 0.004281 0.03137 0.000984203
Jul-18 1,340.70 0.020320 0.004281 0.01604 0.000257238
Jun-18 1,314.00 -0.025584 0.004281 -0.02986 0.000891917
May-18 1,348.50 0.001039 0.004281 -0.00324 1.05088E-05
Apr-18 1,347.10 0.013009 0.004281 0.00873 7.61863E-05
Mar-18 1,329.80 -0.003373 0.004281 -0.00765 5.85769E-05
Feb-18 1,334.30 0.032900 0.004281 0.02862 0.000819037
Jan-18 1,291.80 0.046416 0.004281 0.04213 0.001775321
Dec-17 1,234.50 -0.003149 0.004281 -0.00743 5.52082E-05
Nov-17 1,238.40 -0.071455 0.004281 -0.07574 0.005735995
Oct-17 1,333.70 -0.026781 0.004281 -0.03106 0.000964817
Sep-17 1,370.40 0.001828 0.004281 -0.00245 6.01908E-06
Aug-17 1,367.90 -0.033764 0.004281 -0.03805 0.001447438
Jul-17 1,415.70 0.029600 0.004281 0.02532 0.000641052
Jun-17 1,375.00 0.083274 0.004281 0.07899 0.006239933
May-17 1,269.30 -0.053750 0.004281 -0.05803 0.003367575


The above table shows that, gold returns value, i.e. average returns is 0.004281, variance is
0.001, and standard deviation is 0.03167 for the period of 2017 to 2021.

Date Price Returns(R) R RR R  R 


Mar-21 14.331 -0.147522 0.000466 -0.14799 0.021900583

Feb-21 16.811 -0.089920 0.000466 -0.09039 0.008169607
Jan-21 18.472 0.003695 0.000466 0.00323 1.04255E-05
Dec-20 18.404 0.044139 0.000466 0.04367 0.001907361
Nov-20 17.626 -0.057383 0.000466 -0.05785 0.003346478
Oct-20 18.699 0.063470 0.000466 0.06300 0.003969554
Sep-20 17.583 -0.068549 0.000466 -0.06902 0.004763074
Aug-20 18.877 0.106961 0.000466 0.10649 0.011341111
Jul-20 17.053 0.069690 0.000466 0.06922 0.00479198
Jun-20 15.942 0.044760 0.000466 0.04429 0.001962
May-20 15.259 -0.031544 0.000466 -0.03201 0.001024611
Apr-20 15.756 0.030141 0.000466 0.02967 0.00088058
Mar-20 15.295 -0.015639 0.000466 -0.01611 0.000259374
Feb-20 15.538 -0.030208 0.000466 -0.03067 0.000940923
Jan-20 16.022 0.038165 0.000466 0.03770 0.001421212
Dec-19 15.433 0.095005 0.000466 0.09454 0.008937616
Nov-19 14.094 -0.009488 0.000466 -0.00995 9.90755E-05
Oct-19 14.229 -0.026944 0.000466 -0.02741 0.0007513
Sep-19 14.623 0.012813 0.000466 0.01235 0.000152459
Aug-19 14.438 -0.068516 0.000466 -0.06898 0.004758534
Jul-19 15.5 -0.037506 0.000466 -0.03797 0.001441889
Jun-19 16.104 -0.018169 0.000466 -0.01863 0.000347245
May-19 16.402 0.005517 0.000466 0.00505 2.55167E-05
Apr-19 16.312 0.005486 0.000466 0.00502 2.52008E-05
Mar-19 16.223 -0.006187 0.000466 -0.00665 4.42652E-05
Feb-19 16.324 -0.051151 0.000466 -0.05162 0.002664304
Jan-19 17.204 0.008441 0.000466 0.00797 6.35974E-05
Dec-18 17.06 0.041387 0.000466 0.04092 0.001674519
Nov-18 16.382 -0.015801 0.000466 -0.01627 0.0002646
Oct-18 16.645 0.002288 0.000466 0.00182 3.32038E-06
Sep-18 16.607 -0.049943 0.000466 -0.05041 0.002541046
Aug-18 17.48 0.043582 0.000466 0.04312 0.001858997
Jul-18 16.75 0.010985 0.000466 0.01052 0.00011065
Jun-18 16.568 -0.046062 0.000466 -0.04653 0.002164829
May-18 17.368 0.010296 0.000466 0.00983 9.66306E-05
Apr-18 17.191 -0.057253 0.000466 -0.05772 0.003331429
Mar-18 18.235 -0.010043 0.000466 -0.01051 0.000110448
Feb-18 18.42 0.051850 0.000466 0.05138 0.002640332
Jan-18 17.512 0.098896 0.000466 0.09843 0.009688383
Dec-17 15.936 -0.028648 0.000466 -0.02911 0.000847628
Nov-17 16.406 -0.076343 0.000466 -0.07681 0.005899585
Oct-17 17.762 -0.071947 0.000466 -0.07241 0.005243691
Sep-17 19.139 0.027763 0.000466 0.02730 0.000745119
Aug-17 18.622 -0.083202 0.000466 -0.08367 0.007000342
Jul-17 20.312 0.093101 0.000466 0.09263 0.008581215
Jun-17 18.582 0.163411 0.000466 0.16294 0.026551063
May-17 15.972 -0.102142 0.000466 -0.10261 0.010528355
Apr-17 17.789 0.150647 0.000466 0.15018 0.022554282

That's what the above table shows, Silver returns esteem, for example normal returns is
0.000466, difference is 0.00422, and standard deviation is 0.065 for the time of 2017to 2021.

Month Price Returns(R) R RR R  R 


29,468.49 -0.230533 0.004250 -0.23478 0.05512319

38,297.29 -0.059577 0.004250 -0.06383 0.004073938
40,723.49 -0.012853 0.004250 -0.01710 0.000292526
41,253.74 0.011275 0.004250 0.00702 4.93437E-05
40,793.81 0.016566 0.004250 0.01232 0.000151673
40,129.05 0.037802 0.004250 0.03355 0.001125767
38,667.33 0.035747 0.004250 0.03150 0.000992069
37,332.79 -0.003957 0.004250 -0.00821 6.73624E-05
37,481.12 -0.048573 0.004250 -0.05282 0.00279028
39,394.64 -0.008046 0.004250 -0.01230 0.000151204
39,714.20 0.017490 0.004250 0.01324 0.00017529
39,031.55 0.009274 0.004250 0.00502 2.52373E-05
38,672.91 0.078218 0.004250 0.07397 0.005471226
35,867.44 -0.010736 0.004250 -0.01499 0.000224579
36,256.69 0.005222 0.004250 0.00097 9.45387E-07
36,068.33 -0.003480 0.004250 -0.00773 5.97588E-05
36,194.30 0.050875 0.004250 0.04663 0.00217392
34,442.05 -0.049275 0.004250 -0.05352 0.002864919
36,227.14 -0.062568 0.004250 -0.06682 0.004464594
38,645.07 0.027615 0.004250 0.02336 0.000545904
37,606.58 0.061629 0.004250 0.05738 0.003292305
35,423.48 0.002862 0.004250 -0.00139 1.92597E-06
35,322.38 0.004608 0.004250 0.00036 1.28186E-07
35,160.36 0.066478 0.004250 0.06223 0.003872279
32,968.68 -0.035553 0.004250 -0.03980 0.001584313
34,184.04 -0.049520 0.004250 -0.05377 0.00289119
35,965.02 0.056030 0.004250 0.05178 0.002681125
34,056.83 0.027375 0.004250 0.02313 0.000534789
33,149.35 -0.001920 0.004250 -0.00617 3.80729E-05
33,213.13 0.061675 0.004250 0.05742 0.003297581
31,283.72 -0.014080 0.004250 -0.01833 0.000335994
31,730.49 -0.024126 0.004250 -0.02838 0.000805188
32,514.94 0.051528 0.004250 0.04728 0.002235213
30,921.61 -0.007198 0.004250 -0.01145 0.000131059
31,145.80 0.041025 0.004250 0.03677 0.001352395
29,918.40 0.010057 0.004250 0.00581 3.37238E-05
29,620.50 0.030518 0.004250 0.02627 0.000689992
28,743.32 0.039317 0.004250 0.03507 0.001229721
27,655.96 0.038665 0.004250 0.03441 0.001184361
26,626.46 -0.000989 0.004250 -0.00524 2.74433E-05
26,652.81 -0.045735 0.004250 -0.04999 0.002498543
27,930.21 0.002306 0.004250 -0.00194 3.78038E-06
27,865.96 -0.020603 0.004250 -0.02485 0.000617689
28,452.17 0.014270 0.004250 0.01002 0.000100408
28,051.86 0.038969 0.004250 0.03472 0.001205378
26,999.72 0.012440 0.004250 0.00819 6.70826E-05
26,667.96 0.041448 0.004250 0.03720 0.001383682
Apr-17 25,606.62 0.010448 0.004250 0.00620 3.84095E-05


That's what the above table shows, Sensex Returns, for example normal returns is 0.004250,
difference is 0.00240, and standard deviation is 0.0490 for the time of 2017 to 2021.

Month Price Returns(R) R RR R  R 


Mar-21 281 0.01079 0.01934 -0.0085 7.2994E-05

Feb-21 278 0.89244 0.01934 0.87311 0.76231905
Jan-21 146.9 0.29143 0.01934 0.27209 0.07403491
Dec-20 113.75 0.13466 0.01934 0.11533 0.01330063
Nov-20 100.25 0.34114 0.01934 0.3218 0.10355661
Oct-20 74.75 -0.0597 0.01934 -0.0791 0.00625419
Sep-20 79.5 -0.0305 0.01934 -0.0498 0.00248231
Aug-20 82 0.21752 0.01934 0.19819 0.03927746
Jul-20 67.35 -0.0874 0.01934 -0.1067 0.01139201
Jun-20 73.8 0.17516 0.01934 0.15582 0.02428119
May-20 62.8 -0.1907 0.01934 -0.2101 0.0441238
Apr-20 77.6 0.04301 0.01934 0.02368 0.00056054
Mar-20 74.4 -0.5454 0.01934 -0.5647 0.31889311
Feb-20 163.65 -0.0236 0.01934 -0.0429 0.00184067
Jan-20 167.6 0.20143 0.01934 0.1821 0.03315993
Dec-19 139.5 -0.1719 0.01934 -0.1912 0.03655594
Nov-19 168.45 0.48153 0.01934 0.4622 0.21362454
Oct-19 113.7 -0.0834 0.01934 -0.1028 0.01056149
Sep-19 124.05 0.05038 0.01934 0.03105 0.00096386
Aug-19 118.1 0.0034 0.01934 -0.0159 0.00025397
Jul-19 117.7 -0.172 0.01934 -0.1913 0.03660962
Jun-19 142.15 -0.2045 0.01934 -0.2239 0.05011676
May-19 178.7 -0.5849 0.01934 -0.6043 0.36515974
Apr-19 430.55 -0.0042 0.01934 -0.0235 0.00055217
Mar-19 432.35 0.33215 0.01934 0.31282 0.09785461
Feb-19 324.55 -0.2475 0.01934 -0.2668 0.07120494
Jan-19 431.3 -0.1417 0.01934 -0.161 0.02592955
Dec-18 502.5 0.06688 0.01934 0.04754 0.00226043
Nov-18 471 0.02648 0.01934 0.00714 5.104E-05
Oct-18 458.85 -0.089 0.01934 -0.1083 0.01172578
Sep-18 503.65 -0.3048 0.01934 -0.3241 0.10505244
Aug-18 724.45 0.07629 0.01934 0.05695 0.00324374
Jul-18 673.1 0.00433 0.01934 -0.015 0.00022524
Jun-18 670.2 -0.049 0.01934 -0.0684 0.00467302
May-18 704.75 -0.0825 0.01934 -0.1018 0.01036553
Apr-18 768.1 0.09175 0.01934 0.07241 0.00524379
Mar-18 703.55 -0.0681 0.01934 -0.0874 0.00764208
Feb-18 754.95 0.03945 0.01934 0.02011 0.00040447
Jan-18 726.3 0.08833 0.01934 0.069 0.00476093
Dec-17 667.35 0.09205 0.01934 0.07271 0.00528705
Nov-17 611.1 -0.0002 0.01934 -0.0196 0.00038339
Oct-17 611.25 0.00584 0.01934 -0.0135 0.00018207
Sep-17 607.7 -0.0185 0.01934 -0.0378 0.00143096
Aug-17 619.15 0.03632 0.01934 0.01699 0.00028853
Jul-17 597.45 -0.0186 0.01934 -0.038 0.00144235
Jun-17 608.8 0.21723 0.01934 0.1979 0.03916434
May-17 500.15 0.027 0.01934 0.00767 5.8784E-05

0.01934 2.54882253

That's what the above table shows, IIFL Returns, for example normal returns is 0.01934,
fluctuation is 0.0542, and standard deviation is 0.02328 for the time of 2017 to 2021.



1. Gold returns regard, for instance everyday returns is 0.004281, variance
is 0.001, and preferred deviation is 0.03167 for the hour of 2017 to 2021.
2. Silver returns regard, for example regular returns is 0.000466, variance is
0.00422, and popular deviation is Zero. Half for the hour of 2017 to 2021.
3. Sensex Returns, for instance everyday returns is 0.004250, variance is
0.00240, and well known deviation is 0.0490 for the hour of 2017 to 2021.
4. IIFL Returns, for instance everyday returns is 0.01064, variance is
0.001419, and widespread deviation is 0.00972 for the hour of 2017 to 2021.

Decision analysis in the economic theory shows that the decision

making process is based on:

(i) an objective, punctual analysis of the investment and its possible

outcomes and its calculated payoff; but also

(ii) on the subjective perspective of the investor. Investments, in

most cases, have smaller or bigger risks. Risk and uncertainty is
subjectively perceived and it involves psychological and
emotional factors.
(iii) Neuroeconomic evidences show that the psychological and
emotional influence on the decision making, involving risk and
uncertainty, may have an informative and helpful role in the
decision making process. It is important to analyse investment
risks from the point of view of behaviour economics, and not
only as an objective component. There is need for further
research on investment decisions risks, and on the perception of
risk in the decision making process, since it is the risk
perception which will actually influence the decision.

(iv) In order to make smart investments, you must have in-depth

knowledge of the different investment options available in the
market. For most of the investors, the choice of a suitable
scheme depends upon financial objective, time period, risk
level, etc. Also, do not get confused between savings and
investments. These are two broad terms the former refers to a
passive way of saving your money whereas the latter also
focuses on creating & growing wealth.

Stock Market is the mitigation of risk through the spreading

of investments across multiple entities, which is achieved by the pooling
of a number of small investments into a large bucket. Stock Market is the
most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity
to invest in a diversion, professionally managed portfolio at a relatively
low cost. The review of literature has brought to light that:

 Enlistment of corporate securities in more than one stock exchange

at the same time improves liquidity of securities and functioning of
stock exchange.

 There is existence of wild speculation in the Indian stock market.

 Risk is not measurable or quantizable. But risk is calculated on the
basis of historic volatility.

 Stock market movements are largely incensed by, broad money

supply, in nation, C/D ratio and scale deceit apart from political

 Low execution costs make the derivatives especially futures, very

suitable for frequent and short- term trading to manage risk, more


1. Protections Analysis And Portfolio Management , Donalde, Fisher and Ronald

J.Jodon , sixth Edition

2. Security Analysis advancement Portfolio Management, Sudhindra Bhatt, Excel


3. Security Analysis advancement Portfolio Management, Kelvin S.

4. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prasanna Chnadra

five. Financial Management and Policy, Van Home, James C, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Prentice Hall, 1995
6. Money and Stock charges, Sprinkel, Beryl, W., HomewoodIll, Richard S. Irwin, Inc,

7. Portfolio and Investment Section: Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, 1984


1. Www.Investopedia.Com

2. Www.Nseindia.Com

three. Www.Bseindia.Com.

4. Www.Moneycontrol.Com

5. Www.Iifl.Com

Papers and MAGAZINE

1. Dairy News Papers.

2. Economic Times,3. Financial Express.

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